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Last active February 9, 2021 06:21
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My Attempts at Various Programming Interview Questions
# Interview: ""
Take two strings
Begin at index 0 on string one
Iterate over one of the strings until you find a character in both strings
Append it to subsequence and cut off remainder in other string
* Iterating over first string selects longest substring from first string
- Fix: Find the character which appears in both strings at the lowest index
in either stirng. then iterate over that string first.
Optional Optimisations
* shared_chars is calculated in first_shared_character_compare but abandoned
and then redetermined in find longest_subsequence. Wasted Work.
def first_shared_character_compare(s1: str, s2: str) -> int:
"""Finds in which string the first character which exists in both strings
* 0 when no characters are shared between the two strings
* 1 when the first shared character appears earliest in s1
* 2 when the first shared character appears earliest in s2
char_to_index_tuples = lambda X: (s1.find(X), s2.find(X)) # X is char
shared_chars = map(char_to_index_tuples, filter(s2.__contains__, s1))
shared_chars = sorted(shared_chars, key=sum) # sort by smallest total
if len(shared_chars) == 0: return 0 # no shared characters
s1_shared_char_index, s2_shared_char_index = shared_chars[0]
if s1_shared_char_index <= s2_shared_char_index: return +1
else: return -1
def longest_subsequence(s1: str, s2: str) -> str:
substring = '' # initial return value is an empty string
comparison_eval = first_shared_character_compare(s1, s2)
if comparison_eval > 0: s1, s2 = s1, s2
elif comparison_eval < 0: s1, s2 = s2, s1
else: return substring # no shared chars
for s1_index, char in enumerate(s1, start=0):
index_of_char_in_s2 = s2.find(char)
if index_of_char_in_s2 != -1:
substring += char # add found char
if index_of_char_in_s2 == len(s2)-1:
break # end when s2 completed
s2 = s2[index_of_char_in_s2+1:]
return substring
if __name__ == '__main__':
def test_all(method, tests):
for s1, s2, result in tests:
m_result = method(s1, s2)
if m_result != result:
print(f'Test Failed "{s1}" + "{s2}" => "{m_result}", Not "{result}"')
else: print(f'Test Passed "{s1}", "{s2}" => "{result}"')
test_all(longest_subsequence, [
("aaaa", "aa", "aa"),
("", "", ""),
# Interview:
Iterate over string
if char not in list: Store iterated character in list
else: char already exists, return character
def first_repeating_char(string):
iterated = []
for char in string:
if char not in iterated:
iterated.append(char) # remember
else: return char # 2nd discovery
return None # no repeated characters
for string in ("ABCA", "ABBA", "BCABA", "ABC"):
print("{0} => {1}".format(string, first_repeating_char(string)))
# Interview:
Iterate over list in 2 dimensions
ensure diagonal line in [][] is skipped
check if they add to give desired num
if true: return pass
else: return fail
#region sorted solutions
def sum_exists__mine(nums, sum):
for X, numX in enumerate(nums, start=0):
for Y, numY in enumerate(nums, start=0):
if X != Y and numX + numY == sum:
return True # sum pair found
return False # nums exhausted, failed.
def sum_exists__other_guys(nums, sum):
start, end = 0, len(nums)-1
while start != end:
x = nums[start] + nums[end]
if x > sum: end -= 1
elif x < sum: start += 1
else: return True # x == sum
return False # sum not found
if __name__ == "__main__":
def test(collections, desired_sum, method):
for passed, collection in collections:
result = method(collection, desired_sum)
if result == passed:
print(f"Method Passed Attempt {{{collection}, {desired_sum}}}")
elif result: # result true, passed isn't
print(f"Method Gave Pass For {{{collection}, {desired_sum}}} When It Should've Failed")
else: # passed true, result isn't
print(f"Method Failed For {{{collection}, {desired_sum}}} When It Should've Passed")
desired_sum = 8
tests = (
(False, [1, 2, 3, 9]),
(True, [1, 2, 4, 4]),
(True, [2, 3, 5, 9]),
(True, [1, 4, 4, 9]),
(False, [1, 1, 1, 1])
methods = (
("Mine", sum_exists__mine),
("Other Guys", sum_exists__other_guys)
for msg, method in methods:
print('='*13, f"Attempting Test {msg}", '='*13)
test(tests, desired_sum, method)
print("\n") # leave 2 line breaks
# Interview:
from typing import List
def add_to_list(nums: List[str], value: int, BASE: int=10):
index = len(nums) - 1 # begin at smallest value
while value != 0: # until value exhausted
if index < 0:
"""When Index Value Negative, Expand Into
Higher Base 10 Values By Inserting Number
to Start of the Numbers List at index=0"""
power_one_remainder = value % BASE
# value at smallest power of the base
nums.insert(0, power_one_remainder) # add to start of nums
value = (value - power_one_remainder) // BASE # no loss
# then shorten value by the factor of the base after remainder
index_value = nums[index] # get num at index
incremented_value = index_value + value # add
if incremented_value >= 10:
incremented_base_remainder = incremented_value % BASE
nums[index] = incremented_base_remainder # add less than base remainder
value = int((incremented_value-incremented_base_remainder) // BASE)
nums[index] += value # add value
value = 0 # addition value exhausted
index -= 1 # move to bigger base index
return nums
if __name__ == '__main__':
char_map_base_10 = list(map(str, range(0, 10)))
num_list_to_num = lambda list: int("".join(map(lambda X: char_map_base_10[X], list)))
def test(tests, method):
for array, add_value, result in tests:
method_result = method(array.copy(), add_value)
method_result = num_list_to_num(method_result)
if result == method_result:
print("Test Passed: {0} + {1} = {2}".format(
num_list_to_num(array), add_value, method_result
print("Test Failed: {0} + {1} = {2}, Not {3}".format(
num_list_to_num(array), add_value, method_result, result
tests = (
([9, 9, 9, 9, 9], +1, 100000),
([0, 0, 0, 0, 1], +1, 2),
([1, 2, 3, 4, 0], +5, 12345),
([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], +10, 10),
([0, 2, 0, 0, 0], +27, 2027),
test(tests, add_to_list)
# Interview:
"""Enumerate over message. Add one for every character in message.
Add one for every character + the next character which as an int is within range.
# char_map = dict(zip("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ", map(str, range(1, 27)))) # value -> key
def num_ways(encrypted_msg, char_range=range(1, 27)):
counter = 0 # len(encrypted_msg) if char_range spans at least 1-9. For now leave as 0.
max_char_range_length = len(str(max(char_range.start, char_range.stop))) # assumed +ve values
check_additional_values_in_range = lambda index, X: index+X < len(encrypted_msg) and int(encrypted_msg[index+X]) in char_range
for msg_index, char in enumerate(encrypted_msg, 0):
for index_increment in range(0, max_char_range_length):
if check_additional_values_in_range(msg_index, index_increment):
counter += 1 # append when all continuous values are within range
return counter
if __name__ == '__main__':
def test(tests, method):
for encrypted, expected_result in tests:
result = method(encrypted)
if result == expected_result:
print("Test Passed: {0} => {1}".format(
repr(encrypted), result
print("Test Failed: Method Gave {0} => {1}, Not {2}".format(
repr(encrypted), result, expected_result
tests = (
('12345', 9),
('', 0),
('5', 1),
('123', 5)
test(tests, num_ways)
# Interview:
def longest_char_subsequence(string):
counters = {}
for X, char in enumerate(string, 0):
counter = 1
while X+counter < len(string) and string[X+counter] == char:
counter += 1 # add until string exhausted or char changed
counters[char] = max(counter, counters.get(char, 0))
biggest = max(counters.values())
for key, value in counters.items():
if value == biggest: return {key:value}
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