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Mohsen Khanpour mohsenkhanpour

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tdcosta100 /
Last active December 11, 2024 14:03
Using full desktop shell in WSL2 using WSLg (Wayland)

Full desktop shell in WSL2 using WSLg (Wayland)


If you want a more complete experience and already tried the Xvnc tutorial, maybe you should try the WSLg (Xwayland) instead.


This is a work in progress tutorial. Things done here may break existing functionality, so be careful!

In this tutorial, we will install and use a full GNOME Desktop environment in WSL2, without any external software. The only requirement is a working WSLg installation. At the moment, the instructions are only for Ubuntu (20.04, 22.04 and 24.04) distros and GNOME, but you can request me to test other distros and desktop environments.

spdegabrielle /
Created November 5, 2023 12:22
@thingskatedid 💡FAQ about displaying stuff in a terminal
stokito /
Last active September 21, 2024 15:08
Cryptography GUI tools: OpenSSL GUI, keys management, PKI, PGP/GPG GUI
mdgrs-mei / TerminalSpinner.ps1
Created June 15, 2023 14:43
Show spinner on the Windows Terminal tabs for every command.
$global:originalPSConsoleHostReadLine = $function:global:PSConsoleHostReadLine
$global:originalPrompt = $function:global:Prompt
$function:global:PSConsoleHostReadLine = {
$startProgressIndicator = "`e]9;4;3;50`e\"
$command = $originalPSConsoleHostReadLine.Invoke()
$startProgressIndicator | Write-Host -NoNewLine
"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"title": "sing-box config schema",
"type": "object",
"$defs": {
"listableString": {
"$comments": "ref:",
"description": "allow not having to be an array when there's single item",
"oneOf": [

Firework Simulator v2

Fireworks fan here. This simulation of various firework effects offers variety and an attempt at realism.

Be sure to check out the settings menu (cog icon on top right) for more features and controls.

🎆 Major v2 Update! 🎆

mattbell87 /
Last active December 12, 2024 15:09
VSCode Remote: Connect to WSL2 from another machine

VSCode Remote: Connect to WSL2 from another machine

Do you want to do remote development on your WSL2 container in Visual Studio Code? Read this.

Proxy jump method

  1. On the host set up OpenSSH for Windows
  2. Run wsl --update to make sure you are running the latest WSL
  3. Open WSL and install another SSH server inside WSL with sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  4. Now run sudo systemctl enable --now ssh to automatically start ssh when WSL starts.
gpspelle / firework-overlay-demo.markdown
Created August 28, 2020 08:24
Firework Overlay Demo

Firework Overlay Demo

This is a fork of my firework simulator that shows how it could be used as an overlay above custom content. Keep in mind I built this as a standalone project, not as a plugin/library. There are a bunch of issues you may possibly run into using this code.

Some features from the full version have been disabled, including sound effects and the menu system. Getting these to work well on a custom site involves even more work.

If you like this and use it yourself, I would appreciate if you credit me (Caleb Miller) at

A Pen by Gabriel Pellegrino da Silva on CodePen.

Postrediori /
Last active December 31, 2023 09:13
Online Resources With Generative and Interactive Graphics


THis is a list of interactive coding tools online.

GLSL-based interactive tools


DannyQuah /
Last active October 5, 2024 18:05
Managing Gists Locally

Managing Gists Locally

by Danny Quah, May 2020 (revised Jan 2022)

Through the Embed instruction or plugin, Gist snippets on GitHub can conveniently provide posts on Medium, WordPress, and elsewhere supplementary information (lines of code, images, Markdown-created tables, and so on). But while Gist snippets on GitHub can be managed directly via browser or through something like [Gisto][], a user might also wish to manipulate them offline. This last is for many of the same reasons that a user seeks to clone a git repo to their local filesystem, modify it locally, and then only subsequently push changes back up to GitHub.

Here's how to do this:

Create the gist on GitHub and then clone it to your local filesystem: