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Created November 19, 2015 15:09
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(ns sieve-comp)
(defmacro measure
[& body]
(let [start# (System/nanoTime)
result# (do ~@body)]
[result# (- (System/nanoTime) start#)])))
(defn relate
([measured-a measured-b] (relate true measured-a measured-b))
([strict [result-a elapsed-a] [result-b elapsed-b]]
(when (or (not strict) (= result-a result-b))
(float (/ elapsed-a elapsed-b)))))
(defn order-of-growth
[sizes times]
(->> [sizes times]
(map #(partition 2 1 %))
(apply map (fn [[n1 n2] [t1 t2]]
(/ (Math/log (/ t2 t1))
(Math/log (/ n2 n1)))))))
(defn measure-growth
[f sizes]
(->> sizes
(map #(-> % f last measure second))
(order-of-growth sizes)))
(def wheel-2-3-5-7
(cycle [2 4 2 4 6 2 6 4 2 4 6 6 2 6 4 2 6 4 6 8 4 2 4 2 4 8 6 4 6 2 4 6 2 6 6
4 2 4 6 2 6 4 2 4 2 10 2 10]))
(defn spin
[[x & xs] n]
(cons n (lazy-seq (spin xs (+ n x)))))
(defn skip-2-3-5-7 [] (concat [2 3 5 7] (spin wheel-2-3-5-7 11)))
(defn sieve
"int -> int[]
Returns a seq of primes up to 'limit inclusive."
([limit] (sieve limit (skip-2-3-5-7)))
([limit candidates]
(letfn [(mark-multiples! [unmarked p]
(->> (range (* p p) (inc limit) p)
(reduce #(assoc! %1 %2 nil) unmarked)))]
(loop [[x & xs] candidates
primes (->> (range 2 (inc limit))
(reduce conj! (transient [nil nil])))]
(if (> (* x x) limit)
(remove nil? (persistent! primes))
(recur xs (if (primes x) (mark-multiples! primes x) primes)))))))
(defn sieve-array
([limit] (sieve-array limit (skip-2-3-5-7)))
([limit candidates]
(let [primes (long-array (concat [0 0] (range 2 (inc limit))))]
(doseq [x candidates
:while (<= (* x x) limit)
:when (pos? (aget primes x))
i (range (* x x) (inc limit) x)]
(aset primes i 0))
(-> (areduce primes x xs (transient [])
(if (pos? (aget primes x)) (conj! xs x) xs))
(defn sieve-packed
(let [last-bit (long (quot (- limit 3) 2))
last-candidate-bit (long (quot (- (Math/sqrt limit) 3) 2))
size (long (inc (quot limit 64)))
composites (long-array size 0)] ;; zero means prime
(loop [bit 0]
(when (<= bit last-candidate-bit)
(let [w (bit-shift-right bit 6)
offset (bit-and bit 63)
word (aget composites w)
p (+ 3 bit bit)]
(when (zero? (bit-and word (bit-shift-left 1 offset)))
(loop [m (+ bit (* p (inc bit)))]
(when (<= m last-bit)
(let [m-bit (bit-shift-right m 6)
m-offset (bit-and m 63)
m-word (aget composites m-bit)]
(aset composites m-bit
^long (bit-or m-word (bit-shift-left 1 m-offset))))
(recur (long (+ p m)))))))
(recur (inc bit))))
(letfn [(produce [^long bit]
(when (<= bit last-bit)
(let [w (bit-shift-right bit 6)
offset (bit-and bit 63)
word (aget composites w)]
(if (zero? (bit-and word (bit-shift-left 1 offset)))
(cons (+ 3 bit bit) (produce (inc bit)))
(produce (inc bit)))))))]
(cons 2 (produce 0)))))
(defn sieve-set
(loop [[x & xs] (iterate inc 2)
composites (transient #{})]
(if (> (* x x) limit)
(remove composites (range 2 (inc limit)))
(recur xs (if (composites x)
(->> (range (* x x) (inc limit) x)
(reduce conj! composites)))))))
(defn sieve-bit-packed
with slightly cleaned up names."
(let [root (long (Math/sqrt n))
root-index (long (/ (- root 3) 2))
index (long (/ (- n 3) 2))
composites (long-array (inc (/ index 64)))
prime? #(zero? (bit-and (aget composites (bit-shift-right % 6))
(bit-shift-left 1 (bit-and % 63))))
cull-primes (fn [i]
(let [p (long (+ i i 3))]
(loop [i (bit-shift-right (- (* p p) 3) 1)]
(if (<= i index)
(let [w (bit-shift-right i 6)]
(aset composites w
(bit-or (aget composites w)
(bit-shift-left 1 (bit-and i 63))))
(recur (+ i p)))))))
cull (fn []
(loop [i 0]
(when (<= i root-index)
(when (prime? i)
(cull-primes i))
(recur (inc i)))))]
(letfn [(next-prime [i]
(if (<= i index)
(cons (+ i i 3) (lazy-seq (next-prime (loop [i (inc i)]
(if (or (> i index)
(prime? i))
(recur (inc i)))))))))]
(when (>= n 2)
(cons 2 (when (>= n 3)
(lazy-seq (next-prime 0))))))))
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