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Created July 4, 2018 03:19
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The below code causes an error with Numba. The stack trace is as follows:
import numba
import numpy as np
def _pdsi_from_zindex(Z):
# V is the sum of the Uw (Ud) values for the current and previous months of an
# established dry (wet) spell and is used in calculating the Pe value for a month.
V = 0.0
Pe = 0.0 # the probability that the current wet or dry spell has ended in a month
X1 = 0.0 # the severity index value for an incipient wet spell for a month
X2 = 0.0 # the severity index value for an incipient dry spell for a month
X3 = 0.0 # the severity index value of the current established wet or dry spell for a month
number_of_months = Z.shape[0]
# initialize arrays
PX1 = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PX2 = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PX3 = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PPe = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
X = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PMDI = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
# loop over all months in the dataset, calculating PDSI and PHDI for each
for k in range(number_of_months):
if (Pe == 100) or (Pe == 0): # no abatement underway
if abs(X3) <= 0.5: # drought or wet spell ends
# PV is the preliminary V value and is used in operational calculations.
PV = 0
elif X3 > 0.5: # Wet spell underway
if Z[k] >= 0.15: # Wet spell intensifies
else: # Wet spell starts to abate, and it may end.
elif X3 < -0.5: # Drought underway
if Z[k] <= -0.15: # Drought intensifies
else: # Drought starts to abate, and it may end.
else: # Abatement underway
if X3 > 0: # Wet spell underway
else: # Drought underway
## Assign V, Pe, X1, X2, and X3 for use with the next month
V = PV
Pe = PPe[k]
X1 = PX1[k]
X2 = PX2[k]
X3 = PX3[k]
# round values to four decimal places
for values in [X1, X2, X3, Pe, V, X, PX1, PX2, PX3, PPe]:
values = np.around(values, decimals=4)
# return the computed variables
return X, PMDI
if __name__ == '__main__':
z = np.array([
-1.020, 1.631, -0.828, 1.453, 0.802, -8.602, 0.291, 0.476, 0.226, 1.368, 0.415, -0.219, \
0.856, -0.302, -0.738, -0.703, -0.040, 8.376, -0.183, -1.259, 0.575, -1.228, 0.569, 0.011, \
-0.029, 0.975, -1.302, 0.602, -0.698, 0.716, 2.791, -2.360, 2.602, 0.977, -0.908, 0.132])
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