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Created March 12, 2014 02:25
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Filer Roadmap:
* ~~Support Brackets, and other applications~~
* Support for DropBox and other clouds
* Shared cross-domain storage and API
* DropBox clone that isn't in the cloud
* Proxy API for postMessage into an iframe
* JavaScript lib that you include which handles proxy communication
* HTML page that can be put in an iframe to give a common domain (
* `<script src="">` that 3rd parties can use to have a shared filesystem
* HTTPS on
* ex:
* Permission model for sharing a file system, and capabilities, and the UI/UX for this
* UI
* Resources/People - davida/labs/webmaker/cdot intern?
* dialog that lets you manage your file system
* file browser
* dialogs (popup, iframe) when run in an iframe
* Mobile UX
* Capability requests to be able to do certain operations from a 3rd party page
* Syncing FileSystems
* use WebRTC. You connect various browsers/node instances
* when is available in the current page, it would sync for you
* Per-file sync metadata, so you don't kill bandwidth on mobile
* "Sync all my documents but only the metadata for my music"
* control over where data/metadata should be stored
* high-availability? redundancy?
* explore RAID
* FS-enabled Widgets or other sharable libraries
* A widget (e.g., a text editor widget) lives in widget.js
* The widget.js file includes filer-iframe-proxy.js, which makes it possible to access the/a shared filesystem, attaching it to the widget
* Any app that uses the widget also gets you access to the files that are created with it, in any app.
* Bookmarket for injecting filer-iframe-proxy.js so that you can work with a shared fs in the current page.
* File System Bridges
* DropBox
* S3
* GoogleDrive
* Native File System
* Filer.FileSystem
* Node instances of Filer, where they can participate in sync or otherwise work like browser storage
* leveldb, redis, etc. providers
* XHR provider from browser to server
* would need transactions and explicit commit/abort for this to work
* Offline AppCache Replacement
* ~~storing scripts in file system~~
* build a web server to allow viewing sotred html/css/js?
* Install an app in Filer, and then update an app using git pull (js-git), or use Bower to allow you to install direct into Filer
* CDN for shared resources in Filer?
* Explore Mulit-User filesystems and how to deal with more than one person using a browser
* Adapters
* FileSystem flags to format a FS with specific adapters/providers
* Metadata stored about the filesystem for which adapters and order to use
* Refactor core Filer API so we can do different frontends
* node.js fs module (we have this now)
* WebKit FileSystemAPI
* Sharing End-Points via WebRTC
* URLs to files in Filer (
* Propsal - service where hosts a node.js based Filer instance for you for async, high availablity (thin node.js or even Browser REST layer over S3)
* Use Persona?
* ~~Filer Shell~~
* Need to figure out capabilities for being able to control
* Killer demo
* Reaching out to people we know who have apps/demos/ that we could support with a fs
* Save/Load feature for pdf.js
* When you open a pdf, you can save it into Filer
* PDF.js can then show you all the PDFs you've saved in Filer in the past
* ~~Brackets made into a more complete demo~~
* Cloud9 with Filer file system
* ymacs with Filer file system
* Could reach out to
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