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dissertation bib file
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author = {{\AA}str{\"o}m, Karl Johan and K{\"a}llstr{\"o}m, Claes},
title = {Identification on Ship Steering Dynamics},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {1976},
volume = {12},
pages = {9–22},
month = jan,
bib = {bibtex-keys#Astrom1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Astrom1976},
file = {Astrom1976.pdf:Astrom1976.pdf:PDF},
review = {He uses a simplfied linear model of the yaw dynamics of a ship and
is interested in finding the hydrodynamic forces on the ship. He
ends up with a third order system with states: lateral velocity,
yaw rate and the heading angle as an additional state. Give a detailed
explanations of wind models and why you may be able to model them
as white noise for this system. He has a section on whether the model
is actually identifiable (i.e. can you identify all the parameters
from the provide measured time series). This is ineteresting as I'm
not sure if my bicycle controdl model has any coniditions on the
parameters it can id. The state model is not identifiable with the
rudder to heading transfer function but if you add in the sway velocity
to rudder angle transfer function, the system becomes solvable under
a single condition that turns out to be the be the same as if the
state model is controllable.
He says that the xd = Ax + Bu + w, y = Cx + Du + e is a good model
when the sensor dynamics are considerably faster thatn the system
dynamics and teh measurment errors of different sampling events are
He uses the maximum likelihood method and estimates the conditional
mean and covriance with a Kalman filter.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Astrom1976.pdf}
author = {{\AA}str{\"o}m, Karl J. and Klein, Richard E. and Lennartsson, Anders},
title = {Bicycle Dynamics and Control},
journal = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine},
year = {2005},
volume = {25},
pages = {26--47},
number = {4},
month = {August},
abstract = {This article analyzes the dynamics of bicycles from the perspective
of control. Models of different complexity are presented, starting
with simple ones and ending with more realistic models generated
from multibody software. We consider models that capture essential
behavior such as self-stabilization as well as models that demonstrate
difficulties with rear wheel steering. We relate our experiences
using bicycles in control education along with suggestions for fun
and thought-provoking experiments with proven student attraction.
Finally, we describe bicycles and clinical programs designed for
children with disabilities.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Astrom2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Astrom2005},
doi = {10.1109/MCS.2005.1499389},
file = {Astrom2005.pdf:Astrom2005.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycles, control engineering computing, control engineering education,design,
handicapped aids, nonlinear control systems, nonlinear dynamicalsystems,
position control, stability bicycle control, bicycle dynamics, clinical
programs, computer simulation, control education, disabled children,
dynamic behavior, inverted pendulum, modelling, multibody software,
nonminimum phase steering behavior, rear wheel steering difficulties,
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Shows a steer torque measurement system constructed for the UCSB instrumented
bicycle but with little extra information. They use a linear force
transducer of some sort mounted on the handlebars.
They first show the point mass model like Karnopp's 2004 model (older
ones are referenced in Meijaard2007). They stablize the steer angel
to roll angle transfer function with a negative feedback gain which
has dependence on the forward velocity.
He adds a basic model of the front fork geometry to the point mass
model, giving a relationship between steer torque input and steer
angle which is speed dependent. The roll angle to steer angle now
has a builtin negative feedback law due to the front fork geometry
and if the k2 gain is large enough (with steer torque = 0) the system
is stable. He uses this to calculat a critical velocity for stability.
Klein says you should grip the handlebars lightly to take advantage
of the bicycle self stability. This corresponds to the differences
in the Whipple model and one with arms.
Cites Wier1972 as giving 0.1s and 0.3s of nueromuscular delay in steer
torque and upper body lean, respectively.
The gyroscopic effects give rise to derivative feedback.
Claims that riders use variation in forward speed as an additional
control variable.},
timestamp = {2008.10.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Astrom2005.pdf}
author = {{\AA}str{\"o}m, Karl J. and Klein, Richard E. and Lennartsson, Anders},
title = {Bicycle Dynamics and Control},
note = {Preprint of Astrom2005},
year = {2005},
abstract = {This article analyzes the dynamics of bicycles from the perspective
of control. Models of different complexity are presented, starting
with simple ones and ending with more realistic models generated
from multibody software. We consider models that capture essential
behavior such as self-stabilization as well as models that demonstrate
difficulties with rear wheel steering. We relate our experiences
using bicycles in control education along with suggestions for fun
and thought-provoking experiments with proven student attraction.
Finally, we describe bicycles and clinical programs designed for
children with disabilities.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Astrom2005a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Astrom2005a},
doi = {10.1109/MCS.2005.1499389},
file = {Astrom2005a.pdf:Astrom2005a.pdf:PDF},
number = {4},
owner = {moorepants},
pages = {26--47},
timestamp = {2008.10.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Astrom2005a.pdf}
author = {{\AA}str{\"o}m, Karl J. and Lunze, J.},
title = {Why are we able to ride a bicycle?},
journal = {Automatisierungstechnik},
year = {2001},
volume = {49},
pages = {427--435},
number = {10},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Astrom2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Astrom2001},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {C. Adiele},
title = {Two wheeled vehicle design},
school = {Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University},
year = {1979},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Adiele1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Adiele1979},
review = {Supposedly uses Kane's equations to derive the bicycle model. Meijaard2007
say the equations are wrong.},
timestamp = {2012.02.06}
author = {Aguilera Cortés, Luz Antonio and Jáuregui de la Mota, Rafael and
González Palacios, Max
Antonio and Torres Cisneros, Miguel and Cervantes Sánchez, J. Jesús
and González Galván,
Emilio J. and Herrera May, A. Leobardo},
title = {Simulación y Control de una Suspensión Semiactiva: Caso de una Bicicleta
institution = {Acta Universitaria},
year = {2007},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cortes2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cortes2007},
file = {Cortes2007.pdf:Cortes2007.pdf:PDF},
review = {suspension dynamics of bicycles},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cortes2007.pdf}
author = {F. B. Akande and D. Ahmad and A. B. Fashina},
title = {Modelling the motion resistance of a pneumatic bicycle wheel},
booktitle = {Tillage for agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability
year = {2011},
address = {Ilorin, Nigeria},
month = {February 21--23},
organization = {International Soil Tillage Research Organization},
abstract = {The use of narrow wheels of which bicycle wheels are included have
been proven to be one of the alternative solutions to soil compaction
problems. Compaction caused by narrow wheels of higher inflation
pressure is less than that caused by wider wheels of low inflation
pressure. In this study, the motion resistance and motion resistance
ratio of 660 mm bicycle wheel on the paved surface, grass field,
tilled and wet surfaces have been measured empirically using the
developed single wheel rolling resistance test rig for traction studies
for non-lug narrow wheel. The motion resistance were measured as
the towing force in real time using the Mecmesin Basic Force Gauge
(BFG 2500). The respective effect of the dynamic load and towing
velocity on motion resistance ratios have been modelled on different
test surfaces. The mathematical modelling revealed that different
relationships exist between the motion resistance ratio and the test
variables on different test surfaces. These information will be useful
in the development and operation of simple agricultural machines
for low income farmers and the rural dwellers.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Akande2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Akande2011},
file = {Akande2011.pdf:Akande2011.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.06.13},
webpdf = {references-folder/Akande2011.pdf}
author = {Alden, R.T.H. and Qureshy, F.A.},
title = {Eigenvalue Tracking Due to Parameter Variation},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
year = {1985},
volume = {AC-30},
pages = {923--925},
number = {9},
month = {September},
abstract = {This note describes an efficient eigenvalue tracking algorithm, which
is applicable in many engineerings ystems where the effect of parameter
variation on system stability is to be determined. Starting with
the original system eigenvalues, the algorithm uses determinants
to compute first-order eigenvalue sensitivities which are used in
an iterative method that converges rapidly to the new eigenvalues
corresponding to the parameter change. The algorithm tracks all the
system eigenvalues starting from a given base case. It is shown to
be less costly than repeated eigenvalue evaluation and is illustrated
by means of a simple power system example.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Alden1985},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Alden1985},
file = {Alden1985.pdf:Alden1985.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Alden1985.pdf}
author = {F. M. L. Amirouche and R. L. Huston},
title = {Dynamics of Large Constrained Flexible Structures},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {1988},
volume = {110},
pages = {78-83},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Amirouche1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Amirouche1988},
doi = {10.1115/1.3152654},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
title = {Optimal Filtering},
publisher = {Dover Publications},
year = {1979},
author = {Anderson, Brian D. O. and Moore, John B.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Anderson1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Anderson1979},
review = {Ljung 1999 references this for good Kalman filter explanations.},
timestamp = {2011.12.08}
author = {T. P. Andriacchi and E. J. Alexander and M. K. Toney and C. Dyrby
and J. Sum},
title = {A Point Cluster Method for In Vivo Motion Analysis: applied to a
Study of Knee Kinematics},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {1998},
volume = {120},
pages = {743--749},
number = {6},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Andriacchi1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Andriacchi1998},
doi = {10.1115/1.2834888},
file = {Andriacchi1998.pdf:Andriacchi1998.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.27},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Andriacchi1998.pdf}
chapter = {10},
pages = {215--238},
title = {Flying Qualities},
year = {XXXX},
author = {Anonymous},
note = {I think is a chapter of a book from a prof at Virginia Tech},
bib = {bibtex-keys#FlyingQualities},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#FlyingQualities},
file = {FlyingQualities.pdf:FlyingQualities.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/FlyingQualities.pdf}
author = {Anonymous},
title = {International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control 1994. AVEC '94},
booktitle = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1995},
volume = {24},
number = {4--5},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Anonymous1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Anonymous1995},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Anonymous},
title = {ICTS International School of Applied Dynamics 3rd Seminar on Advanced
Vehicle System Dynamics},
booktitle = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1987},
volume = {16},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Anonymous1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Anonymous1987},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Anonymous},
title = {Motorcycle Dynamics and Rider Control},
booktitle = {SAE Special Publications},
year = {1978},
number = {SP--428},
pages = {116},
address = {Detroit, MI, USA},
month = {February--March},
organization = {SAE},
publisher = {SAE, Warrendale, PA},
note = {Ten (10) papers by various authors were presented at this session.
The subjects discussed in these papers included the following: motorcycle
steering behavior and straight line stability characteristics; lateral-directional
motorcycle dynamics; effect of frame flexibility on high weave of
motorcycles; effect of front fork flexibility on the stability of
motorcycles; measurement of braking performance; motorcycle dynamics
EM DASH fact, fiction and folklore; and riding behavior of motorcyclists
as influenced by pavement characteristics. Selected papers were abstracted
bib = {bibtex-keys#Anonymous1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Anonymous1978},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Anonymous},
title = {The Human Pilot},
institution = {United States Navy Bureau of Aeronautics},
year = {1954},
number = {AE-61-4 III},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Anon1954},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Anon1954},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2011.01.03}
author = {Antonov, S. and Fehn, A. and Kugi, A.},
title = {Unscented Kalman filter for vehicle state estimation},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2011},
volume = {49},
pages = {1497-1520},
number = {9},
abstract = { Vehicle dynamics control (VDC) systems require information about
system variables, which cannot be directly measured, e.g. the wheel
slip or the vehicle side-slip angle. This paper presents a new concept
for the vehicle state estimation under the assumption that the vehicle
is equipped with the standard VDC sensors. It is proposed to utilise
an unscented Kalman filter for estimation purposes, since it is based
on a numerically efficient nonlinear stochastic estimation technique.
A planar two-track model is combined with the empiric Magic Formula
in order to describe the vehicle and tyre behaviour. Moreover, an
advanced vertical tyre load calculation method is developed that
additionally considers the vertical tyre stiffness and increases
the estimation accuracy. Experimental tests show good accuracy and
robustness of the designed vehicle state estimation concept. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Antonov2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Antonov2011},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2010.527994},
eprint = {},
file = {Antonov2011.pdf:Antonov2011.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Antonov2011.pdf}
author = {Pavel Antos and Jorge Ambr\'{o}sio},
title = {A Control Strategy for Vehicle Trajectory Tracking Using Multibody
journal = {Multibody System Dynamics},
year = {2004},
volume = {11},
pages = {365--394},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Antos2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Antos2004},
file = {Antos2004.pdf:Antos2004.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Antos2004.pdf}
author = {A. Aoki},
title = {Effectiveness of the Basic Model for Motorcycle Dynamics},
journal = {JSME Journal Series C},
year = {1999},
volume = {65},
pages = {110--116},
number = {636},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Aoki1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Aoki1999},
file = {Aoki1999.pdf:Aoki1999.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Aoki1999.pdf}
author = {Akira Aoki},
title = {Experimental Study on Motorcycle Steering Performance},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1979},
month = {February},
note = {SAE Paper 790265},
abstract = {A study of the lateral motion of motorcycles has been conducted through
experiments on four large motorcycles of Japanese manufacture. A
total of five experimental procedures were applied to straight or
nearly straight running conditions and curve running conditions,
and the results of each experiment were arranged by frequency response
function in terms of input and output.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Aoki1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Aoki1979},
file = {Aoki1979.pdf:Aoki1979.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Aoki1979.pdf}
author = {Aoki, Akira and Katayama, Tsuyoshi and Nishimi, Tomoo and Okayama,
title = {Effects of Rider's Vibrational Characteristics on Straight-Running
Stability of Motorcycles},
journal = {Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C},
year = {1999},
volume = {65},
pages = {2294-2301},
number = {634},
note = {Japanese},
abstract = {A six-degree-of-freedom model and a twelve-degree-of freedom model
incorporating a rider's vibrational characteristics have been developed.
The models include a mechanical model of the rider's body which consists
of a leaning motion of the upper body and a lateral movement of the
lower body. Damping properties and natural frequencies of weave and
wobble modes were calculated using these models. Conclusions are
drawn about effects of the rider's vibrational characteristics on
the stability of motorcycles during straight running from the calculations
in the six degree of freedom model. Implications for accurate modeling
of motorcycle stability are derived from differences between the
calculations in the twelve-degree-of-freedom model and running experiments.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Aoki1999a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Aoki1999a},
file = {Aoki1999a.pdf:Aoki1999a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {03875024},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Aoki1999a.pdf}
author = {P. W. Arnberg and T. Tyden},
title = {Stability and maneuverability performance of different types of bicycles},
year = {1974},
number = {45 A},
bib = {bibtex-keys#ArnbergTyden1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#ArnbergTyden1974}
author = {David Arndt and James E. Bobrow and Steven Peters and Karl Iagnemma
and Steven Dubowsky},
title = {Self-Balancing Control of a Four Wheeled Vehicle},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Arndt2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Arndt2009},
file = {Arndt2009.pdf:Arndt2009.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Arndt2009.pdf}
author = {I. L. Ashkenas},
title = {Twenty-Five Years of Handling Qualities Research},
journal = {J. of Aircraft},
year = {1984},
volume = {21},
pages = {289--301},
number = {5},
note = {STI-P-323},
abstract = {This paper reflects on 25 years (or more) of handling quality research
and shares with the reader some of the author's resulting experiences
and thoughts. When reaching back so far and considering all that
has been accomplished, there are many facets of handling or flying
qualities which could be covered and considered. However, the author
chooses to limit discussion to those aspects concerned with the theory
of handling qualities, in turn relating to closed-loop, pilot-vehicle,
frequency-domain analysis and its application to handling and flight
control problems. This is not to deny other aspects of handling qualities
research which are beyond the scope of this limited exposition, such
as: ground and in flight simulation; rating systems; optimal control
operator models; workload concepts; and data collection and codification.
Rather, it is to emphasize those aspects that the author is personally
most familiar with, and which stress the design guidance role of
handling qualities theory and practice. This has always been important
and it is especially important now because of increasing dependence
on sophisticated flight control systems which can completely alter
the way an airplane responds to the pilot's inputs. In fact, handling
quality research has recently come up for its share of criticism
as being inadequate to cope with some of today's design problems.
For example, Berry, in a recent article in Astronautics and Aeronautics
and Gibson, in a paper before the AGARD Conference in Fort Worth,
both decried the fact that there have been a rash of generic handling
problems associated with high-performance aircraft having sophisticated
flight control systems, and that such systems have not always reached
their full potential to provide handling qualities superior to much
simpler aircraft of the past. Against this background, first to be
discussed are the basic aspects of handling or flying qualities and
some of the early design problems that were solved; then, the growth
of handling qualities theory in response to design demands; and,
finally, how that theory has been applied and expanded over the years
to become a valuable tool, especially useful in coping with new situations
such as those that seem to be occurring almost daily.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ashkenas1984},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ashkenas1984},
file = {Ashkenas1984.pdf:Ashkenas1984.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ashkenas1984.pdf}
author = {K.J. Åström},
title = {Maximum likelihood and prediction error methods},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {1980},
volume = {16},
pages = {551 - 574},
number = {5},
abstract = {The basic ideas behind the parameter estimation methods are discussed
in a general setting. The application to estimation or parameters
in dynamical systems is treated in detail using the prototype problem
of estimating parameters in a continuous time system using discrete
time measurements. Computational aspects are discussed. Theoretical
results in consistency, asymptotic normality and efficiency are covered.
Model validation and selection of model structures are discussed.
An example is given which illustrates some properties of the methods
and shows the usefulness of interactive computing. Additional examples
illustrate what happens when the data has different artefacts.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Astrom1980},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Astrom1980},
doi = {10.1016/0005-1098(80)90078-3},
file = {Astrom1980.pdf:Astrom1980.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0005-1098},
keywords = {Computer-aided design},
review = {The Maximum Likelihood Method for system id is described. It if formulated
generally for a system of general set of parameters to identify.
It is a general enough method to work with a wide variety of system
id models. Seems like the method can either always be formulated
as a least squares problem or has some direct relationship for the
kinds of problems we do in engineering. The conditional meana nd
covariance for a general problem is calculated usign a Kalman filter.
I feel like this part is needed to help me with my human remnant
issues, but the Kalman equations are presented explicity with little
explanation, only cited Kalman's work. Some of the notes about application
are interesting to me: the bad effect outliers often has on sys id
efforts, bias can cause issues, time delays, etc.},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Astrom1980.pdf}
author = {G. Douglas Baldwin},
title = {Open Source Multibody Aeroelastic Modeling, Simulation, and Video
booktitle = {Multibody Dynamics: An ECCOMAS Thematic Conference},
year = {2009},
abstract = {Multibody simulation and video animation are both powerful tools for
analyzing, communicating, and promoting advanced vertical flight
concepts. By combining these two activities, the rendered videos
have the credibility of being physics based, and the multibody simulation
results can be presented in a real world setting. This paper reports
on the integration of two complimentary open source tools to create
a general purpose multibody modeling, simulation, and video rendering
environment that can be used for real-time pilot-in-the-loop or batch
mode simulation and analysis. The two free open source tools that
were integrated are MBDyn and Blender.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Baldwin2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Baldwin2009},
file = {Baldwin2009.pdf:Baldwin2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - This guy uses some cool scripts that combine MBDyn and Blender
to do beautiful animations of dynamics. He even has "real time" control.},
timestamp = {2009.07.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Baldwin2009.pdf}
author = {Baslamisli, S. \c{C}a\v{g}lar and K\"{o}se, \.{I}. Emre and Anla\c{s},
title = {Gain-scheduled integrated active steering and differential control
for vehicle handling improvement},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2009},
volume = {47},
pages = {99--119},
number = {1},
abstract = {This paper presents a gain-scheduled active steering control and active
differential design method to preserve vehicle stability in extreme
handling situations. A new formulation of the bicycle model in which
tyre slip angles, longitudinal slips and vehicle forward speed appear
as varying vehicle parameters is introduced. Such a model happens
to be useful in the design of vehicle dynamics controllers scheduled
by vehicle parameters: after having expressed the parametric bicycle
model in the parametric descriptor form, gain-scheduled active steering
and differential controllers are designed to improve vehicle handling
at ‘large’ driver-commanded steering angles. Simulations reveal
the efficiency of the selected modelling and controller design methodology
in enhancing vehicle handling capacity during cornering on roads
with varying adhesion coefficient and under variable speed operation.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Baslamisli2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Baslamisli2009},
file = {Baslamisli2009.pdf:Baslamisli2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Car "bicycle" model!},
timestamp = {2009.04.01},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Baslamisli2009.pdf}
author = {Baslamisli, S. \c{C}a\v{g}lar and Polat, \.{I}. and K\"{o}se, \.{I}.
title = {Gain Scheduled Active Steering Control Based on a Parametric Bicycle
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium},
year = {2007},
pages = {1168--1173},
abstract = {This paper presents a gain scheduled active steering control design
method to preserve vehicle stability in extreme handling situations.
It is shown that instead of the classical linear tire model based
on expressing cornering force proportional to tire sideslip angle,
a simple rational model with validity extending beyond the linear
regime of the tire may be considered. This results in a new formulation
of the bicycle model in which tire sideslip angles and vehicle forward
speed appear as time-varying parameters. Such a model happens to
be useful in the design of controllers scheduled by tire sideslip
angles: after having expressed the parametric bicycle model in the
parametric descriptor form, a gain scheduled active steering controller
is designed in this study to improve vehicle handling at "large"
driver commanded steering angles. Simulations reveal the efficiency
of the selected modeling and controller design methodology in enhancing
vehicle handling capacity during cornering on roads with high and
low adhesion coefficient.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Baslamisli2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Baslamisli2007},
doi = {10.1109/IVS.2007.4290276},
file = {Baslamisli2007.pdf:Baslamisli2007.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1931-0587},
keywords = {control system synthesis, road vehicles, stability, steering systems,
time-varying systems, vehicle dynamics, gain scheduled active steering
control design, parametric bicycle model, rational model, time-varying
parameter, tire sideslip angle, vehicle forward speed, vehicle handling
capacity, vehicle stability},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {This is the car "bicycle" model!},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Baslamisli2007.pdf}
author = {{Bassett Jr.}, David R. and Pucher, John and Buehler, Ralph and Thomason,
Dixie L. and Crouter, Scott E.},
title = {Walking, Cycling, and Obesity Rates in Europe, North America, and
journal = {Journal of Physical Activity and Health},
year = {2008},
volume = {5},
pages = {795--814},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bassett2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bassett2008},
file = {Bassett2008.pdf:Bassett2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Luke},
timestamp = {2008.12.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Bassett2008.pdf}
author = {Basu-Mandal, P. and Chatterjee, A. and Papadopoulos, J.},
title = {Hands-Free Circular Motions of a Benchmark Bicycle},
note = {A pre-print provided by the authors.},
year = {2006},
abstract = {We write nonlinear equations of motion for an idealized benchmark
bicycle in two different ways and verify their validity. We then
present a complete description of handsfree circular motions. Three
distinct families exist. (i) A handlebar-forward family, starting
from capsize bifurcation off straight-line motion and ending in unstable
static equilibrium, with the frame perfectly upright and the front
wheel almost perpendicular. (ii) A handlebar-reversed family, starting
again from capsize bifurcation but ending with the front wheel again
steered straight, the bicycle spinning infinitely fast in small circles
while lying flat in the ground plane. (iii) Lastly, a family joining
a similar flat spinning motion (with handlebar forward), to a handlebar-reversed
limit, circling in dynamic balance at infinite speed, with the frame
near upright and the front wheel almost perpendicular; the transition
between handlebar forward and reversed is through moderate-speed
circular pivoting, with the rear wheel not rotating and the bicycle
virtually upright. Small sections of two families are stable.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Basu-Mandal2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Basu-Mandal2006},
keywords = {bicycle dynamics, circular motions},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.09}
author = {Basu-Mandal, Pradipta and Chatterjee, Anindya and Papadopoulos, Jim
title = {Hands-free circular motions of a benchmark bicycle},
journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
year = {2007},
volume = {463},
pages = {1983--2003},
number = {2084},
month = {August},
abstract = {We write nonlinear equations of motion for an idealized benchmarkbicycle
in two different ways and verify their validity. We then present
a complete description of hands-free circular motions. Three distinct
families exist. (i) A handlebar-forward family, starting from capsize
bifurcation off straight-line motion and ending in unstable static
equilibrium, with the frame perfectly upright and the front wheel
almost perpendicular. (ii) A handlebar-reversed family, starting
again from capsize bifurcation but ending with the front wheel again
steered straight, the bicycle spinning infinitely fast in small circles
while lying flat in the ground plane. (iii) Lastly, a family joining
a similar flat spinning motion (with handlebar forward), to a handlebar-reversed
limit, circling in dynamic balance at infinite speed, with the frame
near upright and the front wheel almost perpendicular; the transition
between handlebar forward and reversed is through moderate-speed
circular pivoting, with the rear wheel not rotating and the bicycle
virtually upright. Small sections of two families are stable.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Basu-Mandal2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Basu-Mandal2007},
file = {Basu-Mandal2007.pdf:Basu-Mandal2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Luke},
timestamp = {2008.10.27},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Basu-Mandal2007.pdf}
title = {Mechanical Measurements},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.},
year = {1990},
author = {Thomas G. Beckwith and Roy Marangoni},
edition = {Fourth},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Beckwith1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Beckwith1990},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.02.22}
author = {Berriah, S. and Lachiver, G.},
title = {Control of equilibrium and trajectory of a remotely controlled bicycle},
booktitle = {Engineering Solutions for the Next Millennium. 1999 IEEE Canadian
Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering},
year = {1999},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Berriah1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Berriah1999},
file = {Berriah1999.pdf:Berriah1999.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Google translate of the conclusion:
A bicycle is an unmanned system that is inherently unstable and its
remote control is impossible without the existence of an embedded
It was in this spirit that a digital controller was developed to monitor
the human pilot. The pilot and the controller is a single entity.
A subsumption architecture style was developed in the heart of it
a fuzzy controller can monitor the balance of the bike as it moves.
The fuzzy controller is constructed starting from the identification
of a servo adjustable gain control which allowed a stable bike.
Other notes from Ryan reading it and telling me what it meant:
- They did build the prototype of the model.
- A rate gyro measure roll rate.
- They compare the output of their fuzzy controller model with the
actual output of the servo motor driven with the model for a good
- They show some time history traces of the servo motor, gyro, and
speed, but I'm not sure this was during an actual stablization run
or if it was just bench testing. I think it was bench testing.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Berriah1999.pdf}
author = {R. Berritta and L. Mitolo},
title = {Evaluation of motorcycle performance in “U” turn test using multibody
code LMS DADS},
year = {2002},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Berritta2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Berritta2002},
file = {Berritta2002.pdf:Berritta2002.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Berritta2002.pdf}
author = {Michael J. Berry and Timothy R. Koves and John J. Benedetto},
title = {The influence of speed, grade and mass during simulated off road
journal = {Applied Ergonomics},
year = {2000},
volume = {31},
pages = {531--536},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Berry2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Berry2000},
file = {Berry2000.pdf:Berry2000.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Berry2000.pdf}
author = {Igo Besselink and Tjalling Veldhuizen and Henk Nijmeijer},
title = {Improving Yaw Dynamics by Feedforward Rear Wheel Steering},
booktitle = {2008 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium},
year = {2008},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Besselink2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Besselink2008},
file = {Besselink2008.pdf:Besselink2008.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Besselink2008.pdf}
author = {A. V. Beznos and A. M. Formal'sky and E. V. Gurfinkel and D. Jicharev
and A. V. Lensky and K. V. Savitsky and L.S. Tchesalin},
title = {Control of autonomous motion of two-wheel bicycle with gyroscopic
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation},
year = {1998},
pages = {2670--2675},
address = {Leuven, Belgium},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Beznos1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Beznos1998},
file = {Beznos1998.pdf:Beznos1998.pdf:PDF},
review = {robot},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Beznos1998.pdf}
author = {Bianchi},
title = {2007 Bianchi Pista Specifications},
howpublished = {},
month = {July},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bianchi2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bianchi2009},
file = {Bianchi2009.pdf:Bianchi2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.07.21},
webpdf = {references-folder/Bianchi2009.pdf}
author = {BicyRobo},
title = {BicyRobo Thailand Championship},
howpublished = {World Wide Web},
year = {2011},
note = {},
timestamp = {2012.08.08},
url = {}
author = {Biral, F. and Bortoluzzi, D. and Cossalter, V. and Lio, M.},
title = {Experimental Study of Motorcycle Transfer Functions for Evaluating
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics
and Mobility},
year = {2003},
volume = {39},
pages = {1-25},
number = {1},
abstract = {Summary The transfer functions of a motorcycle, especially that between
roll angle and steering torque, qualify input-output characteristics
- that is, motion produced as a function of steering torque - and
are closely related to ease of use and handling. This paper describes
the measurement of the transfer functions of a typical sports motorcycle,
resulting from data collected in slalom tests. These functions are
then compared to analytical transfer functions derived from known
models in the literature. The comparison shows fair to good agreement.
Lastly, the formation of steering torque is analysed and the observed
transfer functions are interpreted in this framework. It is shown
that gyroscopic effects are mostly responsible for the lag between
steering torque and roll angle, and that there is a velocity for
which the various terms that combine to form steering torque cancel
each other out, yielding a ‘maximum gain condition' for torque to
roll transfer function which drivers rated ‘good handling'.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Biral2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Biral2003},
doi = {10.1076/vesd.},
file = {Biral2003.pdf:Biral2003.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {steer torque, slalom},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - Biral et al. designed a custom steer torque measurement system
using a cantilever beam. They don't specifically discuss the cross
talk, but do mention that they use a half-bridge strain gauge. This
design seems that it could be susceptible to cross talk from the
forces applied to the handlebars by the rider. But they also report
experimental values for torque that match model predictions very
well. The measure torques from -20 to 20 Nm for a slalom maneuver
at 13 m/s.
They computed roll angle by integrating their roll rate measurements.
To account for drift the motorcycle travel on straight sections at
the beginning and end of each run.
They ran the motorcycle through slaloms and examined the very sinosodial
data during the slalom part of the maneuver. They did a variety of
slaloms by changing cone spacing and varying the motorcycles speed.
This gave data points at multiple frequencies. Speeds ranged from
2.5 to 27.2 m/s. (Their example graph is at 40 m/s??) The cone spacing
was 7m, 14m, and 21m.
They do not account for the inertial affects of the handlebars.
They compare three experimental and three model tranfer functions
(they use both one of Sharp's models and one of Lot's). Sharp's 1971
model is one of the earlier motorcycl models and the Lot one is more
modern with extra stuff added in. These are interesting Bode plots
because they aren't plotted for a constant speed, but for constant
cone spacing. Since cone spacing is proportional to frequency with
respect to speed you can make these plots. This is good because it
is difficult to do experiments at exact repeatable speeds. They point
out that there is a peak torque to roll angle amplitude ratio at
about 7 m/s for all cone spacings. They also say that the riders
give better handling ratings at this speed.
The steer angle to yaw rate transfer function is quite linear until
speeds where sideslip starts to matter. The linear part slope only
depends on wheelbase and cone spacing.
The Lot model seems to fit generally better than the Sharp model,
though both fit pretty well (by eye). It would be great if they provided
some statisics on how well the fits were. They could have also done
this with system id techniques instead of fitting sinusoids to the
They use a Nyquist plot to show why there is a "large" descrepancy
in the phase of the roll/steer torque transfer function 7m graph.
It just happens that the path of the experimental data passes through
an opposite quadrant as the theorectical, so the phase has drastic
change. But they are actually similar.
Lot's model seems to be all numerical.
They talk a bit about the contributions to steering torque and how
the tires are biggest contributor.
They point out that fitting a sinusoid to a non-linear simulation
and plotting the point just as they did with experimental data it
doesn't fall on the linear Bode plot line. Some of the error is explained
by there fitting procedure and using a linear model.},
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Biral2003.pdf}
author = {F. Biral and R. Lot and R. Sartori and A. Borin and B. Roessler†},
title = {An intelligent Frontal Collision Warning system for Motorcycles},
booktitle = {Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2010 Symposium on the Dynamics and
Control of Single Track Vehicles},
year = {2010},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
month = {October},
organization = {TU Delft},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Biral2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Biral2010},
file = {Biral2010.pdf:Biral2010.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {advanced rider assistance systems, frontal collision warning, optimal
preview manoeuvre, motorcycle},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.04.25},
webpdf = {references-folder/Biral2010.pdf}
author = {J{\o}rgen Bj{\o}rnstrup},
title = {Estimation of Human Body Segment Parameters - Historical Background},
year = {1995},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bjornstrup1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bjornstrup1995},
file = {Bjornstrup1995.pdf:Bjornstrup1995.pdf:PDF},
webpdf = {references-folder/Bjornstrup1995.pdf}
author = {L. Bjermeland},
title = {Modeling, simulation and control system design for an autonomous
school = {Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bjermeland2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bjermeland2006}
title = {Tricks Of A Two-Wheeler -- `Look, Ma, No Hands' Not As Tough As It
year = {1999},
organization = {The Washington Post},
month = {August},
author = {Louis A. Bloomfield},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bloomfield1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bloomfield1999},
file = {Bloomfield1999.pdf:Bloomfield1999.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Bloomfield1999.pdf}
author = {Ivo Boniolo and Stefano Corbetta and Sergio M. Savaresi},
title = {Attitude estimation of a motorcycle in a Kalman filtering framework},
booktitle = {6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control},
year = {2010},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Boniolo2010a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Boniolo2010a},
file = {Boniolo2010a.pdf:Boniolo2010a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Boniolo2010a.pdf}
author = {Ivo Boniolo and Michele Norgia and Mara Tanelli and Cesare Svelto
and Sergio M. Savaresi},
title = {Performance analysis of an optical distance sensor for roll angle
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th World Congress The International Federation
of Automatic Control},
year = {2008},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Boniolo2008a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Boniolo2008a},
file = {Boniolo2008a.pdf:Boniolo2008a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Boniolo2008a.pdf}
author = {Ivo Boniolo and Sergio M Savaresi},
title = {Motorcycle lean angle estimation with frequency separation principle
and angular rates measurements},
booktitle = {6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control},
year = {2010},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Boniolo2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Boniolo2010},
file = {Boniolo2010.pdf:Boniolo2010.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Boniolo2010.pdf}
author = {Boniolo, I. and Savaresi, S. M. and Tanelli, M.},
title = {Roll angle estimation in two-wheeled vehicles},
journal = {IET Control Theory and Applications},
year = {2009},
volume = {3},
pages = {20-32},
number = {1},
month = {January},
abstract = {An innovative method for estimating the roll angle in two-wheeled
vehicles is proposed. The roll angle is a crucial variable in the
dynamics of two-wheeled vehicles, since it greatly affects the behaviour
of the tire-road contact forces. Hence, the capability of providing
in real time a reliable measure of such quantity allows us to evaluate
the dynamic properties of the vehicle and its tyres, and represents
the enabling technology for the design of advanced braking, traction
and stability control systems. The method proposed is based on a
low-cost sensor configuration, suitable for industrial purposes.
The validity of the proposed approach is assessed in a multi-body
motorbike simulator environment and also on an instrumented test
affiliation = {Boniolo, I (Reprint Author), Politecn Milan, Dipartimento Elettr \&
Informaz, Piazza L da Vinci 32, I-20133 Milan, Italy. {[}Boniolo,
I.; Savaresi, S. M.; Tanelli, M.] Politecn Milan, Dipartimento Elettr
\& Informaz, I-20133 Milan, Italy. {[}Tanelli, M.] Univ Bergamo,
Dipartimento Ingn Informaz \& Metodi Matemat, I-24044 Dalmine, BG,
author-email = {[email protected]},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Boniolo2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Boniolo2009},
doc-delivery-number = {400KB},
doi = {10.1049/iet-cta:20080052},
file = {Boniolo2009.pdf:Boniolo2009.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1751-8644},
journal-iso = {IET Contr. Theory Appl.},
keywords = {roll angle},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {30},
owner = {Luke},
review = {JKM - These guys propose two methods to estimate the roll angle of
the motorcycle using only gyros and vehicle speed: ``speed-based''
and``gyro-base''. The ``speed-based'' approach seems like it could
be appropriate for our project, as it only requires measuring the
roll and yaw body fixed rates and the wheel rate. The gyro-based
is more detailed to incorporate the slope and bank angle of the roads,
which we will not need. The accuracy of the method isn't super high,
definitely not compared to measuring the roll angle with a mechanical
device or maybe even motion capture. They say the peak estimation
errors for roll angle are 5 degrees. They split the rate measurements
into high and low frequency components because the low frequency
contains the DC drift noise. A parameter is chosen for the low pass
filter as low as possible to split the frequency signals. The high
frequency estimated versus laser measured had a 0.05 error-to-signal
ratio. They use a force balance equation (12) and warping function
to estimate the low freq roll angle component. They tuned the warping
function by performing steady state cornering tests and using system
ID tools to fit a curve. The gyro-based rate is used to include road
slope and bank angle. If the accuracy of 5 percent is good enough
for our measurements this may be a good way to do things, but it
requires having a way to measure roll angle of the bike for calibration
purposes. This could be done by borrowing some distance lasers, using
motion capture or building a mechical roll angle measurement device
in the lab.
Other things to note:
- they claim that there are drive-by-wire motorcycles, should look
this up
- check out SAFEBIKE
- look up more info on IMUs-Inertial Measurement systems
- they used 4 one-axis gyros with a 10hz cutoff frequency
- they used a 100-step encoder wheel for wheel rate measurement
- they claim the laser sensors' measurement error is on average less
than 1 degree
- they adjusted for misalignment in mounting the gyros by riding straight
for 10s to calibrate
- equation 15 shows how the roll angle is different for tordial tires
- they should have taken better care to align the gyros properly
DLP -- Two optical distance sensors were mounted to the rear passenger
foot pegs, so that lean angle can be determined by the formula phi
= arctan( (z_1 - z_2) / L), where $z_1$ and $z_2$ are the distance
readings from either sensor to the ground, and L is the constant
distance between the two sensors. Pitching motions of the frame would
affect this measurement although this effect would only be second
order. For the large lean angles obtained by a motorcycle, $50^\circ
- 55^\circ$, it seems like the pitching motion would be non negligble.
Additionally, four single axis rate gyroscopes were mounted to the
main frame of the motorcycle. The details of how they were mounted
and aligned is not mentioned, but presumably the had one aligned
with the longitudinal axis (to measure roll rate) and one with the
vertical axis (to measure yaw rate), both when the motorcycle is
in the upright zero steer configuration. The other two rate gyros
were aligned with axes that were initially aligned with the yaw measurement
axis, then rotated $\pm45^\circ$ about the longitudinal axis. These
additional gyroscopes were used in their alternative LF roll angle
estimation method.\\
I wonder why the complete kinematic differential equations of the
motorcycle are not used to integrate and determine the actual coordinates.
If the $u_i = \omega^D \cdot d_i$, where $d_i$ are the three body
fixed coordinates ($d_2$ out of plane of symmetry, $d_3$ aligned
with steer axis, $d_1 = d_2 \times d_3$) of the bicycle frame, then
the kinematic differential equations are:\\
$\dot{q}_1=-(s_3/c_2) u_1 + (c_3/c_2) u_3$\\
$\dot{q}_2=c_3 u_1 + s_3 u_3$\\
$\dot{q}_3=s_3 t_2 u_1 + u_2 - c_3 t_2 u_3$\\
Where $q_1$ is the yaw, $q_2$ is the roll, and $q_3$ is the pitch.
I guess probably the linearization is plenty accurate and the nonlinear
equations needn't be used, especially for the roll angle differential
equation. For the yaw angle differential equation, it seems like
you could safely linearize in pitch, but maybe not lean. I wonder
if drift in the estimated roll angle could be due to kinematic approximations
such as these.\\
The filter they used was a digital low pass filter with unity gain
at DC (s=0 <==> z=1): $(1-a) / (1 - a/z)$. The signal from the gyroscope
was filtered, then subtracted the original to determine the high
frequency component of roll rate, which was then integrated to estimate
roll angle. One confusing thing that is not mentioned is that the
optical sensor measures distance, and they talk about the high frequency
component of the true roll angle as measured by the optical encoder,
but they don't say if they used the exact same procedure with the
*roll angle from the optical sensors* as they did with the *roll
angle RATE from the rate gyroscope* -- i.e., did they just filter
the roll angle signal from the optical sensors and then subtract
it from the original roll angle in order to determine the HF "true"
roll angle? Also missing from the paper was an analog to figure 10
for the LF component from both the optical sensors and the rate gyros.\\
The exact sensors they used were never mentioned. This would be nice
and we should contact them to find this out.\\},
subject-category = {Automation \& Control Systems; Engineering, Electrical \& Electronic;
Instruments \& Instrumentation},
times-cited = {0},
timestamp = {2009.03.06},
type = {Article},
unique-id = {ISI:000262865400002},
webpdf = {references-folder/Boniolo2009.pdf}
author = {Boniolo, I. and Tanelli, M. and Savaresi, S.M.},
title = {Roll angle estimation in two-wheeled vehicles},
booktitle = {17th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Part
of 2008 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control},
year = {2008},
pages = {31-36},
address = {San Antonio, Texas, USA},
month = {September},
abstract = {In this work an innovative method for estimating the roll angle in
two-wheeled vehicles is proposed. The capability of providing in
real time a reliable measure of such quantity allows to evaluate
the dynamic properties of the vehicle and its tires and represents
the enabling technology for the design of advanced ABS systems and
stability control systems. The method proposed in this work is based
on a low-cost sensor configuration, suitable for industrial purposes.
The validity of the proposed approach is assessed in a multi-body
simulator environment and on an instrumented test vehicle.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Boniolo2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Boniolo2008},
doi = {10.1109/CCA.2008.4629599},
file = {Boniolo2008.pdf:Boniolo2008.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1085-1992},
journal = {Control Applications, 2008. CCA 2008. IEEE International Conference
keywords = {braking, control system synthesis, road vehicles, stability, vehicle
dynamicsABS system design, antilock braking system, instrumented
test vehicle, low-cost sensor configuration, multibody simulator
environment, roll angle estimation, stability control system design,
two-wheeled vehicle dynamics},
webpdf = {references-folder/Boniolo2008.pdf}
author = {D. Bortoluzzi and A. Doria and R. Lot},
title = {Experimental investigation and simulation of motorcycle turning performance},
booktitle = {3rd International Motorcycle Conference},
year = {2000},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bortoluzzi2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bortoluzzi2000},
file = {Bortoluzzi2000.pdf:Bortoluzzi2000.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {steer torque},
review = {They identify the fact that you may have to use a positive or a negative
steering torque to maintain a turn.
Similar description of the steer torque measurement system as in Biral2003.},
timestamp = {2012.01.11},
webpdf = {references-folder/Bortoluzzi2000.pdf}
author = {Bourlet, C.},
title = {Etude theorique sur la bicyclette},
journal = {Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France},
year = {1899},
volume = {27},
pages = {47-67},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bourlet1899},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bourlet1899},
file = {Bourlet1899.pdf:Bourlet1899.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.10.26},
webpdf = {references-folder/Bourlet1899.pdf}
author = {Bower, George S.},
title = {Steering and Stability of Single-Track Vehicles},
journal = {The Automobile Engineer},
year = {1915},
volume = {5},
pages = {280--283},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bower1915},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bower1915},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
title = {Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control},
publisher = {Prentice Hall},
year = {1994},
editor = {Jerome Grant},
author = {George E. P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins and Gregory C. Reinsel},
edition = {Third},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Box1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Box1994},
review = {Chapter 2
auto: as relates to itself. What is the variance of time series data
points with respect to themselves?
Autocovariance and autocorrelatoin are related by the stationary variance
of the stochasitc process. Both give an idea of how the time series
data are correlated to data k time steps away.
Use these spectrum calcs for frequency views of the time series. The
sample spectrum is the Fourier cosine transform of the estimate of
teh autocovariance function but this isn't very useful. So the power
spectrum is computed as the sample size goes to infinity. The power
spectrum is the Fourier cosine transform of the autocovariance function.
The spectral density is the spectrum on the autocorrelations instead
of the autocovariances. The spectrums are mathematically equivalent
to the autocovarainces and autocorrelations, but provide a different
timestamp = {2012.02.10}
author = {Thomas F. Boyd and R. R. Neptune and M. L. Hull},
title = {Pedal and knee loads using a multi-degree-of-freedom pedal platform
in cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1997},
volume = {30},
pages = {505 - 511},
number = {5},
abstract = {To provide a scientific basis for the design of bicycle pedals which
possibly alleviate over-use knee injuries, two hypotheses were tested
in the present study. The two hypotheses were: (1) that the three-dimensional
pedal constraint loads; and (2) that the three-dimensional intersegmental
knee loads would be reduced more significantly by a foot/pedal platform
allowing both adduction/abduction and inversion/eversion rotations
simultaneously than by a platform which allowed either rotation individually.
To test these hypotheses, pedal load and lower limb kinematic data
were collected from 10 subjects who pedaled with four pedal platforms
which allowed zero, one, and two degrees of freedom. A number of
quantities describing both pedal loads and intersegmental knee loads
was computed for each of the four pedal platforms using a previously
reported biomechanical model. The quantities included the positive
and negative extremes, averages, and areas, as well as the total
absolute area and RMS. Quantities were compared using analysis of
variance techniques. The key results were that there were significant
reductions in the coupled nondriving moments at the pedal for the
dual-rotation platform compared to each of the single-rotation cases.
The significant reductions in the coupled moments at the pedal were
not manifest at the knee. However, a general nonsignificant reduction
in both coupled knee moments was evident. Also, the valgus knee moment
was significantly reduced by the dual-rotation platform compared
to the inversion/eversion only design. Although the axial knee moment
was not significantly reduced by the dual-rotation platform over
the adduction/abduction design, there was a general nonsignificant
reduction. The lack of significance in knee load results occurred
because of high intersubject variability. Accordingly, load reduction
benefits made by introducing the second degree of freedom need to
be considered individually.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Boyd1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Boyd1997},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(96)00152-2},
file = {Boyd1997.pdf:Boyd1997.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
keywords = {Cycling},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Boyd1997.pdf}
author = {Snorre Eskeland Brekke},
title = {Autonomous Bicycle},
school = {Norwegian University of Science and Technology},
year = {2010},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Brekke2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Brekke2010},
file = {Brekke2010.pdf:Brekke2010.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Brekke2010.pdf}
author = {Bridges, P. and Russell, J. B.},
title = {The Effect of Topboxes on Motorcycle Stability},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1987},
volume = {16},
pages = {345--354},
number = {5--6},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bridges1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bridges1987},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Brok},
title = {A SimMechanics motorcycle tyre model for real time purposes},
school = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Brok2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Brok2009},
file = {Brok2009.pdf:Brok2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.10.28},
webpdf = {references-folder/Brok2009.pdf}
author = {Theodore J. Buehler},
title = {Fifty Years of Bicycle Policy in Davis, CA},
school = {University of California, Davis},
year = {2007},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Buehler2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Buehler2007},
file = {Buehler2007.pdf:Buehler2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Buehler2007.pdf}
author = {Frank Bullen and Sean Wilkinson},
title = {Bicycle Accidents Caused By Steering Instability},
institution = {The Federal Office of Road Safety, Australia},
year = {2001},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Bullen2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Bullen2001},
file = {Bullen2001.pdf:Bullen2001.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Bullen2001.pdf}
author = {S. M. Cain and N. C. Perkins},
title = {Comparison of a Bicycle Steady-State Turning Model to Experimental
booktitle = {Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2010 Symposium on the Dynamics and
Control of Single Track Vehicles},
year = {2010},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
month = {October},
organization = {TU Delft},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cain2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cain2010},
file = {Cain2010.pdf:Cain2010.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {instrumented bicycle, steady turning, rider lean, steering torque.
steer torque sensor},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Shows that including some sort of tire model doesnt' improve the results
Steering torque sensor: A torque sensor (Transducer Techniques SWS-20)
was installed inside the steer tube. Mounting in angular contact
bearings was done to isolated only steer torque (remove crosstalk
from other loads). Calibrated it themselves with known masses. The
sensor stiffness was 4.97 n-m/deg. Amplified and sampled at 1000hz.
The design may remove crosstalk from axial loading but the cross
talk from all other bending moments seems like it could still be
there. It isn't that great of an isolation of the steer torque.
Measured steer angle with optical encoder, rear wheel speed with a
reed swith and single magnet on the wheel. He measure the frame rates
and acceleration at a point with a 3 axis rate gyro (Murata ENC-03M..of
murata boy/girl fame) and a 3 axis accelerometer (analog devices
adxl335). He calibrated the custom IMU using a technique by King.
Collected data with Labview, two USB-6008s and a dell mini computer.
He uses a simplified bicycel model.
Uses tire models from Roland and Sharp.
His model doesn't predict steering torque as well.
Max steer torque for bicycle in steady turn measured in his experiments:
2.4 nm. All his measured steering torques were less than 10\% of
the full scale (i.e. his sensor was oversized).
Steering torque can be changed significantly by the rider leaning
in or out of the turn.
on of his conclusions: "By contrast, the steering angle/lateral acceleration
ratio is largely insensitive to rider lean, suggesting that using
the steering angle as a cue for bicycle control is advantageous over
using steering torque."},
timestamp = {2011.04.25},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cain2010.pdf}
author = {Craig Calfee},
title = {Geometry of Bike Handling},
howpublished = {North American Hand Built Bicycle Show Program},
year = {2007},
timestamp = {2012.08.08}
author = {Calspan},
title = {A proposal to develop motorcycle rider training films},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1974},
abstract = {This proposal describes a research program aimed at developing training
films utilizing computer graphics techniques for use in motorcycle
rider education. The approach is based on applying computer simulations
and graphics methods already developed at Calspan to special motorcycle
rider training problems. Emphasis has been placed on the off-tracking
steering technique for cornering (i. e. the initiation of a turn
by first steering out of it) but several other potential applications
are identified.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Calspan1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Calspan1974},
file = {Calspan1974.pdf:Calspan1974.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.15},
webpdf = {references-folder/Calspan1974.pdf}
author = {Calspan},
title = {Research on the accident avoidance capabilities of motorcycles},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1974},
number = {ZN-5571-V},
month = {December},
note = {Six month progress report},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Calspan1974a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Calspan1974a},
file = {Calspan1974a.pdf:Calspan1974a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Calspan1974a.pdf}
author = {P. Cangley and L. Passfield and H. Carter and M. Bailey},
title = {A model for performance enhancement in competitive cycling},
journal = {Movement \& Sport Sciences – Science \& Motricité},
year = {2012},
volume = {75},
pages = {59--71},
doi = {10.1051/sm/2011126},
file = {Cangley2012.pdf:Cangley2012.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.04.17}
author = {Capitani, R. and Masi, G. and Meneghin, A. and Rosti, D.},
title = {Handling analysis of a two-wheeled vehicle using {MSC.ADAMS}/motorcycle},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics
and Mobility},
year = {2006},
volume = {44},
pages = {698--707},
abstract = {In this article, the results of a virtual analysis of a two-wheeled
vehicle are described. A virtual prototype of a Piaggio Liberty 150
4T was built to evaluate the handling behavior during some codified
maneuvers. The activity was done with the cooperation of Piaggio
& C. SpA and MSC Software. The multibody model was built using MSC.Adams/Motorcycle.
It reproduces the original vehicle (geometry, inertia, and spring/damper
coefficients) and is fully parametrized. The actions between ground
and tires are calculated with the "Magic Formula". The multibody
model, controlled applying a steering torque to the handlebar, was
tested during some maneuvers (turn, ISO lane change, "Figure 8"),
and the results were compared with the experimental data acquired
with an instrumented vehicle during the same maneuvers. Signal comparison
gave a good agreement except for the differences due to the input
forces: the multibody model is controlled only with the steering
torque, but body movements and feet and hand pressures are applied
to the instrumented vehicle.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Capitani2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Capitani2006},
doi = {10.1080/00423110600883603},
file = {Capitani2006.pdf:Capitani2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They measure steer torque on a scooter and do some manuevers like
changes and turns. For the lane change his model predicts counter
steer angle, but he doesn't see it in the experimental data. His
steer angle comparison shows orders of magnitudes difference in steering
angle, the model seems really poor. Why didn't they plot the exp
and model results on the same graph! It is hard to compare otherwise.
He claims there is no counter because of the rider use his body to
turn. In the lane change he reports -1.5 to 4 kg-m (-14.7 to 39.2
n-m) in steering torque. He shows experimental steering torques for
the large 90 degree turn to be 0.9 kg-m to 1.25 kg-m (8.83 nm to
12.3 nm). The is no detail on how steer torque was measured. His
model predicts a 245 n-m steer torque for the lane change ---> equals
bad model.
He calls his lane change and ISO lane change, but I don't see any
reference to a ISO standard.
He claims good agreement with his model and the experimental results
in the conclusions. What a joke!! There is little to no agreement.
All the comparision are not even in the same magnitude range and
the trends are hardly there either. Crap. How did this make it through
peer review for a journal!!},
timestamp = {2010.03.22},
webpdf = {references-folder/Capitani2006.pdf}
author = {Cenciarini, Massimo and Peterka, Robert J.},
title = {Stimulus-Dependent Changes in the Vestibular Contribution to Human
Postural Control},
journal = {Journal of Neurophysiology},
year = {2006},
volume = {95},
pages = {2733-2750},
number = {5},
abstract = {Humans maintain stable stance in a wide variety of environments. This
robust behavior is thought to involve sensory reweighting whereby
the nervous system adjusts the relative contribution of sensory sources
used to control stance depending on environmental conditions. Based
on prior experimental and modeling results, we developed a specific
quantitative representation of a sensory reweighting hypothesis that
predicts that a given reduction in the contribution from one sensory
system will be accompanied by a corresponding increase in the contribution
from different sensory systems. The goal of this study was to test
this sensory-reweighting hypothesis using measures that quantitatively
assess the relative contributions of the proprioceptive and graviceptive
(vestibular) systems to postural control during eyes-closed stance
in different test conditions. Medial/lateral body sway was evoked
by side-to-side rotation of the support surface (SS) while simultaneously
delivering a pulsed galvanic vestibular stimulus (GVS) through electrodes
behind the ears. A model-based interpretation of sway evoked by SS
rotations provided estimates of the proprioceptive weighting factor,
Wp, and showed that Wp declined with increasing SS amplitude. If
the sensory-reweighting hypothesis is true, then the decline in Wp
should be accompanied by a corresponding increase in Wg, the graviceptive
weighting factor, and responses to the GVS should increase in proportion
to the value of Wg derived from responses to SS rotations. Results
were consistent with the predictions of the proposed sensory-reweighting
hypothesis. GVS-evoked sway increased with increasing SS amplitude,
and Wg measures derived from responses to GVS and from responses
to SS rotations were highly correlated.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cenciarini2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cenciarini2006},
doi = {10.1152/jn.00856.2004},
eprint = {},
file = {Cenciarini2006.pdf:Cenciarini2006.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cenciarini2006.pdf}
author = {Cerone, V. and Andreo, D. and Larsson, M. and Regruto, D.},
title = {Stabilization of a Riderless Bicycle [{A}pplications of Control]},
journal = {Control Systems, IEEE},
year = {2010},
volume = {30},
pages = {23 -32},
number = {5},
month = {October},
abstract = {The bicycle provides transportation for leisure, recreation, and travel
between home and work, throughout the world, in big cities as well
as in small villages, supporting human mobility for more than a century.
Modeling, analysis, and control of bicycle dynamics has been an attractive
area of research in the last century as well as in recent years.
Bicycle dynamics has attracted the attention of the automatic control
research community because of its peculiar features, such as, for
example, the fact that it depends strongly on the bicycle speed and
that, under certain conditions, it exhibits both open right-half
plane poles and zeros, making the design of feedback controllers
for either balancing the bicycle in the upright position or moving
it along a predefined path a challenging problem. In this article,
the LPV nature of the bicycle dynamics is exploited to design a control
system that automatically balances a riderless bicycle in the upright
position. More precisely, the problem is formulated as the design
of an LPV state-feedback controller that guarantees stability of
this two-wheeled vehicle when the speed varies within a given range
and its derivative is bounded.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cerone2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cerone2010},
doi = {10.1109/MCS.2010.937745},
file = {Cerone2010.pdf:Cerone2010.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1066-033X},
keywords = {LPV state-feedback controller design;automatic control research community;bicycle
dynamics;bicycle speed;linear-parameter-varying approach;riderless
bicycle balancing;riderless bicycle stabilization;bicycles;control
system synthesis;linear systems;position control;stability;state
feedback;vehicle dynamics;velocity control;},
review = {They control a bicycle robot.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cerone2010.pdf}
author = {Chandler, R. F. and Clauser, C. E. and McConville, J. T. and Reynolds,
H. M. and Young, J. W.},
title = {Investigation of inertial properties of the human body},
institution = {Wright-Patterson Air Force Base},
year = {1975},
number = {AMRL TR 74-137},
address = {Ohio},
note = {NTIS No. AD-A016 485},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chandler1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chandler1975},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26}
title = {Parking Lot Exercises to develop bicycle handling proficiency},
author = {Lois Chaplin},
organization = {Cornell University},
address = {Ithaca, NY},
year = {2002},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chaplin2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chaplin2002},
file = {Chaplin2002.pdf:Chaplin2002.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chaplin2002.pdf}
author = {Chih-Keng Chen and Trung-Kien Dao},
title = {A study of bicycle dynamics via system identification},
booktitle = {2010 International Symposium on Computer Communication Control and
Automation (3CA)},
year = {2010},
volume = {2},
pages = {204--207},
month = {may},
abstract = {This study investigates bicycle dynamic properties by using system
identification approaches. The nonlinear bicycle model with configuration
parameters from a previously developed benchmark model is studied.
The roll angle of the bicycle is controlled at different speeds to
generate input-output data including steering torque, roll and steering
angles. The collected data are then used to identify the one-input
two-output linear model by a prediction-error identification method
using parameterization in canonical state-space form. Numerous properties
for various speed ranges are discussed from the pole and zero locations
of the identified linear model. The system stability, limit-cycle
phase portraits of the roll and steering angles, and the non-minimum
phase property of the nonlinear system are further investigated and
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chen2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chen2010},
doi = {10.1109/3CA.2010.5533583},
file = {Chen2010.pdf:Chen2010.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycle dynamics;input-output data;nonlinear bicycle model;steering
torque;system identification;bicycles;steering systems;vehicle dynamics;},
review = {Does simulated system id on the benchmark bicycle with good results.
He has a controller too that tracks a path.
He uses an eleven generalized coordinate model he developed in Chen2006
which is nonlinear to generate simulation results. He simulates with
a roll angle controller so that non stable speeds can be studied.
He uses his fuzzy logic controller to stablize the bicycle. He also
adds an additive random signal to the controller output to give more
excitation to steer torque. He uses the benchmark bicycle parameters
for the simulations.
He uses the pem function in matlab to identify the non-zero and non-unity
entries of the A and B matrices of a fourth order model with one
input and two outputs representing Whipple model. He then open loop
simulates the identified model with the steer torque used to generate
the non-lin sim data for that run. He does this for a series of speeds
from 1 to 15 m/s. I'm curious why he didn't do less than 1 m/s. This
allows him to plot the eigenvalues of the identified systems as a
function of speed. The eigenvalue plot has some differences from
the one in Meijaard2007. This could be due to the fact that his nonlinear
model is incorrect. But if it is correct, He finds that capsize mode
has this blip that goes briefly unstable before the stable speed
range. There is general roughness in the curves too, they don't seem
to be super continous from the plot from 0 to 15, but maybe if the
resolution was better.
He plots some limit cycles of his non-linear model at 3.5 m/s which
is this funny speed where he found the capsize mode to go unstable.
I don't know what he is trying to get at here. Figure 4 seems to
have incorrectly labeled axes.
His last section is devoted to developing a roll angle tracking controller.
He uses some kind of general form for full state feedback tracking.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chen2010.pdf}
author = {Chen, Chih-Keng and Dao, Thanh-Son},
title = {Genetic Fuzzy Control for Path-Tracking of an Autonomous Robotic
journal = {Journal of System Design and Dynamics},
year = {2007},
volume = {1},
pages = {536--547},
abstract = {Due to its non-holonomic constraints and a highly unstable nature,
the autonomous bicycle is difficult to be controlled for tracking
a target path while retaining its balance. As a result of the non-holonomic
constraint conditions, the instantaneous velocity of the vehicle
is limited to certain directions. Constraints of this kind occur
under the no-slip condition. In this study, the problem of optimization
of fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) for path-tracking of an autonomous
robotic bicycle using genetic algorithm (GA) is focused. In order
to implement path-tracking algorithm, strategies for balancing and
tracking a given roll-angle are also addressed. The proposed strategy
optimizes FLCs by keeping the rule-table fixed and tuning their membership
functions by introducing the scaling factors (SFs) and deforming
coefficients (DCs). The numerical simualtions prove the effectiveness
of the proposed structure of the genetic fuzzy controller for the
developed bicycle system.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chen2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chen2007},
doi = {10.1299/jsdd.1.536},
keywords = {Fuzzy System, Motion Control, Genetic Algorithm, Stability, Bicycle},
timestamp = {2012.01.03}
author = {Chen, Chih-Keng and Dao, Thanh-Son},
title = {Fuzzy Control for Equilibrium and Roll-Angle Tracking of an Unmanned
journal = {Multibody System Dynamics},
year = {2006},
volume = {15},
pages = {321-346},
affiliation = {Da-Yeh University Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
112 Shan-Jiau Rd. Changhua Taiwan 515 ROC 112 Shan-Jiau Rd. Changhua
Taiwan 515 ROC},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chen2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chen2006},
doi = {10.1007/s11044-006-9013-7},
file = {Chen2006.pdf:Chen2006.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1384-5640},
issue = {4},
keyword = {Engineering},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
review = {He seems to derive the non-linear Whipple model with Lagrange's method.
He doesn't verify it against anyone elses work, so the results are
surely questionable. He develops a fuzzy controller for roll angle
tracking and shows that it works well.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chen2006.pdf}
author = {Chen, Chih-Keng and Dao, Thanh-Son and Yang, Chih-Kai},
title = {Turning dynamics and equilibrium of two-wheeled vehicles},
journal = {Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology},
year = {2005},
volume = {19},
pages = {377-387},
note = {10.1007/BF02916158},
abstract = {The equations of motion of two-wheeled vehicles, e g bicycles or motorcycles,
are developed by using Lagrange’s equations for quasi-coord mates
The pure rolling constiatnts between the ground and the two wheels
aie considered in the dynamical equations of the system For each
wheel, two nonholonomic and two holonomic constraints are introduced
in a set of differential-algebraic equations (DAE) The constraint
Jacobian matrix is obtained by collecting all the constraint equations
and converting them into the velocity form Equilibrium, an algorithm
for searching for equilibrium points of two-wheeled vehicles and
the associated problems are discussed Formulae foi calculating the
radii of curvatures of ground-wheel contact paths and the reference
point are also given},
affiliation = {Da-Yeh University Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
112 Shan-Jiau Rd 515 ROC Changhua Taiwan},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chen2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chen2005},
file = {Chen2005.pdf:Chen2005.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1738-494X},
issue = {0},
keyword = {Engineering},
publisher = {The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chen2005.pdf}
author = {Ping Ho Chen},
title = {A scheme of fuzzy training and learning applied to Elebike control
booktitle = {Ninth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems},
year = {2000},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chen2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chen2000},
file = {Chen2000.pdf:Chen2000.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chen2000.pdf}
author = {Kok Y. Cheng and David Bothman and Karl J. {\AA}str{\"o}m},
title = {Bicycle Torque Sensor Experiment},
institution = {University of California, Santa Barbara},
year = {2003},
abstract = {This experiment examines the relationship between the steering torque
and the turning angle of a bicycle. Initially, a torque wrench experiment
was conducted to determine the range of applied torque required to
steer a bicycle. With this information, a handle bar assembly involving
a load cell and a converter circuit weredesigned and fabricated.
A calibration test was conducted on the load cell followed by a verification
test to validate the handle bar assembly and the associated calibration
data. Prior to conducting the experiment, two test courses were designed
to test two types of bicycle turns: straight turns and circular turns.
The results of the experiment concluded that a rider must apply large
amounts of torque to the handle bars in order to complete a turn
that requires a high turning angle. Sources for experimental errors
and future improvements to this investigation are suggested.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cheng2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cheng2003},
file = {Cheng2003.pdf:Cheng2003.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - This is a report about a design project at UCSB to develop and
implement a steer torque measurement device. He gives a pretty bad
anedoctal introduction to bicycle dynamics. They did some basic experiments
by attaching a torque wrench to a bicycle and made left at right
turns at speeds from 0 to 13 m/s (0 to 30mph). The torques were under
5Nm except for the 13 m/s trial which read about 20 Nm. They designed
a pretty nice compac torque measurement setup by mounting the handlebars
on bearings and using a linear force transducer to connect the handlbars
to the steer tube which reduced the effects of other moments and
forces acting on the steer tube. The use of bearings and rodends
may be questionable as there is bearing friction and slop. Furthermore,
downward forces on the handlebars could possibly still be transmitted
to the load cell. The design does allow one to choose the lever arm
for the load cell, thus giving some choice to amplify the force signal.
They set it up to measure from 0 to 84 Nm with a Model SM Series
S-type load cell from Interface with a 670 Newton range. They used
a transducer amplifier also for signal conditioning. There are several
sections on calibration, with some description of the use of pulleys
and cables to apply a torque to the handlebars. They measured the
torque during two different manuever types: a sharp turn at various
angles and steady turns on various diameter circles both at 10mph
(4.5 meters/second). The rider maintained constant speed through
visual feedback of a speedometer. He talks of very noisy measurements
and filters the noise by some type of moving average. He does not
identify an countersteering. He claims the rider turns the handle
bars right to initiate a right turn. There seems to be no counter-torque
in the data for turns. For the sharp turns the highest reported torque
is about 10 Nm, for the steady turning he reports the highest average
torque as 1 Nm.},
timestamp = {2010.03.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cheng2003.pdf}
author = {Chi, Chieh-Tsung},
title = {Self-equilibrium control on a dynamic bicycle ride},
journal = {WSEAS Trans. Sys. Ctrl.},
year = {2007},
volume = {2},
pages = {527--536},
month = {November},
acmid = {1486748},
address = {Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chi2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chi2007},
file = {Chi2007.pdf:Chi2007.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1991-8763},
issue = {11},
keywords = {bicycle, center of gravity, cost, equilibrium control, hysteresis
controller, sloping road},
numpages = {10},
publisher = {World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chi2007.pdf}
author = {Chidzonga, R.F. and Chikuni, E.},
title = {Stabilizing a bicycle below critical speed},
booktitle = {AFRICON 2007},
year = {2007},
pages = {1-7},
month = {September},
abstract = {This paper discusses the control of a naturally unstable bicycle at
stand still based on local linearization of a nonlinear model which
results in a 2times2 multiple input multiple output system. It is
shown through simulation plus new insights on stabilizing non-minimum
phase systems and f-domain design techniques that it is possible
to keep the bicycle vertical outside the self stability speed domain
where theory in the literature has predicted that it's not possible.
In reality the stabilization goal is a skill which can be acquired
through practice.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chidzonga2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chidzonga2007},
doi = {10.1109/AFRCON.2007.4401440},
file = {Chidzonga2007.pdf:Chidzonga2007.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {MIMO systems, bicycles, linear systems, nonlinear control systems,
road vehicles, stabilitylocal linearization, multiple input multiple
output system, nonlinear model, self stability speed domain, stabilization
goal, unstable bicycle control},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chidzonga2007.pdf}
author = {Richard. F. Chidzonga and Eduard Eitelberg},
title = {Controlling Velocity and Steering for Bicycle Stabilization},
booktitle = {First African Control Conference},
year = {2003},
address = {Cape Town, South Africa},
month = {December},
abstract = {Control of a naturally unstable riderless bicycle around zero equilibrium
speed is investigated. A simple parametric model is derived. It predicts
basic known dynamics. Jacobian linearization reveals that zero speed
tilt stabilization is a MIMO non-minimum phase problem. It is shown
that at certain operating conditions, the bicycle can be controlled
only through velocity or steering. Combining both loops to maintain
vertical balance at all speeds is the challenge. Some control structures
and ideas are explored.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chidzonga2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chidzonga2003},
file = {Chidzonga2003.pdf:Chidzonga2003.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {multi-loop control, bicycle stabilization},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Point mass inverted pedulum type bicycle model. They are interested
in stablity at zero forward velocity, in particular "rocking" (i.e.
track stand). They try three control techniques for the track stand:
PI, load sharing, and a nonlinear scheme. He seesm to manage the
track stand with the load sharing controller.
He's got a great christian religious acknowledgement. His wife's name
seems to be Loveness.
He cites a 1977 Astrom paper that may have some basic bicycle control
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chidzonga2003.pdf}
author = {Sachin Chitta and Vijay Kumar},
title = {Biking Without Pedaling},
institution = {Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chitta2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chitta2006},
file = {Chitta2006.pdf:Chitta2006.pdf:PDF},
review = {They show the correcy looking eigenvalues for the whipple + leaning
They propel the bicycle forward just by steering.},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Chitta2006.pdf}
author = {Cho, YH and Kim, J},
title = {Stability Analysis of the human controlled vehicle moving along a
curved path},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1996},
volume = {25},
pages = {51--69},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cho1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cho1996},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Chou, J.C.K.},
title = {Quaternion kinematic and dynamic differential equations},
journal = {Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1992},
volume = {8},
pages = {53-64},
number = {1},
month = {February},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Chou1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Chou1992},
doi = {10.1109/70.127239},
issn = {1042-296X},
keywords = {differential equations, dynamics, kinematics, vectors3D vector space,
acceleration, angular displacement, dynamic differential equations,
momentum, multiplicative commutativity, quaternion kinematic differential
equations, quaternion multiplications, rotations, vector quaternions,
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.10.23}
author = {Clauser, C. E. and McConville, J. T. and Young, J. W.},
title = {Weight, volume and center of mass of segments of the human body},
institution = {Wright-Patterson Air Force Base},
year = {1969},
number = {AMRL TR 69-70},
address = {Ohio},
note = {NTIS No. AD-710 622},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Clauser1969},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Clauser1969},
file = {Clauser1969.pdf:Clauser1969.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26},
webpdf = {references-folder/Clauser1969.pdf}
author = {Patricia A Cleary and Pirooz Mohazzabi},
title = {On the stability of a bicycle on rollers},
journal = {European Journal of Physics},
year = {2011},
volume = {32},
pages = {1293},
number = {5},
abstract = {Riding a bicycle on the newest form of indoor training, rollers, presents
a unique experiment on bicycle stability. The stability factors eliminated
by riding on rollers are discussed in terms of refined handling and
control of the centre of mass on a bicycle. This paper is intended
for undergraduate physics majors as well as any other general readership
interested in the dynamics of bicycle stability.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cleary2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cleary2011},
file = {Cleary2011.pdf:Cleary2011.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cleary2011.pdf}
author = {Cloud, Chad},
title = {Teaching kids how to ride a bike [fuzzy control]},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference of the North
American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Biannual Conference.
The Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems Conference,
and the NASA Joint Technology Workshop on Neural Networks and Fuzzy
Logic. NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94.},
year = {1994},
pages = {175-176},
month = {December},
abstract = {The usual way to teach a kid to ride a bike is by using training wheels.
This creates a somewhat stable bike so the kid will hardly ever fall.
After the kid has mastered a bike with training wheels, the wheels
are taken away, and the second stage of learning starts. At this
moment, since the kid is not completely prepared for a bike without
training wheels, the kid may (and does) fall. So we either risk the
kid hurting him/herself, or we have to have the kid under time-consuming
adult supervision. The main problem with the control is that there
is an abrupt transition between the two stages, so the kid goes into
the second training stage unprepared. A natural solution is to make
this transition gradual. We propose Fuzzy Control},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cloud1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cloud1994},
doi = {10.1109/IJCF.1994.375104},
file = {Cloud1994.pdf:Cloud1994.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Fuzzy Control, bike, training stage, training wheels, transition},
review = {Says that we can take linguistic based control rules from a person
and translate them into fuzzy control laws.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cloud1994.pdf}
author = {Cloyd, S. O. and Hubbard, M. and Alaways, L. W.},
title = {A Control Scheme for an Opposed Recumbent Tandem Human-Powered Bicycle},
journal = {Journal of Applied Biomechanics},
year = {1996},
volume = {212},
pages = {480--492},
number = {4},
month = {November},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cloyd1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cloyd1996},
file = {Cloyd1996.pdf:Cloyd1996.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They use an LQR control scheme on a simple bicycle model (like Karnopp's)
by tracking roll angle and lateral deviation. They use the same model
as Nagai1983 and get similar simulation results.},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cloyd1996.pdf}
author = {Coetzee, Etienne and Krauskopf, Bernd and Lowenberg, Mark},
title = {Nonlinear Aircraft Ground Dynamics},
booktitle = {International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Coetzee2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Coetzee2006},
file = {Coetzee2006.pdf:Coetzee2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.10.29},
webpdf = {references-folder/Coetzee2006.pdf}
author = {Cole, David J.},
title = {A path-following driver–vehicle model with neuromuscular dynamics,
including measured and simulated responses to a step in steering
angle overlay},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
volume = {0},
pages = {1-24},
number = {0},
abstract = { An existing driver–vehicle model with neuromuscular dynamics is improved
in the areas of cognitive delay, intrinsic muscle dynamics and alpha–gamma
co-activation. The model is used to investigate the influence of
steering torque feedback and neuromuscular dynamics on the vehicle
response to lateral force disturbances. When steering torque feedback
is present, it is found that the longitudinal position of the lateral
disturbance has a significant influence on whether the driver’s reflex
response reinforces or attenuates the effect of the disturbance.
The response to angle and torque overlay inputs to the steering system
is also investigated. The presence of the steering torque feedback
reduced the disturbing effect of torque overlay and angle overlay
inputs. Reflex action reduced the disturbing effect of a torque overlay
input, but increased the disturbing effect of an angle overlay input.
Experiments on a driving simulator showed that measured handwheel
angle response to an angle overlay input was consistent with the
response predicted by the model with reflex action. However, there
was significant intra- and inter-subject variability. The results
highlight the significance of a driver’s neuromuscular dynamics in
determining the vehicle response to disturbances. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cole2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cole2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.606370},
eprint = {},
file = {Cole2012.pdf:Cole2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cole2012.pdf}
author = {Robert Neil Collins},
title = {A Mathematical Analysis of the Stability of Two Wheeled Vehicles},
school = {Univeristy of Wisconsin},
year = {1963},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Collins1963},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Collins1963},
file = {Collins1963.pdf:Collins1963.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Collins1963.pdf}
author = {Christopher Congleton},
title = {Results of the Fall 2007 UC Davis Campus Travel Assessment},
institution = {University of California Davis},
year = {2008},
number = {UCD-ITS-RR-09-01},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Congleton2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Congleton2008},
file = {Congleton2008.pdf:Congleton2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Congleton2008.pdf}
author = {Brendan Connors},
title = {Modeling and Stability Analysis of a Recumbent Bicycle with Oscillating
Leg Masses},
school = {University of California, Davis},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Connors2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Connors2009},
file = {Connors2009.pdf:Connors2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2010.09.23},
webpdf = {references-folder/Connors2009.pdf}
author = {Brendan Connors and Mont Hubbard},
title = {Modelling and Stability Analysis of a Recumbent Bicycle with Oscillating
Leg Masses},
booktitle = {The Engineering of Sport 7},
year = {2008},
editor = {Margaret Estivalet and Pierre Brisson},
volume = {1},
pages = {677--685},
month = {August},
organization = {ISEA},
publisher = {Springer Paris},
abstract = {It has been observed in the testing of a recumbent bicycle with a
very low centre of gravity that the pedalling cadence can affect
the rider’s ability to control the vehicle. To understand the relationship
between cadence and bicycle stability, a multibody dynamic model
is created. This model has nine massive rigid bodies: the bicycle
frame with fixed rider torso (with head & and arms), the front fork
with handlebars, the front wheel, the rear wheel, the left thigh,
the right thigh, the left shank with foot, the right shank with foot,
and the cranks. Nonlinear equations of motion are compiled in Autolev,
a symbolic calculator using Kane’s method for multibody dynamics
(Autolev, 2005). A simulation of the bicycle slowly accelerating
from its starting speed (5 m/s) to its target speed (35 m/s) is run
iteratively over several gear ratios. A steering controller is implemented
to stabilize the bike outside its stable stable speed range. The
simulation displays the lean and steer angles as well as steering
control torque. Lean angle and control torque increase significantly
with cadence, and steer angle increases slightly with cadence. This
relationship is used to create a shifting strategy to reduce the
control effort needed by the pilot during top top-speed speed-record
bib = {bibtex-keys#Connors2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Connors2008},
doi = {10.1007/978-2-287-09411-8_79},
file = {Connors2008.pdf:Connors2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {recumbent bicycle modelling stability cadence},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Shows steer torques required to stablize the bicycle with oscillating
legs in a range of 1 to 8 n-m, with the cap being controlled by changing
the frequency of osciallation of the legs (changing gears).},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2008.10.28},
webpdf = {references-folder/Connors2008.pdf}
author = {Connors, Brendan and Hubbard, Mont},
title = {Modeling and stability analysis of a recumbent bicycle with oscillating
leg masses},
note = {to be submitted to ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Connors2009a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Connors2009a},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2009.02.08}
author = {Cooper, K. R.},
title = {The Effect of Aerodynamics on the Performance and Stability of High
Speed Motorcycles},
booktitle = {Second AIAA Symposium on Aerodynamic of Sports and Competition Automobiles},
year = {1974},
address = {Los Angeles},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cooper1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cooper1974},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Cooper, K. R.},
title = {The Wind Tunnel Development of a Low Drag, Partially Streamlined
journal = {DME/NAE Quarterly Bulletin},
year = {1973},
volume = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cooper1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cooper1973},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Cooper, R. J. and {Harper Jr.}, R. P.},
title = {The Use of Pilot Rating Scales in the Evaluation of Aircraft Handling
institution = {NASA},
year = {1969},
type = {Technical Note},
number = {TN D-5153},
month = {April},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cooper1969},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cooper1969},
file = {Cooper1969.pdf:Cooper1969.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cooper1969.pdf}
title = {Motorcycle dynamics},
publisher = {LULU},
year = {2006},
author = {Vittore Cossalter},
edition = {Second},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2006},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.18}
author = {Vittore Cossalter and Alessandro Bellati and Alberto Doria and Martino
title = {Analysis of racing motorcycle performance with additional considerations
for the Mozzi axis},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2008},
volume = {46},
pages = {815--826},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2008},
file = {Cossalter2008.pdf:Cossalter2008.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2008.pdf}
author = {Vittore Cossalter and Alberto Doria},
title = {The relation between contact patch geometry and the mechanical properties
of motorcycle tyres},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2005},
volume = {43},
pages = {156--167},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2005},
file = {Cossalter2005.pdf:Cossalter2005.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2005.pdf}
author = {Vittore Cossalter and Alberto Doria},
title = {Analysis of motorcycle slalom manoeuvres using the Mozzi axis concept},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2004},
volume = {42},
pages = {3},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2004a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2004a},
file = {Cossalter2004a.pdf:Cossalter2004a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2004a.pdf}
author = {Cossalter, Vittore and Doria, Alberto and Formentini, Matteo and
Peretto, Martino},
title = {Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of tyres’ properties
on the straight running stability of a sport-touring motorcycle},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
volume = {50},
pages = {357-375},
number = {3},
abstract = { The behaviour of a motorcycle on the road is largely governed by
tyre properties. This paper presents experimental and numerical analyses
dealing with the influence of tyre properties on the stability of
weave and wobble in straight running. The final goal is to find optimal
sets of tyre properties that improve the stability of a motorcycle.
The investigation is based on road tests carried out on a sport-touring
motorcycle equipped with sensors. Three sets of tyres are tested
at different speeds in the presence of weave and wobble. The analysis
of telemetry data highlights significant differences in the trends
of frequency and damping of weave and wobble against speed. The experimental
analysis is integrated by a parametric numerical analysis. Tyre properties
are varied according to the design of experiments method, in order
to highlight the single effects on stability of lateral and cornering
coefficient of front and rear tyres. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.587520},
eprint = {},
file = {Cossalter2012.pdf:Cossalter2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2012.pdf}
author = {Cossalter, Vittore and Doria, Alberto and Lot, Roberto},
title = {Steady Turning of Two-Wheeled Vehicles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1999},
volume = {31},
pages = {157--181},
number = {3},
abstract = {When driving along a circular path, the driver of a motorcycle controls
the vehicle mainly by means of steering torque. If low steering torque
is necessary, the driver feels that the vehicle is manoeuvrable.
In this paper, a mathematical model concerning steering torque is
developed; it takes into account the actual kinematic behaviour of
the vehicle and the properties of motorcycle tyres. Tyre forces act
at the contact points of toroidal tyres, which are calculated according
to kinematic analysis. Non-linear equations are solved using an iterative
approach. Several numerical results are presented, and the influence
of tyre properties and some geometrical and inertial properties of
the vehicle on steering torque are discussed.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter1999},
file = {Cossalter1999.pdf:Cossalter1999.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {handling},
owner = {Luke},
publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
review = {Has nice geomtric drawings of the motorcycle. He linearizes the holonomic
constraint and solves for pitch angle. Seems to have analytical derviation
of steady turning equations.
Includes toroidal tires and tire model.
He shows steady turn plots of torque for a particular speed and turn
curvature. The max speeds are aroudn 30 m/s. Max steer torques shown
are 10 nm.
Figure 7 shows how varying the trail of the motorcycle affects steering
torque in a particular steady turn. He breaks up the moment contributions
from the different forces and stuff. He does this for some other
parameters too.},
timestamp = {2008.11.17},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter1999.pdf}
author = {V. Cossalter and A. Doria and R. Lot and N. Ruffo and M. Salvador},
title = {Dynamic properties of motorcycle and scooter tires: measurment and
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2003},
volume = {39},
pages = {329--352},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2003},
file = {Cossalter2003.pdf:Cossalter2003.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2003.pdf}
author = {Vittore Cossalter and Mauro Da Lio and Francesco Biral and Luca Fabbri},
title = {Evaluation of Motorcycle Maneuverability With the Optimal Maneuver
booktitle = {Motorsports Engineering Conference \& Exposition},
year = {1998},
number = {983022},
address = {Dearbon, Michigan, USA},
month = {November},
organization = {SAE},
abstract = {This paper deals with the application of the optimal maneuver method
to the assessment of motorcycle maneuverability.\\
The optimal maneuver method is a novel approach to the analysis of
vehicle performance. The essence of this method is the solution of
an optimal control problem which consists in moving the vehicle,
according to holding trajectory constraints, between two given endpoints
in the "most efficient way". The concept of "most efficient" is defined
by a proper penalty function defined to express maneuverability.\\
In this paper we briefly outline the method and give examples of its
application to three classical maneuvers commonly used to test motorcycle
handling: a slalom test, a lane change maneuver and a U-curve.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter1998},
file = {Cossalter1998.pdf:Cossalter1998.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter1998.pdf}
author = {Cossalter, V. and Lot, R.},
title = {A Motorcycle Multi-Body Model for Real Time Simulations Based on
the Natural Coordinates Approach},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2002},
volume = {37},
pages = {423--447},
number = {6},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2002},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.23}
author = {Cossalter, V. and Lot, R. and Maggio, F.},
title = {The Modal Analysis of a Motorcycle in Straight Running and on a Curve},
journal = {Meccanica},
year = {2004},
volume = {39},
pages = {1--16},
number = {1},
month = {February},
abstract = {The vibrational modes (generalized) of a two-wheel vehicle are studied
in several trim configurations. The modal analysis is carried out
on a 3D non-linear mathematical model, developed using the natural
coordinates approach. A special procedure for evaluating the steady
state solutions in straight running and on a curve is proposed. The
paper presents detailed results of the modal analysis for a production
sports motorcycle. Furthermore, the influence of speed and lateral
(centripetal) acceleration on stability, shape and modal interactions
(coupling) is highlighted. Finally, consistency between the first
experimental tests and simulation results is shown.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2004},
file = {Cossalter2004.pdf:Cossalter2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Luke},
timestamp = {2008.11.17},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2004.pdf}
author = {Cossalter, V. and Lot, R. and Maggio, F.},
title = {The Influence of Tire Properties on the Stability of a Motorcycle
in Straight Running and Curves},
year = {2002},
pages = {87-94},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2002a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2002a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.18}
author = {V. Cossalter and R. Lot and M. Peretto},
title = {Steady turning of motorcycles},
journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal
of Automobile Engineering},
year = {2007},
volume = {221},
pages = {1343--1356},
abstract = {When driving along a circular path, the rider controls a motorcycle
mainly by the steering torque. If the steering torque is low and
the vehicle is moderately over-steering, a good handling feeling
is perceived by the rider. In this paper, non-linear steady turning
results are analysed over a wide range of forward speeds and lateral
accelerations, and different ‘driving zones’ are identified by
considering the steering torque transition speeds and steering angle
critical speed. A parametric linear model of steady turning, concerning
both the steering torque and the steering angle, is developed and
simple parametric expressions of transition speeds and the critical
speed are obtained. Steady turning tests involving different motorcycles
are presented, the transition speeds and critical speed are found
by linear fitting, and the characteristics of the different driving
zones are investigated. The primary purpose is to determine the conditions
at which the operational safety and handling of the vehicle do not
impose severe demands on rider skill for control and adequate path-following
properties, i.e. to identify a ‘preferable driving zone’.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2007},
doi = {10.1243/09544070JAUTO322},
file = {Cossalter2007.pdf:Cossalter2007.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {motorcycle, steady turning, capsize, over-steering, under-steering},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Claims that in a steady turn good handling is predicted by low steer
torque and moderate over steer.
Says that steer control is much more effective than body lean control
due to quickly movnig arm limbs as compared to moving the body and
that the steering control has more effect on the motrocycle motion
per unit input as compared to lean control.
He identifies the transition from positive to negative steering torque
for a given lateral accerelation in a steady turn as a function of
speed. High speeds and high lat acccel requires positive steer torque,
whereas low speeds and low lat accels require negative steer torques.
This is the second definition of the word countersteering (more like
a counter torque).
Has a contour plot similar to what Luke has been working on. Steer
torques from -3 to 10 to maintain steady turns with lat accel from
0 to 11 at speeds of 5 to 50 m/s.
He makes some bold claims on handling about correlations with subjective
rider opinion, but with no citations to back it up.},
timestamp = {2010.03.22},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2007.pdf}
author = {Vittore Cossalter and James Sadauckas},
title = {Elaboration and quantitative assessment of manoeuvrability for motorcycle
lane change},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2006},
volume = {44},
pages = {903--920},
number = {12},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cossalter2006a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cossalter2006a},
file = {Cossalter2006a.pdf:Cossalter2006a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cossalter2006a.pdf}
author = {Peter Cox},
title = {The Role of Human Powered Vehicles in Sustainable Mobility},
journal = {Built Environment},
year = {2008},
volume = {32},
pages = {140-160},
number = {4},
month = {May},
abstract = {As part of the move towards sustainable transport and urban mobility
practices, increased cycle use is commonly advocated as a factor
in this modal shift. New developments in cycle technology are beginning
to introduce new classes of cycles and other human powered vehicles
as options within a wider advocacy of cycling for urban mobility
and which may offer advantages and greater opportunity for users.
However, these innovations may also raise questions for the design
and construction of the built environment. Drawing on a SCOT approach,
this paper therefore examines the implications of some innovatory
cycle designs and the limitations on their deployment that may arise
through the interaction with wider design environments.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Cox2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Cox2008},
doi = {10.2148/benv.34.2.140},
file = {Cox2008.pdf:Cox2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.12.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Cox2008.pdf}
author = {D{\"{o}}hring, E.},
title = {Steering Wobble in Single-Track Vehicles},
journal = {Automob. Tech. Z.},
year = {1957},
volume = {58},
pages = {282--286},
number = {10},
note = {MIRA Translation No. 62167},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dohring1957},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dohring1957},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {D{\"{o}}hring, E.},
title = {Stability of Single-Track Vehicles},
journal = {Forschung Ing.-Wes.},
year = {1955},
volume = {21},
pages = {50--62},
number = {2},
note = {Translated by J. Lotsof, March 1957},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dohring1955},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dohring1955},
file = {Dohring1955.pdf:Dohring1955.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {steer angle,roll angle,inertia ellipsoids},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {DLP -- Dohring derives linear equations of motion for a bicycle model
which includes a rigidly attached rider, no-slip rolling, and a steering
damper. He presents the four roots of the characteristic equation,
at various forward speeds, for four vehicle parameter sets: a vespa
scooter, a Durkopp Machine Type MD 150, a BMW Machine Type R 51/3
with a rider and the same vehicle without a rider.\\
The translated paper is 27 pages long, the derivation of the equations
of motion take up the first 15 and is done using Newton-Euler equations.
Eigenvalues are plotted versus Froude number ($v/(g*l)^(0.5)$, where
$l$ is the wheel base). The standard behavior of the weave, capsize,
and caster modes as presented in \cite{Meijaard2007} are qualitatively
identical to the results presented in this work, namely the existance
of a stable speed range, below which the weave mode is unstable,
above which the capsize mode is slightly unstable.\\
Discussion of a steering damper is included, and it is mentioned that
it is more important that a steering damper prevent handlebar shimmy
from occurring in the first place, rather than it have the ability
to cause existing oscillations to die out. He recommends that vehicles
be designed in such a way that a steering damper isn't needed.
He has some nice inertia ellipsoid drawings of the three different
cycles he measured for comparing the inertia.
He measured the inertial properties of a scooter, light motorcycle
and heavy motorcycle.
Equation of motion derivation and linear analysis.},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dohring1955.pdf}
author = {D{\"{o}}hring, E.},
title = {Die Stabilitat von Einspurfahrzeugen},
journal = {Automob. Techn. Z.},
year = {1954},
volume = {56},
pages = {69--72},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dohring1954},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dohring1954},
file = {Dohring1954.pdf:Dohring1954.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dohring1954.pdf}
author = {D{\"{o}}hring, E.},
title = {\"{U}ber die {S}tabilit\"{a}t und die {L}enkkr\"{a}fte von {E}inspurfahrzeugen},
school = {Technical University Braunschweig},
year = {1953},
address = {Germany},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dohring1953},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dohring1953},
file = {Dohring1953.pdf:Dohring1953.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {steering angle,},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dohring1953.pdf}
author = {Dao, Trung-Kien and Chen, Chih-Keng},
title = {Sliding-mode control for the roll-angle tracking of an unmanned bicycle},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2011},
volume = {49},
pages = {915-930},
number = {6},
abstract = { This study investigates the roll-angle tracking control of an unmanned
bicycle using a sliding-mode controller (SMC). The roll angle is
controlled at a specific speed via a simple proportional, derivative
(PD) controller to generate input–output data including steering
torque as well as roll and steering angles. The collected data are
then used to identify a one-input two-output linear model by a prediction-error
identification method using parameterisation in a canonical state-space
form derived as a Whipple model. Once the linear model is obtained,
the SMC can be designed to control the bicycle. Simulations and comparisons
with a proportional, integral, derivative (PID) controller show that
this SMC is robust against changes and variations in speed as well
as external disturbances. },
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2010.503810},
eprint = {},
file = {Dao2011a.pdf:Dao2011a.pdf:PDF;Dao2011.pdf:Dao2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.04.16},
url = {}
author = {Trung-Kien Dao and Chih-Keng Chen},
title = {Path Tracking Control of a Motorcycle Based on System Identification},
journal = {Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {2011},
volume = {60},
pages = {2927 -2935},
number = {7},
month = {sept. },
abstract = {This study investigates the roll angle tracking and path tracking
controls of a motorcycle. For the control design, a required linear
model is obtained from the system identification method. The roll
angle is controlled at a specific speed via a simple PID controller
to generate input-output data, including steering torque, as well
as roll and steering angles. The collected data are then used to
identify a one-input two-output linear model by a prediction error
identification method using parameterization in a canonical state-space
form derived as a Whipple model. With the obtained linear model,
full-state feedback (FSF) is designed for roll angle tracking control.
Simulations and comparisons with a PID controller show that this
FSF is robust against changes in speed as well as external disturbances.
On the basis of the roll angle tracking controller, a path tracking
controller by path preview is developed with consideration of disturbance
rejection. The simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed
control scheme.},
doi = {10.1109/TVT.2011.2159871},
file = {Dao2011a.pdf:Dao2011a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0018-9545},
keywords = {PID controller;canonical state-space model;disturbance rejection;full-state
feedback;motorcycle path tracking control;one-input two-output linear
model;prediction error identification method;roll angle tracking;steering
torque;system identification;angular velocity control;control system
synthesis;linear systems;motorcycles;position control;state feedback;state-space
methods;steering systems;three-term control;torque control;}
author = {J. A. Davis},
title = {Bicycle Tire Testing - Effects of Inflation Pressure \& Low Coefficient
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1975},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Davis1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Davis1975},
file = {Davis1975.pdf:Davis1975.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Davis1975.pdf}
author = {J. A. Davis and R. J. Cassidy},
title = {The Effect of Frame Properties on Bicycling Efficiency},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1974},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Davis1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Davis1974},
file = {Davis1974.pdf:Davis1974.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Davis1974.pdf}
author = {R.R. Davis and M.L. Hull},
title = {Measurement of pedal loading in bicycling: II. Analysis and results},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1981},
volume = {14},
pages = {857 - 861, 863-872},
number = {12},
abstract = {A computer-based instrumentation system was used to accurately measure
the six foot-pedal load components and the absolute pedal position
during bicycling. The instrumentation system is the first of its
kind and enables extensive and meaningful biomechanical analysis
of bicycling. With test subjects riding on rollers which simulate
actual bicycling, pedalling data were recorded to explore four separate
hypotheses. Experiments yielded the following major conclusions:
(1) Using cleated shoes retards fatigue of the quadriceps muscle
group. By allowing more flexor muscle utilization during the backstroke,
cleated shoes distribute the workload and alleviate the peak load
demand on the quadriceps group; (2) overall pedalling efficiency
increases with power level; (3) non-motive load components which
apply adverse moments on the knee joint are of significant magnitude;
(4) analysis of pedalling is an invaluable training aid. One test
subject reduced his leg exertion at the pedal by 24 per cent.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Davis1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Davis1981},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(81)90013-0},
file = {Davis1981.pdf:Davis1981.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Davis1981.pdf}
author = {Davis, R. and Hull, M. L.},
year = {1981},
volume = {103},
pages = {901--907},
number = {4},
address = {345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017},
affiliation = {DAVIS, R (Reprint Author), UNIV CALIF DAVIS,DEPT MECH ENGN,DAVIS,CA
bib = {bibtex-keys#Davis1981a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Davis1981a},
doc-delivery-number = {MM057},
file = {Davis1981a.pdf:Davis1981a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0161-8458},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {17},
subject-category = {Engineering, Mechanical},
times-cited = {2},
type = {Article},
unique-id = {ISI:A1981MM05700033},
webpdf = {references-folder/Davis1981a.pdf}
title = {The Human-Powered Home: Choosing Muscles Over Motors},
publisher = {New Society Publishers},
year = {2008},
author = {Tamara Dean},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dean2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dean2008},
timestamp = {2012.01.30}
author = {Defoort, M. and Murakami, T.},
title = {Second order sliding mode control with disturbance observer for bicycle
booktitle = {Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008. IROS 2008. IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on},
year = {2008},
pages = {2822 -2827},
month = {September},
abstract = {Controlling a riderless bicycle is a challenging problem because the
dynamics are nonlinear. In this paper, an innovative robust control
strategy based on 2nd order sliding mode control (SMC) is proposed
for the stabilization of an autonomous bicycle. In order to improve
overall performance, application of a disturbance observer (DOB)
is suggested. The combination of 2nd order SMC and DOB enables to
increase the robustness of the system trajectories while avoiding
the chattering phenomenon. The proposed control scheme is validated
by simulation and experimental results for bicycle stabilization
at low and zero velocities.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Defoort2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Defoort2008},
doi = {10.1109/IROS.2008.4650685},
file = {Defoort2008.pdf:Defoort2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {autonomous bicycle;bicycle stabilization;chattering phenomenon;disturbance
observer;riderless bicycle;second order sliding mode control;bicycles;control
nonlinearities;mobile robots;observers;road vehicles;robust control;variable
structure systems;},
webpdf = {references-folder/Defoort2008.pdf}
title = {Yeadon: A Python Library For Human Inertia Estimation},
author = {Christopher Dembia},
year = {2011},
note = {},
timestamp = {2012.03.06},
url = {}
author = {Dempster, W. T.},
title = {Space Requirements of the Seated Operator, Geometrical, Kinematic
and Mechanical Aspects of the Body with Special Reference to the
institution = {Wright-Patterson AFB},
year = {1955},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {WADC 55-159},
address = {Ohio},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dempster1955},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dempster1955},
file = {Dempster1955.pdf:Dempster1955.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dempster1955.pdf}
author = {Edward A. Desloge},
title = {The Gibbs-Appell equations of motion},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {1988},
volume = {56},
pages = {841--846},
number = {9},
abstract = {A particularly simple and direct derivation of the Gibbs-Appell equations
of motion is given. In addition to the conventional results, a relatively
unknown but elegant and useful form of the equations of motion is
also obtained. The role of virtual displacements in generating generalized
equations of motion is discussed. The relationship between the Gibbs-Appell
equations of motion and Langrange's equations of motion is discussed.
Auxiliary results that facilitate the application of the Gibbs-Appell
equations of motion to rigid bodies are presented. The theory is
demonstrated by generating equations of motion for a disk rolling
on a horizontal plane.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Desloge1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Desloge1988},
doi = {10.1119/1.15463},
file = {Desloge1988.pdf:Desloge1988.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {AAPT},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Desloge1988.pdf}
author = {Desloge, Edward A.},
title = {A comparison of Kane's equations of motion and the Gibbs--Appell
equations of motion},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {1986},
volume = {54},
pages = {470-472},
number = {5},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Desloge1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Desloge1986},
doi = {10.1119/1.14566},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {AAPT},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {van Dijk, Tomas},
title = {Bicycles made to measure},
journal = {Delft Outlook},
year = {2007},
volume = {3},
pages = {7--10},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dijk2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dijk2007},
file = {Dijk2007.pdf:Dijk2007.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2011.11.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dijk2007.pdf}
author = {E. D. Dikarev and S. B. Dikareva and N. A. Fufaev},
title = {Effect of Inclination of Steering Axis and of Stagger of the Front
Wheel on Stability of Motion of a Bicycle},
journal = {Izv. AN sssR. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela},
year = {1981},
volume = {16},
pages = {69-73},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dikarev1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dikarev1981},
file = {Dikarev1981.pdf:Dikarev1981.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dikarev1981.pdf}
author = {S. Djerassi and H. Bamberger},
title = {Constraint Forces and the Method of Auxiliary Generalized Speeds},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {2003},
volume = {70},
pages = {568-574},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Djerassi2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Djerassi2003},
doi = {10.1115/1.1572902},
keywords = {kinematics; vectors; decomposition; N-body problems},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Filippo Donida and Gianni Ferretti and Sergio M. Savaresi and Francesco
Schiavo and Mara Tanelli},
title = {Motorcycle Dynamics Library in Modelica},
booktitle = {Modelica},
year = {2006},
abstract = {This paper presents a Modelica library developed for
the dynamic simulation of a motorcycle, developed
within the Dymola environment (see [1], [2], [3])
and tailored to test and validation of active control
systems for motorcycle dynamics. As a matter of
fact, as a complete analytical model for two-wheeled
vehicles is not directly available due to the complexity
of their dynamic behavior, a reliable model should
be based on multibody modeling tools endowed with
automated symbolic manipulation capabilities. In this
work we illustrate the modular approach to motorcycle
modeling and discuss the tire-road interaction model,
which is the crucial part of the simulator. Moreover,
we propose a virtual driver model which allows to
perform all possible maneuvers.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Donida2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Donida2006},
file = {Donida2006.pdf:Donida2006.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Donida2006.pdf}
author = {Doria, A. and Formentini, M. and Tognazzo, M.},
title = {Experimental and numerical analysis of rider motion in weave conditions},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
abstract = {Motorcycle dynamics is characterised by the presence of modes of vibration
that may become unstable and lead to dangerous conditions. In particular,
the weave mode shows large yaw and roll oscillations of the rear
frame and out of phase oscillations of the front frame about the
steer axis. The presence of the rider influences the modes of vibration,
since the mass, stiffness and damping of limbs modify the dynamic
properties of the system; moreover, at low frequency the rider can
control oscillations. There are few experimental results dealing
with the response of the rider in the presence of large oscillations
of the motorcycle. This lack is due to the difficulty of carrying
out measurements on the road and of reproducing the phenomena in
the laboratory. This paper deals with a research programme aimed
at measuring the oscillations of the rider's body on a running motorcycle
in the presence of weave. First, testing equipment is presented.
It includes a special measurement device that is able to measure
the relative motion between the rider and the motorcycle. Then the
road tests carried out at increasing speeds (from 160 to 210 km/h)
are described and discussed. Best-fitting methods are used for identifying
the main features of measured vibrations in terms of natural frequencies,
damping ratios and modal shapes. The last section deals with the
comparison between measured and simulated response of the motorcycle–rider
system in weave conditions; good agreement was found.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Doria2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Doria2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.621542},
eprint = {},
file = {Doria2012.pdf:Doria2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Doria2012.pdf}
author = {A. J. R. Doyle},
title = {The Essential Human Contribution to Bicycle Riding},
journal = {Training, Human Decision Making and Control},
year = {1988},
pages = {351--370},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Doyle1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Doyle1988},
file = {Doyle1988.pdf:Doyle1988.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM -
This quote is great "The old saw says that once learned it is never
forgotten, but what exactly is learned has been by no means clear."
His goal is to determine how much of the rider's control actions can
be accounted for without involving higher cerebral functions. He
mentions the Weir and Zellner work and the fact that it is about
motorcycles and at high speed, then questions whether the control
employed for their system is simply a different version of the one
employed on a bicycle at low speed or different control methodologies
all together. He mentions the arm and upper body movements and how
it is difficult to tease out the delibirate movements verus the passive
dynamics of the body.
He doesn't seem to know about any bike self-stability as he claims
that open-loop runs are virtually impossible, but then says that
the autostability properties are woven with the human's dynamics.
He says that "mathematical models are intolerant of inputs that have
their origin ouside the system". He suggests removing upper body
movement by using a brace.
He eliminates the head angle, trail and front wheel gyro effect so
that "all steer movements are a result of the human's control".
He employs some kind of time step based calculation of the states
where he can employ intermittent control and says that tuning the
control values allows him to match the traces taken during the experiments.
Since the system is so unstable this leaves the human little freedom
of choice of which control system to use.
He says that upper body leaning alone cannot exert control in the
rolling plane.
He describe countersteering, then says that it is clear that any desired
heading changes have to be translated in into some form of demand
to the lateral control system. i.e. to go right you must roll the
frame right, to roll the frame right you must steer to initiate a
righward roll.
Figure 2 has uncanny resemblance to the control model we developed
{Hess2012}. He only has on inner loop feeding back roll rate (we
feed back steer angle, roll rate and roll angle) and says that is
the essential loop a human must learn to control before being able
to navigate and turn.
It seems like he gets somewhat close matches from his control model
to the real traces, but then adds in pulses (single or multiple)
to the steering so that the traces matches more closely. This is
done at first for a run where the rider goes into a steady turn and
then out. This was done with a normal bicycle and he claimed there
was no way to tease out the bicycle's auto stability from the traces.
He blindfolds the subjects on the destabilized bicycle to prevent
riders from trying to maintain direction but the riders seemed to
go generally straight regardless.
I need to reread the middle parts, I don't understand all his logic.
He feeds back roll acceleration and integrates it to get roll angular
velocity. This is basically a PD control on roll rate. These are
continous. But he says that the roll angle control is discrete and
uses a rule "Make a pulse against the lean whenever it gets bigger
that 1.6 degrees."
He says the gains are inversly proportional to speed.
He cites the crossover model saying that humans can adjust their gain.
He claims the balancing part of the control system is a lower cortex
type of control.
He never says what his computer simulation is. I guess it is detailed
in his thesis. The graphs are poor and he never compares experiment
to simulation directly.},
timestamp = {2010.09.15},
webpdf = {references-folder/Doyle1988.pdf}
author = {Anthony John Redfern Doyle},
title = {The Skill of Bicycle Riding},
school = {Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield},
year = {1987},
abstract = {The principal theories of human motor skill are compared. Disagreements
between them centre around the exact details of the feedback loops
used for control. In order to throw some light on this problem a
commonplace skill was analysed using computer techniques to both
record and model the movement. Bicycle riding was chosen as an example
because it places strict constraints on the freedom of the rider's
actions and consequently allows a fairly simple model to be used.
Given these constraints a faithful record of the delicate balancing
movements of the handlebar must also be a record of the rider's actions
in controlling the machine.
An instrument pack, fitted with gyroscopic sensors and a handlebar
potentiometer, recorded the roll, yaw and steering angle changes
during free riding in digital form on a microcomputer disc. A discrete
step computer model of the rider and machine was used to compare
the output characteristic of various control systems with that of
the experimental subjects. Since the normal bicycle design gives
a measure of automatic stability it is not possible to tell how much
of the handlebar movement is due to the rider and how much to the
machine. Consequently a bicycle was constructed in which the gyroscopic
and castor stability were removed. In order to reduce the number
of sensory contributions the subjects were blindfolded.
The recordings showed that the basic method of control was a combination
of a continuous delayed repeat of the roll angle rate in the handle-bar
channel, with short intermittent ballistic acceleration inputs to
control angle of lean and consequently direction.
A review of the relevant literature leads to the conclusion that the
proposed control system is consistent with current physiological
knowledge. Finally the bicycle control system discovered in the experiments
is related to the theories of motor skills discussed in the second
bib = {bibtex-keys#Doyle1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Doyle1987},
file = {Doyle1987.pdf:Doyle1987.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {He choose the bicycle balance task instead of smaller simpler tasks
that could be synthesized into a more complex task. He sees the bicycle
as allowing only a few stragteiges for its operation and this is
an advantage.
The principal control stragety for roll velocity is continous but
there is strong evidence that intermitent movements are superimposed
onto this stragtegy to control the angle of lean. I could imagine
that his simulation model wasn't good enough to simulate the closed
loop system without these corrective actions, I'm unsure whether
the evidence for them is sound.
pg55 He doesn't see much use in the traditional open-loop bicycle
modeling techinques and claims that it is virtually impossible to
specifiy a truly open-loop modle because the riders arms are on teh
bars and have a inherent muscle action (tonus).
pg60 The inertia of the rider was modeled as a single cylinder. The
bicycle was diassembled, weighed and measured. He averaged the weight
of the two subjects for simulation. He considerd the bicycle to be
a flat plate for inertia calcs. Basically, very crude estimates of
the inertia where made.
Used a tire model : "more angle gives more force" I assume this is
the slip angle ratio.
His method of develop the "equations of motion" is very different
from a typical engineering approach. I'd be quick to dismiss it,
but he ends up with some kind of simulation that seems to act like
a bicycle and even has speed dependent autostability.
pg83 on the autostability: "No test of the real bike was made at this
speed al though the author heard a first-hand account from an owner
who, as a result of a bet, pushed his riderless bicycle down a steep
hill and it ran upright to the bottom."
He used a rate gyro for roll and yaw rates. He used a potentiometer
for steer angle, geared down with a rubber o-ring band (which had
slipping problems). He had a speed measuring device, but opted to
compute the mean speed over the length of the run by recording the
timestamp = {2011.06.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Doyle1987.pdf}
author = {Andrew Dressel},
title = {The Benchmarked Linearized Equations of Motion for an Idealized Bicycle
(Implemented in Software and Distributed via the Internet)},
school = {Cornell University},
year = {2007},
month = {January},
abstract = {People have been successfully building and riding bicycles since the
1800s, and many attempts have been made to describe the motion of
these machines mathematically. However, common acceptance of the
correct linearized equations of motion for a bicycle has remained
elusive. In his 1988 master’s thesis at Cornell University, Scott
Hand derived the equations again and performed the first known extensive
survey of the literature, finding and documenting the mistakes made
in previous attempts. The question remained however of what mistakes,
if any, Mr. Hand and his advisors made. The subsequent advent of
cheap and plentiful computing power and the development of numerical
methods to take advantage of it provide an opportunity to confirm,
once and for all, the correct linearized equations of motion for
an idealized bicycle. That is exactly what A. L. Schwab, J. P. Meijaard,
and J. M. Papadopoulos have done in their recent paper. The next
step is to efficiently promulgate these correct and confirmed equations
in a useful form. The goal is that anyone working in the areas of
bicycle or motorcycle handling or control can use these equations
directly or verify their own underlying equations against this benchmark.
This thesis describes a program, JBike6, its on-line help, and its
web site designed specifically for that purpose: to provide a turn-key
application for evaluating the self-stability of a bicycle. JBike6
also generates numbers (eigenvalues and matrix entries) that can
be used to compare, to very high precision, against any other linearized
or fully non-linear equations of motion for a bicycle. After a brief
review of the application, theory, and results of JBike6, the contents
of this thesis consist primarily of hard copy of the on-line help
and web site and screen shots of the program. The text has been modified
to be more readable as a narrative and some pictures have been formatted
to fit within the margins. Obviously, the interactive nature of the
program, the help file, and the web site, including the hyperlinks,
animations, and videos, is not available in this printed document.
While all the components will continue to evolve, this thesis is
a snapshot of them in September 2006. Many redundancies have been
removed, but some remain in order to preserve the integrity and flow
of the individual components. All these components may currently
be found on-line at},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dressel2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dressel2007},
file = {Dressel2007.pdf:Dressel2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dressel2007.pdf}
author = {Dressel, Andrew and Rahman, Adeeb},
title = {Measuring sideslip and camber characteristics of bicycle tyres},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
volume = {0},
pages = {1-14},
number = {0},
abstract = { Sideslip and camber tyre properties, the forces and moments a tyre
generates as it rolls forward under different circumstances, have
been found to be important to motorcycle dynamics. A similar situation
may be expected to exist for bicycles, but limited bicycle tyre data
and a lack of the tools necessary to measure it may contribute to
its absence in bicycle dynamics analyses. Measuring these properties
requires holding the tyre at a fixed orientation with respect to
the pavement and its direction of travel, and then measuring the
lateral force and torque about the steer axis generated as the tyre
rolls forward. Devices exist for measuring these characteristics
of automobile tyres. One device is known to exist specifically for
motorcycle tyres, and it has been used at least once on bicycle tyres,
but the minimum load it can apply is nearly double the actual load
carried by most bicycle tyres. This paper presents a low-cost device
that measures bicycle tyre cornering stiffness and camber stiffness.
bib = {bibtex-keys#Dressel2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Dressel2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.615408},
eprint = {},
file = {Dressel2012.pdf:Dressel2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Dressel2012.pdf}
author = {Eaton, David J.},
title = {Man-Machine Dynamics in the Stabilization of Single-Track Vehicles},
school = {University of Michigan},
year = {1973},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Eaton1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Eaton1973},
file = {Eaton1973.pdf:Eaton1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {He does a nice review of the current work. He chooses Sharp's model
as the most definitive motorcycle model and works with it. He shows
the classic compensatory manual control system. He then shows the
crossover model citing that a suprising amount of experimental data
supports the model. He cites Weir as good manual control work and
talks about how van Lunteren and Stassen's simulator may not be very
realistic. He says that the van Lunteren and Stassen work was based
on the Whipple model which hadn't be verified against experiment
and points out the steer angle and lean angle inputs not being torques.
He cite a bicycle simulator by Hattori in Japan, which I haven't
heard of.
He does two experiment sets: transient response of the uncontrolled
motorcycle and roll stablization of the controlled motorcycle
Figure 1.1 shows that for speeds below 30 mph the tire slip models
do not vary much from a model without tireslip.
He shows Sharp's simple tire relaxation forumla.
He points out that stability may not always be desireable for the
"For motorcycles, steering-torque control is more likely than position
control, due to the greatly increase instability of the capsize mode
whne the steering degree of freedom is omitted."
He and Weir independentely substantiated Sharp's model. Eaton's roots
were identical to Sharps. He uses five bodies: engine, rear wheel,
rear frame and rider, front frame and front wheel. he linearizes
about the upright (except for coulomb headtube friction). Point contact
wheels but he includes tire forces and moments due to slip and inclination.
Figure's 2.1-2.3 show nice comparisons of the root loci with respect
to speed for different tire models. He concludes that 1) path-curvature
effects primarily influence the wobbl mode, 2) tire moments have
an importnat influence on the cpaise mode and 3) the weave mode is
influenced by the choice of a tire model only when speeds are below
20 mph.
Insturmented motorcycle: The rider's upper body was rigidified with
a brace. He did hands-off experiments with the brace!! He used a
third wheel to measure roll angle. Yaw rate was measured with gyro.
Roll angle and steer angle were measured with potentiometers. They
used a chased car with the measurement equipment, including strip
Uncontrolled experiments:
He excited steering by the rider applying an impulsive tap to the
handlebars. He excited roll by hanging weights on teh motorcycle
and then dropping one of the weights to apply a gravity based roll
torque. He found that the weights didn't change the resultin gveritcal
loads on the tires and coudl be neglected. He used the rate gyro
to measure roll rate in the hand controlled experiments. He found
it difficult to independently excite the motorcycle modes of motion
with high speed wobble being the easiest to excite and capsize and
weave being difficult. He did a combo excitation too: drop the weight
and apply steer torque impulse to correct the fall.
He compares simulation results for the combo excitation claiming to
clearly see the wobble mode (except in roll angle), not seeing weave
(due to high damping) and clearly seeing capsize at the two top speed
runs. Figures 3.2-3.5 show ok agreement, with the higher 42 mph run
showing most agreement. He did many tests, with little variablity.
Wobble predicting decreased with speed. He sees constant damping
and freq of the wobble mode with respect to speed.
Other uncontrolled experiments:
1. The test vehicle seemed to be unstable at all speeds.
2. No low freq weave coudl be excited. He observed natural steer into
the fall but it wasn't fast enough for enough correction.
3. Instability became less severe as speed increased.
He found no evidence that any of his tire models were any better than
his #1 model (lateral slip and inclination forces and aligning moments
from slip angles).
He goes through several hypotheses about why the the model doesn't
match his experiments well, focusing on more complicated tire models
and their effects at lower speeds. he concludes that he needs a better
tire model at low speeds.
Chapter 4: man-machine system
He focues on the roll stablization inner loop. Feedback roll angle
and control based on roll angle error. He eliminates body lean control
as an option to simplify things. He does note that low speed and
difficult manuevers may require body lean. He calculates the transfer
functions from steer torque to roll for the open loop motorcycle
at 15, 30 and 45 mph based on his measured parameters. Figure 4.2
shows the bode plots of each. The 30 and 45 Bode plots are almost
the same and the 15 is very different. (15 mph is stable). The rider
can control frequencies less than 10 rad/s. The 15 mph is dominated
by weave and capsize, while the higher speeds are dominated by capsize
alone. 15 is aproximated by 3rd order and the 30, 45 are approximated
by a first order transfer function. This leads to a simple form of
the human operator for the 30, 45 mph speeds: a simple gain and time
delay. He focues on 30 mph for remaining analysis.
He measured steer torque with a torque bar and the rider could only
use one hand. He set up his strain gages and bar design to be primarily
senstive to the applied steer torque. The roll angle sensor was not
always reliable. He filtered all signals with a first order filter
with break freqency of 5 rad/s.
He identifies the controlled element with two methods: cross-spectral
and impulse response methods. The impulse response method is finite
impulse response using linear regression. he notes that the remnant
is an issue and makes use of the Wingrove Edwards method to reduce
the error in estimating the rider. There is a time delay where the
autocorrelation function of the remnant is minimized. This time delay
can be leveraged to remove much of the error in identifying the human
* you can use a Pade approximation to time delay to linearize the
model in identification *
Chapter 6: Roll stablization experiments
These are basically the same as Eaton1973a, which I've alread reviewed.
He sees 3 to 5 time larger steer angles at 15 mph than 30+ mph, but
steer torques increase with speed. Roll angles and rates were nearly
speed independent. He found a dominant frequency between 1.5 and
5.0 rad/s.
He says that the motorcycle equations of motion are good predictors
now, but the conclusions from Chapter 3 seemed like they were more
mediocre. He shows much better matches of the controlled element
(the motorcycle) during these experiments (he's looking at smalle
bandwidth). his fit is worse for the 15 mph runs, mainly for 1-2
rad/s. He found that his roll angle measurement was better to work
with than the roll rate (this was a limited of his id procedure).
It looks like he decides to fix the time delay even though it was
more variable: 0.14-0.21. He found the average for most days to be
around 0.3, so he forced it to be 3.0 for the day and rider that
didn't fit that. He had to fix the delat because any combination
of the delay and lead equalization terms woudl give food fits (i.e.
a flat spot in the linear regression??).
He shows good matches to the crossover model for all speeds.
Pg 134: A gain and time delay describe the rider block for higher
speeds! "If the rider wishes to change the roll angle, he applies
a steering torque to the handlebars of opposite sign to the direction
of desired change." -- countersteering
1. Sharp's model is good for weave and capsize prediction except at
low speeds.
2. The model doesn't describe wobble below 35 mph. A better tire model
may be needed.
3. No real stable speed range was found.
4. His various tire models didn't improve fit results.
5. Tire overturning moments and aligning torques cancel each other.
6. Viscous steering dampers are prefered to Coulomb because the latter
destablizes roll.
1. The rider remnant excitation provides enough to identify the controlled
element (no other external forces are needed)
2. The time shift method can be used to identify the rider control
3. The rider can be modeled as a simple gain and time delay for high
speed runs. Th time delay was consistently 0.3 seconds.
4. The rider can be described as a gain on rate control with lead
equalization for 15 mph runs.
5. The crossover model was valid for this data.
6. The rider remnant is large and white.
7. Phase margins: 30-50 degrees, gain margins: 4-11 db for the rider
transfer function. A dominant frequency was between 1.5 to 5.0 rad/s.
8. Body lean control was not necessary to control the motorcycle in
normal riding. It may be more of a style thing if folks use it.
A tire model.
He measures the inertia with the rider on the bike in the brace. Roll
inertia was measured by setting the bike on knife edge and osciallating
it under springs. Yaw inertia was measured by suspending the bike
from thr front and rear on strings and osciallating. The product
of inertia was found the same a yaw but with the motorcycle tipped
up. A torional pendulum was used for the wheels and fork. Engine
inertia and mass was from manufacturer.
He estimates the coloumb friction in the steering head with a break-away
torque method (i.e. static friction), but says it was negligible.
For some of the roll stabilization trials at 15 and 30 mph, he finds
30 in-lb (3.4 Nm) to be the maximum steer torque.
He shows the tire mounted in a tire tester. He measured all the tire
forces and moments.},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Eaton1973.pdf}
author = {Eaton, David J.},
title = {An Experimental Study of the Motorcycle Roll Stabilization Task},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Manual Control},
year = {1973},
pages = {233--234},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Eaton1973a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Eaton1973a},
file = {Eaton1973a.pdf:Eaton1973a.pdf:PDF},
review = {He cites Sharp's 1971 model as the definitive model and uses it in
his analysis. He augmented it with tire aligning moments due to sideslip.
He questions the work done by van Lunteren and Stassen because they
used a bicycle simulator and simplified equations of motion and their
use of steer angle as the fundamental input to bicycle control. He
likes Weir's theorectical work. His goal is to use experimental uses
to corraborate Sharp and Weir's work.
This paper is strictly about his roll stabilization experiments, Weir's
inner most loop. His model has a human controller, motorcycle plant
and two additive noise components, one for the rider remnant and
the other for the wind and road disturbances.
He instrumented a motorcycle to measure steer angle with a potentiometer,
roll rate with a rate gyro, roll angle with a third wheel and steer
torque with a custom load bar with a strain gage. He says that the
effects of controlling throttle on the rear frame and steering with
only one hand are surely smaller than the effects of using position
control input versus torque control inputs (i.e. it is not a big
deal that the rider is controllin steer with one hand). He had a
brace to prevent torso movement. There was a chase car that carried
the recording equipment.
He had three experienced riders of approximately the same weight.
He uses data from Rider A (himself) for 15 experiments, 3 of which
were at 15 mph and the rest at 30 mph. Rider B and C did twelve and
eleven runs at 30 mph, respectively.
He says that the correlation between the output, roll angle, at a
time, lambda, before the current time and the current human remnant
is less than the correlation between the current roll angle and the
current rider remnant. Lambda should be between 0 and the rider's
time delay. He uses this assumption and the Wingrove-Edwards methods
with a impulse response identification to determine the rider control
block, Yp.
He first identifies Yc, the motorcycle and says it can be estimated
by find the cross spectrum between roll and steer torque over the
power spectrum of steer torque. Figure 3 gives and example of this
as compared to the Bode plot of the motorcycle model, with good agreement.
The best agreement is is between 1-4 rad/s, which corresponds to
the frequencies where most of the power of the roll angle and steer
torque records are. He claims that since the motorcycle can be easily
identified from the data the human remnant must be the dominant noise
and the wind/road noise is negligible.
He uses his identification method and finds that for the 30 mph tests
the human can be represented by a simply gain and a time delay (few
runs also had a significant lead equalization term). The 15 mph runs
could be described by a gain, lead equalization, a time delay and
a zero at the origin. He then says that the resulting rider/motorcycle
transfer function takes the form of the crossover model.
Table one shows identified parameters. The time delay is practically
the same for all riders and all speeds. Rider A shows seemingly significant
differences from one day to the next for the 30 mph runs.
Figure 5 shows the identified human and motorcycle model transfer
function for 30 mph tests for great fits to the cross over model.
The 15 mph fit is great too, but uses the estimated motorcycle model
instead of the first principles model.
He says increasing amounts of lead equalization are needed by the
human as speed decreases to fit the dictates of the crossover model.
To at least 10 rad/s the human remnant was found to be white. The
remnant includes rider steer torque non-linearly correlated to the
output, non-linear path corrections, misc steering torques, time
varitaion in the human block, and errors in identifying the human.
The mean square remnant was a large propotion of the mean square
steering torque.
He measures the parameters of the motorcycle including tire properites
on a tire testing machine.
1. He could indentify the open loop motorcycle model.
2. You can use the Wingrove-Edwards method to identify the rider block.
3, 4. He can use a constant gain and time delay to model the rider
for most runs, some required some lead equalization.
5. He gets agreement with the crossover model.
6. Most of the rider's steering torque was remnant. The power spectrum
has similar shape as white noise run through the same filter.},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Eaton1973a.pdf}
author = {Eaton, David J. and Segel, Leonard},
title = {Lateral Dynamics of the Uncontrolled Motorcycle},
booktitle = {Second International Congress on Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
address = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Eaton1973b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Eaton1973b},
file = {Eaton1973b.pdf:Eaton1973b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {He says only Dohring and Fu have done on the road motorcycle experiments
before him. He used an analog computer to do the simulations.
This paper is a repeat of the same results found in his dissertation.
Refer to the notes there.},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Eaton1973b.pdf}
author = {Frederick G. Edwards},
title = {Determination of pilot and vehicle describing functions from the
Gemini-10 mission},
institution = {NASA Ames Research Center},
year = {1972},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Edwards1972},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Edwards1972},
file = {Edwards1972.pdf:Edwards1972.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.02.09},
webpdf = {references-folder/Edwards1972.pdf}
author = {Ellis, J. R. and G. F. Hayhoe},
title = {The Steady State and Transient Handling Characteristics of a Motorcycle},
booktitle = {Second International Congress on Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
address = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ellis1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ellis1973},
file = {Ellis1973.pdf:Ellis1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ellis1973.pdf}
author = {Ellis, J. R. and G. F. Hayhoe},
title = {The Steering Geometry of a Single-Track Vehicle},
booktitle = {Second International Congress on Vehicle Mechanics},
year = {1971},
address = {Paris, France},
month = {September},
organization = {University of Paris},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ellis1971},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ellis1971},
file = {Ellis1971.pdf:Ellis1971.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ellis1971.pdf}
author = {R. Erb},
title = {Zum Problem der Stabilität beim Fahrradfahren},
journal = {MNU},
year = {2001},
volume = {5},
pages = {279--284},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Erb2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Erb2001},
file = {Erb2001.pdf:Erb2001.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Erb2001.pdf}
author = {Ervin, R. D. and C. MacAdam and Y. Watanabe},
title = {Motorcycle Braking Performance, Final Technical Report},
institution = {Highway Safety Research Institute},
year = {1976},
number = {UM-HSRI-76-30-2},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ervin1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ervin1976},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Escalona, José and Recuero, Antonio},
title = {A bicycle model for education in multibody dynamics and real-time
interactive simulation},
journal = {Multibody System Dynamics},
year = {2011},
pages = {1-20},
abstract = {This paper describes the use of a bicycle model to teach multibody
dynamics. The bicycle motion equations are first obtained as a DAE
system written in terms of dependent coordinates that are subject
to holonomic and non-holonomic constraints. The equations are obtained
using symbolic computation. The DAE system is transformed to an ODE
system written in terms of a minimum set of independent coordinates
using the generalised coordinates partitioning method. This step
is taken using numerical computation. The ODE system is then numerically
linearised around the upright position and eigenvalue analysis of
the resulting system is performed. The frequencies and modes of the
bicycle are obtained as a function of the forward velocity which
is used as continuation parameter. The resulting frequencies and
modes are compared with experimental results. Finally, the non-linear
equations of the bicycle are used to create an interactive real-time
simulator using Matlab-Simulink. A series of issues on controlling
the bicycle are discussed. The entire paper is focussed on teaching
engineering students the practical application of analytical and
computational mechanics using a model that being simple is familiar
and attractive to them.},
affiliation = {Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of
Seville, Camino de los Descubrimientos, s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Escalona2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Escalona2011},
doi = {10.1007/s11044-011-9282-7},
file = {Escalona2011.pdf:Escalona2011.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1384-5640},
keyword = {Engineering},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
webpdf = {references-folder/Escalona2011.pdf}
author = {J.L. Escalona and A.M. Recuero},
title = {A bicycle model for education in machine dynamics and real-time interactive
booktitle = {Proceedings of Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2010, A
Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles},
year = {2010},
address = {Delft, The Netherlands},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Escalona2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Escalona2010},
file = {Escalona2010.pdf:Escalona2010.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.10.26},
webpdf = {references-folder/Escalona2010.pdf}
author = {Simos Evangelou},
title = {The Control and Stability Analysis of Two-Wheeled Road Vehicles},
school = {University of London},
year = {2003},
month = {September},
abstract = {The multibody dynamics analysis software, AUTOSIM, is used to develop
automated linear and nonlinear models for the hand derived motorcycle
models presented in (Sharp, 1971, 1994b). A more comprehensive model,
based on previous work (Sharp and Limebeer, 2001), is also derived
and extended. One version of the code uses AUTOSIM to produce a FORTRAN
or C program which solves the nonlinear equations of motion and generates
time histories, and a second version generates linearised equations
of motion as a MATLAB file that contains the state-space model in
symbolic form. Local stability is investigated via the eigenvalues
of the linearised models that are associated with equilibrium points
of the nonlinear systems. The time histories produced by nonlinear
simulation runs are also used with an animator to visualise the result.
A comprehensive study of the effects of acceleration and braking
on motorcycle stability with the use of the advanced motorcycle model
is presented. The results show that the wobble mode of a motorcycle
is significantly destabilised when the machine is descending an incline,
or braking on a level surface. Conversely, the damping of the wobble
mode is substantially increased when the machine is ascending an
incline at constant speed, or accelerating on a level surface. Except
at very low speeds, inclines, acceleration and deceleration appear
to have little effect on the damping or frequency of the weave mode.
A theoretical study of the effects of regular road undulations on
the dynamics of a cornering motorcycle with the use of the same model
is also presented. Frequency response plots are used to study the
propagation of road forcing signals to the motorcycle steering system.
It is shown that at various critical cornering conditions, regular
road undulations of a particular wavelength can cause severe steering
oscillations. The results and theory presented here are believed
to explain many of the stability related road accidents that have
been reported in the popular literature. The advanced motorcycle
model is improved further to include a more realistic tyre-road contact
geometry, a more comprehensive tyre model based on Magic Formula
methods utilising modern tyre data, better tyre relaxation properties
and other features of contemporary motorcycle designs. Parameters
describing a modern high performance machine and rider are also included.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2003},
file = {Evangelou2003.pdf:Evangelou2003.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2003.pdf}
author = {Evangelou, S. and Limebeer, D.J.N. and Sharp, R.S. and Smith, M.C.},
title = {Control of motorcycle steering instabilities},
journal = {Control Systems Magazine, IEEE},
year = {2006},
volume = {26},
pages = {78-88},
number = {5},
month = {October},
abstract = {The establishment of damper settings that provide an optimal compromise
between wobble- and weave-mode damping is discussed. The conventional
steering damper is replaced with a network of interconnected mechanical
components comprised of springs, dampers and inerters - that retain
the virtue of the damper, while improving the weave-mode performance.
The improved performance is due to the fact that the network introduces
phase compensation between the relative angular velocity of the steering
system and the resulting steering technique},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2006},
doi = {10.1109/MCS.2006.1700046},
file = {Evangelou2006.pdf:Evangelou2006.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0272-1708},
keywords = {compensation, motorcycles, springs (mechanical), stabilitydamper settings,
inerters, interconnected mechanical components, motorcycle steering
instabilities, phase compensation, springs, weave-mode damping, wobble-mode
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2006.pdf}
author = {Evangelou, S. and Limebeer, D.J.N. and Sharp, R.S. and Smith, M.C.},
title = {Steering compensation for high-performance motorcycles},
booktitle = {Decision and Control, 2004. CDC. 43rd IEEE Conference on},
year = {2004},
volume = {1},
pages = {749-754 Vol.1},
month = {December},
abstract = {This paper introduces the idea of using a mechanical steering compensator
to influence the dynamic behaviour of a high-performance motorcycle.
The compensator is seen as a possible replacement for a conventional
steering damper, and comprises a network of a spring, a damper and
a less familiar component called the inerter. The inerter was recently
introduced to allow the synthesis of arbitrary passive mechanical
impedances, and finds a new potential application in the present
work. The approach taken here to design the compensator is based
on classical Bode-Nyquist frequency response ideas. The vehicle study
involves computer simulations, which make use of a state-of-the-art
motorcycle model whose parameter set is based on a Suzuki GSX-R1000
sports machine. The study shows that it is possible to obtain significant
improvements in the dynamic properties of the primary oscillatory
modes, known as "wobble" and "weave", over a full range of lean angles,
as compared with the standard machine fitted with a conventional
steering damper.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2004},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2004.1428746},
file = {Evangelou2004.pdf:Evangelou2004.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0191-2216},
keywords = {compensation, frequency response, motorcycles, position control, springs
(mechanical), steering systemsBode-Nyquist frequency response, high-performance
motorcycles, inerter, mechanical steering compensator, passive mechanical
impedance, spring, steering compensation, steering damper},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2004.pdf}
author = {Simos Evangelou and David J. N. Limebeer},
title = {Animation of the "SL2001" motorcycle model},
institution = {Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College
of Science, Technology and Medicine},
year = {2000},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2000},
file = {Evangelou2000.pdf:Evangelou2000.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2000.pdf}
author = {Simos Evangelou and David J. N. Limebeer},
title = {LISP programming of the "Sharp 1971" motorcycle model},
institution = {Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College
of Science, Technology and Medicine},
year = {2000},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2000a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2000a},
file = {Evangelou2000a.pdf:Evangelou2000a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2000a.pdf}
author = {Simos Evangelou and David J. N. Limebeer},
title = {LISP programming of the "Sharp 1994" motorcycle model},
institution = {Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College
of Science, Technology and Medicine},
year = {2000},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2000b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2000b},
file = {Evangelou2000b.pdf:Evangelou2000b.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2000b.pdf}
author = {Simos Evangelou and David J. N. Limebeer and Maria Tomas Rodriguez},
title = {Influence of Road Camber on Motorcycle Stability},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {2008},
volume = {75},
pages = {231--236},
number = {6},
eid = {061020},
abstract = {This paper studies the influence of road camber on the stability of
single-track road vehicles. Road camber changes the magnitude and
direction of the tire force and moment vectors relative to the wheels,
as well as the combined-force limit one might obtain from the road
tires. Camber-induced changes in the tire force and moment systems
have knock-on consequences for the vehicle's stability. The study
makes use of computer simulations that exploit a high-fidelity motorcycle
model whose parameter set is based on a Suzuki GSX-R1000 sports machine.
In order to study camber-induced stability trends for a range of
machine speeds and roll angles, we study the machine dynamics as
the vehicle travels over the surface of a right circular cone. Conical
road surfaces allow the machine to operate at a constant steady-state
speed, a constant roll angle, and a constant road camber angle. The
local road-tire contact behavior is analyzed by approximating the
cone surface by moving tangent planes located under the road wheels.
There is novelty in the way in which adaptive controllers are used
to center the vehicle's trajectory on a cone, which has its apex
at the origin of the inertial reference frame. The results show that
at low speed both the weave- and wobble-mode stabilities are at a
maximum when the machine is perpendicular to the road surface. This
trend is reversed at high speed, since the weave- and wobble-mode
dampings are minimized by running conditions in which the wheels
are orthogonal to the road. As a result, positive camber, which is
often introduced by road builders to aid drainage and enhance the
friction limit of four-wheeled vehicle tires, might be detrimental
to the stability of two-wheeled machines.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2008},
doi = {10.1115/1.2937140},
file = {Evangelou2008.pdf:Evangelou2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {damping; friction; mechanical contact; mechanical stability; motorcycles;
tyres; vehicle dynamics; wheels},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.12.03},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2008.pdf}
author = {Simos Evangelou and David J. N. Limebeer and Robin S. Sharp and Malcolm
C. Smith},
title = {Mechanical Steering Compensators for High-Performance Motorcycles},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {2007},
volume = {74},
pages = {332-346},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evangelou2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evangelou2007},
doi = {10.1115/1.2198547},
file = {Evangelou2007.pdf:Evangelou2007.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {steering systems; motorcycles; vehicle dynamics; design engineering;
quadratic programming},
publisher = {ASME},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evangelou2007.pdf}
author = {M. V. C. Evertse},
title = {Rider analysis using a fully instrumented motorcycle},
school = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {2010},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evertse2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evertse2010},
file = {Evertse2010.pdf:Evertse2010.pdf:PDF},
review = {Lane change 40 Nm max torque},
timestamp = {2012.02.06},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evertse2010.pdf}
author = {Marc V. C. Evertse},
title = {Rider Analysis: Strengthen bridge between rider feeling and data},
institution = {Yamaha Motor Europe NV},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Evertse2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Evertse2009},
file = {Evertse2009.pdf:Evertse2009.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2011.12.19},
webpdf = {references-folder/Evertse2009.pdf}
author = {Fajans, J.},
title = {Steering in Bicycles and Motorcycles},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {2000},
volume = {68},
pages = {654--659},
number = {7},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Fajans2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Fajans2000},
file = {Fajans2000.pdf:Fajans2000.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Fajans2000.pdf}
author = {de Falco, D. and Riviezzo, E.},
title = {Bond graph modeling the longitudinal dynamics of motorcycles},
booktitle = {International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation},
year = {1997},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Falco1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Falco1997},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {de Filippi, Pierpaolo and Mara Tanelli and Matteo Corno and Sergio
M. Savaresi},
title = {Enhancing active safety of two-wheeled vehicles via electronic stability
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th World Congress The International Federation
of Automatic Control},
year = {2011},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Filippi2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Filippi2011},
file = {Filippi2011.pdf:Filippi2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Filippi2011.pdf}
author = {Findlay, Chad and Moore, Jason Keith and Perez-Maldonado, Claudia},
title = {{SISO} Control of a Bicycle-Rider System},
note = {MAE 272 Report 2, Winter 2006},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Findlay2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Findlay2006},
file = {Findlay2006.pdf:Findlay2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.11.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Findlay2006.pdf}
author = {Findlay, Chad and Moore, Jason Keith and Perez-Maldonado, Claudia},
title = {{SISO} Control of a Bicycle-Rider System Presentation},
note = {MAE 272 Report 2, Winter 2006},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Findlay2006a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Findlay2006a},
file = {Findlay2006a.pdf:Findlay2006a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.11.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Findlay2006a.pdf}
title = {Motorcycle handling and chassis design: the art and science},
publisher = {Tony Foale Designs},
year = {2002},
author = {Tony Foale},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Foale2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Foale2002},
timestamp = {2012.02.06}
author = {F.A. Forouhar},
title = {Robust stabilization of high-speed oscillations in single track vehicles
by feedback control of gyroscopic moments of crankshaft and engine
school = {University of California, Berkeley},
year = {1992},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Forouhar1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Forouhar1992},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Franke, G. and Suhr, W. and Rie\ss, F.},
title = {An advanced model of bicycle dynamics},
journal = {European Journal of Physics},
year = {1990},
volume = {11},
pages = {116--121},
number = {2},
abstract = {A theoretical model of a moving bicycle is presented for arbitrary
bicycle geometries at finite angles. The nonlinear equations of motion
are derived and solved with the help of a computer. The solutions
are tested for energy conservation, and examined with respect to
inherent stability. For common bicycles, velocity and lean angle
ranges of self-stable motion are predicted.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Franke1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Franke1990},
file = {Franke1990.pdf:Franke1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Franke1990.pdf}
author = {Frezza, Ruggero and Beghi, Alessandro},
title = {Simulating a Motorcycle Driver},
booktitle = {New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and their Applications},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
year = {2003},
editor = {Kang, Wei and Borges, Carlos and Xiao, Mingqing},
volume = {295},
series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences},
pages = {175-186},
note = {10.1007/978-3-540-45056-6_11},
affiliation = {Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Frezza2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Frezza2003},
file = {Frezza2003.pdf:Frezza2003.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-540-40474-3},
keyword = {Engineering},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Frezza2003.pdf}
author = {Frezza, R. and Beghi, A.},
title = {A virtual motorcycle driver for closed-loop simulation},
journal = {Control Systems Magazine, IEEE},
year = {2006},
volume = {26},
pages = {62-77},
number = {5},
month = {October},
abstract = {The development of a motorcycle driver for virtual prototyping applications
is discussed. The driver is delivered with a commercial multibody
code as a tool for performing closed-loop maneuvers with virtual
motorcycle models. The closed-loop controller is developed with a
qualitative analysis of how a human rider controls a motorcycle.
The analysis concerns handling and maneuverability, which are relevant
for real and virtual vehicle performance evaluation. A motorcycle
model for control design and a controller structure are developed.
The model is based on a mathematical representation of common-sense
rules of motorcycle riding. The virtual rider is then tested in various
operating conditions to assess whether the control requirements are
achieved. Criteria for evaluating driver models are briefly discussed},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Frezza2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Frezza2006},
doi = {10.1109/MCS.2006.1700045},
file = {Frezza2006.pdf:Frezza2006.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0272-1708},
keywords = {closed loop systems, control system CAD, motorcycles, virtual prototypingclosed-loop
maneuvers, commercial multibody code, control design, maneuverability,
motorcycle control, motorcycle driver development, motorcycle handling,
multibody tools, qualitative analysis, system performance evaluation,
virtual motorcycle models, virtual prototyping},
webpdf = {references-folder/Frezza2006.pdf}
chapter = {Simulating a Motorcycle Driver},
pages = {175-186},
title = {New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and their Applications},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
year = {2004},
author = {Ruggero Frezza and Alessandro Beghi},
volume = {295},
number = {295},
series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences},
abstract = {Controlling a riderless bicycle or motorcycle is a challenging problem
because the dynamics are nonlinear and non-minimum phase. Further
difficulties are introduced if one desires to decouple the control
of the longitudinal and lateral dynamics. In this paper, a control
strategy is proposed for driving a motorcycle along a lane, tracking
a speed pro.le given as a function of the arc length of the mid lane.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Frezza2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Frezza2004},
doi = {10.1007/b80168},
file = {Frezza2004.pdf:Frezza2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Frezza2004.pdf}
author = {Fu, Hiroyasu},
title = {Fundamental Characteristics of Single-Track Vehicles in Steady Turning},
journal = {JSME Bulletin},
year = {1965},
volume = {9},
pages = {284--293},
number = {34},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Fu1965},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Fu1965},
file = {Fu1965.pdf:Fu1965.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {roll angle,steer torque,tire slip,motorcycle},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Measures roll angle with an arm and measures steering torque but doesn't
show info on it here except in the review section. The "formal" reviews
are included at the end of the paper with Kageyama and Kondo asking
questions. The open review is pretty cool. I haven't seen that before.},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Fu1965.pdf}
author = {Andreas Fuchs},
title = {Trim of aerodynamically faired single-track vehicles in crosswinds},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd European Seminar on Velomobiles},
year = {1998},
address = {Roskilde, Denmark},
month = {August},
abstract = {This paper is about minimizing the disturbing effects of steady crosswinds
on singletrack
vehicles (velomobiles and hpv / bicycles / motorcycles). A solution
of the static
problem ‘aerodynamically faired single-track vehicle in crosswind’
is presented.
The Cornell Bicycle Model (Cornell Bicycle Research Project) describes
the physical
behavior of an idealized bicycle (single-track vehicle) at no wind.
Other equations in a
previous paper describe the torques on fairings due to aerodynamic
forces which induce
lean of single-track vehicles and lead to steering-action. These equations
are combined
with those of the bicycle model to describe the conditions for equilibrium
at some lean
but zero steering angle. Parameters affecting equilibrium are mass
distribution, vehicleand
fairing geometry and the relative position of fairing and vehicle
structure. Faired
single-track velomobiles whose parameters are such that the equilibrium-equation
equation’) is fullfilled could be easier to ride in steady crosswind
than those designed at
Because the trim equation derived in this paper does not describe
the dynamic behavior
e.g. of a velomobile coming from a no-wind situation into one with
steady, alternating or
impulse-input crosswind, further investigations will be needed for
even better hpv- or
other single-track vehicle design.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Fuchs1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Fuchs1998},
file = {Fuchs1998.pdf:Fuchs1998.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Fuchs1998.pdf}
author = {Fujii, Shigeru and Shiozawa, Souichi and Shinagawa, Akinori and Kishi,
title = {Steering characteristics of motorcycles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
volume = {0},
pages = {1-19},
number = {0},
abstract = {In this study, the results of a steady-state cornering test using
a sport-touring motorcycle and the analysis of those test results
are presented. This test was conducted as an activity in our efforts
to realise a quantitative development method for motorcycles. The
measurement data from this test include measurement results for tyre
force, tyre moment, and tyre slip angle that have not been practically
addressed in the research of motorcycles, in addition to normal measurement
results for velocity, steering angle, steering torque, roll angle,
etc. Until now research on motorcycle dynamics characteristics has
indicated that ‘there is a strong relationship between the motorcycle
dynamics characteristics and the tyre slip angle’. However, since
it is difficult to take highly precise measurements of the motorcycle’s
tyre slip angle during actual riding, especially when the motorcycle
is tilted during cornering, such measurements have been avoided,
cf. [H. Ishii and Y. Tezuka, Considerations of turning performance
for motorcycle, SETC (1997), pp. 383–389]. Nevertheless, in this
research we attempted to measure the tyre slip angle and also attempted
to investigate in detail the dynamics characteristics and tyre characteristics
during riding. Until now there has not been an adequate investigation
conducted under a variety of riding conditions, but it is the aim
of this research to show that it is possible to measure the tyre
slip angle with a reasonable accuracy. It is our opinion that this
will open a new path to a more detailed investigation of the motorcycle’s
dynamics characteristics. In addition, we conducted measurements
using not only the normal rider’s lean angle (lean-with posture),
but also measurements in the case where the rider’s lean angle was
intentionally changed, in order to investigate the effects that a
change in the rider’s posture has on the variation in the measurement
results of the motorcycle’s dynamics. Furthermore, we then compared
these measurement results with the results obtained from simulations.
Additionally, steering index values were calculated from the measurement
bib = {bibtex-keys#Fujii2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Fujii2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.607900},
eprint = {},
file = {Fujii2012.pdf:Fujii2012.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {inertial measurment unit,kalman filter,GPS,roll angle},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Fujii2012.pdf}
author = {Fujikawa, H. and M. Hubbard},
title = {Optimal Human Control and Stability of the Skateboard},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Conference, Society of Instrument and Control
year = {1986},
address = {Tokyo, Japan},
month = {July},
organization = {Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Fujikawa1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Fujikawa1986},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Katsuhiko Fukui and Toshimichi Takahashi},
title = {Study of the Performance of a Driver-vehicle System for Changing
the Steering Characteristics of a Vehicle},
journal = {R\&D Review of Toyota CRDL},
year = {2008},
volume = {40},
pages = {20--25},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Fukui2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Fukui2008},
file = {Fukui2008.pdf:Fukui2008.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Fukui2008.pdf}
author = {Luca Galbusera},
year = {2004},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Galbusera2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Galbusera2004},
file = {Galbusera2004.pdf:Galbusera2004.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Galbusera2004.pdf}
author = {Gallaspy, Jason Matthew},
title = {Gyroscopic Stabilization of an Unmanned Bicycle},
school = {Auburn University},
year = {2000},
address = {Auburn, Alabama, USA},
abstract = {This paper presents a method for stabilizing an unmanned bicycle upright.
The system uses a gimbaled gyroscope to apply a restoring torque
on the bicycle frame if a leaning angle is sensed. First, a dynamic
model is developed by determining state equations from mechanical
and electrical principles. This model is used to design a controller
to stabilize the bicycle, which is implemented using a digital microcontroller.
Simulations using MATLAB/Simulink are analyzed, and experimental
results are summarized. Finally, recommendations for further work
are included in the concluding remarks.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gallaspy2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gallaspy2000},
file = {Gallaspy2000.pdf:Gallaspy2000.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Used some sort of gyroscope on a gimbal to stablize the bike. Wasn't
able to make it work in real life.},
timestamp = {2009.12.21},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gallaspy2000.pdf}
author = {Jason M. Gallaspy and John Y. Hung},
title = {Gyroscopic Stabilization Of A Stationary Unmanned Bicycle},
note = {a planned journal article of the same name as his thesis},
year = {2001},
abstract = {This paper presents a method for stabilizing an unmanned bicycle in
the upright position. Nonlinear dynamics of the bicycle and control
gyroscope are modeled using Lagrange’s method. Then, a linear approximate
model is developed to design a controller to stabilize the bicycle.
An 8-bit fixed-point microcontroller computes control commands to
actuate the gyroscope gimbal axis, thus producing a restoring torque
on the bicycle frame. Simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK are analyzed,
and experimental results are summarized. Finally, recommendations
for further work are given in the concluding remarks.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gallaspy2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gallaspy2001},
file = {Gallaspy2001.pdf:Gallaspy2001.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.19},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gallaspy2001.pdf}
author = {Gani, M. and Limebeer, D. and Sharp, R.},
title = {Multi-body simulation software in the analysis of motorcycle dynamics},
booktitle = {Transportation Systems. Proceedings volume from the 8th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS
year = {1997},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gani1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gani1997},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {M. Gani and D. Limebeer and R.S. Sharp},
title = {Multibody simulation software in the study of two-wheeled road vehicles},
booktitle = {Proc. 8th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Symposium on Transportation Systems '97},
year = {1997},
address = {Chania, Greece.},
month = {June},
abstract = {Due to the model complexity, the manual derivation of the equations
of motion of two-wheeled road vehicles is not practical, particularly
if one wishes to study complex modes of operation such as certain
cornering phenomena. We establish the feasibility of using multi-body
model building software to study the straight running properties
of a motorcycle. Our results accurately match those found by Sharp
[6], who hand derived the equations of motion, with the added advantage
of a significant reduction in the time taken to model the system.
Furthermore, we demonstrate the agreement between the results of
the linear model and the time responses obtained from a small perturbation
non-linear system derived by the multi-body package. We also contend
that the probability of incorrectly modelling the system, using these
software tools, is less than that found in manual methods. Three
examples are given to demonstrate how these tools can reduce the
time and effort needed in improving motorcycle design. Firstly, a
motorcycle model is used to predict the change in stability resulting
from changes in the mechanical trail. Then we show how this base
model used by Sharp [6] can be extended to include bounce, pitch
and suspension freedoms. Finally, we implement a simple rider control
mechanism to study the counter steering phenomenon.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gani1997a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gani1997a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Gani, M. and Limebeer, D. J. N. and Sharp, R.},
title = {The analysis of motorcycle dynamics and control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop Modelling and Control of Mechanical Systems},
year = {1997},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gani1997b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gani1997b},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Mahbub Gani and Robin Sharp and David Limebeer},
title = {Multi-body simulation software in the study of two-wheeled road vehicles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control},
year = {1996},
address = {Kobe, Japan},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gani1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gani1996},
file = {Gani1996.pdf:Gani1996.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gani1996.pdf}
author = {Garcia, A. and Hubbard, M.},
title = {Spin Reversal of the Rattleback: Theory and Experiment},
journal = {Proceedngs of the Royal Society London A},
year = {1988},
volume = {418},
pages = {165-197},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Garcia1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Garcia1988},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {van Gelder, Eric},
title = {A Literature Review of Tilting Vehicle Dynamics and Controls},
institution = {University of California, Davis},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gelder2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gelder2006},
file = {Gelder2006.pdf:Gelder2006.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gelder2006.pdf}
author = {Joseph Genin and Juehui Hong and Wei Xu},
title = {Accelerometer Placement for Angular Velocity Determination},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {1997},
volume = {119},
pages = {474-477},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Genin1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Genin1997},
doi = {10.1115/1.2801281},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Genta, G. and Albesiano, R.},
booktitle = {Proceedings - Society Of Automotive Engineers May 7-11 1990},
year = {1990},
number = {707-714 8756-8470},
publisher = {SAE},
note = {SAE Paper 905211},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Genta1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Genta1990},
file = {Genta1990.pdf:Genta1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Genta1990.pdf}
author = {Getz, Neil H.},
title = {Internal equilibrium control of a bicycle},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat.
year = {1995},
volume = {4},
pages = {4285-4287},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
month = {December},
organization = {IEEE Control Syst. Soc},
publisher = {IEEE},
note = {Proceedings of 1995 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
13-15 December 1995, New Orleans, LA, USA},
abstract = {Internal equilibrium control is applied to the problem of path-tracking
with balance for the bicycle using steering and rear-wheel torque
as inputs. From the internal dynamics of the bicycle an internal
equilibrium manifold, a submanifold of the state-space, is constructed.
The internal equilibrium controller makes a neighborhood of the manifold
attractive and invariant. This results in approximate tracking of
time-parameterized paths in the plane while retaining balance.},
affiliation = {Getz, N.H.; Dept. of Electr. Eng. \& Comput. Sci., California Univ.,
Berkeley, CA, USA.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Getz1995a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Getz1995a},
file = {Getz1995a.pdf:Getz1995a.pdf:PDF},
identifying-codes = {[C1996-03-3360F-003],[0 7803 2685 7/95/\$4.00],[10.1109/CDC.1995.478913]},
isbn = {0 7803 2685 7},
keywords = {Theoretical or Mathematical/ dynamics; motion control; vehicles/ internal
equilibrium control; bicycle; steering; rear-wheel torque; internal
equilibrium manifold; internal dynamics; state-space submanifold/
C3360F Control of other land traffic systems; C3120C Spatial variables
language = {English},
number-of-references = {4},
owner = {moorepants},
publication-type = {C},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
type = {Conference Paper},
unique-id = {INSPEC:5189922},
webpdf = {references-folder/Getz1995a.pdf}
author = {Getz, Neil H.},
title = {Control of balance for a nonlinear nonholonomic non-minimum phase
model of a bicycle},
booktitle = {American Control Conference},
year = {1994},
volume = {1},
number = {{P}aper 751712},
pages = {148-151},
address = {Baltimore, {MD}},
month = {June--July},
organization = {AACC},
abstract = {A feedback control law is derived that causes a nonlinear, nonholonomic,
nonminimum phase model of a riderless powered two-wheeled bicycle
to stably track arbitrary smooth trajectories of roll-angle and non-zero
rear-wheel velocity.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Getz1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Getz1994},
doi = {10.1109/ACC.1994.751712},
file = {Getz1994.pdf:Getz1994.pdf:PDF},
keywords = { dynamics, feedback, motion control, nonlinear control systems, stability,
tracking balance control, feedback control, nonlinear nonholonomic
non-minimum phase model, roll-angle, trajectory tracking, two-wheeled
bicycle, velocity},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Uses a very simpel bicycle model, but it is nonholonic and exhibits
non-minumum phase. They are only concerned with balancing and track
roll angle and rear wheel velovity with a PD control on roll angle
and P control on velecity. He simlutes the control of an example
model for various roll angle trajectories.},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Getz1994.pdf}
author = {Getz, Neil H. and Marsden, Jerrold E.},
title = {Control for an autonomous bicycle, Paper 525473},
booktitle = {International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {1995},
volume = {2},
pages = {1397-1402},
address = {Nagoya, Aichi, Japan},
month = {May},
organization = {IEEE},
abstract = {The control of nonholonomic and underactuated systems with symmetry
is illustrated by the problem of controlling a bicycle. We derive
a controller which, using steering and rear-wheel torque, causes
a model of a riderless bicycle to recover its balance from a near
fall as well as converge to a time parameterized path in the ground
plane. Our construction utilizes new results for both the derivation
of equations of motion for nonholonomic systems with symmetry, as
well as the control of underactuated robotic systems},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Getz1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Getz1995},
doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.1995.525473},
file = {Getz1995.pdf:Getz1995.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1050-4729},
keywords = { mobile robots autonomous bicycle, nonholonomic systems, rear-wheel
torque, riderless bicycle, steering, symmetry, time-parameterized
path convergence, underactuated robotic systems},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Getz1995.pdf}
author = {Gibbs, J. W.},
title = {On the Fundamental Formulae of Dynamics},
journal = {American Journal of Mathematics},
year = {1879},
volume = {2},
pages = {49--64},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gibbs1879},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gibbs1879},
copyright = {Copyright © 1879 The Johns Hopkins University Press},
issn = {00029327},
jstor_articletype = {primary_article},
jstor_formatteddate = {Mar., 1879},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Giner, D.M. and Jian Kang and Manka, M.},
title = {A "corner solver" for motorcycles as a tool for the development of
a virtual rider},
booktitle = {Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2009. VPPC '09. IEEE},
year = {2009},
pages = {1110 -1117},
month = {September},
abstract = {In this paper, a solver for the cornering analysis of motorcycles
is presented. Its main outcome is the trim condition of the vehicle
accelerating through a corner. There are several advantages of using
this approach over a dynamic solution. Firstly, a controller is not
needed to stabilize the motorcycle under the desired conditions and,
secondly, the solution is much faster. The exploration of the motorcycle
equilibrium points and their dependence on the speed and the corner
radius will give a useful insight for the design of a virtual rider.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Giner2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Giner2009},
doi = {10.1109/VPPC.2009.5289724},
file = {Giner2009.pdf:Giner2009.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {corner solver;motorcycle equilibrium points;virtual rider;motorcycles;traffic
engineering computing;vehicle dynamics;virtual reality;},
webpdf = {references-folder/Giner2009.pdf}
author = {David Moreno Giner and Claudio Brenna and Ioannis Symeonidis and
Gueven Kavadarlic},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IMECE2008 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition},
year = {2008},
number = {IMECE2008-67297},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Giner2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Giner2008},
file = {Giner2008.pdf:Giner2008.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Giner2008.pdf}
author = {David Moreno Giner and Michal Manka},
title = {Motorcycle dynamic models for virtual rider design and cornering
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,
IDETC/CIE 2009},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Giner2009a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Giner2009a},
file = {Giner2009a.pdf:Giner2009a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Giner2009a.pdf}
author = {J. Godthelp and M. Buist},
title = {Stability and Manoeuvrability Characteristics of Single Track Vehicles},
institution = {Institute for Road Safety Research},
year = {1975},
number = {IZF 1975 C-2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Godthelp1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Godthelp1975},
file = {Godthelp1975.pdf:Godthelp1975.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Godthelp1975.pdf}
author = {J. Godthelp and P.I.J. Wouters},
title = {Koers houden door fietsers en bromfietsers},
journal = {Verkeerskunde},
year = {1978},
pages = {537 - 543},
number = {11},
month = {November},
abstract = {Benodigde strookbreedte op rechte wegvakken en kruisingen
Wendbaarheid en stabiliteit van tweewielers
Consequenties voor verkeers- en gedragsregels},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Godthelp1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Godthelp1978},
file = {Godthelp1978.pdf:Godthelp1978.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycle, experimental, geometrical properties, stability, maneuvrability},
owner = {kooijman},
review = {good literature review, good summary of the stability / maneuvrability
problem related to bicycle geometrical properties, and a good explanation
for relavance of the used testing procedures.},
timestamp = {2008.04.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Godthelp1978.pdf}
author = {J. Gohl and R. Rajamani and P. Starr and L. Alexander},
title = {Development of a novel tilt-controlled narrow commuter vehicle},
institution = {University of Michigan, Center of Transportation Studies},
year = {2006},
number = {CTS 06-05},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gohl2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gohl2006},
file = {Gohl2006.pdf:Gohl2006.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gohl2006.pdf}
author = {Hiroko Gonzalez and M.L. Hull},
title = {Multivariable optimization of cycling biomechanics},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1989},
volume = {22},
pages = {1151 - 1161},
number = {11-12},
abstract = {Relying on a biomechanical model of the lower limb which treats the
leg-bicycle system as a five-bar linkage constrained to plane motion,
a cost function derived from the joint moments developed during cycling
is computed. At constant average power of 200 W, the effect of five
variables on the cost function is studied. The five variables are
pedalling rate, crank arm length, seat tube angle, seat height, and
longitudinal foot position on the pedal. A sensitivity analysis of
each of the five variables shows that pedalling rate is the most
sensitive, followed by the crank arm length, seat tube angle, seat
height, and longitudinal foot position on the pedal (the least sensitive).
Based on Powell's method, a multivariable optimization search is
made for the combination of variable values which minimize the cost
function. For a rider of average anthropometry (height 1.78 m, weight
72.5 kg), a pedalling rate of 115 rev min-1, crank arm length of
0.140 m, seat tube angle of 76°, seat height plus crank arm length
equal to 97\% of trochanteric leg length, and longitudinal foot position
on the pedal equal to 54\% of foot length correspond to the cost
function global minimum. The effect of anthropometric parameter variations
is also examined and these variations influence the results significantly.
The optimal crank arm length, seat height, and longitudinal foot
position on the pedal increase as the size of rider increases whereas
the optimal cadence and seat tube angle decrease as the rider's size
increases. The dependence of optimization results on anthropometric
parameters emphasizes the importance of tailoring bicycle equipment
to the anthropometry of the individual.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gonzalez1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gonzalez1989},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(89)90217-0},
file = {Gonzalez1989.pdf:Gonzalez1989.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gonzalez1989.pdf}
author = {Hiroko Gonzalez and M.L. Hull},
title = {Multivariable optimization of cycling biomechanics},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1988},
volume = {21},
pages = {872 - 872},
number = {10},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gonzalez1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gonzalez1988},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(88)90079-6},
file = {Gonzalez1988.pdf:Gonzalez1988.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gonzalez1988.pdf}
author = {Avesta Goodarzi and Amir Soltani and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh},
title = {Handling improvement of motorcycles using active seats},
booktitle = {Advances in Automotive Control},
year = {2007},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Goodarzi2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Goodarzi2007},
doi = {10.3182/20070820-3-US-2918.00039},
file = {Goodarzi2007.pdf:Goodarzi2007.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Goodarzi2007.pdf}
author = {Gordon, C. C. and Churchill, T. and Clauser, C. E. and Bradtmiller,
B. and McConville, J. T.and Tebbetts, I. and Walker, R. A.},
title = {1988 Anthropometric survey of U.S. Army personnel: summary statistics
interim report},
institution = {U.S. Army Natick RD\&E Center},
year = {1989},
number = {NATICK/TR-89/027},
address = {Massachusetts},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gordon1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gordon1989},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26}
author = {Suresh Goyal},
title = {Second Order Kinematic Constraint Between Two Bodies Rolling, Twisting
and Slipping Against Each Other While Maintaining Point Contact},
institution = {Cornell University},
year = {1989},
number = {TR 89-1043},
address = {Ithaca, New York},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Goyal1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Goyal1989},
file = {Goyal1989.pdf:Goyal1989.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Goyal1989.pdf}
author = {{Greenslade Jr.}, T. B.},
title = {More bicycle physics},
journal = {Physics Teacher},
year = {1983},
volume = {21},
pages = {360--363},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Greenslade1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Greenslade1983},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {I. W. Griffiths and J. Watkins and D. Sharpe},
title = {Measuring the moment of inertia of the human body by a rotating platform
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {2005},
volume = {73},
pages = {85-92},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Griffiths2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Griffiths2005},
doi = {10.1119/1.1648688},
file = {Griffiths2005.pdf:Griffiths2005.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {biomechanics; gyroscopes; rotation; angular momentum; readout electronics},
publisher = {AAPT},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Griffiths2005.pdf}
author = {Gustafsson, Fredrik},
title = {Methods for estimating the roll angle and pitch angle of a two-wheeled
vehicle system and a computer program to perform the methods},
year = {2002},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Gustafsson2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Gustafsson2002},
file = {Gustafsson2002.pdf:Gustafsson2002.pdf:PDF},
nationality = {Swedish},
number = {WO 02/01151 A1},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Gustafsson2002.pdf},
yearfiled = {2001}
author = {le H{\'{e}}naff, Y.},
title = {Dynamical stability of the bicycle},
journal = {European Journal of Physics},
year = {1987},
volume = {8},
pages = {207--210},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Henaff1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Henaff1987},
file = {Henaff1987.pdf:Henaff1987.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Henaff1987.pdf}
author = {Hakansson, N.A. and Hull, M.L.},
title = {Influence of Pedaling Rate on Muscle Mechanical Energy in Low Power
Recumbent Pedaling Using Forward Dynamic Simulations},
journal = {Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions
year = {2007},
volume = {15},
pages = {509-516},
number = {4},
month = {December},
abstract = {An understanding of the muscle power contributions to the crank and
limb segments in recumbent pedaling would be useful in the development
of rehabilitative pedaling exercises. The objectives of this work
were to 1) quantify the power contributions of the muscles to driving
the crank and limb segments using a forward dynamic simulation of
low-power pedaling in the recumbent position, and 2) determine whether
there were differences in the muscle power contributions at three
different pedaling rates. A forward dynamic model was used to determine
the individual muscle excitation amplitude and timing to drive simulations
that best replicated experimental kinematics and kinetics of recumbent
pedaling. The segment kinematics, pedal reaction forces, and electromyograms
(EMG) of 10 muscles of the right leg were recorded from 16 subjects
as they pedaled a recumbent ergometer at 40, 50, and 60 rpm and a
constant 50 W workrate. Intersegmental joint moments were computed
using inverse dynamics and the muscle excitation onset and offset
timing were determined from the EMG data. All quantities were averaged
across ten cycles for each subject and averaged across subjects.
The model-generated kinematic and kinetic quantities tracked almost
always within 1 standard deviation (SD) of the experimental data
for all three pedaling rates. The uniarticular hip and knee extensors
generated 65\% of the total mechanical work in recumbent pedaling.
The triceps surae muscles transferred power from the limb segments
to the crank and the bi-articular muscles that crossed the hip and
knee delivered power to the crank during the leg transitions between
flexion and extension. The functions of the individual muscles did
not change with pedaling rate, but the mechanical energy generated
by the knee extensors and hip flexors decreased as pedaling rate
increased. By varying the pedaling rate, it is possible to manipulate
the individual muscle power contributions to the crank and limb segments
in recumbe- - nt pedaling and thereby design rehabilitative pedaling
exercises to meet specific objectives.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hakansson2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hakansson2007},
doi = {10.1109/TNSRE.2007.906959},
file = {Hakansson2007.pdf:Hakansson2007.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1534-4320},
keywords = {electromyography, kinematics, patient rehabilitationEMG, crank, electromyograms,
forward dynamic simulations, hip extensors, inverse dynamics, kinetics,
knee extensors, leg extension, leg flexion, limb segments, low power
recumbent pedaling, muscle excitation amplitude, muscle mechanical
energy, muscle power, pedal reaction forces, pedaling rate, rehabilitative
pedaling exercises, segment kinematics, triceps surae muscles},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hakansson2007.pdf}
author = {B D Hall},
title = {On the propagation of uncertainty in complex-valued quantities},
journal = {Metrologia},
year = {2004},
volume = {41},
pages = {173},
number = {3},
abstract = {This paper explores a recent suggestion to use a bivariate form of
the Gaussian 'error propagation law' to propagate uncertainty in
the measurement of complex-valued quantities (Ridler N M and Salter
M J 2002 Metrologia [/0026-1394/39/3/6] 39 295–302 ). Several alterative
formulations of the law are discussed in which the contributions
from individual input terms are more explicit. The calculation of
complex-valued sensitivity coefficients is discussed and a matrix
generalization of the notion of a 'component of uncertainty' in a
measurement result is introduced. A form of a 'chain rule' is given
for the propagation of uncertainty when several intermediate equations
are involved.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hall2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hall2004},
file = {Hall2004.pdf:Hall2004.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hall2004.pdf}
author = {B D Hall},
title = {Calculating measurement uncertainty for complex-valued quantities},
journal = {Measurement Science and Technology},
year = {2003},
volume = {14},
pages = {368},
number = {3},
abstract = {A software technique is described that provides support for uncertainty
calculations for complex-valued measurements. The technique is based
on classical methods of multivariate statistics and propagation of
variance as well as automatic differentiation, which is an established
computational method. It facilitates propagation of covariance data
by automating the calculation of sensitivity coefficients. The technique
introduces a simple abstraction to represent measurement data and
defines arithmetic operations and standard functions that manipulate
this abstraction. The method is not difficult to implement and is
easy to use. An example source code in C++ is included.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hall2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hall2003},
file = {Hall2003.pdf:Hall2003.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hall2003.pdf}
author = {Woonchul Ham and Hyunseok Choi},
title = {Autonomous Tracking Control and Inverse Kinematics of Unmanned Electric
Bicycle System},
booktitle = {SICE-ICASE, 2006. International Joint Conference},
year = {2006},
pages = {336 -339},
month = {October},
abstract = {In the former researches for the unmanned bicycle system, we do focus
on stabilizing it by using the lateral motion of mass and suggest
a control algorithm for steering angle and driving wheel speed for
a given desired path. We also suggest a new algorithm for nonlinear
inverse kinematic problem which is similar to Piccard's iterative
method in basic concept. We then propose a tracking control strategy
by moving the center of load mass left and right respectively based
on the nonlinear compensation-like control studied in the former
researches. From the computer simulation results, we can show the
effectiveness of the proposed control strategy},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ham2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ham2006},
doi = {10.1109/SICE.2006.315703},
file = {Ham2006.pdf:Ham2006.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Piccard iterative method;autonomous tracking control;inverse kinematics;unmanned
electric bicycle system;iterative methods;mobile robots;nonlinear
control systems;remotely operated vehicles;robot kinematics;robust
webpdf = {references-folder/Ham2006.pdf}
author = {Woonchul Ham and Seunghwan Kim},
title = {A New Iterative Algorithm for the Inverse Kinematic Problem and Its
Application to Unmanned Electric Bicycle System},
booktitle = {Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 2007. CIRA
2007. International Symposium on},
year = {2007},
pages = {444 -449},
month = {June},
abstract = {In the former researches (Ingyu Park, et al., 2001), (Sangduck Lee
and Woonchul Ham, 2002), (Seonghoon Kim and Woonchul Ham, 2004),
we suggested an algorithm which can be used for deriving the nonlinear
inverse kinematic problem in unmanned bicycle system by using iterative
method. In this short note, we reinforce the former method and propose
a new iterative algorithm for a certain type of nonlinear dynamic
equation such as inverse kinematics of bicycle system. The idea of
proposed algorithm is similar to Piccard's iterative method in basic
concept. We also propose a robust control strategy for tracking problem
in bicycle system based on nonlinear compensation. In this control
algorithm, we invent and attach the load mass balance system for
the self stabilization with more ease. From the computer simulation
results, we can see that the proposed control algorithm can be applied
to the real system.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ham2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ham2007},
doi = {10.1109/CIRA.2007.382889},
file = {Ham2007.pdf:Ham2007.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {computer simulation;iterative algorithm;load mass balance system;nonlinear
compensation;nonlinear dynamic equation;nonlinear inverse kinematic
problem;robust control strategy;self stabilization;unmanned electric
bicycle system;bicycles;compensation;iterative methods;mobile robots;nonlinear
dynamical systems;remotely operated vehicles;robot kinematics;robust
webpdf = {references-folder/Ham2007.pdf}
author = {Richard Scott Hand},
title = {Comparison and Stability Analysis of Linearized Equations of Motion
For a Basic Bicycle Model},
school = {Cornell University},
year = {1988},
address = {Ithaca, New York},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hand1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hand1988},
file = {Hand1988.pdf:Hand1988.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hand1988.pdf}
author = {Harper, R. P. and Cooper, G. E.},
title = {Handling Qualities and Pilot Evaluation},
journal = {Journal of Guidance},
year = {1986},
volume = {9},
pages = {515-529},
number = {5},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Harper1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Harper1986},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {{Harper Jr.}, Robert P. and George E. Cooper},
title = {Handling Qualities and Pilot Evaluation},
year = {1984},
note = {Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Harper1984},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Harper1984},
file = {Harper1984.pdf:Harper1984.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Harper1984.pdf}
author = {Hartman, Charles H.},
title = {Human Factors Portion of the Motorcycle Dynamics and Handling Equation},
journal = {SAE Special Publications},
year = {1978},
volume = {SP--428},
pages = {73--78},
month = {February--March},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hartman1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hartman1978},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Hasegawa, A},
title = {Analysis of Controllability and Stability of Motorcycles Analysis
of Stability at High
Speed Driving},
booktitle = {Proc. International Motorcycle Safety Conference},
year = {1980},
volume = {2},
pages = {479--500},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hasegawa1980},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hasegawa1980},
timestamp = {2012.02.12}
author = {Hauser, J. and Saccon, A. and Frezza, R.},
title = {Achievable motorcycle trajectories},
booktitle = {Decision and Control, 2004. CDC. 43rd IEEE Conference on},
year = {2004},
volume = {4},
pages = { 3944-3949 Vol.4},
month = {December},
abstract = { The authors show that a (simple, nonholonomic) motorcycle can exactly
track a large class of smooth trajectories in the plane. Instability
and nontrivial dynamic coupling make the exploration of aggressive
motorcycle trajectories a rather challenging task. Previously (Hauser
et al., 2004), we developed optimization techniques for constructing
a suitable roll trajectory that (approximately) implements the desired
plane trajectory. In that work, we found that the tracking error
is usually quite small leading to the natural question: Given a smooth
trajectory in the plane, does there exist a bounded roll trajectory
that allows a simple motorcycle model to exactly track the plane
trajectory? In this paper, we develop a technique for proving that
such exact tracking is possible and apply it to a number of example
cases. Our technique is based on the nonlinear system inversion work
of Devasia and Paden (1998). Indeed, our algorithm is in the class
that they propose. Unfortunately, we have been unable to directly
use their results as the motorcycle system does not appear to satisfy
the specific conditions required.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hauser2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hauser2004},
file = {Hauser2004.pdf:Hauser2004.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0191-2216},
keywords = { motorcycles, optimisation, position control exact tracking, motorcycle
trajectories, nonholonomic motorcycle, nonlinear system inversion,
nontrivial dynamic coupling, smooth trajectory tracking, tracking
webpdf = {references-folder/Hauser2004.pdf}
author = {Qichang He and Xiumin Fan and Dengzhe Ma},
title = {Full Bicycle Dynamic Model for Interactive Bicycle Simulator},
journal = {Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering},
year = {2005},
volume = {5},
pages = {373--380},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#He2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#He2005},
doi = {10.1115/1.2121749},
file = {He2005.pdf:He2005.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycles; digital simulation; mechanical engineering computing; interactive
systems; vibrations; vehicle dynamics},
publisher = {ASME},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/He2005.pdf}
author = {Herfkens},
title = {The stability of the bicycle},
institution = {Instituut voor Rijwielontwikkeling},
year = {1949},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Herfkens1949},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Herfkens1949},
file = {Herfkens1949.pdf:Herfkens1949.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.10.26},
webpdf = {references-folder/Herfkens1949.pdf}
author = {Hespanha, Jo{\~a}o P.},
title = {Undergraduate Lecture Notes on LQG/LQR controller design},
note = {Course lecture notes},
month = {April},
year = {2007},
address = {at \url{}},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hespanha2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hespanha2007},
day = {1},
howpublished = {On the WWW},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31}
author = {Hess, R.A.},
title = {Modeling the effects of display quality upon human pilot dynamics
and perceived vehicle handling qualities},
journal = {Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1995},
volume = {25},
pages = {338-344},
number = {2},
month = {February},
abstract = {A model-based technique addressing the effect of display or visual
scene quality upon human pilot dynamics is introduced. The technique
builds upon a methodology proposed for the preliminary assessment
of flight simulator fidelity which uses a structural model of the
human pilot. This model is incorporated in what is termed the primary
control loop(s) for the task at hand. It is shown that the measured
effects of degradations in display quality upon human pilot dynamics
can be modeled by simple reductions in the gains associated with
error and proprioceptive signals in the structural model. A control
theoretic rationale for these gain reductions is presented. The effect
of display quality upon perceived handling qualities is discussed
and demonstrated in a simple example. Although the research had its
genesis in flight simulator fidelity studies, the modeling procedure
is applicable to any continuous control task involving degraded visual
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1995},
doi = {10.1109/21.364831},
file = {Hess1995.pdf:Hess1995.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0018-9472},
keywords = {aerospace simulation, aircraft control, aircraft displays, human factors,
man-machine systemsdisplay quality, flight simulator fidelity, human
factor, human pilot dynamics, model-based technique, perceived vehicle
handling, primary control loop, proprioceptive signals},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1995.pdf}
author = {Hess, Ronald},
title = {A Model of the Human's Use of Motion Cues in Vehicular Control},
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics},
year = {1990},
volume = {13},
pages = {476--482},
month = {May--June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1990c},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1990c},
owner = {Luke},
timestamp = {2008.12.18}
author = {Ronald Hess},
title = {A Qualitative Model of Human Interaction with Complex Dynamic Systems},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Sytems, Man, and Cybernetics},
year = {1987},
volume = {SMC-17},
pages = {33-51},
number = {1},
month = {January/February},
abstract = {Abstract-A qualitative model describing human interaction with complex
dynamic systems is developed. The model is hierarchical in nature
and consists of three parts: a behavior generator, an internal model,
and a sensory information processor. The behavior generator is responsible
for action decomposition, turning higher level goals or missions
into physical action at the human-machine interface. The internal
model is an internal representation of the environment which the
human is assumed to possess and is divided into four submodel categories.
The sensory information processor is responsible for sensory composition.
All three parts of the model act in consort to allow anticipatory
behavior on the part of the human in goal-directed interaction with
dynamic systems. Human workload and error are interpreted in this
framework, and the familiar example of an automobile commute is used
to illustrate the nature of the activity in the three model elements.
Finally, with the qualitative model as a guide, verbal protocols
from a manned simulation study of a helicopter instrument landing
task are analyzed with particular emphasis on the effect of automation
on human-machine performance.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1987},
file = {Hess1987.pdf:Hess1987.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1987.pdf}
chapter = {Identification of Pilot Dynamics From Simulation and Flight Test},
pages = {151--176},
title = {Control and Dynamic Systems},
publisher = {Academic Press},
year = {1990},
editor = {C. T. Leondes},
author = {Hess, R. A.},
volume = {33},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1990d},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1990d},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
chapter = {Methodology for the Analytical Assessment of Aircraft Handling Qualities},
pages = {129-149},
title = {Control and Dynamic Systems},
publisher = {Academic Press},
year = {1990},
editor = {C. T. Leondes},
author = {Hess, R. A.},
volume = {33},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1990e},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1990e},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
chapter = {Human-in-the-Loop Control},
title = {CRC Control Handbook},
publisher = {CRC Press},
year = {1996},
editor = {W. S. Levine},
author = {Hess, R. A.},
number = {80},
address = {Boca Raton, FL},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1996},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
chapter = {A Model-Based Theory for Analyzing Human Control Behavior},
pages = {129--175},
title = {Advances in Man-Machine Systems Research},
publisher = {JAI Press},
year = {1985},
editor = {W. B. Rouse},
author = {Hess, R. A.},
volume = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1985},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1985},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
chapter = {Feedback Control Models: Manual Control and Tracking},
pages = {1249--1294},
title = {Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = {1997},
editor = {Gavriel Salvendy},
author = {Hess, R. A.},
number = {38},
address = {New York},
edition = {Second},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1997},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Chapter 38: Feedback Control Models - Manual Control and Tracking
is a great introduction to manual control theory.
Page 1263 gives some example covariances of observation and motor
noise. This may be relevant to picking the process and measurment
noise in the bicycle-rider system.
He discusses crossover model, optimal controllers, fuzzy control,
precision human modeling and anthropomorphic models for human operator
Anthropomorphic: explicit system design of the humans systems: central
nervous, vestibular, neuormuscular.},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
chapter = {Feedback Control Models},
pages = {1212--1242},
title = {Handbook of Human Factors},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
year = {1987},
editor = {Salvendy, Gavriel},
author = {Hess, Ronald A.},
edition = {First},
month = {January},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1987a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1987a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
chapter = {Pilot Control},
title = {Principles and Practice of Aviation Psychology},
publisher = {Erlbaum},
year = {2003},
editor = {P. S. Tang and M. A.Vidulich},
author = {Hess, R. A.},
number = {8},
address = {Mahwah, NJ},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2003},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
chapter = {8: Pilot Control},
pages = {265--310},
title = {Principles of Aviation Psychology: Human Factors in Transportation},
publisher = {CRC Press},
year = {2003},
editor = {Pamela S. Tang and Michael A. Vidulich},
author = {Ronald A. Hess},
address = {New York},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2003a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2003a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.05.06}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {Analytical Assessment of Performance, Handling Qualities and Added
Dynamics in Rotorcraft Flight Control},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A, Systems
and Human},
year = {2009},
volume = {SMC-39},
pages = {262-271},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2009a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2009a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {Simplified Approach for Modelling Pilot Pursuit Control Behaviour
in Multi-Loop Flight Control Tasks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal
of Aerospace Engineering},
year = {2006},
volume = {220},
number = {2},
pages = {85--102},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2006},
doi = {10.1243/09544100JAERO33},
file = {Hess2006.pdf:Hess2006.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {pilot models, handling qualities, manual control},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess2006.pdf}
author = {Ronald A. Hess},
title = {Book Review: Advances in Aircraft Flight Control},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
year = {1999},
volume = {44},
pages = {887--889},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1999},
file = {Hess1999.pdf:Hess1999.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1999.pdf}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {Unified Theory for Aircraft Handling Qualities and Adverse Aircraft-Pilot
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
year = {1997},
volume = {20},
pages = {1141-1148},
number = {6},
month = {September},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1997a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1997a},
file = {Hess1997a.pdf:Hess1997a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1997a.pdf}
author = {Ronald A. Hess},
title = {Identification of Pilot-Vehicle Dynamics from Simulation and Flight
journal = {Control and Dynamic Systems, Advances in Aerospace Systems Dynamics
and Control Systems},
year = {1990},
volume = {33},
pages = {151--175},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1990},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.01.03}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {A Theory for Handling Qualities Based Upon a Structural Pilot Model},
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
year = {1989},
volume = {12},
pages = {792-797},
number = {6},
month = {November},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1989a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1989a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {A Model-Based Investigation of Manipulator Characteristics and Pilot/Vehicle
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
year = {1983},
volume = {6},
pages = {348-354},
number = {5},
month = {September},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1983},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {Prediction of Aircraft Handling Qualities Using Analytical Models
of the Human Pilot},
booktitle = {AGARD Conference Proceedings, No. 333, Criteria for Handling Qualities
of Military Aircraft},
year = {1982},
pages = {25-1--25-8},
month = {April},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1982},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1982},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {Pursuit Tracking and Higher Levels of Skill Development in the Human
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics},
year = {1981},
volume = {SMC-11},
pages = {262-273},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1981},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {Structural Model of the Adaptive Human Pilot},
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
year = {1980},
volume = {3},
pages = {416-423},
number = {5},
month = {September},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1980},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1980},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {A Dual-Loop Model of the Human Controller},
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
year = {1978},
volume = {1},
pages = {254-260},
number = {4},
month = {July-Aug.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1978},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A.},
title = {Nonadjectival Rating Scales in Human Response Experiments},
journal = {Human Factors},
year = {1973},
volume = {15},
pages = {275-280},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1973},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Ronald A. Hess},
title = {An introduction to human describing function and remnant measurement
in single loop tracking tasks},
institution = {Naval Postgraduate School},
year = {1972},
number = {AFFDL/FGC-TM-72-9},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1972},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1972},
review = {He calculates the analytical form of the linear portion of the human
controller and the spectral content of the human remnant as a function
of the spectral content and plant dynamics of the inputs and outputs
for a single loop compensatory tracking task.},
timestamp = {2012.02.29}
author = {Hess, R. A. and Marchesi, F.},
title = {Analytical Assessment of Flight Simulator Fidelity Using Pilot Models},
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Dynamics, and Control},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2009},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A. and Siwakosit, W.},
title = {Assessment of Flight Simulator Fidelity in Multiaxis Tasks Including
Visual Cue Quality},
journal = {Journal of Aircraft},
year = {2001},
volume = {38},
pages = {607-614},
number = {4},
month = {July-Aug.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2001},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {R. A. Hess and P. W. Stout},
title = {Predicting Handling Qualities Levels for Vehicles with Nonlinear
booktitle = {36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit},
year = {1998},
number = {AIAA 98-0494},
address = {Reno, NV, USA},
month = {January},
organization = {AIAA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1998},
file = {Hess1998.pdf:Hess1998.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1998.pdf}
author = {Hess, R. A. and Teichgraber, W. M.},
title = {Error Quantization Effects in Compensatory Tracking Tasks},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics},
year = {1974},
volume = {SMC-4},
pages = {343-349},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1974},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A. and Tran, P. M.},
title = {Pilot/Vehicle Analysis of a Twin-Lift Helicopter Configuration in
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
year = {1988},
volume = {11},
pages = {465-472},
number = {5},
month = {September},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1988},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R. A. and Zeyada, Y. and Heffley, R. K.},
title = {Modeling and Simulation for Helicopter Task Analysis},
journal = {Journal of the American Helicopter Society},
year = {2002},
volume = {47},
pages = {243-252},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2002},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hess, R.A. and Mcnally, B.D.},
title = {Automation Effects in a Multiloop Manual Control System},
journal = {Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1986},
volume = {16},
pages = {111-121},
number = {1},
month = {January},
abstract = {An experimental and analytical study was undertaken to investigate
human interaction with a simple multiloop manual control system in
which the human's activity was systematically varied by changing
the level of automation. The system simulated was the longitudinal
dynamics of a hovering helicopter. The automation-systems-stabilized
vehicle responses from attitude to velocity to position and also
provided for display automation in the form of a flight director.
The control-loop structure resulting from the task definition can
be considered a simple stereotype of a hierarchical control system.
The experimental study was complemented by an analytical modeling
effort which utilized simple crossover models of the human operator.
It was shown that such models can be extended to the description
of multiloop tasks involving preview and precognitive human operator
behavior. The existence of time optimal manual control behavior was
established for these tasks and the role which internal models may
play in establishing human-machine performance was discussed.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1986},
doi = {10.1109/TSMC.1986.289287},
file = {Hess1986.pdf:Hess1986.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0018-9472},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1986.pdf}
author = {Hess, R.A. and Modjtahedzadeh, A.},
title = {A Control Theoretic Model of Driver Steering Behavior},
journal = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine},
year = {1990},
volume = {10},
pages = {3-8},
number = {5},
month = {August},
abstract = {Following well established feedback control design principles, a control
theoretic model of driver steering behavior is presented. While accounting
for the inherent manual control limitations of the human, the compensation
dynamics of the driver are chosen to produce a stable, robust, closedloop
driver/vehicle system with a bandwidth commensurate with the demands
of the driving task being analyzed. A technique for selecting driver
model parameters is a natural by-product of the control theoretic
modeling approach. Experimental verification shows the ability of
the model to produce driver/vehicle responses similar to those obtained
in a simulated lane-keeping driving task on a curving road. A technique
for selecting driver model parameters is a natural byproduct of the
control theoretic modeling approach. Experimental verification shows
the ability of the model to produce driver/vehicle responses similar
to those obtained in a simulated lane-keeping driving task on a curving
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1990a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1990a},
doi = {10.1109/37.60415},
file = {Hess1990a.pdf:Hess1990a.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {automobiles, closed loop systems, control system synthesis, feedback,
man-machine systemsautomobiles, closed loop systems, control theoretic
model, driver steering behavior, driver-vehicle responses, feedback
control design, man machine systems},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1990a.pdf}
author = {Hess, R.A. and Modjtahedzadeh, A.},
title = {A preview control model of driver steering behavior},
booktitle = {Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1989. Conference Proceedings., IEEE
International Conference on},
year = {1989},
pages = {504-509 vol.2},
month = {November},
abstract = {A preview control model of driver steering behavior is introduced
which is an outgrowth of a model of the human pilot. This model was
developed to describe the preview control behavior of the human pilot
in low-level flight tasks. The model describes preview behavior as
a natural extension of compensatory and pursuit tracking. The preview
model is exercised in analyzing driving tasks such as lane tracking
on a cured roadway, and lane change maneuvers},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess1989},
doi = {10.1109/ICSMC.1989.71347},
file = {Hess1989.pdf:Hess1989.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {behavioural sciences, human factorsdriver steering behavior, human
pilot, lane change maneuvers, lane tracking, preview control model},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hess1989.pdf}
author = {Ronald Hess and Jason K. Moore and Mont Hubbard},
title = {Modeling the Manually Controlled Bicycle},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems
and Humans},
year = {2012},
volume = {42},
pages = {545--557},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hess2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hess2012},
doi = {10.1109/TSMCA.2011.2164244},
timestamp = {2012.01.25}
author = {Higbie, J.},
title = {The motorcycle as a gyroscope},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {1974},
volume = {42},
pages = {701--702},
number = {8},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Higbie1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Higbie1974},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Higgins, Jr., Walter T.},
title = {A Comparison of Complementary and Kalman Filtering},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems},
year = {1975},
volume = {AES-11},
pages = {321--325},
file = {Higgins1975.pdf:Higgins1975.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.18}
author = {Toichiro Hikichi and Yoshitaka Tezuka},
title = {Study on improving the motorcycle high speed stability using a rear
wheel self-steering system},
booktitle = {SAE International Congress and Exposition},
year = {1995},
number = {950198},
address = {Detroit, Michigan, USA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hikichi1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hikichi1995},
file = {Hikichi1995.pdf:Hikichi1995.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hikichi1995.pdf}
author = {Hinrichs, R. N.},
title = {Adjustments to the segment center of mass proportions of Clauser
et al. (1969)},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1990},
volume = {23},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hinrichs1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hinrichs1990},
file = {Hinrichs1990.pdf:Hinrichs1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hinrichs1990.pdf}
author = {Hoagg, Jesse B. and Bernstein, Dennis S.},
title = {Nonminimum-Phase Zeros: Much To Do About Nothing},
journal = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine},
year = {2007},
volume = {27},
pages = {45-57},
month = {June},
abstract = {In the popular literature there is a certain fascination with the
concept of zero [1]–[3]. While today the inconspicuous 0 is taken
for granted, the situation was different in the distant past. For
example, the Romans had no symbol for 0, a fact memorialized by the
jump from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D., a convention instituted in 531 A.D. [4,
p. 91]. In contrast, the Mayans had a symbol for zero, and the first
day of each Mayan month was day zero [3, p. 18]. The modern zero
of mathematics slowly earned its membership in the club of numbers
through Indian mathematics, although this acceptance was achieved
only through a tortuous process that spanned centuries [3]. A conceptual
impediment to the acceptance of zero is the difficulty in understanding
the ratio 1/0. Presumably, this ratio is infinity or ?, a much more
challenging concept. That 0 and inifinity are close cousins casts
suspicion on zero as a valid number. Even in modern times, the zero
appears begrudgingly on your telephone keypad after the 9. In Europe,
the ground floor in a building is routinely labeled 0, and thus the
meaning of floor -1 is unambiguous, whereas, in the United States,
there is no floor 0, and negative floor numbers are rarely used.
Despite the human reluctance to admit zero as an authentic number,
it is as difficult to imagine mathematics today without zero as it
is to imagine technology without the wheel and axle. Although the
number zero is well known, the system-theoretic concept of a system
zero is virtually unknown outside of dynamics and control theory.
The purpose of this article is to illuminate the critical role of
system zeros in control- system performance for the benefit of a
wide audience both inside and outside the control systems community.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hoagg2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hoagg2007},
file = {Hoagg2007.pdf:Hoagg2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {The response of a non-minumum pahse system to an unbounded input (e^t)
can be potentially be bounded.
In general, each zero blocks a specific input signal. In the case
of a right half plane zero, the blocked signal is unbounded.
Initial undershoot describes a response that initially departs in
the nonasymptotic direction (an initial error growth) before reversing.
This can only happen with an odd number of positive zeros.},
timestamp = {2008.10.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hoagg2007.pdf}
author = {Hoffmann, Errol R.},
title = {Human Control of Road Vehicles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics
and Mobility},
year = {1975},
volume = {5},
pages = {105--126},
number = {1},
abstract = {This paper reviews the present state of knowledge of human control
of road vehicles. Lateral and longitudinal control of motorcycles
and automobiles are discussed, whenever information is available.
Although knowledge has increased greatly in the last decade, the
major part of this concerns lateral control and most is of an ad
hoc nature. Adequate mathematical models for longitudinal motion
of the vehicle are yet to be developed. Their development is a necessary
step in the attainment of a complete understanding of longitudinal
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hoffmann1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hoffmann1975},
file = {Hoffmann1975.pdf:Hoffmann1975.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hoffmann1975.pdf}
author = {Shinichiro Horiuchi and Naohiro Yuhara},
title = {An Analytical Approach to the Prediction of Handling Qualities of
Vehicles With Advanced Steering Control System Using Multi-Input
Driver Model},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {2000},
volume = {122},
pages = {490-497},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Horiuchi2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Horiuchi2000},
doi = {10.1115/1.1286334},
file = {Horiuchi2000.pdf:Horiuchi2000.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {road vehicles; transport control; human factors; user modelling},
publisher = {ASME},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Horiuchi2000.pdf}
author = {Zhi-Chao Hou and Yi ning Lu and Yao xin Lao and Dan Liu},
title = {A new trifilar pendulum approach to identify all inertia parameters
of a rigid body or assembly},
journal = {Mechanism and Machine Theory},
year = {2009},
volume = {44},
pages = {1270 - 1280},
number = {6},
abstract = {An improved approach is presented for using a trifilar pendulum to
identify 10 inertia parameters of odd-shaped bodies. The parameters
include the mass, the coordinates of the center of gravity, and the
moments and products of inertia. Owing to carefully designed procedures
of distance measurement and coordinate transform, no angular measurement
is necessary for orientation description in the new approach. Balancing
weights and load cells are introduced to facilitate the adjustments
of the location and orientation of the body during tests. In order
to evaluate the precision of the identified results, tentative error
indices are suggested for the parameters, respectively. Two examples
are given to demonstrate the new approach.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hou2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hou2009},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2008.07.004},
file = {Hou2009.pdf:Hou2009.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0094-114X},
keywords = {Trifilar pendulum},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hou2009.pdf}
author = {Hubbard, M.},
title = {Simulating Sensitive Dynamic Control of a Bobsled},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport},
year = {1994},
month = {July},
note = {Bond University, Queensland, Australia},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hubbard1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hubbard1994},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hubbard, M.},
title = {Human Control of the Skateboard},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1980},
volume = {13},
pages = {745-754},
number = {9},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hubbard1980},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hubbard1980},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hubbard, M.},
title = {Lateral Dynamics and Stability of the Skateboard},
journal = {ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {1979},
volume = {46},
pages = {931-936},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hubbard1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hubbard1979},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Mont Hubbard and LeRoy W. Alaways},
title = {Rapid and accurate estimation of release conditions in the javelin
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1989},
volume = {22},
pages = {583--595},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hubbard1989b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hubbard1989b},
file = {Hubbard1989b.pdf:Hubbard1989b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.06.04}
author = {Hubbard, M. and Glass, S. K.},
title = {Optimal Human Control of an Unstable Vehicle in a Simple Tracking
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems
and Computers},
year = {1979},
pages = {60-64},
address = {Pacific Grove, CA},
month = {November},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hubbard1979a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hubbard1979a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hubbard, M. and Kallay, M. and Joy, K. and Reus, J. and Rowhani,
title = {Simulation of Vehicle and Track Performance in the Bobsled},
booktitle = {Proceedings 3rd ASME/ASCE Mechanics Symposium},
year = {1989},
address = {San Diego, CA},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hubbard1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hubbard1989},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Hubbard, M. and Kallay, M. and Rowhani, P.},
title = {Three Dimensional Bobsled Turning Dynamics},
journal = {International Journal of Sport Biomechanics},
year = {1989},
volume = {5},
pages = {222-237},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hubbard1989a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hubbard1989a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Huffman, K. and Hubbard, M.},
title = {A Motion-Based Virtual Reality Training Simulator for Bobsled Drivers},
booktitle = {The Engineering of Sport},
year = {1996},
editor = {S. Haake},
pages = {195-203},
address = {Balkema, Rotterdam},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Huffman1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Huffman1996},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Huffman, R.K. and Hubbard, M. and Reus, J.},
title = {Use of an Interactive Bobsled Simulator in Driver Training},
booktitle = {Advances in Bioengineering},
year = {1993},
address = {New York},
month = {November},
organization = {ASME},
publisher = {ASME},
note = {presented at ASME Winter Annual Meeting , New Orleans},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Huffman1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Huffman1993},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {M.L. Hull and Andrew Beard and Hemant Varma},
title = {Goniometric measurement of hip motion in cycling while standing},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1990},
volume = {23},
pages = {687 - 689, 691-703},
number = {7},
abstract = {The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for quantifying
the motion of the hip relative to the bicycle while cycling in the
standing position. Because of the need to measure hip motion on the
road as well as in the laboratory, a goniometer which locates the
hip using spherical coordinates was designed. The goniometer is presented
first, followed by the development of the equations that enable the
distance from the joint center to the pedal spindle to be determined.
The orientation of this line segment is specified by calculating
two angles referenced to the frame. Also outlined are the procedures
used to both calibrate the goniometer and perform an accuracy check.
The results of this check indicate that the attachment point of the
goniometer to the rider can be located to within 2.5 mm of the true
position. The goniometer was used to record the hip movement patterns
of six subjects who cycled in the standing position on a treadmill.
Representative results from one test subject who cycled at 6\% grade
and 25 km h-1 are presented. Results indicate that the bicycle is
leaned from side to side with the frequency of leaning equal to the
frequency of pedalling. Extreme lean angles are ±6°. The distance
from the hip to the pedal varies approximately sinusoidally with
frequency equal to pedalling rate and amplitude somewhat less than
crank arm length. The absolute elevation of the hip, however, exhibits
two cycles for each crank cycle. Asymmetry in the plot of elevation
over a single crank cycle indicates that the pelvis rocks from side
to side and that the elevation of the pelvis midpoint changes. Extreme
values of the pelvis rocking angle are ±12°. Highest pelvis midpoint
elevations, however, do not occur at the same crank angles as those
angles at which the pelvis rocking is extreme. It appears that the
vertical motion of the hips affects pedalling mechanics when cycling
in the standing position.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hull1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hull1990},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(90)90168-3},
file = {Hull1990.pdf:Hull1990.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hull1990.pdf}
author = {M.L. Hull and R.R. Davis},
title = {Measurment of pedal loading in bicycling: I. Instrumentation},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1981},
volume = {14},
pages = {843 - 855},
number = {12},
abstract = {This paper presents a new instrumentation system to precisely measure
pedal loads and pedal position. A pedal/dynamometer unit implementing
four octagonal strain rings measures all six load components between
the foot and pedal. To study the relationship between foot position
and loading, the pedal/dynamometer offers three degree-of-freedom
adjustability. Pedal position along the pedal arc is precisely described
by measuring crank arm angle and relative angle between pedal and
crank arm. Linear, continuous rotation potentiometers measure the
two angles. Transducer signals are sampled by a digital computer
which calculates resultant loads and pedal position as functions
of crank arm angle. Transducers are designed to mount on most bicycles
without modification. Test subjects ride their own bicycles unconstrained
on rollers so that loading data is representative of actual cycling.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hull1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hull1981},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(81)90012-9},
file = {Hull1981.pdf:Hull1981.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hull1981.pdf}
author = {M.L. Hull and H. Gonzalez},
title = {Bivariate optimization of pedalling rate and crank arm length in
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1988},
volume = {21},
pages = {839 - 849},
number = {10},
abstract = {The contribution of this paper is a bivariate optimization of cycling
performance. Relying on a biomechanical model of the lower limb,
a cost function derived from the joint moments developed during cycling
is computed. At constant average power, both pedalling rate (i.e.
rpm) and crank arm length are systematically varied to explore the
relation between these variables and the cost function. A crank arm
length of 170 mm and pedalling rate of 100 rpm correspond closely
to the cost function minimum. In cycling situations where the rpm
deviates from 100 rpm, however, crank arms of length other than 170
mm yield minimum cost function values. In addition, the sensitivity
of optimization results to both increased power and anthropometric
parameter variations is examined. At increased power, the cost function
minimum is more strongly related to the pedalling rate, with higher
pedalling rates corresponding to the minimum. Anthropometric parameter
variations influence the results significantly. In general it is
found that the cost function minimum for tall people occurs at longer
crank arm lengths and lower pedalling rates than the length and rate
for short people.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hull1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hull1988},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(88)90016-4},
file = {Hull1988.pdf:Hull1988.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hull1988.pdf}
author = {Maury Hull and Hiroko Gonzalez and Rob Redfield},
title = {Optimization of pedaling rate in cycling using a muscle stress-based
objective function},
journal = {International Journal Of Sports Biomechanics},
year = {1988},
volume = {4},
pages = {1--20},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hull1988a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hull1988a},
file = {Hull1988a.pdf:Hull1988a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hull1988a.pdf}
author = {M.L. Hull and M. Jorge},
title = {A method for biomechanical analysis of bicycle pedalling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1985},
volume = {18},
pages = {631 - 644},
number = {9},
abstract = {This paper reports a new method, which enables a detailed biomechanical
analysis of the lower limb during bicycling. The method consists
of simultancously measuring both the normal and tangential pedal
forces, the EMGs of eight leg muscles, and the crank arm and pedal
angles. Data were recorded for three male subjects of similar anthropometric
characteristics. Subjects rode under different pedalling conditions
to explore how both pedal forces and pedalling rates affect the biomechanics
of the pedalling process. By modelling the leg-bicycle as a five
bar linkage and driving the linkage with the measured force and kinematic
data, the joint moment histories due to pedal forces only (i.e. no
motion) and motion only (i.e. no pedal forces) were generated. Total
moments were produced by superimposing the two moment histories.
The separate moment histories, together with the pedal forces and
EMG results, enable a detailed biomechanical analysis of bicycle
pedalling. Inasmuch as the results are similar for all three subjects,
the analysis for one subject is discussed fully. One unique insight
gained via this new method is the functional role that individual
leg muscles play in the pedalling process.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hull1985},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hull1985},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(85)90019-3},
file = {Hull1985.pdf:Hull1985.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hull1985.pdf}
author = {M.L. Hull and Steve Kautz and Andrew Beard},
title = {An angular velocity profile in cycling derived from mechanical energy
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1991},
volume = {24},
pages = {577 - 586},
number = {7},
abstract = {The contributions of this article are twofold. One is a procedure
for determining the angular velocity profile in seated cycling that
maintains the total mechanical energy of both legs constant. A five-bar
linkage model (thigh, shank, foot, crank and frame) of seated (fixed
hip) cycling served for the derivation of the equations to compute
potential and kinetic energies of the leg segments over a complete
crank cycle. With experimentally collected pedal angle data as input,
these equations were used to compute the total combined mechanical
energy (sum of potential and kinetic energies of the segments of
both legs) for constant angular velocity pedalling at 90 rpm. Total
energy varied indicating the presence of internal work. Motivated
by a desire to test the hypothesis that reducing internal work in
cycling will reduce energy expenditure, a procedure was developed
for determining the angular velocity profile that eliminated any
change in total energy. Using data recorded from five subjects, this
procedure was used to determine a reference profile for an average
equivalent cadence of 90 rpm. The pahse of this profile is such that
highest and lowest angular velocities occur when the cranks are near
vertical and horizontal respectively. The second contribution is
the testing of the hypothesis that the reference angular velocity
profile serves to effectively reduce internal work for the subjects
whose data were used to develop this profile over the range of pedalling
rates (80-100 rpm) naturally preferred. In this range, the internal
work was decreased a minimum of 48\% relative to the internal work
associated with constant angular velocity pedalling. The acceptance
of this hypothesis has relevance to the protocol for future experiments
which explore the effect of reduced internal work on energy expenditure
in cycling.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hull1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hull1991},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(91)90290-4},
file = {Hull1991.pdf:Hull1991.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hull1991.pdf}
author = {Tom Boyd M. L. Hull and D. Wootten},
title = {An improved accuracy six-load component pedal dynamometer for cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1996},
volume = {29},
pages = {1105 - 1110},
number = {8},
abstract = {This paper describes a new six-load component pedal dynamometer designed
for study of knee overuse injury in cycling. A unique capability
of the dynamometer is the ability to interface with multiple pedal
platforms of varying height while maintaining a desired elevation
of the foot above the pedal spindle axis. The dynamometer was designed
using a concept described in an earlier article by Quinn and Mote
(1991, Exp. Mech.30, 40-48) which measures shear strain across multiple,
thin cross-sections. An optimal design technique was used for choosing
dimensions of the load measuring cross-sections. A dynamometer was
designed and built using the optimal results. Calibration, accuracy
results, and sample data are presented. A comparison of accuracy
reveals that the new dynamometer is more accurate than previously
reported instruments.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hull1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hull1996},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(95)00177-8},
issn = {0021-9290},
keywords = {Six-load component},
url = {}
author = {Hurt, H. H.},
title = {Motorcycle Handling and Collision Avoidance: Anatomy of a Turn},
booktitle = {Second International Congress on Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
address = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hurt1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hurt1973},
file = {Hurt1973.pdf:Hurt1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hurt1973.pdf}
author = {Hurt, H. H. and C. J. DuPont},
title = {Human Factors in Motorcycle Accidents},
booktitle = {SAE International Automotive Engineering Congress and Expo},
year = {1977},
number = {770103},
month = {February},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hurt1977},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hurt1977},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Ronald L. Huston},
title = {Unicycle Dynamics and Stability},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1984},
month = {February},
abstract = {Governing equations of motion for a unicycle with a rider are presented.
The system is assumed to be moving on a flat horizontal surface.
Two specific cases are investigated: straight-line rolling and stationary
positioning. Criteria for stability are explored. It is shown that
stability can be obtained through active pedal monitoring by the
bib = {bibtex-keys#Huston1984},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Huston1984},
file = {Huston1984.pdf:Huston1984.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Huston1984.pdf}
author = {Kevin Huyge and Jorge Ambr\'{o}sio and Manuel Pereira},
title = {A control strategy for the dynamics of a motorcycle},
booktitle = {ENOC},
year = {2005},
address = {Eindhoven, Netherlands},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Huyge2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Huyge2005},
file = {Huyge2005.pdf:Huyge2005.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {LQR control design. Controller is function of velocity. Motorcycle
model is based on Cossalter2002. He adds a pretty complex rider biomechanical
model onto the motorcycle with eight bodies. He is able to track
a path (lane change or s-curve?). I guess he used the LQR to stabilize
the rider bodies too, but that is not clear.},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Huyge2005.pdf}
author = {Hwang, Chih-Lyang and Wu, Hsiu-Ming and Shih, Ching-Long},
title = {An autonomous dynamic balance of an electrical bicycle in motion
using variable structure under-actuated control},
journal = {Asian Journal of Control},
year = {2011},
volume = {13},
pages = {240--254},
number = {2},
abstract = {Based on previous studies, two strategies, the controls of the center
of gravity (CG) and the angle of steering handle, are employed to
stabilize the bicycle in motion. In general, a pendulum is applied
to adjust the CG of the bicycle. An additional factor is the inclination
with respect to gravitational direction of the bicycle in motion
(i.e., lean angle). As a whole, the system produces three outputs
that will affect the dynamic balance of the electric bicycle: the
angles of the pendulum, the lean, and the steering. The proposed
control method used to generate the handle and pendulum torques is
named variable structure under-actuated control (VSUAC), possessing
the number of control inputs smaller than the system output. The
purpose of using the VSUAC is the huge uncertainties of a bicycle
system, often encountered with irregularities in ground conditions
and gusts of wind. Merely using the ordinary proportional-derivative-integral
(PID) control or other linear control methods usually do not show
good robust performance when the aforementioned conditions are present.
Finally, the simulations of the electrical bicycle in motion using
ordinary PID control, modified proportional-derivative control (MPDC),
and VSUAC are compared to judge the effectiveness and efficiency
of the proposed control.Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia
Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hwang2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hwang2011},
doi = {10.1002/asjc.303},
issn = {1934-6093},
keywords = {Electrical bicycle, dynamic balance, variable structure under actuated
control, modified proportional-derivative control, Lyapunov stability},
publisher = {John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd},
url = {}
author = {Chih-Lyang Hwang and Hsiu-Ming Wu and Ching-Long Shih},
title = {Fuzzy sliding-mode under-actuated control for autonomous dynamic
balance of an electrical bicycle},
booktitle = {Fuzzy Systems, 2008. FUZZ-IEEE 2008. (IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence). IEEE International Conference on},
year = {2008},
pages = {251 -257},
month = {June},
abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to stabilize the running motion of an
electrical bicycle. In order to do so, two strategies are employed
in this paper. One is to control the bikepsilas center of gravity
(CG), and the other is to control the angle of the bikepsilas steering
handle. In addition, the proposed system produces three outputs that
will affect the dynamic balance of an electrical bicycle: the bikepsilas
pendulum angle, lean angle, and steering angle. Based on the data
of input-output, two scaling factors are employed to normalize the
sliding surface and its derivative. According to the concept of if-then
rule, an appropriate rule table for the ith subsystem is obtained.
Then the output scaling factor based on Lyapunov stability is determined.
The proposed control method used to generate the handle torque and
pendulum torque is called fuzzy sliding-mode under-actuated control
(FSMUAC). The purpose of using the FSMUAC is the huge uncertainties
of a bicycle system often caused by different ground conditions and
gusts of wind; merely ordinary proportional-derivative-integral (PID)
control method or other linear control methods usually do not show
good robust performance in such situations.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Hwang2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Hwang2008},
doi = {10.1109/FUZZY.2008.4630373},
file = {Hwang2008.pdf:Hwang2008.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1098-7584},
keywords = {Lyapunov stability;angle control;autonomous dynamic balance;bike center
of gravity;bike lean angle;bike pendulum angle;bike steering handle;electrical
bicycle system;fuzzy sliding-mode under-actuated control;handle torque;if-then
rule;output scaling factor;pendulum torque;rule table for;running
motion stabilization;sliding surface;Lyapunov methods;angular velocity
control;bicycles;fuzzy control;variable structure systems;},
webpdf = {references-folder/Hwang2008.pdf}
author = {Hirohide Imaizumi and Takehiko Fujioka and Manabu Omae},
title = {Rider model by use of multibody dynamics analysis},
journal = {JSAE Review},
year = {1996},
volume = {17},
pages = {65--77},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Imaizumi1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Imaizumi1996},
file = {Imaizumi1996.pdf:Imaizumi1996.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Imaizumi1996.pdf}
author = {Imaizumi and Hirohide and Fujioka and Takehiko},
title = {Motorcycle-rider system dynamics by multibody dynamics analysis:
Effects of the rear load on wobble motions and the control assembly},
journal = {JSAE Review},
year = {1998},
volume = {19},
pages = {54--57},
number = {1},
month = {January},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Imaizumi1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Imaizumi1998},
keywords = {dynamics, man machine systems, oscillations, loads, computer simulation,
vehicle suspensions, motion control},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Northern Digital Incorporated},
title = {Optotrak Certus Motion Capture System},
year = {2009},
note = {},
bib = {bibtex-keys#NorthernDigitalIncorporated2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#NorthernDigitalIncorporated2009},
organization = {Northern Digital Incorporated},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.12.05},
url = {\url{}}
author = {Indiveri, G.},
title = {Kinematic time-invariant control of a 2D nonholonomic vehicle},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
year = {1999},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Indiveri1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Indiveri1999},
file = {Indiveri1999.pdf:Indiveri1999.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {His model isn't quite a bicycle (it is just 2D like the bicycle model
for the car) but is non-holonomic. This paper is more about general
control for non-holonomic systems. I guess the non-linear cases are
tough to derive control models for.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Indiveri1999.pdf}
title = {Motorcycle Engineering},
publisher = {Temple Press},
year = {1961},
author = {Irving, P. E.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Irving1961},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Irving1961},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Iuchi, K. and Murakami, T.},
title = {An Approach to fusion control of stabilization control and human
input in Electric Bicycle},
booktitle = {32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics},
year = {2006},
pages = {3211--3216},
address = {Paris, France},
abstract = {As well know, a bicycle is a high efficiency vehicle and is suitable
for aging society in the future. In the practical use, however, the
bicycle is not always stable and the motion stabilization is required
for a widespread application. This paper focuses on the instability
of the bicycle. There are few researches which realize the control
system supporting driver's operation because human input is regarded
as disturbance and make system unstable. This paper realizes the
posture control of the electric bicycle which is able to accept human
input. Estimating human input from motor reaction torque, control
system is constructed without force sensor},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Iuchi2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Iuchi2006},
doi = {10.1109/IECON.2006.347498},
file = {Iuchi2006.pdf:Iuchi2006.pdf:PDF},
review = {They design a controller that can work in tandem with a rider's control
input. They don't measure steer torque though, but estimate it from
the motor reaction torque. They explain that other controllers would
treat the rider's input torque as a disturbance and try to eliminate
it, so care has to be taken to allow the rider steer torque. They
calculate the human torque based on the motor torque taking into
accoutn the handlebar and motor inertia. They also mention backlash
problems and that the human estimate takes those into account with
a dead zone. The show some experimental results which are hard to
interpret, but I think it shows a rider controlling the bicycle with
a heavy weight in the front basket. Then it shows the same thing,
but with the fusion control system turned on.},
timestamp = {2012.01.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Iuchi2006.pdf}
author = {Iuchi, K. and Niki, H. and Murakami, T.},
title = {Attitude control of bicycle motion by steering angle and variable
COG control},
booktitle = {Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 2005. 31st Annual Conference
of IEEE},
year = {2005},
pages = {6},
month = {November},
abstract = {As well know, a bicycle is a high efficiency vehicle and is suitable
for aging society in the future. In the practical use, however, the
bicycle is not always stable and the motion stabilization is required
for a widespread application. In an electric bicycle, two strategies
are taken up to stabilize the running motion of a bicycle. One is
center of gravity (COG) control of bicycle, and the other is a control
of steering angle of handle. In the past research, there are few
researches that consider an autonomous control of bicycle by using
both steering and COG position control. To address this issue, this
paper describes a strategy that realizes autonomous motion of bicycle
with the use of steering and COG control. Numerical and experimental
results are shown to verify the validity of the proposed strategy.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Iuchi2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Iuchi2005},
doi = {10.1109/IECON.2005.1569222},
file = {Iuchi2005.pdf:Iuchi2005.pdf:PDF},
keywords = { attitude control, electric vehicles, position control, steering systems
COG position control, attitude control, autonomous control, center
of gravity control, electric bicycle, motion stabilization, steering
angle control},
review = {They use both steering and center of gravity control. The bicycle
model includes rider lean but seems simpler in design than the Whipple
model. They have non-holonmic wheel to ground constraints. They use
PD control on a roll angle feedback to control steer angle and rider
lean angle. They implement this controller on a robot bicycle with
both control methods. They use a laptop and real time linux. They
bicycle is on rollers during the experiment. They show plots of the
roll angle being stablized.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Iuchi2005.pdf}
author = {A. W. Jackson and M. Dragovan},
title = {An experimental investigation of bicycle dynamics},
note = {Unpublished report},
year = {1998},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jackson1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jackson1998},
file = {Jackson1998.pdf:Jackson1998.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {steer torque, no hands, experiements, instrumented bicycle},
review = {No hand riding experiments trying to figure out steer torque and lean
torque from accel, rate and steer angle data.
He integrated the roll rate gyro signals to get roll angle. The drift
was managed by starting and ending with the bicycle upright and stationary.
They use a potentiometer with timing belt for +/- 30 degree steer
angle measurement.
cites Jones analysis and uses it to form the torques acting on the
front assembly.
They don't measure steer torque but attempt to predict the contributions
to torque on the front frame based on orientation, rate and acceleration
data taken while riding a bicycle with no-hands.
Pg 11: They identified the pedaling frequency in the roll angle. The
largest torque is the castoring torque, then gyroscopic torque, then
the rider weight torque.
Pg 12: They say that the descrepancy in steer torque may be due to
the scrub torque which was not accounted for.},
timestamp = {2012.01.11},
webpdf = {references-folder/Jackson1998.pdf}
author = {James, Stephen R},
title = {Lateral dynamics of motorcycles towing single-wheeled trailers},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics
and Mobility},
year = {2005},
volume = {43},
pages = {581--599},
number = {8},
abstract = {A motorcycle towing a single-wheel trailer may provide useful transport
for light cargo on narrow tracks and off-road use, particularly in
rural areas of developing countries. Four designs of such trailers
are described. Linear models are derived for the lateral dynamics
of an off-road motorcycle towing this type of trailer straight ahead
at constant speed. The trailers were tested behind an instrumented
motorcycle. Linear autoregressive models were fitted to the experimental
data using system identification techniques. Analytical and experimentally
derived models largely agreed on frequency, damping and shape of
the weave, wobble and trailer sway normal modes. The trailers made
the motorcycle’s steering heavier but the analytical models did
not predict this. The location of the articulation axes between the
motorcycle and the trailer were found to be critical for stability.
The best trailer design handled well with loads up to 200 kg and
speeds up to 70 km/h.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#James2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#James2005},
doi = {10.1080/00423110412331289862},
file = {James2005.pdf:James2005.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.18},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/James2005.pdf}
author = {James, Stephen R.},
title = {Lateral dynamics of an offroad motorcycle by system identification},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2002},
volume = {38},
pages = {1--22},
number = {1},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#James2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#James2002},
doi = {10.1076/vesd.},
file = {James2002.pdf:James2002.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {He says Aoki1979 did experiments, measured steer torque and did some
basic system id.
He uses the manually controlled input signal for system identification
of the underlying vehicle model. He notes that special perturbations
are not needed.
He develops a motorcycle model using Lagrange's method and cites similartiy
to Sharp's work. He does this symbolically with Maple. His model
is 10th order.
He measured some tire properties, but describes very little about
He shows comparisons to several other numerical motorcycle models
and then talk about model reduction. He can reduce the models to
6 ro 7th order when it is stable and get similar response up to 12hz.
He instrumented an off-road motorcycle to measure:
- Forward speed with a magnetic pickup on the wheel
- Steering torque by mounting a light weight extra handlebar set coaxilaly
with the steer axis which was connected to the handlebars via a tangential
load cell (probably similar to Cheng2003)
- Yaw and roll rates with rate gyros
- Lateral acceleration with mems accelerometers (didn't use do to
noise from engine)
- Steering angle with potentiometer.
His experiments were primarily on asphalt but a few were done on a
flat dirt track too. He basically just road the motorcycle and applied
"random" perturbations to the extra handlebars for a steer torque
input to the motorcycle. Speeds were from 2 m/s to 19 m/s.
He shows the power spectral density of the steer torque signal for
the asphaly runs which start to taper off around 10 hz or so. The
weave frequency has ten times the amplitude as the wobble frequency.
He says steering torque was correlated to yaw rate at a 0.1-0.2 second
delay and points to the fact that the rider had to keep the motorcycl
from running off of the single lane track. He says that since there
is output to input feedback he couldn't use non-parametric models,
models with output error and models fit with subspace methods. He
cites Ljung's book for explanation. This is new to me.
He uses black box ARX models for his fits for SIMO. He mentions that
assesing goodness of fit with residuals was confounded by unsuitable
time scaling and model instability at low speeds. There is something
about the frequency of the data being high enough for the system
id to pick up the both weave and wobble modes.
Figure four shows identified weave mode poles for the experiments
in comparison to the ones predicted by his motorcycle model. He show
confidence intervals around the identified poles, but the model results
doesn't seem to match the id results. He does claim that this figure
shows the prediction of instability below 5 m/s. There are differences
in the dirt experiment and the asphaly experiments. He tried various
combinations of outputs in the id process, but found roll rate to
be critical for identifying weave.
Figure five shows some eigenvector phasor plots for the weave mode
at three different speeds. The choice of visualization is pretty
poor, but it looks like there is only decent agreement in the yaw
phasor. He says they agree well but gives no numbers as to how well.
Figure six shows the wobble eigenvalue comparions, which look pretty
bad, but he says the it was robust?? I don't see how.
He shows steer torque to yaw rate ratios as a function of speed for
steady turns and compares it to other models. Yet the other models
are not the same motorcycle parameters.
Figure 8 shows Bode plots for various speeds and compares his experimental
results with his model. The agreement doesn't look as bad in this
He fit lower order models (6 and 7th) to the experimental data even
though his first principles models were of higher order.
He measured some of the physical properties of his motorcycle but
it was very thorough, leaving some parameters as estimates.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/James2002.pdf}
author = {Arjen Jansen},
title = {Human Power: Empirically Explored},
school = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {2011},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jansen2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jansen2011},
file = {Jansen2011.pdf:Jansen2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Jansen2011.pdf}
author = {Jayasuriya, S. and Hubbard, M. and Hrovat, D.},
title = {A Control Scheme for a Pole-Vaulter Derived From an Optimal Aiming
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1984 American Control Conference},
year = {1984},
address = {San Diego, CA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jayasuriya1984},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jayasuriya1984},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Jennings, G.},
title = {A Study of Motorcycle Suspension Damping Characteristics},
booktitle = {SAE West Coast Automotive Meeting},
year = {1974},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jennings1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jennings1974},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Jex, H.R.},
title = {Two Applications of a Critical-Instability Task to Secondary Work
Load Research},
journal = {Human Factors in Electronics, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1967},
volume = {HFE-8},
pages = { 279-282},
number = {4},
month = {December},
abstract = {Secondary (or ``auxiliary,'' or ``subsidiary'') tasks have often been
used to load or to stress an operator while he performs a primary
manual control task. As discussed in Poulton,[1]the secondary task
should measurably stress the operator's parameter being tested, without
rendering the primary task behavior meaningless. This problem has
given rise to several types of secondary tasks, which fall into two
categories. In the first category are secondary tasks that do not
involve the same form of manual control activity as the primary task,
such as: mental arithmetic, verbal report of warning light detection,
verbal repetition of heard number sequences, etc.[2]-[4]In the second
category are secondary tasks involving similar psychomotor activity
as the primary task, such as: tracking in a second degree-of-freedom,
two-handed tracking, monitoring, and extinguishing warning lights,
etc.[5]In the latter case, the distinctions between a secondary task
and a multiloop control situation are not sharp and depend primarily
on the relative emphasis placed on secondary task performance, specified
by the procedures or practiced by the operator.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jex1967},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jex1967},
file = {Jex1967.pdf:Jex1967.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0096-249X},
webpdf = {references-folder/Jex1967.pdf}
author = {H. R. Jex and R. E. Magdaleno and A. M. Junker},
title = {Roll Tracking of G-Vector Tilt and Various Types of Motion Washout},
booktitle = {Fourteenth Annual Conference on Manual Control},
year = {1978},
pages = {463--502},
month = {April},
organization = {University of Southern California},
timestamp = {2012.08.13}
title = {Principal Component Analysis},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2002},
author = {Jolliffe, I.T.},
series = {Springer Series in Statistics},
address = {New York},
edition = {2nd},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jolliffe2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jolliffe2002},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
title = {Principal Component Analysis},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1986},
author = {I. T. Jolliffe},
series = {Springer Series in Statistics},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jolliffe1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jolliffe1986},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.03.19}
author = {Arthur Taber Jones},
title = {Physics and Bicycles},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {1942},
volume = {10},
pages = {332--333},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jones1942},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jones1942},
file = {Jones1942.pdf:Jones1942.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Jones1942.pdf}
author = {David E. H. Jones},
title = {The Stability of the Bicycle},
journal = {Physics Today},
year = {2006},
pages = {51--56},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jones2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jones2006},
file = {Jones2006.pdf:Jones2006.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Jones2006.pdf}
author = {David E. H. Jones},
title = {The Stability of the Bicycle},
journal = {Physics Today},
year = {1970},
volume = {23},
pages = {34--40},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jones1970},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jones1970},
file = {Jones1970.pdf:Jones1970.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Jones1970.pdf}
author = {M. Jorge and M.L. Hull},
title = {Analysis of EMG measurements during bicycle pedalling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1986},
volume = {19},
pages = {683 - 694},
number = {9},
abstract = {Activity of eight leg muscles has been monitored for six test subjects
while pedalling a bycycle on rollers in the laboratory. Each electromyogram
(EMG) data channel was digitized at a sampling rate of 2 kHz by a
minicomputer. Data analysis entailed generating plots of both EMG
activity regions and integrated EMG (IEMG). For each test subject,
data were recorded for five cases of pedalling conditions. The different
pedalling conditions were defined to explore a variety of research
hypotheses. This exploration has led to the following conclusions:
1. (1) Muscular activity levels of the quadriceps are influenced
by the type of shoes worn and activity levels increase with soft
sole shoes as opposed to cycling shoes with cleats and toeclips.
2. (2) EMG activity patterns are not strongly related to pedalling
conditions (i.e. load, seat height and shoe type). The level of muscle
activity, however, is significantly affected by pedalling conditions.
3. (3) Muscular activity bears a complex relationship with seat height
and quadriceps activity level decreases with greater seat height.
4. (4) Agonist (i.e. hamstrings) and antagonist (i.e. quadriceps)
muscles of the hip/knee are active simultaneously during leg extension.
Regions of peak activity levels, however, do not overlap. The lack
of significant cocontraction of agonist/antagonist muscles enables
muscle forces during pedalling action to be computed by solving a
series of equilibrium problems over different regions of the crank
cycle. Regions are defined and a solution procedure is outlined.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Jorge1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Jorge1986},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(86)90192-2},
file = {Jorge1986.pdf:Jorge1986.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Jorge1986.pdf}
author = {R. G. Juniper and M. C. Good},
title = {Braking, Stability and Handling of Motorcycles},
institution = {Office of Road Safety, Department of Transport, Australia},
year = {1983},
number = {Cr 29},
month = {August},
abstract = {A review of the literature relating to braking stability and handling
of motorcycles was undertaken. Evidence of relationshops between
motorcycle characteristics and accidents was sought. Anecdotal evidence
of operational problems published in user magazines was also reviewed.
Experimental and analytical investigations of motorcycle dynamics,
and the effects of accessories, tyres and machine modifcations was
surveyed. Problem areas were identified and priorities for further
research recommended.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Juniper1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Juniper1983},
file = {Juniper1983.pdf:Juniper1983.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Juniper1983.pdf}
author = {I. Kageyama},
title = {The relationship between rider and two-wheeled vehicle: a view to
handling and safety},
journal = {IATSS Research},
year = {1995},
volume = {19},
pages = {37--42},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama1995},
file = {Kageyama1995.pdf:Kageyama1995.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kageyama1995.pdf}
author = {Kageyama, Ichiro and Kogo, Akihiko},
title = {Human Factors in the Steering System of Two-wheeled Vehicles},
journal = {Bulletin of JSME},
year = {1985},
volume = {28},
pages = {1233-1239},
number = {240},
abstract = {This study analyzes the role of human factors in the steering system
of two-wheeled vehicles, using equivalent mechanical elements as
the first step toward systems analysis of the man/vehicle relationship.
This steering system, including human factors, has approximately
one torsional degree of freedom. These factors can be obtained by
the frequency response of a steering bench model with a rider. First,
the repeatability and linearity of human factors are checked. Then,
the human factor values are shown to change accordingly as the rider's
handle grip and press forces vary. Finally, an equation for two-wheeled
vehicle motion is derived, and the result of these calculations makes
it clear that human factors play a major role in the behavior of
two-wheeled vehicles.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama1985},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama1985},
file = {Kageyama1985.pdf:Kageyama1985.pdf:PDF},
issn = {00213764},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kageyama1985.pdf}
author = {Kageyama, Ichiro and Miyagishi, Shun'ichi and Baba, Masayuki and
Uchiyama, Hajime},
title = {Construction of Rider Robot for Motorcycle},
journal = {Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan},
year = {2004},
volume = {58},
pages = {67--73},
abstract = {This paper deals with the construction of a rider robot for motorcycle.
The robot which controls vertical stability and the direction control
of the motorcycle is constructed as a tool for evaluation of the
two-wheeled vehicle behavior. The control algorithm of the system
is constructed based on control action of the human rider. For the
lateral control, the system identifies white lane marker using a
CCD camera. Sub-handle system which simulates the rider arms is adopted
with damper and spring, and it is controlled by servo-motor. As a
result, it is shown that the rider robot follows the white lane marker.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama2004},
timestamp = {2011.12.31}
author = {I. Kageyama and Y. Owada},
title = {An analysis of a riding control algorithm for two wheeled vehicles
with a neural network modeling},
booktitle = {The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks. Proceedings of 14th
year = {1996},
editor = {Sauvage, G.},
pages = {317--326},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama1996a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama1996a},
file = {Kageyama1996a.pdf:Kageyama1996a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kageyama1996a.pdf}
author = {Kageyama, I. and Owada, Y.},
title = {An Analysis of a Riding Control Algorithm for two wheeled vehicles
with a neural network modeling},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1996},
volume = {25},
pages = {317--326},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama1996},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {I. Kageyama and H. B. Pacejka},
title = {On a new driver model with fuzzy control},
booktitle = {The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks. Proceedings of 12th
year = {1992},
editor = {Sauvage, G.},
pages = {314--324},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama1992},
file = {Kageyama1992.pdf:Kageyama1992.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kageyama1992.pdf}
author = {Kageyama, Ichiro and Tagami, Nozomu},
title = {Development of a riding simulator for two-wheeled vehicles},
journal = {JSAE Review},
year = {2002},
volume = {23},
pages = {347--352},
abstract = {This paper describes the development of a riding simulator for two-wheeled
vehicles, which use to analyze the human factor of
riders. We have already produced longitudinal motion of the simulator
system. Therefore, in this study, we constructed a model for
lateral motion of simulator system using transfer function from the
equations of motion and scale factor from the results
of experiments. And finally, we confirmed the total simulator system
using riders’ heart rate when they control the riding simulator.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama2002},
file = {Kageyama2002.pdf:Kageyama2002.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kageyama2002.pdf}
author = {Katumi Kageyama and Hiroyasu Fu},
title = {Experiments on Control Characteristics of a Motor-cycle in Steady
Turning, Especially on the Effects of Lean in and Lean out},
journal = {Jour. SAE Japan},
year = {1959},
volume = {13},
pages = {41--45},
number = {10},
note = {596009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama1959},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama1959},
timestamp = {2012.02.01}
author = {Kageyama, Katumi and Fu, Hiroyasu and Kosa, Fumio},
title = {Experimental Study on the Standing Stability of the Motorcycle},
journal = {JSME Bulletin},
year = {1962},
volume = {5},
pages = {202--209},
number = {17},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kageyama1962},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kageyama1962},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {C.G. Källström and K.J. Åström},
title = {Experiences of system identification applied to ship steering},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {1981},
volume = {17},
pages = {187 - 198},
number = {1},
abstract = {Different system identification methods have been applied to determine
ship steering dynamics from full-scale experiments. The techniques
used include output error, maximum likelihood and more general prediction
error methods. Different model structures have been investigated
ranging from input-output models in difference equation form to the
equations of motion in their natural form. Effects of disturbances,
errors and dynamics in sensors and actuators have been considered.
Programs for interactive system identification have been used extensively.
The experiments have been performed both under open loop and closed
loop conditions. Both linear and nonlinear models have been considered.
The paper summarizes the experiences obtained from applying system
identification methods to many different ships. The results have
been applied both to investigate steering properties and to design
autopilots for ship steering. Insight into ship steering dynamics
and identification methodology has been obtained.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kallstrom1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kallstrom1981},
doi = {10.1016/0005-1098(81)90094-7},
file = {Kallstrom1981.pdf:Kallstrom1981.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0005-1098},
keywords = {Computer-aided design},
review = {The paper is about identifying ship dynamics with a variety of methods.
Ships are usually modeled by first principles with a 3rd order model
called Nomoto's model. They find that even with poor data, Nomoto's
parameters can be found, but with better data higher order models
may be better. He exami nes the identifiability of Nomto's model
and notes that some extra sensors (than normally on a ship) help
make the parameters uniquely identifiable. They examined both open
and closed loop dynamics (i.e. with and without autopilot). The open
loop tests were done by commanding binary randomlike steering commands.
During closed loop they let changed the desired heading a random
binary fashion and also changed the autopilot gain. The found the
predicition error methods to be generally better than the output
error methods, but the prediction horizon was important. Nomoto's
model is a simplified linear transfer function relating sway velocity
to rudder angle. They use Norribin's nonlinear model, as it only
introduces one more parameter to the linear model. He shows that
you can try to estimate the continous parameters directly or you
can write the continious parameters as a functino of the discrete
parameters, thus estimating them first. He compares the estimated
parameters from three experiments for a ship using both the discrete
and continous model. They find similar parameters from both discrete
and continous and mostly the same parameters across experiments.
The output error method gave different results than the maximum likelehood.
He says that a the Akaike criterion indicated that a third order
model was better than a 2nd order model. He found differences in
the discrete and continious methods with the sea scout data (continious
did more poorly). He found that 60s prediction horizon was need for
good estimates with the sea stratus data. He says that a complex
pole zero pair indicated was probably due to wave disturbances at
.2 hz and not actual process dynamics.
Grey box: he sets up a very complicated state space parameterization
including process and measurement noise covariance matrices. They
use a Kalman filter for state estimation. He talks about the identifibility
of the parametes and says that given sway velocity and heading measurements,
plus know acceleration derivatives and that the model is observable
and controlable then the parameters are identifiables (he cites previous
work for this). He can't identify all parameters of R1 and R2. He
fixes some parameters based on physical models. WIth the output error
method, he gets a large variation in parameter estimates among experiments.
For the prediction error method he finds that at least a 10s prediction
horizon is needed for good results and parameter estimation. He shows
the "best" model simulation plot for a different experiment input
with good fit results. Summary: parameter estimation was good for
predictio error methods given the horizon wasn't too short. The output
error method usually gave poor results.},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kallstrom1981.pdf}
author = {Yutaka Kamata and Hidekazu Nishimura},
title = {System identification and attitude control of motorcycle by computer-aided
dynamics analysis},
journal = {JSAE Review},
year = {2003},
volume = {24},
pages = {411 - 416},
number = {4},
abstract = {System identification of the motorcycle model constructed by computer-aided
dynamics analysis is introduced to design a control system for attitude
stabilization of the motorcycle. The identified model can be reduced
to the coupled mode system between the roll and the front steering.
The front-steering control system using the roll angle is designed
by H∞ control theory, based on the reduced-order model and the full-order
model, respectively. It is verified from simulation results that
the motorcycle attitude against disturbance is stabilized by the
H∞ controller, and that the reduced-order controller exhibits efficient
stabilization performance in comparison with the full-order controller.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kamata2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kamata2003},
doi = {10.1016/S0389-4304(03)00071-7},
issn = {0389-4304},
url = {}
author = {J. W. Kamman and R. L. Huston},
title = {Dynamics of Constrained Multibody Systems},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {1984},
volume = {51},
pages = {899-903},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kamman1984},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kamman1984},
doi = {10.1115/1.3167743},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Kane, Thomas R.},
title = {The Effect of Frame Flexibility on High Speed Weave of Motorcycles},
booktitle = {SAE Paper 780306},
year = {1978},
pages = {33-40},
organization = {SAE},
abstract = {The effect of frame flexibility on the stability of constant speed,
straight line motions of amotorycle is studied by reference to linearized
differential equations governing the behavior of a system of five
rigid bodies, two of which are connect to each other with a hinge,
a spring, and a damper, and are intended to represent a flexible
frame, while the rest represent the front forke and wheels of the
vehicle. Alth the configuration of the system is characterized by
seven generalized coordinates, it is shown that the stability information
of interest can be deduced from four first-order differential equations.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1978},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.11.01}
author = {Thomas R. Kane},
title = {Kinematical Implications of Side Slip for Single-Track Vehicles},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1977},
month = {February},
note = {SAE Paper 770056},
abstract = {The fact that single-track vehicles do not necessarily roll without
slipping must be taken into account in the analysis of certain motions
of such vehicles. This paper deals with kinematical questions arising
under these circumstances. Constraint equations are formulated for
motions involving side slip unaccompanied by longitudinal slip, expressions
for side slip velocities are developed, and comparisons are drawn
between the kinematical consequences of assuming rolling without
slip and rolling with side slip},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1977},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1977},
file = {Kane1977.pdf:Kane1977.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kane1977.pdf}
author = {Kane, Thomas R.},
title = {Steady Turning of Single-Track Vehicles},
booktitle = {International Automotive Engineering Congress and Exposition},
year = {1977},
number = {770057},
address = {Detroit, {MI}},
month = {February--March},
organization = {SAE},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1977a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1977a},
file = {Kane1977a.pdf:Kane1977a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kane1977a.pdf}
author = {Kane, Thomas R.},
title = {Fundamental kinematical relationships for single-track vehicles},
journal = {International Journal for Mechanical Sciences},
year = {1975},
volume = {17},
pages = {499--504},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1975},
file = {Kane1975.pdf:Kane1975.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kane1975.pdf}
author = {Kane, Thomas R. and Huston, R.L.},
title = {An Addition to the Theory of Gyroscopic Stabilization},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {1962},
volume = {29},
pages = {214-215},
month = {March},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1962},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1962},
owner = {luke},
review = {test review},
timestamp = {2009.11.01}
title = {Dynamics Online: Theory and Implementation with AUTOLEV},
publisher = {Online Dynamics, Inc.},
year = {2000},
author = {Kane, T. R. and Levinson, D. A},
address = {Sunnyvale, CA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane2000},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.08}
title = {Dynamics: Theory and Applications},
publisher = {McGraw Hill},
year = {1985},
author = {Kane, Thomas R. and Levinson, David A.},
address = {New York, NY},
abstract = {This textbook is intended to provide a basis for instruction in dynamics.
Its purpose is not only to equip students with the skills they need
to deal effectively with present-day dynamics problems, but also
to bring them into position to interact smoothly with those trained
more conventionally.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1985},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1985},
isbn = {0070378460},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31}
author = {Kane, Thomas R. and Levinson, David A.},
title = {The Use of Kane's Dynamical Equations in Robotics},
journal = {The International Journal of Robotics Research},
year = {1983},
volume = {2},
pages = {3-21},
number = {3},
abstract = {Extensive experience has shown that the use of general- purpose, multibody-dynamics
computer programs for the numerical formulation and solution of equations
of motion of robotic devices leads to slow evaluation of actuator
forces and torques and slow simulation of robot motions. In this
paper, it is shown how improvements in computational efficiency can
be effected by using Kane's dynamical equations to formulate explicit
equations of motion. To these ends, a detailed analysis of the Stanford
Arm is presented in such a way that each step in the analysis serves
as an illustrative example for a general method of attack on problems
of robot dynamics. Simulation results are reported and are used as
a basis for discussing questions of computational efficiency.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1983},
doi = {10.1177/027836498300200301},
eprint = {},
file = {Kane1983.pdf:Kane1983.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kane1983.pdf}
author = {Thomas R. Kane and David A. Levinson},
title = {Realistic mathematical modeling of the rattleback},
journal = {International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics},
year = {1982},
volume = {17},
pages = {175 - 186},
number = {3},
abstract = {The rattleback (also called a Celt or wobblestone) is an object which,
when placed on a horizontal surface and caused to rotate about a
vertical axis, sometimes begins to oscillate, stops turning, and
then starts rotating in the direction opposite to that associated
with the original motion. Earlier analyses dealing with this phenomenon
have been based on a variety of assumptions. In the present work,
it is shown by means of numerical solutions of full, non-linear equations
of motion that one can construct a realistic mathematical model by
assuming rolling without slipping and employing a torque proportional
to angular velocity to provide for energy dissipation.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1982},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1982},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0020-7462(82)90017-8},
issn = {0020-7462},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Amazingly thorough kinematic analysis of the rattleback. If you are
ever confused about it, this is the paper to look at.},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
title = {Spacecraft Dynamics},
publisher = {McGraw Hill Book Company},
year = {1983},
editor = {Diane D. Heiberg and Madelaine Eichber},
author = {Thomas R. Kane and Peter W. Likins and Davis A. Levinson},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kane1983a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kane1983a},
file = {Kane1983a.pdf:Kane1983a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2011.11.29},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kane1983a.pdf}
author = {Karanam, Venkata Mangaraju and Chatterjee, Anindya},
title = {Common underlying steering curves for motorcycles in steady turns},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2011},
volume = {49},
pages = {931-948},
number = {6},
__markedentry = {[moorepants:]},
abstract = { We study the steady turn behaviours of some light motorcycle models
on circular paths, using the commercial software package ADAMS-Motorcycle.
Steering torque and steering angle are obtained for several path
radii and a range of steady forward speeds. For path radii much greater
than motorcycle wheelbase, and for all motorcycle parameters including
tyre parameters held fixed, dimensional analysis can predict the
asymptotic behaviour of steering torque and angle. In particular,
steering torque is a function purely of lateral acceleration plus
another such function divided by path radius. Of these, the first
function is numerically determined, while the second is approximated
by an analytically determined constant. Similarly, the steering angle
is a function purely of lateral acceleration, plus another such function
divided by path radius. Of these, the first is determined numerically
while the second is determined analytically. Both predictions are
verified through ADAMS simulations for various tyre and geometric
parameters. In summary, steady circular motions of a given motorcycle
with given tyre parameters can be approximately characterised by
just one curve for steering torque and one for steering angle. },
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2010.483282},
eprint = {},
file = {Karanam2011.pdf:Karanam2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.04.16},
url = {}
author = {Karchin, A. and Hull, M.L.},
title = {Experimental optimization of pivot point height for swing-arm type
rear suspensions in off-road bicycles},
journal = {Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {2002},
volume = {124},
pages = {101-6},
number = {1},
month = {February},
abstract = {Towards the ultimate goal of designing dual suspension off-road bicycles
which decouple the suspension motion from the pedaling action, this
study focused on determining experimentally the optimum pivot point
height for a swing-arm type rear suspension such that the suspension
motion was minimized. Specific objectives were (1) to determine the
effect of interaction between the front and rear suspensions on the
optimal pivot point height, (2) to investigate the sensitivity of
the optimal height to the pedaling mechanics of the rider in both
the seated and standing postures, (3) to determine the dependence
of the optimal height on the rider posture. Eleven experienced subjects
rode a custom-built adjustable dual suspension off-road bicycle,
{[}Needle, S., and Hull, M. L., 1997, ``An Off-Road Bicycle With
Adjustable Suspension Kinematics,{''} Journal of Mechanical Design
/b 119/, pp. 370-375], on an inclined treadmill. The treadmill was
set to a constant 6 percent grade at a constant velocity of 24.8
km/hr. With the bicycle in a fixed gear combination of 38{*}14, the
corresponding cadence was 84 rpm. For each subject, the pivot point
height was varied randomly while the motions across both the front
and rear suspension elements were measured. Subjects rode in both
the seated and standing postures and with the front suspension active
and inactive. It was found that the power loss from the rear suspension
at the optimal pivot point height was not significantly dependent
on the interaction between the front and rear suspensions. In the
seated posture, the optimal pivot point height was 9.8 cm on average
and had a range of 8.0-12.3 cm. The average optimal pivot point height
for the seated posture corresponded to an average power loss for
the rear suspension that was within 10 percent of the minimum power
loss for each subject for 8 of the 11 subjects. In the standing posture,
the average height was 5.9 cm and ranged from 5.1-7.2 cm. The average
height for the standing posture was within 10 percent of the minimum
power loss for each subject for 9 of the 11 subjects. While the optimum
height was relatively insensitive to pedaling mechanics in both the
seated and standing postures, the choice of the optimal pivot point
height in production bicycles necessitates some compromise in performance
given the disparity in the averages between the seated and standing
address = {USA},
affiliation = {Karchin, A.; Biomed. Eng. Program, California Univ., Davis, CA, USA.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Karchin2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Karchin2002},
identifying-codes = {[A2002-08-8745-030],[0148-0731(200202)124:1L.101:EOPP;1-8],[S0148-0731(02)01501-7],[10.1115/1.1427701]},
issn = {0148-0731},
keywords = {Experimental/ biomechanics; mechanical engineering; sport/ optimum
pivot point height; front suspensions; sensitivity; pedaling mechanics;
rider; seated postures; standing postures; optimal height; custom-built
adjustable dual suspension off-road bicycle; inclined treadmill;
constant velocity; fixed gear combination; cadence; active front
suspension; swing-arm type rear suspensions; off-road bicycles; design;
dual suspension off-road bicycles; suspension motion; pedaling action;
inactive front suspension; power loss; average height; production
bicycles; experimental optimization; 24.8 km/h; 9.8 cm; 5.9 cm; 8.0
to 12.3 cm; 5.1 to 7.2 cm/ A8745D Physics of body movements/ velocity
6.89E+00 m/s; size 9.8E-02 m; size 5.9E-02 m; size 8.0E-02 to 1.23E-01
m; size 5.1E-02 to 7.2E-02 m},
language = {English},
number-of-references = {8},
owner = {moorepants},
publication-type = {J},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.12.04},
type = {Journal Paper},
unique-id = {INSPEC:7203366}
title = {Vehicle Stability},
publisher = {Marcel Dekker, Inc.},
year = {2004},
author = {Dean Karnopp},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Karnopp2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Karnopp2004},
file = {Karnopp2004.pdf:Karnopp2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Karnopp2004.pdf}
author = {Karnopp, Dean},
title = {Tilt Control for Gyro-Stabilized Two-Wheeled Vehicles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2002},
volume = {37},
pages = {145--156},
number = {2},
abstract = { Fully enclosed motorcycles could form the basis for extremely fuel
and space efficient vehicles, but their inherent instability upon
encountering even a momentary loss of traction renders them unsuitable
for general use. It will be shown that a relatively simple tilt control
system using a gyroscope to provide a tilt control moment is capable
of stabilizing the vehicle at still stand or at speed on a very low
traction surface. Furthermore, the system can achieve a coordinated
turn on high traction surfaces. Since the gyro is an energy storage
device, it can be used also in a hybrid system to provide extra power
for acceleration and to recover some energy during braking. This
relatively old idea should be reconsidered in light of the improved
electromechanical devices, which have been developed recently for
hybrid electric vehicles. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Karnopp2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Karnopp2002},
doi = {10.1076/vesd.},
eprint = {},
url = {}
author = {S. Karthikeyan and M. Dighole and T. S. Nellainayagam and R. Venkatesan},
title = {Stability and Control Analysis of a Scooter},
booktitle = {2003 SAE/JSAE Small Engine Technology Conference \& Exhibition},
year = {2003},
number = {2003-32-0057/20034357},
address = {Madison, Wisconsin, USA},
month = {September},
abstract = {In India, scooters are now being increasingly used by young women
because of its lesser weight and ease of riding. Prevalent riding
conditions demand higher stability and maneuverability at low speeds,
which could be achieved by an in-depth study. A virtual handling
model of the scooter has been developed using multibody analysis
software for studying the stability and maneuverability. Realizing
the role of tire properties on the stability characteristics of two-wheelers,
a new tire model that can simulate combined slip conditions has been
developed and used in the scooter model. A robust steering controller
has been used for maintaining the desired path of the scooter. The
virtual model has been analyzed under linear and non-linear conditions
for both straight running and cornering maneuvers. The stability
characteristics of the scooter have been studied by root locus and
eigenvector analysis. The consistency of the model has been verified
by a brief plausibility study. Vibrational modes of the scooter have
been identified and studied. A very important design criterion has
been identified and its effect on rider?s perception of the scooter
recognized. Predicted results were found to match with experimental
data and rider perception.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Karthikeyan2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Karthikeyan2003},
file = {Karthikeyan2003.pdf:Karthikeyan2003.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Karthikeyan2003.pdf}
author = {Katayama, T. and Aoki, A. and Nishimi, T.},
title = {Control Behaviour of Motorcycle Riders},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1988},
volume = {17},
pages = {211-229},
bib = {bibtex-keys#KatayamaAokiNishimi1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#KatayamaAokiNishimi1988}
author = {Katayama, T. and Nishimi, T. and Okayama, T. and Aoki, A.},
title = {A simulation model for motorcycle rider’s control behaviors},
journal = {Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan},
year = {1997},
volume = {28},
pages = {137--142},
number = {3},
note = {in Japanese with English summary},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Katayama1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Katayama1997},
doi = {10.1016/S0389-4304(03)00071-7},
timestamp = {2012.01.02}
author = {S. A. Kautz and M. L. Hull},
title = {Dynamic optimization analysis for equipment setup problems in endurance
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1995},
volume = {28},
pages = {1391 - 1401},
number = {11},
abstract = {The goals of the work reported by this article are two-fold. The first
is to develop a dynamic optimization framework for analysis of equipment
setup problems in endurance cycling. The second is to illustrate
the application of the approach by determining an optimal chainring
shape. To achieve these goals, a mathematical model of the pedaling
motion for given trajectories of the net joint moments and the rate
of change of the chainring radius was derived, and chainring optimization
was posed as an optimal control problem. The cost functional produced
a chainring shape that reduced the cost of endurance cycling at 250
W and 90 rpm, apparently by taking advantage of mechanical interactions
that arise as a natural consequence of the movement. However, the
predicted joint moments required larger peak values during phases
of significantly increased joint velocity. Thus, the [`]optimal'
performance predicted by the cost functional appears opposed to expectations
based on muscle mechanics and illustrates the need for further analysis
of endurance cycling with a physiologically based cost functional.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kautz1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kautz1995},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(95)00007-5},
file = {Kautz1995.pdf:Kautz1995.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kautz1995.pdf}
author = {S.A. Kautz and M.L. Hull},
title = {A theoretical basis for interpreting the force applied to the pedal
in cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1993},
volume = {26},
pages = {155 - 165},
number = {2},
abstract = {This article presents an analytical technique for decomposing the
pedal force in cycling into a muscular component due directly to
the net intersegmental moments and a nonmuscular component due to
gravitational and inertial effects. The decomposition technique uses
the Newton-Euler system of dynamic equations for the leg segments
to solve for the two components, given the planar segmental kinematics
and the intersegmental moments. Applications of the technique to
cycling studies of muscle function, pedalling effectiveness, and
optimization analyses based on inverse dynamics are discussed. While
this article focuses on the pedal force in cycling, the decomposition
method can be directly applied to analyze the reaction forces during
a general planar movement of the leg when the segmental kinematics
and intersegmental moments are specified. This article also demonstrates
the significance of the nonmuscular component relative to the muscular
component by performing the decomposition of the pedal forces of
an example subject who pedalled at three different cadences against
a common work load. The key results were that the nonmuscular components
increased in magnitude as the cadence increased, whereas the magnitude
of the muscular component remained relatively constant over the majority
of the crank cycle. Also, even at the slowest pedalling rate of 70
rpm, the magnitude of the nonmuscular component was substantial.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kautz1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kautz1993},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(93)90046-H},
file = {Kautz1993.pdf:Kautz1993.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kautz1993.pdf}
author = {S.A. Kautz and M.L. Hull and R.R. Neptune},
title = {A comparison of muscular mechanical energy expenditure and internal
work in cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1994},
volume = {27},
pages = {1459 - 1467},
number = {12},
abstract = {The hypothesis that the sum of the absolute changes in mechanical
energy (internal work) is correlated with the muscular mechanical
energy expenditure (MMEE) was tested using two elliptical chainrings,
one that reduced and one that increased the internal work (compared
to circular). Upper and lower bounds were put on the extra MMEE (work
done by net joint torques in excess of the external work) with respect
to the effect of intercompensation between joint torques due to biarticular
muscles. This was done by having two measures of MMEE, one that allowed
no intercompensation and one that allowed complete intercompensation
between joints spanned by biarticular muscles. Energy analysis showed
no correlation between internal work and the two measures of MMEE.
When compared to circular, the chainring that reduced internal work
increased MMEE, and phases of increased crank velocity associated
with the elliptical shape resulted in increased power absorbed by
the upstroke leg as it was accelerated against gravity. The resulting
negative work necessitated additional positive work. Thus, the hypothesis
that the internal work is correlated with MMEE was found to be invalid,
and the total mechanical work done cannot be estimated by summing
the internal and external work. Changes in the dynamics of cycling
caused by a non-circular chainring may affect performance and must
be considered during the non-circular chainring design process.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kautz1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kautz1994},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(94)90195-3},
file = {Kautz1994.pdf:Kautz1994.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kautz1994.pdf}
author = {Kelly, A. and Hubbard, M.},
title = {Design and Construction of a Bobsled Driver Training Simulator},
journal = {Sports Engineering},
year = {2000},
volume = {3},
pages = {13-24},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kelly2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kelly2000},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Keo, Lychek and Masaki, Yamakita},
title = {Trajectory control for an autonomous bicycle with balancer, Paper
booktitle = {International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics},
year = {2008},
pages = {676--681},
address = {Xi'an, China},
month = {July},
organization = {IEEE/ASME},
abstract = {In this paper, we propose a new trajectory tracking and balancing
control for an unmanned bicycle with a balancer using a simplified
model. The bicycle with the balancer dynamics is derived from Lagrangian
and nonholonomic constraints with respect to translation and rotation
relative to the ground plane. The trajectory tracking control is
derived by an input-output linearization approach and an output-zeroing
control is applied to the balancer for balancing the bicycle. The
proposed control algorithm is guaranteed to maintain bicycle stability
even when the linear velocity is zero without requiring a secondary
controller. Numerical simulation show the effectiveness of the proposed
control system.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Keo2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Keo2008},
doi = {10.1109/AIM.2008.4601741},
file = {Keo2008.pdf:Keo2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Autonomous Bicycle,Balance Control, Output Zeroing, Trajectory Tracking},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They model a bicycle with leaning inverted pendulum. They stabilize
the bicycle and track a path. I don't understand the control design.
They stabilize at zero forward speed.},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Keo2008.pdf}
author = {Lychek Keo and Sirichai Pornsarayouth and Masaki Yamakita and Kazuhiro
title = {Stabilization of an Unmanned Bicycle with Flywheel Balancer},
booktitle = {8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems},
year = {2010},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Keo2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Keo2010},
file = {Keo2010.pdf:Keo2010.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Keo2010.pdf}
author = {Keo, Lychek and Yamakita, Masaki},
title = {Control of an Autonomous Electric Bicycle with both Steering and
Balancer Controls},
journal = {Advanced Robotics},
year = {2011},
volume = {25},
pages = {1--22},
month = {January},
abstract = {In this paper, we propose a new cooperation control algorithm for
stabilizing and trajectory tracking of an unmanned electric bicycle.
The simplified model of the bicycle with the balancer is derived
from Lagrangian and non-holonomic constraints with respect to translation
and rotation relative to the ground plane. The stabilizing control
and trajectory control of an autonomous bicycle are derived independently
based on the simplified model. The balancing control is derived based
on the output-zeroing controller. The steering and balancer for stabilizing
the bicycle are used when the linear velocity is zero or the system
starts up. It is shown that a balancing control using both the steering
and the balancer has a better performance than conventional ones
with only balancer or steering. The trajectory tracking control is
derived by an input-output linearization approach to track the path
in the ground plane. The steering and the back wheel are used to
design the trajectory control. The coupling of the steering between
the balancing control and the trajectory control are set by weighting
gain. The balancing and the trajectory control have been implemented
with the real bicycle by using MATLAB XPC-TARGET. An autonomous electric
bicycle can be controlled remotely <I>via</I> a host PC. Numerical
simulation and experimental results are shown to verify the effectiveness
of the proposed control strategy.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Keo2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Keo2011},
doi = {doi:10.1163/016918610X538462},
file = {Keo2011.pdf:Keo2011.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Keo2011.pdf}
title = {Nonlinear Systems},
publisher = {Prentice Hall},
year = {2002},
author = {Khalil, Hassan K.},
edition = {3rd},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Khalil2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Khalil2002},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.05.18}
author = {Jeong Woo Kim},
title = {Geometric Design of Bicycle Linkage Suspension},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kim2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kim2006},
file = {Kim2006.pdf:Kim2006.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kim2006.pdf}
author = {Daniel Kirshner},
title = {Some nonexplanations of bicycle stability},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {1980},
volume = {48},
pages = {36-38},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kirshner1980},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kirshner1980},
doi = {10.1119/1.12246},
file = {Kirshner1980.pdf:Kirshner1980.pdf:PDF},
publisher = {AAPT},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kirshner1980.pdf}
author = {Klein, R.},
title = {Lose the Training Wheels},
howpublished = {},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Klein2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Klein2009},
organization = {Lose the Training Wheels},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
url = {}
author = {Klein, R.E.},
title = {The bicycle project approach-a vehicle to relevancy and motivation
booktitle = {Frontiers in Education Conference, 1991. Twenty-First Annual Conference.
'Engineering Education in a New World Order.' Proceedings.},
year = {1991},
pages = {47-52},
month = {September},
abstract = {The author's pedagogical experience with the bicycle project approach
at the University of Illinois where open-ended projects are used
to supplement lecture mode course material is presented. The focus
is on the stable single track trailer (SSTT) design challenge. The
SSTT design challenge was to achieve a towed riderless bicycle which
will follow, steer, and balance of its own accord behind a lead bicycle.
Design constraints included using a tow linkage that would not transmit
a torque. The project design approach permitted students to come
to grips with an unstructured problem, one for which the answer was
not readily available at the back of the text. Problem clarification,
synthesis, visualization of spatial mechanisms, stability of mechanisms,
report writing, success, and failure were all inherent in the design
bib = {bibtex-keys#Klein1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Klein1991},
doi = {10.1109/FIE.1991.187432},
file = {Klein1991.pdf:Klein1991.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {education, project engineering Illinois University, bicycle project,
mechanisms stability, open-ended projects, problem clarification,
report writing, spatial mechanisms visualisation, stable single track
trailer, tow linkage, towed riderless bicycle, pedagodgy},
review = {Example of using the bicycle in the classroom to teach.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Klein1991.pdf}
author = {Klein, R.E.},
title = {Using bicycles to teach system dynamics},
journal = {Control Systems Magazine, IEEE},
year = {1989},
volume = {9},
pages = {4-9},
number = {3},
month = {April},
abstract = {The author reports on an innovative approach, based on open-ended
design questions related to bicycles, for the teaching of dynamic
systems concepts in an undergraduate mechanical engineering environment.
He outlines needs for improved classroom learning, pedagogical methods
and underlying philosophy, how the bicycle was introduced as a main
portion of the instruction, how the class was managed, supporting
materials used, and a summary of major benefits achieved. The results
to date show that: (1) the notion of using the bicycle in the classroom
as a teaching tool and research topic is feasible; (2) the associated
economics are attractive; (3) students are able to apply the abstract
notions of systems theory to a concrete problem; (4) the professor
can improve his or her expertise in a designated area (such as two-wheeled
vehicle dynamics); (5) the percentage and quality of students electing
follow-up courses in the systems area increase; and (6) students
improve their professional confidence},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Klein1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Klein1989},
doi = {10.1109/37.24804},
file = {Klein1989.pdf:Klein1989.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0272-1708},
keywords = {dynamics, educational aids, mechanical engineering, system theory,
teachingbicycles, concepts, educational aids, mechanical engineering,
system dynamics, systems theory, teaching},
webpdf = {references-folder/Klein1989.pdf}
author = {Klein, R. E.},
title = {Simulation of bicycle lateral dynamics: an opportunity in dynamic
systems education},
booktitle = {Simulation in Engineering Education Including Supplemental Papers.
Proceedings of the SCS Multiconference on Modeling and Simulation
on Microcomputers},
year = {1990},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Klein1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Klein1990},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Klein, R. E.},
title = {Novel systems and dynamics teaching techniques using bicycles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1988 American Control Conference},
year = {1988},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Klein1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Klein1988},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Randy Knight},
title = {The Bicyclist's Paradox},
journal = {The Physics Teacher},
year = {2008},
volume = {46},
pages = {275--279},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Knight2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Knight2008},
file = {Knight2008.pdf:Knight2008.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Knight2008.pdf}
author = {Koenen, C.},
title = {The dynamic behaviour of a motorcycle when running straight ahead
and when cornering},
school = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {1983},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Koenen1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Koenen1983},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.23}
author = {C. Koenen and H.B. Pacejka and D.A. Timan and J.A. Zwaan},
title = {Beweging van motorrijwielen verstoord door wegdek onregelmatigheden},
institution = {Technische Hogeschool Delft Laboratorium voor Voertuigtechniek.},
year = {1977},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Koenen1977},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Koenen1977},
file = {Koenen1977.pdf:Koenen1977.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Koenen1977.pdf}
title = {Dynamics of Single-Track Vehicles},
publisher = {Foundation Bicycle Technical Research},
year = {1962},
author = {Kondo, M.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kondo1962},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kondo1962},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Kondo, M.},
title = {Experimental Study on the Stability and Control of Single-Track Vehicles},
journal = {JSME},
year = {1955},
volume = {58},
pages = {827--833},
number = {442},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kondo1955},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kondo1955},
file = {Kondo1955.pdf:Kondo1955.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {There is some kind of test stand for a motorcycle that looks like
it has a dummy rider on it. The front wheel is on a rotating drum
and the rear wheel seems to be fixed. A lab test on stability.
He did some analysis on the front end geometry (head angle, trail,
fork offset and wheel diameter).
He also seems to have an instrumented motorcycle. The experimental
time history of a Figure 8 manuever shows steer torque and steer
angle (Fig 11). Manuevers: steady turn, figure 8, and navigating
a curve (or turn). He shows some plots of data from various figure
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kondo1955.pdf}
author = {Kondo, M. and A. Nagaoka and F. Yoshimura},
title = {Theoretical Study on the Running Stability of the Two-Wheelers},
journal = {Trans. SAE Japan},
year = {1963},
volume = {17},
pages = {8},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kondo1963},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kondo1963},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {J. D. G. Kooijman},
title = {Experimental Validation of a Model for the Motion of an Uncontrolled
school = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {2006},
type = {{MS}c Thesis},
abstract = {Recently a model of the motion of an uncontrolled bicycle was benchmarked.
In this model, many physical aspects of the real bicycle are considered
negligible, such as the fexibility of the frame and wheels, play
in the bearings, and precise tire characteristics. Apart from fexibility
and play, in this model the most un- certain aspect, that had to
be verifed was the replacement of the tires by ideal rolling, knife-edge
wheels. The admissibility of these assumptions was checked by comparing
experimental results with numerical simulation results. The experimental
system consisted of an instrumented bicycle without rider. Sensors
were installed on the bicycle for measuring the lean rate and the
yaw rate, the steering angle and the rear wheel rotation. Sidewheels
were added to the bicycle to prevent it from completely falling over
under unstable conditions. All twenty five parameters of the instrumented
bicycle required for the lin- earised model were measured. The lengths
were measured with a tape measure, angles with an integrated protractor
and spirit-level and the mass of the different parts with scales
accurate to 0.01kg. For the measurement of the mass moment of inertia
of the front frame, rear frame, front wheel and rear wheel a torsion
pendulum was constructed. Measurements were recorded for the case
in which the bicycle coasted freely on a level surface. From the
measured data, eigenvalues for the bicycle were extracted by means
of curve fitting. These eigenvalues were then compared with the results
from the linearised equations of motion of the model. The experimental
results show a very good agreement with the results as ob- tained
by the linearised analysis of the dynamic model of an uncontrolled
bicycle. This shows that the tire slip and frame and fork compliance
are not important for the lateral dynamics of the bicycle in the
speed range up to 6 m/s.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kooijman2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kooijman2006},
file = {Kooijman2006.pdf:Kooijman2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.12.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kooijman2006.pdf}
author = {Kooijman, J. D. G. and Meijaard, J. P. and Papadopoulos, Jim M. and
Ruina, Andy and Schwab, A. L.},
title = {A Bicycle Can Be Self-Stable Without Gyroscopic or Caster Effects},
journal = {Science},
year = {2011},
volume = {332},
pages = {339-342},
number = {6027},
abstract = {A riderless bicycle can automatically steer itself so as to recover
from falls. The common view is that this self-steering is caused
by gyroscopic precession of the front wheel, or by the wheel contact
trailing like a caster behind the steer axis. We show that neither
effect is necessary for self-stability. Using linearized stability
calculations as a guide, we built a bicycle with extra counter-rotating
wheels (canceling the wheel spin angular momentum) and with its front-wheel
ground-contact forward of the steer axis (making the trailing distance
negative). When laterally disturbed from rolling straight, this bicycle
automatically recovers to upright travel. Our results show that various
design variables, like the front mass location and the steer axis
tilt, contribute to stability in complex interacting ways.},
doi = {10.1126/science.1201959},
eprint = {},
file = {Kooijman2011.pdf:Kooijman2011.pdf:PDF},
url = {}
author = {J. D. G. Kooijman and A. L. Schwab},
title = {Some Observations on Human Control of a Bicycle},
booktitle = {11th mini Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and
Anomalies (VSDIA2008), Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2008},
editor = {I. Zobory},
pages = {8},
month = {November},
publisher = {Budapest University of Technology and Economincs},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kooijman2008a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kooijman2008a},
file = {Kooijman2008a.pdf:Kooijman2008a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {schwab},
timestamp = {2008.12.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kooijman2008a.pdf}
author = {J. D. G. Kooijman and A. L. Schwab},
title = {A review on handling aspects in bicycle and motorcycle control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
year = {2011},
number = {DETC2011-47963},
address = {Washington, DC, USA},
month = {August},
abstract = {This paper gives an overview on handling aspects in bicycle and motorcycle
control, from both theoretical and experimental points of view. Parallels
are drawn with the literature on aircraft handling. The paper concludes
with the open ends and promising directions for future work in the
field of handling and control of single track vehicles.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kooijman2011a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kooijman2011a},
file = {Kooijman2011a.pdf:Kooijman2011a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2011.11.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kooijman2011a.pdf}
author = {J. D. G. Kooijman and A. L. Schwab},
title = {Experimental Validation of the Lateral Dynamics of a Bicycle on a
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,
IDETC/CIE 2009},
year = {2009},
number = {DETC2009-86965},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kooijman2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kooijman2009},
file = {Kooijman2009.pdf:Kooijman2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {The experiment from Kooijman2006 and Kooijman2008 was repeated on
a treadmill. This allow for the speed of the bicycle to be controlled
for better, giving better fits to of the predicted weave eigenvalue
for 88 runs. They claim the reasons they can't fit the capsize eigenvalue
is because it damps out rapidly below the weave critical speed, thus
not easy to measure and that above the weave critical speed that
the capsize eigenvalue is so slow that it is hard to measure and
the weave motion dominates. This is not quite right though as the
eigen value magnitudes are the same at least one speed in within
the stable speed range. Their final conclusion is that the eigenvalues
and critical speeds are well predicted between a certain speed range
and that treadmill riding is the same as riding on flat ground. This
should be clarified with respect to riderless bicycles. The steer
angle on the plot is rather steady, maybe because the scaling is
timestamp = {2009.09.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kooijman2009.pdf}
author = {J. D. G. Kooijman and A. L. Schwab and J. P. Meijaard},
title = {Experimental validation of a model of an uncontrolled bicycle},
journal = {Multibody System Dynamics},
year = {2008},
volume = {19},
pages = {115-132},
month = {May},
abstract = {In this paper, an experimental validation of some modelling aspects
of an uncontrolled bicycle is presented. In numerical models, many
physical aspects of the real bicycle are considered negligible, such
as the flexibility of the frame and wheels, play in the bearings,
and precise tire characteristics. The admissibility of these assumptions
has been checked by comparing experimental results with numerical
simulation results. The numerical simulations were performed on a
three-degree-of-freedom benchmarked bicycle model. For the validation
we considered the linearized equations of motion for small perturbations
of the upright steady forward motion. The most dubious assumption
that was validated in this model was the replacement of the tires
by knife-edge wheels rolling without slipping (non-holonomic constraints).
The experimental system consisted of an instrumented bicycle without
rider. Sensors were present for measuring the roll rate, yaw rate,
steering angle, and rear wheel rotation. Measurements were recorded
for the case in which the bicycle coasted freely on a level surface.
From these measured data, eigenvalues were extracted by means of
curve fitting. These eigenvalues were then compared with the results
from the linearized equations of motion of the model. As a result,
the model appeared to be fairly accurate for the low-speed low-frequency
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kooijman2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kooijman2008},
doi = {10.1007/s11044-007-9050-x},
file = {Kooijman2008.pdf:Kooijman2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Bicycle dynamics, Experiments, Instrumentation, Multibody dynamics,
Non-holonomic constraints},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - He reports different parameter values for the front frame than
in his thesis.},
timestamp = {2008.12.05},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kooijman2008.pdf}
author = {J. D. G. Kooijman and A. L. Schwab and Jason K. Moore},
title = {Some Observations on Human Control of a Bicycle},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design and Engineering
Technical Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kooijman2009a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kooijman2009a},
file = {Kooijman2009a.pdf:Kooijman2009a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kooijman2009a.pdf}
author = {Wang Sang Koon and Marsden, J. E.},
title = {The {H}amiltonian and {L}agrangian Approaches to the Dynamics of
Nonholonomic Systems},
journal = {Reports on Mathematical Physics},
year = {1997},
volume = {40},
pages = {21--62},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Koon1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Koon1997},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Ryan W. Krauss and Wayne J. Book},
title = {A Python Software Module for Automated Identification of Systems
Modeled With the Transfer Matrix Method},
journal = {ASME Conference Proceedings},
year = {2007},
volume = {2007},
pages = {1573-1582},
number = {43033},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Krauss2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Krauss2007},
doi = {10.1115/IMECE2007-42319},
publisher = {ASME},
url = {}
author = {Alexander Kuleshov},
title = {Nonlinear Dynamics of a Simplified Skateboard Model},
booktitle = {The Engineering of Sport 7},
year = {2008},
editor = {Margaret Estivalet and Pierre Brisson},
volume = {1},
pages = {135-142},
month = {August},
organization = {ISEA},
publisher = {Springer Paris},
abstract = {In this paper the further investigation and development for the simplified
mathematical model of a skateboard with a rider are obtained. This
model was first proposed by Mont Hubbard (Hubbard 1979, Hubbard 1980).
It is supposed that there is no rider’s control of the skateboard
motion. To derive equations of motion of the skateboard the Gibbs-Appell
method is used. The problem of integrability of the obtained equations
is studied and their stability analysis is fulfilled. The effect
of varying vehicle parameters on dynamics and stability of its motion
is examined.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kuleshov2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kuleshov2008},
doi = {10.1007/978-2-287-09411-8_16},
file = {Kuleshov2008.pdf:Kuleshov2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Skateboard Nonholonomic Constraints Integrability Stability of Motion},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.28},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kuleshov2008.pdf}
author = {Kuleshov, A.~S.},
title = {Mathematical model of a skateboard with one degree of freedom},
journal = {Physics - Doklady},
year = {2007},
volume = {52},
pages = {283-286},
month = {May},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
adsurl = {},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kuleshov2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kuleshov2007},
doi = {10.1134/S1028335807050102},
file = {Kuleshov2007.pdf:Kuleshov2007.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {45.50.Dd},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kuleshov2007.pdf}
author = {D. T. Kunkel},
title = {Bicycle dynamics: simulated bicycle/rider system performance in a
turning maneuver Calspan technical report},
institution = {Schwinn Bicycle Company},
year = {1976},
note = {Calspan Corp.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kunkel1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kunkel1976},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.10}
author = {Dennis T. Kunkel},
title = {Simulation Study of Motorcycle Response to Pavement Grooving},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1975},
number = {ZN-5740-V-1},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kunkel1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kunkel1975},
file = {Kunkel1975.pdf:Kunkel1975.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kunkel1975.pdf}
author = {D. T. Kunkel and R. D. Roland},
title = {A Comparitive Evaluation of the Schwinn Continental and Continental-Based
Sprint Bicycles},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1973},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kunkel1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kunkel1973},
file = {Kunkel1973.pdf:Kunkel1973.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kunkel1973.pdf}
author = {Kuriyama, Takeyuki and Kageyama, Ichiro and Baba, Masayuki and Miyagishi,
title = {2102 Control System Design and Construction of Rider Robot for Two-wheel
journal = {The Transportation and Logistics Conference},
year = {2005},
volume = {14},
pages = {207--210},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kuriyama2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kuriyama2005},
file = {Kuriyama2005.pdf:Kuriyama2005.pdf:PDF},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kuriyama2005.pdf}
author = {Kuroiwa, Osamu and Baba, Masayuki and Nakata, Noriaki},
title = {Study of motorcycle handling characteristics and rider feeling during
lane change},
booktitle = {SAE International Congress and Exposition},
year = {1995},
number = {950200},
address = {Detroit, Michigan, USA},
month = {February},
organization = {SAE},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kuroiwa1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kuroiwa1995},
file = {Kuroiwa1995.pdf:Kuroiwa1995.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kuroiwa1995.pdf}
author = {Chris Kvale and John Corbett},
title = {A Fresh Look at Steering Geometry},
month = {December},
year = {1981},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kvale1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kvale1981},
file = {Kvale1981.pdf:Kvale1981.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kvale1981.pdf}
author = {Kwak, B. and Park, Y.},
title = {Vehicle states observer using adaptive tire-road friction estimator},
year = {2001},
volume = {44},
pages = {668-675},
number = {3},
month = {September},
abstract = {Vehicle stability control system is a new idea which can enhance the
vehicle stability and handling in the emergency situation. This system
requires the information of the yaw rate, sideslip angle and road
friction in order to control the traction and braking forces at the
individual wheels. This paper proposes an observer for the vehicle
stability control system. This observer consisted of the state observer
for vehicle motion estimation and the road condition estimator for
the identification of the coefficient of the road friction. The state
observer uses 2 degrees-of-freedom bicycle model and estimates the
system variables based on the Kalman filter. The road condition estimator
uses the same vehicle model and identifies the coefficient of the
tire-road friction based on the recursive least square method. Both
estimator,,; make use of each other information. We show the effectiveness
and feasibility of the proposed scheme under various road conditions
through computer simulations of a fifteen degree-of-freedom non-linear
vehicle model.},
160-0016, JAPAN},
affiliation = {Kwak, B (Reprint Author), Mando Corp, Cent R\&D Ctr, Sci Town, Taejon
305701, South Korea. Mando Corp, Cent R\&D Ctr, Taejon 305701, South
Korea. Korea Adv Inst Sci \& Technol, Dept Mech Engn, Ctr Noise \&
Vibrat Control, NoViC, Taejon 305701, South Korea.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kwak2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kwak2001},
doc-delivery-number = {486KQ},
file = {Kwak2001.pdf:Kwak2001.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1340-8062},
journal-iso = {JSME Int. J. Ser. C-Mech. Syst. Mach. Elem. Manuf.},
keywords = {stability control; extended Kalman filter; tire road friction; recursive
least square method},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {9},
owner = {Luke},
subject-category = {Engineering, Manufacturing; Engineering, Mechanical},
times-cited = {1},
timestamp = {2009.03.06},
type = {Article},
unique-id = {ISI:000171817300012},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kwak2001.pdf}
author = {Dong-Soo Kwon and Gi-Hun Yang and Chong-Won Lee and Jae-Cheol Shin
and Youngjin Park and Byungbo Jung and Doo Yong Lee and Kyungno Le
and Sunmin Kim and Soonhung Han and Byoung-Hyun Yoo and Kwangyun
Wohn and Jung-Hyun Ahn},
title = {KAIST interactive bicycle simulator},
booktitle = {Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation},
year = {2001},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kwon2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kwon2001},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Dong-Soo Kwon and Gi-Hun Yang and Youngjin Park and Sunmin Kim and
Chong-Won Lee and Jae-Cheol Shin and Soonhung Han and Jonghwan Lee
and Kwangyun Wohn and Sehoon Kim and Doo Yong Lee and Kyungno Lee
and Jae-Heon Yang and Yun-Mook Choi},
title = {KAIST interactive bicycle racing simulator: the 2nd version with
advanced features},
booktitle = {Intelligent Robots and System, 2002. IEEE/RSJ International Conference
year = {2002},
volume = {3},
pages = { 2961-2966 vol.3},
abstract = {This paper presents the KAIST interactive bicycle racing simulator
system, which consists of a pair of bicycle simulators. The rider
on the racing simulator experiences realistic sensations of motion,
while being able to see the other bicycle simulator and having the
audio-visual experience of riding in a velodrome or on the KAIST
campus. The 2nd bicycle of the racing simulator system consists of
a bicycle, a 4-DOF platform, a handlebar and a pedal resistance system
to generate motion feelings; a real-time visual simulator a HMD and
beam projection system; and a 3D sound system. The system has an
integrating control network with an AOIM (Area Of Interest Management)
based network structure for multiple simulators.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kwon2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kwon2002},
doi = {10.1109/IRDS.2002.1041722},
file = {Kwon2002.pdf:Kwon2002.pdf:PDF},
issn = { },
keywords = { digital simulation, sport, virtual reality AOIM, KAIST, handlebar,
interactive bicycle racing simulator, motion feelings, pedal resistance,
racing simulator},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kwon2002.pdf}
author = {Chester R. Kyle},
title = {Abbreviated Tire Test Report, U. S. Cycling Team},
institution = {General Motors},
year = {1996},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kyle1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kyle1996},
file = {Kyle1996.pdf:Kyle1996.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.05.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kyle1996.pdf}
author = {Chester R. Kyle},
title = {Coast down tests in a university hallway using an instrumented and
weighted tricycle},
institution = {University of California, Long Beach`},
year = {1996},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kyle1996a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kyle1996a},
file = {Kyle1996a.pdf:Kyle1996a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.05.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kyle1996a.pdf}
author = {Chester R. Kyle},
title = {GM test of tire characteristics on a flat track slow speed steel
institution = {General Motors},
year = {1995},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kyle1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kyle1995},
file = {Kyle1995.pdf:Kyle1995.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.05.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kyle1995.pdf}
chapter = {3-3: The Sunraycer, Wheels, Tires and Brakes},
title = {GM Sunraycer case history},
publisher = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1988},
author = {Kyle, Chester R.},
number = {M-101},
address = {Warrendale, PA, USA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kyle1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kyle1988},
file = {Kyle1988.pdf:Kyle1988.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.14},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kyle1988.pdf}
author = {Chester R. Kyle},
title = {GM Tire Test Report on 17" Moulton Tires},
institution = {General Motors},
year = {1987},
month = {April},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Kyle1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Kyle1987},
file = {Kyle1987.pdf:Kyle1987.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.05.19},
webpdf = {references-folder/Kyle1987.pdf}
author = {Hsien-Chung Lai and Jing-Sin Liu and D. T. Lee and Li-Sheng Wang},
title = {Design parameters study on the stability and perception of riding
comfort of the electrical motorcycles under rider leaning},
journal = {Mechatronics},
year = {2003},
volume = {13},
pages = {49 - 76},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lai2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lai2003},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0957-4158(01)00082-4},
file = {Lai2003.pdf:Lai2003.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0957-4158},
keywords = {Electrical motorcycles},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lai2003.pdf}
author = {Pom Yuan Lam and Tan Kian Sin},
title = {Gyroscopic Stabilization of a Self-Balancing Robot Bicycle},
journal = {International Journal of Automation Technology},
year = {2011},
volume = {5},
pages = {916--923},
abstract = {This paper reports the design and development of a self-balancing
bicycle using off-the-shelf electronics. A self-balancing bicycle
is an unstable nonlinear system similar to an inverted pendulum.
Experimental results show the robustness and efficiency of the proportional
plus derivative controller balancing the bicycle. The system uses
a control moment gyroscope as an actuator for balancing.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lam2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lam2011},
timestamp = {2012.01.03}
author = {de Lange, Peter},
title = {Rider Identification in Bicycling: {A} preliminary analysis},
school = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {2011},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lange2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lange2011},
file = {Lange2011.pdf:Lange2011.pdf:PDF},
review = {Peter's control model has PID plus double derivative control on roll
and steer, effectively giving gains on angle, rate, angular acceleration
and the integral of angle. I'm not sure what the physical meaning
of the integral of an angle would be. He uses the same nueromuscular
model as us but with a frequency of 2.17 rad/s and a damping ratio
of 1.414. He also includes a time delay of 0.03 ms. He mentions co-contraction
control which is a passive stiffness and damping in the arm muscles
that he claims is utilize in position tasks, but doesn't use it.
He cites Happee2009. He rewrites his controller and plant into a
general form, of which he say any plant and controller can be mapped
to. Peter seemed to use data from runs with Luke riding, but must
have used the parameters for me, as I hadn't calculated them yet,
not sure though. He fit a Finite Impulse Response black box model
to the roll and steer angles. He shows the resulting model output
which is very noisy and then with a filtered version. When trying
to fit a parametric model, he found that the time delay, however
small, caused the system to be unstable. He also was unable to get
a stable model for a low speed of 2.1 m/s, citing that the FIR model
has a poor signal to noise ratio. He only fits on the steer angle
output, but gets reasonable matching in roll as a side effect. He
uses a method to examine covariance of the parameters to eliminate
ones that are crucial for the model. He notes that the steer into
the fall is observed from the estimated roll related gains being
positive. He says roll angle, roll rate, steering rate and integral
action are critical for a stable model. He shows that this integral
steering is proportional to the heading angle. So he controls heading
without having heading feedback. He also uses it to explain countersteering.
Pertabator design goal was to apply a pure roll torque without exciting
steer torque. He analyzes a swing perturbator, sliding mass perturbator,
lateral acceleration of the ground},
timestamp = {2011.11.15},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lange2011.pdf}
title = {uncertainties: a Python package for calculations with uncertainties},
author = {Eric O. Lebigot},
year = {2010},
note = {},
timestamp = {2012.08.08},
url = {}
author = {Lee, Sangduck and Ham, Woonchul},
title = {Self stabilizing strategy in tracking control of unmanned electric
bicycle with mass balance, Paper 1041594},
booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
year = {2002},
volume = {3},
pages = { 2200-2205},
address = {Lausanne, Switzerland},
month = {September--October},
organization = {IEEE/RSJ},
abstract = { Ingyu Park et al. (2001) investigated an unmanned bicycle system
but did not consider the lateral motion of mass. In this paper, we
derive a simple kinematic and dynamic formulation of an unmanned
electric bicycle with load mass balance system which, plays important
role in stabilization. We propose a control algorithm for the self
stabilization of unmanned bicycle by using nonlinear control based
on the sliding patch and stuck phenomena. In deriving the above control
algorithm, we assume that the load mass is located in the middle
of the mass balance system. We then propose a control strategy to
turn the bicycle system left or right by moving the center of load
mass left and right respectively. In the computer simulations, we
adopt a low pass filter for the real implementation of the proposed
control law which bring. about the chattering problem. From the computer
simulation results, we can show the effectiveness of the proposed
control strategy.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lee2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lee2002},
doi = {10.1109/IRDS.2002.1041594},
file = {Lee2002.pdf:Lee2002.pdf:PDF},
keywords = { electric vehicles, low-pass filters, mobile robots, nonlinear control
systems, robot dynamics, robot kinematics, stability, tracking chattering
problem, dynamic formulation, kinematic formulation, lateral mass
motion, low-pass filter, mass balance, nonlinear control, self stabilization,
self-stabilizing strategy, sliding patch phenomenon, stuck phenomenon,
tracking control, unmanned electric bicycle},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Mass balancer
Controller: sliding patch and stuck phenomena, something akin to sliding
mode control
The control the non-linear equations.
It moves the mass left to go left and right to go right
He thinks his paper is the first to show roll stabilization with path
tracking using steering, upper body motion and wheel speed control.},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lee2002.pdf}
author = {John F. Lenkeit},
title = {A servo rider for the automatic and remote path control of a motorcycle},
booktitle = {SAE International Congress and Exposition},
year = {1995},
number = {950199},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lenkeit1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lenkeit1995},
file = {Lenkeit1995.pdf:Lenkeit1995.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lenkeit1995.pdf}
author = {Lesser, Martin},
title = {A geometrical interpretation of Kane's Equations},
journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
year = {1992},
volume = {436},
pages = {69--87},
number = {1896},
month = {January},
abstract = {The method for the development of the equations of motion for systems
of constrained particles and rigid bodies, developed by T. R. Kane
and called Kane's Equations, is discussed from a geometric viewpoint.
It is shown that what Kane calls partial velocities and partial angular
velocities may be interpreted as components of tangent vectors to
the system's configuration manifold. The geometric picture, when
attached to Kane's formalism shows that Kane's Equations are projections
of the Newton-Euler equations of motion onto a spanning set of the
configuration manifold's tangent space. One advantage of Kane's method,
is that both non-holonomic and non-conservative systems are easily
included in the same formalism. This easily follows from the geometry.
It is also shown that by transformation to an orthogonal spanning
set, the equations can be diagonalized in terms of what Kane calls
the generalized speeds. A further advantage of the geometric picture
lies in the treatment of constraint forces which can be expanded
in terms of a spanning set for the orthogonal complement of the configuration
tangent space. In all these developments, explicit use is made of
a concrete realization of the multidimensional vectors which are
called K-vectors for a K-component system. It is argued that the
current presentation also provides a clear tutorial route to Kane's
method for those schooled in classical analytical mechanics.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lesser1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lesser1992},
owner = {Luke},
timestamp = {2008.12.11},
url = {}
author = {de Leva, P.},
title = {Validity and accuracy of four methods for locating the center of
mass of young male and female athletes},
booktitle = {International Society of Biomechanics XIVth Congress-Abstracts},
year = {1993},
editor = {Bouisset, S. and Metral, S. and Monod, H.},
pages = {318-319},
address = {France},
organization = {Universite Paris-Sud},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Leva1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Leva1993},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26}
author = {de Leva, P.},
title = {Joint center longitudinal positions computed from a selected subset
of Chandler’s data},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1996},
volume = {29},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Leva1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Leva1996},
file = {Leva1996.pdf:Leva1996.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26},
webpdf = {references-folder/Leva1996.pdf}
author = {Lew, E.~S. and Orazov, B. and O'Reilly, O.~M.},
title = {The dynamics of Charles Taylor's remarkable one-wheeled vehicle},
journal = {Regular and Chaotic Dynamics},
year = {2008},
volume = {13},
pages = {257-266},
month = {August},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
adsurl = {},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lew2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lew2008},
doi = {10.1134/S1560354708040035},
file = {Lew2008.pdf:Lew2008.pdf:PDF},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lew2008.pdf}
author = {Lewis, G.D.},
title = {The manoeuvrability and braking performance of small-wheeled bicycles
when ridden by children.},
institution = {Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), Department of Environment,
Crawthorne, Berkshire},
year = {1973},
number = {LR 500},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lewis1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lewis1973},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.16}
author = {Li, Z. and Canny, J.},
title = {Motion of two rigid bodies with rolling constraint},
journal = {Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1990},
volume = {6},
pages = {62-72},
number = {1},
month = {February},
abstract = {The motion of two rigid bodies under rolling constraint is considered.
In particular, the following two problems are addressed: (1) given
the geometry of the rigid bodies, determine the existence of an admissible
path between two contact configurations; and (2) assuming that an
admissible path exists, find such a path. First, the configuration
space of contact is defined, and the differential equations governing
the rolling constraint are derived. Then, a generalized version of
Frobenius's theorem, known as Chow's theorem, for determining the
existence of motion is applied. Finally, an algorithm is proposed
that generates a desired path with one of the objects being flat.
Potential applications of this study include adjusting grasp configurations
of a multifingered robot hand without slipping, contour following
without dissipation or wear by the end-effector of a manipulator,
and wheeled mobile robotics},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Li1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Li1990},
doi = {10.1109/70.88118},
issn = {1042-296X},
keywords = {differential equations, matrix algebra, robotsChow's theorem, Frobenius's
theorem, admissible path, configuration space, contact configurations,
contour following, differential equations, end-effector, matrix algebra,
multifingered robot hand, rigid bodies, rolling constraint, wheeled
mobile robotics},
owner = {Luke},
review = {hello, I like this paper},
timestamp = {2009.02.05}
author = {Liang, Chi-Ying and Lin, Wai-Hon and Chang, Bruce},
title = {Applying fuzzy logic control to an electric bicycle},
booktitle = {First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information
and Control},
year = {2006},
editor = {Pan, J.-S. and Shi, P. and Zhao, Y.},
pages = {513--516},
address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
month = {September},
organization = {IEEE; ICIC Int.; National Natural Sci. Found. of China; Beijing Jiaotong
Univ.; Kaosiung Univ. of Appl. Sci},
publisher = {IEEE Comput. Soc},
note = {First International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information
and Control, 30 August-1 September 2006, Beijing, China},
abstract = {Bicycles are used virtually everywhere, and for many applications;
transportation, recreation and exercise. Their dynamic behavior is
statically unstable like the inverted pendulum. In this paper, we
developed an intelligent electric bicycle based on fuzzy logic and
single chip approach. We chose the PSoC (programmable system-on-chips)
as the microprocessor. The key point is to adjust the PWM (pulse
width modulation) signal to control the speed of the bicycle, automatically.
With this method we hope one can ride the bicycle easily, whether
the road is level or steep.},
affiliation = {Chi-Ying Liang; Dept. of Electron. Eng., Wu Feng Inst. of Technol.,
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liang2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liang2006},
doi = {},
file = {Liang2006.pdf:Liang2006.pdf:PDF},
identifying-codes = {[0-7695-2616-0/06/\$20.00]},
isbn = {0 7695 2616 0},
keywords = {Practical/ bicycles; electric vehicles; fuzzy control; intelligent
control; system-on-chip; velocity control/ fuzzy logic control; intelligent
electric bicycle; transportation; dynamic behavior; inverted pendulum;
single chip approach; programmable system-on-chip; PSoC; microprocessor;
PWM control; speed control/ B8520 Transportation; B1265F Microprocessors
and microcomputers; C3360B Road-traffic system control; C1340F Fuzzy
control; C3120E Velocity, acceleration and rotation control; C5130
Microprocessor chips},
language = {English},
number-of-references = {9},
owner = {luke},
publication-type = {C},
review = {This is a fuzzy logic speed controller. Nothing about balancing or
lateral control.},
timestamp = {2009.11.01},
type = {Conference Paper},
unique-id = {INSPEC:9132237},
webpdf = {references-folder/Liang2006.pdf}
author = {Liesegang, J. and Lee, A.~R.},
title = {Dynamics of a bicycle: Nongyroscopic aspects},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {1978},
volume = {46},
pages = {130-132},
month = {February},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
adsurl = {},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liesegang1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liesegang1978},
doi = {10.1119/1.11370},
file = {Liesegang1978.pdf:Liesegang1978.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Liesegang1978.pdf}
author = {Brad Lignoski},
title = {Bicycle Stability, Is the Steering Angle Proportional to the Lean?},
institution = {The College of Wooster},
year = {2002},
month = {May},
abstract = {If the steering of a bicycle is proportional to the lean angle, then
the motion of the center of mass of the bike can be modeled as a
damped simple harmonic oscillator. This would in part explain why
a bicycle is stable. An experiment was performed to determine weather
or not the steering angle is proportional to the lean. Due to noisy
data, the proportionality was not conclusively verified, but evidence
does suggest that the steer angle is proportional to the lean angle
for small angles. The constant of proportionality was determined
to be k=2.40±0.15. Improvements for future versions of this investigation
are suggested.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lignoski2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lignoski2002},
file = {Lignoski2002.pdf:Lignoski2002.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lignoski2002.pdf}
author = {Limebeer, D.J.N. and Sharma, A.},
title = {The dynamics of the accelerating bicycle},
booktitle = {Communications, Control and Signal Processing, 2008. ISCCSP 2008.
3rd International Symposium on},
year = {2008},
pages = {237-242},
month = {March},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Limebeer2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Limebeer2008},
doi = {10.1109/ISCCSP.2008.4537226},
file = {Limebeer2008.pdf:Limebeer2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {acceleration, braking, mechanical stability, vehicle dynamics, wheelsaccelerating
bicycle, bicycle dynamics, braking, cornering, d Alemberts principle,
forces of inertia, machine dynamics, road wheels, roll angle, stability},
webpdf = {references-folder/Limebeer2008.pdf}
author = {D.J.N. Limebeer and R.S. Sharp and S. Evangelou},
title = {The stability of motorcycles under acceleration and braking},
journal = {J. Mech. Eng. Sci},
year = {2001},
volume = {215},
pages = {1095–1109},
number = {9},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Limebeer2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Limebeer2001},
file = {Limebeer2001.pdf:Limebeer2001.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25},
webpdf = {references-folder/Limebeer2001.pdf}
author = {Limebeer, David J.N. and Sharp, Robert S.},
title = {Bicycles, motorcycles, and models},
journal = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine},
year = {2006},
volume = {26},
pages = { 34-61},
number = {5},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Limebeer2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Limebeer2006},
file = {Limebeer2006.pdf:Limebeer2006.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0272-1708},
owner = {Luke},
review = {JKM - Limebeer and Sharp show a graph of steer torque for the benchmark
bicycle model on page 47 for step inputs of steer torque that range
from -0.5 to 2.5 Nm for extreme roll and steer angles.
They give a basic historical overview of bicycles and motorcycles.
They then talk about the history of the bicycle/motorcycle equations
with a callout about Whipple. They give a basic point mass model
which is the same as the one in Astrom2005 and show the speed dependency
of the steer to roll transfere function. They then show the Whipple
model results with the benchmark parameters. He gives good description
of the weave, capsize and caster modes in terms of the eigenvectors.
He looks at some special cases of the Whipple model:
- locked steering: bicycle capsizes at all speeds
- point mass model with trail and head angle: take away inertia from
whipple model: steer torque to steer angle transfer function is a
constant, a virtual spring.
- no trail, head angle or front frame mass offset: shows steer to
roll relationship
- no trail, no head angle: adds steering damping...
- gyro effects: easily rideable in experiments, a simple low bandwith
challenge for the rider, no auto stable range. he mentions Jim's
no trail, no gyro model
He points out counter steering early accounts of the phenomena. He
then says you can think of countersteering in two ways. The first
is always present and the second is only present at high speeds.
The second describes the opposite torque that may be needed to maintain
a steady turn at high speed (i.e. steer torque left to initiate a
right turn, but then steer torque right to maintain the turn). The
first way is the more common interpretation. It is the fact that
an intial left steer torque and steer angle to the left are require
to go into a right turn.
They emulate rider control of the Whipple model with roll rate plus
roll angle feedback (PD on roll angle). He sets the two gains to
zero in the autostable region and sets them to stablizing values
outside. He chooses gains for three speeds such that the torque step
response gives about the same steady state roll angle.
Steer torque left to initiate right turn and then steer torque right
to stabilize happens a high speed (above stable speed range). Fig
He points out the steer angle and lateral displacement show initial
overshoot (i.e. non mimium phase behavior) and attributes it to the
zero in the steer torque to steer angle transfer function.
He claims that closing the roll loop with PD and picking stablizing
gains forces the steer torque input to osciallate at th weave frequency.
This implies that control is done at the weave frequency.
Alot more to detail...
Should go through all the refereneces...
Body lean control is helpful when near a curb.
It is interesting to note that both here and in Astrom 2005 the countersteer
analysis is not done with the Whipple model. Here it is done with
a point mass model with the developed steer torque input, where as
Astrom does it with a similar model and a steer angle input.},
timestamp = {2008.11.13},
webpdf = {references-folder/Limebeer2006.pdf}
author = {C. Q. Liu and R. L. Huston},
title = {An Energy Theorem for Developing Testing Functions for Numerical
Simulations of Dynamic Systems},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {1995},
volume = {117},
pages = {193-198},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liu1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liu1995},
doi = {10.1115/1.2835179},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {C. Q. Liu and R. L. Huston},
title = {Another Look at Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates in Kinematic and
Dynamic Analyses},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {1992},
volume = {59},
pages = {1033-1035},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liu1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liu1992},
doi = {10.1115/1.2894021},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {C. Q. Liu and Fang Li and R. L. Huston},
title = {Dynamics of a Basketball Rolling Around the Rim},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {2006},
volume = {128},
pages = {359-364},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liu2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liu2006},
doi = {10.1115/1.2194073},
keywords = {sport; differential equations; integration; rolling friction; mechanical
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Liu, T.S. and Chen, J.S.},
title = {Nonlinear analysis of stability for motorcycle-rider systems},
journal = {International Journal Of Vehicle Design},
year = {1992},
volume = {13},
pages = {276--294},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liu1992a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liu1992a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Liu, T.S. and Hsiao, I.H},
title = {Taguchi method applied to motorcycle handling},
journal = {International Journal Of Vehicle Design},
year = {1991},
volume = {12},
pages = {345--356},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liu1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liu1991},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Liu, T.S. and Wu, J.C.},
title = {A model for a rider-motorcycle system using fuzzy control},
journal = {Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1993},
volume = {23},
pages = {267--276},
number = {1},
month = {January},
abstract = {A rider-motorcycle system is a representative man-machine system in
view of the major role that the rider plays in determining the performance
of the integrated system. The handling property of motorcycles influences
safety during riding. In the study, a motorcycle model subjected
to fuzzy control representing rider's perception and action is investigated
to facilitate motorcycle design. A mathematical model of three-dimensional
(3D) multibody dynamics is constructed, which accounts for not only
motorcycle structures but also the rider's posture change. The fuzzy
controller based on control rules and fuzzy reasoning methods plays
the role of the rider in a rider-motorcycle system. The fuzzy control
is facilitated by the construction of look-up tables. A rider-motorcycle
system undergoing circular motion is simulated. The study provides
a viable means for computer-aided design of a representative man-machine
control system},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liu1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liu1993},
doi = {10.1109/21.214787},
file = {Liu1993.pdf:Liu1993.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0018-9472},
keywords = {fuzzy control, model-based reasoning, road vehicles3D multibody dynamics,
circular motion, control rules, fuzzy control, fuzzy reasoning methods,
look-up tables, man-machine system, motorcycle structures, posture
change, rider-motorcycle system, safety},
webpdf = {references-folder/Liu1993.pdf}
author = {Yan Bin Liu and Qing Hua Ji and Xiao Chao Sun and Jian Hai Han},
title = {Kinematics and Trajectory Tracking Motion Plan of an Unmanned Bicycle},
journal = {Advanced Materials Research},
year = {2010},
volume = {152 - 153},
pages = {341-345},
month = {October},
abstract = {Kinematics and ground plane trajectory tracking motion plan of an
unmanned bicycle were researched in this paper. For the unmanned
bicycle controlled by a steering torque, a pedaling toque and a tilting
torque, rigorous kinematics model was set up and discussed, and when
the ground plane trajectories and the bicycle tilting angular trajectory
were given, by use of Back-stepping design means, the steering angular
velocity, the rear wheel rotation angular velocity and the other
motion parameters trajectories of the unmanned bicycle were planned
and discussed, the simulation results showed that the kinematics
model built was accurate and rigorous, all above motion parameter
plans were reasonable.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Liu2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Liu2010},
doi = {10.4028/},
file = {Liu2010.pdf:Liu2010.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Kinematic, Motion Plan, Trajectory Tracking, Unmanned Bicycle},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.07.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Liu2010.pdf}
chapter = {58},
pages = {1033--1054},
title = {System Identification},
publisher = {CRC Press},
year = {1995},
editor = {William S. Levine},
author = {Lennart Ljung},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ljung1995a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ljung1995a},
file = {Ljung1995a.pdf:Ljung1995a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.02.29},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ljung1995a.pdf}
author = {Lennart Ljung},
title = {Perspectives of System Identification},
booktitle = {IFAC Congress},
year = {2008},
address = {Seoul, South Korea},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ljung2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ljung2008},
file = {Ljung2008.pdf:Ljung2008.pdf:PDF},
review = {The part on convexifcation is interesting and could be applicable
to our bicycle/rider grey box models as we have several local minima.
Secondly, his related presentation for this paper gives some details
on model reduction. In the case shown he has 20th order helicopter
model with 1 input and 8 outputs. He calculated 8 SISO 12th order
models, concatenates them, reduces the 96th order model to 20th order
and finally does a fit with the resulting model giving unbelievably
better fits.},
timestamp = {2011.11.14},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ljung2008.pdf}
title = {System Identification: Theory for the User},
publisher = {Prentice Hall},
year = {1998},
author = {Lennart Ljung},
timestamp = {2012.08.08}
author = {Lennart Ljung},
title = {System Identification},
institution = {Link\"{o}ping University},
year = {1995},
address = {Link\"{o}ping, Sweden},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ljung1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ljung1995},
file = {Ljung1995.pdf:Ljung1995.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ljung1995.pdf}
author = {Ljung, Lennart and Glad, Torkel},
title = {On Global Identifiability of Arbitrary Model Parameterizations},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {1994},
volume = {30},
pages = {265--276},
number = {2},
month = {February},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ljung1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ljung1994},
file = {Ljung1994.pdf:Ljung1994.pdf:PDF},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ljung1994.pdf}
author = {Lobas, L. G.},
title = {Controllability, Stabilizability and observability of the motion
of wheeled vehicles},
journal = {Prikladnaya Mekhanika},
year = {1987},
volume = {23},
pages = {93-98},
number = {4},
note = {Translated from the Russian: UDC 62-50:629.113},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lobas1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lobas1987}
author = {T. A. Loduha and B. Ravani},
title = {On First-Order Decoupling of Equations of Motion for Constrained
Dynamical Systems},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {1995},
volume = {62},
pages = {216-222},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Loduha1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Loduha1995},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {de Lorenzo, D.S. and Hull, M.L.},
title = {Quantification of structural loading during off-road cycling},
journal = {Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {1999},
volume = {121},
pages = {399-405},
number = {4},
month = {August},
abstract = {To provide data for fatigue life prediction and testing of structural
components in off-road bicycles, the objective of the research described
herein was to quantify the loads input to an off-road bicycle as
a result of surface-induced loads. A fully instrumented test bicycle
was equipped with dynamometers at the pedals, handlebars, and hubs
to measure all in-plane structural loads acting through points of
contact between the bicycle and both the rider and the ground. A
portable data acquisition system carried by the standing rider allowed,
for the first time, this loading information to be collected during
extended off-road testing. In all, 7 experienced riders rode a downhill
trail test section with the test bicycle in both front-suspension
and full-suspension configurations. The load histories were used
quantitatively to describe the bad components through the computation
of means, standard deviations amplitude probability density functions,
and power spectral density functions. For the standing position,
the coefficients of variation for the load components normal to the
ground were greater than 1.2 for handlebar forces and 0.3 and 0.5-0.6
for the pedal and hub forces, respectively. Thus the relative contribution
of the dynamic loading was much greater than the static loading at
the handlebars but less so at the pedals and hubs. As indicated by
the rainflow count, high amplitude loading was developed approaching
3 and 5 times the weight of the test subjects at the front and rear
wheels, respectively. The power spectral densities showed that energy
was concentrated in the band 0-50 Hz. Through stress computations
and knowledge of material properties, the data can be used analytically
to predict the fatigue life of important structural components such
as those for steering. The data can also be used to develop a fatigue
testing protocol for verifying analytical predictions of fatigue
address = {USA},
affiliation = {de Lorenzo, D.S.; Hull, M.L.; Dept. of Mech. Eng., California Univ.,
Davis, CA, USA.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lorenzo1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lorenzo1999},
file = {Lorenzo1999.pdf:Lorenzo1999.pdf:PDF},
identifying-codes = {[A1999-24-8745-029],[0148-0731/99/\$3.00],[0148-0731(199908)121:4L.399:QSLD;1-I]},
issn = {0148-0731},
keywords = {Practical, Experimental/ biomechanics; fatigue testing; sport/ fatigue
life prediction; structural components testing; surface-induced loads;
pedals; handlebars; hubs; in-plane structural loads; portable data
acquisition system; experienced riders; downhill trail test section;
bad components; amplitude probability density functions; power spectral
density functions; standing position; static loading; 0 to 50 Hz/
A8745D Physics of body movements/ frequency 0.0E+00 to 5.0E+01 Hz},
language = {English},
number-of-references = {11},
owner = {moorepants},
publication-type = {J},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.12.04},
type = {Journal Paper},
unique-id = {INSPEC:6401357},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lorenzo1999.pdf}
author = {de Lorenzo, David S.},
title = {Quantification of Structural Loading During Off-road Cycling},
school = {Univeristy of California, Davis},
year = {1997},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lorenzo1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lorenzo1997},
file = {Lorenzo1997.pdf:Lorenzo1997.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - David de Lorenzo instrumeted a bike to measure pedal forces,
handlebar forces, hub forces to measure the in-plane structural loads.
He took the bike to the trails and had 7 riders do a downhill section.
The hand reactions were measured with a handlerbar sensitive to x
(pointing forward and parallel to the ground) and z (pointing upwards,
perpendicular to the ground) axis forces on both the left and right
sides of the handlebar. Net torque about any vector in the fork plane
of symmetry can be calculated from these. Figure 3d shows a plot
of steering torque with maximums around 7 Nm. The stem extension
torque (representing the torque from pushin down and up on the handlebars)
reaches 15 Nm. The calibration information leads me to believe that
the crosstalk from the all of the forces and moments on the handlebars
gives a very low accuracy for the reported torques, probably in the
+/- 1 to 3 Nm range.},
timestamp = {2010.04.13},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lorenzo1997.pdf}
author = {de Lorenzo, D. S. and Hubbard, Mont},
title = {Dynamic Bicycle Stability of a Flexibly Coupled Rider},
note = {Internal report UC Davis},
year = {1996},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lorenzo1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lorenzo1996},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Lot, Roberto},
title = {A Motorcycle Tire Model for Dynamic Simulations: Theoretical and
Experimental Aspects},
journal = {Meccanica},
year = {2004},
volume = {39},
pages = {207--220},
number = {3},
month = {June},
abstract = {This paper describes a model for motorcycle tires based on a physical
interpretation of experimental data. In this model the real shape
of the tire carcass is accurately described and its deformability
is taken into account. The actual position of the contact point,
that is, the center of the contact patch, is calculated. The concept
of instantaneous slip is defined by calculating the longitudinal
slip and sideslip angles using the velocity of the actual contact
point, which moves with respect to the rim. Tire forces and torques
are applied on the actual contact point and calculated according
to Pacejka’s magic formula. The coupling of sliding properties
with elastic ones and the use of the instantaneous slip concept make
it possible to properly describe both steady state and transient
behavior using the same relations, thus avoiding the use of any auxiliary
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lot2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lot2004},
file = {Lot2004.pdf:Lot2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Luke},
timestamp = {2009.03.06},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lot2004.pdf}
author = {J. Lowell and H. D. McKell},
title = {The Stability of Bicycles},
journal = {American Journal of Physics},
year = {1982},
volume = {50},
pages = {1106--1112},
number = {12},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lowell1982},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lowell1982},
file = {Lowell1982.pdf:Lowell1982.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lowell1982.pdf}
author = {Lucia, ALEJANDRO and HOYOS, JESÚS and CHICHARRO and JOSÉ L.},
title = {Preferred pedalling cadence in professional cycling},
journal = {Medicine \& Science in Sports \& Exercise},
year = {2001},
volume = {33},
pages = {1361--1366},
number = {8},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lucia2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lucia2001},
file = {Lucia2001.pdf:Lucia2001.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lucia2001.pdf}
title = {Multilevel Modeling},
publisher = {Sage Publications},
year = {2004},
editor = {Michael S. Lewis-Beck},
author = {Douglas A. Luke},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Luke2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Luke2004},
timestamp = {2012.02.23}
author = {van Lunteren, A. and H. G. Stassen},
title = {Parameter Estimation in Linear Models of the Human Operator in a
Closed Loop with Application of Deterministic Test Signals},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Manual Control},
year = {1973},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lunteren1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lunteren1973},
file = {Lunteren1973.pdf:Lunteren1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Jodi},
review = {They describe the theoretical framework for determinining the open-loop
and closed-loop transfer functions where there is an uncorrolated
remnant. For closed loop systems also a method using deterministic
test signals is described. The paper ends with a description of the
idenfitication proces for multiloop systems. Unfortunately there
are no physical numbers to go with the described work.},
timestamp = {2008.05.21},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lunteren1973.pdf}
author = {van Lunteren, A. and H. G. Stassen},
title = {Investigations on the Bicycle Simulator},
institution = {Delft University of Technology, Laboratory for Measurement and Control},
year = {1970},
type = {{C}hapter {III} of {A}nnual {R}eport 1969 of the {M}an-{M}achine
{S}ystems {G}roup},
number = {WTHD21},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lunteren1970},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lunteren1970},
file = {Lunteren1970.pdf:Lunteren1970.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Jodi},
review = {bicycle simulator is built on the whipple equations of motion. A leaned
upper body is added.
Only stabilizing task on a straight course is considered. at a moderate
speed - 10 to 20 kph. They hypothesize that human control is carried
out by a PID controller with a delay.
The simulator ties to mimmic a bicycle running straight at a given
speed (15kph). The simulator is stationary, and pivots about a motor
controlled horizontal-longitudenal axis. A second motor is used to
mimmic front wheel gyroscopic effects.
This is an approximation of a bicycle as the contact points dont move.
They measure the bicycle and rider lean and the steer angle and carryout
all the experiments at 15kph.
They conclude that the human bicycle controller can be described by
a PD controler with a time delay. Where the input is the frame lean
angle and the outputs are the steer angle and upper body lean angle.
Average time delay on the handlebar control is 150ms and on the upper
body control is 100ms. NO RIDER LEAN OR STEER TORQUE!
They use the polarity coincidence correlation method (PCC) (from chapter
II) to identify the human controller. To identify the coefficients
of the Delayed PID controller. the characteristics of the riders
inputs and outputs.
He shows how the parameter id method that works with open loop id
can be modified for the closed loop system with remnant involved.
They finish with future work: they wish to add a visual display unit
to carryout cours followng (tracking) control.},
timestamp = {2008.05.21},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lunteren1970.pdf}
author = {van Lunteren,A. and H. G. Stassen},
title = {On the Influence of Drugs on the Behavior of a Bicycle Rider},
booktitle = {Sixth Annual Conference on Manual Control},
year = {1970},
address = {Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lunteren1970a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lunteren1970a},
file = {Lunteren1970a.pdf:Lunteren1970a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {FIgure 2 shows a nice physiological based block diagram of the human
control system. It even includes angle angle and neck muscles in
the course following component. They administer drugs to the rider
to block some of the sensory abilities, thus simplifying the system.
- Secobarbitalinatricum - quick acting sleeping drug
- Chlordiazepoxydi hydrochloridum - minor tranquilizer
- Perphenazinum - a neurolepticum, dampens the emotional brain
- Aethyl aLcohol - vodka, similar effects as Secobarbi...
They did a serious of experiments with one week in between each experiment
with the different drugs, including a placebo. They also performed
a basic reaction time experiment each time. Blood samples were taken
during the course of the alcohol consumption.
They show that the vodka and the other barituate affect the controller.
The other drugs less so. There is correlation between the RMS error
of the controll actions and the drug dose.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lunteren1970a.pdf}
author = {van Lunteren, A. and H. G. Stassen},
title = {On the Variance of the Bicycle Rider's Behavior},
booktitle = {Procedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Manual Control},
year = {1970},
address = {Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio},
month = {April},
abstract = {The behavior of a rider stabilizing a bicycle simulator has been studied.
THe simulater used deomonstrates a reasonable similarity to a normal
bicycle; the forward motion is missing, however, its effects on the
dynamics of the simulator are take into account.\\The behavior of
the cyclist has been described by the describing functions between
the input of the rider, viz. the frame angle, and the outputs, viz.
the rotations of handle bar and upper body. The parameters of he
model in this way obtained were determined using an on-line open
loop parameter estimation method. For low values of teh remnants
the bias due to teh use of an open loop method in a closed loop system
is small.\\It has been found that the behavior of the rider is time-independent
over at least five minutes. Futhermore, if $\sigma_a$ is the mean
value of the standard deviation of the parameters for one subject
within one test, if $\sigma_b$ is the mean value of the standard
deviation for one subject over a number of tests, and if $\sigma_c$
is teh mean value of the standard deviation for a group of subjects,
then the relation between these quantities can be approximated by
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lunteren1970b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lunteren1970b},
file = {Lunteren1970b.pdf:Lunteren1970b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Jodi},
review = {JKM-They use a bicycle simulator that mimics a very basic bicycle
model to estimate the open loop transfer function of the human operator
in a simple bicycle stabilization task. They used a PID controller
with a time lag to represent the human and used an optimization technique
that minimized the error between the experimental ouputs of the human
and the model outputs from the PID controller using the same experimental
input. They found some variance between riders and runs but claimed
it was because they were controlling the bicycle at 15 km/h and thus
it wasn't a critical control task.
- they say the bicycle is an unstable system because they used a very
simple model
- they assume the rider uses steer angle and rider lean angle to control
the roll angle of the bicycle
- there is more detail to the project in their annual report from
the same year (Lunteren1970)
- they only mention Whipple as a previous model
- the simulator neglects the frame and fork coupling, among other
- they don't test speeds below 10 km/h
- they use the simplest bicycle model (same as presented by Karnopp
and others) with a upper body that can lean
- they got inertia, CoM, and mass values for the human from Williams
and Lissner 1962
- the simulator is assumed to have resonable similiarity to a bicycle
and a rider only takes a few minutes to learn to stabilize it
- I am not sure how they measured lean angle of the rider
- they assume a PID controller with a time lag for the human operator
control model
- they do include remnant in the system model
- they estimate the PID coefficients and time lag by minimizing the
error between the measure outputs from the simulator experiments
to the output of the PID model. this simply looks at the open loop
linear model of the human operator
- their minimization techniques seemed to be a bit limited then. they
didn't try to work with closed loop model and had to make more assumptions
for when minimizing with respect to the time lag. we could do this
much easier with todays tools
- there is probably an optimal observation time for the experiments
that minimize uncertaintity, this may not be trivial
- the remnant produces a bias if this optimization technique is used
for the closed loop system
- they only had 4k of memory on their computer, but still did most
of the calcs real time for the transfer function parameters
- Figure 5 compares this optimization technique to some others they've
done, one of which doesn't have the bias
- they then look at the variance of riders control actions over time
and over a group of riders
- fig 6 shows that a rider's behavior can be treated as invariant
for up to 5 minutes
- comparing two riders, they show that the handlebar actions are similar
but the upper body actions are not so similar
- the nyquist plot of the two riders shows that there is a considerable
difference in control actions but they both easily stablize the system,
they do note that the riders were of different sizes
- they think that making the stabilization task more difficult would
make the riders behave more similar
- they feel their procedure to determine the time delay numbers is
good even though they had to make extra assumptions
- they found a proportional relationship between the standard deviations
of the transfer functions when taking more tests and using more subjects
- they wonder whether the remnant should represent non-linearaties
or a test signal introduced by the rider
- they found a 0.5hz frequency when no external disturbances were
timestamp = {2008.05.21},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lunteren1970b.pdf}
author = {van Lunteren, A. and H. G. Stassen},
title = {On-Line Parameter Estimation of the Human Transfer in a Man-Bicycle
booktitle = {Technical sessions, 4th congress of IFAC},
year = {1969},
number = {70.3},
pages = {41--55},
address = {Warsaw, Poland},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lunteren1969},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lunteren1969},
file = {Lunteren1969.pdf:Lunteren1969.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {The bicycle can be used for normal folks instead of highly trained
pilots as most studies have previously been focused on. The bicycle
is also unstable requiring the rider to stablize it. Figrue one shows
a McRuer like human control system.
The goals of this study are to answer:
1. How accurately can the human be described by a linear model plus
2. How variable is the model for a given subject?
3. How valid is the model for a randomly chosen group of riders?
They oversimplified Whipple's model for their bicycle simulator only
using the roll dynamics. The simulator coudl be pedaled or the pedaling
torque created by a motor for motorcycle/moped simulations. A noise
component coudl be injected in to the simulator's dynamics for side
wind simulatiosn and such. They can only do online parameter estimation
with the PID model even though they know about McRuer's poles/zeros
They estimate the rider parameters with a basic linear regression
on the current time steps based on a moving average. This seems to
be flawed to some degree because the parameter estimations will be
poor with few time samples and get better as more sample are collected.
A moving average only uses a finite previous times too. They mention
that this method is only valid for open loop systems because a bias
due to remnant would be introduced otherwise. The parameters can
be identified to 10\% accuracy even when the relative remnant N1
is 40\%. The behavior of the rider was shown to be stationary for
at least 5 min observation times. 5 male subjects tested every day
over ten days, the results in the tables seem repeatable.
1. The best fit model is a PD with time delay.
2. The time delays, lead time constants and effective values of remnant
are very different for the two control actions.
3. The lean action is lower in the cerebral heriarchy than the handlebar
4. The variation in estimated parameters among all riders was about
twice that of a single rider, thus a generalization of the model
to a group may be poor.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lunteren1969.pdf}
author = {van Lunteren, A. and H. G. Stassen},
title = {Investigations on the Characteristics of a Human Operator Stabilizing
a Bicycle Model},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Ergonomics in Machine Design},
year = {1967},
address = {Prague},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lunteren1967},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lunteren1967},
file = {Lunteren1967.pdf:Lunteren1967.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They show that the human controller can be modeled by PID controllers
with time lag using a bicycle simulator. They want to find the controller
representative of a large population instead of the typical highly
trained test pilot. The bicycle is good platform for this, because
most people can ride bikes. Interested primarily in the stabilization
task. The studies started in 1962. They assume decoupled steer to
frame motions...which seems bad. They allow the rider to lean. The
model for the bicyle simulator is a simple doubple inverted pendulum,
with roll moment acting on the frame due to steer angle and rate
(plus the one due to bicycle roll and rider lean). They used a PID
model instead of the McRuer models because of technical limitations
of the equipment. The bicycle roll angle is fed back to give an error
signal. This is then run through PID control with a time delay to
give a steer angle and rider lean angle input to the bicycle. Remnant
are introduced at the output of the controller blocks for each bicycle
input. They find a 2 hz natural frequency of the human-bicycle system.
He plots the auto and cross correlations of the steer angle, lean
angle, roll angle and output noise. The output noise seems to be
basically white. The angles have a peak frequency as 2 hz (and one
at the pedaling frequency).
They present a correlation method and on-line parameter estimation
method to determine the transfer functions of the human, both giving
similar results in the Bode plots of an example identification. The
on-line method is 10 times faster though.
They say that the integral action didn't show up in either of the
identified transfer functions. The ratio of derivative action to
the proportional action of the upper body lean is three times that
of the same ratio in the handlebar transfer functions. (i.e. lean
angle is actuated more from roll rate than the handlebars are).
They consider the steering action to be the result of cerebral activity
and the upper body motion to be a reflex pattern based on a comparison
of the identified time delays. The lean time delay is larger than
the steer time delay. They used parameters for a moped in the simulator
at 15 km/h. They show that the time delay increases as the give the
rider drugs.
They didn't seem to do anything about the human remnant.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lunteren1967.pdf}
author = {Mircea F. Lupu and Mingui Sun and Zhi-Hong Mao},
title = {Information Transmission in Human Manual Control of Unstable Systems},
year = {2011},
abstract = {The complexity of human-machine interaction
(HMI) is growing rapidly in modern medical, industrial, and
military systems. Human operators are often challenged by
control of high-order systems or unstable systems near the limits
of controllability. However, there is no quantitative indication
of human performance and cognitive workload in these difficult
HMI tasks. Here, we characterize HMI as information flows mea-
sured in bits per second (b/s). We derive that for a normal human
operator to stabilize highly unstable systems the information-
transmission rate of manual control with one degree of freedom
ranges between 3 and 4 b/s. This result reveals the potential
and limitation of human manual control and is instructive to
the design of HMI interfaces that may maximally utilize human
control commands.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lupu2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lupu2011},
file = {Lupu2011.pdf:Lupu2011.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Information transmission, manual control, un-stable systems},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lupu2011.pdf}
author = {James P. Lynch and R. Douglas Roland},
title = {Computer animation of a bicycle simulation},
booktitle = {Fall Joint Computer Conference},
year = {1972},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Lynch1972},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Lynch1972},
file = {Lynch1972.pdf:Lynch1972.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.15},
webpdf = {references-folder/Lynch1972.pdf}
author = {Salim Maakaroun and Philippe Chevrel and Maxime Gautier and Wisama
title = {Modelling and Simulation of a Two wheeled vehicle with suspensions
by using Robotic Formalism},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th World Congress The International Federation
of Automatic Control},
year = {2011},
address = {Milano, Italy},
month = {September},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Maakaroun2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Maakaroun2011},
file = {Maakaroun2011.pdf:Maakaroun2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Maakaroun2011.pdf}
author = {Charles C. MacAdam},
title = {Development of Driver/Vehicle Steering Interaction Models For Dynamics
institution = {University of Michigan},
year = {1988},
bib = {bibtex-keys#MacAdam1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#MacAdam1988},
file = {MacAdam1988.pdf:MacAdam1988.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/MacAdam1988.pdf}
author = {R. E. Magdaleno and D. T. McRuer},
title = {Experimental Validation and Analytical Elaboration for Models of
the Pilot's Neuromuscular Subsystem in Tracking Tasks},
institution = {NASA},
year = {1971},
number = {CR-1757},
month = {April},
timestamp = {2012.08.13}
author = {Jürgen Mages},
title = {Python Lowracer},
howpublished = {World Wide Web},
month = {August},
year = {2012},
note = {[Online; accessed 10-Aug-2012]},
timestamp = {2012.05.25},
url = {}
author = {Maggio, Fabiano and Cossalter, Vittore},
title = {How a rear steering system may improve motorcycle dynamics},
year = {2008},
volume = {46},
pages = {328--346},
number = {3},
abstract = {This research investigates how motorcycle dynamics may be improved
by applying a steering system on the rear wheel. The study is carried
out using a widely validated multi-body model of motorcycle and rider.
Two types of rear steering systems are compared: a self-steering
wheel coupled with a spring-damper assembly and a controlled steering
wheel, whose steering angle is governed accordingly to a first-order
relationship between front and rear steering angle. In general, any
rear steering system transfers energy from weave mode to wobble mode.
Thus, both solutions stabilise high-speed weave, but increase instability
when braking. The passive system shows unexpected reactions when
accelerating in cornering condition, whereas the active system is
almost neutral.},
affiliation = {Cossalter, V (Reprint Author), Univ Padua, Dept Mech Engn, Via Venezia
1, I-35131 Padua, Italy. {[}Maggio, Fabiano; Cossalter, Vittore]
Univ Padua, Dept Mech Engn, I-35131 Padua, Italy.},
author-email = {[email protected] [email protected]},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Maggio2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Maggio2008},
doc-delivery-number = {319NO},
issn = {0143-3369},
journal-iso = {Int. J. Veh. Des.},
keywords = {motorcycle stability; weave; wobble; 2WS motorcycle; steering system},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {35},
owner = {moorepants},
subject-category = {Engineering, Mechanical; Transportation Science \& Technology},
times-cited = {0},
timestamp = {2009.11.18},
type = {Article},
unique-id = {ISI:000257170900004}
author = {Malewicki, D. J.},
title = {The Dynamics and Aerodynamics of Jump Motorcycles},
booktitle = {Second AIAA Symposium on Aerodynamics of Sports and Competition Automobiles},
year = {1974},
address = {Los Angeles},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Malewicki1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Malewicki1974},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Mammar, S. and Espie, S. and Honvo, C.},
title = {Motorcycle modelling and roll motion stabilization by rider leaning
and steering torque},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications,
Toronto Canada, August 28-31, 2005},
year = {2005},
pages = {1421-1426},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Mammar2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Mammar2005},
file = {Mammar2005.pdf:Mammar2005.pdf:PDF},
review = {They build a motorcycle model in the image of Sharps work. The show
an eigenvalue plot but it is poorly made. It seems like it may be least for the model without the rider leaning motion,
as I see no unstable modes associated with that. Looks like they've
got 6 degrees of freedom, which would be the whipple model plus the
tire lateral degrees. They include non-linear tire to road forces.
The inputs to his bicycle model are steer torque and the rider lean
angle, rate and acceleration. He has a human time delay, human neuromuscular
dynamics, a rider gain and lead compensator. He says the lead compensator
if for the mental workload and that the gain is for the rider's simple
proportional action on the percieved error in roll angle. The nueromuscular
filter is second order with damping = 0.707 and natural frequency
of 10 rad/s (same as Ron Hess's helicopter pilot models...he cites
Ron's car paper). He ends up designing a speed dependent controller
which has feedback gains and a more complicated element with PI type
control to control steer torque (he doesn't use rider lean control
here). He only feeds back roll angle and the uses H infinity loop
shaping methods to select the gains, one of which is the speed dependent
gain. He show's both disturbance rejection and roll angle tracking
simulations for the controller, which show good performance.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Mammar2005.pdf}
author = {Man, Guy K. and Kane, Thomas R.},
title = {Steady Turning of Two-Wheeled Vehicles, Paper 790187},
booktitle = {Dynamics of Wheeled Recreational Vehicles},
year = {1979},
pages = {55-75},
address = {Detroit, {MI}},
month = {February--March},
organization = {SAE},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Man1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Man1979},
file = {Man1979.pdf:Man1979.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Man1979.pdf}
author = {Manning, J. R.},
title = {The Dynamical Stability of Bicycles},
institution = {Road Research Lab, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research},
year = {1951},
number = {RN/1605/JRM},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Manning1951},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Manning1951},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Marumo, Yoshitaka and Katayama, Tsuyoshi},
title = {Energy Flow Method for Studying Motorcycle Straight-Running Stability
Effects of Rider's Vibration Characteristics on Weave Mode},
journal = {JARI Research Journal},
year = {2003},
volume = {25},
pages = {283--286},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Marumo2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Marumo2003},
file = {Marumo2003.pdf:Marumo2003.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Marumo2003.pdf}
author = {Marumo, Y. and Nagai, M.},
title = {Steering control of motorcycles using steer-by-wire system},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics
and Mobility},
year = {2007},
volume = {45},
pages = {445--458},
number = {5},
abstract = {This study proposes a steering control method to improve motorcycle
handling and stability. Steer-by-wire (SBW) technology is applied
to the motorcycle's steering system to remove characteristic difficulties
of vehicle maneuvers. By examining computer simulation using a simplified
motorcycle model, the actual rolling angle of the SBW motorcycle
is controlled to follow the desired rolling angle intended by the
rider. A state feedback control such as linear quadratic control
gives the SBW vehicle a good follow-through performance compared
with proportional-derivative control because it can decouple rolling
motion from the other motions, which affect the rolling motion in
the strongly coupled motorcycle system.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Marumo2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Marumo2007},
doi = {10.1080/00423110701200194},
file = {Marumo2007.pdf:Marumo2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They introduce steer by wire on a motorcycle to remove countersteering.
They want the motorcycle to steer like a four wheel vehicle. Turn
left to go left and return to nominal when steering is released.
They use Sharp's 4 dof motorcycle model.
They use a PD control on the roll angle and add it to a feedforward
torque from the commanded roll angle that was passed through a steady
state inverse transfer function of steer torque to roll to produce
the steer torque to the system. So the rider would specify the desired
roll angle (which could theorectically be calculated from the desired
heading and path). They didn't find good success with the PD scheme
claiming that the PD controller was affected by the other states?
They then try a set point regulator control scheme (this looks like
LQR). They choose the weighting factor to gives similar gain values
as the PD design gave.
I'm not sure what the G^{-1}(0) block does. Seems like it will add
an extra torque for not much reason. Would the controller work without
They show -50 nm of torque for a commanded 20 degree roll angle.},
timestamp = {2010.03.29},
webpdf = {references-folder/Marumo2007.pdf}
title = {Pedal Power: In Work, Leisure, and Transportation},
publisher = {Rodale Press},
year = {1977},
editor = {James C. McCullagh},
author = {James C. McCullagh and David Gordon Wilson and Stuart S. Wilson and
John McGeorge and Mark Blossom and Diana Branch},
pages = {133},
address = {Emmaus, PA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McCullagh1977},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McCullagh1977},
file = {McCullagh1977.pdf:McCullagh1977.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/McCullagh1977.pdf}
author = {S. P. McKenna and M. R. Hill and M. L. Hull},
title = {A single loading direction for fatigue life prediction and testing
of handlebars for off-road bicycles},
journal = {International Journal of Fatigue},
year = {2002},
volume = {24},
pages = {1149 - 1157},
number = {11},
abstract = {Components for off-road bicycles including handlebars continue to
be recalled with regularity because of problems with structural failure
as a result of high cycle fatigue in the off-road environment. The
objectives of this study were to 1) devise a method for determining
the point on the handlebar cross section that experiences the maximum
cumulative damage when the handlebar is subjected to loads applied
by the rider's hands that vary randomly in both magnitude and direction,
2) use this method with an existing database of handlebar loads (DeLorenzo
and Hull, J Biomech Eng, 1999) to determine a single loading direction
to be used in design and testing of the handlebar, and 3) determine
the sensitivity of the point of maximum cumulative damage to structural
and material properties of the handlebar. The load database was generated
by seven subjects who rode a rough downhill course in the standing
posture and provided a total of 28 trials for analysis. For each
of the 28 trials, the stress histories at 1-degree increments around
the handlebar circumference were determined. The cumulative damage
at each of the 360 points for each of the 28 trials was computed
using rainflow counting in conjunction with Walker's equation to
represent the S-N diagram for the handlebar material. The maximum
cumulative damage varied by more than six orders of magnitude between
trials and the location of the point of maximum damage ranged from
110° to 343° (angle measured from horizontal axis pointing forward
with positive counterclockwise rotation viewed from the right side
of the bicycle). The median location was 142°. To create a tensile
stress in bending at 142°, a load would have to be applied at 322°
(322° = 142°+180°). Thus, 322° was found to be the single loading
direction representative of the variable-direction load database.
This direction did not change for a handlebar with different structural
and material properties and coincided approximately with a vector
drawn along the line of the arms of the rider. This loading direction
can be used in conjunction with information on the effects of assembly
of the handlebar with a stem to analytically predict the high cycle
fatigue life of a particular stem/handlebar assembly. Furthermore,
this loading direction can also be used to experimentally determine
the expected in-service fatigue life of a particular stem/handlebar
bib = {bibtex-keys#McKenna2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McKenna2002},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0142-1123(02)00028-2},
file = {McKenna2002.pdf:McKenna2002.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0142-1123},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/McKenna2002.pdf}
author = {McRuer, D. and Klein, R.},
title = {Effects of Automobile Steering Characteristics on Driver Vehicle
System Dynamics in Regulation Tasks},
institution = {SAE},
year = {1976},
month = {October},
note = {SAE Paper No. 760778},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1976},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {McRuer, D. and Weir, D.H.},
title = {Theory of Manual Vehicular Control},
journal = {Man-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1969},
volume = {10},
pages = {257-291},
number = {4},
month = {December},
abstract = {The analytical basis of manual vehicular control theory is a combination
of feedback systems analysis and mathematical models for human operators
engaged in control tasks. Simplified representations for the operator-system
combination are provided by the 'crossover model', which is described
in detail. The system dynamics and average performance of the crossover
model system are developed. With these as bases, case studies are
presented to illustrate the types of result which can be obtained
from application of the operator-vehicle control theory. Two aircraft
control examples illustrate the use of the theory and its empirical
correlates to estimate operator dynamic characteristics, system performance,
pilot ratings, pilot commentary, design implications, and some experimental
guidelines. A driver automobile example is presented to illustrate
the use of the theory in structuring the key guidance and control
features of the driver's visual field. A comprehensive bibliography
of operator-vehicle system analysis applications is also provided.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1969},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1969},
doi = {10.1109/TMMS.1969.299930},
file = {McRuer1969.pdf:McRuer1969.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0536-1540},
webpdf = {references-folder/McRuer1969.pdf}
author = {D. T. McRuer},
title = {Human dynamics in man-machine systems},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {1980},
volume = {16},
pages = {237--253},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1980},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1980},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25}
author = {Duane T. McRuer and Dunstan Graham and Ezra S. Krendel},
title = {Manual control of single-loop systems: Part I},
journal = {Journal of the Franklin Institute},
year = {1967},
volume = {283},
pages = {1 - 29},
number = {1},
abstract = {The c. 1959 mathematical model for human operator control dynamics
has been validated and extended to produce a practically complete
mathematical description of manual control dynamics for single-loop
systems. This model is essential to the analytical design of closed-loop
man-machine systems, and it facilitates understanding of the human
as a control device. An extensive number of selected experiments
using 9 subjects, 4 forms of plant dynamics of general applicability,
and 3 principal forcing functions, yielded definitive describing
function data over a frequency range of two decades including system
crossover. Models were constructed at three levels of detail: 1)
a crossover model which is easily and usefully applied; 2) an extended
crossover model which accounts more adequately for low frequency
lags and plant dynamics; and 3) a precision model which provides
a description so detailed that inferences can be drawn about neuromuscular
functions. The resulting adaptive, optimalizing c. 1965 human operator
mathematical model is presented, with a detailed summary of its adjustments
for proper application.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1967},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1967},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0016-0032(67)90112-3},
file = {McRuer1967.pdf:McRuer1967.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0016-0032},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.24},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/McRuer1967.pdf}
author = {Duane T. McRuer and Dunstan Graham and Ezra S. Krendel},
title = {Manual control of single-loop systems: Part II},
journal = {Journal of the Franklin Institute},
year = {1967},
volume = {283},
pages = {145 - 168},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1967a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1967a},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0016-0032(67)90231-1},
file = {McRuer1967a.pdf:McRuer1967a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0016-0032},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.24},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/McRuer1967a.pdf}
author = {McRuer, D. T. and Krendel, E. S.},
title = {Mathematical models of human pilot behavior},
institution = {Systems Technology, Inc.},
year = {1974},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {STI-P-146},
address = {Hawthorne, CA, USA},
note = {AGARD AG 188},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1974},
file = {McRuer1974.pdf:McRuer1974.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/McRuer1974.pdf}
author = {McRuer, D. T. and Magdaleno, R. E. and Moore, G. P.},
title = {A Neuromuscular Actuation System Model},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems},
year = {1968},
volume = {9},
pages = {61-71},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1968},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1968},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {McRuer, D. T. and Weir, D. H.},
title = {Theory of Manual Vehicular Control},
journal = {Ergonomics},
year = {1969},
volume = {12},
pages = {599-633},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#McRuer1969a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#McRuer1969a},
file = {McRuer1969a.pdf:McRuer1969a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.23},
webpdf = {references-folder/McRuer1969a.pdf}
author = {Meijaard, J. and Popov, A.},
title = {Numerical continuation of solutions and bifurcation analysis in multibody
systems applied to motorcycle dynamics},
year = {2006},
volume = {43},
pages = {97-116},
number = {1-2},
month = {January},
abstract = {It is shown how the equations of motion for a multibody system can
be generated in a symbolic form and the resulting equations can be
used in a program for the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems.
Stationary and periodic solutions are continued when a parameter
is allowed to vary and bifurcations are found. The variational or
linearized equations and derivatives with respect to parameters are
also provided to the analysis program, which enhances the efficiency
and accuracy of the calculations. The analysis procedure is firstly
applied to a rotating orthogonal double pendulum, which serves as
a test for the correctness of the implementation and the viability
of the approach. Then, the procedure is used for the analysis of
the dynamics of a motorcycle. For running straight ahead, the nominal
solution undergoes Hopf bifurcations if the forward velocity is varied,
which lead to periodic wobble and weave motions. For stationary cornering,
wobble instabilities are found at much lower speeds, while the maximal
speed is limited by the saturation of the tyre forces.},
affiliation = {Meijaard, J (Reprint Author), Univ Nottingham, Sch Mech Mat \& Mfg
Engn, Univ Pk, Nottingham NG7 2RD, England. Univ Nottingham, Sch
Mech Mat \& Mfg Engn, Nottingham NG7 2RD, England.},
author-email = {[email protected]},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Meijaard2006a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Meijaard2006a},
doc-delivery-number = {012DN},
doi = {10.1007/s11071-006-0753-y},
file = {Meijaard2006a.pdf:Meijaard2006a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0924-090X},
journal-iso = {Nonlinear Dyn.},
keywords = {bifurcations; continuation; double pendulum; motorcycle dynamics;
multibody dynamics},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {39},
publisher = {SPRINGER},
subject-category = {Engineering, Mechanical; Mechanics},
times-cited = {9},
type = {Proceedings Paper},
unique-id = {ISI:000235318500008},
webpdf = {references-folder/Meijaard2006a.pdf}
author = {Meijaard, J. P. and Papadopoulos, Jim M. and Ruina, Andy and Schwab,
A. L.},
title = {History of thoughts about bicycle self-stability},
institution = {Cornell University},
year = {2011},
file = {Meijaard2011.pdf:Meijaard2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.06}
author = {Meijaard, J. P. and Papadopoulos, Jim M. and Ruina, Andy and Schwab,
A. L.},
title = {Linearized dynamics equations for the balance and steer of a bicycle:
{A} benchmark and review},
journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
year = {2007},
volume = {463},
pages = {1955--1982},
number = {2084},
month = {August},
abstract = {We present canonical linearized equations of motion for the Whipple
bicycle model consisting of four rigid laterally symmetric ideally
hinged parts: two wheels, a frame and a front assembly. The wheels
are also axisymmetric and make ideal knife-edge rolling point contact
with the ground level. The mass distribution and geometry are otherwise
arbitrary. This conservative non-holonomic system has a seven-dimensional
accessible configuration space and three velocity degrees of freedom
parametrized by rates of frame lean, steer angle and rear wheel rotation.
We construct the terms in the governing equations methodically for
easy implementation. The equations are suitable for e.g. the study
of bicycle self-stability. We derived these equations by hand in
two ways and also checked them against two nonlinear dynamics simulations.
In the century-old literature, several sets of equations fully agree
with those here and several do not. Two benchmarks provide test cases
for checking alternative formulations of the equations of motion
or alternative numerical solutions. Further, the results here can
also serve as a check for general purpose dynamic programs. For the
benchmark bicycles, we accurately calculate the eigenvalues (the
roots of the characteristic equation) and the speeds at which bicycle
lean and steer are self-stable, confirming the century-old result
that this conservative system can have asymptotic stability.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Meijaard2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Meijaard2007},
doi = {10.1098/rspa.2007.1857},
file = {Meijaard2007.pdf:Meijaard2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They quote Kooijman2007 which is acutally Kooijman2008.},
tags = {bicycle,Whipple,linear},
timestamp = {2008.10.27},
url = {\url{}},
webpdf = {references-folder/Meijaard2007.pdf}
author = {J. P. Meijaard and A. L. Schwab},
title = {Linearized Equations for and Extended Bicycle Model},
booktitle = {III European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures
and Coupled Problems in Engineering},
year = {2006},
editor = {C. A. Mota Soares},
address = {Lisbon, Portugal},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Meijaard2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Meijaard2006},
file = {Meijaard2006.pdf:Meijaard2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Meijaard2006.pdf}
title = {Dynamics},
publisher = {Wiley},
year = {1975},
author = {Meriam, J.L.},
isbn = {9780471596073},
lccn = {74030017},
url = {}
author = {L. D. Metz},
title = {What Constitutes Good Handling?},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 SAE Motorsports Engineering Conference and
year = {2004},
number = {2004-01-3532},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Metz2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Metz2004},
file = {Metz2004.pdf:Metz2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Metz2004.pdf}
author = {B. Michini and S. Torrez},
title = {Autonomous Stability Control of a Moving bicycle},
note = {MIT Report},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Michini2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Michini2006},
file = {Michini2006.pdf:Michini2006.pdf:PDF},
review = {This is the proposal for their bicycle robot project.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Michini2006.pdf}
author = {Bill Milliken},
title = {Suggested Research Studies on the Rational Design and Specification
of Motorcycle Tires},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1975},
number = {85-662},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Milliken1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Milliken1975},
file = {Milliken1975.pdf:Milliken1975.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.15},
webpdf = {references-folder/Milliken1975.pdf}
author = {Mirnateghi, N. and Peterson, D.L. and Paden, B.E.},
title = {Systems with Friction: Performance Limitations and Range Deficiency},
booktitle = {Decision and Control, 2006 45th IEEE Conference on},
year = {2006},
pages = {6099-6103},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Mirnateghi2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Mirnateghi2006},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2006.377247},
keywords = {differential equations, friction, sampled data systems, trackingdifferential
equations, discontinuous right-hand side, friction, tracking limitations},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.04.03}
author = {Mitchell, D. G. and Aponso, B. L. and Klyde, D. H.},
title = {Effects of Cockpit Lateral Stick Characteristics on Handling Qualities
and Pilot Dynamics},
institution = {NASA},
year = {1992},
number = {CR 4443},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Mitchell1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Mitchell1992},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Mitiguy, Paul and Kane, Thomas R.},
title = {Motion Variables Leading to Efficient Equations of Motion},
journal = {The International Journal of Robotics Research},
year = {1996},
volume = {15},
pages = {522--532},
number = {5},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Mitiguy1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Mitiguy1996},
file = {Mitiguy1996.pdf:Mitiguy1996.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.10.12},
webpdf = {references-folder/Mitiguy1996.pdf}
author = {Mitiguy, Paul C. and Reckdahl, Keith J.},
title = {Efficient dynamical equations for gyrostats},
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
year = {2001},
volume = {24},
pages = {1144-1156},
number = {6},
month = {November},
abstract = {To formulate equations of motion, the analyst must choose constants
that characterize the mass distribution of system components. Traditionally,
one chooses as constants the mass of each particle and the mass and
central inertia scalars of each rigid body. However, this characterization
of the mass distribution leads to inefficient equations of motion
for gyrostats and necessitates the determination of an unnecessary
large number of mass and inertia scalars. For gyrostats, there exist
special formulas and a methodology for characterizing mass distribution
that lead to efficient dynamic equations. In this context, efficient
refers to relative simplicity, ease of manipulation for purposes
of designing automatic control systems, and minimal consumption of
computer time during numerical solution.},
address = {1801 ALEXANDER BELL DRIVE, STE 500, RESTON, VA 22091 USA},
affiliation = {Mitiguy, PC (Reprint Author), MSC Software, 66 Bovet Rd, San Mateo,
CA 94206 USA. MSC Software, San Mateo, CA 94206 USA. Space Syst Loral,
Dynam \& Controls Anal, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Mitiguy2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Mitiguy2001},
doc-delivery-number = {493LH},
file = {Mitiguy2001.pdf:Mitiguy2001.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0731-5090},
journal-iso = {J. Guid. Control Dyn.},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {16},
owner = {moorepants},
subject-category = {Engineering, Aerospace; Instruments \& Instrumentation},
times-cited = {2},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
type = {Article},
unique-id = {ISI:000172223900009},
webpdf = {references-folder/Mitiguy2001.pdf}
author = {Miura, Yumiko and Tokutake, Hiroshi and Fukui, Katsuhiko},
title = {Handling qualities evaluation method based on actual driver characteristics},
year = {2007},
volume = {45},
pages = {807-817},
number = {9},
month = {September},
abstract = {The present study proposes an objective handling qualities evaluation
method using driver-in-the-loop analysis. The driving simulator experiments
were performed for various driving conditions, drivers and vehicle
dynamics. The response characteristics of the driver model and the
closed-loop system were analyzed. The analysis revealed the driving
strategies clearly, indicating the importance of closed-loop analysis.
Using the identified driver model and its strategies, a cost function
of the handling qualities was constructed. The cost function can
be used to estimate the handling qualities analytically from the
vehicle dynamics. The proposed method was validated by comparison
with the handling qualities evaluation rated by the driver's comments.},
address = {325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA},
affiliation = {Tokutake, H (Reprint Author), Osaka Prefecture Univ, Dept Aerosp Engn,
1-1 Gakuen Cho, Sakai, Osaka 5998531, Japan. Osaka Prefecture Univ,
Dept Aerosp Engn, Sakai, Osaka 5998531, Japan. Toyota Cent Res \&
Dev Labs Inc, Vehicle Safety ITS Ctr, Vehicle Dynam Lab, Nagakute,
Aichi 4801192, Japan.},
author-email = {[email protected]},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Miura2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Miura2007},
doc-delivery-number = {205PF},
doi = {10.1080/00423110601127810},
file = {Miura2007.pdf:Miura2007.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0042-3114},
journal-iso = {Veh. Syst. Dyn.},
keywords = {handling qualities evaluation; driver model; driver-in-the-loop analysis;
driving simulator experiments},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {10},
publisher = {TAYLOR \& FRANCIS INC},
subject-category = {Engineering, Mechanical},
times-cited = {0},
type = {Article},
unique-id = {ISI:000249126400002},
webpdf = {references-folder/Miura2007.pdf}
author = {Miyagishi, Shun'ichi and Baba, Masayuki and Uchiyama, Hajime and
Kageyama, Ichiro and Kuriyama, Takeyuki},
title = {Construction of Rider Robot Proto2 for Motorcycles},
booktitle = {Proceedings. JSAE Annual Congress},
year = {2006},
abstract = {Preliminary researches on the rider robot control algorithm and its
system configuration have been conducted for evaluating quantitatively
of motorcycle dynamic characteristics. Consequently, it has been
confirmed that the control is possible by using the control algorithm.
However, some problems remained to be resolved. Taking the above-mentioned
into considerations, the prototype 2 has been developed with targets
at vehicle weight reduction etc. While the already-developed algorithm
is applied to the prototype 2, its effectiveness was reviewed using
simulation. As for the simulation model, the vehicle part is expressed
based on Prof. Sharp's 12 DOF model, and the control part uses MATLAB/Simulink.
Consequently, validity of the algorithm was confirmed.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Miyagishi2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Miyagishi2006},
timestamp = {2012.01.02}
author = {Shunichi Miyagishi and Ichiro Kageyama and Kouhei Takama and Masayuki
Baba and Hajime Uchiyama},
title = {Study on construction of a rider robot for two-wheeled vehicle},
journal = {JSAE Review},
year = {2003},
volume = {24},
pages = {321 - 326},
number = {3},
abstract = {In this study, we constructed a fully autonomous two-wheeled vehicle
(the Rider Robot) which was used for evaluation of dynamics. As the
first step of the study, we constructed the control algorithms and
the control system.
The control algorithms consist of the standing stability control which
keeps the perpendicular motion, and the directional control which
follows the target course. These algorithms were determined based
on human rider's behavior. The system was constructed using some
actuators and sensors.
The results show that Rider Robot could follow the target course while
keeping the standing stability. Consequently, there is considerable
validly in these constructed algorithms and the system.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Miyagishi2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Miyagishi2003},
doi = {10.1016/S0389-4304(03)00045-6},
file = {Miyagishi2003.pdf:Miyagishi2003.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0389-4304},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Miyagishi2003.pdf}
author = {Miyagishi, Shunichi and Kageyama, Ichiro and Takama, Kouhei and Baba,
Masayuki and Uchiyama, Hajime},
title = {1411 A Study On a Rider Robot for Two Wheeled Vehicle},
journal = {The Transportation and Logistics Conference},
year = {2001},
volume = {10},
pages = {125--128},
abstract = {In this study, we constructed autonomous two wheeled vehicle (the
Rider Robot) which use for evaluation of two wheeled vehicle dynamics.
The Rider Robot consist electromechanical device and operate by the
control algorithm without the need for a human rider. We consider
the control algorithm was separated directory and standing control.
The model of standing control was constructed for the model using
the data based on maneuver of the rider using multiple regression
analysis. And direction control was giving the purpose of dynamic
roll angle, which from purpose turning radius that acquired the difference
between image analysis and second order prediction model.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Miyagishi2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Miyagishi2001},
file = {Miyagishi2001.pdf:Miyagishi2001.pdf:PDF},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Miyagishi2001.pdf}
author = {Modjtahedzadeh, A. and Hess, R. A.},
title = {A Model of Driver Steering Control Behavior for Use in Assessing
Vehicle Handling Qualities},
journal = {Journal of Dynamics, Systems, Measurement. and Control},
year = {1993},
volume = {115},
pages = {456-464},
abstract = {A control theoretic model of driver steering control behavior is presented.
The resulting model is shown capable of producing driver/vehicle
steering responses which compare favorably with those obtained from
driver simulation. The model is simple enough to be used by engineers
who may not be manual control specialists. The model contains both
preview and compensatory steering dynamics. An analytical technique
for vehicle handling qualities assessment is briefly discussed. Driver/vehicle
responses from two driving tasks evaluated in a driver simulator
are used to evaluate the overall validity of the driver/vehicle model.
Finally, the model is exercised in predictive fashion in the computer
simulation of a lane keeping task on a curving roadway where the
simulated vehicle possessed one of three different steering systems:
a conventional two-wheel steering system and a pair of four-wheel
steering systems.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Modjtahedzadeh1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Modjtahedzadeh1993},
file = {Modjtahedzadeh1993.pdf:Modjtahedzadeh1993.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.08},
webpdf = {references-folder/Modjtahedzadeh1993.pdf}
author = {Jason Moore and Mont Hubbard},
title = {Parametric Study of Bicycle Stability},
booktitle = {The Engineering of Sport 7},
year = {2008},
editor = {Margaret Estivalet and Pierre Brisson},
volume = {2},
organization = {International Sports Engineering Association},
publisher = {Springer Paris},
abstract = {Bicycles are inherently dynamically stable and this stability can
be beneficial to handling qualities. A dynamical model can predict
the self-stability. Previous models determined the sensitivity of
stability to changes in parameters, but have often used idealized
parameters occurring in the equations of motion that were not possible
to realistically change independently. A mathematical model of a
bicycle is developed and verified. The model is used together with
a physical parameter generation algorithm to evaluate the dependence
of four important actual design parameters on the self-stability
of a bicycle.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2008},
doi = {10.1007/978-2-287-99056-4_39},
file = {Moore2008.pdf:Moore2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycle, stability, parametric, dynamics, linear},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.12.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2008.pdf}
title = {BicycleParameters: A Python library for bicycle parameter estimation
and analysis},
author = {Jason K. Moore},
year = {2011},
note = {},
timestamp = {2012.03.07},
url = {}
author = {Jason K. Moore},
title = {A comparison of bicycle dynamics, on and off the treadmill},
note = {Unpublished internal report, UC Davis},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2009},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - All I've done on this is make the models. Practically nothing
is written. Maybe it will appear in my dissertation...},
timestamp = {2009.02.08}
author = {Moore, Jason K.},
title = {Low Speed Bicycle Stability: {E}ffects of Geometric Parameters},
note = {For course MAE 223, UC Davis, Winter 2006},
month = {August},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2006},
file = {Moore2006.pdf:Moore2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.11.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2006.pdf}
author = {Jason K. Moore and Mont Hubbard and Dale L. Peterson and A. L. Schwab
and J. D. G. Kooijman},
title = {An Accurate Method of Measuring and Comparing a Bicycle's Physical
booktitle = {Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics: Symposium on the Dynamics and Control
of Single Track Vehicles},
year = {2010},
address = {Delft, Netherlands},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2010},
file = {Moore2010.pdf:Moore2010.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2010.05.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2010.pdf}
author = {Jason K. Moore and Mont Hubbard and A. L. Schwab and J. D. G. Kooijman
and Dale L. Peterson},
title = {Statistics of bicycle rider motion},
journal = {Procedia Engineering},
year = {2010},
volume = {2},
pages = {2937--2942},
number = {2},
note = {The Engineering of Sport 8 - Engineering Emotion},
abstract = {An overview of bicycle and rider kinematic motions from a series of
experimental treadmill tests is presented. The full kinematics of
bicycles and riders were measured with an active motion capture system.
Motion across speeds are compared graphically with box and whiskers
plots. Trends and ranges in amplitude are shown to characterize the
system motion. This data will be used to develop a realistic biomechanical
model and control model for the rider and for future experimental
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2010a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2010a},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2010.04.091},
file = {Moore2010a.pdf:Moore2010a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1877-7058},
keywords = {Bicycle dynamics},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2010a.pdf}
author = {Jason K. Moore and J. D. G. Kooijman and Mont Hubbard and A. L. Schwab},
title = {A Method for Estimating Physical Properties of a Combined Bicycle
and Rider},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,
IDETC/CIE 2009},
year = {2009},
address = {San Diego, CA, USA},
month = {August--September},
organization = {ASME},
abstract = {A method is presented to estimate and measure the geometry, mass,
centers of mass and the moments of inertia of a typical bicycle and
rider. The results are presented in a format for ease of use with
the benchmark bicycle model [1]. Example numerical data is also presented
for a typical male rider and city bicycle.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2009a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2009a},
file = {Moore2009a.pdf:Moore2009a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2009.09.21},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2009a.pdf}
author = {Moore, J. K. and Kooijman, J. D. G. and Schwab, A. L.},
title = {Rider motion identification during normal bicycling by means of principal
component analysis},
booktitle = {Multibody Dynamics 2009, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference},
year = {2009},
editor = {K. Arczewski and J. Fr\c{a}czek, M. Wojtyra},
address = {Warsaw, Poland},
month = {June-July},
abstract = {Recent observations of a bicyclist riding through town and on a treadmill
show that the rider uses the upper body very little when performing
normal maneuvers and that the bicyclist may in fact primarily use
steering input for control. They also revealed that other motions
such as lateral movement of the knees were used in low speed stabilization.
In order to validate the hypothesis that there is little upper body
motion during casual cycling, an in-depth motion capture analysis
was performed on the bicycle and rider system. We used motion capture
technology to record the motion of three similar young adult male
riders riding two different city bicycles on a treadmill. Each rider
rode each bicycle while performing stability trials at speeds ranging
from 2 km/h to 30 km/h: stabilizing while pedaling normally, stabilizing
without pedaling, line tracking while pedaling, and stabilizing with
nohands. These tasks were chosen with the intent of examining differences
in the kinematics at various speeds, the effects of pedaling on the
system, upper body control motions and the differences in tracking
and stabilization. Principal component analysis was used to transform
the data into a manageable set organized by the variance associated
with the principal components. In this paper, these principal components
were used to characterize various distinct kinematic motions that
occur during stabilization with and without pedaling. These motions
were grouped on the basis of correlation and conclusions were drawn
about which motions are candidates for stabilization related control
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2009b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2009b},
file = {Moore2009b.pdf:Moore2009b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2009b.pdf}
author = {Moore, Jason K. and Kooijman, J. D. G. and Schwab, A. L. and Hubbard,
title = {Rider motion identification during normal bicycling by means of principal
component analysis},
journal = {Multibody System Dynamics},
year = {2011},
volume = {25},
pages = {225--244},
abstract = {Recent observations of a bicyclist riding through town and on a treadmill
show that the rider uses the upper body very little when performing
normal maneuvers and that the bicyclist may, in fact, primarily use
steering input for control. The observations also revealed that other
motions such as lateral movement of the knees were used in low speed
stabilization. In order to validate the hypothesis that there is
little upper body motion during casual cycling, an in-depth motion
capture analysis was performed on the bicycle and rider system. We
used motion capture technology to record the motion of three similar
young adult male riders riding two different city bicycles on a treadmill.
Each rider rode each bicycle while performing stability trials at
speeds ranging from 2 km/h to 30 km/h: stabilizing while pedaling
normally, stabilizing without pedaling, line tracking while pedaling,
and stabilizing with no-hands. These tasks were chosen with the intent
of examining differences in the kinematics at various speeds, the
effects of pedaling on the system, upper body control motions and
the differences in tracking and stabilization. Principal component
analysis was used to transform the data into a manageable set organized
by the variance associated with the principal components. In this
paper, these principal components were used to characterize various
distinct kinematic motions that occur during stabilization with and
without pedaling. These motions were grouped on the basis of correlation
and conclusions were drawn about which motions are candidates for
stabilization-related control actions.},
affiliation = {Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis,
One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-5294, USA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2011},
doi = {10.1007/s11044-010-9225-8},
file = {Moore2011.pdf:Moore2011.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1384-5640},
issue = {2},
keyword = {Engineering},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2011.pdf}
author = {Jason K. Moore and Dale L. Peterson and Mont Hubbard},
title = {Influence of rider dynamics on the Whipple bicycle model},
booktitle = {11th International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics},
year = {2007},
address = {Tainan, Taiwan},
month = {June},
organization = {ISB},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moore2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moore2007},
file = {Moore2007.pdf:Moore2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Luke},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2008.12.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moore2007.pdf}
author = {Morchin, William C. and Oman, Henry},
title = {Power control for electric bicycles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference},
year = {1993},
volume = {2},
pages = {251--258},
address = {Atlanta, GA, USA},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Morchin1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Morchin1993},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Moreno, D. and Talaia, P. and Cuyper, J. De and Lozano, M.S.},
title = {MYMOSA - A virtual motorcycle rider for closed-loop simulation of
booktitle = {Proceedings of ISAM 2008},
year = {2008},
abstract = {MYMOSA - Integrated motorcycle safety},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Moreno2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Moreno2008},
file = {Moreno2008.pdf:Moreno2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Moreno2008.pdf}
author = {R. G. Mortimer and P. A. Domas and R. E. Dewar},
title = {The relationship of bicycle maneuverability to handlebar configuration},
institution = {Highway Safety Research Institute, University of Michigan,},
year = {1973},
number = {UM-HSRI-HF-TM-73-5},
address = {Univeristy of Michigan, Huron Parkway \& Baxter Road, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48105},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Mortimer1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Mortimer1973},
file = {Mortimer1973.pdf:Mortimer1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Jodi},
review = {Purely experimental study on the effect of different types of handlebars
on the maneuvrability of a bicycle.
3 handlebars: racing, standard and highrise
6 tasks:
Circle : time
figure eight : time
lane change: time
straight lane tracking fixed low speed: number of boundary crossovers
cornering fixed speed: radius
slalom fixed speed: number of boundary crossovers and cones nocked
Slalom: maximum speed
two groups of riders used: standard and race.
rider rating of the bicycle and a rating of the task - on a 5 point
conclusions: The race handlebars make the bicycle least maneuverable
and a high rise is ok.},
timestamp = {2008.05.14},
webpdf = {references-folder/Mortimer1973.pdf}
author = {Christopher M. Muhich and Christopher D. Wagner},
title = {Design of a bicycle stabilizer},
institution = {University of Notre Dame},
year = {2004},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Muhich2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Muhich2004},
file = {Muhich2004.pdf:Muhich2004.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Muhich2004.pdf}
author = {Muhlfeld, A.},
title = {Die Lenkung des Kraftrades},
journal = {Automob. Tech. Z.},
year = {1951},
volume = {53},
pages = {249-252},
number = {10},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Muhlfeld1951},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Muhlfeld1951},
review = {Eaton cites this as similar experiments to Wilson-Jones1951.},
timestamp = {2012.02.09}
author = {D. Muraoka},
title = {Stable Running Control of Autonomous Bicycle Robot},
school = {Keio University},
year = {2002},
note = {in Japanese},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Muraoka2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Muraoka2002},
timestamp = {2012.01.01}
author = {Murata},
title = {Murata Boy},
howpublished = {},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Murata2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Murata2009},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
url = {\url{}}
author = {Murayama, Akihiro and Yamakita, Masaki},
title = {Development of autonomous bike robot with balancer, Paper 4601741},
booktitle = {Annual Conference},
year = {2007},
pages = {1048--1052},
address = {Kagawa, Japan},
month = {September},
organization = {SICE},
abstract = {Recently it is expected to develop robots which can work in dissastered
area or places where human can not approach. In dissasterd area,
it is considered that a bike type robot which has narrower body and
has high manuvability is more efficient than vehicles with four wheels.
In the literatures, bike type robots with stabilizing mechanism with
wheel or steerling control have been proposed. In this paper we discuss
a development of bike type robot with a balancer and show experimental
result in an open field.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Murayama2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Murayama2007},
doi = {10.1109/SICE.2007.4421139},
file = {Murayama2007.pdf:Murayama2007.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-4-907764-27-2},
keywords = {Output Zeroing Control,underactuated},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They add a 2 degree of freedom rider lean pendulum. The measure roll
or lean rate with a gyro, then use an accelerometer to help relieve
the drift issues associated with integrating the rate signal. The
moped is completely autonomous except for the trajectory generation.
They have some wireless bluetooth capabilities. They may create the
trajectory with a wireless manually operated joystick. They use the
same controller as Yamakita2006 but adapted to the 2 dof acutator.
They stablize the bicycle insie a room for at least 10mins with osciallorty
stabization. I think this first 10 min check was with zero velocity.
Then they tried with a slow speed, 1m/s. Then they took it outside
on asphalt at 2 m/s and stablized it too.},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Murayama2007.pdf}
author = {J. T. M. Mutsaerts},
title = {Lego {NXT}bike-{GS} bicycle with active stability},
howpublished = {},
month = {May},
year = {2010},
note = {},
timestamp = {2012.08.08},
url = {}
author = {R.N. Nadpurohit and S. Suryanarayan},
title = {Some experimental studies on the influence of wheel base and trail
on the dynamic stability of the bicycle-rider system},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Theory of Machines and
year = {1983},
pages = {705--708},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Nadpurohit1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Nadpurohit1983}
author = {Nagai, M.},
title = {Analysis of Rider and Single-track-vehicle System; Its Application
to Computer-controlled Bicycles},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {1983},
volume = {19},
pages = {737--740},
number = {6},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Nagai1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Nagai1983},
file = {Nagai1983.pdf:Nagai1983.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {DLP -- A model of a bicycle which includes rider lean angle and steer
angle as control inputs is presented, analyzed, and its dynamic response
is compared with that of an experimental bicycle. The model presents
linearized EOMS and assumes no slip rolling, ignores mass of front
fork and wheels, and assumes the center of mass of the rider and
bicycle are lumped on a vertical line including the system center
of mass. The model is a 2nd order. The EOMS are put into state space
form, with the inputs being the steer angle and the rider lean angle,
and outputs being the roll angle and the later deviation (not sure
of exactly what point). It is found that the system is observable
as long as the velocity is non zero, and that the systems is controllable
as long as the speed is not equal to Lr*w and that the (4,2) entry
of the B matrix is non-zero. \\
Output feedback (roll angle and lateral deviation) is assumed, and
the stability of the system is analyzed. The author considers three
cases: Case A, when the feedback gain matrix (U=-K*Y) is diagonal,
Case B, when only handlebar steering is used and rider lean is constant
(second row of K is all zeroes), and Case C, when no restrictions
are made on the gain matrix. For Case A and Case B, the author presents
simple inequalities which much be satisfied to achieve stability,
and interestingly, for Case A, he finds that to turn left, the rider
must lean left and steer left -- the countersteer phenomenom is supposedly
no longer present, an indication that RHP zeroes are moved into the
LHP with additional control inputs. For Case B, he does find the
countersteer phenomenom.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Nagai1983.pdf}
author = {Y. Nakano and H. Iwasaki and S. Iwane},
title = {Stabilizing Control of un-manned bicycle with piezoelectric micro-gyroscope},
booktitle = {Proceeding of SICE Conference},
year = {1997},
volume = {40},
pages = {343--344},
note = {in Japanese},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Nakano1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Nakano1997},
timestamp = {2012.01.01}
author = {Roddam Narasimha},
title = {How two bicycle mechanics achieved the world's first powered flight},
journal = {Resonance},
year = {2003},
pages = {61--75},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Narasimha2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Narasimha2003},
file = {Narasimha2003.pdf:Narasimha2003.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Narasimha2003.pdf}
author = {S. A. Needle and M. L. Hull},
title = {An off-road bicycle with adjustable suspension kinematics},
journal = {Transactions of the ASME},
year = {1997},
volume = {119},
pages = {370--375},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Needle1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Needle1997},
file = {Needle1997.pdf:Needle1997.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Needle1997.pdf}
author = {Lamri Nehaoua and Amine Khettat and Hichem Arioui and Hocine Imine
and Stephane Espie},
title = {Rider Steer Torque Estimation for Motorcycle Riding Simulator},
booktitle = {5th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems},
year = {2010},
address = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
month = {September},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Nehaoua2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Nehaoua2010},
file = {Nehaoua2010.pdf:Nehaoua2010.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Nehaoua2010.pdf}
author = {R. R. Neptune and M. L. Hull},
title = {A theoretical analysis of preferred pedaling rate selection in endurance
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1999},
volume = {32},
pages = {409 - 415},
number = {4},
abstract = {One objective of this study was to investigate whether neuromuscular
quantities were associated with preferred pedaling rate selection
during submaximal steady-state cycling from a theoretical perspective
using a musculoskeletal model with an optimal control analysis. Specific
neuromuscular quantities of interest were the individual muscle activation,
force, stress and endurance. To achieve this objective, a forward
dynamic model of cycling and optimization framework were used to
simulate pedaling at three different rates of 75, 90 and 105 rpm
at 265 W. The pedaling simulations were produced by optimizing the
individual muscle excitation timing and magnitude to reproduce experimentally
collected data. The results from these pedaling simulations indicated
that all neuromuscular quantities were minimized at 90 rpm when
summed across muscles. In the context of endurance cycling, these
results suggest that minimizing neuromuscular fatigue is an important
mechanism in pedaling rate selection. A second objective was to determine
whether any of these quantities could be used to predict the preferred
pedaling rate. By using the quantities with the strongest quadratic
trends as the performance criterion to be minimized in an optimal
control analysis, these quantities were analyzed to assess whether
they could be further minimized at 90 rpm and produce normal pedaling
mechanics. The results showed that both the integrated muscle activation
and average endurance summed across all muscles could be further
minimized at 90 rpm indicating that these quantities cannot be used
individually to predict preferred pedaling rates.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Neptune1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Neptune1999},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(98)00182-1},
file = {Neptune1999.pdf:Neptune1999.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
keywords = {Muscle force},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Neptune1999.pdf}
author = {R. R. Neptune and M. L. Hull},
title = {Evaluation of Performance Criteria for Simulation of Submaximal Steady-State
Cycling Using a Forward Dynamic Model},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {1998},
volume = {120},
pages = {334-341},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Neptune1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Neptune1998},
doi = {10.1115/1.2797999},
publisher = {ASME},
url = {}
author = {R. R. Neptune and M. L. Hull},
title = {Accuracy assessment of methods for determining hip movement in seated
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1995},
volume = {28},
pages = {423 - 437},
number = {4},
abstract = {The goal of this research was to examine the accuracy of three methods
used to indicate the hip joint center (HJC) in seated steady-state
cycling. Two of the methods have been used in previous studies of
cycling biomechanics and included tracking a marker placed over the
superior aspect of the greater trochanter, a location that estimates
the center of rotation of the hip joint, and assuming that the hip
is fixed. The third method was new and utilized an anthropometric
relationship to determine the hip joint location from a marker placed
over the anterior-superior iliac spine. To perform a comparative
analysis of errors inherent in the three methods, a standard method
which located the true hip joint center was developed. The standard
method involved establishing a pelvis-fixed coordinate system using
a triad of video markers attached to an intracortical pin. Three-dimensional
motion analysis quantified the true hip joint center position coordinates.
To provide data for the comparative analysis, the intracortical pin
was anchored to a single subject who pedaled at nine cadence-workrate
combinations while data for all four methods were simultaneously
recorded. At all cadence-workrate combinations the new method was
more accurate than the trochanter method with movement errors lower
by a factor of 2 in the vertical direction and a factor of 3 in the
horizontal direction. Relative to the errors introduced by the fixed
hip assumption, the new method was also generally more accurate by
at least a factor of 2 in the horizontal direction and had comparable
accuracy in the vertical direction. For computed kinetic quantities,
the new method most accurately indicated hip joint force power but
the fixed hip method most accurately indicated the work produced
by the hip joint force over the crank cycle.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Neptune1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Neptune1995},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(94)00080-N},
file = {Neptune1995.pdf:Neptune1995.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Neptune1995.pdf}
author = {R. R. Neptune and S. A. Kautz and M. L. Hull},
title = {The effect of pedaling rate on coordination in cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1997},
volume = {30},
pages = {1051 - 1058},
number = {10},
abstract = {To further understand lower extremity neuromuscular coordination in
cycling, the objectives of this study were to examine the effect
of pedaling rate on coordination strategies and interpret any apparent
changes. These objectives were achieved by collecting electromyography
(EMG) data of eight lower extremity muscles and crank angle data
from ten subjects at 250 W across pedaling rates ranging from 45
to 120 RPM. To examine the effect of pedaling rate on coordination,
EMG burst onset and offset and integrated EMG (iEMG) were computed.
In addition, a phase-controlled functional group (PCFG) analysis
was performed to interpret observed changes in the EMG patterns in
the context of muscle function. Results showed that the EMG onset
and offset systematically advanced as pedaling rate increased except
for the soleus which shifted later in the crank cycle. The iEMG results
revealed that muscles responded differently to increased pedaling
rate. The gastrocnemius, hamstring muscles and vastus medialis systematically
increased muscle activity as pedaling rate increased. The gluteus
maximus and soleus had significant quadratic trends with minimum
values at 90 RPM, while the tibialis anterior and rectus femoris
showed no significant association with pedaling rate. The PCFG analysis
showed that the primary function of each lower extremity muscle remained
the same at all pedaling rates. The PCFG analysis, which accounts
for muscle activation dynamics, revealed that the earlier onset of
muscle excitation produced muscle activity in the same region of
the crank cycle. Also, while most of the muscles were excited for
a single functional phase, the soleus and rectus femoris were excited
during two functional phases. The soleus was classified as an extensor-bottom
transition muscle, while the rectus femoris was classified as a top
transition-extensor muscle. Further, the relative emphasis of each
function appeared to shift as pedaling rate was increased, although
each muscle remained bifunctional.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Neptune1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Neptune1997},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(97)00071-7},
file = {Neptune1997.pdf:Neptune1997.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
keywords = {Muscle coordination},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Neptune1997.pdf}
author = {Jeff Newmiller and M.L. Hull and F.E. Zajac},
title = {A mechanically decoupled two force component bicycle pedal dynamometer},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1988},
volume = {21},
pages = {375 - 379, 381-386},
number = {5},
abstract = {A design is presented for a bicycle pedal dynamometer that measures
both normal and tangential forces (i.e. driving forces). Mechanical
decoupling is used to reduce the cross-sensitivity of the dynamometer
to loads doing no work to propel the bicycle. This obviates the need
to measure all six loads for accurate data reduction. A compact strain
ring is the transducer element, and a monolithic design eliminates
mechanical hysteresis between the strain ring and the dynamometer
frame. The angular orientation of the dynamometer with respect to
the crank arm is determined with a continuous-rotation potentiometer.
Design criteria and design implementation are discussed, sample data
are presented, and the performance of the dynamometer is evaluated.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Newmiller1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Newmiller1988},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(88)90144-3},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {}
author = {Hiroshi Niki and Toshiyuki Murakami},
title = {An Approach to Stable Standing Motion of Electric Bicycle},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 2005 CACS Automatic Control Conference},
year = {2005},
address = {Tainan, Taiwan},
month = {November},
abstract = {Recently bicycles are widely used as a convenient transportation tool.
A mechanical design of bicycle has improved well and it has ability
to self-stabilize, but it is essentially unstable and a driving skill
of bicycle users is required for a realization of its stable motion.
From a viewpoint of wide use for the future aging society, the assist
control of the bicycle that makes a bicycle motion more stable independently
of the environment condition is expected. As well known, the power
assistance bicycle has been developed. And stable running assistance
bicycle has been reported. However, stable standing assistance bicycle
has not been realized. On the other hand, bicycle accidents (falling
down) in the act of stopping are reported a lot. Stable standing
assistance bicycle is expected to prevent these accidents. So the
purpose of this research is to develop a stable standing assistance
bicycle. In this paper, stabilization control by steering angle and
square of velocity is proposed. Steering angle and square of velocity
are controlled to stabilize the standing bicycle. The feasibility
of this method is verified by numerical result.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Niki2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Niki2005},
file = {Niki2005.pdf:Niki2005.pdf:PDF},
review = {Similar models as Iuchi2005 and Tanaka2004. They stablize roll with
PD on steer angle and roll angle error. They include the disturbane
observer. The only difference in the previous work seems to be the
velocity control: They also control the forward/backward velocity.},
timestamp = {2012.01.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Niki2005.pdf}
author = {H. Niki and T. Murakami},
title = {An Approach to Self Stabilization of Bicycle Motion by Handle Controller},
journal = {IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications},
year = {2005},
volume = {125-D},
pages = {779--785},
number = {8},
abstract = {Recently bicycles are widely used as a convenient transportation tool.
A mechanical design of bicycle has improved well and it has an ability
to self-stabilize, but it is essentially unstable and a driving skill
of bicycle users is required for a realization of its stable motion.
From a view point of wide use for the future aging society, the assist
control of the bicycle that makes a bicycle motion more stable independently
of the environment condition is expected. As well known, the power
assistance of a bicycle has been used, but a practical assistance
of bicycle motion, in particular, the stable control of bicycle configuration
has not been developed. In this paper, the two handle control algorithms
for autonomous stable running are proposed with the aim of developing
a stable human assistance bicycle. The proposed algorithms are verified
by numerical and experimental results.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Niki2005a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Niki2005a},
keywords = {bicycle, stabilization, autonomous runnning, handle control},
timestamp = {2012.01.02}
author = {Akira Noguchi and Kosuke Yamawaki and Toshiro Yamamoto and Tomoaki
title = {Development of a Steering Angle and Torque Sensor of Contact-type},
journal = {Furukawa Review},
year = {2004},
volume = {25},
pages = {36--41},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Noguchi2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Noguchi2004},
file = {Noguchi2004.pdf:Noguchi2004.pdf:PDF},
review = {The measure automobile steering torque by measuring the difference
in twist angle at each end of a torsion bar. This would require a
really flexible torsional bar and/or super accurate angle measurments.
They got some fancy resistive plat sensor that maybe accurate. Didn't
read much into it.},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Noguchi2004.pdf}
author = {Josh Nordquist and M. L. Hull},
title = {Design and Demonstration of a New Instrumented Spatial Linkage for
Use in a Dynamic Environment: Application to Measurement of Ankle
Rotations During Snowboarding},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {2007},
volume = {129},
pages = {231-239},
number = {2},
abstract = {Joint injuries during sporting activities might be reduced by understanding
the extent of the dynamic motion of joints prone to injury during
maneuvers performed in the field. Because instrumented spatial linkages
(ISLs) have been widely used to measure joint motion, it would be
useful to extend the functionality of an ISL to measure joint motion
in a dynamic environment. The objectives of the work reported by
this paper were to (i) design and construct an ISL that will measure
dynamic joint motion in a field environment, (ii) calibrate the ISL
and quantify its static measurement error, (iii) quantify dynamic
measurement error due to external acceleration, and (iv) measure
ankle joint complex rotation during snowboarding maneuvers performed
on a snow slope. An ᅵelbow-typeᅵ ISL was designed to measure
ankle joint complex rotation throughout its range (ᅵ30 deg for
flexion/extension, ᅵ15 deg for internal/external rotation, and
ᅵ15 deg for inversion/eversion). The ISL was calibrated with a
custom six degree-of-freedom calibration device generally useful
for calibrating ISLs, and static measurement errors of the ISL also
were evaluated. Root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) were 0.59 deg for
orientation (1.7\% full scale) and 1.00 mm for position (1.7\% full
scale). A custom dynamic fixture allowed external accelerations (5
g, 0ᅵ50 Hz) to be applied to the ISL in each of three linear directions.
Maximum measurement deviations due to external acceleration were
0.05 deg in orientation and 0.10 mm in position, which were negligible
in comparison to the static errors. The full functionality of the
ISL for measuring joint motion in a field environment was demonstrated
by measuring rotations of the ankle joint complex during snowboarding
maneuvers performed on a snow slope.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Nordquist2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Nordquist2007},
doi = {10.1115/1.2486107},
file = {Nordquist2007.pdf:Nordquist2007.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {sport; biomechanics; biomedical measurement; biomedical equipment;
motion measurement; calibration; measurement errors},
publisher = {ASME},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Nordquist2007.pdf}
author = {M. Norgia and I. Boniolo and M. Tanelli and S.M. Savaresi and C.
title = {Optical Sensors for Real-Time Measurement of Motorcycle Tilt Angle},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},
year = {2009},
volume = {58},
pages = {1640-1649},
number = {5},
month = {May},
abstract = {This paper addresses the analysis and design of an optical sensor
for the real-time measurement of the tilt angle in hypersport motorcycles.
The aim of this paper is to design a compact, reliable, and low-cost
optical triangulator that is capable of accurate in-field measurements
in the harsh environment of sport motorcycles. An analytical computation
of the required system sensitivity and achievable accuracy is carried
out. The detrimental effects of solar interference are also described
and discussed. The proposed instrumentation, which is realized with
ad hoc laser emitters, is shown to have superior performance with
respect to a previous solution based on light-emitting diode (LED)
emitters. Such novel triangulators are shown to provide good and
reliable performances for the proposed application to maintain low
costs and small sizes, overcoming the problem of solar interference.
The performance of the proposed sensor is assessed by experiments
on an instrumented motorbike in a racetrack.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Norgia2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Norgia2009},
doi = {10.1109/TIM.2008.2009421},
file = {Norgia2009.pdf:Norgia2009.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0018-9456},
keywords = {angular measurement, measurement by laser beam, measurement uncertainty,
motorcycles, optical design techniques, optical sensors, reliability,
sport, vehicle dynamicsad hoc laser emitter, harsh environment, hypersport
motorcycle, instrumented motorbike test, measurement uncertainity,
optical sensor design, optical triangulator, racetrack, real-time
tilt angle measurement, reliable performance, solar interference
detrimental effects},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Norgia2009.pdf}
author = {Yusuke Oda and Masayuki Miyamoto and Kei Uchiyama and Gou Shimizu},
title = {Study on the autonomous run by integrated control of bicycle},
booktitle = {JSME 11th Conference of Transportation and Logistics Division No.02-50},
year = {2002},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Oda2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Oda2002},
timestamp = {2011.12.31}
author = {T. Ohya},
title = {The dynamics of the bicycle},
howpublished = {The bicycle technical report No.2 pp.1-8},
year = {1960},
note = {Iuchi2006 cites this, they say: In 1960’s Ohya[1] has ana-
lyzed the stability of the bicycle from the viewpoints of fre-
quency and transfer function},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ohya1960},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ohya1960},
timestamp = {2012.01.02}
author = {John Olsen and Jim Papadopoulos},
title = {Bicycle Dynamics: The Meaning Behind the Math},
journal = {Bike Tech},
year = {1987},
pages = {13--15},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Olsen1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Olsen1987},
file = {Olsen1987.pdf:Olsen1987.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Olsen1987.pdf}
author = {J. H. van den Ouden},
title = {Inventory of bicycle motion for the design of a bicycle simulator},
school = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {2011},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ouden2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ouden2011},
file = {Ouden2011.pdf:Ouden2011.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Designed his torque sensor to have a range around -5 to 5 nm based
on Cheng, Moore and some spring scale tests they did. He was aware
of crosstalk: "The torque sensor should still measure the torque
accurately within these bounds when a force of 40 N is exerted in
the downward direction on the handle bar on one side." He made use
of angular contact bearings to allow the handlebars to turn freely
from the fork. He used dual cantilever type load cells mounted away
from the steering axis to engage the handlebar to the fork. He built
in overload protection similar to Biral2003 (stops). The range ended
up being +/- 7.5 nm. He states that radial bearings are used later
in the text. I'm not sure if it is radial or angular contact. He
ended up having major crosstalk issues. He ended up removing the
overload protection to solve some crosstalk issues. His torque measurement
is nonlinear from -1 to 1 nm.
He uses an xsense IMU. The pitch angles it produces are suspicious,
but may be from riding on noraml streets with elevation changes.
The roll angle output seems reasonable.
He seems to calculate the steer torque using the whipple model and
the kinematic measurements he made and then compares that result
to the actual measured steering torque. They com out very similar.
I didn't look at this hard, need to review it better.},
timestamp = {2011.09.27},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ouden2011.pdf}
author = {Ovaska, S. J. and Valiviita, S.},
title = {Angular acceleration measurement: {A} review},
booktitle = {Proc. IEEE IMTC/98 Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf},
year = {1998},
volume = {2},
pages = {875--880},
abstract = {This paper gives <span class='snippet'>a</span> <span class='snippet'>review</span>
of sensors, methods, and algorithms available for the <span class='snippet'>measurement</span>
of <span class='snippet'>angular</span> <span class='snippet'>acceleration</span>.
The emphasis is in delay-sensitive, real-time applications. Although
the <span class='snippet'>angular</span> <span class='snippet'>acceleration</span>
can be measured indirectly using either <span class='snippet'>a</span>
rotating angle sensor or <span class='snippet'>a</span> velocity
sensor, the noise-amplification problem related to the differentiation
process has motivated the efforts to develop transducers for direct
sensing of <span class='snippet'>angular</span> <span class='snippet'>acceleration</span>.
Direct measuring of linear <span class='snippet'>acceleration</span>
is widely in everyday use, but the <span class='snippet'>angular</span>
<span class='snippet'>acceleration</span> sensors, particularly those
with unlimited rotation angle, can still be considered as emerging
devices. Consequently, there exist two principal challenges for the
research and development community: to develop economical and accurate
<span class='snippet'>angular</span> accelerometers with unlimited
rotation range, and to create wideband indirect techniques with small
lag and high signal-to-error ratio},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ovaska1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ovaska1998},
doi = {10.1109/IMTC.1998.676850},
file = {Ovaska1998.pdf:Ovaska1998.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.02.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ovaska1998.pdf}
author = {Frank Owen and George Leone and Andrew Davol and Georg Fey},
title = {Cross-Cultural Bicycle Design at Cal Poly and the Munich University
of Applied Sciences},
booktitle = {2006 International Mechanical Engineering Education Conference},
year = {2006},
address = {Beijing, China},
month = {March},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Owen2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Owen2006},
file = {Owen2006.pdf:Owen2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Owen2006.pdf}
title = {Tire and vehicle dynamics},
publisher = {SAE International},
year = {2006},
editor = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
author = {Pacejka, H.B.},
series = {SAE-R},
isbn = {9780768017021},
url = {}
author = {Pacejka, Hans B and Sharp, Robin S.},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1991},
volume = {20},
pages = {121-175},
number = {3-4},
abstract = {Modelling of the generation of shear forces by pneumatic tyres under
steady state conditions is reviewed. The review is placed in a practical
context, through reference to the uses to which models may be put
by the vehicle dynamicist and the tyre designer. It will be of interest
also to the student of rolling contact problems. The subject is divided
into sections, covering physically founded models which require computation
for their solution, physically based models which are sufficiently
simplified to allow analytical solutions and formula based, empirical
models. The classes are more nearly continuous than this strict division
would imply, since approximations in obtaining analytical solutions
may be made, empirical correction factors may be applied to analytical
results and formula based methods may take into account tyre mechanical
principles. Such matters are discussed in the relevant sections.
Attention is given to the important matter of choosing model parameters
to best represent the behaviour of a particular tyre. Conclusions
relate to the structural and frictional mechanisms present in the
shear force generation process, the contributions of carcass and
tread elastic properties and of geometrical and frictional factors
to the determination of the distributions of force through the contact
region, the relationship between accuracy and computational load
and the selection of methods for modelling tyre forces in a road
vehicle dynamics context. Reference to the most pertinent literature
in the field is made and possibilities for the further development
of the state of the art are mentioned.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Pacejka1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Pacejka1991},
file = {Pacejka1991.pdf:Pacejka1991.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0042-3114},
owner = {Luke},
timestamp = {2009.03.06},
unique-id = {ISI:A1991GA72400001},
webpdf = {references-folder/Pacejka1991.pdf}
author = {Brad E. Paden and Nasim Mirnateghi and Luca Gentili and Lorenzo Marconi},
title = {Designing Nonlinear Zero Dynamics to Reject Periodic Waveforms},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {2009},
volume = {131},
pages = {044504},
number = {4},
eid = {044504},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Paden2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Paden2009},
doi = {10.1115/1.3117187},
keywords = {linear systems; nonlinear control systems; poles and zeros},
numpages = {4},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Jim Papadopoulos},
title = {Quantitative Conclusions in "Lords of the chainring"},
year = {2009},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos2009},
file = {Papadopoulos2009.pdf:Papadopoulos2009.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos2009.pdf}
author = {Jim Papadopoulos and Andy Ruina},
title = {Discussion of {L}e {H}\'{e}naff's Paper},
note = {Short write up by Jim P.},
year = {1987},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987b},
file = {Papadopoulos1987b.pdf:Papadopoulos1987b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1987b.pdf}
author = {Jim M. Papadopoulos},
title = {Governing Equations},
note = {Lost text of Jim P.},
year = {1990},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1990a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1990a},
file = {Papadopoulos1990a.pdf:Papadopoulos1990a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1990a.pdf}
author = {Jim M. Papadopoulos},
title = {A Single-Step Method of Aligning a Bicycle Frame So No Handlebar
Torque is Required For Straight-Line Riding},
note = {Method},
year = {1988},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1988},
file = {Papadopoulos1988.pdf:Papadopoulos1988.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1988.pdf}
author = {Jim M. Papadopoulos},
title = {Explaining the Coefficients},
note = {NA},
year = {1988},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1988a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1988a},
file = {Papadopoulos1988a.pdf:Papadopoulos1988a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1988a.pdf}
author = {Jim M. Papadopoulos},
title = {Bicycle Handling Experiments You Can Do},
note = {NA},
month = {December},
year = {1987},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987},
file = {Papadopoulos1987.pdf:Papadopoulos1987.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1987.pdf}
author = {Jim M. Papadopoulos},
title = {Bicycle Steering Dynamics and Self-Stability: {A} Summary Report
on Work in Progress},
note = {Cornell Report},
year = {1987},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987a},
file = {Papadopoulos1987a.pdf:Papadopoulos1987a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1987a.pdf}
author = {Jim M. Papadopoulos},
title = {Forces in Bicycle Pedaling},
note = {NA},
year = {1987},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987c},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1987c},
file = {Papadopoulos1987c.pdf:Papadopoulos1987c.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1987c.pdf}
author = {Jim M. Papadopoulos and R. Scott Hand and Andy Ruina},
title = {Bicycle and Motorcycle Balance and Steer Dynamics},
note = {NA},
year = {1990},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Papadopoulos1990},
file = {Papadopoulos1990.pdf:Papadopoulos1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Papadopoulos1990.pdf}
author = {Ingyu Park and Sangchul Han and Woonchul Ham},
title = {Control algorithm for stabilization of attitute of unmanned electric
booktitle = {The Proceedings of 2001 INCOM},
year = {2001},
address = {Wien, Austria},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Park2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Park2001},
timestamp = {2012.01.01}
author = {Park, S. J and Kim, C.B. and Park, S. C.},
title = {Anthropometric and biomechanical characteristics on body segments
of {K}oreans},
journal = {Applied Human Sciences},
year = {1999},
volume = {18},
pages = {91--9},
number = {3},
month = {May},
abstract = {This paper documents the physical measurements of the Korean population
in order to construct a data base for ergonomic design. The dimension,
volume, density, mass, and center of mass of Koreans whose ages range
from 7 to 49 were investigated. Sixty-five male subjects and sixty-nine
female subjects participated. Eight body segments (head with neck,
trunk, thigh, shank, foot, upper arm, forearm and hand) were directly
measured with a Martin-type anthropometer, and the immersion method
was adopted to measure the volume of body segments. After this, densities
were computed by the density equations in Drillis and Contini (1966).
The reaction board method was employed for the measurement of the
center of mass. Obtained data were compared with the results in the
literature. The results in this paper showed different features on
body segment parameters comparing with the results in the literature.
The constructed data base can be applied to statistical guideline
for product design, workspace design, design of clothing and tools,
furniture design and construction of biomechanical models for Korean.
Also, they can be extended to the application areas for Mongolian.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Park1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Park1999},
file = {Park1999.pdf:Park1999.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.04.27},
webpdf = {references-folder/Park1999.pdf}
title = {The Paterek Manual For Bicycle Frame Builders},
publisher = {Henry James Bicycles, Inc.},
year = {2004},
author = {Tim Paterek},
timestamp = {2012.08.08}
author = {Bill Patterson},
title = {Wave of the future},
year = {XXXX},
bib = {bibtex-keys#PattersonXXXX},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#PattersonXXXX},
file = {PattersonXXXX.pdf:PattersonXXXX.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/PattersonXXXX.pdf}
title = {The Lords of the Chainring},
publisher = {W. B. Patterson},
year = {2004},
editor = {W. B. Patterson},
author = {W. B. Patterson},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Patterson2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Patterson2004},
file = {Patterson2004.pdf:Patterson2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Patterson2004.pdf}
author = {Pearsall, R. H.},
title = {The stability of a bicycle},
journal = {Proc. Inst. Automobile Engr.},
year = {1922},
volume = {17},
pages = {395--402},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Pearsall1922},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Pearsall1922},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Timothy J Pennings},
title = {Mathematical modeling of bicycle dynamics with computer simulation},
school = {University of North Dakota},
year = {1981},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Pennings1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Pennings1981},
file = {Pennings1981.pdf:Pennings1981.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.08},
webpdf = {references-folder/Pennings1981.pdf}
author = {Peterka, R.J.},
title = {Simplifying the complexities of maintaining balance},
journal = {Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE},
year = {2003},
volume = {22},
pages = {63 -68},
number = {2},
month = {March},
abstract = {Insights are provided by simple closed-loop models of human postural
control. In developing a quantitative model to help us understand
the postural control system, one might be tempted to capture as much
of the complexity as is known about each of the subsystems. However,
this article will follow the approach of Occam's Razor. That is,
we begin with the simplest possible representation of each of the
subsystems and only add complexity as necessary to be consistent
with experimental data. For example, a control model with PD control
and a positive force feedback loop provides a better explanation
of the low-frequency dynamic behavior than the PID control model.
Since both models have the same number of parameters, Occam's Razor
favors the positive force feedback model over the PID model or any
variation on the PID model that includes additional parameters. While
there is some experimental evidence that positive force feedback
plays a role in some aspects of motor control its contribution to
postural control is unknown. Our model that includes positive force
feedback represents a quantitative hypothesis that motivates additional
experiments to confirm, or refute the contribution of positive force
feedback to human postural control and to investigate the dynamic
properties of this feedback loop. An important feature clearly revealed
by the model-based interpretation of experimental data is the ability
of the human postural control system to alter its source of sensory
orientation cues as environmental conditions change. Our relatively
simple models allowed us to apply systems identification methods
in order to estimate the relative contributions (sensory weights)
of various sensory orientation cues in different environmental conditions
However, our simple models do not predict how the sensory weights
should change as a function of environmental conditions or provide
insight into the neural mechanisms that cause these changes.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterka2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterka2003},
doi = {10.1109/MEMB.2003.1195698},
file = {Peterka2003.pdf:Peterka2003.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0739-5175},
keywords = {Occam Razor;PD control;PID control model;control model;dynamic properties;environmental
conditions;human postural control;low-frequency dynamic behavior;maintaining
balance complexities;motor control;neural mechanisms;positive force
feedback loop;postural control;postural control system;quantitative
model;sensory orientation cues;sensory weights;simple closed-loop
models;subsystems;systems identification methods;biocontrol;biomechanics;closed
loop systems;control system analysis;force feedback;identification;mechanoception;muscle;neurophysiology;physiological
models;three-term control;two-term control;Acceleration;Computer
Simulation;Feedback;Homeostasis;Humans;Models, Biological;Models,
Neurological;Muscle, Skeletal;Musculoskeletal Equilibrium;Orientation;Posture;Proprioception;Stress,
Mechanical;Torque;Vestibular Diseases;Vestibule, Labyrinth;},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterka2003.pdf}
author = {Peterka, R. J.},
title = {Sensorimotor Integration in Human Postural Control},
journal = {Journal of Neurophysiology},
year = {2002},
volume = {88},
pages = {1097-1118},
number = {3},
abstract = {It is generally accepted that human bipedal upright stance is achieved
by feedback mechanisms that generate an appropriate corrective torque
based on body-sway motion detected primarily by visual, vestibular,
and proprioceptive sensory systems. Because orientation information
from the various senses is not always available (eyes closed) or
accurate (compliant support surface), the postural control system
must somehow adjust to maintain stance in a wide variety of environmental
conditions. This is the sensorimotor integration problem that we
investigated by evoking anterior-posterior (AP) body sway using pseudorandom
rotation of the visual surround and/or support surface (amplitudes
0.5–8°) in both normal subjects and subjects with severe bilateral
vestibular loss (VL). AP rotation of body center-of-mass (COM) was
measured in response to six conditions offering different combinations
of available sensory information. Stimulus-response data were analyzed
using spectral analysis to compute transfer functions and coherence
functions over a frequency range from 0.017 to 2.23 Hz. Stimulus-response
data were quite linear for any given condition and amplitude. However,
overall behavior in normal subjects was nonlinear because gain decreased
and phase functions sometimes changed with increasing stimulus amplitude.
“Sensory channel reweighting” could account for this nonlinear behavior
with subjects showing increasing reliance on vestibular cues as stimulus
amplitudes increased. VL subjects could not perform this reweighting,
and their stimulus-response behavior remained quite linear. Transfer
function curve fits based on a simple feedback control model provided
estimates of postural stiffness, damping, and feedback time delay.
There were only small changes in these parameters with increasing
visual stimulus amplitude. However, stiffness increased as much as
60\% with increasing support surface amplitude. To maintain postural
stability and avoid resonant behavior, an increase in stiffness should
be accompanied by a corresponding increase in damping. Increased
damping was achieved primarily by decreasing the apparent time delay
of feedback control rather than by changing the damping coefficient
(i.e., corrective torque related to body-sway velocity). In normal
subjects, stiffness and damping were highly correlated with body
mass and moment of inertia, with stiffness always about 1/3 larger
than necessary to resist the destabilizing torque due to gravity.
The stiffness parameter in some VL subjects was larger compared with
normal subjects, suggesting that they may use increased stiffness
to help compensate for their loss. Overall results show that the
simple act of standing quietly depends on a remarkably complex sensorimotor
control system.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterka2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterka2002},
eprint = {},
file = {Peterka2002.pdf:Peterka2002.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterka2002.pdf}
author = {Peterka, Robert J.},
title = {Postural control model interpretation of stabilogram diffusion analysis},
journal = {Biological Cybernetics},
year = {2000},
volume = {82},
pages = {335-343},
note = {10.1007/s004220050587},
abstract = {Collins and De Luca [Collins JJ, De Luca CJ (1993) Exp Brain Res 95:
308–318] introduced a new method known as stabilogram diffusion analysis
that provides a quantitative statistical measure of the apparently
random variations of center-of-pressure (COP) trajectories recorded
during quiet upright stance in humans. This analysis generates a
stabilogram diffusion function (SDF) that summarizes the mean square
COP displacement as a function of the time interval between COP comparisons.
SDFs have a characteristic two-part form that suggests the presence
of two different control regimes: a short-term open-loop control
behavior and a longer-term closed-loop behavior. This paper demonstrates
that a very simple closed-loop control model of upright stance can
generate realistic SDFs. The model consists of an inverted pendulum
body with torque applied at the ankle joint. This torque includes
a random disturbance torque and a control torque. The control torque
is a function of the deviation (error signal) between the desired
upright body position and the actual body position, and is generated
in proportion to the error signal, the derivative of the error signal,
and the integral of the error signal [i.e. a proportional, integral
and derivative (PID) neural controller]. The control torque is applied
with a time delay representing conduction, processing, and muscle
activation delays. Variations in the PID parameters and the time
delay generate variations in SDFs that mimic real experimental SDFs.
This model analysis allows one to interpret experimentally observed
changes in SDFs in terms of variations in neural controller and time
delay parameters rather than in terms of open-loop versus closed-loop
affiliation = {Neurological Sciences Institute, Oregon Health Sciences University,
Portland, OR 97209, USA US US},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterka2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterka2000},
file = {Peterka2000.pdf:Peterka2000.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0340-1200},
issue = {4},
keyword = {Biomedical and Life Sciences},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterka2000.pdf}
author = {Peterka, Robert J. and Loughlin, Patrick J.},
title = {Dynamic Regulation of Sensorimotor Integration in Human Postural
journal = {Journal of Neurophysiology},
year = {2004},
volume = {91},
pages = {410-423},
number = {1},
abstract = { Upright stance in humans is inherently unstable, requiring corrective
action based on spatial-orientation information from sensory systems.
One might logically predict that environments providing access to
accurate orientation information from multiple sensory systems would
facilitate postural stability. However, we show that, after a period
in which access to accurate sensory information was reduced, the
restoration of accurate information disrupted postural stability.
In eyes-closed trials, proprioceptive information was altered by
rotating the support surface in proportion to body sway (support
surface "sway-referencing"). When the support surface returned to
a level orientation, most subjects developed a transient 1-Hz body
sway oscillation that differed significantly from the low-amplitude
body sway typically observed during quiet stance. Additional experiments
showed further enhancement of the 1-Hz oscillation when the surface
transitioned from a sway-referenced to a reverse sway-referenced
motion. Oscillatory behavior declined with repetition of trials,
suggesting a learning effect. A simple negative feedback-control
model of the postural control system predicted the occurrence of
this 1-Hz oscillation in conditions where too much corrective torque
is generated in proportion to body sway. Model simulations were used
to distinguish between two alternative explanations for the excessive
corrective torque generation. Simulation results favor an explanation
based on the dynamic reweighting of sensory contributions to postural
control rather than a load-compensation mechanism that scales torque
in proportion to a fixed combination of sensory-orientation information.
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterka2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterka2004},
doi = {10.1152/jn.00516.2003},
eprint = {},
file = {Peterka2004.pdf:Peterka2004.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterka2004.pdf}
author = {Dale L. Peterson and Mont Hubbard},
title = {General Steady Turning of a Benchmark Bicycle Model},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IDETC/MSNDC 2009 the ASME 2009 International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences \& 7th International Conference
on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control},
year = {2009},
number = {DETC2009/MSNDC-86145},
abstract = {We analyze general steady turns of a benchmark bicycle model in the
case of nonzero applied steer torque. In a general steady turn, the
lean and steer angles are constant, the velocity of the bicycle must
ensure moment balance about the contact line, and some torque must
be applied to maintain the constant steer angle. We identify two
boundaries in lean–steer plane: first, the region of kinematic feasibility,
and second, the region where steady turns are feasible. In the region
of feasible steady turns, we present level curves of these steady
turning velocities and steer torques. Additionally, we present level
curves of mechanical trail in the lean–steer plane.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterson2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterson2009},
file = {Peterson2009.pdf:Peterson2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - Peterson and Hubbard show the steady turning required steering
torques for the benchmark bicycle on page 7. The torques for lean
angles from 0 to 10 degrees and steer from 0 to 45 degrees are under
3 Nm.},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2009.09.22},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterson2009.pdf}
author = {Peterson, Dale L. and Hubbard, Mont},
title = {Analysis of the Holonomic Constraint in the {W}hipple Bicycle Model,
Paper 267},
booktitle = {The Engineering of Sport 7},
year = {2008},
volume = {2},
pages = {623--631},
address = {Biarritz, France},
month = {June},
organization = {ISEA},
publisher = {Springer},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterson2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterson2008},
file = {Peterson2008.pdf:Peterson2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterson2008.pdf}
author = {Dale L. Peterson and Mont Hubbard},
title = {Yaw rate and velocity tracking control of a hands-free bicycle},
booktitle = {International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition},
year = {2008},
address = {Boston},
month = {October},
organization = {ASME},
abstract = {The control of a bicycle has been well studied when a steer torque
is used as the control input. Less has been done to investigate the
control of a hands free bicycle through the rider’s lean relative
to the bicycle frame. In this work, we extend a verified benchmark
bicycle model to include a rider with the ability to lean in and
out of the plane of the bicycle frame. A multi-input multi-output
LQR state feedback controller is designed with the control objective
being the tracking of a reference yaw rate and rear wheel angular
velocity through the use of rider lean torque and rear wheel (pedaling)
torque. The LQR controller is tested on the nonlinear model and numerical
simulation results are presented. Conclusions regarding the required
lean angle of the rider relative to the bicycle frame necessary to
execute a steady turn are made, as well as observations of the effects
of right half plane zeros in the transfer function from rider lean
torque to yaw rate.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterson2008a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterson2008a},
file = {Peterson2008a.pdf:Peterson2008a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Peterson designs a yaw rate and rear wheel speed tracking controller
based on full state feedback and LQR control. He uses a non-linear
Whipple like model with rider lean torque as the control input. His
simulation required 30 Nm of rider lean torque for a 0.3 rad/sec
and 1 rad/sec step in yaw rate and rear wheel rate respectively.},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
timestamp = {2008.12.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterson2008a.pdf}
author = {Dale L. Peterson and Jason K. Moore and Danique Fintelman and Mont
title = {Low-power, modular, wireless dynamic measurement of bicycle motion},
journal = {Procedia Engineering},
year = {2010},
volume = {2},
pages = {2949--2954},
number = {2},
note = {The Engineering of Sport 8 - Engineering Emotion},
abstract = {A low power, light-weight, and modular system of sensors and data
acquisition hardware was developed to measure the configuration,
velocities, and accelerations of a bicycle. Measurement of angular
velocity of the bicycle frame, acceleration of three points fixed
to the frame, steer angle, and wheel spin rates is implemented. Measurements
will be compared with dynamic models of the bicycle and human rider
in order to assess model fidelity. In this way, we hope to (1) better
understand how humans control bicycles, and (2) pave the way for
bicycle design improvements based on quantitative and relevant dynamic
bib = {bibtex-keys#Peterson2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Peterson2010},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2010.04.093},
file = {Peterson2010.pdf:Peterson2010.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1877-7058},
keywords = {Bicycle dynamics},
tags = {sbl,bicycle},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Peterson2010.pdf}
author = {Pick, A.J. and Cole, D.J.},
title = {A mathematical model of driver steering control including neuromuscular
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control},
year = {2008},
volume = {130},
pages = {1-9},
number = {3},
month = {May},
abstract = {A mathematical driver model is introduced in order to explain the
driver steering behavior observed during successive double lane-change
maneuvers. The model consists of a linear quadratic regulator path-following
controller coupled to a neuromuscular system (NMS). The NMS generates
the steering wheel angle demanded by the path-following controller.
The model demonstrates that reflex action and muscle cocontraction
improve the steer angle control and thus increase the path-following
accuracy. Muscle cocontraction does not have the destabilizing effect
of reflex action, but there is an energy cost. A cost function is
used to calculate optimum values of cocontraction that are similar
to those observed in the experiments. The observed reduction in cocontraction
with experience of the vehicle is explained by the driver learning
to predict the steering torque feedback. The observed robustness
of the path-following control to unexpected changes in steering torque
feedback arises from the reflex action and cocontraction stiffness
of the NMS. The findings contribute to the understanding of driver-vehicle
dynamic interaction. Further work is planned to improve the model;
the aim is to enable the optimum design of steering feedback early
in the vehicle development process.},
address = {USA},
affiliation = {Pick, A.J.; Cole, D.J.; Dept. of Eng., Cambridge Univ., Cambridge,
bib = {bibtex-keys#Pick2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Pick2008},
file = {Pick2008.pdf:Pick2008.pdf:PDF},
identifying-codes = {[10.1115/1.2837452]},
issn = {0022-0434},
keywords = {Practical, Theoretical or Mathematical/ biomechanics; closed loop
systems; control system synthesis; driver information systems; feedback;
linear quadratic control; neurophysiology; road vehicles; robust
control; steering systems; torque control/ mathematical model; driver
steering angle control; neuromuscular dynamics; double lane-change
maneuver; linear quadratic regulator; reflex action; muscle cocontraction;
destabilizing effect; cost function; road vehicle; torque feedback;
driver-vehicle dynamic interaction; optimum design; path-following
controller; closed loop system; robust control/ C3360B Road-traffic
system control; C1330 Optimal control; C3120F Mechanical variables
control; C1310 Control system analysis and synthesis methods; C1320
Stability in control theory},
language = {English},
number-of-references = {25},
publication-type = {J},
publisher = {ASME},
type = {Journal Paper},
unique-id = {INSPEC:9982342},
webpdf = {references-folder/Pick2008.pdf}
author = {Piedboeuf, J.-C.},
title = {Kane's equations or Jourdain's principle?},
year = {1993},
pages = {1471-1474 vol.2},
month = {August},
abstract = {This paper discusses the relationships between Kane's equations and
Jourdain's principle. In 1961 Kane published a paper: “Dynamics
of Nonholonomic Systems”. The method detailed in that paper, since
named Kane's equations, has been popular in the modelling of mechanical
systems especially in robotics. It was often stated that Kane's equations
were a novel way of modelling. However, in 1909, Jourdain published
a paper titled “Note on an analogue of Gauss' principle of least
constraint” where he established the principle of virtual power
that is equivalent to Kane's equations},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Piedboeuf1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Piedboeuf1993},
doi = {10.1109/MWSCAS.1993.343389},
journal = {Circuits and Systems, 1993., Proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium
keywords = {modelling, robot dynamicsGauss' principle, Jourdain's principle, Kane's
equations, least constraint, mechanical systems modelling, nonholonomic
systems, robotics, virtual power},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.04}
author = {M. Pierini and N. Baldanzini and C. Brenna and I. Symeonidis and
E. Schuller and S. Peldschus},
title = {Development of a Virtual Rider},
booktitle = {Proceeding of ISMA2008},
year = {2008},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Pierini2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Pierini2008},
file = {Pierini2008.pdf:Pierini2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Pierini2008.pdf}
author = {Plöchl, Manfred and Edelmann, Johannes and Angrosch, Bernhard and
Ott, Christoph},
title = {On the wobble mode of a bicycle},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
volume = {50},
pages = {415-429},
number = {3},
abstract = { Wheel shimmy and wobble are well-known dynamic phenomena at automobiles,
aeroplanes and motorcycles. In particular, wobble at the motorcycle
is an (unstable) eigenmode with oscillations of the wheel about the
steering axis, and it is no surprise that unstable bicycle wobble
is perceived unpleasant or may be dangerous, if not controlled by
the rider in time. Basic research on wobble at motorcycles within
the last decades has revealed a better understanding of the sudden
onset of wobble, and the complex relations between parameters affecting
wobble have been identified. These fundamental findings have been
transferred to bicycles. As mass distribution and inertial properties,
rider influence and lateral compliances of tyre and frame differ
at bicycle and motorcycle, models to represent wobble at motorcycles
have to prove themselves, when applied to bicycles. For that purpose
numerical results are compared with measurements from test runs,
and parametric influences on the stability of the wobble mode at
bicycles have been evolved. All numerical analysis and measurements
are based on a specific test bicycle equipped with steering angle
sensor, wheel-speed sensor, global positioning system (GPS) 3-axis
accelerometer, and 3-axis angular velocity gyroscopic sensor. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Plochl2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Plochl2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.594164},
eprint = {},
file = {Plochl2012.pdf:Plochl2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Plochl2012.pdf}
author = {Popov, A. A. and Rowell, S. and Meijaard, J. P.},
title = {A review on motorcycle and rider modelling for steering control},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2010},
volume = {48},
pages = {775-792},
number = {6},
abstract = {The paper is a review of the state of knowledge and understanding
of steering control in motorcycles and of the existing rider models.
Motorcycles are well known to have specific instability characteristics,
which can detrimentally affect the rider's control, and as such a
suitable review of these characteristics is covered in the first
instance. Next, early models which mostly treat riding as a regulatory
task are considered. A rider applies control based on sensory information
available to him/her, predominantly from visual perception of a target
path. The review therefore extends to cover also the knowledge and
research findings into aspects of road preview control. Here, some
more emphasis is placed on recent applications of optimal control
and model predictive control to the riding task and the motorcycle–rider
interaction. The review concludes with some open questions which
naturally present a scope for further study.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Popov2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Popov2010},
doi = {10.1080/00423110903033393},
eprint = {},
file = {Popov2010.pdf:Popov2010.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Popov2010.pdf}
author = {Hans Prem},
title = {Motorcycle Rider Skill Assessment},
school = {University of Melbourne},
year = {1983},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Prem1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Prem1983},
file = {Prem1983.pdf:Prem1983.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.08.05},
webpdf = {references-folder/Prem1983.pdf}
author = {Prince, P J and Al-Jumaily, Ahmed},
title = {Bicycle steering and roll responses},
journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal
of Multi-body Dynamics},
year = {2012},
abstract = {This article investigates the effects of different steering geometries
on the steering response, system stability and frequency response
of bicycles. A computer model was developed using Simulink™. The
model simulates different bicycle designs allowing several different
steering geometries to be quantified in terms of performance. It
was validated by data available in literature and from an experimental
investigation conducted with a bicycle fitted with steering and roll
sensors. Three key variables were examined in detail: the head tube
angle, front fork rake and bicycle speed. Their actual importance
was determined by systematically changing each key variable one at
a time while keeping all other terms constant. Large variations in
roll and yaw responses show how sensitive bicycles are to small changes
in head tube angles and rake dimensions. At higher speeds, the observed
steering responses support the common observation that bicycles are
more stable and easier to ride at higher speeds. These simulations
show the importance of correctly designing a bicycle’s steering
geometry in order to optimise steering performance and the sensitivity
of bicycles to small changes in geometry.},
doi = {10.1177/1464419312440642},
eprint = {},
timestamp = {2012.04.16},
url = {}
author = {Meghan P. Provost and Nikolaus F. Troje and Vernon L. Quinsey},
title = {Short-term mating strategies and attraction to masculinity in point-light
journal = {Evolution and Human Behavior},
year = {2008},
volume = {29},
pages = {65 - 69},
number = {1},
abstract = {Strategic pluralism suggests that women engage in short-term sexual
relationships when the benefits to doing so outweigh the costs. We
investigated attraction to indicators of good genes (namely, masculinity
as demonstrated by point-light walkers) in women varying in menstrual
cycle status and sociosexual orientation. When women are fertile,
they have the ability to gain genetic benefits from a male partner
and should also be attracted to high levels of masculinity in men
as a signal of genetic benefits. Sociosexual orientation is an individual
difference that indicates openness to short-term mating and, thus,
should influence aspects of mating strategy. Women with an unrestricted
sociosexual orientation, as compared to women with a restricted sociosexual
orientation, are more likely to engage in short-term relationships
and obtain fewer nongenetic resources from their mates. Thus, they
should place heavy emphasis on male masculinity as a sign of genetic
benefits available from their mates. In this study, women indicated
the walker most attractive to them on a constructed continuum of
male and female point-light walkers. In Study 1, fertile women, as
compared to nonfertile women, showed a greater attraction to masculinity.
In Study 2, women demonstrated a strong positive relationship between
sociosexuality and attraction to masculinity.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Provost2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Provost2008},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2007.07.007},
file = {Provost2008.pdf:Provost2008.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1090-5138},
keywords = {Sociosexuality},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Provost2008.pdf}
author = {Psiaki, Mark},
title = {Bicycle stability: A mathematical and numerical analysis},
school = {Princeton University},
year = {1979},
type = {BS Thesis},
address = {Princeton, {NJ}},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Psiaki1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Psiaki1979},
file = {Psiaki1979.pdf:Psiaki1979.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Psiaki1979.pdf}
author = {John Pucher and Ralph Buehler},
title = {Cycling for Everyone: Lessons from Europe},
journal = {Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research
year = {2008},
volume = {2074},
pages = {58-65},
month = {November},
abstract = {This paper investigates how bicycling can be promoted as a safe and
feasible means of transport for everyone and for all trip purposes.
The policies and programs needed to encourage a broad spectrum of
social groups to cycle are the same policies and programs that encourage
high overall levels of cycling: extensive systems of separate cycling
facilities, intersection modifications and priority bicycle traffic
signals, traffic calming of neighborhoods, safe and convenient bike
parking, coordination and integration of cycling with public transport,
traffic education and training for both cyclists and motorists, and
traffic laws that favor cyclists and pedestrians. To show how this
multifaceted, coordinated approach actually works, we focus in this
paper on cycling trends and policies in the Netherlands, Denmark,
and Germany. We supplement our national level comparative analysis
with case studies of large and small cities in each country.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Pucher2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Pucher2008},
file = {Pucher2008.pdf:Pucher2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.20},
webpdf = {references-folder/Pucher2008.pdf}
author = {Pucher, John and Buehler, Ralph},
title = {Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark
and Germany},
journal = {Transport Reviews},
year = {2008},
volume = {28},
pages = {495-528},
number = {4},
month = {July},
abstract = {This article shows how the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany have made
bicycling a safe, convenient and practical way to get around their
cities. The analysis relies on national aggregate data as well as
case studies of large and small cities in each country. The key to
achieving high levels of cycling appears to be the provision of separate
cycling facilities along heavily travelled roads and at intersections,
combined with traffic calming of most residential neighbourhoods.
Extensive cycling rights of way in the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany
are complemented by ample bike parking, full integration with public
transport, comprehensive traffic education and training of both cyclists
and motorists, and a wide range of promotional events intended to
generate enthusiasm and wide public support for cycling. In addition
to their many pro-bike policies and programmes, the Netherlands,
Denmark and Germany make driving expensive as well as inconvenient
in central cities through a host of taxes and restrictions on car
ownership, use and parking. Moreover, strict land-use policies foster
compact, mixed-use developments that generate shorter and thus more
bikeable trips. It is the coordinated implementation of this multi-faceted,
mutually reinforcing set of policies that best explains the success
of these three countries in promoting cycling. For comparison, the
article portrays the marginal status of cycling in the UK and the
USA, where only about 1\% of trips are by bike.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Pucher2008a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Pucher2008a},
file = {Pucher2008a.pdf:Pucher2008a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.20},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Pucher2008a.pdf}
author = {James Rankin and Bernd Krauskopf and Mark Lowenberg and Etienne Coetzee},
title = {Operational Parameter Study of Aircraft Ground Dynamics},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference},
year = {2009},
address = {San Diego, California, USA},
month = {August},
organization = {ASME},
abstract = {The dynamics of passenger aircraft on the ground are influenced by
the nonlinear characteristics of several components, including geometric
nonlinearities, the aerodynamics and interactions at the tyre-ground
interface. We present a fully parametrised mathematical model of
a typical passenger aircraft that includes all relevant nonlinear
effects. The full equations of motion are derived from first principles
in terms of forces and moments acting on a rigid airframe, and they
include implementations of the local models of individual components.
The overall model has been developed from and validated against an
existing industry-tested SimMechanics model. The key advantage of
the mathematical model is that it allows for comprehensive studies
of solutions and their stability with methods from dynamical systems
theory, in particular, the powerful tool of numerical continuation.
As a concrete example, we present a bifurcation study of how fixed-radius
turning solutions depend on the aircraft’s steering angle and centre
of gravity position. These results are represented in a compact form
as surfaces of solutions, on which we identify regions of stable
turning and regions of laterally unstable solutions. The boundaries
between these regions are computed directly and they allow us to
determine ranges of parameter values for safe operation. The robustness
of these results under the variation of an additional parameter,
specifically, the engine thrust is investigated. Qualitative changes
in the structure of the solutions are identified and explained. Overall
our results give new insight into the possible turning dynamics of
the aircraft in dependence on three parameters of operational relevance.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rankin2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rankin2009},
file = {Rankin2009.pdf:Rankin2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rankin2009.pdf}
author = {Redfield, R},
title = {Large motion mountain biking dynamics},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2005},
volume = {43},
pages = {845-865},
number = {12},
month = {December},
abstract = {A bond graph model of a mountain bike and rider is created to develop
baseline predictions for the performance of mountain bikes during
large excursion maneuvers such as drops, jumps, crashes and rough
terrain riding. The model assumes planar dynamics, a hard-tail (front
suspension only) bicycle and a rider fixed to the bicycle. An algorithm
is developed to allow tracking of a virtual tire-ground contact point
for events that separate the wheels from the ground. This model would
be most applicable to novice mountain bikers who maintain a nearly
rigid relationship between their body and the bicycle as opposed
to experienced riders who are versed in controlling the bicycle independent
of the body. Simulations of a steep drop are performed for various
initial conditions to qualitatively validate the predictions of the
model. Results from this model are to be compared to experimental
data and more complex models in later research, particularly models
including a separate rider. ne overarching goals of the research
are to examine and understand the dynamics and control of interactions
between a cyclist and mountain bike. Specific goals are to understand
the improvement in performance afforded by an experienced rider,
to hypothesize human control algorithms that allow riders to perform
manoeuvres well and safely, to predict structural bike and body forces
from these maneuvers and to quantify performance differences between
hard-tail and full suspension bicycles.},
address = {325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA},
affiliation = {Redfield, R (Reprint Author), USAF Acad, Dept Mech Engn, Colorado
Springs, CO 80840 USA. USAF Acad, Dept Mech Engn, Colorado Springs,
CO 80840 USA.},
author-email = {[email protected]},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Redfield2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Redfield2005},
doc-delivery-number = {992UN},
doi = {10.1080/00423110412331289844},
file = {Redfield2005.pdf:Redfield2005.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0042-3114},
journal-iso = {Veh. Syst. Dyn.},
keywords = {mountain biking; vehicle dynamics; suspension systems; bond graph
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {11},
owner = {Luke},
publisher = {TAYLOR \& FRANCIS INC},
subject-category = {Engineering, Mechanical},
times-cited = {0},
timestamp = {2009.03.06},
webpdf = {references-folder/Redfield2005.pdf}
author = {Rob Redfield and M.L. Hull},
title = {Prediction of pedal forces in bicycling using optimization methods},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1986},
volume = {19},
pages = {523 - 540},
number = {7},
abstract = {The bicycle-rider system is modeled as a planar five-bar linkage with
pedal forces and pedal dynamics as input. The pedal force profile
input is varied, maintaining constant average bicycle power, in order
to obtain the optimal pedal force profile that minimizes two cost
functions. One cost function is based on joint moments and the other
is based on muscle stresses. Predicted (optimal) pedal profiles as
well as joint moment time histories are compared to representative
real data to examine cost function appropriateness. Both cost functions
offer reasonable predictions of pedal forces. The muscle stress cost
function, however, better predicts joint moments. Predicted muscle
activity also correlates well with myolectric data. The factors that
lead to effective (i.e. low cost) pedalling are examined. Pedalling
effectiveness is found to be a complex function of pedal force vector
orientation and muscle mechanics.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Redfield1986a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Redfield1986a},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(86)90126-0},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {}
author = {Rob Redfield and M. L. Hull},
title = {On the relation between joint moments and pedalling rates at constant
power in bicycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1986},
volume = {19},
pages = {317 - 329},
number = {4},
abstract = {Joint moments are of interest because they bear some relation to muscular
effort and hence rider performance. The general objective of this
study is to explore the relation between joint moments and pedalling
rate (i.e. cadence). Joint moments are computed by modelling the
leg-bicycle system as a five-bar linkage constrained to plane motion.
Using dynamometer pedal force data and potentiometer crank and pedal
position data, system equations are solved on a computer to produce
moments at the ankle, knee and hip joints. Cadence and pedal forces
are varied inversely to maintain constant power. Results indicate
that average joint moments vary considerably with changes in cadence.
Both hip and knee joints show an average moment which is minimum
near 105 rotations min-1 for cruising cycling. It appears that an
optimum rotations min-1 can be determined from a mechanical approach
for any given power level and bicycle-rider geometry.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Redfield1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Redfield1986},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(86)90008-4},
file = {Redfield1986.pdf:Redfield1986.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Redfield1986.pdf}
author = {Reid, L. and Solowka, E.},
title = {A systematic study of driver steering behaviour},
journal = {Ergonomics},
year = {1981},
volume = {24},
pages = {447-462},
number = {6},
abstract = {A sequence of driving tasks has been carried out in a driving simulator.
The initial tests represented lane tracking along a serpentine roadway
and were employed to verify the operation of the simulator and the
ability of a computer algorithm to fit linear driver models to experimental
data. A second series of tests involved an obstacle avoidance manoeuvre
in both a car and a truck. These latter simulator runs were augmented
by field trials in an automobile during which driver eye point-ofregard
data were recorded. Eye point-of-regard results from both simulator
and field trials were compared and employed in formulating a simple
driver model for the obstacle avoidance manoeuvre. The results from
a preliminary fitting of this model to the experimental data are
reported. It was foundthat a single linear model of the driver's
dynamic characteristics can be used to represent adequately all of
the driver response data measured in the present study.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Reid1981},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Reid1981},
file = {Reid1981.pdf:Reid1981.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.15},
webpdf = {references-folder/Reid1981.pdf}
author = {Reiss, M. L. and J. A. Haley},
title = {Motorcycle Saftey},
institution = {Airborne Instruments Lab, Final Report},
year = {1968},
month = {May},
note = {Contract FH-11-6543},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Reiss1968},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Reiss1968},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Roy S. Rice},
title = {Bicycle Dynamics - Simplified Dynamic Stability Analyses},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1976},
number = {ZN-5921-V-2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1976a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1976a},
file = {Rice1976a.pdf:Rice1976a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1976a.pdf}
author = {Rice, R. S.},
title = {Accident-Avoidance Capabilities of Motorcycles},
institution = {Calspan},
year = {1975},
number = {ZN-5571-V-1},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1975},
file = {Rice1975.pdf:Rice1975.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1975.pdf}
author = {Roy S. Rice},
title = {Rake-Trail Offset},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1975},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1975a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1975a},
file = {Rice1975a.pdf:Rice1975a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1975a.pdf}
author = {Roy S. Rice},
title = {A note on design criteria for bicycle stability in terms of front
end geometry},
institution = {Calspan},
year = {1974},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1974},
file = {Rice1974.pdf:Rice1974.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1974.pdf}
author = {R. S. Rice},
title = {Bicycle Dynamics - Simplified State Response Characteristics and
Stability Indices},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1974},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1974a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1974a},
file = {Rice1974a.pdf:Rice1974a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1974a.pdf}
author = {Rice, R. S.},
title = {Are High-Rise Bikes Safe?},
journal = {Traffic Safety},
year = {1971},
volume = {71},
pages = {8-9},
number = {1},
month = {January},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1971},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1971},
file = {Rice1971.pdf:Rice1971.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1971.pdf}
author = {Roy S. Rice and James A. Davis and Dennis T. Kunkel},
title = {Accident-Avoidance Capabilities of Motorcycles - Technical Report},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1975},
number = {ZN-5571-V-1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1975b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1975b},
file = {Rice1975b.pdf:Rice1975b.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1975b.pdf}
author = {Roy S. Rice and James A. Davis and Dennis T. Kunkel},
title = {Accident-Avoidance Capabilities of Motorcycles - Appendices},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1975},
number = {ZN-5571-V-2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1975c},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1975c},
file = {Rice1975c.pdf:Rice1975c.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1975c.pdf}
author = {Rice, R. S. and D. T. Kunkel},
title = {Accident-Avoidance Capabilities of Motorcycles: Lane Change Maneuver
Simulation and Full Scale Tests},
institution = {Calspan},
year = {1976},
number = {ZN-5899-V-1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1976},
file = {Rice1976.pdf:Rice1976.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1976.pdf}
author = {Roy S. Rice and R. Douglas Roland},
title = {An Evaluation of the Performance and Handling Qualities of Bicycles},
institution = {Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory},
year = {1970},
type = {Calspan Report},
number = {VJ-2888-K},
month = {April},
note = {prepared for the National Commission on Product Safety},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1970},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1970},
file = {Rice1970.pdf:Rice1970.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycle},
review = {stability and control in braking, front wheel brake and short wheel
base are no hazard.
tests carried out with 2 bicycles : high riser and light weight conventional
brake test include:
Stopping distance versus speed.
coaster versus caliper brakes.
affect of rider weight on stopping distance.
lateral stability and control tests include:
minimum speed for handsfree straight path following
timed slalom test
The report ends with a large appendix on the equations of motion for
a computer model of the dynamics an uncontrolled bicycle. The model
includes tire models.
model is not used due to limmited time and funding.
They show graphs of minimum speed for no hands riding.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1970.pdf}
author = {Rice, R. S. and {Roland Jr.}, R. D.},
title = {An Evaulation of the Safety Performance of Tricycles and Minibikes},
institution = {Calspan Corp.},
year = {1972},
number = {ZN-5144-K-1},
month = {November},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1972},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1972},
file = {Rice1972.pdf:Rice1972.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1972.pdf}
author = {Rice, R. S. and {Roland Jr.}, R. D.},
title = {A Supplement To An Evaulation of the Safety Performance of Tricycles
and Minibikes},
institution = {Calspan Corp.},
year = {1972},
number = {ZN-5144-K-1},
month = {November},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rice1972a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rice1972a},
file = {Rice1972a.pdf:Rice1972a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rice1972a.pdf}
author = {Roe, G.E. and Thorpe, T.E.},
title = {Motorcycle instability on undulating road surfaces},
booktitle = {91 Small Engine Technol Conf Proc},
year = {1991},
pages = {685-693},
month = {October},
publisher = {Soc Of Automotive Engineers Of Japan},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roe1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roe1991},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Elizabeth S. Roland and Maury L. Hull and Susan M. Stover},
title = {Design and demonstration of a dynamometric horseshoe for measuring
ground reaction loads of horses during racing conditions},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {2005},
volume = {38},
pages = {2102 - 2112},
number = {10},
abstract = {Because musculoskeletal injuries to racehorses are common, instrumentation
for the study of factors (e.g. track surface), which affect the ground
reaction loads in horses during racing conditions, would be useful.
The objectives of the work reported by this paper were to (1) design
and construct a novel dynamometric horseshoe that is capable of measuring
the complete ground reaction loading during racing conditions, (2)
characterize static and dynamic measurement errors, and (3) demonstrate
the usefulness of the instrument by collecting example data during
the walk, trot, canter, and gallop for a single subject. Using electrical
resistance strain gages, a dynamometric horseshoe was designed and
constructed to measure the complete ground reaction force and moment
vectors and the center of pressure. To mimic the load transfer surface
of the hoof, the shape of the surface contacting the ground was similar
to that of the solar surface of the hoof. Following static calibration,
the measurement accuracy was determined. The root mean squared errors
(RMSE) were 3\% of full scale for the force component normal to the
hoof and 9\% for force components in the plane of the hoof. The dynamic
calibration determined that the natural frequency with the full weight
of a typical horse was 1744 Hz. Example data were collected during
walking on a ground surface and during trotting, cantering, and galloping
on a treadmill. The instrument successfully measured the complete
ground reaction load during all four gaits. Consequently the dynamometric
horseshoe is useful for studying factors, which affect ground reaction
loads during racing conditions.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland2005},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2004.08.024},
file = {Roland2005.pdf:Roland2005.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Roland2005.pdf}
author = {R.D. Roland and J.P. Lynch},
title = {Bicycle Dynamics Tire Characteristics and Rider Modeling},
institution = {Cornell Aeronautical Labaratory, Inc.},
year = {1972},
type = {Calspan Report},
number = {YA-3063-K-2},
address = {Buffalo, NY, USA},
month = {March},
note = {prepared for the Schwinn Bicycle Company},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland1972},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland1972},
file = {Roland1972.pdf:Roland1972.pdf:PDF},
owner = {Jodi},
review = {JKM
The control model has inner loop roll stablization which consists
of gains acting on the roll angle error, roll rate and roll acceleration
(PID on roll rate) with a time delay and an extra pole (not sure
of the effect it is like half a lead or lag). This gives six gains,
2 time delays and two poles as the parameters for the roll stablization
control. They have a simple gain on the path error to give a commanded
roll angle (they sum back in the roll angle for some reason...).
They also have some preview built in. They calculate the error in
desired path to actual path out to several future time intervals
and weight the results to with less weighting on further future errors.
This sum of weighted errors is multiplied by a gain to compute the
correction to the commanded roll angle.
The also use a adhoc controller to make their slalom simulation match
the video.
Includes lots of tire data charts, all the time traces of their experimental
runs, and details of drawing the bicycle and rider in computer animation.
This report was carried out for the Schwinn Bicycle Company. This
builds on the bicycle model by Roland and Massing 1971 and can be
seen as the continuation of the work that was carried out in that
report (also for Schwinn).
The main objective of these reports is to study the effect of design
parameters on bicycle stability and control.
This report has 4 distinct parts:
chapter 2 : a rider control model for stabilising and tracking.
chapter 3 : bicycle tire testing
chapter 4 : experimental testing of various bicycle configurations.
chapter 5 : computer graphic animation of a bicycle simulation.
Rider control model:
The rider lean torque and steer torque are outputs and they control
the lean angle with a delayed PID controler on the lean angle for
both torques. The delayed PID controler is a simplification of a
delayed lead-lag controler from literature:
Elkind, J.I. 1956 "Characteristics of simple manual control systems"
MIT, Lincoln laboratory Techinical Report No. 111. They are aware
of the work of Stassen and van lunteren and clearly identify the
difference in control strategy : steer agle versus steer torque.
The tracking control is calculates from the states and the desired
path a command rol angle. They tune the coeficients of the stabilising
controler by looking at systems response driving straight ahead or
applying a 20 degree comand roll angle like driving straight and
getting into a curve. Even for the best controler we see an offset
between the desired and obtained lean angle. The tracking controler
makes a prediction of the path based on the state and compares this
with the desired path and generates in adition to the desired lean
angle a lean angle.
To our knowledge this controller is never used.
Bicycle Tire testing:
11 types of tires are tested. results are shown in graphs and shown
in tables in the appendix. The general idea is that bicycle tires
should have a camber thrust factor of about 1 or in other words:
the tire force should always be aproximately in the plane of the
wheel. The presented results are suspicious on this.
Experimental testing of Bicycle:
They use the instrumented bicycle of Rolland \& Massing 1971. They
have 9 configurations by playing around with load on rear, rider
and front, increasing the mass moment of inertia of the front wheel
and underinflating the tires.
the tests carried out are:
lows peed stability: riding in a 3 feet wide lane at minimum speed
obstical avoidance: at the end of the 3 feet lane a dustbin is placed
(4 feet from the end), at maximum speed
narrow slalom: inline 10 feet apart, maximum speed.
wide slalom: 2 feet lateral separation, 10 feet apart, maximum speed.
They conclude that the standard bicycle the best! the other general
conclusions are that load in the rear basket (not on rear rack) is
good for maneurverability and rider load is bad for maneurverability.
Computer Graphics Animation of the Bicycle Simulation:
A large part of the report is devoted to generating computer graphical
animation of the biycle simulations. It was very state of the art!
the climax is a camparison of an experimental and simulated bicycle
slalom maneuver based on a strip chart of 6 images 0.2 seconds apart!
the resemblance is striking! the simulated results were obtained
by applying the following "bang - bang" control: the sign of the
desired lean angle is opposite the sign of the current steer angle.
lucky strike??
Impressive results. unfortunately they do not elaborate on the rider
control and validation but this is probably due to a lack of time
and funding.},
timestamp = {2008.05.26},
webpdf = {references-folder/Roland1972.pdf}
author = {Roland, R. D.},
title = {Computer Simulation of Bicycle Dynamics},
journal = {Mechanics and Sports},
year = {1973},
note = {ASME},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland1973a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland1973a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Roland, R. D.},
title = {Simulation Study of Motorcycle Stability at High Speed},
booktitle = {Second International Congress on Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
address = {San Francisco},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland1973b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland1973b},
file = {Roland1973b.pdf:Roland1973b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM-Roland extends the bicycle model with many new features that allow
a more accurate model of a Harley Davidson motorcycle to be produced.
He runs simulations with a rigid rider and hands free riding at about
80 mph where the motorcycle is perturbed with a lateral force at
the saddle. The simulation results are evaluted on how well the weave
motion behaves. These results were compared with experimental measurements
of the motorcycle and rider. The primary goal of this report was
to charaterize what and how various parameters affect the weave modes
stability characteristics.
- the model has eight degrees of freedom including rider lean, but
they lock rider lean in these sims
- a non-linear model is used with non-linear tire characteristics
- the paper exams high speed weave instabilities (~80mph)
- the model has capsize, weave and wobble modes (among others)
- the wobble mode is speed independent
- a bicycle model was extended to better represent the harley motorcycle
- the model has three rigid bodies: upper body, frame and fork
- model extensions beyond the whipple model: aero drag; aero lift;
steer moment due to aero drag; driving thrust; tire forces that are
functions of slip angle, inclination (camber) angle, and vertical
load; gyro forces from engine; viscous steering damping
- he claims to write the nonlinear equations in complete form but
don't show them here
- his model controls by steer and rider lean torques
- these sims are done as rigid rider, hands free
- claims that high speed weave can be studied independent of rider
control since the freq is high
- he measured the physical parameters of the motorcycle including
determining moments of inertia using a torsional pendulum
- there are three tire coefficients: slip angle-side force, slip angle
cubed-side force and inclination angle-side force. I am not sure
what the second is.
- he choses 17 parameters to examine
- he shows steer and roll angle plots for the simulations and experiments
- he measured steer angle, roll angle, lateral accel and speed on
the motorcycle
- he tried to change the parameters independently
- i am not sure how the complicated motorcycle model allows the weave
mode to go unstable at high speeds, in the whipple model it gets
more stable and speed increases
- he compares the times required for the roll angle to half or double
and the roll angle initial amplitude for $\pm$20\% change in each
- he classifies the parameters either as having an insignificant effect
or significant
- he discusses some consquences of not being able to realistically
adjust parameters independently
- says weight distribution is the most critical to weave stability
with others that are important: wheelbase, rake, trail, fork inertia
and CoM
- used real tire data from Dunlop for his nonlinear tire model
This seems like a decent study, but this paper lacks too many details
to be of much use. The basic conclusion is still only that the bicycles
parameters are very intertwined and it isn't very easy to pin down
which parameters affect what dynamics. He says "Therefore, the most
practical improved motorcycle design will consist of a coordinated
set of modifications involving small changes in several critical
parameters. Such a design can eliminate the weave oscillation from
the operating speed range without increasing the tendency to wobble
or adversely affecting handling performance". This alludes to the
fact that each motorcycle has to be looked at individually and the
critical parameters determined and adjusted and also that there may
be some trade-offs between stable modes and handling. He finds that
a high motorcycle cg is good for weave stability but bad for handling.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Roland1973b.pdf}
author = {R. Douglas Roland},
title = {Motorcycle and Recreational Vehicle Safety},
booktitle = {Second International Congress on Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
address = {San Francisco, California, USA},
month = {July},
abstract = {A comprehensive di.gital computer simulation of a two-wheel vehicle
and rider has been developed and is being used to study motorcycle
stability and handling. The simulation is based on a nonlinear mathematical
model with eight degrees of freedom, including steer and rider lean.
Tire side force and aligning torque as nonlinear functions of slip
angle, camber angle and vertical load, aerodynamic drag, pitching
moment and steering torque, steering damping, and gyroscopic effects
of the engine and wheels are modeled as well as fork rake angle,
steering trail, and the basic physical characteristics of the motorcycle
frame, steering assembly, and rider. These parameters are input data
to the computer simulation which produces output in the form of time
histories of the motion variables of the vehicle. The two-wheel vehicle
simulation has been validated by comparison with experimental tests
using an instrumented vehicle. A combined analytical and experimental
research program has been conducted as a coordinated effort by Calspan
Corporation and the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc. to study
the weave instability phenomenon which can occur in motorcycles at
high speed. "Speedman' s wobble", as it has been called, is characterized
by coupled steer-roll-yaw motions of the vehicle and has long been
recognized by theoretical dynamicists. The influence of several motorcycle
characteristics on weave instability have been evaluated in the context
of total system performance by simulating the disturbance-response
behavior at high speed.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland1973d},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland1973d},
file = {Roland1973d.pdf:Roland1973d.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.15},
webpdf = {references-folder/Roland1973d.pdf}
author = {R. D. Roland and D. T. Kunkel},
title = {Motorcycle Dynamics, The Effects of Design on High Speed Weave},
institution = {Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory},
year = {1973},
type = {Calspan Report},
number = {ZN-5259-K-1},
month = {May},
note = {prepared for the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland1973c},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland1973c},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.10}
author = {Roland, R. D. and R. S. Rice},
title = {Bicycle Dynamics, Ride Guidance Modeling and Disturbance Response},
institution = {Calspan Corporation},
year = {1973},
type = {Calspan Report},
number = {ZS-5157-K-1},
month = {April},
note = {prepared for the Schwinn Bicycle Company},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland1973},
file = {Roland1973.pdf:Roland1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Roland1973.pdf}
author = {{Roland Jr.}, R. Douglas and Massing, Daniel E.},
title = {A Digital Computer Simulation of Bicycle Dynamics},
institution = {Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.},
year = {1971},
type = {Calspan Report},
number = {YA-3063-K-1},
address = {Buffalo, NY, 14221},
month = {June},
note = {Prepared for Schwinn Bicycle Company, Chicago, IL 60639},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Roland1971},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Roland1971},
file = {Roland1971.pdf:Roland1971.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
review = {They have a cool tire tester that they drag behind a car. The measure
the inertia of the bicycle with torsional springs. The have an instrumented
bicycle with steer angle potentiometer, a potentiometric free gyroscope
for roll angle, accelerometer for lateral accleration, DC tachometer
for rear wheel rate.
The did some riderless tests with the bicycle including firing a calibrated
rocket attached to the handlebars for a torque impulse.},
timestamp = {2009.11.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Roland1971.pdf}
author = {Rosales, R. and Sclaroff, S.},
title = {Specialized mappings and the estimation of human body pose from a
single image},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Human Motion (HUMO'00)},
year = {2000},
pages = {19-24},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rosales2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rosales2000},
doi = {10.1109/HUMO.2000.897366},
file = {Rosales2000.pdf:Rosales2000.pdf:PDF},
journal = {Human Motion, 2000. Proceedings. Workshop on},
keywords = {computer vision, image recognition, learning (artificial intelligence),
maximum likelihood estimation, probabilitySpecialized Mappings Architecture,
articulated body pose, expectation maximization, feedback matching
function, forward mapping functions, human body pose esimation, maximum
likelihood estimation, monocular images, nonlinear supervised learning
architecture, probabilistic model},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rosales2000.pdf}
author = {Routh, G. R. R.},
title = {On the Motion of a Bicycle},
journal = {The Messenger of Mathematics},
year = {1899},
volume = {28},
pages = {151--169},
number = {4--5},
month = {April},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Routh1899},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Routh1899},
file = {Routh1899.pdf:Routh1899.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Routh1899.pdf}
author = {Rowe, T. and Hull, M.L. and Wang, E.L.},
title = {A pedal dynamometer for off-road bicycling},
journal = {Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {1998},
volume = {120},
pages = {160-4},
number = {1},
month = {February},
abstract = {Describes the design and accuracy evaluation of a dynamometric pedal,
which measures the 2 pedal force components in the plane of the bicycle.
To realize a design that could be used during actual off-road cycling,
a popular clipless pedal available commercially was modified so that
both the form and the function of the original design were maintained.
To measure the load components of interest, the pedal spindle was
replaced with a spindle fixed to the pedal body and instrumented
with 8 strain gages connected into 2 Wheatstone bridge circuits.
The new spindle is supported by bearings in the crank arm. Static
calibration and a subsequent accuracy check revealed root mean square
errors of less than 1 percent full scale (FS) when only the force
components of interest were applied. Application of unmeasured load
components created an error less than 2 percent FS. The natural frequency
with half the weight of a 75 kgf person standing on the pedal was
greater than 135 Hz. These performance capabilities make the dynamometer
suitable for measuring either pedaling loads due to the rider's muscular
action or inertial loads due to surface-induced acceleration. To
demonstrate this suitability, sample pedal load data are presented
both for steady-state ergometer cycling and coasting over a rough
surface while standing.},
address = {USA},
affiliation = {Rowe, T.; Hull, M.L.; Dept. of Mech. Eng., California Univ., Davis,
CA, USA.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rowe1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rowe1998},
identifying-codes = {[A1998-10-8780-023; B1998-05-7510-044],[0148-0731/98/\$3.00],[0148-0731(199802)120:1L.160:PDRB;1-U]},
issn = {0148-0731},
keywords = {Practical, Experimental/ biological techniques; biomechanics; dynamometers;
force measurement/ pedal dynamometer; off-road bicycling; dynamometric
pedal; accuracy evaluation; force components; clipless pedal; load
components measurement; unmeasured load components; natural frequency;
steady-state ergometer cycling; coasting over rough surface; standing;
Wheatstone bridge circuits; bearings; crank arm; static calibration;
muscular action; inertial loads; surface-induced acceleration; 135
Hz/ A8780 Biophysical instrumentation and techniques; A8745D Physics
of body movements; B7510 Biomedical measurement and imaging; B7320G
Mechanical variables measurement/ frequency 1.35E+02 Hz},
language = {English},
number-of-references = {10},
owner = {moorepants},
publication-type = {J},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.12.04},
type = {Journal Paper},
unique-id = {INSPEC:5893487}
author = {Stuart Rowell and Atanas A. Popov and Jacob P. Meijaard},
title = {Model predictive control techniques for motorcycle rider control},
booktitle = {Advances in Automotive Control},
year = {2007},
abstract = {Model Predictive Control techniques have been applied to the modelling
of a motorcycle rider, believed to offer more realistic representation
of the riding strategy compared with previous methods, notably Optimal
Control. The results from the Model Predictive Control model have
been compared with the Optimal Control results, showing good similarities
and also some notable differences. The results of the application
of Model Predictive Control techniques to the modelling of a motorcycle
rider suggest that the approach has wider applicability to rider
modelling, and allows greater scope for the definition of the rider's
control approach. Notably, for limited rider preview, shortcomings
using the Optimal Control approach are overcome using the Model Predictive
Control method. Furthermore, the approach is believed to more accurately
reflect the control actions taken by a human motorcycle rider.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Rowell2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Rowell2007},
doi = {10.3182/20070820-3-US-2918.00077},
file = {Rowell2007.pdf:Rowell2007.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Rowell2007.pdf}
author = {Patricia Ruby and M.L Hull},
title = {Response of intersegmental knee loads to foot/pedal platform degrees
of freedom in cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1993},
volume = {26},
pages = {1327 - 1340},
number = {11},
abstract = {The hypothesis tested in this article was that the three-dimensional
intersegmental knee loads would be reduced in cycling by foot/pedal
platforms which permitted relative motion between the foot and pedal.
To test this hypothesis, pedal load and lower limb kinematic data
were collected from 11 subjects who pedaled with four foot/pedal
platforms mounted on a six-load-component dynamometer. One of the
four platforms did not allow any relative foot/pedal movement while
the other three permitted either medial/lateral translation, adduction/abduction
rotation or inversion/eversion rotation. Three-dimensional intersegmental
knee loads were computed for each of the four platforms using a previously
reported biomechanical model. A number of quantities describing each
of the intersegmental knee load components was computed and compared
using analysis of variance techniques. The key results were that
the medial/lateral translation platform did not cause significant
differences in intersegmental knee load quantities relative to those
for the fixed platform. However, both of the platforms permitting
rotations significantly reduced many but did not significantly increase
any intersegmental knee load quantities. Of these two platforms,
the adduction/abduction platform significantly reduced both the axial
and varus/valgus knee moments while the inversion/eversion platform
significantly reduced only varus/valgus moments. These results have
application to bicycle pedal design where the goal is to reduce intersegmental
knee loads, hence possibly alleviating overuse knee injuries.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ruby1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ruby1993},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(93)90356-J},
file = {Ruby1993.pdf:Ruby1993.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ruby1993.pdf}
author = {Patricia Ruby and M.L. Hull and David Hawkins},
title = {Three-dimensional knee joint loading during seated cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1992},
volume = {25},
pages = {41 - 53},
number = {1},
abstract = {The hypothesis which motivated the work reported in this article was
that neglecting pure moments developed between the foot and pedal
during cycling leads to a substantial error in computing axial and
varus/valgus moments at the knee. To test this hypothesis, a mathematical
procedure was developed for computing the three-dimensional knee
loads using three-dimensional pedal forces and moments. In addition
to data from a six-load-component pedal dynamometer, the model used
pedal position and orientation and knee position in the frontal plane
to determine the knee joint loads. Experimental data were collected
from the right leg of 11 male subjects during steady-state cycling
at 90 rpm and 225 W. The mean peak varus knee moment calculated was
15.3 N m and the mean peak valgus knee moment was 11.2 N m. Neglecting
the pedal moment about the anterior/posterior axis resulted in an
average absolute error of 2.6 N m and a maximum absolute error of
4.0 N m in the varus/valgus knee moment. The mean peak internal and
external axial knee moments were 2.8 N m and 2.3 N m, respectively.
The average and maximum absolute errors in the axial knee moment
for not including the moment about an axis normal to the pedal were
found to be 2.6 N m and 5.0 N m, respectively. The results strongly
support the use of three-dimensional pedal loads in the computation
of knee joint moments out of the sagittal plane.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ruby1992a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ruby1992a},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(92)90244-U},
file = {Ruby1992a.pdf:Ruby1992a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ruby1992a.pdf}
author = {Patricia Ruby and M.L. Hull and Kevin A. Kirby and David W. Jenkins},
title = {The effect of lower-limb anatomy on knee loads during seated cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1992},
volume = {25},
pages = {1195 - 1207},
number = {10},
abstract = {Overuse knee joint injuries are the primary injuries to cyclists.
Overuse injuries have been intuitively linked to the anatomic structure
of the foot because external loads are applied to the foot in cycling.
Thus, the structure and function of the foot should dictate in part
how the loads are transmitted to the knee joint. Therefore, it was
hypothesized that patterns in knee loads are related to the anatomic
structure of the foot. To test this hypothesis, peak knee loads (dependent
variables) were related to anatomical variables (independent variables)
through statistical analyses. This required first the detailed evaluation
(i.e. measurement) of the anatomical structure of the foot and leg
for 23 subjects. Next, three-dimensional knee joint loads were determined
for a standardized riding condition. The results of the statistical
analyses indicated that a group of cyclists with the most extreme
inversion of the forefoot relative to the transverse plane developed
significantly greater average posterior knee force and extensive
knee moment. In addition, a number of anatomical variables significantly
accounted for the variability in peak values of the posterior force,
the extensive moment, the varus/valgus moment and the external axial
moment. Based on these results, the hypothesis is accepted.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ruby1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ruby1992},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(92)90075-C},
file = {Ruby1992.pdf:Ruby1992.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Ruby1992.pdf}
author = {Ruijs, P. A. and Pacejka, H. B.},
title = {Research in Lateral Dynamics of Motorcycles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1985},
volume = {14},
pages = {149--152},
number = {1--3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ruijs1985},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ruijs1985},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Ruijs, P.A.J. and Pacejka, H.B.},
title = {Recent Research in Lateral Dynamics of Motorcycles},
booktitle = {Procedings of 9th IAVSD Symposium on The Dynamics Of Vehicles on
roads and on tracks, Sweden June 24-28 1985},
year = {1986},
volume = {supplement to Vehicle System Dynamics, Volume 15},
pages = {467--480},
bib = {bibtex-keys#RuijsPacejka1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#RuijsPacejka1986}
author = {S{\o}lvberg, Audun},
title = {CyberBike},
school = {Norwegian University of Science and Technology},
year = {2007},
abstract = {The idea about the CyberBike came to Jens G. Balchen - the founder
of the Department of Engineering Cybernetics (ITK) at NTNU - in the
1980's. He wanted to make an unmanned autonomus bicycle, i.e. a bike
that could run by itself. The idea was picked up by Amund Skavhaug,
who started the CyberBike project in the late 80's. After being deffered
for some years, the CyberBike has again gained some attention. This
master's thesis is based on Hans Olav Loftum's and Lasse Bjermeland's
theses at the spring 2006 and the autumn project of John A. Fossum
the same year. The goal of the CyberBike project is to make the bike
work as intended, i.e. as an autonomous unmanned bicycle. This thesis
naturally share this goal, although the bike did not become able
to take its first autonomous trip within the thesis' time frame.
At the start of the work, the bike were already equipped with a suitcase
of computational hardware on its baggage rack, a small QNX Neutrino
OS image was installed on the industrial PC mounted in the suitcase,
and drivers for the installed motors, tachometers and potmeters were
written. An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) was intended to supply
the control system with the necessary information about rotation,
acceleration and position, and the unit was purchased for the purpose.
Also a driver was written, but not properly tested. The IMU had to
be installed and connected to the control system. The bike's control
theory was developed, but had never been put into action outside
computer simulations (due to the lack of acceleration measurements).
The various tasks that had to be addressed emerged as the development
process advanced. First, the IMU had to be connected to the system,
by making a signal tranceiver circuit. A small printed circuit board
was designed and laid out, mainly to include a MAX233CPP iC. Then
the DB-9 serial connector on the bikes single board computer (Wafer-9371A)
could be used to read the UART signal from the IMU as RS-232. Then
some testing had to be done, and drivers updated. A better and more
advanced IMU (referred to as the "MTi") was added to the project.
This unit needed no signal converting circuitry, but driver development
and testing still had to be done. To enhance the CyberBike's navigation
opportunities, a GPS module was purchased. A signal transceiving
circuit, similar to the one for the IMU, was made for this unit,
as well as software to read out the measurements from the device.
By the end of this thesis, no navigational algorithms are made, hence
the GPS is currently not used, but available for future efforts made
on this area. Some hardware related tasks was carried out, as connecting
and implementing functionality to the pendulum limit switches, installation
of a emergency stop switch and a power switch, purchasing and installation
of two 12V batteries and a cooling fan. An operating system upgrade
resulted in replacing the CyberBikePC's storage device, a compact
flash card, with a mobile hard disk drive. Installation of a motor,
for supplying torque to the rear wheel, included setup and tuning
of a hardware based velocity controller in a Baldor TFM 060-06-01-3
servo module. However; this task is not to be considered as accomplished,
due to some unsolved problems on the system I/O-card's output channels
giving the motor controller card its reference voltage. A bike model
and controller realized in Simulink was made by Bjermeland. Hence
communicaton between Simulink and the device drivers had to be established,
and this was realized by using S-functions and Real-Time Workshop.
Finally the controller could be connected to the actual bike, but
there was too little time left to explore this thoroughly, and make
the system work properly. However, a foundation is laid for further
development of the control strategy, hopefully storing a bright future
for the CyberBik},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Solvberg2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Solvberg2007},
file = {Solvberg2007.pdf:Solvberg2007.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering
pages = {159},
publisher = {Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk},
webpdf = {references-folder/Solvberg2007.pdf}
author = {Alessandro Saccon},
title = {Maneuver Regulation of Nonlinear Systems: The Challenge of Motorcycle
school = {Universit\'{a} Delgi Studi Di Padova},
year = {2006},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Saccon2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Saccon2006},
file = {Saccon2006.pdf:Saccon2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Saccon2006.pdf}
author = {Saccon, Alessandro and Hauser, John},
title = {An efficient Newton method for general motorcycle kinematics},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2009},
volume = {47},
pages = {221-241},
number = {2},
abstract = {This paper presents a detailed study of the kinematics of single-track
vehicles, with a special emphasis on motorcycles. We consider a general
class of tyre profiles as well as general vehicle geometry. We show
that the kinematic problem may be reduced to the problem of finding
the zero of a (single) nonlinear equation in the pitch angle which
may then be solved using a safeguarded Newton method, providing rapid
convergence. Special care, enabled by the systematic use of rotation
matrices, is taken to understand the range of pitch angles for which
all quantities in the equation are well defined. The paper provides
a fast and numerically reliable algorithm that can be used within
analysis tools such as those involving numerical integration of system
address = {325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA},
affiliation = {Saccon, A (Reprint Author), Univ Padua, Dipartimento Ingn Informaz,
Padua, Italy. {[}Saccon, Alessandro] Univ Padua, Dipartimento Ingn
Informaz, Padua, Italy. {[}Hauser, John] Univ Colorado, Dept Elect
\& Comp Engn, Boulder, CO 80309 USA.},
author-email = {[email protected]},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Saccon2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Saccon2009},
doc-delivery-number = {400ZJ},
doi = {10.1080/00423110801966108},
file = {Saccon2009.pdf:Saccon2009.pdf:PDF},
funding-acknowledgement = {Ducati Corse ; MSC Software },
funding-text = {We thank Professor Ruggero Frezza for interesting discussions on motorcycle
kinematics. This research was supported in part by Ducati Corse and
MSC Software.},
issn = {0042-3114},
journal-iso = {Veh. Syst. Dyn.},
keywords = {kinematics; motorcycle; bicycle; single-track vehicles; Newton method},
keywords-plus = {VEHICLES; DYNAMICS; PROFILE},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {10},
publisher = {TAYLOR \& FRANCIS INC},
subject-category = {Engineering, Mechanical},
times-cited = {0},
type = {Article},
unique-id = {ISI:000262907600005},
webpdf = {references-folder/Saccon2009.pdf}
author = {SAE},
title = {A Bibliography on Motorcycle Dynamics and Handling},
year = {1977},
note = {Prepared by the SAE Motorcycle Dynamics Subcommittee},
bib = {bibtex-keys#SAE1977},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#SAE1977},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Saguchi, Taichi and Takahashi, Masaki and Yoshida, Kazuo},
title = {Stable Running Control of Autonomous Bicycle Robot for Trajectory
Tracking Considering the Running Velocity(Mechanical Systems)},
journal = {Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C},
year = {2009},
volume = {75},
pages = {397-403},
number = {750},
abstract = {Many researchers have focused attention on a stability analysis and
a stabilization control of a bicycle as one of controlled objects,
because the bicycle is an unstable and nonlinear vehicle. A steering
wheel control is needed to stabilize the bicycle. Moreover, a velocity
of the bicycle can be controlled. Thereby, it is expected that the
change of the running velocity affects the stability of the bicycle.
In this study, the stabilization and trajectory tracking control
of the bicycle considering the running velocity is proposed in order
to improve the stability and the tracking performance. The simulations
are carried out to verify the performance of the control system and
the effectiveness of the change of the running velocity. From the
simulation results, it was confirmed that the tracking performance
and the stability against the disturbances are improved.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Saguchi2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Saguchi2009},
file = {Saguchi2009.pdf:Saguchi2009.pdf:PDF},
issn = {03875024},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Saguchi2009.pdf}
author = {Sakai, H.},
title = {Cornering Properties of Motorcycle Tires},
journal = {Journal SAE Japan},
year = {1967},
volume = {21},
pages = {1115--1121},
number = {11},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sakai1967},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sakai1967},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Dario D. Salvucci and Erwin R. Boer and Andrew Liu},
title = {Toward an Integrated Model of Driver Behavior in Cognitive Architecture},
journal = {Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research
year = {2001},
volume = {1779},
pages = {9--16},
abstract = {Driving is a multitasking activity that requires drivers to manage
their attention among various driving- and non-driving-related tasks.
When one models drivers as continuous controllers, the discrete nature
of drivers' control actions is lost and with it an important component
for characterizing behavioral variability. A proposal is made for
the use of cognitive architectures for developing models of driver
behavior that integrate cognitive and perceptual-motor processes
in a serial model of task and attention management. A cognitive architecture
is a computational framework that incorporates built-in, well-tested
parameters and constraints on cognitive and perceptual-motor processes.
All driver models implemented in a cognitive architecture necessarily
inherit these parameters and constraints, resulting in more predictive
and psychologically plausible models than those that do not characterize
driving as a multitasking activity. These benefits are demonstrated
with a driver model developed in the ACT-R cognitive architecture.
The model is validated by comparing its behavior to that of human
drivers navigating a four-lane highway with traffic in a fixed-based
driving simulator. Results show that the model successfully predicts
aspects of both lower-level control, such as steering and eye movements
during lane changes, and higher-level cognitive tasks, such as task
management and decision making. Many of these predictions are not
explicitly built into the model but come from the cognitive architecture
as a result of the model's implementation in the ACT-R architecture.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Salvucci2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Salvucci2001},
file = {Salvucci2001.pdf:Salvucci2001.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Salvucci2001.pdf}
author = {Savaresi, S. M. and Tanelli, M. and Langthaler, P. and Del Re, L.},
title = {New Regressors for the Direct Identification of Tire Deformation
in Road Vehicles Via "In-Tire" Accelerometers},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Dyn.},
year = {2008},
volume = {16},
pages = {769--780},
number = {4},
abstract = {The interaction between the tire and the road is crucial for determining
the dynamic behavior of a road vehicle, and the road-tire contact
forces are key variables in the design of traction, braking, and
stability control systems. Traditionally, road-tire contact forces
are indirectly estimated from vehicle-dynamics measurements (chassis
accelerations, yaw-roll rates, suspension deflections, etc.). The
emerging of the ldquosmart-tirerdquo concept (tire with embedded
sensors and digital-computing capability) has made possible, in principle,
a more direct estimation of contact forces. In this field - still
in its infancy - the main open problems are the choice of the sensor(s)
and the choice of the regressor(s) to be used for force estimation.
The objective of this work is to present a new sensor-regressor choice,
and to provide some preliminary experimental results, which confirm
the validity of this choice. The idea is to use a wheel encoder and
an accelerometer mounted directly in the tire. The measurement of
the in-tire acceleration is transmitted through a wireless channel.
The key innovative concept is to use the phase shift between the
wheel encoder and the pulse-like signals provided by the accelerometer
as the main regressor for force estimation.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Savaresi2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Savaresi2008},
doi = {10.1109/TCST.2007.912245},
file = {Savaresi2008.pdf:Savaresi2008.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1063-6536},
keywords = {accelerometers, road traffic, road vehicles, tyres, force estimation,
in-tire acceleration, in-tire accelerometers, phase shift, road vehicles,
road-tire contact forces, sensor-regressor choice, stability control
systems, tire deformation, vehicle-dynamics measurements, wireless
channel, yaw-roll rates, Road vehicles, identification, road vehicle
control, road vehicle identification, signal processing},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Savaresi2008.pdf}
author = {Michael W. Sayers},
title = {A Symoblic Computer Language For Multibody Systems},
journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics},
year = {1991},
volume = {14},
pages = {1153--1163},
number = {6},
month = {November},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sayers1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sayers1991},
file = {Sayers1991.pdf:Sayers1991.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sayers1991.pdf}
author = {Michael William Sayers},
title = {Symbolic Computer Methods to Automatically Formulate Vehicle Simulation
school = {The University of Michigan},
year = {1990},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sayers1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sayers1990},
file = {Sayers1990.pdf:Sayers1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.10.28},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sayers1990.pdf}
author = {Schmid, Micaela and Nardone, Antonio and De Nunzio, Alessandro Marco
and Schmid, Monica and Schieppati, Marco},
title = {Equilibrium during static and dynamic tasks in blind subjects: no
evidence of cross-modal plasticity},
journal = {Brain},
year = {2007},
volume = {130},
pages = {2097-2107},
number = {8},
abstract = {Can visual information be replaced by other sensory information in
the control of static and dynamic equilibrium? We investigated the
balancing behaviour of acquired and congenitally blind subjects (25
severe visually impaired subjects—15 males and 10 females, mean age
36 ± 13.5 SD) and age and gender-matched normal subjects under static
and dynamic conditions. During quiet stance, the centre of foot pressure
displacement was recorded and body sway analysed. Under dynamic conditions,
subjects rode a platform continuously moving in the antero-posterior
direction, with eyes open (EO) and closed (EC). Balance was inferred
by the movement of markers fixed on malleolus, hip and head. Amplitude
of oscillation and cross-correlation between body segment movements
were computed. During stance, in normal subjects body sway was larger
EC than EO. In blind subjects, sway was similar under both visual
conditions, in turn similar to normal subjects EC. Under dynamic
conditions, in normal subjects head and hip were partially stabilized
in space EO but translated as much as the platform EC. In blind subjects
head and hip displacements were similar in the EO and the EC condition;
with respect to normal subjects EC, body displacement was significantly
larger with a stronger coupling between segments. Under both static
and dynamic conditions, acquired and congenitally blind subjects
had a similar behaviour. We conclude that long-term absence of visual
information cannot be substituted by other sensory inputs. These
results are at variance with the notion of compensatory cross-modal
plasticity in blind subjects and strengthen the hypothesis that vision
plays an obligatory role in the processing and integration of other
sensory inputs for the selection of the balancing strategy in the
control of equilibrium.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schmid2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schmid2007},
doi = {10.1093/brain/awm157},
eprint = {},
file = {Schmid2007.pdf:Schmid2007.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schmid2007.pdf}
author = {Schneider, Stephen and Holdren, John P. and Bongaarts, John and Lovejoy,
Thomas and Rennie, John},
title = {Misleading Math about the Earth.},
journal = {Scientific American},
year = {2002},
volume = {286},
pages = {61--71},
number = {1},
month = {January},
abstract = {Science defends itself against The Skeptical Environmentalist},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schneider2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schneider2002},
issn = {00368733},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.04}
author = {A. L. Schwab and J. D. G. Kooijman},
title = {Lateral dynamics of a bicycle with passive rider model},
booktitle = {The 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics},
year = {2010},
address = {Lappeenranta, Finland},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwab2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwab2010},
file = {Schwab2010.pdf:Schwab2010.pdf:PDF},
review = {This is the work that Arend presented at the Delft conference in Oct
2010, but didn't write a paper on it. He creates two rider models
that do not add additional degrees of freedom to the system. The
mountain bike style model doesn't alter the open loop dynamics too
much, but the upright arm model does. This model is reflects the
kind of degrees of freedom we allows in our lateral perturbation
tests with the rider in a body cast. Arend's model is only valid
in the linear case. For some reason he designed it to have a locking
configuration in the nonlinear formulation.},
timestamp = {2011.12.12},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwab2010.pdf}
author = {A. L. Schwab and J. D. G. Kooijman},
title = {Controllability of a bicycle},
booktitle = {5th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010},
year = {2010},
address = {Kyoto, Japan},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwab2010a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwab2010a},
file = {Schwab2010a.pdf:Schwab2010a.pdf:PDF},
review = {Arend adds leaning degrees of freedom to his arm models and then asesses
them for controlability with respect to speed.},
timestamp = {2011.12.12},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwab2010a.pdf}
author = {A. L. Schwab and J. D. G. Kooijman and J. P. Meijaard},
title = {Some recent developments in bicycle dynamics and control},
booktitle = {Fourth European Conference on Structural Control (4ECSC)},
year = {2008},
editor = {A. K. Belyaev and D. A. Indeitsev},
pages = {695-702},
publisher = {Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy
of Sciences},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwab2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwab2008},
file = {Schwab2008.pdf:Schwab2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {schwab},
timestamp = {2008.12.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwab2008.pdf}
author = {Schwab, A. L. and Meijaard, J. P. and Kooijman, J. D.G.},
title = {Lateral dynamics of a bicycle with a passive rider model: stability
and controllability},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
abstract = { This paper addresses the influence of a passive rider on the lateral
dynamics of a bicycle model and the controllability of the bicycle
by steer or upper body sideway lean control. In the uncontrolled
model proposed by Whipple in 1899, the rider is assumed to be rigidly
connected to the rear frame of the bicycle and there are no hands
on the handlebar. Contrarily, in normal bicycling the arms of a rider
are connected to the handlebar and both steering and upper body rotations
can be used for control. From observations, two distinct rider postures
can be identified. In the first posture, the upper body leans forward
with the arms stretched to the handlebar and the upper body twists
while steering. In the second rider posture, the upper body is upright
and stays fixed with respect to the rear frame and the arms, hinged
at the shoulders and the elbows, exert the control force on the handlebar.
Models can be made where neither posture adds any degrees of freedom
to the original bicycle model. For both postures, the open loop,
or uncontrolled, dynamics of the bicycle–rider system is investigated
and compared with the dynamics of the rigid-rider model by examining
the eigenvalues and eigenmotions in the forward speed range 0–10 m/s.
The addition of the passive rider can dramatically change the eigenvalues
and their structure. The controllability of the bicycles with passive
rider models is investigated with either steer torque or upper body
lean torque as a control input. Although some forward speeds exist
for which the bicycle is uncontrollable, these are either considered
stable modes or are at very low speeds. From a practical point of
view, the bicycle is fully controllable either by steer torque or
by upper body lean, where steer torque control seems much easier
than upper body lean. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwab2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwab2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.610898},
eprint = {},
file = {Schwab2012.pdf:Schwab2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwab2012.pdf}
author = {A. L. Schwab and J. P. Meijaard and J. M. Papadopoulos},
booktitle = {ENOC},
year = {2005},
address = {Eindhoven, Netherlands},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwab2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwab2005},
file = {Schwab2005.pdf:Schwab2005.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwab2005.pdf}
author = {A. L. Schwab and J. P. Meijaard and J. M. Papadopoulos},
title = {Benchmark Results on the Linearized Equations of Motion of an Uncontrolled
journal = {KSME International Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology},
year = {2005},
volume = {19},
pages = {292--304},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwab2005a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwab2005a},
file = {Schwab2005a.pdf:Schwab2005a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwab2005a.pdf}
author = {A. L. Schwab and J. P. Meijaard and J. M. Papadopoulos},
title = {Benchmark Results on the Linearized Equations of Motion of an Uncontrolled
booktitle = {Proceedings of The Second Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics},
year = {2004},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwab2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwab2004},
file = {Schwab2004.pdf:Schwab2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwab2004.pdf}
author = {Robert Schwarz},
title = {Accident Avoidance Characteristics of Unconventional Motorcycle Configurations},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1979},
note = {SAE Paper 790258},
abstract = {This paper presents the results of a program investigating the potential
of unconventional motorcycle configurations for improved accident
avoidance performance. Stability and obstacle avoidance characteristics
were investigated analytically using mathematical models of both
the uncontrolled and rider-controlled motorcycle. An analysis was
also performed of the sensitivity of the optimum front-rear brake
proportioning to road surface conditions and lateral acceleration.
The results indicate that a low center of gravity, long wheelbase
configuration has advantages in the moderate-to-high speed regime
in terms of the margin of safety in performing an obstacle avoidance
maneuver, and rider skill level required in braking. These advantages
accrue at the expense of low speed maneuverability and controllability,
and weight and overall complexity of the machine.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwarz1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwarz1979},
file = {Schwarz1979.pdf:Schwarz1979.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Schwarz1979.pdf}
author = {R. Schwarz},
title = {Advanced motorcycle handling and dynamics},
institution = {U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety
year = {1979},
number = {DOT HS-804 910.},
note = {South Coast Technology, Incorporated},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schwarz1979a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schwarz1979a},
review = {They have this on micro film at the UCD library.},
timestamp = {2012.02.06}
author = {T. F. Schweers and D. Remde},
title = {Objective Assessment of Motorcycle Manoeuvrability},
institution = {Institute for Automotive Engineering},
year = {1990},
number = {93-1551},
address = {Technical University Aachen},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Schweers1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Schweers1990},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {K. A. Seffen and G. T. Parks and P. J. Clarkson},
title = {Observations on the controllability of motion of two-wheelers},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Institute of Mechincal Engineers},
year = {2001},
volume = {215},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Seffen2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Seffen2001},
file = {Seffen2001.pdf:Seffen2001.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Does some parameter studies with Sharps model with respect to controllability
of the system.
Comes up with a controlability index for level of rideability.
Varies trail and spin moment of inertia.
Claims gyroscopic effects do not effect controlability},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Seffen2001.pdf}
author = {Segel, L.},
title = {Requirements for Describing the Mechanics of Tires Used on Single-Track
booktitle = {IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Railway Tracks},
year = {1975},
address = {Delft},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Segel1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Segel1975},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Shaeri, A. and Limebeer, D.J.N. and Sharp, R.S.},
title = {Nonlinear steering oscillations of motorcycles},
booktitle = {Decision and Control, 2004. CDC. 43rd IEEE Conference on},
year = {2004},
volume = {1},
pages = {773-778 Vol.1},
month = {December},
abstract = {Extensive prior modelling of the three dimensional motions of motorcycles,
which has depended heavily on linearization for small perturbations
from equilibrium "trim" states, is extended to cover large amplitude,
nonlinear operating regimes. For a cornering machine, road undulation
displacement forcing is shown to be capable of exciting subharmonic
and superharmonic responses. A procedure for identifying particular
operating conditions that may be expected to yield internal or combination
resonances for a baseline modern machine/rider combination is devised.
Interesting cases are examined by simulation and the results analysed
using short time Fourier transform processing of the output signals.
Internal and combination resonances are shown to occur under specially
chosen circumstances. A procedure for choosing these special circumstances
is described. Some practical implications are also considered.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Shaeri2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Shaeri2004},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2004.1428756},
file = {Shaeri2004.pdf:Shaeri2004.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0191-2216},
keywords = {Fourier transforms, motorcycles, nonlinear control systems, position
controlFourier transform processing, motorcycle, nonlinear steering
oscillation, road undulation displacement, superharmonic response},
webpdf = {references-folder/Shaeri2004.pdf}
author = {Sharma, H.D. and Kale, S.M. and UmaShankar, N.},
title = {Simulation model for studying inherent stability characteristics
of autonomous bicycle},
booktitle = {Mechatronics and Automation, 2005 IEEE International Conference},
year = {2005},
volume = {1},
pages = { 193-198 Vol. 1},
month = {July-1 Aug.},
abstract = { An autonomous bicycle system modeled with a passive rider is simulated
in MATLAB-SIMULINK and the stabilizing phenomenon is studied using
simulation experiments. The model uses a practical bicycle's data
set, being used for the experiment. It has been verified, using variety
of constraints on lean & steer that the inherent stability is better
at high-speeds w.r.t. steering oscillations, and at low speeds the
high steering oscillations add to stabilize it. Also a range of velocities
is found for which the bicycle remains self-stable. The intrinsic
stability property of the bicycle is revealed effectively in this
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharma2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharma2005},
file = {Sharma2005.pdf:Sharma2005.pdf:PDF},
keywords = { bicycles, mathematics computing, mobile robots, stability, steering
systems MATLAB-SIMULINK, autonomous bicycle, inherent stability characteristics,
lean, steering oscillations},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharma2005.pdf}
author = {Sharma, Himanshu Dutt and N, UmaShankar},
title = {A Fuzzy Controller Design for an Autonomous Bicycle System},
booktitle = {Engineering of Intelligent Systems, 2006 IEEE International Conference
year = {2006},
pages = {1-6},
address = {Islamabad},
month = {April},
abstract = {An intelligent controller is developed for stabilizing an autonomous
bicycle system. The autonomous bicycle is stabilized by controlling
its lean alone. The controller is developed using fuzzy logic approach
wherein the rule set is designed using the inherent-characteristic
relationship of lean and steer present in a bicycle. The Newtonian
mechanics based bicycle model along with the controller is simulated
in Matlab. The controller is simulated to actuate at constant time
intervals and the simulation results confirm that the controller
effort successfully stabilizes the bicycle in unstable velocity regions},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharma2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharma2006},
doi = {10.1109/ICEIS.2006.1703218},
file = {Sharma2006.pdf:Sharma2006.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Newton method, bicycles, control system synthesis, fuzzy control,
fuzzy logic, intelligent control, mobile robots, stabilityMatlab,
Newtonian mechanics, autonomous bicycle system, fuzzy controller
design, fuzzy logic, inherent-characteristic relationship, intelligent
controller, stability},
owner = {luke},
review = {They use fuzzy logic baed on the steer/roll relationship in a bicycle
to stabilize the roll angel of the bicycle. Their bicycle model is
a second order system only in lean (they assume steer is propotional
to lean to reduce it to one variable). They feedback lean angle and
steer angle and develop fuzzy rules to pick a lean correction based
on those rules. They show simulations of the controller stablizing
the lean angle at various speeds, but the outputs are very erractic
with sharp peaks that don't seem like it would be a good "real" controller.},
timestamp = {2009.11.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharma2006.pdf}
author = {Robin Sharp},
title = {Slip and Pitch},
journal = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine},
year = {2006},
pages = {111--115},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2006},
file = {Sharp2006.pdf:Sharp2006.pdf:PDF},
review = {A review of Dean Karnopp's Vehicle Stability book.},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2006.pdf}
author = {R.S. Sharp},
title = {Design for good motorcycle handling qualities},
booktitle = {Proc. SETC 1997},
year = {1997},
pages = {359--366},
address = {Yokohama},
organization = {SAE of Japan},
note = {paper invited by Japan Society of Automotive Engineers},
abstract = {An overview of the handling qualities of motorcycles is given. Firstly,
the problems are discussed from a practical standpoint with reference
to responses to steering control inputs, to self-excited oscillations
arising from instabilities and to motions caused by road irregularities.
The theoretical basis for understanding the behaviour is then outlined,
with sections on the analysis problem itself, on small perturbations
from straight running, on small perturbations from steady turning
and on general motions. The need for advanced, automated approaches
to modelling is stressed and relationships between design and operating
conditions and steering behaviour are described. A brief account
of experimental work on motorcycle steering responses is included
and conclusions are drawn relating to motorcycle design issues.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1997},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {R.S. Sharp},
title = {The measurement of mass and inertial properties of vehicles and components},
booktitle = {Automotive Vehicle Technologies, Autotech 1997, Mech. Eng. Publ.},
year = {1997},
pages = {209--217},
address = {Bury St Edmunds},
abstract = {A special facility for the measurement of the mass centre location
and the inertial properties of general rigid bodies ranging in mass
from about 100 kg to 2500 kg is described. It is based on a large
hemispherical air bearing mounted on a garage hydraulic lift, together
with a selection of purpose built components, which allow the rig
to be reconfigured quite quickly.
Data acquisition and computations are automated in a PC based system.
A long established test procedure, based on the assumption that the
test body has a plane of symmetry, has been extended recently to
generalise the period measurement process. In the new procedure,
a set of different reference directions is used for data acquisition,
following which computer analysis involving eigenvalue determination
can be employed to find principal axes and principal inertias for
objects without symmetry. The paper describes the facility and its
use and includes the theory of the general body problem. Examples
of results obtained are given. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1997b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1997b},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
chapter = {Vehicle dynamics and the judgement of quality},
pages = {87-96},
title = {Vehicle Performance: Understanding Human Monitoring and Assessment},
publisher = {Swets and Zeitlinger B. V.},
year = {1999},
editor = {J. P. Pauwelussen},
author = {R. S. Sharp},
address = {Lisse},
abstract = {The paper is concerned with the objective specification of required
vehicle dynamics qualities, in such a way that meeting the objectives
specified will guarantee good subjective reaction to those aspects
of the vehicle behaviour which are within the envelope of concern.
Two basic types of vehicle dynamics problems are distinguished, one
being essentially a machine problem while the other is distinctly
a man-machine problem. The current status of quality judging is outlined
and its shortcomings are exposed. The basic nature of the driving
activity is discussed and a framework for the specification of what
is required of the vehicle to be most amenable to the needs of the
man is put forward. This leads to some ideas about research directions
and improved industrial practices for the future. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1999a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1999a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Sharp, R. S.},
title = {Rider control of a motorcycle near to its cornering limits},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
volume = {0},
pages = {1-16},
number = {0},
abstract = { Optimal linear quadratic control theory is applied to longitudinal
and lateral control of a high-performance motorcycle. Central to
the story is the use of sufficient preview of the road to obtain
the full benefit available from it. The focus is on effective control
near to the cornering limits of the machine, and gain scheduling
according to speed and lateral acceleration is employed to ensure
that the linear controller used at any time is the most appropriate
to the running conditions. The motorcycle model employed and the
control theory background are described briefly. Selected optimal
controls and closed-loop system frequency responses are illustrated.
Path-tracking simulations are discussed and results are shown. Excellent
machine control near to the feasible cornering limit is demonstrated.
Further work is needed to provide similarly excellent control under
limit braking. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.607899},
eprint = {},
file = {Sharp2012.pdf:Sharp2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2012.pdf}
chapter = {Dynamics of Motorcycles: Stability and Control},
pages = {183-230},
title = {Dynamical Analysis of Vehicle Systems},
publisher = {Springer Vienna},
year = {2008},
author = {Robin S. Sharp},
volume = {497},
series = {CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2008},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-211-76666-8},
file = {Sharp2008.pdf:Sharp2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2008.pdf}
author = {Robin S. Sharp},
title = {On the Stability and Control of the Bicycle},
journal = {Applied Mechanics Reviews},
year = {2008},
volume = {61},
pages = {24},
number = {6},
month = {November},
abstract = {After some brief history, a mathematical model of a bicycle that has
become a benchmark is described. The symbolic equations of motion
of the bicycle are given in two forms and the equations are interpreted,
with special reference to stability. The mechanics of autostabilization
are discussed in detail. The relationship between design and behavior
is shown to be heavily speed-dependent and complex. Using optimal
linear preview control theory, rider control of the bicycle is studied.
It is shown that steering control by an optimal rider, especially
at low speeds, is powerful in comparison with a bicycle’s selfsteering.
This observation leads to the expectation that riders will be insensitive
to variations in design, as has been observed in practice. Optimal
preview speed control is also demonstrated. Extensions to the basic
treatment of bicycle dynamics in the benchmark case are considered
so that the modeling includes more realistic representations of tires,
frames, and riders. The implications for stability predictions are
discussed and it is shown that the moderate-speed behavior is altered
little by the elaborations. Rider control theory is applied to the
most realistic of the models considered and the results indicate
a strong similarity between the benchmark case and the complex one,
where they are directly comparable. In the complex case, steering
control by rider-lean-torque is feasible and the results indicate
that, when this is combined with steer-torque control, it is completely
secondary. When only rider-lean-torque control is possible, extended
preview is necessary, high-gain control is required, and the controls
are relatively complex. Much that is known about the stability and
control of bicycles is collected and explained, together with new
material relating to modeling accuracy, bicycle design, and rider
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2008a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2008a},
doi = {10.1115/1.2983014},
file = {Sharp2008a.pdf:Sharp2008a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - Robin Sharp used the benchmark bicycle model and an LQR controller
with preview to make a bicycle track a 4 meter lane change at 6 m/s.
During this manuever, the steer toque ranged from about -1 to 1 Nm.
He also showed a very fine steer torque variation in the range of
0 to 0.0025 Nm about 10 meters before the start of the lane change.
Interesting to note that the steer rate gain is relatively very small
compared to the steer angle, roll angle and roll rate gains, for
pretty much all speeds. Seems to be true for tight, medium and loose
He writes the characteristic equation of the Whipple model as an analytic
quartic polynomial. Where he's reduced the number of parameters with
a gyrostat formulation and even talks about reduced parameter space
using Buckingham's pi theorem.
Why doesn't he calculate the eigenvalues at zero speed?
He points out that there is a proper distinction between steer angle
and steer torque when talking about countersteering. In Limebeer2006,
he talks about the two steer torque interpretations: the first being
the initially opposite steer torque application and the secon is
a high speed phenomna were you have to reverse the initial torque
to maintain a steady turn. I'm not sure what happens with the steer
angle in these two cases.
He says that rider control of a fixed steering bicycle is not theorectically
Bicycle design has little influence over controllability. He claims
this because at slow speeds the control action of the rider is much
stronger that the auto control provided by the bicycle.
Fig 16 shows steer angle as the small magnitude. Here he shows a tiny
counter steer torque in the lane change.
He shows that acceleration/deceleration and tire crown radius after
the open loop poles a lot. Sometimes removing the autostable region.
He adds a tire model with tire width, side slip and relaxation. The
tire width doesn't seem to change things much but the side slip affects
the higher speed weave mode.
Rider compliance with stiffness and damping on a leaning rider affect
the higher speed weave mode, but don't affect the low speed weave
mode much.
Gains for steer torque control are much the same regardless if there
is rider lean control involved too. The rider lean torque gains are
relatively small when both controls are allowed. High gains are needed
for low speed rider lean torque only control.
The gain magintudes are basically ordered as follows with the first
having the highest magnitudes for the loose control:
roll angle and roll rate
rider lean angle and lean rate, frame twist angle
steer angle
steer rate and frame twist rate
Figures 27-30 might be labled wrong as they should related to different
q1 values and control authority.
Rider lean torque control requires three times the preview for equal
control weighting.
His cost function is based on minimizing the error in the path for
a finite amount of preview times and minimizing the control power.},
timestamp = {2008.10.28},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2008a.pdf}
author = {Sharp, Robin S.},
title = {Motorcycle Steering Control by Road Preview},
journal = { Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {2007},
volume = {129},
pages = {373-382},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2007},
file = {Sharp2007.pdf:Sharp2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - The objective of this work was to derive and control scheme
that somewhat represents what a motorcycle rider does which is both
simple and effective. SImplicity for computation's sake and effectiveness
concerning how well the controller does what it is told to do. He
uses steer torque and rider lean torque to control their pretty complicated
multi-DoF motorcyle model by means of a LQR regulator with the addition
of preview. He primarily looks into the preview aspect of the controller
and determines optimal preview distances for various weigthings in
the LQR.
- his LQR is set up to minimize a weighted sum of tracking errors,
rider lean angle and control power
- the inputs are rider lean torque and steer torque
- the control model is based of of muti-point preview car control
- without preview the controllers seem to require unrealistically
high bandwidth
- he cites Frezza on pg 374 as making an effective motorcycle controller
- the commercial product BikeSim includes a gain scheduled PID controller
with single point preview
- the standard LQR formulation is used along with a body fixed coordinate
system that works well with path tracking (even complex paths) and
small angle linearization
- the preview is setup to view as if you are the motorcyle
- the MATLAB DLSIM function is used with a discrete model
- he uses a Magic Forumula for the tire models based on Pacjecka that
must be adopted to motorcycle tires
- the controller includes a PI controller to maintain constant speed
- claims to symboliccaly linearize a nonlinear model
- the control weightings are for steer torque and lean torque. the
state weightings are for absolute lean angle, relative lean angle,
and the tracking error
- zero preview gains show that no preview is needed for optimal control
- he says he uses the appropriate linear trim state based on nonlin
simulations for the linear model and uses these sims to make decisions
about LQR weightings
- he doesn't show an about the LQR gains, but says that roll angle
and frame twist angle gains are the highest
- he setups up models with tight and loose control with steer torque
alone and steer torque plus rider lean torque.
- he plots the preview gains versus preview distance for various speeds
and control weightings
- he shows that the necessary preview distance increases significantly
with speed and that more preview is needed than with an automobile
- the max preview gains shows which preview distance provides the
most useful info...these change depending on tight or loose control
- he claims that we control the motorcycle at the weave freq at high
speeds...but we haven't necessarily seen this with bicycles
- even when rider lean torque is added and even weighted more, the
model doesn't change the steer torque behavior. i would intuitively
think that if you had rider lean torque available to use, then you
would reduce the control by steer, but this doesn't seem to be the
- he shows in Figs 7,8 that require preview distance only changes
at high speeds for tight controls, not loose controls
- the final section simulates a lane change and S-turn manuevers for
various control weightings
- he finds that trackin performance is not imporved by adding lean
torque control and even when wieghting it higher
- there are some nice input and state plots for the manuevers that
can be compared qualitatively to measurements
- he says that body lean torque as control is ineffective pg 379
- the S-turn manuever really pushed the tight controller and cause
50 deg roll angles, but Sharp claims the linear tire models were
still valid in this non-linear region
- his tight contoller show steer torques up to 60 N-m, lean torques
up to 100 N-m, roll angles up to 20 degs, and steer angles up to
10 degs
- he gets identical path tracking with only steer torque input compared
to steer and lean
- says rider's no-steering movements contribute only in a passive
- i wonder how he define's control power? he minimizes over this
Robin Sharp uses a multi-degree of freedom motorcycle model and an
LQR controller with preview to control a motorcycle moving at 30
m/s through a 4 meter lane change and a 250 meter S-turn. For the
lane change he gets torques ranging from about -20 Nm to 55 Nm for
a more aggressive control and -4 to 6 Nm for less aggressive control.
The S-turn gives torques from -40 Nm to 70 Nm with a sharp peak in
torque in the middle of the S-turn.},
timestamp = {2009.02.07},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2007.pdf}
author = {Sharp, Robin S.},
title = {Optimal stabilization and path-following controls for a bicycle.},
journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part C
-- Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science},
year = {2007},
volume = {221},
pages = {415--427},
number = {4},
month = {April},
abstract = {The article is about stabilizing and path-tracking control of a bicycle
by a rider. It is based on previously published work, in which it
has been shown how a driver's or rider's preview of the roadway can
be combined with the linear dynamics of an appropriate vehicle to
yield a problem of discrete-time optimal-linear-control-theory form.
In the previous work, it was shown how an optimal 'driver' converts
path preview sample values, modelled as deriving from a Gaussian
white-noise process, into steering control inputs to cause the vehicle
to follow the previewed path. The control compromises between precision
and ease, to an extent that is controllable through choice of weights
in the optimal control calculations.\\Research into the dynamics
of bicycles has yielded a benchmark model, with equations of motion
firmly established by extensive cross-checking. Model predictions
have been verified for modest speeds by experimental testing. The
established optimal linear preview stabilizing and tracking control
theory is now brought together with the benchmark bicycle description
to yield optimal controls for the bicycle for variations in speed
and performance objectives. The resulting controls are installed
in the bicycle, giving a virtual rider-controlled system, and frequency
responses of the rider-controlled system are calculated to demonstrate
tracking capability. Then path-tracking simulations are used to illustrate
the behaviour of the controlled system. Tight and loose controls,
representing different balances between tracking accuracy and control
effort, are calculated and illustrated through the simulations.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2007a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2007a},
file = {Sharp2007a.pdf:Sharp2007a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {09544062},
keywords = {bicycles, stability, linear control systems, mechanical engineering,
engineering, bicycle, optimal control, preview, riding, stability,
owner = {Luke},
review = {JKM - Robin Sharp uses the benchmark bicycle model and an LQR controller
with preview to follow a randomly generated path that has about 2
meter lateral deviations. The bicycle is traveling at 10 m/s on a
randomly generated path that varies laterally +/- 2 m and the steer
torque ranges from about -15 to 15 Nm. Medium control reduces the
torques to under +/- 10 Nm. Straight line to circle path maneuvers
show torques ranging from -0.5 to 0.5 Nm for loose controls and -2.5
to 2.5 for medium controls.
He made 20\% changes in each of the benchmark bicycle parameters and
calculated the gains for the model. It turned out that little change
in gains occured for variation in design parameters. He says that
corresponds to the idea that most all bicycles are rideable regardless
of their parameters.
Fig 16 shows that the roll angle is at least 3 * the steer angle.
That seems opposite than what it should be.},
timestamp = {2009.03.01},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2007a.pdf}
author = {Sharp, Robin S.},
title = {Stability, Control and Steering Responses of Motorcycles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2001},
volume = {35},
pages = {291--318},
number = {4--5},
month = {March},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2001a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2001a},
doi = {10.1076/vesd.},
file = {Sharp2001a.pdf:Sharp2001a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {Taylor \& Francis Ltd.},
review = {Forward speed control with PI on the speed error to control rear wheel
torque. Gains chosen by trial and error. The roll angle is stablized
with a PID on the roll angle error with respect to a reference which
controls steering torque. Also tuned by trial and error. High roll
angles at low speeds making the manual tuning difficult to get a
stable model.},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2001a.pdf}
author = {R. S. Sharp},
title = {Multibody dynamics applications in vehicle engineering},
booktitle = {I. Mech. E. Conference Transactions},
year = {1998},
pages = {215-228},
address = {London},
publisher = {Professional Engineering Publishers},
note = {invited keynote paper for Multibody Dynamics: New Techniques and
abstract = {The paper includes discussion of the implications of modern multibody
systems analysis methods and computer software for vehicle dynamics.
The different points of view and interests of users are considered,
together with appropriate strategies for organising relevant activities.
The main dynamical foundations for commercially available software
systems are explained briefly and their implications are mentioned.
The immense differences in speed of simulation between systems with
different fundamental multibody strategies are exposed. Other customer
requirements from software suppliers are noted. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1998},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {R. S. Sharp},
title = {Motorcycle wobble and weave},
booktitle = {ITAI Conference},
year = {1997},
address = {Telford},
note = {paper invited by Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators},
abstract = {Motorcycle and rider are considered as a man-machine system and the
skills needed to control a motorcycle successfully are discussed.
The vibration problems wobble and weave are described and they are
placed in the context of system dynamics through considerations of
resonance and damping factors of natural modes of motion. How the
rider may interact with the vibrations is discussed and machine design
parameters which are influential on the stability are highlighted.
How to investigate an accident, after the event, is considered also.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1997a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1997a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {R. S. Sharp},
title = {Use of the symbolic multibody modelling code AUTOSIM for vehicle
year = {1997},
pages = {189--197},
address = {Bury St Edmunds},
abstract = {Large three dimensional multibody model building and simulation systems
have become commonplace in the automotive industry but there are
small, modular alternatives to the market dominant systems, having
a substantially different philosophy. AUTOSIM is a module in such
an alternative arrangement, forming only a part of a fully functioning
simulation system, which “writes” simulation code for C or FORTRAN
compilation or linearises system equations and “writes” MATLAB.M
code. These outputs are fully documented and ready to use, as if
they had been written by hand with great skill and diligence. Thus,
FORTRAN code needs compiling, linking to appropriate libraries, running
and post-processing (graphics, animation etc.). MATLAB.M files need
loading and processing through MATLAB functions (eigenvalues, frequency
responses, optimisation etc.). It follows that, once the software
has been used to build a model, the model becomes independent of
AUTOSIM and is completely accessible, as if it were hand-written.
One installation can serve many users.
The paper describes what AUTOSIM is, what it is like to use and what
skills are needed to use it and it demonstrates the forms in which
results can be obtained. Model building in a vehicle dynamics context
is illustrated by a detailed account of a three dimensional suspension
kinematics analysis. Significant sections of the code and of the
FORTRAN program written automatically are described. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1997c},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1997c},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Robin S. Sharp},
title = {Vibrational modes of motorcycles and their design parameter sensitivities},
booktitle = {Proc. Int Conf. Vehicle NVH Refinement},
year = {1994},
pages = {3--5},
address = {Birmingham},
month = {May},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1994},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25}
author = {Sharp, R. S.},
title = {Motorcycle Stability},
journal = {Automotive Engineer},
year = {1992},
volume = {17},
pages = {25},
number = {6},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1992},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Robin S. Sharp},
title = {The lateral dynamics of motorcycles and bicycles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1985},
volume = {14},
pages = {265–283},
number = {6},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1985},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1985},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25}
author = {Robin S. Sharp},
title = {The influence of the suspension system on motorcycle weave-mode oscillations},
journal = {Vehicle Syst. Dyn.},
year = {1976},
volume = {5},
pages = {147–154},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1976},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25}
author = {Robin S. Sharp},
title = {The stability of motorcycles in acceleration and deceleration},
booktitle = {Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Conf. Braking Road Vehicles},
year = {1976},
pages = {45–50},
address = {London},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1976a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1976a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25}
author = {Sharp, Robin S.},
title = {The Dynamics of Single Track Vehicles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics
and Mobility},
year = {1975},
volume = {5},
pages = {67--77},
number = {1},
abstract = {The paper contains a brief review of the more subjective aspects of
the steering behaviour of single track vehicles, a review of the
more significant published work in the field, and an assessment of
the current state of understanding and likely ways in which further
progress can be made
Attention is drawn to the many areas of agreement between theory and
practice and to some areas of disagreement. The greatest need now
seems to be for the incorporation of more complex tyre models into
vehicle handling models.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1975},
file = {Sharp1975.pdf:Sharp1975.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Detailed description of the classic weave, wobble, and capsize modes.},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp1975.pdf}
author = {Robin S. Sharp},
title = {The influence of frame flexibility on the lateral stability of motorcycles},
journal = {J. Mech. Eng. Sci.},
year = {1974},
volume = {16},
pages = {117–120},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1974},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25}
author = {Sharp, Robin S.},
title = {Stability and Control of Motorcycles},
journal = {Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science},
year = {1971},
volume = {13},
pages = {316--329},
number = {5},
address = {Northgate Avenue, Bury St. Edmunds IP32 6BW, Suffolk, England},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1971},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1971},
doc-delivery-number = {K5001},
file = {Sharp1971.pdf:Sharp1971.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0022-2542},
language = {English},
number-of-cited-references = {14},
owner = {Luke},
review = {JKM
Shows the classic eigenvalue plot, probably one of the earlier ones.
He reports steady turn steering torques from -25 n-m to 2.35 n-m.
These are all for the either 10 deg of roll angle or 10 deg of steer
angle and 30 different parameter sets for speeds of 10 ft/s to 160
DLP -- Sharp presents numerical results for 30 different variations
of his standard motorcycle model. His model is similar to the Meijaard
model in that it includes knife-edged wheels and a rigidly attached
rider, but it differs by including a tire model which allows for
lateral side-slip (and also encompasses the relaxation length of
the tire), a rotating engine flywheel, and a steering damper. He
also presents steady turning steer torques for some of the 30 variations
of the standard model, for various speeds, at what he calls Q=10
degrees, presumable this refers to the steer angle, but I'm not completely
sure on this because Q isn't the symbol he uses for steer angle,
roll angle, and it isn't mentioned in the discussion or in the list
of notation.\\
He refers to two different types of control: fixed and free. By free
control, I presume what he means is uncontrolled, and he makes the
statement that "In the case of the motorcycle, the free control behaviour
would appear to be relatively much more important, since the very
small steer angles normally employed would make fixed control difficult,
...". I'm not clear on what he means by fixed control, but from Figure
8 and his discussion of it on page 324, it would seem that he is
fixing the steer angle at zero and looking at the stability of the
system under this condition.\\
Table 1 presents the capsize mode damping coefficients, Tables 2 and
3 presents the weave and wobble mode damping coefficients and circular
frequencies. I'm a bit confused about presenting damping coefficient
instead of damping ratio. It seems like he would also need to mention
the mass term or the stiffness term in order to be able to calculate
the damping ratio, further, I'm not exactly clear on exactly which
equations this damping coefficient would be arising from, he doesn't
state this information explicitly. It is also a bit confusing because
a number of these damping coeffiencients in his tables are negative,
not sure what this means, since typically the damping coefficient
is positive.
One interesting thing he points out that the wobble mode is 'almost
independent of forward speed', which is in sharp contrast with the
other modes.
His tire model includes a relaxation length of 0.8ft, and this figure
was obtained from the work of Labarre and Mills experimentally measurement
of a 2.25" section, 12.5" diameter tire. This model of a the tire
side forces essentially assumes that the tire side forces lag the
steady state force predicted by a the sideslip model through a first
order delay. We should read the 1991 paper by Sharp and Pacejka to
further understand what sort of tire model we may want to include
in our bike models.},
subject-category = {Engineering, Mechanical},
times-cited = {85},
timestamp = {2009.03.01},
type = {Article},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp1971.pdf}
author = {Sharp, R. S. and Alstead, C. J.},
title = {The influence of structural flexibilities on the straight-running
stability of motorcycles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1980},
volume = {9},
pages = {327--357},
number = {6},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1980},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1980},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {R. S. Sharp and Simos Evangelou and David J. N. Limebeer},
title = {Advances in the modelling of motorcycle dynamics},
journal = {Multibody Sytem Dynamics},
year = {2004},
volume = {12},
pages = {251--283},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2004},
file = {Sharp2004.pdf:Sharp2004.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2004.pdf}
author = {Robin S. Sharp and David J. N. Limebeer},
title = {On steering wobble oscillations of motorcycles},
journal = {Journal Mechanical Engineer Science},
year = {2004},
volume = {218},
pages = {1449-–1456},
number = {12},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2004a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2004a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.25}
author = {Robin S. Sharp and David J. N. Limebeer},
title = {A motorcycle model for stability and control analysis},
journal = {Multibody Syst. Dyn.},
year = {2001},
volume = {6},
pages = {123--142},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp2001},
file = {Sharp2001.pdf:Sharp2001.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They claim to symbolically linearize from fully non-linear equations:
pg 125 ". It should be noted that AutoSim’s linearisation of the
non-linear equations of
motion is symbolic and completely general. It is possible to determine
the nonlinear steady turning equilibrium state and all the parameters
required to describe fully a small perturbation dynamics problem."
This comes vebatim from Sharp1999 (Self plagarism and copyright infringement!!)},
timestamp = {2009.09.25},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp2001.pdf}
author = {Robin S. Sharp and David J. N. Limebeer and M. Gani},
title = {A motorcycle model for stability and control analysis},
booktitle = {Proc. Euromech Colloquium 404, Advances Computational Multibody Dynamics},
year = {1999},
pages = {287--312},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sharp1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sharp1999},
file = {Sharp1999.pdf:Sharp1999.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {"It should be noted that AutoSim’s linearisation of the non-linear
equations of motion is symbolic and completely general."
He details the developement of the motorcycle model using AutoSim.},
timestamp = {2009.09.25},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sharp1999.pdf}
author = {Sheets, A. L. and M. Hubbard},
title = {Evaluation of a subject specific female gymnast model and simulation
of an uneven parallel bar swing},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {2008},
volume = {41},
pages = {3139-3144},
number = {15},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sheets2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sheets2008},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
title = {Man-Machine Systems},
publisher = {MIT Press},
year = {1974},
author = {Thomas B. Sheridan and William R. Ferrell},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sheridan1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sheridan1974},
chapter = {8},
file = {Sheridan1974.pdf:Sheridan1974.pdf:PDF},
review = {This has some manual control stuff and he talks about van Lunteren
and Stassen's work and goes over it in detail on the parameter estimation.},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sheridan1974.pdf}
author = {Jonathon Shlens},
title = {A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis},
institution = {University of California, San Diego},
year = {2005},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Shlens2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Shlens2005},
file = {Shlens2005.pdf:Shlens2005.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Shlens2005.pdf}
author = {J. R. van Sickle Jr. and M.L. Hull},
title = {Is economy of competitive cyclists affected by the anterior-posterior
foot position on the pedal?},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {2007},
volume = {40},
pages = {1262 - 1267},
number = {6},
abstract = {The primary purpose of this investigation was to test the hypothesis
that cycling economy, as measured by rate of oxygen consumption in
healthy, young, competitive cyclists pedaling at a constant workrate,
increases (i.e. decreases) when the attachment point of the foot
to the pedal is moved posteriorly on the foot. The of 11 competitive
cyclists (age 26.8±8.9 years) was evaluated on three separate days
with three anterior-posterior attachment points of the foot to the
pedal (forward=traditional; rear=cleat halfway between the head of
the first metatarsal and the posterior end of the calcaneous; and
mid=halfway between the rear and forward positions) on each day.
With a randomly selected foot position, was measured as each cyclist
pedaled at steady state with a cadence of 90 rpm and with a power
output corresponding to approximately 90\% of their ventilatory threshold
(VT) (mean power output 203.3±20.8 W). After heart rate returned
to baseline, was measured again as the subject pedaled with a different
anterior-posterior foot position, followed by another rest period
and then was measured at the final foot position. The key finding
of this investigation was that was not affected by the anterior-posterior
foot position either for the group (p=0.311) or for any individual
subject (p[greater-or-equal, slanted]0.156). The for the group was
2705±324, 2696±337, and 2747±297 ml/min for the forward, mid,
and rear foot positions, respectively. The practical implication
of these findings is that adjusting the anterior-posterior foot position
on the pedal does not affect cycling economy in competitive cyclists
pedaling at a steady-state power output eliciting approximately 90\%
of VT.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sickle2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sickle2007},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2006.05.026},
file = {Sickle2007.pdf:Sickle2007.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
keywords = {Economy},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sickle2007.pdf}
author = {Digvijai Singh},
title = {Advanced Concepts of the Stability of Two-Wheeled Vehicles: Application
of Mathematical Analysis to Actual Vehicles},
school = {University of Wisconsin},
year = {1964},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Singh1964},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Singh1964},
file = {Singh1964.pdf:Singh1964.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Instruments a motorcycle. The motorcycle had variable front end geometry.
Varialble head angle. They measured steer angle with a potentiometer
that worked with the adjustable front end geometry. They attempted
to measure roll angle with an accelerometer, but it didn't work because
of the other accelarations. Then they tried a gyroscope, but had
problems with it retaining it's orientation. They finally made use
of a third wheel with a potentiometer to measure roll angle. A soft
tire was required to dampend the bouncing for the third wheel. They
abandoned the third wheel due to its affects on the dynamics and
it was dangerous. They rode behind a slave car.},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Singh1964.pdf}
author = {Singh, D. V.},
title = {Stability of Single Track Vehicles},
booktitle = {IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Railway Tracks},
year = {1975},
address = {Delft},
month = {August},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Singh1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Singh1975},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Singh, D. V. and V. K. Goel},
title = {Stability of {R}ajdoot Scooter},
institution = {SAE},
year = {1971},
note = {SAE Paper 710273},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Singh1971},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Singh1971},
file = {Singh1971.pdf:Singh1971.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Compared the Indian scooter to the italian Vespa that was previously
analyzed by Dohring.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Singh1971.pdf}
author = {Siwakosit, W. and Snell, S.A. and Hess, R.A.},
title = {Robust flight control design with handling qualities constraints
using scheduled linear dynamic inversion and loop-shaping},
journal = {Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {2000},
volume = {8},
pages = {483-494},
number = {3},
month = {May},
abstract = {A technique for obtaining a full-envelope decoupled linear flight
control design is presented. The methodology begins with a reduced-order
linear dynamic-inversion technique that is scheduled over the flight
envelope. The reduced order dynamic inverter can offer a significant
reduction in the number of state variables to be sensed or estimated
as compared to typical applications of inverse dynamic control. The
technique can provide desired input-output characteristics including
control decoupling. The required gain scheduling of the reduced order
dynamic inversion is straightforward. Uncertainty is introduced by
perturbing the stability derivatives in the vehicle model at each
of the flight conditions considered. The effects of uncertainty are
then reduced by additional feedback loops involving a diagonal compensation
matrix obtained through application of a loop shaping procedure based
upon a quantitative feedback theory predesign technique. The tendency
of quantitative feedback theory to produce high-bandwidth conservative
designs is mitigated by the scheduling and decoupling associated
with the dynamic inversion. Finally, handling qualities and pilot-induced
oscillation tendencies are evaluated using a structural model of
the human pilot implemented in an interactive computer program that
can include the effects of nuisance nonlinearities such as actuator
saturation. The proposed methodology is applied to the design of
a lateral-directional flight control system for a piloted supermaneuvarable
fighter aircraft},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Siwakosit2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Siwakosit2000},
doi = {10.1109/87.845879},
file = {Siwakosit2000.pdf:Siwakosit2000.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1063-6536},
keywords = {aircraft control, compensation, control nonlinearities, control system
synthesis, feedback, interactive systems, man-machine systems, matrix
algebra, robust controlI/O characteristics, actuator saturation,
diagonal compensation matrix, dynamic inversion, feedback loops,
full-envelope decoupled linear flight control design, gain scheduling,
handling qualities, handling qualities constraints, high-bandwidth
conservative designs, input-output characteristics, interactive computer
program, inverse dynamic control, lateral-directional flight control
system design, loop-shaping, nuisance nonlinearities, pilot-induced
oscillation tendencies, piloted supermaneuvarable fighter aircraft,
quantitative feedback theory predesign technique, reduced-order linear
dynamic-inversion technique, robust flight control design, uncertainty},
webpdf = {references-folder/Siwakosit2000.pdf}
author = {W. Smak and R. R. Neptune and M. L. Hull},
title = {The influence of pedaling rate on bilateral asymmetry in cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1999},
volume = {32},
pages = {899 - 906},
number = {9},
abstract = {The objectives of this study were to (1) determine whether bilateral
asymmetry in cycling changed systematically with pedaling rate, (2)
determine whether the dominant leg as identified by kicking contributed
more to average power over a crank cycle than the other leg, and
(3) determine whether the dominant leg asymmetry changed systematically
with pedaling rate. To achieve these objectives, data were collected
from 11 subjects who pedaled at five different pedaling rates ranging
from 60 to 120 rpm at a constant workrate of 260 W. Bilateral pedal
dynamometers measured two orthogonal force components in the plane
of the bicycle. From these measurements, asymmetry was quantified
by three dependent variables, the percent differences in average
positive power (\%AP), average negative power (\%AN), and average
crank power (\%AC). Differences were taken for two cases -- with
respect to the leg generating the greater total average for each
power quantity at 60 rpm disregarding the measure of dominance,
and with respect to the dominant leg as determined by kicking. Simple
linear regression analyses were performed on these quantities both
for the subject sample and for individual subjects. For the subject
sample, only the percent difference in average negative power exhibited
a significant linear relationship with pedaling rate; as pedaling
rate increased, the asymmetry decreased. Although the kicking dominant
leg contributed significantly greater average crank power than the
non-dominant leg for the subject sample, the non-dominant leg contributed
significantly greater average positive power and average negative
power than the dominant leg. However, no significant linear relationships
for any of these three quantities with pedaling rate were evident
for the subject sample because of high variability in asymmetry among
the subjects. For example, significant linear relationships existed
between pedaling rates and percent difference in total average power
per leg for only four of the 11 subjects and the nature of these
relationships was different (e.g. positive versus negative slopes).
It was concluded that pedaling asymmetry is highly variable among
subjects and that individual subjects may exhibit different systematic
changes in asymmetry with pedaling rate depending on the quantity
of interest.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Smak1999},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Smak1999},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(99)00090-1},
file = {Smak1999.pdf:Smak1999.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
keywords = {Asymmetry},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Smak1999.pdf}
author = {R. H. Smith},
title = {A Theory for Handling Qualities With Applications to MIL-F- 8785B},
institution = {Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, WPAFB, OH},
year = {1976},
number = {AFFDL-TR-75-119},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Smith1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Smith1976},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.02.17}
author = {Snell, A.},
title = {An active roll-moment control strategy for narrow tilting commuter
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1998},
volume = {29},
pages = {277--307},
number = {5},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Snell1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Snell1998},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Sang Gyun So and Karnopp, Dean},
title = {Active dual mode tilt control for narrow ground vehicles},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1997},
volume = {27},
pages = {19--36},
bib = {bibtex-keys#So1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#So1997},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
title = {System Identification},
publisher = {Prentice Hall},
year = {1989},
editor = {M. J. Grimble},
author = {Torsten Söderström and Petre Stoica},
file = {Soederstroem1989.pdf:Soederstroem1989.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.08.08}
author = {Son Dao, Thanh},
title = {Autonomous Bicycle: Dynamics and Control. System Dynamics},
institution = {Simulation \& Control Lab., Department of Automation \& Mechanical
Engineering, Da-Yeh University.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#SonDaoXXXX},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#SonDaoXXXX},
timestamp = {2012.01.03}
author = {Pitikhate Sooraksa and U. Sritheerawirojana},
title = {A bicycle robot: part 1 modeling and control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th ISARC},
year = {2000},
pages = {1--5},
address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
abstract = {In this paper, a simple fuzzy logic based intelligent architecture
is developed for controlling a bicycle robot. The approximated model
for membership functions and control gains can be obtained by simply
considering the robot as an inverted pendulum in 3-dimensional space.
The obtained model is merely a conceptually estimating one because
the mismatch modeling and the uncertainty will be taken care by the
intelligent controller. Simulation results are carried out. The hardware
realization and implementation will be shown in Part 2.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sooraksa2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sooraksa2000},
file = {Sooraksa2000.pdf:Sooraksa2000.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycle robot, fuzzy logic control, modeling, intelligent control,
two wheeled robot},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sooraksa2000.pdf}
author = {Pitikhate Sooraksa and T. Uthairat and S. Kaopratum and U. Sritheerawirojana
and V. Monyakul},
title = {A bicycle robot: part 2 system implementation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th ISARC, Taipei, Taiwan},
year = {2000},
abstract = {This paper presents the realization and implementation of a bicycle
robot using the control scheme designed in Part 1. The control hardware
architecture of the robot consists of tilt sensors, a turning control
unit, a driving unit and a microcontroller. In a control cycle, the
functional mechanism can be described as follows: First, the tilt
sensors sense the state of the robot?s balance position and then
send the signal to the microcontroller for generating a control decision
based on the control law. After the final fuzzy control decision
has been made, the output signal will be sent to the turning and
the driving control units to track the desired path while retaining
the robot in balance.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sooraksa2000a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sooraksa2000a},
file = {Sooraksa2000a.pdf:Sooraksa2000a.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycle robot, fuzzy logic control, modeling, intelligent control,
two wheeled robot},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sooraksa2000a.pdf}
author = {Stephen C. Spry and Anouck R. Girard},
title = {Gyroscopic Stabilization of Unstable Vehicles: Configurations, Dynamics,
and Control},
institution = {University of Michigan, Ann Arbor},
year = {2008},
abstract = {We consider active gyroscopic stabilization of unstable bodies such
as two-wheeled monorails, twowheeled cars, or unmanned bicycles.
It has been speculated that gyroscopically stabilized monorail cars
would have economic advantages with respect to birail cars, enabling
the cars to take sharper curves and
traverse steeper terrain, with lower installation and maintenance
costs. A two-wheeled, gyro-stabilized
car was actually constructed in 1913.
The dynamic stabilization of a monorail car or two-wheeled automobile
requires that a torque acting
on the car from the outside be neutralized by a torque produced within
the car by a gyroscope. The
gyroscope here is used as an actuator, not a sensor, by using precession
forces generated by the gyroscope.
When torque is applied to an axis normal to the spin axis, causing
the gyroscope to precess, a moment
is produced about a third axis, orthogonal to both the torque and
spin axes. As the vehicle tilts from
vertical, a precession-inducing torque is applied to the gyroscope
cage such that the resulting gyroscopic
reaction moment will tend to right the vehicle. The key idea is that
motion of the gyroscope relative to
the body is actively controlled in order to generate a stabilizing
This problem was considered in 1905 by Louis Brennan [1]. Many extensions
were later developed,
including the work by Shilovskii [2], and several prototypes were
built. The di!erences in the various
schemes lie in the number of gyroscopes employed, the direction of
the spin axes relative to the rail, and
in the method used to produce precession of the spin axes.
We start by deriving the equations of motion for a case where the
system is formed of a vehicle, a
load placed on the vehicle, the gyroscope wheel, and a gyroscope cage.
We allow for track curvature
and vehicle speed. We then derive the equations for a similar system
with two gyroscopes, spinning in
opposite directions and such that the precession angles are opposite.
We linearize the dynamics about a
set of equilibrium points and develop a linearized model. We study
the stability of the linearized systems
and show simulation results. Finally, we discuss a scaled gyrovehicle
model and testing.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Spry2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Spry2008},
file = {Spry2008.pdf:Spry2008.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {Gyroscopic stabilization, monorail},
timestamp = {2012.01.02},
webpdf = {references-folder/Spry2008.pdf}
title = {SRM Training System Technical Manual},
author = {SRM},
year = {2003},
bib = {bibtex-keys#SRM2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#SRM2003},
file = {SRM2003.pdf:SRM2003.pdf:PDF},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.10.29},
webpdf = {references-folder/SRM2003.pdf}
author = {Stassen, H.G.},
title = {The Polarity Coincidence Correlation Technique - A Useful Tool in
the Analysis of Human-Operator Dynamics},
journal = {Man-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1969},
volume = {10},
pages = {34-39},
number = {1},
month = {March},
abstract = {The paper describes a special correlation technique. It is shown that
a two-state characterization of a random process leads to a simple
correlation procedure, called the "polarity coincidence correlation
method." The utility of the method in dynamics studies of man-machine
systems, its limitations, its assumptions, and, finally, the accuracy
due to a finite time of observation are discussed.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stassen1969},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stassen1969},
doi = {10.1109/TMMS.1969.299878},
file = {Stassen1969.pdf:Stassen1969.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0536-1540},
review = {Best photo of the simulator.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Stassen1969.pdf}
author = {H. G. Stassen and A. van Lunteren and P.L. Brinkman and W.C.J. Moolenaar
and van Dieten, J.S.M.J. and de Ron, A. J. and M. F. W. Dubois and
H. A. Udo de Haes and J. J. Kok and W. Veldhuyzen},
title = {Progress Report {J}anuary 1970 until {J}anuary 1973 of the {M}an-{M}achine
{S}ystems {G}roup},
institution = {Delft University of Technology},
year = {1973},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stassen1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stassen1973},
file = {Stassen1973.pdf:Stassen1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Chapter 4 is about the work with the bicycle simulator.
Brief general description of the bicycle simulator.
Shows an added feature to the system which projects a moving vertical
line on the wall in front of the simulator. The rider's control actions
allow the line to be tracked, adding a basic tracking task to the
roll stablizatoin task. He shows the formula for calculating the
4 rider transfer functions from cross spectral densities of the measured
quantities. "Variations in frequency range from 0.5 to 3 hz will
be classified as remnant by the identification methods applied here".
He felt like the error in the tracking transfer functions were probably
high, but they didn't calculated them. There seems to be a peak at
about 12.5 rad/s for the roll angle feedback transfer functions.
These new experiments were done for 35 minute lengths instead of
5 minutes as previous experiments were due to the new calculation
methods of the transfer functions of the more complicated system.
These estimated transfer functions for the roll angle feedback were
much smoother for the previous shorter roll stablization tasks. The
tracking error feedback TF estimates seemed to be poorer. He mentions
that future plans are to send in a sum of sines as a forcing function
to the system.
The do similar experiments as were reported in the early Lunterer/Stassen
work except now with and without an upper body brace. They were trying
to confirm the realism of the double pendulum model for part of it.
They found descrepencies in the computed time delays from their new
estimation methods as compared to their worked from 1969. The time
delays were smaller! The steer angle time delay for the free upper
body motion was about half what it was in earlier methods (0.074
s). They attribute this to the earlier method having a bias due to
the remnant. The Bode plots from this study and the previous study
didn't differ much. The fixed upper body time delay was around 0.2
seconds (similar to eariler results) and the subjects reported that
the control of the simulator required more conscious effort when
in the back brace. The conclude that the upper body motions are probably
important in nomral bicycle riding, maybe for controlling the rider's
head position in space.
Nice photo of a rider lean brace.},
timestamp = {2011.06.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Stassen1973.pdf}
author = {Stedmon, Alex W. and Hasseldine, Benjamin and Rice, David and Young,
Mark and Markham, Steve and Hancox, Michael and Brickell, Edward
and Noble, Joanna},
title = {‘MotorcycleSim’: An Evaluation of Rider Interaction with an Innovative
Motorcycle Simulator},
journal = {The Computer Journal},
year = {2009},
abstract = {This paper describes a user-centred design process that has been used
to develop an innovative simulator for research into motorcycle ergonomics
and rider human factors. Building on initial user requirements and
user experience elicitation exercises, an evaluation was conducted
to investigate specific issues associated with simulator fidelity.
An experimental approach was employed to examine the physical and
functional fidelity of the simulator. Using different steering and
visual feedback configurations, a battery of objective and subjective
dependent variables were analysed including: user perceptions and
preferences, rider performance data, rider workload, rider comfort
issues and the first evaluation of simulator sickness for a motorcycle
simulator. The results indicated that across a number of measures,
aspects of functional fidelity were considered more important than
the physical fidelity of the simulator. This evaluation takes the
development of the simulator a stage further and the paper provides
recommendations for future improvements.},
doi = {10.1093/comjnl/bxp071},
eprint = {},
file = {Stedmon2011.pdf:Stedmon2011.pdf:PDF},
url = {}
title = {Aircraft Control and Simulation},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
year = {1992},
author = {Brian L. Stevens and Frank L. Lewis},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stevens1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stevens1992},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.06}
author = {David Stevens},
title = {The Stability and Handling Characteristics of Bicycles},
school = {The University of New South Wales},
year = {2009},
type = {Bachelor's Thesis},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stevens2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stevens2009},
file = {Stevens2009.pdf:Stevens2009.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.08.28},
webpdf = {references-folder/Stevens2009.pdf}
author = {Daniel M. Stevens},
title = {The Influence of Roll Dynamics on Motorcycle Navigation Systems},
year = {2002},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stevens2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stevens2002},
file = {Stevens2002.pdf:Stevens2002.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Stevens2002.pdf}
author = {Cal Stone and Maury Hull},
title = {Rider/Bicycle Interaction Loads During Standing Treadmill Cycling},
journal = {Journal of Applied Biomechanics},
year = {1993},
volume = {9},
number = {3},
abstract = {This paper provides measurements of rider-induced loads during standing
cycling. Two strain gauge dynamometers were used to measure these
loads while three subjects rode bicycles on a large motorized treadmill;
the cycling situation simulated hill climbing while standing. Comparing
the results to those previously published for seated cycling revealed
that the loading for standing cycling differed fundamentally from
that for seated cycling in certain key respects. One respect was
that the maximum magnitude normal pedal force reached substantially
higher values, exceeding the weight of the subject, and the phase
occurred later in the crank cycle. Another respect was that the direction
of the handlebar forces alternated indicating that the arms pulled
up and back during the power stroke of the corresponding leg and
pushed down and forward during the upstroke. Inasmuch as these forces
were coordinated (i.e., in phase) with the leaning of the bicycle,
the arms developed positive power.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stone1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stone1993},
file = {Stone1993.pdf:Stone1993.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.03.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Stone1993.pdf}
author = {Cal Stone and M. L. Hull},
title = {The effect of rider weight on rider-induced loads during common cycling
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1995},
volume = {28},
pages = {365 - 375},
number = {4},
abstract = {Motivated by the desire to provide information useful in the design
analysis of bicycle frames, the hypothesis tested was that a simple
linear model would relate the maximum magnitudes of rider-induced
loads to rider weight. Rider-induced loads are loads developed as
a result of weight and muscular actions during pedalling. To test
this hypothesis, five riders spanning a wide weight range rode a
bicycle unrestrained on a treadmill. Dynamometers measured six components
of pedal loads and five components of both seat and handlebar loads
while riders rode three common cycling situations -- seated cruising,
seated climbing, and standing climbing. Average, average maximum,
and average minimum values were computed for all load components
and each was analyzed statistically. For all three test cases, the
regression slope was significant for the force component normal to
the pedal surface. Because the normal pedal force component has been
shown previously to dominate frame stress at the point most likely
to fatigue (Hull and Bolourchi, 1988, J. Strain. Anal. 23, 105-114),
the results of this study should be useful in designing frames optimized
for minimum weight and acceptable structural reliability.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stone1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stone1995},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(94)00102-A},
file = {Stone1995.pdf:Stone1995.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Stone1995.pdf}
author = {Cal Kent Stone},
title = {Rider/Bicycle Interaction Loads During Seated and Standing Treadmill
school = {University of California, Davis},
year = {1990},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stone1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stone1990},
file = {Stone1990.pdf:Stone1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Each device uses 1 full-bridge setup for 1 direction, and 4 half-bridge
setups for the other 4 directions. Figures 6 & 7 from the NI tutorial
show these configurations:
This is how the setup is reduced to having 1 +/- power channel and
5 +/- signal channels (for a total of 12 pins).
The handlebars cannot measure force in the "axial" direction, which
here is Fy (lateral force) but it can measure all of the other forces.
The seatpost can measure all forces except for axial torsion.
For each device Stone writes that 4 independent half-bridges are used
for for the 4 forces, and the one full-bridge for either axial force
or torsion (pp 7-8, Stone). I think this would indicate that applying
another full bridge to each device would allow us to also measure
the "missing" load, as a full-bridge setup seems capable of measuring
either axial load or axial torsion.
I am not sure why this was not done originally?
Page 81 in Stone shows the coordinate system for the seatpost (note
that the axial direction is the "z" direction). Page 80 shows the
coordinate system for the handlebar and page 105 shows how the bending
moments were estimated.
Calibration of the setups takes care of resolving these forces; the
attached page is missing from the Stone Thesis scan and shows the
conversion matrices from voltages to forces/moments. This works due
to assuming superposition is valid with the beams involved.
I don't think measuring the extra degree of freedom would interfere
with the process in any sort of way.
Knowing the force and moment on the seatpost (and assuming the rider
is stationary, I think) would allow you to calculate where the rider
has moved to (the location of their force application will move,
creating a bending moment, but the forces should not change). This
might imply we want a really stiff seat (and not very squishy)? With
significant deflections linear assumptions are no longer valid, and
I think looking at the scale of the forces involved might indicate
that we want to enforce this.
Also, as page 105 showed, moment estimation requires knowledge of
where the hands are placed. It might be more beneficial, especially
if we can get free strain gauges, to make our own instrumented handlebar
(especially if we want to measure both sides to avoid having to record
both and left and right handed runs), where we specify the hand locations.
I think measuring all 6 degrees of freedom will be a good idea, as
the only downside is finding the strain gauge amplifiers and having
channels to record them. This might suggest that buying two of the
cheapest 16-channel DAQ boxes will allow us to measure everything.
Assuming we can deal with the amplifier/acquisition issue, having
all the data available to us, so we don't have to screw around with
doing left- and right- handed turns and averaging the two, will be
worth the additional calibration time (and any future uses of the
To get an idea of the accuracy of the system, read Stone pp 109-10.
This shows the accuracy they achieved when testing the calibration.
The seatpost seems to have good accuracy when measuring moments,
so maybe the idea of locating the rider with this could work (we
could also test that before attaching something to the rider). We
also will be measuring with a 16-bit ADC instead of the 12-bit ADC
used in the paper. I'm not sure if this will give more accuracy or
not to be honest, Luke would probably know though.
I guess in conclusion, we should buy two DAQ boxes if we want to measure
both handlebars, and then measure all 6 d.o.f. on both sides of the
handlebar and the seatpost. if you want to record a reduced set of
data, a single DAQ box could be made to work, but I think the time
saved by collecting all the force/moment data always from the start
instead of discovering we need to have it later (like, after we have
wired everything and calibrated the reduced set of measurements we
want to use) will far outweigh the additional time/cost incurred
by setting up everything at the beginning. I also think that it should
be possible to add the strain gauges to measure the missing data
from the seatpost, and it should be easy to setup strain gauges on
our own handlebars (assuming we can get help from Hill and Hull).},
timestamp = {2010.04.13},
webpdf = {references-folder/Stone1990.pdf}
author = {John Stone},
title = {The is a test article},
journal = {The Journal of Hamster Linguistics},
year = {2009},
volume = {12},
pages = {230-450},
number = {2},
month = {December},
note = {This is a note about the article.},
abstract = {This is the abstract about hamsters.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Stone2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Stone2009},
comment = {This is a comment.},
doi = {123456789DOI},
keywords = {hamster, bugs, cedar},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - My review is that this rules.\\DLP - My review is that this
timestamp = {2009.11.11},
url = {}
author = {Masamori Sugizaki and Akira Hasegawa},
title = {Experimental Analysis of Transient Response in Motorcycle-Rider Systems},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1988},
month = {November},
note = {SAE Paper 881783},
abstract = {An experimental analysis has been made concerning rider sensation
using several motorcycles. More specifically, the sensations evaluated
are those which are related to the transient motions which are generated
by a rider in an attempt to make two transient running patterns,
one is to avoid obstacles and the other is lane change. Measurements
were made of the steering torque, the accelerations of the major
portions of the motorcycle, and the yaw and roll rates.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Sugizaki1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Sugizaki1988},
file = {Sugizaki1988.pdf:Sugizaki1988.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {motorcycle, handling, steer torque},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They measure steering torque, yaw rate, roll rate, lateral acceleration
of the front and rear frame for 4 motorcycles in lane change type
maneuvers. The lane changes are 3.6 meters. They ran at speeds of
60, 80 and 100 km/h. The measured steering torques shown are between
-2 and 2 kgf-m (-19.6 tp 19.6 n-m). The time traces of steer torque,
yaw rate and roll rate have little noise, which makes it hard to
believe that it is raw data without a lot of filtering, but maybe
that is what motorcycle data looks like compared to a bicycles (due
to the weight?).},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Sugizaki1988.pdf}
author = {Suntharasantic, S. and Wongsaisuwan, M.},
title = {Piecewise affine model and control of bicycle by gyroscopic stabilization},
booktitle = {Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications
and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2011 8th International Conference
year = {2011},
pages = {549 -552},
month = {May},
abstract = {This paper considers the naturally unstable unmanned bicycle system
at constant forward and rotational speeds. The bicycle is attached
with a gyroscopic flywheel acting as an actuator for roll angle stabilization.
The nonlinear model of the system is approximated by piecewise affine
functions which minimizes the model error even outside the operating
regions. The controller synthesis problem is cast as Linear Matrix
Inequalities problem. The feasible control law is derived based on
quadratic Lyapunov function to guarantee the system stability for
all regions. The simulation confirms the effectiveness of this approach.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Suntharasantic2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Suntharasantic2011},
doi = {10.1109/ECTICON.2011.5947897},
keywords = {LMI;actuator;bicycle control;constant forward speeds;controller synthesis
problem;gyroscopic flywheel;gyroscopic stabilization;linear matrix
inequalities problem;piecewise affine model;quadratic Lyapunov function;roll
angle stabilization;rotational speeds;unmanned bicycle system;Lyapunov
methods;actuators;affine transforms;bicycles;control system synthesis;linear
matrix inequalities;remotely operated vehicles;stability;}
author = {Suprapto, S.},
title = {Development of a gyroscopic unmanned bicycle},
school = {AIT, Thailand},
year = {2006},
abstract = {Balancing an unstable system is a difficult task to be done. Bicycle
is a model of
an unstable system, it is impossible to make the bicycle standstill
without giving any
effort to balance. A gyroscope, a spinning wheel mechanism that tries
to prevent its
direction when a force is applied at that mechanism is used for torque
source to balance
the bicycle. By spins gyroscope on the vertical axis, embed the other
axis on the bicycle,
and control the third axis of the gyroscope, balancing of a bicycle
can be done.
A PD controller that is implemented using 8 bit microcontroller 68HC11
is used
for controlling the gyroscope, an algorithm to shift the center of
gravity along control
axis of gyroscope is implemented together, resulting a bond control
algorithm that
balance the bicycle while preventing the gyroscope from saturation.
Rear wheel system is used to actuate the bicycle for forward movement.
A simple
closed loop PD controller is used, and resulting a stable constant
Steering system is used to make the bicycle have turning capability.
controller is used for position controller, even producing a small
steady state error, the
performance still acceptable.
A mathematical model was developed to be conformed to the real experiment
result, simulation is run on Simulink software. Data was taken from
the experiment and
shows that the system is stable.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Suprapto2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Suprapto2006},
timestamp = {2012.01.02}
author = {Suryanarayanan, Shashikanth and Tomizuka, Masayoshi and Weaver, Matt},
title = {System dynamics and control of bicycles at high speeds},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference (IEEE Cat. No.CH37301)},
year = {2002},
volume = {2},
pages = {845-850},
address = {Danvers, MA, USA},
month = {May},
organization = {American Autom. Control Council; IFAC; SICE},
publisher = {American Automatic Control Council},
abstract = {This paper presents the system dynamics and automated roll-rate control
of front and rear-wheel steered bicycles. Automated steering control
of bicycles gains importance in the context of a recent effort, initiated
by bicycle designer Matt Weaver, to develop controllers to steer
bicycles at very high speeds (70-100 mph). This paper extends earlier
work on rear-wheel steered bikes, importantly Klein's unridable bicycle.
Controllers for both front and rear-wheel steered bicycles are designed
based on classical control techniques. Simulation results demonstrate
good robustness and disturbance rejection properties. Implementation
is currently underway.},
affiliation = {Suryanarayanan, S.; Tomizuka, M.; Weaver, M.; Dept. of Mech. Eng.,
California Univ., Berkeley, CA, USA.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Suryanarayanan2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Suryanarayanan2002},
file = {Suryanarayanan2002.pdf:Suryanarayanan2002.pdf:PDF},
identifying-codes = {[C2002-11-3220-004],[0-7803-7298-0/02/\$17.00],[10.1109/ACC.2002.1023121]},
isbn = {0 7803 7298 0},
keywords = {Practical, Theoretical or Mathematical/ control system analysis; controllers;
feedback/ system dynamics; automated roll-rate control; rear-wheel
steered bicycles; automated steering control; Klein unridable bicycle;
simulation results; robustness/ C3220 Controllers; C1310 Control
system analysis and synthesis methods},
language = {English},
number-of-references = {4},
owner = {luke},
publication-type = {C},
review = {Super simple bicycle model. Proportional feedback from roll rate to
steer angle. Simulates high speeds. Also looks at a rear steered
bicycle. Matt Weaver is one of the top contenders for the bicycle
speed championships.},
timestamp = {2009.11.01},
type = {Conference Paper},
webpdf = {references-folder/Suryanarayanan2002.pdf}
author = {Suzuki, Yoshitada and Kageyama, Ichiro and Kuriyagawa, Yukiyo and
Baba, Masayuki and Miyagishi, Shunichi},
title = {4311 Study on Construction of Rider Robot for Two-wheel Vehicle},
journal = {JSME Annual Meeting},
year = {2007},
volume = {2007},
pages = {357--358},
number = {7},
note = {in Japanese},
abstract = {This paper deals with the construction of a rider robot for motorcycle.
The robot which controls a vertical stability and a direction control
of the motorcycle is constructed as a tool for evaluation of two-wheeled
vehicle behavior. The control algorithm of the system is constructed
based on control action of the human rider. For the lateral control,
the system identifies using electric compass. Sub-handle system which
simulates the rider arms is adopted with damper and spring, and it
is controlled by servo-motor. As a result, it is shown that the rider
robot follows the lateral displacement calculated using the directional
angle and vehicle speed.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Suzuki2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Suzuki2007},
comment = {年次大会講演論文集},
file = {Suzuki2007.pdf:Suzuki2007.pdf:PDF},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Suzuki2007.pdf}
author = {Taguchi, M.},
title = {A Preliminary Test Report on the Controllability and Stability of
Experimental Safety Motorcycle},
booktitle = {Second International Motorcycle Safety Conference},
year = {1975},
address = {Washington, D. C., USA},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Taguchi1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Taguchi1975},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Cited in Weir1979a as a influence on the work presented there.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Tae-Oh Tak and Jong-Sung Won and Gwang-Yeol Baek},
title = {Design Sensitivity Analysis of Bicycle Stability and Experimental
booktitle = {Proceedings of Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2010: Symposium on
the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles},
year = {2010},
file = {Tak2010.pdf:Tak2010.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.08.08}
author = {T. Takagi and M. Sugeno},
title = {Derivation of fuzzy control rules from human operator’s control actions},
booktitle = {IFAC Symposium on Fuzzy Information, Knowledge Representation and
Decision Analysis},
year = {1983},
pages = {55--60},
address = {Marseilles, France},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Takagi1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Takagi1983},
timestamp = {2012.01.01}
author = {Toshimichi Takahashi and Tatsuo Yamada and Tsutomu Nakamura},
title = {Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Influence of Tires on Straight-Running
Motorcycle Weave Response},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1984},
month = {February},
note = {SAE Paper 840248},
abstract = {The influence of tires on straight-running motorcycle weave oscillation
has been studied both experimentally and theoretically. Three sets
of front and rear tires were used. The weave oscillation was excited
by “Nitrogen gas-jet disturbance system” fitted to the instrumented
test vehicle.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Takahashi1984},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Takahashi1984},
file = {Takahashi1984.pdf:Takahashi1984.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Fired a gas jet for lateral excitation.},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Takahashi1984.pdf}
author = {Takama, Kouhei and Kageyama, Ichiro and Miyagishi, Shunichi and Baba,
Masayuki and Uchiyama, Hajime},
title = {Study on Construction of a Rider Robot for Two Wheeled Vehicle},
journal = {日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集},
year = {2002},
volume = {8},
pages = {155--156},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Takama2002a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Takama2002a},
file = {Takama2002a.pdf:Takama2002a.pdf:PDF},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Takama2002a.pdf}
author = {Takama, Kouhei and Miyagishi, Shunichi and Kageyama, Ichiro and Kuriyagawa,
Yukiyo and Baba, Masayuki and Uchiyama, Hajime},
title = {Construction of autonomous system for two wheeled vehicle},
journal = {The Transportation and Logistics Conference},
year = {2002},
volume = {11},
pages = {113--116},
abstract = {In this study, we construct autonomous two wheeled vehicle (the Rider
Robot) which uses for evaluation of two wheeled vehicle dynamics.
The Rider Robot consists of electromechanical device and is operated
by the control algorithm without a human rider. We consider the control
algorithm which is separated into two parts, directional and standing
control. The algorithm of standing stability is constructed for the
model using the data based on maneuver of the rider using multiple
regression analysis. The desired roll angle is adopted for the directional
control by using of image processing and second order prediction
bib = {bibtex-keys#Takama2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Takama2002},
file = {Takama2002.pdf:Takama2002.pdf:PDF},
publisher = {The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Takama2002.pdf}
author = {P Talaia and D. Moreno and M. Haj\v{z}man and L. Hyn\v{c}\'{i}k},
title = {A 3D model of a human for powered two-wheeler vehicles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ISMA 2008},
year = {2008},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Talaia2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Talaia2008},
file = {Talaia2008.pdf:Talaia2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Talaia2008.pdf}
author = {Tanaka, Y. and Murakami, T.},
title = {A Study on Straight-Line Tracking and Posture Control in Electric
journal = {Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {2009},
volume = {56},
pages = {159-168},
number = {1},
month = {January},
abstract = {The development of automatic control for driving a bicycle is a challenging
theme and is expected to be a human assist system. Previously, an
acceleration-based method for stabilizing bicycle posture was proposed
by the authors. In the experiments with this controller, the posture
of the bicycle might be stabilized, but it is impossible to run on
the desired trajectory, because there is no consideration with respect
to a trajectory control. For the sake of expanding this system into
more sophisticated equipment, a realization of the trajectory control
for the bicycle is important. From the viewpoint of an assist system
for human motion, a unified control of posture and trajectory brings
a sophisticated function to a bicycle, and a high-performance bicycle
is expected to be a convenient vehicle, similar to a small car. This
paper proposes two strategies to stabilize bicycle posture and trajectory
control that realizes a straight-line tracking: one is a lateral
velocity controller, and the other is a steering function controller.
The validity of the proposed approaches is evaluated by simulations
and experiments.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Tanaka2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Tanaka2009},
doi = {10.1109/TIE.2008.927406},
file = {Tanaka2009.pdf:Tanaka2009.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0278-0046},
keywords = {bicycles, electric vehicles, motion control, nonlinear control systems,
position control, velocity controlelectric bicycle, human assist
system, lateral velocity controller, posture control, steering function
controller, straight-line tracking, trajectory control},
webpdf = {references-folder/Tanaka2009.pdf}
author = {Tanaka, Y. and Murakami, T.},
title = {Self sustaining bicycle robot with steering controller},
booktitle = {The 8th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2004.
AMC '04},
year = {2004},
pages = { 193-197},
month = {March},
abstract = {Bicycle is a transportation device without any environmental burden.
However, bicycle is unstable in itself and it is fall down without
human assistance like steering handle or moving upper body. In these
days, electric power assistance bicycles are used practically, but
all of those bicycles merely assist human with pedal driving and
there are no bicycles that help to stabilize its position. Hence,
stabilizing the posture and realizing stable driving of a bicycle
have been researched. Dynamic model of running bicycle is complicated
and it's hard to recognize completely. However, assuming that the
rider doesn't move upper body, dynamics of bicycle is represented
in equilibrium of gravity and centrifugal force. Centrifugal force
is risen out from the running velocity and turning radius determined
by steering angle. Under these conditions, it is possible to stabilize
bicycle posture by controlling its steering. In this paper, the dynamic
model derived from equilibrium of gravity and centrifugal force is
proposed. Then the control method for bicycle steering based on acceleration
control is proposed. Finally, the validity of this method is proved
by the simulations and experimental results.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Tanaka2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Tanaka2004},
doi = {10.1109/AMC.2004.1297665},
file = {Tanaka2004.pdf:Tanaka2004.pdf:PDF},
issn = { },
keywords = { acceleration control, electric drives, mobile robots, position control,
stability, vehicle dynamics acceleration control, bicycle dynamics,
bicycle posture, bicycle steering controller, centrifugal force,
electric power assistance bicycles, pedal driving, self sustaining
bicycle robot, transportation device},
review = {They have a very simplified bicycle model. They make a controller
which feeds back roll angel and roll rate with proportional gains
to create a steer angle. (PD on roll angle). The also add what is
called a "distrubance observer" to diminish the position error between
the desired steer angle and the actual steer angle. I'm not sure
how it works but it seems to only operate on the steer angle produced
from the PD control. They then set up a bicycle robot on some rollers
and measure roll angle and roll rate and implement the controller,
showning that it stablizes the bicycle.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Tanaka2004.pdf}
author = {Y. Tanaka and T. Murakami},
title = {The Bicycle Robot Driving on an Optimal Trajectory},
booktitle = {IEEE Conf. Mechatronics \&Robotics},
year = {2004},
pages = {235--240},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Tanaka2004a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Tanaka2004a},
timestamp = {2011.12.31}
author = {M. Tanelli and M. Corno and P. De Filippi and S. Rossi and S. M.
Savaresi and L. Fabbri},
title = {Control-oriented steering dynamics analysis in sport motorcycles:
modeling, identification and experiments},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification},
year = {2009},
address = {Saint-Malo, France},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Tanelli2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Tanelli2009},
file = {Tanelli2009.pdf:Tanelli2009.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Tanelli2009.pdf}
author = {Tanelli, Mara and Schiavo, Francesco and Savaresi, Sergio M. and
Ferretti, Gianni},
title = {Object-oriented multibody motorcycle modelling for control systems
booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Computer Aided Control System Design IEEE International
Conference on Control Applications IEEE International Symposium on
Intelligent Control},
year = {2006},
pages = {2695--2700},
abstract = {This paper presents a simulation model for the dynamic behavior of
a motorcycle developed in Modelica, within the Dymola environment,
tailored to be employed for test and validation of active control
systems for motorcycle dynamics. Specifically, we illustrate the
modular approach to motorcycle modeling and discuss the tire-road
interaction model, which is the crucial part of the simulator. Moreover,
we propose a virtual driver model which allows to track a predefined
trajectory and keep a target speed during different maneuvers. Finally,
we investigate the problem of active braking control system design
for motorcycles, proposing a braking control logic which can handle
panic brakes on a curve. This analysis assesses the effectiveness
of the proposed model for control systems prototyping.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Tanelli2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Tanelli2006},
doi = {10.1109/CACSD-CCA-ISIC.2006.4777065},
file = {Tanelli2006.pdf:Tanelli2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Video game like simulator with a steer torque augmentation controller
for a user's applied joystick steer torque.
Figure 6: The joystick applies commanded step like torques from -5
nm to 2.5 nm, which the steer torque filter outputs a ranges of -5
nm to 7.5 nm to stabilize the roll angle in a range of angle up to
30 degrees.},
timestamp = {2009.11.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Tanelli2006.pdf}
author = {Sekine Taro and Okano Michiharu and Nagae Hiroyasu},
title = {Analysis of Motorcycle's Behavior in the Pylon Course Slalom. {E}xperimental
Study on the Pylon Course Slalom of Motorcycles},
booktitle = {JSAE Annual Congress},
year = {2000},
volume = {58-00},
abstract = {The pylon slalom by motorcycle is different from the four-wheeled
vehicle in the driving control; because of a motorcycle doesn't need
only the required steer angle, but also the large roll angle that
is necessary in a cornering. This paper shows above differences by
the experimental study. To sum up the major characteristics of the
motorcycle behaviors, the shape of steer torque isn't the sine curve
when the running path expresses the sine curve and the various displacement
motorcycles occur the maximum steering torque at the same velocity.
The results will be useful to the construction of the rider model.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Taro2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Taro2000},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.03.30}
author = {A. Taura},
title = {Realization of Acrobatic Motions by Bike Robot with Balancer},
school = {Tokyo Institute of Techinology},
year = {2007},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Taura2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Taura2007},
timestamp = {2011.12.31}
title = {SymPy: Python library for symbolic mathematics},
author = {SymPy Development Team},
year = {2012},
url = {}
author = {Teerhuis, A. P. and Jansen, S. T. H.},
title = {Motorcycle State Estimation for Lateral Dynamics},
booktitle = {Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2010, Symposium on the Dynamics and
Control of Single Track Vehicles},
year = {2010},
abstract = {The motorcycle lean (or roll) angle development is one of the main
characteristics of motorcycle lateral dynamics. Control of motorcycle
motions requires an accurate assessment of this quantity and for
safety applications also the risk of sliding needs to be considered.
Direct measurement of the roll angle and tyre slip is not available;
therefore a method of model-based estimation is developed to estimate
the state of a motorcycle. This paper investigates the feasibility
of such a Motorcycle State Estimator (MCSE). A simplified analytic
dynamic model of a motorcycle is developed by comparison to an extended
multi-body model of the motorcycle, designed in Matlab/SimMechanics.
The analytic model is used inside an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF).
Experimental results of an instrumented Yamaha FJR1300 motorcycle
show that the MCSE is a feasible concept for obtaining signals related
to the lateral dynamics of the motorcycle.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Teerhuis2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Teerhuis2010},
file = {Teerhuis2010.pdf:Teerhuis2010.pdf:PDF},
review = {They instrument a motorcycle and measure the wheel speeds, steering
angle, steering torque with separate sensors. They use two inertial
measurment units on the main frame to measure the orientations, rates,
and accelerations. The first inertial measurement unit is the OXTS
RT3100 which is an attitude heading reference system that uses the
rate gyro, accelerometer and GPS along with a generic Kalman filter
to provide estimates of the states/outputs. They consider this one
the "reference" system and assume that it gives accurate estimates.
The second is a simpler inertial measurment unit with only rates
and acceleration output. They use the roll rate, yaw rate, and lateral
and longitudnal accelerations along with their custom Kalman filter
to estimate the states of the system.
They measure the motorcycle inertial properties somehow, but don't
tell how or give the numerical values. They measure the tire properties
with some kind of truck that pulls a tire behind it but give no details
or numerical values. He uses MADYMO software to estimate the inertial
parameters of the rider.
They design a complex mutlibody model using Matlab/Simmechanics. This
model includes the magic formula tire model. It has 6 rigid bodies.
The rider is assumed to be fixed to the main frame and rigid.
He integrates his complex motorcycle model with a measured steer torque
input as feedforward (open loop sim). He has "light" PID feedback
controllers on steer torque and velocity to follow measured roll
angle and measured speed, respectively. I'm not sure how his simulations
don't blow up with the feedforward approach. Maybe the steer torque
feedback keeps it in check, although he mentions that his steer torque
feedback does little to nothing. He then compares the outputs of
the model simulation with the measured data from the RT3100 and other
sensors and shows very good agreement for two maneuvers: steady turn
and slalom.
They then develop a simplified motorcycle model with a modified Lagrange
method to be used in their extended Kalman filter design. The description
of the modeling on developing the model is poor and hard to understand.
The aim of this is to design a simple filter based on minimal measurements
that can accurately predict the states. They compare the results
of their filter with the RT3100 output.
Steady state turn shows less than 15 Nm steer torques. Slalom shows
max 20 Nm.},
timestamp = {2012.01.24},
webpdf = {references-folder/Teerhuis2010.pdf}
author = {Yoshitaka Tezuka and Hidefumi Ishii and Satoru Kiyota},
title = {Application of the magic formula tire model to motorcycle maneuverability
journal = {JSAE Review},
year = {2001},
volume = {22},
pages = {305 - 310},
number = {3},
abstract = {The Magic Formula Tire Model, recently utilized in maneuverability
analysis for automobiles, was applied to a motorcycle simulation
model. The correlation between the simulated and measured characteristics
for straight running stability and turning performance was compared
with those of the current Carpet Plotted Tire Model. Further, the
ease of use of the Magic Formula was investigated. The results show
that correlation with actual tire characteristics is high for the
Magic Formula Tire Model and that the changing of tire properties
can be easily accomplished with this model.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Tezuka2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Tezuka2001},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0389-4304(01)00113-8},
file = {Tezuka2001.pdf:Tezuka2001.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0389-4304},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.12.10},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Tezuka2001.pdf}
author = {Bui Trung Thanh and Manukid Parnichkun},
title = {Balancing Control of Bicyrobo by Particle Swarm Optimization-Based
Structure-Specified Mixed $H_2/H_\infty$},
journal = {International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems},
year = {2008},
volume = {5},
pages = {187--195},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Thanh2008},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Thanh2008},
file = {Thanh2008.pdf:Thanh2008.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Uses H_2/H_inf controller design with particle swarm optimization
and compares it to PD and and genetic algorithm. The H_2/H_inf generates
high order compensators. The solution of the compensator values is
typically a hard optimization problem to solve. Some people use a
genetic algorithm for the optimization part. He claims these controllers
are typically more robust than their PID and lead/lag counter parts.
He designs the controller and applies it to a bicycle robot which
is stabilized by a flywheel.},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Thanh2008.pdf}
title = {Advanced dynamics},
publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
year = {1948},
author = {Timoshenko, S. and Young, D. H},
address = {New York},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Timoshenko1948},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Timoshenko1948},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.23}
author = {J. Titlestad and T. Fairlie-Clarke and A.R. Whittaker and M. Davie
and I. Watt and S. Grant},
title = {Effect of suspension systems on the physiological and psychological
responses to sub-maximal biking on simulated smooth and bumpy tracks
journal = {Journal of Sports Sciences},
year = {2006},
volume = {24},
pages = {125--135},
number = {2},
month = {February},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Titlestad2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Titlestad2006},
file = {Titlestad2006.pdf:Titlestad2006.pdf:PDF},
publisher = {Taylor and Francis},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Titlestad2006.pdf}
author = {Nikolaus Troje},
title = {The little difference: Fourier based synthesis of genderspecific
biological motion},
booktitle = {Dynamic Perception},
year = {2002},
editor = {Rolf P. W\"{u}rtz and Markus Lappe},
pages = {115--120},
address = {Berlin},
publisher = {AKA Press},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Troje2002a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Troje2002a},
file = {Troje2002a.pdf:Troje2002a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Troje2002a.pdf}
author = {N. F. Troje},
title = {Decomposing biological motion: {A} framework for analysis and synthesis
of human gait patterns},
journal = {Journal of Vision},
year = {2002},
volume = {2},
pages = {371-387},
number = {5},
month = {September},
abstract = {Biological motion contains information about the identity of an agent
as well as about his or her actions, intentions, and emotions. The
human visual system is highly sensitive to biological motion and
capable of extracting socially relevant information from it. Here
we investigate the question of how such information is encoded in
biological motion patterns and how such information can be retrieved.
A framework is developed that transforms biological motion into a
representation allowing for analysis using linear methods from statistics
and pattern recognition. Using gender classification as an example,
simple classifiers are constructed and compared to psychophysical
data from human observers. The analysis reveals that the dynamic
part of the motion contains more information about gender than motion-mediated
structural cues. The proposed framework can be used not only for
analysis of biological motion but also to synthesize new motion patterns.
A simple motion modeler is presented that can be used to visualize
and exaggerate the differences in male and female walking patterns.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Troje2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Troje2002},
doi = {10.1167/2.5.2},
file = {Troje2002.pdf:Troje2002.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {gender classification, recognition, social recognition, animate motion},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.11.25},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Troje2002.pdf}
author = {Troje, Nikolaus F. and Sadr, Javid and Geyer, Henning and Nakayama,
title = {Adaptation aftereffects in the perception of gender from biological
journal = {Journal of Vision},
year = {2006},
volume = {6},
pages = {850-857},
number = {8},
month = {July},
abstract = {Human visual perception is highly adaptive. While this has been known
and studied for a long time in domains such as color vision, motion
perception, or the processing of spatial frequency, a number of more
recent studies have shown that adaptation and adaptation aftereffects
also occur in high-level visual domains like shape perception and
face recognition. Here, we present data that demonstrate a pronounced
aftereffect in response to adaptation to the perceived gender of
biological motion point-light walkers. A walker that is perceived
to be ambiguous in gender under neutral adaptation appears to be
male after adaptation with an exaggerated female walker and female
after adaptation with an exaggerated male walker. We discuss this
adaptation aftereffect as a tool to characterize and probe the mechanisms
underlying biological motion perception.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Troje2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Troje2006},
file = {Troje2006.pdf:Troje2006.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {biological motion, adaptation, aftereffect, sex classification},
owner = {Jason},
timestamp = {2009.01.09},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Troje2006.pdf}
author = {Nikolaus F. Troje and Cord Westhoff and Mikhail Lavrov},
title = {Person identification from biological motion: Effects of structural
and kinematic cues},
journal = {Perception \& Psychophysics},
year = {2005},
volume = {67},
pages = {667--675},
number = {4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Troje2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Troje2005},
file = {Troje2005.pdf:Troje2005.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Troje2005.pdf}
author = {Tustin, A.},
title = {The Nature of the Operator's Response in Manual Control and Its Implications
for Controller Design},
journal = {Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers - Part IIA: Automatic
Regulators and Servo Mechanisms},
year = {1947},
volume = {94},
pages = {190--206},
abstract = {This paper gives a brief account of a series of measurements of the
movement of the controller handle and of the error of aim under conditions
simulating the laying of a gun on a moving target by manually-controlled
power operation. The results are analysed with the object of obtaining
the ¿ operator's response, ¿ i.e. the relationship between the
movement made by the operator's hand and the error and its variations
as seen by the eye. It is found that the response relationship is
non-linear, but the relationship may to a useful extent be approximated
by a ¿ nearest linear law, ¿ namely that the speed of handle movement
is dependent upon both the error and the rate of change of error,
subject to a time delay which corresponds to that known to be involved
in nerve transmission. The actual movement is found to differ from
this relationship, both in being intermittent or jerky and also in
being subject to apparently haphazard variations. A project for further
investigation is outlined by which the difficulties in more detailed
analysis may be overcome. On the basis of the results so far obtained
it is shown that an explanation is provided for some of the outstanding
phenomena observed in the laying of guns and in other cases of manual
control of power-driven apparatus, and it is shown that there is
an upper limit to the accuracy of control obtainable. Finally, the
paper shows how the error incurred in tracking a target is fundamentally
related to and depends upon the time delay which occurs between the
stimulus received by the eye and the resulting muscular response,
and gives comparative values for the theoretical limit of accuracy
obtainable with controllers having various types of response characteristics,
as a function of this delay time, for an otherwise ideal operation.
The lines along which an improvement of performance may be sought
are discussed in the light of these limits and the other phenomena
doi = {10.1049/ji-2a.1947.0025},
timestamp = {2012.08.17}
author = {F. E. Udwadia and R. E. Kalaba},
title = {What is the General Form of the Explicit Equations of Motion for
Constrained Mechanical Systems?},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {2002},
volume = {69},
pages = {335-339},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Udwadia2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Udwadia2002},
doi = {10.1115/1.1459071},
keywords = {classical mechanics; dynamics; kinematics},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Unkown},
title = {Motorcycle Handling},
institution = {NHTSA},
year = {1976},
number = {DOT-HS-6-01381},
month = {July},
note = {This is the first volume to the Weir study of 1979},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Unkown1976},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Unkown1976},
timestamp = {2012.02.06}
author = {Verlinden, O. and Kabeya, P.},
title = {Presentation and assessment of rideability of a novel single-track
vehicle: the Anaconda},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2012},
volume = {0},
pages = {1-21},
number = {0},
abstract = { In this paper, a new single-track vehicle, the Anaconda, is presented
and modelled according to a multibody theory. This articulated vehicle
begins with a traditional bicycle, called the head module, followed
by a succession of so-called pedal modules (PMs) equipped with one
rear-steered wheel. Each module is connected to the preceding one
by a spherical joint. To assess its dynamic behaviour, the model
of an Anaconda with two PMs is simulated under the EasyDyn framework,
a multibody library based on the minimal coordinates approach. The
simulation of such a vehicle cannot be performed without the riders’
action, consisting of the torques applied on the handlebars. The
latter is implemented through controllers designed by optimal control,
from the out-of-plane dynamics of the vehicle going straight ahead
at 20 km/h. First, two optimal controllers are determined separately
for the Head Module alone on one hand and for the Pedal Module alone
on the other hand. They are then implemented on the Anaconda and
it appears that the vehicle is close to instability and that the
handling of the pedal modules is delicate but humanly possible. Finally,
the difficulty in riding the Anaconda is evaluated through the so-called
rideability index, which increases, as expected, with the amount
of PMs, and shows that good psycho-motor skills will be needed to
drive the Anaconda. },
bib = {bibtex-keys#Verlinden2012},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Verlinden2012},
doi = {10.1080/00423114.2011.609282},
eprint = {},
file = {Verlinden2012.pdf:Verlinden2012.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Verlinden2012.pdf}
author = {Vinjamuri, R. and Mingui Sun and Cheng-Chun Chang and Heung-No Lee
and Sclabassi, R.J. and Zhi-Hong Mao},
title = {Dimensionality Reduction in Control and Coordination of the Human
journal = {Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {2010},
volume = {57},
pages = {284 -295},
number = {2},
month = {February},
abstract = {The concept of kinematic synergies is proposed to address the dimensionality
reduction problem in control and coordination of the human hand.
This paper develops a method for extracting kinematic synergies from
joint-angular-velocity profiles of hand movements. Decomposition
of a limited set of synergies from numerous movements is a complex
optimization problem. This paper splits the decomposition process
into two stages. The first stage is to extract synergies from rapid
movement tasks using singular value decomposition (SVD). A bank of
template functions is then created from shifted versions of the extracted
synergies. The second stage is to find weights and onset times of
the synergies based on l 1 -minimization, whose solutions provide
sparse representations of hand movements using synergies.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Vinjamuri2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Vinjamuri2010},
doi = {10.1109/TBME.2009.2032532},
file = {Vinjamuri2010.pdf:Vinjamuri2010.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0018-9294},
keywords = {complex optimization problem;decomposition process;dimensionality
reduction;hand movements;human hand control;human hand coordination;joint-angular-velocity
profiles;kinematic synergy;minimization;singular value decomposition;sparse
representations;template functions;biomechanics;kinematics;minimisation;optimisation;singular
value decomposition;sparse matrices;Algorithms;Biomechanics;Hand;Hand
Joints;Hand Strength;Humans;Models, Biological;Range of Motion, Articular;Signal
Processing, Computer-Assisted;},
webpdf = {references-folder/Vinjamuri2010.pdf}
author = {Dana Vrajitoru},
title = {Multi-agent autonomous pilot for single-track vehicles},
booktitle = {In Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Modeling and Simulation},
year = {2005},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Vrajitoru2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Vrajitoru2005},
file = {Vrajitoru2005.pdf:Vrajitoru2005.pdf:PDF},
webpdf = {references-folder/Vrajitoru2005.pdf}
author = {E.J.H. de Vries and J.F.A. den Brok},
title = {Assessing slip of a rolling disc and the implementation of a tyre
model in the benchmark bicycle},
booktitle = {Proceedings, Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2010
Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles,},
year = {2010},
month = {October},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Vries2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Vries2010},
file = {Vries2010.pdf:Vries2010.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.10.28},
webpdf = {references-folder/Vries2010.pdf}
author = {Hubert Gerard Jean Joseph Amaury Vroomen and Felix Godfried Peter
Peeters and Hendrikus Martinus Wilhelmus Goossens},
title = {Apparatus and method for determining roll angle of a motorcycle},
note = {IPC8 Class: AB60Q104FI
USPC Class: 362465
United States Patent Application 20090222164},
abstract = {An apparatus for determining roll angle of a motorcycle (1) as when
taking a curve or bend in a road. The apparatus includes a first
gyro sensor (11) that provides a roll rate signal, a second gyro
sensor (12) that provides a yaw rate signal, and a velocity sensor
(36). The apparatus is configured to integrate the roll rate signal
to obtain a first intermediate roll angle value and to determine
a second intermediate roll angle value from the yaw rate and the
vehicle velocity. The apparatus combines the two intermediate roll
angle values into an output value for the roll angle that can be
used by a servo (50) to adjust the orientation of the headlamp so
that the beam pattern remains leveled with the horizon when the motorcycle
(1) rolls when taking a curve.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Vroomen},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Vroomen},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.03.30}
author = {Waechter, M and Riess, F. and Zacharias, N.},
title = {A multibody model for the simulation of bicycle suspension systems},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {2002},
volume = {37},
pages = {3--28},
number = {1},
month = {January},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Waechter2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Waechter2002},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Wallis, G. and Chatziastros, A. and Tresilian, J. and Tomasevic,
title = {The role of visual and nonvisual feedback in a vehicle steering task},
journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychological Human Perception and Performance},
year = {2007},
volume = {33},
pages = {1127--44},
number = {5},
month = {October},
abstract = {This article investigates vehicle steering control, focusing on the
task of lane changing and the role of different sources of sensory
feedback. Participants carried out 2 experiments in a fully instrumented,
motion-based simulator. Despite the high level of realism afforded
by the simulator, participants were unable to complete a lane change
in the absence of visual feedback. When asked to produce the steering
movements required to change lanes and turn a corner, participants
produced remarkably similar behavior in each case, revealing a misconception
of how a lane-change maneuver is normally executed. Finally, participants
were asked to change lanes in a fixed-based simulator, in the presence
of intermittent visual information. Normal steering behavior could
be restored using brief but suitably timed exposure to visual information.
The data suggest that vehicle steering control can be characterized
as a series of unidirectional, open-loop steering movements, each
punctuated by a brief visual update.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wallis2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wallis2007},
file = {Wallis2007.pdf:Wallis2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wallis2007.pdf}
author = {D. Walton and V. K. Dravitzki and B. S. Cleland and J. A. Thomas
and R. Jackett},
title = {Balancing the needs of cyclists and motorists},
institution = {Land Transport New Zealand},
year = {2005},
number = {273},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Walton2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Walton2005},
file = {Walton2005.pdf:Walton2005.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Walton2005.pdf}
author = {Wang, E.L. and Hull, M.L.},
title = {A dynamic system model of an off-road cyclist},
journal = {Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering},
year = {1997},
volume = {119},
pages = {248-53},
number = {3},
month = {August},
abstract = {To optimize the performance of off-road bicycle suspension systems,
a dynamic model of the bicycle/rider system would be useful. This
paper takes a major step toward this goal by developing a dynamic
system model of the cyclist. To develop the cyclist model, a series
of four vibrational tests utilizing random inputs was conducted on
seven experienced off-road cyclists. This allowed the transfer functions
for the arms and legs to be determined. To reproduce the essential
features (i.e., resonance peaks) of the experimental transfer functions,
the system model included elements representing the visceral mass
along with the arms and legs. Through simulations, frequency responses
of the system model of the rider in each of the four tests were computed.
Optimal stiffness and damping parameter values for each subject were
determined by minimizing the difference between the experimental
and simulation results. Good agreement between experimental and simulation
results indicates that modeling the rider as a lumped parameter system
with linear springs and dampers is possible.},
address = {USA},
affiliation = {Wang, E.L.; Dept. of Mech. Eng., Nevada Univ., Reno, NV, USA.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wang1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wang1997},
identifying-codes = {[A1997-21-8745-013],[0148-0731/97/\$3.00],[0148-0731(199708)119:3L.248:DSMR;1-C]},
issn = {0148-0731},
keywords = {Theoretical or Mathematical/ biomechanics; damping; physiological
models; vibrations/ dynamic system model; transfer functions; off-road
bicycle suspension systems; bicycle/rider system; vibrational tests;
random inputs; experienced off-road cyclists; arms; legs; resonance
peaks; visceral mass; frequency responses; optimal stiffness parameter
value; optimal damping parameter values; rider; lumped parameter
system; linear springs/ A8745 Biomechanics, biorheology, biological
fluid dynamics; A8710 General, theoretical, and mathematical biophysics},
language = {English},
number-of-references = {25},
owner = {moorepants},
publication-type = {J},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.12.04},
type = {Journal Paper},
unique-id = {INSPEC:5703101}
author = {Eric L. Wang and Maury Hull},
title = {Minimization of Pedaling Induced Energy Losses in Off-road Bicycle
Rear Suspension Systems},
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1997},
volume = {28},
pages = {291--306},
number = {4},
abstract = {This paper presents the results of an optimization analysis performed
on off-road bicycles in which the energy loss induced as a result
of pedaling action was minimized. A previously developed computer-based
dynamic system model (Wang and Hull, Vehicle System Dynamics, 25:3,
1996) was used to evaluate the power dissipated by a single pivot
point rear suspension while pedalling uphill on a smooth surface.
By systematically varying the location of the pivot point, the relationship
between power dissipated and pivot location was determined. The optimal
location was defined as the location which resulted in the least
power dissipated. The simulation results show that the power dissipated
was very dependent on the height above the bottom bracket but not
the fore-aft location of the pivot point. If the pivot point is constrained
to the seat tube, then the optimal pivot point was found to be 11
cm above the bottom bracket. Compared to a commercially available
design, the optimal pivot point reduced the power dissipated from
6.9 to 1.2 Watts. Furthermore, the optimal pivot point was found
to be very insensitive to pedaling mechanics, and both the spring
and damping parameter values. The optimal pivot point did, however,
have a linear dependence on the height of the chainline; as the chainline
height increased so too did the optimal pivot point height.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wang1997a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wang1997a},
file = {Wang1997a.pdf:Wang1997a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.03.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wang1997a.pdf}
author = {J. T. Wang and R. L. Huston},
title = {Kane's Equations With Undetermined Multipliers---Application to Constrained
Multibody Systems},
journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
year = {1987},
volume = {54},
pages = {424-429},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wang1987},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wang1987},
doi = {10.1115/1.3173031},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Xinqi Wang},
title = {Test platform design and control of a bicycle-type two-wheeled autonomous
school = {University of Ontario Institute Of Technology},
year = {2011},
abstract = {Bicycle dynamics and behaviors have been vastly studied through modeling
simulation. Due to the complexity, software models are often assumed
to di erent nonholonomic constraints in order to simplify the models
and control
algorithms. A real life autonomous bicycle faces perturbances from
the road, wind,
tire deformation, slipping among other external forces. Limitations
of simulations
will not always allow these to apply. All these issues make the autonomous
research very challenging.
To study the bicycle control problems a few research results from
the literature
are reviewed. A nonlinear bicycle model was used to conduct control
Model based nonlinear controllers were applied to simulate the balance
and path
tracking control. A PID controller is more practical to replace the
non-linear con-
troller for the balance control. Simulation results of the di erent
controllers are
compared in order to decide the proper control strategies on the hardware
The controller design of the platform complies with practicality based
on the hard-
ware con guration. Two control schemes are implemented on the test
both are developed with PID algorithms. The rst scheme is a single
PID control
loop in which the controller takes the roll angle feedback and balances
the running
platform by means of steering. If the desired roll angle is zero the
controller will try
to hold the platform at the upright position. If the desired roll
angle is non-zero
the platform will be balanced at an equilibrium roll angle. A xed
roll angle will
lead to a xed steering angle as the result of balance control. The
second scheme
is directional control with balance consisting of two cascaded PID
loops. Steering
is the only means to control balance and direction. To do so the desired
roll an-
gle must be controlled to achieve the desired steering angle. The
platform tilts to
the desired side and steering follows to the same side of the tilt;
the platform can
then be lifted up by the centrifugal force and eventually balanced
at an equilibrium
roll angle. The direction can be controlled using a controlled roll
angle. Many im-
plementation issues have to be dealt with in order for the control
algorithm to be
functional. Dynamic roll angle measurement is implemented with complementary
internal sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope). Directional information
is obtained
through a yaw rate gyroscope which operates on the principle of resonance.
To mon-
itor the speed of the platform, a rotational sensor was formed by
using a hard drive
stepper motor attached to the axis of the vehicle's driving motor.
The optoelec-
tronic circuit plays the vital role to ensure the system functionality
by isolating the
electromagnetic noise from the motors. Finally, in order to collect
runtime data, the
wireless communication is implemented through Bluetooth/RS232 serial
The data is then plotted and analyzed with Matlab. Controller gains
are tuned
through numerous road tests.
Field test results show that the research has successfully achieved
the goal of
testing the low level control of autonomous bicycle. The developed
algorithms are
able to balance the platform on semi-smooth surfaces},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wang2011},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wang2011},
file = {Wang2011.pdf:Wang2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wang2011.pdf}
author = {Ward, L.},
title = {Gyrobike: {P}reventing Scraped Knees},
journal = {Popular Mechanics},
year = {2006},
month = {November},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Ward2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Ward2006},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Mark Warner and Daniel Corbett},
title = {The self-stabilising dynamics of bicycles},
year = {2011},
note = {arxiv preprint},
abstract = {We analyse the classical problem of the stability of bicycles when
moving quickly and upright. Developing a lean causes the front wheel
to turn thereby setting the bicycle instantaneously into circular
motion. The centripetal force associated with the lean-dependent
turning circle gives a restoring torque which corrects the lean.
The force also helps self-steer the front wheel, ensuring the bicycle
continues in an essentially straight path. We give the frequency
of lean oscillations about the vertical executed during riding. As
in the literature, we discuss the neglect of gyroscopic effects,
which experiment suggests are negligible.},
file = {Warner2011.pdf:Warner2011.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.05.07},
url = {}
author = {Watanabe, Y. and K. Yoshida},
title = {Motorcycle Handling Performance for Obstacle Avoidance},
booktitle = {Second International Congress on Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
address = {San Francisco},
month = {July},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Watanabe1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Watanabe1973},
file = {Watanabe1973.pdf:Watanabe1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {They measure the motorcycle path, steering torque, steering angle
and roll angle but don't seem to give any detail how.
They compare obstacle avoidance between a low skill and high skill
rider. The high skill rider seems to use high and shorter amplitude
control actions.
They compare a model simulation with experimental data.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Watanabe1973.pdf}
author = {Gregory Kendall Watkins},
title = {The dynamic stability of a fully faired single track human powered
school = {University of North Carolina, Charlotte},
year = {2002},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Watkins2002},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Watkins2002},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2011.10.07}
author = {D.H. Weir and D.T. McRuer},
title = {Dynamics of driver vehicle steering control},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {1970},
volume = {6},
pages = {87 - 98},
number = {1},
abstract = {The view point and principles of guidance and control theory provide
the basis for analyzing the dynamics of driver steering control of
motor vehicles. The resultant driver/vehicle system has as its elements
the vehicle equations of motion, experimentally derived models for
the human operator's dynamic response characteristics, and descriptions
of the roadway environment. A variety of single-loop and multiloop
systems are synthesized and examined to select several good, simple,
and likely alternative configurations: time-advanced lateral deviation,
path angle (or rate) plus inertial lateral deviation, and heading
angle (or rate) plus inertial lateral deviation. These do not included
all the possible multiloop driver/vehicle structures potentially
capable of satisfying guidance and control requirements, but they
do provide good performance in command-following and disturbance
regulation, insensitivity to variations in the driver's dynamic adaptation,
and good predicted subjective opinion from the driver. They are not
inconsistent with perceptual data from recent driver experiments.
The resultant models provide a new framework for devising future
experiments, and can aid the vehicle and highway design process.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Weir1970},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Weir1970},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0005-1098(70)90077-4},
file = {Weir1970.pdf:Weir1970.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0005-1098},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.24},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Weir1970.pdf}
author = {D.H. Weir and J. W. Zellner},
title = {Experimental investigation of the transient behavior of motorcycles},
booktitle = {SAE Technical Paper Series},
year = {1979},
note = {SAE Paper 790266},
abstract = {Analytical and experimental studies of the transient and oscillatory
behavior of motorcycles are reported. Three example vehicles were
used. The effects of adding load, changing operating conditions,
and modifying the vehicle configuration are shown. The phenomenon
known as cornering weave is illustrated and interpreted.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Weir1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Weir1979},
doi = {10.4271/790266},
file = {Weir1979.pdf:Weir1979.pdf:PDF},
webpdf = {references-folder/Weir1979.pdf}
author = {D. H. Weir},
title = {A Manual Control View of Motorcycle Handling},
booktitle = {Second International Congress of Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
number = {73018},
address = {San Francisco},
month = {July 16-18},
abstract = {Motorcycle handling dynamics and rider control processes are investigated.
Lateral-directional control by means of upper body lean and steer
torque is analyzed. Rider dynamic response properties, alternative
perceptual cues, and motorcycle equations of motion are summarized.
The motorcycle degrees of freedom included are lateral velocity,
roll angle, heading rate, and front fork steer angle. The resulting
motorcycle motions are characterized by a low frequency capisize
mode, and two high frequency modes involving weaving and front fork
assembly wobble. A number of rider feedback loops (control response
to perceptual cues) are reviewed to determine those which satisfy
both rider-centered and guidance and control requirements. A representative
multiple-loop rider/cycle system control structure is shown, which
serves to quantify rider/cycle response and performance, and provide
a basis for determining the effect on handling performance of changes
in cycle design configuration.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Weir1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Weir1973},
file = {Weir1973.pdf:Weir1973.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM - Looks at the lateral dynamics of a motorcycle and rider control
actions for keeping the bike upright and following a path at constant
speed. Uses a model similar to Sharp's 1971 model. He uses the linear
upright constant forward speed equations. The model has four degrees
of freedom: lateral velocity, roll angle, heading rate, and steer
angle. The inputs can be: steer angle, steer torque, and rider upper
body lean angle. The model includes neuromuscular delays for the
arm/hand lag and the upper body lag where the later is 3 times the
former. The model has 7 rigid bodies: front wheel, rear wheel, engine
rotor, fork/handlebar, rear frame, rider upper body and rider lower
body. Linearizing decouples the longitudinal (pitch and heave) motions
from the lateral motions. The control model wasn't considered unique,
as it will vary with rider, vehicle and task. Quasi-linear model
of the operator based on the crossover model is used. He neglects
the remnant based on some assumptions (p 255). He set up various
combinations of inputs and outputs for SISO human operator model
to grade the quality of the controllers. Grading was based on stability
margins, bandwidth, low freq properties, the presence of nuisance
modes, etc. Table I (p257) shows these grades. It is only done for
a single speed which is not reported. The steer torque to roll angle
was by far the best. The rider lean to roll angle and to heading
rate were the next best but may require large rider lean angles.
It was interesting to note that steer angle to roll angle was ranked
poor, he even says it has an adverse effect. This should be done
for the bicycle case and various speed regimes and including some
other possible rider inputs. We could grade these using some sort
of control "effort" too. Would be interesting to set up experiments
that only allowed this SISO control and see what the human percieves
as best and what they perform the best with. He then setup a multi-loop
model with steer torque to roll angle as the inner loop. The outer
loops were closed by using rider lean to heading rate and lateral
position deviation. The inner loop stablizes the capsize mode (why
is the best controller used to stabilize the easiest to control instability?)
and equalizes the system. The system uses gain only equalization
and has good performance. He claims the high freq weave and wobble
modes are byond the rider's control ability. Also, that the capsize
mode should be stable without a rider for minimum rider workload.
He mentions speed should be taken into consideration because the
dynamics change. He derives an analytical solution to for the trail
that would make the capsize mode small.\\
Page 249\\
- says the capsize mode is low frequency...does this happen because
of the extra DoF's
- says weave and wobble modes are high frequency...weave in our models
isn't typically high freq
Other notes\\
- ``Note that the high speed `wobble' problem occasionally experienced
may actually reflect a weave mode instability'' (p261)
- Lateral acceleration is a poor sensory feedback because of lag
This is the closest work that I have seen to what we want to do with
the bicycle rider system. We should find all his papers and study
the thesis in detail, using this work as a basis for our own.
DLP - A summary work of his thesis. The modeling details are not included
in this paper, for this (and other things) see his thesis. His model
includes 4 degrees of freedom: lateral velocity, roll angle, heading
rate, front fork steer angle. I'm not clear on what he means by these
'degrees of freedom' since they are different types of variables
(two are rates, two are angles). He considers three types of rider
input: front fork angle, steer torque, and upper body lean angle.
He then goes on to consider SISO transfer functions from those three
inputs to the outputs roll angle, steer angle, heading angle, lateral
position, heading rate, lateral velocity, and lateral acceleration.
He finds that controlling roll angle with steer torque is the best
choice, with controlling heading rate and roll angle via rider lean
being good alternatives (or to be used in addition to roll angle
control via steer torque), with all the other choices being very
poor. He doesn't examine rider lean torque as a means to control
the bicycle but for the autonomous bicycle, this should be investigated.
For both my experiments and Jason's we need to figure out how to
measure and command torque. In Jason's case, measuring the torqe
applied by the rider, in my case, being able to command a motor torque.
This is the control input I used for my ASME2008 paper where I extended
the benchmark model to include a leaning rider},
timestamp = {2009.02.19},
webpdf = {references-folder/Weir1973.pdf}
author = {Weir, David H.},
title = {Motorcycle Handling Dynamics and Rider Control and the Effect of
Design Configuration on Response and Performance},
school = {University of California Los Angeles},
year = {1972},
type = {Ph{D} {D}issertation},
address = {Los Angeles, {CA}},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Weir1972},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Weir1972},
file = {Weir1972.pdf:Weir1972.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {JKM- This thesis has three four chapters. The first is the intro.
The second describes human operator control models and how they relate
to a motorcycle's dynamics and handling characterisitics. The third
looks a specific motorcycle case, a chopper, and how changing its
design affects the dynamics and handling. The 4th is the conclusion.
There are two appendices: deviration of the linear equations of motion
and the details of the numerical example used in the text. The basic
theme is that you can use the basic crossover model to build a good
multi-loop model that represents the motorcycle/rider system and
use this info to develop design criteria.
Chapter 2:
- He looks at a unique model (i.e. specific motorcycle and human parameters)
not a broad range
- He assumes that you can model the rider control system with the
crossover model and neglect the remnant so you are dealing with a
completely linear operator model
- In general strictly gain equalization is used, but he also talks
about lead and lag equalization
- His primary inputs are rider lean angle and steer torque for the
dynamic model construction
- He includes linear tire dynamics (based on slip angle) which add
two degrees of freedom (later velocity and heading rate) to the whipple-like
model. He adds a rider lean but without adding a new the
MoI's and CoM's don't change with rider lean angle
- The time lag for the rider lean is 3 times the one for steer torque
(basically neuromuscular models)
- He didn't find any reliable data on the neuromuscular system for
the rider torso.
- He uses a motorcycle model that is in good agreement with Sharp's
1971 model and linearizes about the upright constant speed configuration
- He picks a specfic numerical case to work with the motorcycle traveling
at about 50 mph
- He sets up various SISO system models using the transfer functions
from the motorcycle model and the basic crossover model and evaluates
them on the basis of whether they are good manual control systems
- He finds that using steer angle instead of steer torque as a feedback
cue is bad. Steer angle feedback has very poor gain and phase margins.
The capsize mode is mostly unstable.
- He finds that the rider lean angle control in the SISO systems requires
large lean angles
- he found lateral acceleration feedback to make a poor control system
and says that for this example it would be difficult to ride the
motorcycle with eyes closed.
- He finds that lateral ground contact deviation as feedback is poor
(corresponds to our line tracking experiments)
- The determines that steer torque to roll angle is the best SISO
control system and that rider lean to heading rate and rider lean
to roll angle are the next best systems (this is only for one speed:
- He then models various mutli-loop systems and compares them for
- He finds that the best mult-loop system feeds back roll angle to
control steer torque, heading angle and lateral position to control
rider lean angle, he only uses gain equalization
- He concludes that rider is most needed to stabilize the capsize
mode and that at this speed, weave and wobble can be anaylzed with
open loop methods for a good model.
Chapter 3:\\
- This chapter goes over how the models are affected by speed variations
and changing the design parameters of the motorcycle (changes it
to a chopper style motorcycle)
- He repeats that the capsize mode is the dominant parameter for roll
- He states some design criteria for good handling on page 64: capsize
mode should have small inverse time constant, capsize mode should
be stable open loop, weave and wobble should be well damped and higher
frequencies than rider control, no adverse heading numerators that
reduce gain margin or increase phase lag, the loops should provide
desired crossover freq
- the movement of the frame CoM affects capsize, rake an trail have
mixe effects
- table II charaterizes how various design parameters and speed qualitatively
affect the open loop dynamics
- All he says about speed is that it has an effect and the rider must
adopt, he doesn't look at really low speeds
- He changed the geometry and com's to make a `chopper' bike (didn't
change MoIs)
- He describes trail in detail and how it effects the capsize and
weave modes (more negative trail can help, large positive trail is
- He develops an analytical expression for trail that makes the capsize
inverse time constant go to zero (an analytical handling quality
type equation), page 87, eq 34
- Says increasing speed, increasing rake angle (not sure if this is
frame or fork rake angle), and increasing front wheel polar inertia
makes the capsize mode less stable.
Chapter 4:\\
- These are his conclusions
- Capsize mode dominants the control loop
- Finds the best SISO systems (as said already) but says high rider
lean angles are need for the second two
- Acceleration sensing probably isn't utilized
- The steer torque to roll plus heading angle and lateral position
to rider lean is his preferred multi-loop model
- Develop some handling quality criteria including and analytical
calculation for good trail selection
- Steer angle feedback is bad, don't grip handlebars tightly and try
to set the angle
- Higher speeds require higher steer torque gains
- He was able to design an unusual motorcycle and make it have similar
handling qualities and control charateristics
- Trail is an important parameter
Bibliography: He seemed to have most of the references from before
his time. He was aware of the good work. There are a bunch of manual
control papers we might want to get.
Appendix A: He derives the linear equations of motion of a motorcycle
similar to Sharps1971 model (derivation is supposedly similar to
Sharps) and he claims that the linear model is an adequate description.
He doesn't model the rider's upper body as a rigid body, he only
uses lean angle to exert a gravitaional lean control torque to the
vehicle. This is expalined some on pages 102-103. This tire model
seems to be the basic force proportional to the slip angle.
Overall, this work is highly relevant to what we are doing with the
bicycle. I think following his examples we could do similar anaylses
of the SISO and MIMO systems maybe adding more speeds, more complex
human operator models, looking at more inputs and outputs, etc.
It is funny that he identifies steer torque to be the primary control
input by comparing steer torque to steer angle input, but he only
tries an effective rider lean angle input and doesn't look at an
actual rider lean torque (maybe he didn't have a rider lean torque
DLP - Weir uses a model of the motorcycle with four degrees of freedom.
Two of the degrees of freedom are lean and steer, analogous to the
benchmark model, the other two come from tire slip model which allows
for lateral slip, and uses a lateral tire force model which is linear
in the slip angle and the camber angle of each of the wheels. His
model also includes a rider, but in his formulation this doesn't
add a degree of freedom. The way he seems to do it is to keep the
inertial properties constant even as the rider leans, but to consider
the roll torque applied to the frame due to the gravitational force.
In general terms, his formulation of the equations of motion seems
excessively long, taking the better part of 30 pages and using a
non minimal set of geometric parameters. His model has a total of
26 inertial and geometric parameters and 4 more for the tire model.
The most useful thing that he does in this paper is to consider a
myriad of possible control strategies, and looking at the transfer
functions from from several different inputs to several different
outputs. In particular he notes what the steady state gain is for
each approach, which provides a useful metric for comparing the effectiveness
of each control input. He finds that rider lean to roll angle as
an inner loop has a gain of 5-10 deg rider lean / degree of roll
angle error, which he correctly states is way too much to be effective
on this particular model. We should analyze how effective it is in
the case of the bicycle parameters we measure, and we probably want
to consider rider lean torque rather than rider lean angle. We will
likely need to do some research on what the describing function for
the rider will be for this input mode, but it seems like an important
control technique that we should analyze.
page 27 -- Wier states that in order to turn right, the rider needs
to lean right. In my hands free yaw rate controller, I found that
this was true initially, but that the steady state rider lean angle
was dependent upon the velocity, so for some speeds the rider would
end up leaning into the turn, while in others, they would be leaning
out of the turn. Seems like this would be parameter dependent behavior.
page 40 -- we should determine for the benchmark parameters what the
rider lean torque per degree of roll angle/heading angle/heading
rate error. This would help identify the effectiveness of the rider
lean control on a bicycle. Also, a more physiologically justified
choice of the mass distribution and hinge axis should be used for
the leaning rider benchmark parameters.
page 43 -- He mentions how pushing down on the handle bar grips corresponds
to rider lean, this made me realize that the cause of the upper body
lean may very well not be coming from a torque at the hips but instead
from forces transmitted from the handlebar, through the arms, and
to the torso. We should ask Ron how we could find what the describing
function for this part of the human body.
page 44 -- The choice of feedback loops is restricted here to ones
that Weir feels are physically occuring when a human rides. We should
compare what an LQR controller gain matrix ends up being and how
similar the resulting transfer functions are. I seem to remember
a fair number of 0 entries in my gain matrix when I did the yaw rate
controller, and it seems like the LQR formulation may have some similarities
with a controller obtained by a hand selected set of sequential loops
closures would be.
page 51 -- Mentions that the heading angle to steer torque has a nonminimum
phase zero and so for this reason, lean angle is a much better way
to control the heading angle since apparently it doesn't have this
page 54 -- Figure 19 has a commanded roll angle of 0, which doesn't
seem like it is the right thing to do if you are trying to turn.
By doing it this way it seems as though your controller is fighting
itself -- a lateral path deviation error will create a non-zero commanded
heading angle, which will in turn create a non zero rider lean angle
command to the system -- which will induce a non-zero roll angle,
but then the roll angle controller is acting to counteract this by
trying to drive it to zero. Furthermore, from a more physical point
of view, when I am trying to turn my bike, or perform a lane change,
I don't get the sense that I am trying to keep a zero roll angle
during that manuever, so commanding a zero roll angle seems wrong.
page 57 -- He states that figure 19 is 'more satisfying conceptually,
and more convenient analytically,' but doesn't state why.
page 65 -- lots of qualitative words (' helpful', 'beneficial', 'too
much', 'steering feel characteristics') about how changes in parameters
affect the handling qualities.
page 66 -- Table II, 5 eigenvales shown (distinct real), capsize,
weave (complex pair), wobble (complex pair). Presumably caster (real
distinct) mode is not shown, and the other two are zero.
page 81 -- He mentions that the quadratic pair of zeros at 41 rad/sec
are of no consequence, but I am not sure why this is the case exactly.},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Weir1972.pdf}
author = {David H. Weir and John W. Zellner},
title = {The Performance and Handling of a Top Fuel Drag Motorcycle},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1983},
month = {February},
note = {SAE Paper 830157},
abstract = {The design and development of a top fuel drag motorcycle are reviewed
from the standpoints of performance, stability and handling, and
rider safety. The paper begins with a summary of design requirements
related to longitudinal performance, lateral/directional stability
and control, structural properties, rider factors, organizational
rules, and the fact that drag racing is a spectator sport. A contemporary
top fuel dragster design is used as an example case study. Analytical
results illustrate the effects of aerodynamics, and varying other
design parameters, on performance and stability. A principal result
is that adequate down load must be maintained on the front tire.
The results suggest that safety and good handling need not compromise
ultimate performance, and that the required tradeoffs can be guided
by analysis at the design stage.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Weir1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Weir1983},
file = {Weir1983.pdf:Weir1983.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Weir1983.pdf}
author = {David H. Weir and John W. Zellner},
title = {Lateral-Directional Motorcycle Dynamics and Rider Control},
institution = {SAE},
year = {1978},
number = {780304},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Weir1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Weir1978},
file = {Weir1978.pdf:Weir1978.pdf:PDF},
journal = {SAE},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Supposedly they put a brace on the rider to prevent lean, but I haven't
found it yet. Doyle1988 mentions it.},
timestamp = {2009.09.17},
webpdf = {references-folder/Weir1978.pdf}
author = {Weir, David H. and Zellner, John W. and Teper, Gar},
title = {Motorcycle Handling},
institution = {U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration and Systems Technology, Inc.},
year = {1979},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {Volume II},
address = {Washington, D.C.},
month = {May},
abstract = {Analytical and experimental studies of the handling response and performance
of motorcycles are reported. Five instrumented example vehicles were
used. Steady turn, single lane change, cornering and braking, and
cornering and accelearting tests were accomplished. Test procedures
and measures are presented, together with subjective evaluations.
Oscillatory behavior involving weave and wobble motions was investigated.
The effects of adding load, changing operating conditions, and modifying
vehicle configuration are shown. Braking tests were made with a motorcycle
fitted with a prototype antilock brake system, and the results showed
markedly superior performance on wet (low SN) surfaces. Linear and
nonlinear digital computer simulations of motorcycle response and
performance are described and demonstrated.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Weir1979a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Weir1979a},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {This is part two of a research study about the precrash safety of
motorcycles. The used 5 types of motorcycles and expert to novice
riders. The expert rider did all the experiments and showed good
He used five different motorcycles (two touring, two street and one
off-road/street) and one fitted with antilock brakes for a braking
study. They used riders with a wide range of ability, although most
of the experiments were done with an expert rider to reduce variability.
The expert rider was trained at giving subjective handling ratings.
pg 11 Wobble mode frequency is fairly independent of speed. The damping
is not and the damping is also a strong function of front frame geometry
and properties. The frequency is well beyond the ability for the
rider to control.
pg 11 "The capsize is fundamental to rider control, ..,"
pg 13 Good handling:
- Capsize mode should have a very small inverse time constant for
good low frequency properties and mid freq path damping.
- Ideally the capsize should be open loop stable for minimal rider
work load.
- The weave and wobble modes should be well damped and have high freq
relative to rider control freq.
- Should be no adverse effects which reduce bandwidth and damping
for heading control.
- The effective controlled element for steer torque and rider lean
control should be such that rider control actions of nominal amplitude
provide the desired crossover freq.
pg 44 The small control actions needed to balance the capsize mode
beyond the critical speed do not appreciably distort the measure
vehicle response as compared to open loop tests when the motorcycle
is stable.
pg 44 Below transition speed: steady state steer torque is opposite
the direction of the turn. Maybe one of the earlier notes of this
Page 45-48 Compares emprical steer torque to roll angle magnitudes
in steady turning to the ones predicted by their model for pretty
good visual matches although he notes they are better for some bikes
than others. The Honda 1200 analtycal results show no critical speed
under 70 mph, but the data shows it for 40 mph. He says it was outside
the scope of the study to adjust the analytical parameters of the
models to better predict the measured data.
He compares the ratios of steady state torque to various kinematic
measurements (roll, steer, yaw) to predictions by the model. (also
compares ratios of kinematic measurements too). He attributes the
variance in the data to the noise in the steer torque and the very
low magnitudes of steer torque. There are plots showing the differences
in these values when adding a fairing, rear load and passenger. The
number of data points are low for these and it is hard to see much
"Considerable past analytical and experimental evidence indicates
that rider conrol of roll angle via steer torque is the primary inner
loop for motorcycles.
He developed subjective evaluations for handling.
Measured roll angle with a free gyro. The rider was required to uncage
and cage the roll angle gyro at the beginning and end of each run
to minimize drift. Yaw rate with rate gyro. Steer torque with of
the shelf transducer mounted in special design. Steer angle with
rotary potentiometer. Forward velocity with DC tach. Rider lean angle
and rider pitch angle with rotary pot. Lateral position with movie
camera. Lateral accerleration with accelerometer.
Steady turning experiments: lots of plots steer torque to something
ratios for forward speeds and with added loads (passenger) and farings.
Handling difficulty generally increased with speed. Also measure
path deviation to get and idea of how good the task objective was
Does a lange change with no hands. The rider is supposed to just use
his body. He notes that after the manuever the motorcycle rolls back
and forth under the rider because the rider lean angle is equal and
opposite the motorcycle roll angle. He says the rider lean alone
is rather ineffective at making the lane change while steer torque
is precise and efficeint. He says (pg 170) that novice riders let
the motorcycle roll underneath them more than the experienced riders.
Weir et al. designed an instrumented motorcycle with a torque sensor.
The range was +/- 70 Nm with 1\% accuracy and >10 Hz dynamic range.
The crosstalk due to the other moments on the steer were removed
with by utilizing two thrust bearings. It included stops to prevent
sensor overload protection and weighed 14 Newtons. They comment that
the handlebars are significantly rigid for their purposes. It was
a modular design set up for multiple motorcycles. They comment on
the range being too large for small amplitude inputs used in steady
turning and straight running and that more sensitivity would be needed
to measure these accurately. Weir used this to measure steer torques
for two motorcycles at various speeds (>10 m/s) for steady turning
and lane change maneuvers. The steady turning produced torques in
the range of -10 to 30 Nm and the lane change produced -20 to 55
Experiments: steady turning, single lane change, cornering and braking,
cornering and accelerating},
timestamp = {2009.11.30}
author = {Westhoff, C. and Troje, N. F.},
title = {Kinematic cues for person identification from biological motion},
journal = {Perception Psychophysics},
year = {2007},
volume = {69},
pages = {241-53},
number = {2},
month = {February},
abstract = { We examined the role of kinematic information for person identification.
Observers learned to name seven walkers shown as point-light displays
that were normalized by their size, shape, and gait frequency under
a frontal, half-profile, or profile view. In two experiments, we
analyzed the impact of individual harmonics as created by a Fourier
analysis of a walking pattern, as well as the relative importance
of the amplitude and the phase spectra in walkers shown from different
viewpoints. The first harmonic contained most of the individual information,
but performance was also above chance level when only the second
harmonic was available. Normalization of the amplitude of a walking
pattern resulted in a severe deterioration of performance, whereas
the relative phase of the point lights was only used from a frontal
viewpoint. No overall advantage for a single learning viewpoint was
found, and there is considerable generalization to novel testing
bib = {bibtex-keys#Westhoff2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Westhoff2007},
file = {Westhoff2007.pdf:Westhoff2007.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.09.18},
webpdf = {references-folder/Westhoff2007.pdf}
author = {Whipple, Francis J. W.},
title = {The stability of the motion of a bicycle},
journal = {Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics},
year = {1899},
volume = {30},
pages = {312--348},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Whipple1899},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Whipple1899},
file = {Whipple1899.pdf:Whipple1899.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Whipple1899.pdf}
title = {Bicycling Science},
publisher = {MIT Press},
year = {1982},
editor = {2nd},
author = {Frank Rowland Whitt and David Gordon Wilson},
timestamp = {2012.08.07}
title = {Gangbare kinderfietsen op comfort, manoeuvreerbaarheid en remweg
publisher = {Haren: Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen},
year = {1988},
author = {M. Wierda and E. Roos},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wierda1988},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wierda1988},
file = {Wierda1988.pdf:Wierda1988.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Rijksuniversiteit Groningen},
keywords = {bicycle, experimental, maneuvrability, stability, braking, comfort,
traffic situation},
owner = {kooijman},
review = {Experimental study of the (child)controller on a bicycle.
bicycle safety experiments based on trafic situations and carried
out on at the time currently available childerens bicycles. different
bicycles for boys and girls are used.
children between the ages of 8 and 12 were tested on different bicycles
at normal cycling speeds. tests included different types of straight
ahead cycling and braking with and without extra added mass. all
bicycles were fitted with a reverse pedel brake.
First three experiments were carried out inside in a heated hall.
riders had to try to stay in the 40cm wide 17m long straight track.
the experiments were carried out 3 times tests were:
A: riding in a straight line with right hand on steeringwheel and
left hand pointing outwards (to indicate going left)
B: same as A, but also looking rearwards over left shoulder. where
the child had to count the number of fingures that the examiner held
up and shout this out loud.
C. Braking in a straight line. a horn sounded when the cyclist had
his/her feet in the horizontal position. from that moment on they
had to stop as quickly as possible, but with 1 or 2 feet touching
the ground when they had no speed anymore, and on top of this the
feet had to be in the 40cm wide track. (simulate stopping in traffic
between cars).
There are substantial differences between the different bicycle styles
and also between the boys and girls bicycles. some of the boys bicycles
are much less "safe" than the girls.
D: brake test outside: ride 13kph, stop as quickly as possible, no
instructions on the placement of feet. sometimes the bicycle has
been fitted with extra mass to represent school usage. each child
rode 3 different types of bicycle, and carried out the experiment
3 times with each bicycle. for the bicycles with added weight the
another 9 tests were carried out. all bicycles give similar results
for no extra added weight. There is one bicycle that stops much better
than all the rest: this is a boys bike that is fitted with front
and rear hand brakes (no rear pedel brake).
For the experiments carried out with extra weight (35kg for rider
plus weight for bicycle sizes upto 46cm and 45kg for rider plus weight
for bicycle sizes larger than 46cm). no real conclusions could be
made as a the added weight was to much for the children and they
became far more cautious!},
timestamp = {2008.04.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wierda1988.pdf}
title = {Drie typen kinderfietsen op manoeuvreerbaarheid en remweg vergeleken},
publisher = {Haren},
year = {1989},
author = {M. Wierda and J. Wolf},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wierda1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wierda1989},
file = {Wierda1989.pdf:Wierda1989.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {braking, bicycle, maneuvrability, experimental, traffic situation},
owner = {kooijman},
review = {3 types of childerens bicycles (for girls standard, MTB and opoe,
for boys: standard, semi-race and mtb) tested in straight ahead riding,
breaking and maneuvring and breaking.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2.
discussion of the main charachteristics of the 6 different bicycles
(3 for boys, 3 for girls) and a discussion on the chosen test group.
(group ages range from 9 to 13.
chapter 3.
emperical research to types of bicycles
first the ergonomics of bicycles is investigated and it is concluded
that anthrapometric tables are of no use for kids in this age group
as there is no correlation between body lengths and wieghts etc.
therefore kids should try a number of bicycles and sizes before buying
a bicycle.
16 boys and 16 girls are used as test persons.
Experiments: experiments were carried out 4 times by each test guinnypig.
a: riding in a straight line, right hand on handlebars, left hand
extended to the left (to indicate going left) and looking over left
shoulder and upon request recount the number of fingers shown by
the experimenter. it is concluded that kids of this age are not very
profficient in safely opperating in traffic in this manner. (they
do not keep to the lane enough)
b: evasive maneuver and emergency stop. the riders ride at normal
cruizing speed in a central lane (40cm wide). when the cyclist has
his feet horzontal, a horn is sounded and a traffic light on one
of either side of the lane is lit. the rider then makes an evasive
maneuver to this lane (also 40cm wide) and stops as quickly as possible
- and places at least 1 foot on the ground (preferebly in the lane).
no significant differences are noted between the different types
of bicycle.
c: outside brake test. riding 13kph the child has to stop in a 50cm
wide lane as quickly as possible. and put at least 1 foot on the
ground (in the lane) main difference between girls and boys appear
to be a much slower reaction time for girls using a revers pedel
brake. double brake bikes stop quicker than singel (rear) brake bikes.},
timestamp = {2008.04.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wierda1989.pdf}
author = {Wikipedia},
title = {Gyrocar --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia},
year = {2012},
note = {[Online; accessed 25-May-2012]},
timestamp = {2012.05.25},
url = {}
author = {Wikipedia},
title = {Gyro monrail --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia},
year = {2012},
note = {[Online; accessed 25-May-2012]},
timestamp = {2012.05.25},
url = {}
author = {Wikipedia},
title = {{PID} Controller --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia},
year = {2012},
note = {[Online; accessed 7-June-2012]},
url = {}
author = {Blair R. Williams},
title = {Autonomous Bicycle Roll Angle Control System},
institution = {Hope College Department of Engineering},
year = {2009},
abstract = {The goal of this project was to design an autonomous bicycle roll
angle control system.
By controlling the roll angle of a moving bicycle, stability can be
obtained for autonomous
operation. Such a device can be used as the basis for developing more
advanced types of
automatically-driven two-wheeled robotic vehicles which are important
for military
reconnaissance or space exploration applications. A functional bicycle
stability control system
may also aid in the design of stability-assistive mechanisms in future
human operated two-
wheeled vehicles for safer operation. Additionally, such a device
can be used to explore
research-related questions as pertaining to inverted-pendulum-like
control or made use of
pedagogically for engineering control system classes at Hope College.
Several design requirements were evaluated to develop this bicycle
roll angle control
system. For the control system to function autonomously, all system
components were required
to be mounted onboard the bicycle, including power sources. An accurate
means of measuring
roll angular states was required, as well as an easily reprogrammable
interface for implementing
various control methods. The design also called for a low cost design,
as the project budget was
limited to $800. Safety was also a vitally important factor in determining
the product’s design.
Additionally, little modifications to the original bicycle and low-maintenance
components were also desired of the developed device.
To formulate a feasible design for a bicycle roll angle control system,
several concepts
were considered. For programming control methods and acquiring system
data, a laptop-
LabVIEW setup, FIRST Robotics controller, and I/O microprocessor board
were all considered.
To measure the bicycle’s system states, the various conceptual designs
included use of a rear-
wheel cart with an attached potentiometer, an accelerometer and rate
gyro combination,
ultrasonic sensors, a hanging mass with attached optical counter,
and a motion-tracking camera.
As the proposed control system required actuating both the bicycle’s
rear wheel and handle bar
steering angle, various configurations of stepper, DC, and servo motors
were considered for
driving these control system features. The concepts also evaluated
several means of transmitting
torque from these motors. Other unique features considered with the
conceptual designs included
use of an existing electric-powered bike or running the device stationary
on a powered treadmill.
The final roll angle control system design makes use of an onboard
laptop equipped with
LabVIEW for data acquisition and control implementation. A weighted
average of sensor
readings from an accelerometer configured as an inclinometer and the
discrete integration of a
rate gyro is used to obtain roll angle measurements. The developed
prototype utilizes a stepper
motor to actuate the required steering angle and a DC window motor
to drive the bicycle.
Batteries are mounted onboard the bicycle to power all the devices.
Circuits were developed to
configure all the electrical components, and both digital and physical
filtering methods were
applied across the measurement sensors’ output signals. A least-mean-squares
fitting algorithm
was used to identify physical parameters of the bicycle system for
control implementation. The
control system components are all interfaced with a LabVIEW program,
and a control method is
implemented. Thus far, the control system has succeeded in stabilizing
the bicycle for brief runs.
As improved control methods are developed and implemented from root
locus analysis and
model simulations, the finished prototype device is fully equipped
with all of the necessary
hardware specifications for realizing effective roll angle control.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Williams2009},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Williams2009},
file = {Williams2009.pdf:Williams2009.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Williams2009.pdf}
author = {David Gordon Wilson},
title = {Understanding Pedal Power},
institution = {Volunteers in Technical Assistance},
year = {1986},
abstract = {This paper is one of a series published by Volunteers in Technical
Assistance to provide an introduction to specific state-of-the-art
technologies of interest to people in developing countries.
The papers are intended to be used as guidelines to help
people choose technologies that are suitable to their situations.
They are not intended to provide construction or implementation
details. People are urged to contact VITA or a similar organization
for further information and technical assistance if they
find that a particular technology seems to meet their needs.
The papers in the series were written, reviewed, and illustrated
almost entirely by VITA Volunteer technical experts on a purely
voluntary basis. Some 500 volunteers were involved in the production
of the first 100 titles issued, contributing approximately
5,000 hours of their time. VITA staff included Betsy Eisendrath
as editor, Suzanne Brooks handling typesetting and layout, and
Margaret Crouch as project manager.
The author of this paper, VITA Volunteer David Gordon Wilson, is
a mechanical engineer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The reviewers are also VITA Volunteers. John Furber is a consultant
in the fields of renewable energy, computers, and business
development. His company, Starlight Energy Technology, is based
in California. Lawrence M. Halls is a retired mechanical engineer
who designed farm machinery for Sperry-New Holland for 23
years. Lauren Howard is a thinker, inventor, and bicycling advocate.
She lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.
VITA is a private, nonprofit organization that supports people
working on technical problems in developing countries. VITA offers
information and assistance aimed at helping individuals and
groups to select and implement technologies appropriate to their
situations. VITA maintains an international Inquiry Service, a
specialized documentation center, and a computerized roster of
volunteer technical consultants; manages long-term field projects;
and publishes a variety of technical manuals and papers.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wilson1986},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wilson1986},
file = {Wilson1986.pdf:Wilson1986.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.09},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wilson1986.pdf}
title = {Bicycling Science},
publisher = {MIT Press},
year = {2004},
author = {Wilson, D. G. and Jim Papadopoulos},
edition = {3rd},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wilson2004},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wilson2004},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {S. S. Wilson},
title = {Bicycle Technology},
journal = {Scientific American},
year = {1973},
pages = {81--92},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wilson1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wilson1973},
file = {Wilson1973.pdf:Wilson1973.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.04},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wilson1973.pdf}
author = {Wilson-Jones, R. A.},
title = {Steering and Stability of Single-Track Vehicles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (Auto Div)},
year = {1951},
pages = {191--199},
note = {Part 4},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wilson-Jones1951},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wilson-Jones1951},
file = {Wilson-Jones1951.pdf:Wilson-Jones1951.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {Supposedly measured handlebar torques. Has a really cool analog style
of measuring steer torque.},
timestamp = {2009.11.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wilson-Jones1951.pdf}
title = {Comparison of methods for identifying pilot describing functions
from closed-loop operating records},
publisher = {National Aeronautics and Space Administration},
year = {1971},
author = {Wingrove, R.C.},
series = {NASA technical note},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wingrove1971},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wingrove1971},
file = {Wingrove1971.pdf:Wingrove1971.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wingrove1971.pdf}
author = {Wingrove, R.C. and Edwards, F.G.},
title = {Measurement of Pilot Describing Functions from Flight Test Data with
an Example from Gemini X},
journal = {Man-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {1968},
volume = {9},
pages = {49 -55},
number = {3},
month = {sept. },
abstract = {It is well known that there is an error in identifying the pilot describing
function from routine flight test records because the pilot's output
noise is correlated with the input error signal. This paper shows
that this identification error can be reduced in the computer processing
by shifting the input signal an amount equivalent to the pilot's
time delay. This technique for reducing the identification error
is analyzed with theory and is demonstrated with the identification
of a simulated pilot model. This technique is also applied to flight
test records obtained from the retrofire phase of the Gemini X mission.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wingrove1968},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wingrove1968},
doi = {10.1109/TMMS.1968.300037},
file = {Wingrove1968.pdf:Wingrove1968.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0536-1540},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wingrove1968.pdf}
title = {A technique for identifying pilot describing functions from routine
flight-test records},
publisher = {National Aeronautics and Space Administration},
year = {1969},
author = {Wingrove, R.C. and Edwards, F.G. and Ames Research Center},
series = {NASA technical note},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wingrove1969},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wingrove1969},
url = {}
author = {Christopher B. Winkler and Michael R. Hagan},
title = {A New Facility for Testing Motorcycle Tires},
journal = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
year = {1983},
month = {February},
note = {SAE Paper 830154},
abstract = {Analysis of the dynamic modes of the single-track vehicle has been
hampered by the general lack of facilities for gathering force and
moment data on motorcycle tires under dynamic test conditions. The
facility described was designed and constructed by UMTRI under the
sponsorship of the HONDA Research and Development Company in order
to alleviate this problem. Unlike conventional tire dynamometers,
this new facility allows for testing under dynamic conditions and
provides for non-zero path curvature. These particular capabilities
hold promise for advancement in the state-of-the-art understanding
of the dynamic operating modes of the single-track, pneumatic-tired
bib = {bibtex-keys#Winkler1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Winkler1983},
file = {Winkler1983.pdf:Winkler1983.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2010.09.10},
webpdf = {references-folder/Winkler1983.pdf}
author = {D. A. Winter},
title = {Human balance and posture control during standing and walking},
journal = {Gait \& Posture},
year = {1995},
volume = {3},
pages = {193--214},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Winter1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Winter1995},
file = {Winter1995.pdf:Winter1995.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2011.12.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Winter1995.pdf}
title = {Dynamics of Systems of Rigid Bodies},
publisher = {B.G. Teubner Stuttgart},
year = {1977},
author = {Wittenburg, Jens},
pages = {224},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wittenburg1977},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wittenburg1977},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2009.10.09}
author = {Jeffrey C. Wolchok and M. L. Hull and Stephen M. Howell},
title = {The effect of intersegmental knee moments on patellofemoral contact
mechanics in cycling},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1998},
volume = {31},
pages = {677 - 683},
number = {8},
abstract = {The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bicycle pedal
design on the mechanics of the patellofemoral joint. Previous research
determined that for certain riders the non-driving varus and internal
knee moments could be reduced by switching from fixed to free floating
pedals (Ruby and Hull, 1993). It was postulated that the presence
of varus and internal knee moments during fixed pedal cycling may
adversely affect patellofemoral joint contact mechanics which could
lead to the development of anterior knee pain. To investigate the
effect of pedal design the hypothesis that varus and internal intersegmental
knee moments significantly increase patellofemoral contact pressure,
contact area and contact force was tested. To test this hypothesis
cycling loads were simulated in vitro using a six-degree-of-freedom
load application system (LAS). Using the LAS, varus moments ranging
from 0-20 Nm and internal knee moments ranging from 0-10 Nm were
applied simultaneously with quadriceps force at knee flexion angles
of 60 and 90 degrees. Patellofemoral contact patterns were measured
using pressure sensitive film. An applied 10 Nm internal moment
significantly increased both contact area by 16\% and contact force
by 22\% at 90° of flexion. The application of a 20 Nm varus moment
modestly yet significantly increased contact area by 6\% and contact
force by 5\%. When applied in combination, varus and internal knee
moments increased contact area and force by as much as 29\% and 28\%
respectively. The mean contact pressure was not significantly increased
by either of the two moments. The results suggest that non-driving
intersegmental knee moments subject the patellofemoral joint to loads
and contact patterns which may accelerate the development of chondromalacia.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wolchok1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wolchok1998},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9290(98)00075-X},
file = {Wolchok1998.pdf:Wolchok1998.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
keywords = {Cycling},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Wolchok1998.pdf}
author = {Wu, H. and Najafi, S. M. and Hagglund, R. R.},
title = {Effect of a luggage carrier and weight distribution on motorcycle
booktitle = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Design Engineering Division
(Publication) DE},
year = {1991},
volume = {40},
address = {Atlanta, GA, USA},
organization = {ASME},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wu1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wu1991},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {J.C. Wu and T.S. Liu},
title = {Fuzzy Control Stabilization with Applications to Motorcycle Control},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern.},
year = {1996},
volume = {26},
pages = {836-847},
number = {6},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wu1996a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wu1996a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30}
author = {Wu, J. C. and Liu, T. S.},
title = {A sliding-mode approach to fuzzy control design},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology},
year = {1996},
volume = {4},
pages = {141--151},
number = {2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wu1996},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wu1996},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Wu, J. C. and Liu, T. S.},
title = {Stabilization control for rider-motorcycle model in {H}amiltonian
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1996},
volume = {26},
pages = {431--448},
number = {6},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wu1996b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wu1996b},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Wu, J. C. and Liu, T. S.},
title = {Stabilization control of non-holonomic systems with application to
rider-motorcycle systems},
journal = {International Journal of Systems Science},
year = {1996},
volume = {27},
pages = {1165--1175},
number = {11},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wu1996c},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wu1996c},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Wu, J. C. and Liu, T. S.},
title = {Fuzzy control of rider-motorcycle system using genetic algorithm
and auto-tuning},
journal = {Mechatronics},
year = {1995},
volume = {5},
pages = {441--455},
number = {4},
month = {June},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wu1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wu1995},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Wu, J. C. and Liu, T. S.},
title = {Fuzzy model of rider control for a motorcycle undergoing lane change},
journal = {International Journal of Vehicle Design},
year = {1994},
volume = {15},
pages = {27--44},
number = {1--2},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Wu1994},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Wu1994},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Yamaguchi},
title = {Biped robot riding a bicycle},
howpublished = {World Wide Web},
month = {November},
year = {2011},
note = {},
timestamp = {2012.08.08},
url = {}
author = {Yamaguchi, T. and Shibata, T. and Murakami, T.},
title = {Self-Sustaining Approach of Electric Bicycle by Acceleration Control
Based Backstepping},
booktitle = {Industrial Electronics Society, 2007. IECON 2007. 33rd Annual Conference
of the IEEE},
year = {2007},
pages = {2610--2614},
month = {November},
abstract = {Bicycle is high efficiency vehicle and suitable for an improvement
of environmental problems from society's perspective. In the practical
use, however, it has some demerits. For example it is not always
stable. Therefore the motion stabilization is required for widespread
applications. This paper focuses on the instability of bicycle running.
In particular, a self-sustaining control strategy of electric bicycle
motion using acceleration control based on backstepping is proposed.
The proposed method makes it possible to improve running stability
in low-speed range. The validity of the proposed algorithm is confirmed
by numerical and experimental results.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yamaguchi2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yamaguchi2007},
doi = {10.1109/IECON.2007.4460089},
file = {Yamaguchi2007.pdf:Yamaguchi2007.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1553-572X},
keywords = {acceleration control;backstepping;electric bicycle;motion stabilization;self-sustaining
control strategy;acceleration control;bicycles;self-adjusting systems;},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yamaguchi2007.pdf}
author = {Yamakita, Masaki and Utano, Atsuo},
title = {Automatic control of bicycles with a balancer, Paper 1511181},
booktitle = {International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics},
year = {2005},
pages = {1245-1250},
address = {Monterey, {CA}},
month = {July},
organization = {IEEE/ASME},
abstract = {In this paper, trajectory tracking and balancing control for autonomous
bicycles with a balancer are discussed. In the proposed control method,
an input-output linearization is applied for trajectory tracking
control and a nonlinear stabilizing control is used for the balancing
control. The control methods are designed independently first and
their interference is compensated for later. The stability of the
bicycles is ensured with the method even when the desired speed is
zero. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by several
numerical simulations using a detail model of a bicycle},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yamakita2005},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yamakita2005},
doi = {10.1109/AIM.2005.1511181},
file = {Yamakita2005.pdf:Yamakita2005.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycles, control system synthesis, nonlinear control systems, position
control, remotely operated vehicles, stabilityautomatic control,
autonomous bicycles, balancing control, input-output linearization,
trajectory tracking control},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {He opens it up with his broader implications saying bicycles are narrow
and great for rescue operations and riding in the forest :) Shows
that the bicycle can be controlled even at zero speed. Trajectory
tracking control and nonlinear roll stabilization. The apply control
torques to the steering, leaning "rider", and rear wheel. I'm not
sure if they really get complete Whipple like equations but they
seem to include the relavent degrees of freedom and the nonholonomic
constraints. They show a simulation and animation screenshot of the
stablization of the bicycle in jump.},
timestamp = {2009.01.31},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yamakita2005.pdf}
author = {Yamakita, M. and Utano, A. and Sekiguchi, K.},
title = {Experimental Study of Automatic Control of Bicycle with Balancer},
booktitle = {Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
year = {2006},
pages = {5606-5611},
month = {October},
abstract = {In this paper, trajectory tracking and balancing control for autonomous
bicycles with a balancer are discussed. In the proposed control method,
an input-output linearization is applied for trajectory tracking
control and a nonlinear stabilizing control is used for the balancing
control. Even though control methods are designed independently,
it is shown by several numerical simulations and experiments using
a detail model and a real electric motor bike that the stability
of the bicycles is ensured with the method even when the desired
speed is zero and trajectory tracking to desired ones are achieved},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yamakita2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yamakita2006},
doi = {10.1109/IROS.2006.282281},
file = {Yamakita2006.pdf:Yamakita2006.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {bicycles, electric vehicles, mobile robots, nonlinear control systems,
position control, stabilityautomatic bicycle control, autonomous
bicycles, balancing control, electric motor bike, input-output linearization,
nonlinear stabilizing control, trajectory tracking control},
review = {They show the same controller as Yamakita2005 but add some H infinity
stuff. They show some plots at the end that are of a self balancing
moped where they only implement their roll stabilization alogorithm.},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yamakita2006.pdf}
author = {Ji-Hyuk Yang and Sang-Yong Lee and Seuk-Yun Kim and Young-Sam Lee
and Oh-Kyu Kwon},
title = {Linear controller design for circular motion of unmanned bicycle},
booktitle = {Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2011 11th International
Conference on},
year = {2011},
pages = {893 -897},
month = {oct.},
abstract = {This paper deals with a dynamic modeling and linear control problem
for the circular motion of an unmanned bicycle. It is well known
that the bicycle control problem is quite complicated and challenging
due to its nonlinearities, unstability and nonminimum phase steering
behavior. In order to design a linear controller for the bicycle
circular motion, a linear bicycle model of circular motion is derived
from fully nonlinear differential equations. The first step is to
find an equilibrium roll angle and steering angle given the under
turning radius and an angular speed of rear wheel relative to a rear
frame. Then at the second step, roll and steering control inputs
which maintain equilibrium are calculated. Finally the linearized
equations of the circular motion are derived from Lagrange's equations.
Some simulation results on the LQ linear control for the circular
motion are demonstrated to show the validity of the proposed approach.},
file = {Yang2011.pdf:Yang2011.pdf:PDF},
issn = {2093-7121},
keywords = {LQ linear control;angular speed;bicycle circular motion;bicycle control
problem;dynamic modeling;equilibrium roll angle;linear bicycle model;linear
control problem;linear controller design;nonlinear differential equations;phase
steering behavior;rear frame;rear wheel;steering angle;turning radius;unmanned
bicycle;bicycles;linear quadratic control;motion control;remotely
operated vehicles;}
author = {Y. Yavin},
title = {Navigation and control of the motion of a riderless bicycle},
journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
year = {1998},
volume = {160},
pages = {193--202},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yavin1998},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yavin1998},
file = {Yavin1998.pdf:Yavin1998.pdf:PDF},
review = {Bases his bicycle model off of Neumarka and Fuafev and then Getz.
No trail, vertical head tube.
He shows that the system is controllable.
He develops some kind of controller for the nonlinear model, but I
don't get it.},
timestamp = {2012.01.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yavin1998.pdf}
author = {Yavin, Y.},
title = {Navigation and Control of the Motion of a Riderless Bicycle by Using
a Simplified Dynamic Model},
journal = {Mathematical and Computer Modeling},
year = {1997},
volume = {25},
pages = {67--74},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yavin1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yavin1997},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {M. R. Yeadon},
title = {The simulation of aerial movement--I. The determination of orientation
angles from film data},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1990},
volume = {23},
pages = {59 - 66},
number = {1},
abstract = {Quantitative mechanical analyses of human movement require the time
histories of the angles which specify body configuration and orientation.
When these angles are obtained from a filmed performance they may
be used to evaluate the accuracy of a simulation model. This paper
presents a method of determining orientation angles and their rates
of change from film data. The stages used comprise the synchronization
of data obtained from two camera views, the determination of three-dimensional
coordinates of joint centres, the calculation of an angle from a
sequence of sine and cosine values and the curve fitting of angles
using quintic splines. For each state, other possible approaches
are discussed. Original procedures are presented for obtaining individual
error estimates of both the film data and the calculated angles to
permit the automatic fitting of quintic splines for interpolation
and differentiation and for deriving the time history of an angle
as a continuous function from a sequence of sine and cosine values.
The method is applied to a forward somersault with twists and the
average error estimate of 17 orientation angles is obtained as 2.1
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(90)90369-E},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {}
author = {Yeadon, M. R.},
title = {The Simulation of Aerial Movement-II. {A} Mathematical Inertia Model
of the Human Body},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1990},
volume = {23},
pages = {67-74},
abstract = {A mathematical inertia model which permits the determination of personalized
segmental inertia parameter values from anthropometric measurements
is described. The human body is modelled using 40 geometric solids
which are specitkd by 95 anthropometric measurements. A ‘stadium’
solid is introduced for modelling the torso segments using perimeter
and width measurements. This procedure is more accurate than the
use of elliptical dixs of given width and depth and permits a smaller
number of such solids to be used. Inertia parameter values may be
obtained for body models of up to 20 segments. Errors in total body
mass estimates from this and other models are discussed with reference
to the unknown lung volumes.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990a},
file = {Yeadon1990a.pdf:Yeadon1990a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.21},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yeadon1990a.pdf}
author = {M. R. Yeadon},
title = {The simulation of aerial movement--III. The determination of the
angular momentum of the human body},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1990},
volume = {23},
pages = {75 - 83},
number = {1},
abstract = {A method is presented for determining the angular momentum of the
human body about its mass centre for general three-dimensional movements.
The body is modelled as an 11 segment link system with 17 rotational
degrees of freedom and the angular momentum of the body is derived
as a sum of 12 terms, each of which is a vector function of just
one angular velocity. This partitioning of the angular momentum vector
gives the contribution due to the relative segmental movement at
each joint rather than the usual contribution of each segment. A
method of normalizing the angular momentum is introduced to enable
the comparison of rotational movements which have different flight
times and are performed by athletes with differing inertia parameters.
Angular momentum estimates were calculated during the flight phases
of nine twisting somersaults performed on trampoline. Errors in film
digitization made large contributions to the angular momentum error
estimates. For individual angular momentum estimates the relative
error is estimated to be about 10\% whereas for mean angular momentum
estimates the relative error is estimated to be about 1\%.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990b},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990b},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(90)90371-9},
file = {Yeadon1990b.pdf:Yeadon1990b.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yeadon1990b.pdf}
author = {M. R. Yeadon and J. Atha and F. D. Hales},
title = {The simulation of aerial movement--IV. A computer simulation model},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1990},
volume = {23},
pages = {85 - 89},
number = {1},
abstract = {A computer simulation model of human airborne movement is described.
The body is modelled as 11 rigid linked segments with 17 degrees
of freedom which are chosen with a view to modelling twisting somersaults.
The accuracy of the model is evaluated by comparing the simulation
values of the angles describing somersault, tilt and twist with the
corresponding values obtained from film data of nine twisting somersaults.
The maximum deviations between simulation and film are found to be
0.04 revolutions for somersault, seven degrees for tilt and 0.12
revolutions for twist. It is shown that anthropometric measurement
errors, from which segmental inertia parameters are calculated, have
a small effect on a simulation, whereas film digitization errors
can account for a substantial part of the deviation between simulation
and film values.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990c},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yeadon1990c},
doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9290(90)90372-A},
file = {Yeadon1990c.pdf:Yeadon1990c.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0021-9290},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yeadon1990c.pdf}
author = {Yeadon, M. R. and Morlock, M.},
title = {The Appropriate Use of Regression Equations for the Estimation of
Segmental Inertial Properties},
journal = {Journal of Biomechanics},
year = {1989},
volume = {22},
pages = {683-689},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yeadon1989},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yeadon1989},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Edge C. Yeh and Ying-Liang Chen},
title = {Handling Analysis of a Motorcycle with Added Cambering of the Front
journal = {Vehicle System Dynamics},
year = {1990},
volume = {19},
pages = {49-70},
abstract = {Through linear analysis, the handling characteristics of the motorcycle
with fixed control of added cambering of front frame are invesitgated
under the variation of fixed and free controls of steering axis.
The cornering responses and stability characteristics of the motorcycle
are presented with the aid of the handling diagram. From numerical
results for a typical motorcycle, it is found that the influence
of the cambering of front frame on the cornering response of fixed
steering control is opposite to that of free steering control. Moreover,
the design philosophy of a so-called semi-direct steering mechanism,
which cambers the front frame for cornering, is studied.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yeh1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yeh1990},
file = {Yeh1990.pdf:Yeh1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.10.30},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yeh1990.pdf}
author = {Jingang Yi and Dezhen Song and Levandowski, A. and Jayasuriya, S.},
title = {Trajectory tracking and balance stabilization control of autonomous
booktitle = {Robotics and Automation, 2006. ICRA 2006. Proceedings 2006 IEEE International
Conference on},
year = {2006},
pages = {2583 -2589},
month = {May},
abstract = {We report a new trajectory tracking and balancing control algorithm
for an autonomous motorcycle. Building on the existing modeling work
of a bicycle, the new dynamic model of the autonomous motorcycle
considers the bicycle caster angle and captures the steering effect
on the vehicle tracking and balancing. The trajectory tracking control
takes an external/internal model decomposition approach. A nonlinear
controller is designed to handle the vehicle balancing. The motorcycle
balancing is guaranteed by the system internal equilibria calculation
and by the trajectory and system dynamics requirements. The proposed
control system is validated by numerical simulations, and is based
on a real prototype motorcycle system},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yi2006},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yi2006},
doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2006.1642091},
file = {Yi2006.pdf:Yi2006.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1050-4729},
keywords = {autonomous motorcycles;balance stabilization control;bicycle caster
angle;nonlinear control;steering effect;trajectory tracking control;motorcycles;nonlinear
control systems;position control;stability;steering systems;vehicle
webpdf = {references-folder/Yi2006.pdf}
author = {Song Yin and Yuehong Yin},
title = {Implementation of the Interactive Bicycle Simulator with Its Functional
journal = {Journal of Computing Information Science and Engineering},
year = {2007},
volume = {7},
pages = {160-166},
abstract = {When equipped with a handlebar and pedal force display subsystem,
motion-generating subsystem, and visual subsystem, the interactive
bicycle simulator can bring riders a realistic cycling feeling. In
the interactive bicycle simulator, the most important component is
the rider-bicycle dynamic model. The Newton-Euler method is adopted
to formulate this model. Real-time data gathered by sensors and identified
from a terrain database system are used for calculation of the rider-bicycle
dynamics. Simple and effective devices are constructed and driven
by the outputs of the rider-bicycle dynamic model. These devices
are successfully applied to the interactive bicycle simulator.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yin2007},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yin2007},
file = {Yin2007.pdf:Yin2007.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {interactive bicycle simulator, rider-bicycle dynamics, force display
device,Stewart platform},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2008.10.16},
webpdf = {references-folder/Yin2007.pdf}
author = {Yokomori, Motomu and Higuchi, Kenji and Ooya, Takio},
journal = {JSME International Journal, Series 3: Vibration, Control Engineering,
Engineering For Industry},
year = {1992},
volume = {35},
pages = {553-559},
number = {4},
month = {December},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yokomori1992},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yokomori1992},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
author = {Yokomori, Motomu; and Higuchi, Kenji and Ooya, Takio},
journal = {Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions Of The Japan Society Of
Mechanical Engineers, Part C},
year = {1991},
volume = {57},
pages = {2621--2626},
number = {540},
month = {August},
note = {2621-2626 0387-5024},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Yokomori1991},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Yokomori1991},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.03}
chapter = {Spatial Orientation},
title = {Principles and Practice of Aviation Psychology},
publisher = {Erlbaum},
year = {2003},
editor = {P. S. Tang and M. A.Vidulich},
author = {Young, L. R.},
number = {3},
address = {Mahwah, NJ},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Young2003},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Young2003},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Bruno Zappa and Giovanni Legnani and Anton J. van den Bogert and
Riccardo Adamini},
title = {On the Number and Placement of Accelerometers for Angular Velocity
and Acceleration Determination},
journal = {Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control},
year = {2001},
volume = {123},
pages = {552-554},
number = {3},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zappa2001},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zappa2001},
doi = {10.1115/1.1386649},
keywords = {accelerometers; angular velocity measurement; acceleration measurement},
owner = {moorepants},
publisher = {ASME},
timestamp = {2009.11.04},
url = {}
author = {Zatsiorsky, V. and Seluyanov, V.},
title = {The mass and inertia characteristics of the main segments of the
human body},
booktitle = {Biomechanics VIII-B},
year = {1983},
editor = {Matsui, H. and Kobayashi, K.},
pages = {1152-l 159},
address = {Illinois},
organization = {Human Kinetic},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1983},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1983},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26}
author = {Zatsiorsky, V. and Seluyanov, V. and Chugunova, L.},
title = {In vivo body segment inertial parameters determination using a gamma-scanner
booktitle = {Biomechanics of Human Movement: Applications in Rehabilitation, Sports
and Ergonomics},
year = {1990},
editor = {Berme, N. and Cappozzo, A.},
pages = {186-202},
address = {Ohio},
publisher = {Bertec},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1990},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1990},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26}
author = {Zatsiorsky, V. M. and Raitsin, L. M. and Seluyanov, V. N. and Aruin,
A. S. and Prilutzky, B. J.},
title = {Biomechanical characteristics of the human body},
booktitle = {Biomechanics and Performance in Sport},
year = {1993},
editor = {Baumann, W.},
pages = {71-83},
address = {Germany},
organization = {Bundeninstitut f\"ur Sportwissenschaft},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1993},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1993},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26}
author = {Zatsiorsky, V. M. and Seluyanov, V. N. and Chugunova, L. G.},
title = {Methods of determining mass-inertial characteristics of human body
booktitle = {Contemporary Problems of Biomechanics},
year = {1990},
editor = {Chemyi G. G. and Regirer, S. A.},
pages = {272-291},
address = {Massachusetts},
publisher = {CRC Press},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1990a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zatsiorsky1990a},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.26}
author = {Zellner, J. W. and Weir, D. H.},
title = {Moped Directional Dynamics and Handling Qualities},
year = {1979},
number = {790260},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zellner1979},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zellner1979},
file = {Zellner1979.pdf:Zellner1979.pdf:PDF},
webpdf = {references-folder/Zellner1979.pdf}
author = {Zellner, J. W. and Weir, D. H.},
title = {Development of Handling Test Procedures for Motorcycles},
year = {1978},
number = {780313},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zellner1978},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zellner1978},
file = {Zellner1978.pdf:Zellner1978.pdf:PDF},
webpdf = {references-folder/Zellner1978.pdf}
author = {Dmitry V. Zenkov and Anthony M. Bloch and Jerrold E. Marsden},
title = {The Energy-Momentum Method for the Stability of Nonholonomic Systems},
howpublished = {Technical Report},
year = {1997},
abstract = {In this paper we analyze the stability of relative equilibria of nonholonomic
systems (that is, mechanical systems with nonintegrable constraints
such as rolling constraints). In the absence of external dissipation,
such systems conserve energy, but nonetheless can exhibit both neutrally
stable and asymptotically stable, as well as linearly unstable relative
equilibria. To carry out the stability analysis, we use a generalization
of the energy-momentum method combined with the Lyapunov-Malkin Theorem
and the center manifold theorem. While this approach is consistent
with the energy-momentum method for holonomic systems, it extends
it in substantial ways. The theory is illustrated with several examples,
including the the rolling disk, the roller racer, and the rattleback
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zenkov1997},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zenkov1997},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.01.31}
author = {Zeyada, Y. and Hess, R. A.},
title = {Modeling Human Pilot Cue Utilization with Applications to Simulator
Fidelity Assessment},
journal = {Journal of Aircraft},
year = {2000},
volume = {37},
pages = {588-598},
number = {4},
month = {July-Aug.},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zeyada2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zeyada2000},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Zhang, Y. and M. Hubbard and K. Huffman},
title = {Optimum Control of Bobsled Steering},
journal = {Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications},
year = {1995},
volume = {85},
pages = {1--19},
number = {1},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zhang1995},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zhang1995},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.02.07}
author = {Yizhai Zhang and Jingliang Li and Jingang Yi and Dezhen Song},
title = {Balance control and analysis of stationary riderless motorcycles},
booktitle = {Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011 IEEE International Conference
year = {2011},
pages = {3018 -3023},
month = {may},
abstract = {We present balancing control analysis of a stationary riderless motorcycle.
We first present the motorcycle dynamics with an accurate steering
mechanism model with consideration of lateral movement of the tire/ground
contact point. A nonlinear balance controller is then designed. We
estimate the domain of attraction (DOA) of motorcycle dynamics under
which the stationary motorcycle can be stabilized by steering. For
a typical motorcycle/bicycle configuration, we find that the DOA
is relatively small and thus balancing control by only steering at
stationary is challenging. The balance control and DOA estimation
schemes are validated by experiments conducted on the Rutgers autonomous
motorcycle. The attitudes of the motorcycle platform are obtained
by a novel estimation scheme that fuses measurements from global
positioning systems (GPS) and inertial measurement units (IMU). We
also present the experiments of the GPS/IMU-based attitude estimation
scheme in the paper.},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA.2011.5979841},
file = {Zhang2011.pdf:Zhang2011.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1050-4729},
keywords = {DOA estimation scheme;GPS-IMU-based attitude estimation scheme;Rutgers
autonomous motorcycle;accurate steering mechanism model;balancing
control analysis;domain of attraction;global positioning system;inertial
measurement unit;lateral movement;motorcycle-bicycle configuration;nonlinear
balance controller;stationary riderless motorcycle dynamics;tire-ground
contact point;Global Positioning System;attitude measurement;bicycles;control
system synthesis;mobile robots;motorcycles;nonlinear control systems;robot
dynamics;steering systems;tyres;}
author = {Yizhai Zhang and Jingang Yi},
title = {Velocity Field-based Maneuver Regulation of Autonomous Motorcycles},
booktitle = {5th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems},
year = {2010},
address = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
month = {September},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zhang2010},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zhang2010},
file = {Zhang2010.pdf:Zhang2010.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.03.01},
webpdf = {references-folder/Zhang2010.pdf}
author = {Zupan, L. H. and Peterka, R. J. and Merfeld, D. M.},
title = {Neural Processing of Gravito-Inertial Cues in Humans. I. Influence
of the Semicircular Canals Following Post-Rotatory Tilt},
journal = {Journal of Neurophysiology},
year = {2000},
volume = {84},
pages = {2001-2015},
number = {4},
abstract = {Sensory systems often provide ambiguous information. Integration of
various sensory cues is required for the CNS to resolve sensory ambiguity
and elicit appropriate responses. The vestibular system includes
two types of sensors: the semicircular canals, which measure head
rotation, and the otolith organs, which measure gravito-inertial
force (GIF), the sum of gravitational force and inertial force due
to linear acceleration. According to Einstein's equivalence principle,
gravitational force is indistinguishable from inertial force due
to linear acceleration. As a consequence, otolith measurements must
be supplemented with other sensory information for the CNS to distinguish
tilt from translation. The GIF resolution hypothesis states that
the CNS estimates gravity and linear acceleration, so that the difference
between estimates of gravity and linear acceleration matches the
measured GIF. Both otolith and semicircular canal cues influence
this estimation of gravity and linear acceleration. The GIF resolution
hypothesis predicts that inaccurate estimates of both gravity and
linear acceleration can occur due to central interactions of sensory
cues. The existence of specific patterns of vestibuloocular reflexes
(VOR) related to these inaccurate estimates can be used to test the
GIF resolution hypothesis. To investigate this hypothesis, we measured
eye movements during two different protocols. In one experiment,
eight subjects were rotated at a constant velocity about an earth-vertical
axis and then tilted 90° in darkness to one of eight different evenly
spaced final orientations, a so-called “dumping” protocol. Three
speeds (200, 100, and 50°/s) and two directions, clockwise (CW) and
counterclockwise (CCW), of rotation were tested. In another experiment,
four subjects were rotated at a constant velocity (200°/s, CW and
CCW) about an earth-horizontal axis and stopped in two different
final orientations (nose-up and nose-down), a so-called “barbecue”
protocol. The GIF resolution hypothesis predicts that post-rotatory
horizontal VOR eye movements for both protocols should include an
“induced” VOR component, compensatory to an interaural estimate of
linear acceleration, even though no true interaural linear acceleration
is present. The GIF resolution hypothesis accurately predicted VOR
and induced VOR dependence on rotation direction, rotation speed,
and head orientation. Alternative hypotheses stating that frequency
segregation may discriminate tilt from translation or that the post-rotatory
VOR time constant is dependent on head orientation with respect to
the GIF direction did not predict the observed VOR for either experimental
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zupan2000},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zupan2000},
eprint = {},
file = {Zupan2000.pdf:Zupan2000.pdf:PDF},
url = {},
webpdf = {references-folder/Zupan2000.pdf}
author = {van Zytveld, P.},
title = {A Method for the Automatic Stabilization of an Unmanned Bicycle},
school = {Stanford University},
year = {1975},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Zytveld1975},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Zytveld1975},
file = {Zytveld1975.pdf:Zytveld1975.pdf:PDF},
owner = {moorepants},
review = {He derived a bicycle equations with leaning rider which were based
off of John Breakwell's derviation. He did parameter studies with
respect to uncontrolled stability using root locus and Routh's criteria.
Found that caster and front wheel moment of inertia have great affect
on stability, while rider position doesn't. Stabilized the model
with rider lean as the input and feedback of parameters that would
actually be used by a human rider. He built a robot bicylce but couldn't
get it to stablize. He only derives the linear equation of motion,
using Kane's method. Once he finds the velocities he linearizes and
then computes accelerations and Kane's equations. He did a basic
sensitivty study on the parameters for stability. The control law
was not necessarily optimum, but attempted to gain stability of the
greatest range of speeds. Lean torque is the output from the controller.
He used rider lean angle and bicycle roll angle feedback. He tried
proportional control for both and PD for both. He measured the inerital
parameters of the robot bicycle with a swing/pendulum and a stop
watch. He measured steer angle and roll angle with potentiometers.
The roll angle was measured by pulling a small two wheel trailer
behind the bicycle and measuring the relative angle of it and the
frame. He decided not to use rate gyro's due to alignment worries
and poor results from integrating the signals.},
timestamp = {2008.10.08},
webpdf = {references-folder/Zytveld1975.pdf}
title = {Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Automotive Safety},
year = {1973},
editor = {SAE},
address = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
month = {July},
organization = {Society of Automotive Engineers},
bib = {bibtex-keys#SAE1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#SAE1973},
owner = {moorepants},
timestamp = {2009.11.30}
month = {January},
year = {2010},
title = {Arduino electronics prototyping platform},
organization = {Arduino},
url = {},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Arduino},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Arduino},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2010.02.07}
month = {January},
year = {2010},
title = {Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC ATmega328P},
organization = {Atmel},
url = {\_card.asp?PN=ATmega328P},
bib = {bibtex-keys#ATmega328P},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#ATmega328P},
owner = {luke},
timestamp = {2010.02.07}
title = {Proceedings of the 10th Annual Congference on Manual Control},
year = {1974},
address = {Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, USA},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Manual1974},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Manual1974},
file = {Manual1974.pdf:Manual1974.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Manual1974.pdf}
title = {Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Automotive Safety
-- Volume I, Part One: Motorcycle Safety},
year = {1973},
bib = {bibtex-keys#AutoSafety1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#AutoSafety1973},
file = {AutoSafety1973.pdf:AutoSafety1973.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/AutoSafety1973.pdf}
title = {Proceedings of the second international congress on automotive safety
-- Volume I, Part Two: Motorcycle Safety},
year = {1973},
bib = {bibtex-keys#AutoSafety1973a},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#AutoSafety1973a},
file = {AutoSafety1973a.pdf:AutoSafety1973a.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/AutoSafety1973a.pdf}
title = {Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Manual Control},
year = {1973},
bib = {bibtex-keys#Manual1973},
bibpr = {private-bibtex-keys#Manual1973},
file = {Manual1973.pdf:Manual1973.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {2012.01.03},
webpdf = {references-folder/Manual1973.pdf}
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0 AllEntriesGroup:;
1 ExplicitGroup:roll angle measurement\;0\;Boniolo2008\;Boniolo2009\;D
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1 ExplicitGroup:vehicle parameter measurement\;0\;Dohring1955\;Eaton19
1 ExplicitGroup:tire measurements\;0\;Davis1975\;Eaton1973\;James2002\
1 ExplicitGroup:bicycle\;0\;Dressel2012\;Jones1970\;Kooijman2008\;Naga
1 ExplicitGroup:handling\;0\;Biral2003\;Evertse2010\;Godthelp1975\;Mor
1 ExplicitGroup:motorcycle\;0\;Aoki1979\;Biral2003\;Eaton1973\;Ellis19
1 ExplicitGroup:experimental\;0\;Biral2003\;Eaton1973\;Hurt1973\;Koene
1 ExplicitGroup:manual control\;0\;Aoki1979\;Doyle1988\;Eaton1973\;Eat
1 ExplicitGroup:steer torque measurement\;0\;Biral2003\;Eaton1973\;Jam
1 ExplicitGroup:system identification\;0\;Aoki1979\;Aoki1999\;Astrom19
1 ExplicitGroup:tire model\;0\;Eaton1973\;Roland1973b\;;
1 ExplicitGroup:parameter studies\;0\;Franke1990\;Roland1973b\;Zytveld
1 ExplicitGroup:robot\;0\;Nagai1983\;Zytveld1975\;;
1 ExplicitGroup:control\;0\;Eaton1973\;Nagai1983\;Popov2010\;Sharp2007
1 ExplicitGroup:optimal control\;0\;Sharp2008a\;;
1 ExplicitGroup:kane's method\;0\;Adiele1979\;Zytveld1975\;;
1 ExplicitGroup:upper body brace\;0\;Eaton1973\;Stassen1973\;Weir1978\
1 ExplicitGroup:roll perturbation\;0\;Roland1973b\;Takahashi1984\;;
1 ExplicitGroup:steady turning\;0\;James2002\;Weir1979a\;;
1 ExplicitGroup:human parameter measurement\;0\;Moore2009a\;;
1 ExplicitGroup:rider lean\;0\;Aoki1999a\;Cain2010\;Jackson1998\;Lunte
1 ExplicitGroup:lane change\;0\;Nagai1983\;;
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