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require 'md5'
class Chargify::HooksController < ApplicationController
protect_from_forgery :except => :dispatch
before_filter :verify, :only => :dispatch
EVENTS = %w[ test signup_success signup_failure renewal_success renewal_failure payment_success payment_failure billing_date_change subscription_state_change subscription_product_change ].freeze
def dispatch
event = params[:event]
A backup from just in case
Creating Shazam in Java
A couple of days ago I encountered this article: How Shazam Works
This got me interested in how a program like Shazam works… And more importantly, how hard is it to program something similar in Java?
run "gem sources -a"
gem 'desert', :version => '0.5', :lib => 'desert'
gem 'mislav-will_paginate', :version => '~> 2.3.6', :lib => 'will_paginate', :source => ''
gem 'tog-tog', :version => '0.4.4', :lib => 'tog'
rake "gems:install"
plugin 'acts_as_commentable', :svn => ""
file "db/migrate/" +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + "_acts_as_commentable.rb",
%q{class ActsAsCommentable < ActiveRecord::Migration