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Console Tree Display
public readonly record struct CheckedTreeNode : ITreeNode
public ConsoleColor BackColor { get; init; }
public ConsoleColor ForeColor { get; init; }
public bool IsChecked { get; init; }
public string Text { get; init; }
public List<ITreeNode> Children { get; init; }
public CheckedTreeNode(string text, bool isChecked)
: this(text, isChecked, Console.BackgroundColor, Console.ForegroundColor)
public CheckedTreeNode(string text, bool isChecked, ConsoleColor backColor, ConsoleColor foreColor)
Text = text;
IsChecked = isChecked;
BackColor = backColor;
ForeColor = foreColor;
Children = new List<ITreeNode>();
public void Print()
var curBack = Console.BackgroundColor;
var curFore = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.BackgroundColor = BackColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = ForeColor;
Console.BackgroundColor = curBack;
Console.ForegroundColor = curFore;
public string GetText()
=> string.Format("[{0}] {1}", IsChecked ? "X" : " ", Text);
public interface ITreeNode
List<ITreeNode> Children { get; init; }
void Print();
string GetText();
public class TreeBuilder
public ITreeNode? RootNode { get; set; }
public T SetRoot<T>(T node)
where T : ITreeNode
RootNode = node;
return node;
public void Print()
if(RootNode == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(RootNode));
var rootLevel = new TreeLevel();
for(int i = 0; i < RootNode.Children.Count; i++)
AppendNode(null, i == RootNode.Children.Count - 1, RootNode.Children[i], RootNode, rootLevel);
public override string ToString()
if (RootNode == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(RootNode));
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var rootLevel = new TreeLevel();
for(int i = 0; i < RootNode.Children.Count; i++)
AppendNode(builder, i == RootNode.Children.Count - 1, RootNode.Children[i], RootNode, rootLevel);
return builder.ToString();
private void AppendNode(StringBuilder? builder, bool isParentsLastChild, ITreeNode node, ITreeNode parentNode, TreeLevel parentLevel)
var level = new TreeLevel(parentLevel, isParentsLastChild, parentNode.Children.Count == 1, true, node.Children.Count > 0);
if(builder == null)
if (level.Parent != null && isParentsLastChild)
level.BeyondLastChild = true;
level.LevelIsChild = false;
for (int i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++)
AppendNode(builder, i == node.Children.Count - 1, node.Children[i], node, level);
private class TreeLevel
private const string BEGIN_LAST_CHILD = "└── ";
private const string BEGIN_CHILD = "├── ";
private const string SUB_CHILD = "│ ";
private const string INDENTION = " ";
private const string BEYOND_CHILDREN_INDENTION = " ";
public TreeLevel? Parent;
public bool IsLastChild;
public bool BeyondLastChild;
public bool LevelHasChild;
public bool LevelIsChild;
public TreeLevel()
Parent = null;
IsLastChild = true;
LevelHasChild = false;
public TreeLevel(TreeLevel parent, bool isLastChild, bool beyondLastChild, bool levelIsChild, bool hasSubChild)
Parent = parent;
IsLastChild = isLastChild;
BeyondLastChild = beyondLastChild;
LevelIsChild = levelIsChild;
LevelHasChild = hasSubChild;
public void AppendLevel(StringBuilder? builder)
if(Parent == null)
if (IsLastChild && LevelIsChild)
AppendOrPrint(builder, BEGIN_LAST_CHILD);
else if (!IsLastChild && LevelIsChild)
AppendOrPrint(builder, BEGIN_CHILD);
else if (!BeyondLastChild && LevelHasChild)
AppendOrPrint(builder, SUB_CHILD);
else if(!BeyondLastChild)
AppendOrPrint(builder, SUB_CHILD);
AppendOrPrint(builder, INDENTION);
private void AppendOrPrint(StringBuilder? builder, string text)
if(builder == null)
public static class TreeExtensions
public static TreeNode SetRoot(this TreeBuilder builder, string rootText)
return builder.SetRoot(new TreeNode(rootText));
public static TreeNode AddChild(this ITreeNode parent, string text)
var node = new TreeNode(text);
return node;
public static CheckedTreeNode AddChild(this ITreeNode parent, string text, bool isChecked)
var node = new CheckedTreeNode(text, isChecked);
return node;
public static void AddChildren(this ITreeNode parent, IEnumerable<string> childrenText)
foreach (var child in childrenText)
AddChild(parent, child);
public readonly record struct TreeNode : ITreeNode
public ConsoleColor BackColor { get; init; }
public ConsoleColor ForeColor { get; init; }
public string Text { get; init; }
public List<ITreeNode> Children { get; init; }
public TreeNode(string text)
: this(text, Console.BackgroundColor, Console.ForegroundColor)
public TreeNode(string text, ConsoleColor backColor, ConsoleColor foreColor)
Text = text;
Children = new List<ITreeNode>();
BackColor = backColor;
ForeColor = foreColor;
public void Print()
var curBack = Console.BackgroundColor;
var curFore = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.BackgroundColor = BackColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = ForeColor;
Console.BackgroundColor = curBack;
Console.ForegroundColor = curFore;
public string GetText()
=> Text;
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