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Created August 12, 2021 22:53
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How to use multiple SSH keys

How to use multiple SSH keys

Note: Replace USER_NAME with your username.

Create SSH Key

In this scenario we assume that we use two different GIT repos:

  1. Run ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
  2. Enter file name (and path), e.g. C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\id_rsa_github
  3. Type in a passphrase (use a secure, long passphrase)
  4. Confirm passphrase
  5. Re-do step 1 to 4 for id_rsa_azure

Export public key

If you have cygwin installed:

  1. clip < C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\id_rsa_github (for the GitHub RSA public key)
  2. Paste it in the GitHub settings, do the same for the Azure environment


  1. Open C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\ with an editor
  2. Select all content and copy/paste it in the GitHub settings, do the same for the Azure environment

Define which RSA key is used for which GIT repo

  1. Open C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\config with an editor
  2. Add following lines:
 IdentityFile C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\id_rsa_github
 IdentityFile C:\Users\USER_NAME\.ssh\id_rsa_azure
  1. Done

See also

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