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Created March 7, 2011 13:05
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Akka AMQP Loadbalance
import akka.amqp.AMQP._
import akka.amqp._
import java.util.concurrent.{TimeUnit, CountDownLatch}
import util.Random
object LoadBalancingDemo {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val workers = 15
val messages = 100
val maxRandomWaitMs = 5000
val localConnection = AMQP.newConnection()
val directExchangeParameters = ExchangeParameters("my_direct_exchange", Direct)
// specifies how many messages the amqp channel should
// prefetch as unacknowledged messages before processing
// 0 = unlimited
val smallPrefetchChannelParameters = Some(ChannelParameters(prefetchSize = 1))
val someRoutingKey = "some.routing.key"
val countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(messages)
// consumer
class JobConsumer(id: Int) extends Actor { = "jobconsumer-" + id
def receive = {
case Delivery(payload, _, _, _, _, _) =>
println( + " received message: " + new String(payload))
// consumers
for (i <- 1 to workers) {
val actor =
connection = localConnection,
consumerParameters = ConsumerParameters(
routingKey = someRoutingKey,
deliveryHandler = Actor.actorOf(new JobConsumer(i)),
queueName = Some("my-job-queue"),
exchangeParameters = Some(directExchangeParameters),
channelParameters = smallPrefetchChannelParameters))
// producer
val producer = AMQP.newProducer(
connection = localConnection,
producerParameters = ProducerParameters(
exchangeParameters = Some(directExchangeParameters)))
for (i <- 1 to messages) {
producer ! Message(("data (" + i + ")").getBytes, someRoutingKey)
println("Sent all " + messages + " messages - awaiting processing...")
countDownLatch.await((maxRandomWaitMs * messages) + 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
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