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Created March 27, 2023 11:18
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DataDog Tracing utils for Kotlin coroutines
dependencies {
implementation("com.datadoghq:dd-trace-ot:1.10.1") // make sure the version here is aligned with DD Java agent
import datadog.trace.api.DDTags
import io.opentracing.Span
import io.opentracing.Tracer
import io.opentracing.log.Fields
import io.opentracing.tag.Tags
import io.opentracing.util.GlobalTracer
suspend fun <T : Any, O> T.coRunTraced(
methodName: String,
block: suspend T.(Span) -> O,
): O = coRunTraced(resource = "${javaClass.simpleName}.$methodName", block = block)
fun <T : Any, O> T.runTraced(
methodName: String,
block: T.(Span) -> O,
): O = runTraced(resource = "${javaClass.simpleName}.$methodName", block = block)
suspend fun <T, O> T.coRunTraced(
resource: String,
operation: String = "",
block: suspend T.(Span) -> O,
): O = inlineRunTraced(operation, resource) { block(it) }
fun <T, O> T.runTraced(
resource: String,
operation: String = "",
block: T.(Span) -> O,
): O = inlineRunTraced(operation, resource) { block(it) }
private inline fun <T, O> T.inlineRunTraced(
operation: String,
resource: String,
block: T.(Span) -> O,
): O {
val tracer = GlobalTracer.get()
val span = tracer.startSpan(operation, resource)
return runCatching {
tracer.activateSpan(span).use {
}.onFailure {
}.onSuccess {
private fun Tracer.startSpan(operation: String, resource: String): Span =
buildSpan(operation).withTag(DDTags.RESOURCE_NAME, resource).start()
private fun Span.finish(e: Throwable) {
setTag(Tags.ERROR, true)
log(mapOf(Fields.ERROR_OBJECT to e))
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