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polymorphic hindley milner in 69 (96 incl. parser) (110 incl. example) lines of cursed functional js. CC-BY-NC.
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/** by monomere, under CC-BY-NC. last updated 4th of july, 2024. */ | |
const hindleymilner = () => (( | |
nextId = 1, | |
Err = e => (_, b = x => Err(x)) => b(e), | |
Ok = x => (a, _ = x => Err(x)) => a(x), | |
K = v => _ => v, | |
strty = ([kind,], p = false) => ((P = x => p ? `(${x})` : x) => ({ | |
'fun': (lhs, rhs) => P(`${strty(lhs, true)} → ${strty(rhs)}`), | |
'meta': ([[s, t]]) => s ? strty(t) : `?${t}`, | |
})[kind]?.( ?? `${kind[0].toUpperCase() + kind.slice(1)}`)(), | |
strexpr = (X, p = false) => X ? (([k, ...d], P = x => p ? `(${x})` : x) => ({ | |
'app': (lhs, rhs) => P(`${strexpr(lhs)} ${strexpr(rhs, true)}`), | |
'lam': (name, body) => `(λ${name}. ${strexpr(body)})`, | |
'if': (a, b, c) => `if ${strexpr(a)} then ${strexpr(b)} else ${strexpr(c)}`, | |
'let': (name, val, body) => `let ${name} = ${strexpr(val)} in\n${strexpr(body)}`, | |
'letrec': (defs, body) => `let rec ${[name, val]) => | |
`${name} = ${strexpr(val)}`).join(' and ')} in\n${strexpr(body)}`, | |
})[k]?.(...d) ?? `${d[0]}`)(X) : `<undefined>`, | |
eagerty = ([kind,]) => ({ | |
'fun': (lhs, rhs) => ['fun', eagerty(lhs), eagerty(rhs)], | |
'meta': ([[s, ty]]) => s ? ty : undefined, | |
})[kind]?.( ?? [kind,], | |
fresh = d => ['meta', [[false, nextId++, d]]], | |
dontgen = t => [new Set, t], | |
gen = (d, t) => ((set = new Set, h = ([kind,]) => ({ | |
'fun': (l, r) => (h(l), h(r)), | |
'meta': ([[s, t, c]]) => s ? h(t) : (c > d) && set.add(t), | |
})[kind]?.( => (h(t), [set, t]))(), | |
inst = (d, [ps, ty]) => (( | |
ts = new Map([].map(p => [p, fresh(d)])), | |
h = ([kind,]) => ({ | |
'fun': (lhs, rhs) => ['fun', h(lhs), h(rhs)], | |
'meta': ([[s, ty]]) => s ? h(ty) : (ts.get(ty) ?? [kind,]), | |
})[kind]?.( ?? [kind,]) => h(ty))(), | |
infer = (e, [kind,], d = 0, M = infer, G = gen) => ((es = e.entries()) => ({ | |
'app': (l, r) => ((ot = fresh(d)) => | |
M(e, l, d)(l => M(e, r, d)(rt => unify(l, ['fun', rt, ot])(K(Ok(ot))))))(), | |
'if': (c, t, f) => M(e, c, d)(ct => unify(ct, ['bool'])( | |
K(M(e, t, d)(tt => M(e, f, d)(ft => unify(tt, ft)(_ => Ok(tt))))))), | |
'let': (n, v, b) => M(e, v, d + 1)(vt => M(new Map([, [n, G(d, vt)]]), b, d)), | |
'letrec': (ds, b) => (( | |
dts = new Map([n]) => [n, fresh(d + 1)])), | |
dtf = f =>[n]) => [n, f(dts.get(n))]), | |
e2 = new Map([, ...dtf(dontgen)])) => | |
ds.reduce((p, [n, v]) => p(_ => M(e2, v, d + 1)( | |
vt => unify(vt, dts.get(n)))), Ok())( | |
K(M(new Map([, ...dtf(t => gen(d, t))]), b, d))))(), | |
'lam': (a, b) => ((at = fresh(d)) => | |
M(new Map([, [a, dontgen(at)]]), b, d)(bt => Ok(['fun', at, bt])))(), | |
'var': n => e.has(n) ? Ok(inst(d, e.get(n))) : Err([`there's no ${n} silly`]), | |
'nat': K(Ok(['nat'])), | |
'bool': K(Ok(['bool'])), | |
})[kind]?.( ?? Err(['undefined', [kind,]]))(), | |
occurs = (v, [kind,], O = occurs) => ({ | |
'fun': (lhs, rhs) => O(v, lhs) || O(v, rhs), | |
'meta': ([m]) => m[0] ? O(v, m[1]) : (m[2] = Math.min(m[1], v[2]), v[1] === m[1]), | |
})[kind]?.( ?? false, | |
unify = (a_, b_) => ((a = eagerty(a_), b = eagerty(b_)) => ({ | |
[['fun', 'fun']]: ([la, ra], [lb, rb]) => unify(la, lb)(K(unify(ra, rb))), | |
[['bool', 'bool']]: K(Ok()), | |
[['nat', 'nat']]: K(Ok()), | |
[['meta', 'meta']]: ([[[sa, ida]]], [[[sb, idb]]]) => | |
!sa && !sb && ida === idb ? Ok() : undefined, | |
})[[a[0], b[0]]]?.(a.slice(1), b.slice(1)) ?? | |
((f = (m, b) => occurs(m[0], b) ? Err(`?${m[0][1]} occurs in ${strty(b)}`) : | |
(m[0] = [true, b], Ok())) => a[0] === 'meta' ? f(a[1], b) : b[0] === 'meta' ? | |
f(b[1], a) : Err(`cant unify ${strty(a)} and ${strty(b)}`))())(), | |
) => ({ infer: (c, e) => infer(c, e), unify, eagerty, strexpr, strty, Ok, Err }))(); | |
const parser = ({ Err, Ok }) => (( | |
STOP = new Set([')', 'then', 'else', 'in', undefined]), | |
lex = s => s.replace(/[λ.()=]/g, ' $& ').split(/\s+/g).filter(x => x.length), | |
expect = (m, alt = null) => ([t, ...ts]) => t !== undefined && | |
(m.test?.(t) ?? m === t) ? Ok([t, ts]) : | |
Err(`expected ${alt ?? `'${m}'`}, got ${t === undefined ? 'eoi' : `'${t}'`}`), | |
[ename, enat] = [expect(/^([^\P{L}λ]+|_)$/u, "name"), expect(/^[0-9]+$/u, "number")], | |
plet = (ts, r = false) => ename(ts)(([name, ts]) => expect('=')(ts)(([_, ts]) => | |
papp(ts)(([val, ts]) => expect('in')(ts)(([_, ts]) => papp(ts)(([body, ts]) => | |
Ok([r ? ['letrec', [[name, val]], body] : ['let', name, val, body], ts])))))), | |
patom = ([t, ...ts]) => t === undefined ? expect('', "atom")([t]) : ({ | |
'let': ([t, ...ts2]) => t === 'rec' ? plet(ts2, true) : plet(ts), | |
'true': ts => Ok([['bool', true], ts]), | |
'false': ts => Ok([['bool', false], ts]), | |
'if': ts => papp(ts)(([cond, ts]) => expect('then')(ts)(([_, ts]) => | |
papp(ts)(([then, ts]) => expect('else')(ts)(([_, ts]) => papp(ts)(([othr, ts]) => | |
Ok([['if', cond, then, othr], ts])))))), | |
'(': ts => papp(ts)(([e, ts]) => expect(')')(ts)(([_, ts]) => Ok([e, ts]))), | |
'λ': ts => ename(ts)(([name, ts]) => expect('.')(ts)(([_, ts]) => papp(ts) | |
(([body, ts]) => Ok([['lam', name, body], ts])))), | |
})[t]?.(ts) ?? ename([t])(_ => Ok([['var', t], ts]), | |
_ => enat([t])(_ => Ok([['nat', t], ts]))), | |
papp = (ts, g = []) => !STOP.has(ts[0]) ? patom(ts)(([a, ts]) => | |
papp(ts, [...g, a])) : g.length ? Ok([g.reduce((a, b) => ['app', a, b]), ts]) : | |
expect('', "expression")(ts), | |
parse = src => papp(lex(src)), | |
) => ({ parse, lex }))(); | |
(async () => { | |
const hm = hindleymilner(); | |
const Okw = f => x => hm.Ok(f(x)); | |
parser(/* pass `Ok` and `Err` from: */ hm).parse(` | |
let rec fix = λf.λx. f (fix f) x in | |
let _ = fix λf.λa. if a then f false else true in | |
fix λf.λa. if a then f false else 42 | |
`)(([expr, _rest]) => { | |
console.log(hm.strexpr(expr), ':'); | |
return hm.infer(new Map, expr)(Okw(hm.eagerty))(Okw(hm.strty)); | |
})(x => console.log(x), e => console.error('error:', e)); | |
})(); |
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