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Last active August 3, 2024 14:34
import os
import time
import shutil
import subprocess
import signal
import sys
import argparse
#If the applescript stops working or you don't want the function, set enableapplescript to False
enableapplescript = True
applescript_code = '''tell application "System Events"
set _groups to groups of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter"
repeat with _group in _groups
set temp to value of static text 1 of _group
if temp contains "Disk Not Ejected Properly" then
perform (first action of _group where description is "Close")
end if
end repeat
end try
end tell'''
def execute_applescript(code):['osascript', '-e', code], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def exit_gracefully(signum, frame):
# Exit the program gracefully
# Register the signal handler for SIGINT (Ctrl+C)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_gracefully)
# Create the argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pico Firmware Flasher')
parser.add_argument('uf2_file_path', metavar='PATH', type=str, help='PATH: location of a uf2 formatted flash file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--volume_path', type=str, help='Path to the volume (optional)')
# Parse the command-line arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check if the uf2_file_path argument is provided
if not args.uf2_file_path:
parser.error("uf2 file location is missing.")
# Check if the volume_path argument is provided, otherwise use the default value
if args.volume_path:
volume_path = args.volume_path
volume_path = "/Volumes/RPI-RP2"
# Print the initial message
print("Press CTRL+C to exit - Warning: Exiting while flashing a Pico could damage the Pico.")
# Loop indefinitely
while True:
# Check if the RP2 drive is available
if os.path.exists(volume_path):
print("Pico detected - Attempting to write firmware")
# Copy the UF2 file to the RP2 drive
shutil.copy2(args.uf2_file_path, volume_path)
# Wait for the copy operation to complete before printing the message
with open(os.path.join(volume_path, os.path.basename(args.uf2_file_path)), 'rb') as f:
# Print a message indicating that the firmware has been installed
print("Firmware installed - Rebooting Pico")
except PermissionError:
print("Permission Error: Unable to copy firmware to the Pico. Please reconnect the Pico and try again.")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Error: UF2 file not found. Please check the file location.")
except Exception as e:
if str(e) == "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '{}'".format(volume_path):
print("Error: Volume path '{}' not found. Please check the volume path.".format(volume_path))
print("Unknown Error: {}".format(e))
# Wait for 5 seconds before checking again
if enableapplescript:
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This is untested

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monkeymademe commented Apr 11, 2023

Last revision was tested and seems to work *at least on a mac

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Step 1 - run the script in terminal
Step 2 - plug in your pico (pressing bootselect if its an already flashed pico)
Step 3 - wait for the confirmation its flashed
Step 4 - unplug pico
Step 5 - Repeat with a new pico

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Nice! I've been working on similar for the GP2040-CE project. Linux udev:

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This is fantastic!

Now if only there was an easy way to get rid of the Disk Not Ejected Properly message on Mac.

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This is fantastic!

Now if only there was an easy way to get rid of the Disk Not Ejected Properly message on Mac.

Careful what you wish for

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monkeymademe commented Jun 16, 2023

Revision 3

Massive rewrite

  • Arguments: now you have to tell the script where the u2f file is without editing the script - but the volume path is optional
  • AppleScript that will close the Disk was not ejected notifications cause no one likes those - Tested only on Ventura - function runs every 5 seconds
  • Ability to disable AppleScript so you don't need to rewrite chunks of code
  • Parsing some errors I found
  • Basic device detection (really seeing the volume is there)

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@monkeymademe this is fantastic! Saving me a ton of time while I flash about 350 boards.

Do you have a tip jar?

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@monkeymademe this is fantastic! Saving me a ton of time while I flash about 350 boards.

Do you have a tip jar?

Woah what you doing with 350 boards! Glad this script helps. Actually I don't have a tip jar setup but I run a Raspberry Jam in Berlin and welcome donations via pay pal - if that works

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I'm using this to make my life easier flashing firmware onto the RP2040 Advanced Breakout Board for the GP2040-CE project.

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I'm using this to make my life easier flashing firmware onto the RP2040 Advanced Breakout Board for the GP2040-CE project.

Nice! tomorrow is a Jam so I will take a look after (bandwidth is low with Jams being tomorrow) One thing I will say I will make a simple windows version of this script for those that are Macless. So if you need windows I'll linky a file next week.

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For the windows users here is the counterpart to this script

It works and functions the same way just a little simpler as we don't need to remove the Drive was not ejected messages that are on windows.

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