Frameworks and lib's i love.
- IceFramework - Simple and fast PHP framework delivered as C-extension. (Fast for apis)
- whoops - PHP errors for cool kids
- Hybridauth - Open source social sign on PHP Library.
- Intervention Image - PHP Image Manipulation
- Medoo - The lightest PHP database framework to accelerate development
- Monolog - Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
- dbv.php - Database version control, made easy!
- php-pm - PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.
Libraries for nodejs that are awesome.
- Composer Installers - A multi framework Composer library installer.
- Composer - A package and dependency manager.
- Melody - A tool to build one file Composer scripts.
- Pickle - A PHP extension installer.
Extras related to dependency management.
- Composed - A library to parse your project's Composer environment at runtime.
- Composer Checker - A tool to validate Composer configurations. - Guzzle klot tj nesto slicno guzzle ali klot,