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Last active March 27, 2023 11:21
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package eveff
import cats.Monad
import cats.Applicative
import cats.Monoid
import cats.Semigroup
import cats.Functor
import cats.MonadThrow
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import cats.implicits._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.NotGiven
import cats.mtl.Ask
import cats.mtl.Local
import cats.mtl.Raise
import cats.mtl.Tell
import cats.mtl.Stateful
import scala.Conversion
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import Ctl.*
type :*[+H[_, _], E]
// a heterogeneous list of marker and handler pairs (so-called evidence)
enum Ctx[+E]:
case CNil extends Ctx[Nothing]
case CCons[+H[_, _], E, EE, Ans](
marker: Marker[Ans],
handler: H[EE, Ans],
trans: Ctx[E] => Ctx[EE],
tail: Ctx[E]
) extends Ctx[H :* E]
trait SubCtx[+H[_, _]] {
type T
def value: Ctx[H :* T]
trait In[+H[_, _], E]:
def subCtx(ctx: Ctx[E]): SubCtx[H]
object In:
given [H[_, _], E]: In[H, H :* E] with
def subCtx(ctx: Ctx[H :* E]): SubCtx[H] = new SubCtx[H] {
type T = E; val value = ctx
given [H[_, _], G[_, _], E, Ans](using
NotGiven[H[E, Ans] =:= G[E, Ans]],
In[G, E]
): In[G, H :* E] with
def subCtx(ctx: Ctx[H :* E]): SubCtx[G] = ctx match
case Ctx.CCons(_, _, _, xs) => summon[In[G, E]].subCtx(xs)
type :?[H[_, _], E] = In[H, E]
// An abstract prompt marker
type Marker[A] = Long
object Marker:
private val counter = new AtomicLong(0)
def fresh[A](f: Marker[A] => Ctl[A]): Ctl[A] = f(
// control monad for multi-prompt delimited continuations
enum Ctl[+A]:
case Pure(result: A)
case Yield[A, B, Ans](
marker: Marker[Ans],
op: (B => Ctl[Ans]) => Ctl[Ans],
cont: B => Ctl[A]
) extends Ctl[A]
def lift[E]: Eff[E, A] = _ => this
object Ctl:
given Monad[Ctl] with {
def pure[A](x: A): Ctl[A] = Pure(x)
def flatMap[A, B](ca: Ctl[A])(f: A => Ctl[B]): Ctl[B] =
ca match
case Pure(x) => f(x)
case Yield(m, op, cont) => Yield(m, op, kcompose(f, cont))
def tailRecM[A, B](x: A)(f: A => Ctl[Either[A, B]]): Ctl[B] =
flatMap(f(x)) {
case Right(x) => pure(x)
case Left(nextA) => tailRecM(nextA)(f)
final case class Error(message: String) extends Throwable(message)
def kcompose[A, B, C](g: B => Ctl[C], f: A => Ctl[B])(x: A): Ctl[C] =
f(x) match
case Ctl.Pure(x) => g(x)
case Ctl.Yield(m, op, cont) => Ctl.Yield(m, op, kcompose(g, cont))
def under[E, A](ctx: Ctx[E], eff: Eff[E, A]): Ctl[A] = eff(ctx)
def run[F[_]: MonadThrow, A](ctl: Ctl[A]): F[A] = ctl match
case Pure(x) => x.pure[F]
case Yield(_, _, _) => Ctl.Error("Unhandled operation").raiseError[F, A]
def mprompt[A](m: Marker[A], ctl: Ctl[A]): Ctl[A] = ctl match
case Pure(a) => Pure(a)
case Yield(n, op, cont): Yield[A, _, A] if m == n =>
op(x => mprompt(m, cont(x)))
case Yield(n, op, cont) => Yield(n, op, x => mprompt(m, cont(x)))
def prompt[A](action: Marker[A] => Ctl[A]): Ctl[A] =
Marker.fresh(m => mprompt(m, action(m)))
trait Eff[E, +A] extends (Ctx[E] => Ctl[A])
object Eff:
given [E]: Monad[Eff[E, *]] with {
def pure[A](x: A): Eff[E, A] = _ => x.pure[Ctl]
def flatMap[A, B](ea: Eff[E, A])(f: A => Eff[E, B]): Eff[E, B] = ctx =>
ctl <- ea(ctx)
res <- Ctl.under(ctx, f(ctl))
yield res
def tailRecM[A, B](x: A)(f: A => Eff[E, Either[A, B]]): Eff[E, B] =
flatMap(f(x)) {
case Right(x) => pure(x)
case Left(nextA) => tailRecM(nextA)(f)
def perform[A, B, E, H[_, _]](
selectOp: [EE, Ans] => H[EE, Ans] => Op[A, B, EE, Ans]
)(x: A): H :? E ?=> Eff[E, B] = ctx =>
summon[H :? E].subCtx(ctx).value match
case Ctx.CCons(m, h, f, cs) => selectOp(h)(m, f(cs), x)
def handler[E, Ans, H[_, _]](
h: H[E, Ans],
action: Eff[H :* E, Ans]
): Eff[E, Ans] = ctx =>
prompt(m => under(Ctx.CCons(m, h, identity[Ctx[E]], ctx), action))
def handlerRet[E, Ans, H[_, _], A](
ret: A => Ans,
h: H[E, Ans],
action: Eff[H :* E, A]
): Eff[E, Ans] =
def handlerHide[E, Ans, H[_, _], H0[_, _]](
h: H[H0 :* E, Ans],
action: Eff[H :* E, Ans]
): Eff[H0 :* E, Ans] =
case Ctx.CCons(m0, h0, f, cs) =>
prompt(m =>
(c: Ctx[E]) => Ctx.CCons(m0, h0, f, c),
extension [A](eff: Eff[Nothing, A])
def run: A = eff(Ctx.CNil) match
case Pure(x) => x
case Yield(_, _, _) =>
throw new Ctl.Error("Unhandled operation") // should never happen
def runF[F[_]](implicit F: MonadThrow[F]): F[A] = F.catchNonFatal(run)
trait Op[-A, +B, E, Ans] extends ((Marker[Ans], Ctx[E], A) => Ctl[B])
object Op:
private def yield_[B, E, Ans](
m: Marker[Ans],
ctx: Ctx[E],
f: (B => Ctl[Ans]) => Eff[E, Ans]
): Ctl[B] =
Yield(m, (k: B => Ctl[Ans]) => under(ctx, f(k)), Pure(_))
// general operation with resumptions
def apply[A, B, E, Ans](
f: (A, B => Eff[E, Ans]) => Eff[E, Ans]
): Op[A, B, E, Ans] = (m, ctx, x) =>
yield_(m, ctx, (k: B => Ctl[Ans]) => f(x, k(_).lift))
// resume once, more efficient version of:
// Op((x, k) => f(x).flatMap(k))
def function[A, B, E, Ans](f: A => Eff[E, B]): Op[A, B, E, Ans] =
(_, ctx, x) => under(ctx, f(x))
// resume with a constant value, same as:
// Op((_, k) => k(x))
def value[A, E, Ans](x: A): Op[Unit, A, E, Ans] = function(_ => x.pure)
// create an operation that never resumes (an exception).
def except[A, E, Ans](f: A => Eff[E, Ans]): Op[A, Nothing, E, Ans] =
(m, ctx, x) => yield_(m, ctx, _ => f(x))
type Reader[+A] = [E, Ans] =>> Reader.Syn[A, E, Ans]
object Reader:
trait Syn[+A, E, Ans]:
def ask: Op[Unit, A, E, Ans]
def apply[A]: Ops[A] = new Ops[A]
private[eveff] final class Ops[A](val dummy: Boolean = true) extends AnyVal:
def ask[E](using In[Reader[A], E]): Eff[E, A] =
Eff.perform[Unit, A, E, Reader[A]](
[EE, Ans] => (r: Syn[A, EE, Ans]) => r.ask
def local[A, E, Ans](
f: A => A
): Eff[Reader[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[Reader[A] :* E, Ans] =
new Syn[A, Reader[A] :* E, Ans]:
val ask = Op.function(_ => Reader[A]
def scope[A, E, Ans](
a: A
): Eff[Reader[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[Reader[A] :* E, Ans] = local(_ => a)
def const[A, E, Ans](a: A): Eff[Reader[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, Ans] =
new Syn[A, E, Ans]:
val ask = Op.value(a)
given [E, A](using Reader[A] :? E, Applicative[Eff[E, *]]): Ask[Eff[E, *], A] =
new Ask[Eff[E, *], A]:
val applicative: Applicative[Eff[E, *]] = Applicative[Eff[E, *]]
def ask[A2 >: A]: Eff[E, A2] = Reader[A].ask
type MEff[M[_]] = [E, Ans] =>> MEff.Syn[M, E, Ans]
object MEff:
trait Syn[M[_], E, Ans]:
def runM[A]: Op[M[A], A, E, Ans]
type Except[-A] = [E, Ans] =>> Except.Syn[A, E, Ans]
object Except:
trait Syn[-A, E, Ans]:
def raise: Op[A, Nothing, E, Ans]
def raise[A, E](a: A): Except[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Nothing] =
Eff.perform[A, Nothing, E, Except[A]](
[E, Ans] => (e: Syn[A, E, Ans]) => e.raise
def handleErrorWith[A, E, Ans](
f: A => Eff[E, Ans]
): Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, Ans] =
new Syn[A, E, Ans]:
def raise = Op.except[A, E, Ans](f(_))
def handleError[A, E, Ans](
f: A => Ans
): Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, Ans] = handleErrorWith(f(_).pure)
def recoverWith[A, E, Ans](
pf: PartialFunction[A, Eff[E, Ans]]
): Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans] => Except[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Ans] =
handleErrorWith(a => pf.applyOrElse(a, raise[A, E]))(_)
def recover[A, E, Ans](
pf: PartialFunction[A, Ans]
): Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans] => Except[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Ans] = recoverWith(
def toOption[A, E, Ans]: Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, Option[Ans]] =
(b: Ans) => b.some,
new Syn[A, E, Option[Ans]] {
val raise = Op.except[A, E, Option[Ans]](_ => None.pure)
// Note we can't derive an ApplicativeError instance since handleErrorWith
// would need this type:
// def handleErrorWith[Ans](fa: Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans])(
// f: A => Eff[E, Ans]
// ): Eff[E, Ans] = ???
given [E, A](using Except[A] :? E, Functor[Eff[E, *]]): Raise[Eff[E, *], A] =
new Raise[Eff[E, *], A]:
def functor: Functor[Eff[E, *]] = Functor[Eff[E, *]]
def raise[A2 <: A, Ans](a: A2): Eff[E, Ans] = Except.raise(a)
def toEither[A, E, Ans]: Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, Either[A, Ans]] =
(b: Ans) => Right(b),
new Syn[A, E, Either[A, Ans]] {
val raise = Op.except[A, E, Either[A, Ans]](Left(_).pure)
extension [A, E, Ans](eff: Eff[Except[A] :* E, Ans])
def toEither: Eff[E, Either[A, Ans]] = Except.toEither[A, E, Ans](eff)
type Console = [E, Ans] =>> Console.Syn[E, Ans]
object Console:
trait Syn[E, Ans]:
def println: Op[String, Unit, E, Ans]
def readLine: Op[Unit, String, E, Ans]
def println[E](msg: String): Console :? E ?=> Eff[E, Unit] =
Eff.perform[String, Unit, E, Console](
[EE, Ans] => (e: Syn[EE, Ans]) => e.println
def readLine[E]: Console :? E ?=> Eff[E, String] =
Eff.perform[Unit, String, E, Console](
[EE, Ans] => (e: Syn[EE, Ans]) => e.readLine
def console[E, Ans]: Eff[Console :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, Ans] =
new Syn[E, Ans]:
val println =
Op.function[String, Unit, E, Ans](System.out.println(_).pure)
val readLine =
Op.function[Unit, String, E, Ans](_ =>
// runs an Eff compuation with default Console handler
extension [A](eff: Eff[Console :* Nothing, A])
def runC: A = Console.console(eff).run
type Amb = [E, Ans] =>> Amb.Syn[E, Ans]
object Amb:
trait Syn[E, Ans]:
def flip: Op[Unit, Boolean, E, Ans]
def flip[E]: Amb :? E ?=> Eff[E, Boolean] =
Eff.perform[Unit, Boolean, E, Amb](
[EE, Ans] => (e: Syn[EE, Ans]) => e.flip
def allResults[E, Ans]: Eff[Amb :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, List[Ans]] =
(x: Ans) => List(x),
new Syn[E, List[Ans]]:
val flip = Op((_, k) =>
xs <- k(false)
ys <- k(true)
yield xs ++ ys
type State[A] = [E, Ans] =>> State.Syn[A, E, Ans]
object State:
trait Syn[A, E, Ans]:
def get: Op[Unit, A, E, Ans]
def put: Op[A, Unit, E, Ans]
// handler using the state-as-a-function representation
def state[A, E, Ans](init: A): Eff[State[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, (Ans, A)] =
action =>
f <- Eff.handler(
new Syn[A, E, A => Eff[E, (Ans, A)]]:
val get = Op((_, k) => ((s: A) => k(s).flatMap(r => r(s))).pure)
val put = Op((s, k) => ((_: A) => k(()).flatMap(r => r(s))).pure)
for ans <- action
yield (s => (ans, s).pure)
result <- f(init)
yield result
def get[A, E]: State[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, A] =
Eff.perform[Unit, A, E, State[A]](
[EE, Ans] => (r: Syn[A, EE, Ans]) => r.get
def put[A, E](a: A): State[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Unit] =
Eff.perform[A, Unit, E, State[A]](
[EE, Ans] => (r: Syn[A, EE, Ans]) => r.put
given [E, S](using State[S] :? E, Monad[Eff[E, *]]): Stateful[Eff[E, *], S] =
new Stateful[Eff[E, *], S]:
val monad: Monad[Eff[E, *]] = Monad[Eff[E, *]]
def get: Eff[E, S] = State.get
def set(s: S): Eff[E, Unit] = State.put(s)
type Writer[-A] = [E, Ans] =>> Writer.Syn[A, E, Ans]
object Writer:
trait Syn[-A, E, Ans]:
def tell: Op[A, Unit, E, Ans]
def tell[A, E](a: A): Writer[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Unit] =
Eff.perform[A, Unit, E, Writer[A]](
[EE, Ans] => (r: Syn[A, EE, Ans]) => r.tell
// TODO add listen as a Writer operation
def listen[E, A, Ans]: (
Writer[A] :? E
) ?=> Eff[Writer[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, (Ans, A)] = action =>
writer(action).flatTap((a, w) => tell(w))
def censor[E, A, Ans](f: A => A): (
Writer[A] :? E
) ?=> Eff[Writer[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, Ans] = action =>
writer(action).flatMap((a, w) => tell(f(w)).as(a))
def writer[E, A, Ans]
: Monoid[A] ?=> Eff[Writer[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, (Ans, A)] = action =>
new Syn[A, State[A] :* E, Ans]:
val tell =
Op.function(x => State.get.flatMap(xs => State.put(xs.combine(x))))
given [E, L](using Writer[L] :? E, Functor[Eff[E, *]]): Tell[Eff[E, *], L] =
new Tell[Eff[E, *], L]:
val functor: Functor[Eff[E, *]] = Functor[Eff[E, *]]
def tell(l: L): Eff[E, Unit] = Writer.tell(l)
extension [E, L, A](eff: Eff[Writer[L] :* E, A])(using Monoid[L])
def runW: Eff[E, (A, L)] = Writer.writer[E, L, A](eff)
def censor(f: L => L): Writer[L] :? E ?=> Eff[E, A] = Writer.censor(f)(eff)
def listen: Writer[L] :? E ?=> Eff[E, (A, L)] = Writer.listen(eff)
// An hybrid error/writer monad that allows both accumulating outputs and
// aborting computation with a final output.
type Chronicle[-A] = [E, Ans] =>> Chronicle.Syn[A, E, Ans]
object Chronicle:
trait Syn[-A, E, Ans]:
def dictate: Op[A, Unit, E, Ans]
def confess: Op[A, Nothing, E, Ans]
def confess[A, E](a: A): Chronicle[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Nothing] =
Eff.perform[A, Nothing, E, Chronicle[A]](
[E, Ans] => (e: Syn[A, E, Ans]) => e.confess
def dictate[A, E](a: A): Chronicle[A] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Unit] =
Eff.perform[A, Unit, E, Chronicle[A]](
[EE, Ans] => (r: Syn[A, EE, Ans]) => r.dictate
def materialize[A, Ans, E]
: Semigroup[A] ?=> Eff[Chronicle[A] :* E, Ans] => Eff[E, A Ior Ans] =
Ior.right[A, Ans](_),
new Syn[A, E, A Ior Ans]:
val dictate = Op((a, k) =>
k(()).map {
case l @ Ior.Left(_) => l
case other => other.addLeft(a)
val confess = Op.except[A, E, A Ior Ans](Ior.left(_).pure)
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def greet[E]: (Reader[Long] :? E, Reader[String] :? E) ?=> Eff[E, String] =
p <- Reader[String].ask
a <- Reader[Long].ask
yield s"Hello, $p, $a times!"
def greet5Times[E]: Reader[String] :? E ?=> Eff[E, String] =
def there[E]: Eff[Reader[String] :* E, String] =
// using cats-mtl
import Reader.given
def greetMtl[F[_]: Monad](using ask: Ask[F, String]): F[String] =
for p <- ask.ask
yield s"Hello, $p"
// exceptions
object DivByZeroError extends Throwable
def div[E](x: Long, y: Long): Except[Throwable] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Long] =
if y == 0 then Except.raise(DivByZeroError)
else (x / y).pure
println(div(42, 0)
def safeDiv[E](
x: Long,
y: Long
): Except[Throwable] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Long] =
Except.recover[Throwable, E, Long] { case DivByZeroError =>
}(div(x, y))
println(safeDiv(42, 0).toEither.runF[Try])
// using cats-mtl
import Except.given
def divMtl[F[_]: Applicative](x: Long, y: Long)(implicit
F: Raise[F, Throwable]
): F[Long] =
if y == 0 then F.raise(new ArithmeticException)
else (x / y).pure
def divEff[E](x: Long, y: Long): Except[Throwable] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Long] =
divMtl[Eff[E, *]](x, y)
def foo[E]: (
Reader[String] :? E,
Except[String] :? E,
Console :? E,
State[Int] :? E
) ?=> Eff[E, String] =
name <- Reader[String].ask
str <-
if name == "Joe" then "nice!".pure[Eff[E, *]]
else Except.raise("ouch")
_ <- Console.println(s"His name is $name")
yield str
.state(0)(Reader.const("Joe")(Except.handleError(_ => "not Joe")(foo))))
implicitly[ArithmeticException <:< Throwable]
Except[Throwable][Unit, Unit] <:< Except[ArithmeticException][Unit, Unit]
def invert[E]: State[Boolean] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Unit] =
a <- State.get
_ <- State.put(!a)
yield ()
type Log = Chain[String]
def ex[E]: Writer[Log] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Unit] =
_ <- Writer.tell("foo"))
_ <- Writer.tell("bar"))
yield ()
def xor[E]: Amb :? E ?=> Eff[E, Boolean] =
x <- Amb.flip
y <- Amb.flip
yield (x && !y) || (!x && y)
def logging[F[_]: Monad](implicit F: Tell[F, Log]): F[Unit] =
// Example of some logging activity in your application
for {
_ <- F.tell("First log"))
_ <- F.tell("Second log"))
} yield ()
def sendLogsToStdOut[A, E](
logProgram: Eff[Writer[Log] :* E, A]
): (
Console :? E,
Writer[Log] :? E,
) ?=> Eff[E, A] =
.flatMap((a, logs) => logs.traverse_(Console.println(_)).as(a))
def prependMessage[E, A](
logProgram: Eff[Writer[Log] :* E, A]
): Writer[Log] :? E ?=> Eff[E, A] =
logProgram.censor((log: Log) => log.prepend("Hello"))
.writer[Console :* Nothing, Log, Unit](
def ex2[E]: Chronicle[String] :? E ?=> Eff[E, Int] =
_ <- Chronicle.dictate("foo")
_ <- Chronicle.dictate("bar")
//_ <- Chronicle.confess("ohoh")
yield 42
println(Chronicle.materialize[String, Int, Nothing](ex2).run)
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moleike commented Mar 27, 2023

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