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if which peco &> /dev/null; then
function peco_select_history() {
BUFFER=$(fc -l -n -r 1 | \
peco --layout=bottom-up --query "$LBUFFER")
CURSOR=$#BUFFER # move cursor
zle -R -c # refresh
zle -N peco_select_history
bindkey '^R' peco_select_history
mollifier / wip-pr
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00 — forked from bouzuya/wip-pr
# Description:
# Backlog + git-flow + WIP PR script
# Usage:
# wip-pr pj-123
# Requirement:
# use Mac OS X
// ==UserScript==
// @name twitter-average-length2
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
// Fork of twitter-average-length.user.js (
// original author is hitode909 (
// 日付文字列のパース処理に eval を使用しないように変更