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Created October 14, 2012 07:34
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History of Federal Individual Income Bottom and Top Bracket Rates
year Bottom bracket Taxable Income upto Top bracket Taxable Income over Party
1913 1 20000 7 500000 D
1914 1 20000 7 500000 D
1915 1 20000 7 500000 D
1916 2 20000 15 2000000 D
1917 2 2000 67 2000000 D
1918 6 4000 77 1000000 D
1919 4 4000 73 1000000 D
1920 4 4000 73 1000000 D
1921 4 4000 73 1000000 R
1922 4 4000 56 200000 R
1923 3 4000 56 200000 R
1924 1.5 4000 46 500000 R
1925 1 4000 25 100000 R
1926 1 4000 25 100000 R
1927 1 4000 25 100000 R
1928 1 4000 25 100000 R
1929 4 4000 24 100000 R
1930 1 4000 25 100000 R
1931 1 4000 25 100000 R
1932 4 4000 63 1000000 R
1933 4 4000 63 1000000 D
1934 4 4000 63 1000000 D
1935 4 4000 63 1000000 D
1936 4 4000 79 5000000 D
1937 4 4000 79 5000000 D
1938 4 4000 79 5000000 D
1939 4 4000 79 5000000 D
1940 4.4 4000 81.1 5000000 D
1941 10 2000 81 5000000 D
1942 19 2000 88 200000 D
1943 19 2000 88 200000 D
1944 23 2000 94 200000 D
1945 23 2000 94 200000 D
1946 19 2000 86.45 200000 D
1947 19 2000 86.45 200000 D
1948 16.6 4000 82.13 400000 D
1949 16.6 4000 82.13 400000 D
1950 17.4 4000 91 400000 D
1951 20.4 4000 91 400000 D
1952 22.2 4000 92 400000 D
1953 22.2 4000 92 400000 R
1954 20 4000 91 400000 R
1955 20 4000 91 400000 R
1956 20 4000 91 400000 R
1957 20 4000 91 400000 R
1958 20 4000 91 400000 R
1959 20 4000 91 400000 R
1960 20 4000 91 400000 R
1961 20 4000 91 400000 D
1962 20 4000 91 400000 D
1963 20 4000 91 400000 D
1964 16 1000 77 400000 D
1965 14 1000 70 200000 D
1966 14 1000 70 200000 D
1967 14 1000 70 200000 D
1968 14 1000 75.25 200000 D
1969 14 1000 77 200000 R
1970 14 1000 71.75 200000 R
1971 14 1000 70 200000 R
1972 14 1000 70 200000 R
1973 14 1000 70 200000 R
1974 14 1000 70 200000 R
1975 14 1000 70 200000 R
1976 14 1000 70 200000 R
1977 14 1000 70 200000 D
1978 14 1000 70 200000 D
1979 14 2100 70 212000 D
1980 14 2100 70 212000 D
1981 13.825 2100 69.125 212000 R
1982 12 2100 50 106000 R
1983 11 2100 50 106000 R
1984 11 2100 50 159000 R
1985 11 2180 50 165480 R
1986 11 2270 50 171580 R
1987 11 3000 38.5 90000 R
1988 15 29750 28 29750 R
1989 15 30950 28 30950 R
1990 15 32450 28 32450 R
1991 15 34000 31 82150 R
1992 15 35800 31 86500 R
1993 15 36900 39.6 250000 D
1994 15 38000 39.6 250000 D
1995 15 39000 39.6 256500 D
1996 15 40100 39.6 263750 D
1997 15 41200 39.6 271050 D
1998 15 42350 39.6 278450 D
1999 15 43050 39.6 283150 D
2000 15 43850 39.6 288350 D
2001 15 45200 39.1 297350 R
2002 10 12000 38.6 307050 R
2003 10 14000 35 311950 R
2004 10 14300 35 319100 R
2005 10 14600 35 326450 R
2006 10 15100 35 336550 R
2007 10 15650 35 349700 R
2008 10 16050 35 357700 R
2009 10 16700 35 372950 D
2010 10 16700 35 373650 D
2011 10 17000 35 379150 D
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return {
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<p>Data from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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