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Created May 10, 2017 08:33
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Python implementation of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA)
By Moloch
TEA has a few weaknesses. Most notably, it suffers from
equivalent keys each key is equivalent to three others,
which means that the effective key size is only 126 bits.
As a result, TEA is especially bad as a cryptographic hash
function. This weakness led to a method for hacking Microsoft's
Xbox game console (where I first encountered it), where the
cipher was used as a hash function. TEA is also susceptible
to a related-key attack which requires 2^23 chosen plaintexts
under a related-key pair, with 2^32 time complexity.
Block size: 64bits
Key size: 128bits
import struct
import logging
from hashlib import sha256
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from ctypes import c_uint32
### Magical Constants
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Helpers for c_uint32 math
def lshift4(a):
""" Left shift 4 """
return c_uint32(a << 4).value
def rshift5(a):
""" Right shift 5 """
return c_uint32(a >> 5).value
def lshift4_add(a, b):
""" Left shift 4 and add b """
result = lshift4(a) + c_uint32(b).value
return c_uint32(result).value
def rshift5_add(a, b):
""" Right shift 5 and add b """
result = rshift5(a) + c_uint32(b).value
return c_uint32(result).value
def add(a, b):
""" Add a and b """
result = c_uint32(a).value + c_uint32(b).value
return c_uint32(result).value
def sub(a, b):
""" Subract a and b """
result = c_uint32(a).value - c_uint32(b).value
return c_uint32(result).value
def xor(a, b, c):
""" XOR a, b, and c """
middle = c_uint32(a).value ^ c_uint32(b).value
return c_uint32(middle ^ c_uint32(c).value).value
class TinyEncryptionAlgorithm(object):
""" Tiny Encryption Algorithm class """
def __init__(self, delta=0x9e3779b9, summation=0xc6ef3720): = c_uint32(delta).value
self.summation = c_uint32(summation).value
def encrypt_block(self, block, key):
Encrypt a single 64-bit block using a given key
@param block: list of two c_uint32s
@param key: list of four c_uint32s
assert len(block) == BLOCK_UINT32_SIZE
assert len(key) == KEY_UINT32_SIZE
sumation = 0
delta =
for _ in range(0, ROUNDS):
sumation = c_uint32(sumation + delta).value
block[0] = add(
lshift4_add(block[1], key[0]),
add(block[1], sumation),
rshift5_add(block[1], key[1])
block[1] = add(
lshift4_add(block[0], key[2]),
add(block[0], sumation),
rshift5_add(block[0], key[3])
return block
def decrypt_block(self, block, key):
Decrypt a single 64-bit block using a given key
@param block: list of two c_uint32s
@param key: list of four c_uint32s
assert len(block) == BLOCK_UINT32_SIZE
assert len(key) == KEY_UINT32_SIZE
sumation = self.summation
delta =
for _ in range(0, ROUNDS):
block[1] = sub(
lshift4_add(block[0], key[2]),
add(block[0], sumation),
rshift5_add(block[0], key[3])
block[0] = sub(
lshift4_add(block[1], key[0]),
add(block[1], sumation),
rshift5_add(block[1], key[1])
sumation = c_uint32(sumation - delta).value
return block
def get_padded_plaintext(self, data):
""" Adds padding to the plaintext, block size is 64 bits (8 bytes) """
data = bytearray(data)
if len(data) % 8 == 0:
data += bytearray('\x08' * 8)
pad = 8 - (len(data) % 8)
data += struct.pack("I", pad)[0] * pad
return data
def remove_padding(self, data):
""" Removes padding from decrypted plaintext """
# Covert the last byte to and int
pad = data[-1]
assert 1 <= pad <= 8
if not all([byte == data[-1] for byte in data[pad * -1:]]):
raise ValueError('Invalid padding')
return data[:pad * -1]
def encrypt(self, data, key):
Encrypt `data` with `key`
plaintext_buffer = self.get_padded_plaintext(data)
key_buffer = bytearray(key)
assert len(key_buffer) == KEY_BYTE_SIZE
assert len(plaintext_buffer) % 8 == 0
key = [
# These are byte indexes (0 - 16)
# struct.unpack returns a tuple so we [0] it
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[:4])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[4:8])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[8:12])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[12:])[0]).value
# Iterate buffer 8 bytes at a time
ciphertext = bytearray()
for index in range(0, len(plaintext_buffer), 8):
block = [
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", plaintext_buffer[index:index + 4])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", plaintext_buffer[index + 4:index + 8])[0]).value
block = self.encrypt_block(block, key)
ciphertext += struct.pack("I", block[0])
ciphertext += struct.pack("I", block[1])
return ciphertext
def decrypt(self, data, key):
Decrypt `data` with `key`
ciphertext_buffer = bytearray(data)
key_buffer = bytearray(key)
assert len(key_buffer) == KEY_BYTE_SIZE
assert len(ciphertext_buffer) % 8 == 0
key = [
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[:4])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[4:8])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[8:12])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", key_buffer[12:])[0]).value
# Iterate buffer 8 bytes at a time
plaintext = bytearray()
for index in range(0, len(ciphertext_buffer), 8):
block = [
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", ciphertext_buffer[index:index + 4])[0]).value,
c_uint32(struct.unpack("I", ciphertext_buffer[index + 4:index + 8])[0]).value
block = self.decrypt_block(block, key)
plaintext += struct.pack("I", block[0])
plaintext += struct.pack("I", block[1])
return self.remove_padding(plaintext)
def _main(args):
""" Encrypt/Decrypt a file """
args = parser.parse_args()
tea = TinyEncryptionAlgorithm()
key = sha256(args.password).digest()[:16]
print '[*] Key = %s' % key.encode('hex')
if args.encrypt_file:
print '[*] Encrypt %s -> %s ...' % (args.encrypt_file, args.output_file),
with open(args.encrypt_file) as fp:
data =
ciphertext = tea.encrypt(data, key)
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as fp:
elif args.decrypt_file:
print '[*] Decrypt %s -> %s ...' % (args.decrypt_file, args.output_file),
with open(args.decrypt_file) as fp:
data =
plaintext = tea.decrypt(data, key)
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as fp:
print 'done'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Encrypt a file with TEA')
parser.add_argument("--encrypt-file", "-e",
help="encrypt a file")
parser.add_argument("--decrypt-file", "-d",
help="decrypt a file")
parser.add_argument("--output-file", "-o",
help="output file")
parser.add_argument("--password", "-p",
help="encrypt password/key")
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