is a Berlin.js spin-off with a special focus on JavaScript-driven web applications (“HTML5 apps”), desktop browser apps as well as mobile apps and games written in JavaScript. Here you can find the slides and additional links of all past talks. Please fork this Gist to add more info!
- Application frameworks on top of Backbone.js
by Mathias Schäfer
Chaplin.js on Github - A Guided Tour Through the SproutCore Jungle
by Florian Kugler
Slides (PDF) - Real Windows 8 Metro Apps in HTML5
by Timo Tuominen - Wunderkit and Backbone
by Adam Renklint
- Next SoundCloud
by Nick Fisher
Slides (PDF)
Background article - Joosy – a JavaScript application framework based on Rails and CoffeeScript
by Dirk Holzapfel
Example project on Github - Testing JavaScript applications
by Irina Dumitrascu
Source code on Github - Metaprogramming for Simple Object Persistence
by Hans Hübner
Slides (PDF)
Icebox on Github
HTML Scrabble on Github
Lessons learnt building a mobile web app
by Emma Lopez
Slides -
Introduction to Ember.js
by Alex Coles
Slides -
Wakanda: Build Web Apps
by Alexandre Morgaut
Wakanda website -
How to build a mobile website in two weeks
by Sebastian Burkhart
Slides (SlideShare)
Slides (PDF)
Angular.js in Practice
by Marcin Wosinek
Slides on Github -
Restructuring a single-page app with MVC
by Irina Dumitrascu
Slides (PDF) -
Thinking Tags: Rapid Prototyping of CSS layouts
by Dirk Jesse
Thinkin’ Tags website -
Hoodie – Look Ma, no Backend!
by Jan Lehnardt and Alex Feyerke
High-quality recording
Hoodie website
Advanced AngularJS
by Jan Varwig
Slides (PDF)
Todo list example application on Github AngularJS meetup -
SEO server with PhantomJS
by Ben Kubota
PhantomjS-based SEO on Github -
Why gestural interfaces are the future, and how to use them in your JS app.
by Adam Butler
Heft, the example application on Github -
PeerGaming - Share the Fun
by Stefan Dühring
PeerGaming website
PeerGaming feedback form for browser-based games