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Last active September 10, 2024 20:16
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Auto kick any joining users from Telegram group (deployed on Cloudflare Worker)
addEventListener('fetch', event => event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)));
// Add environment variable `TGBOT_TOKEN` via Worker-Settings
async function requestTelegramBotAPI(method, payload) {
return fetch(`${TGBOT_TOKEN}/${method}`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
body: !payload ? undefined : JSON.stringify(payload)
// Add environment variable `MANAGE_TOKEN` via Worker-Settings
const ManageToken = typeof MANAGE_TOKEN !== 'undefined' ? MANAGE_TOKEN : null;
const RequestHandlers = {
async '/tgWebhookDelete'(_, url) {
if(!ManageToken || !== `?${ManageToken}`) {
return new Response('Access Denied', {status: 403});
const result = await requestTelegramBotAPI('deleteWebhook');
return new Response(await result.text());
async '/tgWebhookSet'(_, url) {
if(!ManageToken || !== `?${ManageToken}`) {
return new Response('Access Denied', {status: 403});
const result = await requestTelegramBotAPI('setWebhook', {
url: `https://${}/tgPush`,
allowed_updates: ['message']
return new Response(await result.text());
async '/tgPush'(request) {
if(request.method !== "POST") {
return new Response('Bad Request', {status: 400});
const body = await request.json().catch(_ => ({}));
const message = body.message;
if(!message) {
if(message.new_chat_members) {
for(const i in message.new_chat_members) {
const u = message.new_chat_members[i];
await requestTelegramBotAPI('banChatMember', {
until_date: Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 86400
if(message.left_chat_member || message.new_chat_members) {
await requestTelegramBotAPI('deleteMessage', {
message_id: message.message_id
async function handleRequest(request) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
if(typeof RequestHandlers[url.pathname] !== 'function') {
return new Response('Not Found', {status: 404});
const response = await RequestHandlers[url.pathname](request, url);
return response || (new Response('WOW', {status: 200}));
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moesoha commented Oct 2, 2020

How to use

  1. Set up a new bot at @BotFather in Telegram or use an existing one
  2. Create a worker on
  3. In the "Settings" panel of the worker, set two environment variable TGBOT_TOKEN (Telegram bot token generated by @BotFather ) and MANAGE_TOKEN (we will use it in the next step)
  4. Use quick edit of the worker, then paste the code into the code area
  5. Request https://<worker_address>/tgWebhookSet?<MANAGE_TOKEN> to set the Telegram bot webhook URL
  6. Add the bot to the group and promote it with the two permissions: "Delete messages" and "Ban users"

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How to use

  1. Create a worker on
  2. Set two environment variable TGBOT_TOKEN and MANAGE_TOKEN in the "Settings" panel of the worker
  3. Use quick edit of the worker, then paste the code into the code area
  4. Request https://<worker_address>/tgWebhookSet?<MANAGE_TOKEN> to set the Telegram bot webhook url.

Should also turn off Privacy Mode so that the bot can have access to the group message.


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ovrase commented Oct 3, 2020


  1. worker.cloudflare.com上创建工人
  2. 设置两个环境变量,TGBOT_TOKENMANAGE_TOKEN在工作人员的“设置”面板中
  3. 使用辅助程序的快速编辑,然后将代码粘贴到代码区域中
  4. 要求https://<worker_address>/tgWebhookSet?<MANAGE_TOKEN>设置Telegram机器人Webhook网址。

还应该关闭,Privacy Mode以便漫游器可以访问组消息。


When the BOT is an admin, it will have this permission by default.

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moesoha commented Oct 3, 2020

我倒是忘了还要给 bot 加上管理员这一句了(

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