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Last active July 4, 2018 03:32
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The below code causes an error with Numba. The issue appears to be around the variables PV and V, i.e. if we comment out line 70 the error does not occur. This code is a minimal complete example of the issue that is occuring when executing a larger Python file from which this code was extracted.
import numba
import numpy as np
def _pdsi_from_zindex(Z):
# V is the sum of the Uw (Ud) values for the current and previous months of an
# established dry (wet) spell and is used in calculating the Pe value for a month.
V = 0.0
Pe = 0.0 # the probability that the current wet or dry spell has ended in a month
X1 = 0.0 # the severity index value for an incipient wet spell for a month
X2 = 0.0 # the severity index value for an incipient dry spell for a month
X3 = 0.0 # the severity index value of the current established wet or dry spell for a month
number_of_months = Z.shape[0]
# initialize arrays
PX1 = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PX2 = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PX3 = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PPe = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
X = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
PMDI = np.zeros((number_of_months,))
# loop over all months in the dataset, calculating PDSI and PHDI for each
for k in range(number_of_months):
if (Pe == 100) or (Pe == 0): # no abatement underway
if abs(X3) <= 0.5: # drought or wet spell ends
# PV is the preliminary V value and is used in operational calculations.
PV = 0
elif X3 > 0.5: # Wet spell underway
if Z[k] >= 0.15: # Wet spell intensifies
else: # Wet spell starts to abate, and it may end.
elif X3 < -0.5: # Drought underway
if Z[k] <= -0.15: # Drought intensifies
else: # Drought starts to abate, and it may end.
else: # Abatement underway
if X3 > 0: # Wet spell underway
else: # Drought underway
## Assign V, Pe, X1, X2, and X3 for use with the next month
V = PV
Pe = PPe[k]
X1 = PX1[k]
X2 = PX2[k]
X3 = PX3[k]
# round values to four decimal places
for values in [X1, X2, X3, Pe, V, X, PX1, PX2, PX3, PPe]:
values = np.around(values, decimals=4)
# return the computed variables
return X, PMDI
if __name__ == '__main__':
z = np.array([
-1.020, 1.631, -0.828, 1.453, 0.802, -8.602, 0.291, 0.476, 0.226, 1.368, 0.415, -0.219, \
0.856, -0.302, -0.738, -0.703, -0.040, 8.376, -0.183, -1.259, 0.575, -1.228, 0.569, 0.011, \
-0.029, 0.975, -1.302, 0.602, -0.698, 0.716, 2.791, -2.360, 2.602, 0.977, -0.908, 0.132])
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