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Created November 25, 2010 13:15
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Simple FSM Lock
package samples.fsm.lock
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import TimeUnit._
import{ActorRegistry, FSM, Actor}
sealed trait LockState
case object Locked extends LockState
case object Open extends LockState
class Lock(code: String) extends Actor with FSM[LockState, String] {
val emptyCode = ""
when(Locked) {
case Event(digit: Char, soFar) => {
soFar + digit match {
case incomplete if incomplete.length < code.length =>
stay using incomplete
case `code` =>"Unlocked")
goto(Open) using emptyCode forMax (1, SECONDS)
case wrong =>
log.error("Wrong code " + wrong)
stay using emptyCode
when(Open) {
case Event(StateTimeout, _) => {"Locked")
startWith(Locked, emptyCode)
object Lock {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val lock = Actor.actorOf(new Lock("1234")).start
lock ! '1'
lock ! '2'
lock ! '3'
lock ! '4'
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