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Created November 11, 2024 07:33
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an example implementation of Howcome for Python (debugging on program states), author: Andreas Zeller
#!/usr/bin/env python
# an example implementation of Howcome for Python (debugging on program states), author: Andreas Zeller
import sys
import copy
def remove_html_markup(s):
tag = False
quote = False
out = ""
for c in s:
# print c, tag, quote
if c == '<' and not quote:
tag = True
elif c == '>' and not quote:
tag = False
elif c == '"' or c == "'" and tag:
quote = not quote
elif not tag:
out = out + c
return out
def ddmin(s):
# assert test([]) == "PASS"
assert test(s) == "FAIL"
n = 2 # Initial granularity
while len(s) >= 2:
start = 0
subset_length = len(s) / n
some_complement_is_failing = False
while start < len(s):
complement = s[:start] + s[start + subset_length:]
if test(complement) == "FAIL":
s = complement
n = max(n - 1, 2)
some_complement_is_failing = True
start += subset_length
if not some_complement_is_failing:
if n == len(s):
n = min(n * 2, len(s))
return s
# We use these variables to communicate between callbacks and drivers
the_line = None
the_iteration = None
the_state = None
the_diff = None
the_input = None
# Stop at THE_LINE/THE_ITERATION and store the state in THE_STATE
def trace_fetch_state(frame, event, arg):
global the_line
global the_iteration
global the_state
# print frame.f_lineno, frame.f_locals
if frame.f_lineno == the_line:
# print "Iteration", the_iteration, frame.f_locals
the_iteration = the_iteration - 1
if the_iteration == 0:
the_state = copy.deepcopy(frame.f_locals)
# print the_state
the_line = None # Don't get called again
return None # Don't get called again
return trace_fetch_state
# Get the state at LINE/ITERATION
def get_state(input, line, iteration):
global the_line
global the_iteration
global the_state
the_line = line
the_iteration = iteration
y = remove_html_markup(input)
return the_state
# Stop at THE_LINE/THE_ITERATION and apply the differences in THE_DIFF
def trace_apply_diff(frame, event, arg):
global the_line
global the_diff
global the_iteration
# print frame.f_lineno, frame.f_locals
if frame.f_lineno == the_line:
# print "Iteration", the_iteration, frame.f_locals
the_iteration = the_iteration - 1
if the_iteration == 0:
# for (var, value) in the_diff:
# print "Set", var, "to", repr(value)
# Note: It is crucial to use update() here. If we set elements one by one,
# chances are that some changes will get lost.
# print frame.f_locals
the_line = None
return None # Don't get called again
return trace_apply_diff
# Testing function: Call remove_html_output, stop at THE_LINE/THE_ITERATION,
# and apply the diffs in DIFFS at THE_LINE
def test(diffs):
global the_diff
global the_input
global the_line
global the_iteration
# print "test(" + repr(diffs) + ") =",
line = the_line
iteration = the_iteration
the_diff = diffs
y = remove_html_markup(the_input)
the_line = line
the_iteration = iteration
# print repr(y),
if y.find('<') == -1:
# print "PASS"
return "PASS"
# print "FAIL"
return "FAIL"
html_fail = '"<b>foo</b>"'
html_pass = "'<b>foo</b>'"
def test_it():
global the_input, the_line, the_iteration
# A bit of a test: Try to apply these differences in Line 8
the_input = html_pass
the_line = 8
the_iteration = 1
assert test([('s', html_fail)]) == "FAIL"
the_line = 8
the_iteration = 1
assert test([('s', html_pass)]) == "PASS"
the_line = 12
the_iteration = 1
assert test([('quote', True)]) == "FAIL"
the_line = 12
the_iteration = 1
assert test([('quote', True), ('out', '')]) == "FAIL"
assert test([('out', ''), ('quote', True)]) == "FAIL"
the_line = 14
the_iteration = 3
assert test([('quote', True), ('s', '"<b>foo</b>"'), ('tag', False), ('out', '<')]) == "FAIL"
# test_it()
print("The program was started with", repr(html_fail))
# Bigger tester over multiple locations
locations = [(8, 1), (12, 1), (14, 1), (14, 2), (14, 3), (23, 1)]
for (line, iteration) in locations:
print("## Line", line, "/", iteration, "##")
# Get the passing and the failing state
state_pass = get_state(html_pass, line, iteration)
state_fail = get_state(html_fail, line, iteration)
# print "Passing state:", state_pass
# print "Failing state:", state_fail
# Compute the differences
diffs = []
for var in list(state_fail.keys()):
if var not in state_pass or state_pass[var] != state_fail[var]:
diffs.append((var, state_fail[var]))
# print "State differences:", diffs
# Minimize the failure-inducing set of differences
the_input = html_pass
the_line = line
the_iteration = iteration
cause = ddmin(diffs)
# Pretty output
print("Then, in Line " + repr(line) + " (iteration " + repr(iteration) + "),", end=' ')
for (var, value) in cause:
print(var, 'became', repr(value))
print("Then the program failed.")
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