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Last active July 22, 2016 10:55
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on preOpenStack
global gAnswerDebugInfo
global gAPKLargeFonts, gREVSmallAppIcon, gREVAppIcon
local tIcons, tMacOSX, tMargin, tNumber, tIconWord, tIconAllowance, tText
local tButtonNames, tNoOfButtons, tTotalBtnWidth, tMnemonicString, tNo
local tFieldScript, tFieldSubtract, t, tWidth, tNewWidth, oldwidth, tAddition
local tStartEdge, tHeight
// AL-2014-05-21: [[ Bug 12074 ]] Tidied up and rearranged to support
// RTL layout, as determined by item 5 of the dialogData
--platform specific font adjustments
set the default of button 3 to false
set the bottomRight of button "icon 2" to -100,-100
local tStackLoc
local tScreenRect
put line (the screen of this stack) of the screenRects into tScreenRect
local tScreenWidth
put item 3 of tScreenRect - item 1 of tScreenRect into tScreenWidth
local tScreenHeight
put item 4 of tScreenRect - item 2 of tScreenRect into tScreenHeight
put item 1 of tScreenRect + (tScreenWidth div 2),item 2 of tScreenRect + (tScreenHeight div 2) into tStackLoc
switch the platform
case "MacOS"
put true into tMacOSX
set the loc of this stack to tStackLoc
set the top of this stack to round(item 4 of tScreenRect/5)
repeat with i = 3 to the number of btns
set the margins of button i to 4
set the height of button i to 23
end repeat
set the textFont of this stack to "Lucida Grande"
set the textSize of this stack to 13
set the textSize of field 1 of me to 13
put "210093 210092 210094 210093" into tIcons
case "Win32"
if gAPKLargeFonts then
put 26 into tNumber
put 7 into tMargin
put 21 into tNumber
put 5 into tMargin
end if
repeat with i = 3 to the number of btns
set the bottomMargin of button i to tMargin
set the height of button i to tNumber
set the traversalOn of button i to false
set the mnemonic of button i to 0
end repeat
##set the textFont of this stack to "Tahoma"
##set the textSize of this stack to 11
## Removed by EJB 18/07/2013 - Bug 11054
## Cleared so uses default font and size
set the textFont of this stack to empty
set the textSize of this stack to empty
#set the textFont of this stack to "MS Sans Serif"
#set the textSize of this stack to 10
set the textFont of field 1 of me to empty
put "210005 210011 210003 210004" into tIcons
repeat with i = 3 to the number of btns
set the bottomMargin of button i to 4
set the height of button i to 22
set the traversalOn of button i to false
set the mnemonic of button i to 0
end repeat
set the textFont of this stack to "Helvetica"
if gAPKLargeFonts then set the textSize of this stack to 14
else set the textSize of this stack to 12
set the textFont of field 1 of me to empty
put "210008 210010 210006 210010" into tIcons
end switch
set the itemDelimiter to numToChar(0)
local tRTL
get item 5 of the dialogdata
if it is empty then
put false into tRTL
put it is "true" into tRTL
end if
-- field alignment
if tRTL then
set the textAlign of field 1 to "right"
set the textAlign of field 1 to "left"
end if
--is there an icon to display or not?
local tHasIcon, tIconX, tIconTop
if word 2 of item 1 of the dialogData is "plain" and (not tMacOSX and gREVAppIcon is not empty) then
set the loc of button 1 to -100,21
put 0 into tIconAllowance
put false into tHasIcon
put true into tHasIcon
if tMacOSX then
put 87 into tIconAllowance
put 52 into tIconX
put 18 into tIconTop
put 40 into tIconAllowance
put 26 into tIconX
put 6 into tIconTop
end if
put wordOffset(word 2 of item 1 of the dialogData, "information error warning question") into tIconWord
if tMacOSX and tIconWord is 0 then --large app icon
set the icon of button "icon" to gREVAppIcon
set the icon of button "icon" to word tIconWord of tIcons
end if
end if
if item 2 of the dialogData is empty then set the title of this stack to space
else set the title of this stack to item 2 of the dialogData
put item 3 of dialogData into tText
if "<p>" is in tText or matchChunk(tText, "<(.+>.+</.+)>") then set the htmlText of field 1 of me to tText
else set the text of field 1 of me to tText
# TH-2008-02-07 :: Bug 6427, answer dialog will display all buttons
# specified up to tButtonLimit
local tButtonNamesList, tButtonLimit
put item 4 of dialogData into tButtonNamesList
put 7 into tButtonLimit
repeat with x = 1 to min(tButtonLimit, the number of lines of tButtonNamesList)
put line x of tButtonNamesList & return after tButtonNames
end repeat
delete the last char of tButtonNames
if tButtonNames is empty then
put "OK" into tButtonNames
end if
put the number of lines in tButtonNames into tNoOfButtons
put 32 into tTotalBtnWidth
--truncate more buttons to the maximum allowed (7)
if tNoOfButtons > the number of buttons - 2 then put the number of buttons - 2 into tNoOfButtons
put empty into tMnemonicString
repeat with i = 3 to (tNoOfButtons + 3)
set the name of button i to line tNoOfButtons - (i - 3) of tButtonNames
if the platform is "Win32" and the short name of button i is not in "OKCancel" then
put 0 into tNo
repeat for each char x in the short name of button i
add 1 to tNo
if x is not in tMnemonicString then
put x after tMnemonicString
set the mnemonic of button i to tNo
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
set the width of button i to 82
if the width of button i < the formattedWidth of button i +28 then set the width of button i to the formattedWidth of button i + 28
add the width of button i + 12 to tTotalBtnWidth
end repeat
set the dontWrap of field 1 of me to true
if tMacOSX then put 4 into tFieldSubtract else put 0 into tFieldSubtract
put max(400, max(the formattedWidth of field 1 of me + tIconAllowance + 16, tTotalBtnWidth) + tFieldSubtract) into tWidth
# Marcus: fix to bug 4830..
# Above and below I wrapped a second max around the calculation.
-- Fix integrated
-- if tWidth < 400 then
-- put 400 into tWidth
-- end if
-- if tTotalBtnWidth > 400 then
-- put tTotalBtnWidth into tWidth
-- set the width of field 1 to twidth - tIconAllowance - 16
-- set the dontWrap of field 1 to false
-- else if tWidth > 400 then
-- put 400 into twidth
-- set the width of field 1 to twidth - tIconAllowance - 16
-- set the dontWrap of field 1 to false
-- put the formattedWidth of field 1 into tNewWidth
-- if tNewWidth > (400 - tIconAllowance - 16 - tFieldSubtract) then
-- put max(the formattedWidth of field 1 + tIconAllowance + 16, tTotalBtnWidth)+tFieldSubtract into tWidth
-- set the width of field 1 to twidth - tIconAllowance - 16
-- end if
-- end if
if tWidth > 400 then
-- The nonwrapped text does not fit in a minimal message box, thus allow to wrap, recalculating the width.
set the width of field 1 of me to 1
set the dontWrap of field 1 of me to false
put max(400, max(the formattedWidth of field 1 of me + tIconAllowance + 16, tTotalBtnWidth) + tFieldSubtract) into tWidth
end if
put the width of this stack into oldwidth
set the width of this stack to tWidth
--set icon position in light of possible new stack width
if tHasIcon then
if tRTL then put tWidth - tIconX into tIconX
set the loc of button "icon" to tIconX,0
set the top of button "icon" to tIconTop
end if
set the itemDel to comma
if tRTL then
set the topRight of field 1 of me to tWidth - (tIconAllowance + 8), 12
get the rect of field 1 of me
put 12 into item 1 of it
set the topLeft of field 1 of me to tIconAllowance + 8, 12
get the rect of field 1 of me
put tWidth - 12 into item 3 of it
end if
set the rect of field 1 of me to it
#debugLog "Rect of field 1 after setting:" && ( the rect of field 1) & return
if tMacOSX then put 5 into tAddition else put 0 into tAddition
if tRTL then
put 12 + tAddition into tStartEdge
put tWidth -12 - tAddition into tStartEdge
end if
-- [[ Bug 17001]] Ensure the dialog is tall enough for the icon + margin
put the formattedHeight of field 1 of me + 58 into tHeight
if tHasIcon then
put max(tHeight, the bottom of button "icon" + tIconTop) into tHeight
end if
if tHeight > 400 then
set the vScrollbar of field 1 of me to true
put 400 into tHeight
else set the vScrollbar of field 1 of me to false
local tTop
put the top of field 1 of me into tTop
set the height of this stack to tHeight
set the height of field 1 of me to tHeight - 58
set the top of field 1 of me to tTop
--set the topLeft of field 1 of me to tIconAllowance + 8, 12
// AL-2014-05-21: [[ Bug 11493 ]] Linux confirmation button should be on the right
if the platform is in "MacOSLinux" then
if tMacOSX then put 6 into tAddition else put 0 into tAddition
repeat with i = 3 to tNoOfButtons + 2
if tRTL then
set the left of button i to tStartEdge
add the width of button i + 10 to tStartEdge
set the right of button i to tStartEdge
subtract the width of button i + 10 from tStartEdge
end if
set the bottom of button i to the height of this stack - 12 - tAddition
if i is 5 and tNoOfButtons is 3 and word 1 of the short name of button i is "Don't" then
--move don't save to the side
if tRTL then
set the right of button i to the right of field 1 of me - 5
set the left of button i to the left of field 1 of me + 5
end if
end if
end repeat
repeat with i = (tNoOfButtons + 2) down to 3
if tRTL then
set the left of button i to tStartEdge
add the width of button i + 12 to tStartEdge
set the right of button i to tStartEdge
subtract the width of button i + 12 from tStartEdge
end if
set the bottom of button i to the height of this stack - 12
end repeat
end if
if the platform is "MacOS" then set the top of this stack to round(item 4 of the screenRect/5)
set the default of button 3 to true
#debugLog "DONE"
-- Provide keyboard navigation on Linux and Windows but not OSX
if the platform is not "MacOS" then
-- Make sure that we don't make the icon buttons navigable
repeat with i = (tNoOfButtons + 2) down to 3
set the traversalOn of button i to true
end repeat
end if
--get the rect of field 1 of me
--put the width of this stack - 12 into item 3 of it
--set the rect of field 1 of me to it
end preOpenStack
on commandKeyDown pKey
if pKey is "." then
if there is a button "Cancel" then
click at the loc of button "cancel"
exit commandKeyDown
end if
end if
repeat with i = 3 to the number of btns
if item 1 of the loc of button i < 1 then next repeat
if char 1 of the short name of button i is pKey then
set the hilite of button i to true
wait 50 milliseconds
set the hilite of button i to false
send "mouseUp" to button i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end commandKeyDown
on escapeKey
if there is a button "cancel" then click at the loc of button "cancel"
end escapeKey
on closeStack
end closeStack
on revCleanUpAnswerDialog
--show invisibles compatible removal of btns
repeat with i = 3 to the number of buttons
set the cPrevLoc of button i to the loc of button i
set the loc of button i to -100,-100
end repeat
set the dialogData to empty
if the environment is "development" then
send "ideMessageSend" && "ideAnswerDialogClosed" to stack "revIDELibrary" in 0 millisecs
end if
end revCleanUpAnswerDialog
on mouseUp
if the name of the target contains "button" then
lock messages--prevents user stack getting refocusing messages
close this stack
revCleanUpAnswerDialog--won't get closeStack
unlock messages
set the dialogData to the short name of the target
end if
end mouseUp
on returnKey
pass returnKey to top
end returnKey
on linkClicked pLink
if "@" is in pLink then revMail pLink
else revGoURL pLink
end linkClicked
on debugLog pMsg, pDel
-- global gAnswerDebugInfo
-- repeat for each line tLine in pMsg
-- put pDel & tLine & return after gAnswerDebugInfo
-- end repeat
end debugLog
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