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Vladimir Zhigulin mogaika

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mogaika /
Last active February 4, 2020 20:42 — forked from danielepolencic/
Create 3 nodes Kubernetes cluster locally with Vagrant

3 Virtual Machines Kubernetes cluster


You should install VirtualBox and Vagrant before you start.

Creating the cluster

You should create a Vagrantfile in an empty directory with the following content:

mogaika / script_dump.json
Created February 23, 2018 23:14
god of war ui script example
"TriggerFrameNumber": 1,
"LabelNameSecOff": -1,
"LabelName": "",
"Subs": [
"Script": {
"Opcodes": [
"OP 0x96: @push_string '_level0/:PowerUp_TextBox1' ",
"OP 0x96: @push_string '- Apollo's Ascension: [L1Button] + [XButton]' ",
package main
import (