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Last active July 22, 2016 10:52
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on doresize
// AL-2014-05-21: [[ Bug 12074 ]] Support RTL layout when resizing ask dialog
local tRTL
put the cRTL of this card into tRTL
local twidth, iwidth
put the width of this stack into twidth
if item 1 of the loc of button "icon" is not "-100" then
local tIconEdge
if tRTL then
put the left of button "icon" into tIconEdge
subtract 8 from tIconEdge
put the right of button "icon" into tIconEdge
add 8 to tIconEdge
end if
subtract the width of button "icon" from tWidth
if tRTL then
put twidth - 24 into tIconEdge
put 24 into tIconEdge
end if
end if
set the width of field 1 to twidth - 48
set the width of field 2 to twidth - 48
if tRTL then
set the right of field 1 to tIconEdge
set the right of field 2 to tIconEdge
set the left of field 1 to tIconEdge
set the left of field 2 to tIconEdge
end if
set the top of field 2 to the bottom of field 1 + 4
set the top of button 1 to the height of field 1 div 2 - 8
set the default of button "OK" to false
local tFirstWidthOffset, tFirstBottomOffset, tSecondLeftOffset, tSecondBottomOffset
local tFirst, tSecond, tFirstXOffset, tFirstYOffset, tSecondXOffset, tSecondYOffset
put 21 into tFirstXOffset
put 18 into tFirstYOffset
put 14 into tSecondXOffset
put 18 into tSecondYOffset
set the textFont of button "OK" to "usesystemfont"
set the textSize of button "OK" to 13
set the textFont of button "Cancel" to "usesystemfont"
set the textSize of button "Cancel" to 13
// AL-2014-05-21: [[ Bug 11493 ]] Linux confirmation button should be on the right
if the platform is in "MacOSLinux" then
put "OK" into tFirst
put "Cancel" into tSecond
put "Cancel" into tFirst
put "OK" into tSecond
end if
set the default of button "OK" to true
if tRTL then
set the bottomLeft of button tFirst to (tFirstXOffset, the bottom of this card - tFirstYOffset)
set the bottomLeft of button tSecond to (the right of button tFirst + tSecondXOffset, the bottom of this card - tSecondYOffset)
set the bottomRight of button tFirst to (the width of this card - tFirstXOffset, the bottom of this card - tFirstYOffset)
set the bottomRight of button tSecond to (the left of button tFirst - tSecondXOffset, the bottom of this card - tSecondYOffset)
end if
end doresize
on star
local tstring
put empty into tstring
repeat with i = 1 to the number of characters in field 3
put "*" after tstring
end repeat
put tstring into field 2
end star
on preOpenStack
-- PM-2015-07-23: [[ Bug 14224 ]] Remove the (old) focus to allow typing into the input fld
focus on nothing
global gREVAppIcon, gREVSmallAppIcon
local twidth
set the itemDelimiter to numToChar(0)
set the fieldmode of me to word 2 of item 1 of the dialogData
if item 2 of the dialogData is empty
then set the title of this stack to space
else set the title of this stack to item 2 of the dialogData
-- MW-2007-12-11: [[ Bug 4974 ]] Support the use of htmlText in the prompt
local tText
put item 3 of the dialogData into tText
if "<p>" is in tText or matchChunk(tText, "<(.+>.+</.+)>") then
set the htmlText of field 1 to tText
put item 3 of the dialogData into field 1
end if
set the itemDel to comma
set the icon of button "icon 2" to 0
set the loc of button "icon 2" to -200,-200
local tStackLoc
local tScreenRect
put line (the screen of this stack) of the screenRects into tScreenRect
local tScreenWidth
put item 3 of tScreenRect - item 1 of tScreenRect into tScreenWidth
local tScreenHeight
put item 4 of tScreenRect - item 2 of tScreenRect into tScreenHeight
put item 1 of tScreenRect + (tScreenWidth div 2),item 2 of tScreenRect + (tScreenHeight div 2) into tStackLoc
switch the platform
case "MacOS"
local tMacOSX
put true into tMacOSX
set the loc of this stack to tStackLoc
set the top of this stack to round(item 4 of tScreenRect/5)
repeat with i = 3 to the number of btns
set the margins of button i to 4
set the height of button i to 23
end repeat
set the textFont of this stack to "Lucida Grande"
set the textSize of this stack to 13
set the textFont of field 1 to empty
set the textSize of field 1 to 13
local tIcons
put "210093 210092 210094 210093" into tIcons
case "Win32"
# OK-2007-11-05 : gREVLargeFonts was undeclared...
global gREVLargeFonts
if gREVLargeFonts then
local tNumber
put 26 into tNumber
local tMargin
put 7 into tMargin
put 23 into tNumber
put 3 into tMargin
end if
repeat with i = 3 to the number of btns
set the bottomMargin of button i to tMargin
set the height of button i to tNumber
set the traversalOn of button i to false
set the mnemonic of button i to 0
end repeat
## Removed by EJB 18/07/2013 - Bug 11054
## Cleared so uses default font and size
##set the textFont of this stack to "MS Sans Serif"
##set the textSize of this stack to 10
set the textFont of this stack to empty
set the textSize of this stack to empty
set the textFont of field 1 to empty
put "210005 210011 210003 210004" into tIcons
repeat with i = 3 to the number of btns
set the bottomMargin of button i to 4
set the height of button i to 22
set the traversalOn of button i to false
set the mnemonic of button i to 0
end repeat
set the textFont of this stack to "Helvetica"
# OK-2007-11-05 : gAPKLargeFonts was undeclared...
global gAPKLargeFonts
if gAPKLargeFonts then
set the textSize of this stack to 14
set the textSize of this stack to 12
end if
set the textFont of field 1 to empty
put "210008 210010 210006 210010" into tIcons
end switch
# TH-11-01-2008: Bug fix for 4913, need to set the field size after the font sizes have been
# adjusted to prevent clipping of text
put max(the formattedWidth of field 1 + 48,\\
the formattedWidth of field 2 + 64, 450) into twidth
set the width of this stack to twidth
set the height of field 1 to the formattedHeight of field 1 -- + 25
set the top of field 1 to 8
set the height of this stack to (the height of field 1) + 88
set the itemDel to numToChar(0)
if the fieldmode of me is "password" or the fieldmode of me is "clear" then
put item 4 of the dialogData into field 3
else put item 4 of the dialogData into field 2
// AL-2014-05-21: [[ Bug 12074 ]] Support RTL layout for ask dialog
local tRTL
get item 5 of the dialogdata
if it is empty then
put false into tRTL
put it is "true" into tRTL
end if
-- field alignment
if tRTL then
set the textAlign of field 1 to "right"
set the textAlign of field 2 to "right"
set the textAlign of field 1 to "left"
set the textAlign of field 2 to "left"
end if
set the cRTL of this card to tRTL
local tIconX, tIconY
if word 2 of item 1 of the dialogData is "plain" and (not tMacOSX and gREVAppIcon is not empty) then
set the loc of button 1 to -100,21
if tMacOSX then
put 52 into tIconX
put 44 into tIconY
put 26 into tIconX
put 33 into tIconY
end if
local tIconWord
put wordOffset(word 2 of item 1 of the dialogData, "information error warning question") into tIconWord
if tMacOSX and tIconWord is 0 then --large app icon
set the icon of button "icon" to gREVAppIcon
set the icon of button "icon" to word tIconWord of tIcons
end if
// AL-2014-05-21: [[ Bug 4001 ]] Make sure icon button has autohilite false
set the autohilite of button "icon" to false
if tRTL then put tWidth - tIconX into tIconX
set the loc of button "icon" to tIconX, tIconY
end if
set the dialogData to numToChar(0)
end preOpenStack
on keyDown which
local tpos
if the name of the target contains "field" and word 1 of the fieldmode of me is "password" or the fieldmode of me is "clear" then
put the selectedChunk into tpos
put which into character (word 2 of tpos) to (word 4 of tpos) of field 3
select after character (word 2 of tpos) of field 2
else pass keyDown
end keyDown
on deleteKey
-- PM-2015-07-24: [[ Bug 3962 ]] Pass deleteKey when 'ask plain/question/information/warning/error ..'
if the fieldmode of me is "password" or the fieldmode of me is "clear" then
if word 2 of the selectedchunk > word 4 of the selectedchunk then
deleteone "forward"
# TH-2008-06-23 :: Bug 6491
local tChunk
put the selectedChunk into tChunk
deleteChunk tChunk
end if
pass deleteKey
end if
end deleteKey
# OK-2007-11-05 : Bug 3956
on escapeKey
end escapeKey
on backspaceKey
if the fieldmode of me is "password" or the fieldmode of me is "clear" then
if word 2 of the selectedchunk > word 4 of the selectedchunk then
deleteone "back"
# TH-2008-06-23 :: Bug 6491
local tChunk
put the selectedChunk into tChunk
deleteChunk tChunk
end if
pass backSpaceKey
end if
end backspaceKey
# TH-2008-06-23 :: Bug 6491, make the delete and backspace keys delete
# hilited text
command deleteChunk pChunk
local tStartChar, tEndChar
put word 2 of pChunk into tStartChar
put word 4 of pChunk into tEndChar
put empty into char tStartChar to tEndChar of field 3
select before char tStartChar of field 2
end deleteChunk
on deleteone pDirection
local tpos
put word 2 of the selectedChunk into tpos
if pDirection is "back" then -- backSpace key is pressed
put empty into character (tpos - 1) of field 3
select before character (tpos - 1) of field 2
else if pDirection is "forward" then -- delete key is pressed
put empty into character (tpos) of field 3
select before character (tpos) of field 2
end if
end deleteone
on commandKeyDown which
if which is "." then
#click at the loc of button "Cancel"
exit commandKeyDown
end if
if the fieldmode of me is not "plain"
local tpos
switch which
case "D"
put word 2 of the selectedChunk into tpos
put empty into character tpos of field 3
select before character tpos of field 1
case "H"
deleteone "back"
pass commandKeyDown
end switch
else pass commandKeyDown
end commandKeyDown
on openField
select the text of the target
end openField
on resizeStack
end resizeStack
on returnInField
#click at the loc of button "OK"
end returnInField
on enterInField
end enterInField
on closeStack
end closeStack
on revCleanUpAskDialog
put empty into field 1
put empty into field 2
put empty into field 3
end revCleanUpAskDialog
# OK-2007-11-05 : Bug 3956
command closeAccept
local tResult
switch the fieldmode of this card
case "plain"
case "question"
case "error"
case "information"
case "warning"
put the text of field 2 of me into tResult
case "clear"
put the text of field 3 of me into tResult
case "password"
--put mcencrypt(the text of field 3 of me) into tResult
-- MM-2013-01-28: [[ Bug 10037 ]] No longer hash passwords.
put the text of field 3 of me into tResult
end switch
set the dialogData to tResult
lock messages
close this stack
unlock messages
end closeAccept
command closeReject
lock messages
close this stack
unlock messages
end closeReject
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