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Created September 3, 2019 19:28
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JS exercises
function solution(input, markers) {
const lines = input.split('\n');
const strippedLines = => {
let strippedLine = line;
markers.forEach((marker) => {
if (line.includes(marker)) {
const index = line.indexOf(marker);
strippedLine = line.slice(0, index);
return strippedLine.trim();
return strippedLines.join('\n');
const zero = (operation) => (operation ? operation(0) : 0);
const one = (operation) => (operation ? operation(1) : 1);
const two = (operation) => (operation ? operation(2) : 2);
const three = (operation) => (operation ? operation(3) : 3);
const four = (operation) => (operation ? operation(4) : 4);
const five = (operation) => (operation ? operation(5) : 5);
const six = (operation) => (operation ? operation(6) : 6);
const seven = (operation) => (operation ? operation(7) : 7);
const eight = (operation) => (operation ? operation(8) : 8);
const nine = (operation) => (operation ? operation(9) : 9);
const plus = (a) => (b) => b + a;
const minus = (a) => (b) => b - a;
const times = (a) => (b) => b * a;
const dividedBy = (a) => (b) => Math.floor(b / a);
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