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Last active May 23, 2022 19:58
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Evolving the dbt-materialize adapter

Tracking issue: #10600

Some things to consider:

Although sources and sinks are inverse concepts, sources have a one-to-many relationship with downstream relations, while sinks have a one-to-one relationship with upstream relations. Relations have a zero-to-many relationship with downstream sinks, though, which gets in the way of implementing them as inverse dbt concepts (e.g. using pre- and post-hooks).

Something else to consider is that source and sink configuration might have different ownership than model development in the wild (e.g. data engineers vs. analytics engineers), so it'd be preferable not to tightly couple them.


Option 1: dbt-external-tables

From a developer perspective, this would require us to implement Materialize-specific versions of the following macros from dbt-external-tables:

  • create_external_table.sql
  • get_external_build_plan.sql
  • dropif.sql

Our implementation wouldn't need to live in the dbt-external-tables package, we could simply override the macros within dbt-materialize (for reference, see Firebolt's implementation).

and then:

User workflow

From a user perspective, defining sources as external tables would have the following workflow:

1. Setting up dbt-external-tables

Add the dbt-external-tables package to packages.yml:

  - package: dbt-labs/dbt_external_tables
    version: <version>

Modify dbt_project.yml to include:

  - macro_namespace: dbt_external_tables
    search_order: ['dbt', 'dbt_external_tables']

Install the dbt-external-tables package dependency:

dbt deps

2. Defining a source

Define a table as external in dbt_project.yml:

  - name: kafka_source
    loader: kafka

      - name: sometable
          host: 'kafka:9092'
          topic: 'sometopic'

Run stage_external_sources, the entrypoint macro of the dbt-external-tables package:

dbt run-operation stage_external_sources

The biggest downside is that this adds a bunch of overhead to what is the entrypoint of users to Materialize. It's not a straightforward workflow.

Option 2: pre-hook on models

From a developer perspective, this would require:

  • Implement a create_source macro

This option sounds borked from the get-go, since it would tightly couple sources with models (when the relationship between them might not be one-to-one).

User workflow

1. Defining a pre-hook in a(n entry?) model

    "pre-hook": [
      "{{ materialize.create_source(...
                                  ...) }}"


Option 1: post-hook on models

From a developer perspective, this would require:

  • Implement a create_sink macro (similar to the unload_table macro in dbt-redshift)
  • Consider (automatically) creating an exposure for lineage (see Option 2 👇)

and then:

  • Deprecate the custom sink materialization (codebase+documentation)
  • Adapt the dbt integration guide
  • Consider adapting the MZ Hack Day demo
  • Add a new section to the Materialize configurations page in the dbt documentation

User workflow

From a user perspective, defining sinks as post-hooks would have the following workflow:

1. Defining a post-hook in the model to sink

    "post-hook": [
      "{{ materialize.create_sink(...
                                  ...) }}"

Option 2: custom metadata on exposures

From a developer perspective, it's a bit unclear how this could be implemented since exposures seem like...a purely metadata/documentation-based feature. According to Jeremy from dbt Labs, it might be possible to go this route using the meta configuration and some custom macros.

TBH, I'm not sure how this would work since exposures aren't compilable or executable, but maybe we can figure it out based on these two helpful threads:

It's also not possible to use a custom string as the exposure type (at least yet, see dbt #2835), so we'd have to go with one of the accepted values: dashboard, notebook, analysis, ml or application; this mainly dictates how exposures are surfaced in the dbt documentation, and having sinks listed under any of these options isn't ideal.

One of the benefits of using exposures would be having sinks as end nodes in the DAG. In contrast, with post-hooks we'd lose track of lineage information (AFAIU). Maybe there's a way to combine Option 1 and Option 2 (i.e. define a sink as a post-hook and automatically create an exposure for lineage), so we get the best of both worlds?

User workflow

1. Defining an exposure

Define an exposure with a custom meta configuration in dbt_project.yml:

  - name: kafka_sink
    type: <exposure-type>
    description: >
      Some description.
      - ref('mv_churn_prediction')
    meta: ...
      email: [email protected]

Handling credentials

For all cases, credentials should be handled as (secret) environment variables that are inherited from the development environment users are running dbt against.

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I'm still in favor of the dbt-external-tables paradigm. I have a great deal of empathy for the "square peg into a round hole" perspective. But I echo @jtcohen6, in saying that it should fall on dbt-core should likely add some sharper corners to their hole (forgive my shitty metaphor).

We know that the peg doesn't fit well when we observer that dbt-materialize's materializations largely just inject DDL SQL with materialize__create_arbitrary_object(). In "pure" dbt world, there is no DDL in a dbt project, that is all boiler-plate abstracted from the user. So my hackles do raise a bit when I see CREATE statements in a dbt model file. At least in dbt-external-tables, CREATE statements are welcome (though only CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE) right now (though the integration tests do make use of a CREATE EXTERNAL SOURCE/STAGE).

This makes me think macros and YAML definitions might be best for sources and sinks?

{% macro materialize__create_arbitrary_object(sql) -%}
    {{ sql }}
{%- endmacro %}

p.s. I'm still not sure what the workflow is for using dbt-materialize alongside another dbt project (isn't this the normal usecase?). Maybe @morsapaes you can I can discuss this later

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jwills commented May 16, 2022

I get where @dataders is coming from re: hackles being raised seeing DDL inside of a dbt model; the original sin here is mine, and I rightfully deserve the blame for it (along with a few other things I noticed as I was reading through the dbt-materialize source code with a much more mature eye after working on a few more adapters.)

If we get back for a second to the core of what makes dbt so magical for analytics engineers, it's the simple fact that you can seamlessly go from a SELECT statement that you can copy-paste from any other context to a database object that is integrated into a production pipeline. That magical feeling relies pretty heavily on the fact that almost all SQL databases provide both a CREATE VIEW AS SELECT ... and a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT ... construct that the dbt adapter can build on to make the magic happen- and obviously for Materialize, we rely on that same magic for constructing views and matviews, and everything works exactly the way we would like it to.

This breaks down, of course, for how we define sources and sinks; e.g. if we prune off the DDL prefix of a CREATE SOURCE statement, what we're left with is a stub that isn't actually an executable statement in Materialize in the same way that a SELECT statement would be. In my dream world (i.e., what I would do if I was, say, the TL for the developer ecosystem team at MZ), is change that by modifying the MZ database itself to add a valid token to the DB that indicated that I wanted to view what the contents of a SOURCE definition would look like, but without actually creating the source-- the same way a SELECT statement lets me view the results of a query without materializing a database object. Strawman: call the statement PREVIEW, have its syntax conform to everything that you are allowed to do in a CREATE SOURCE statement after the initial CREATE [MATERIALIZED] SOURCE {src_name} IF NOT EXISTS DDL, and have it simply show you like 100-1000 lines max of output from what you would get if you had created such a SOURCE and then done a SELECT against it. Then have the source materialization in dbt-materialize simply prune off the PREVIEW (or alternatively, just ignore a PREVIEW token that is inside of a CREATE SOURCE DDL statement), add the DDL, and then be on your merry way. FWIW, I suspect that such a PREVIEW statement would be helpful to any and all MZ developers, who might like a shortcut way to do the equivalent of a CREATE SOURCE {src_name} followed by a SELECT * FROM {src_name} to get fast feedback that they had defined their SOURCE correctly.

The SINK side of things is tougher right now; like, I'm not sure if the same sort of PREVIEW token trick would work here (like, it's not as clear to me what exactly that would mean in that context, but the MZ folks may be able to think of a use case for something like this that I'm unaware of.) dbt exposures might be able to handle some of the sink construction workloads if we get to a good place in terms of the external nodes feature, but that work is still very early and could go any number of different ways, so I wouldn't want to bet on it. Still want to noodle on this one a bit and/or see if the MZ folks think there is a plausible equivalent to the PREVIEW approach for SOURCEs for SINKs (also obviously the PREVIEW idea might not be the right thing to do in MZ for any number of other reasons I'm unaware of.)

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jwills commented May 16, 2022

Just read up in the thread a bit-- doing the sinks as analyses is smart, esp. given that constraint re: the lag with which they should be created relative to the rest of the pipeline. /cc @morsapaes

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ahelium commented May 18, 2022

PREVIEW would be super neat! One way to accomplish previewing a non materialized source is to use a TAIL command within a transaction to limit the number of rows returned. And now that TAIL can have internal queries, you can run any dev materialized view statement to peep your data:

materialize=> BEGIN;
materialize=> DECLARE c CURSOR for TAIL (SELECT convert_from(data, 'utf8') AS data FROM rp_flight_information);
materialize=> FETCH 2 c;
mz_timestamp  | mz_diff |                                                                                                                                                                            data
 1652882799999 |       1 | {"icao24": "345682", "callsign": "", "origin_country": "Spain", "time_position": null, "last_contact": 1652829778, "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "baro_altitude": null, "on_ground": false, "velocity": 260.21, "true_track": 100.71, "vertical_rate": 0, "sensors": null, "geo_altitude": null, "squawk": null, "spi": false, "position_source": 0}
 1652882799999 |       1 | {"icao24": "38a1db", "callsign": "", "origin_country": "France", "time_position": null, "last_contact": 1652821139, "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "baro_altitude": null, "on_ground": true, "velocity": 0, "true_track": 123.75, "vertical_rate": null, "sensors": null, "geo_altitude": null, "squawk": "7776", "spi": false, "position_source": 0}
(2 rows)

I wonder if we could codify that process somehow for users, to make things simpler.

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Thanks for writing that down, @jwills! Your comment + having a chat with @dataders (+ some 🚿 time) made me look at things from more of a workflow separation perspective. The TL;DR for the refactor (as we follow the progress of things like external nodes and the short-term plans to revamp the programmatic interfaces of dbt itself) sounds like:

Both sources and sinks should be completely decoupled from SQL models, which also means the creation of these objects should not happen at any point during dbt run, but as a separate staging step (much like what happens in dbt-external-tables). These should be YAML-ified (since they're pure DDL statements) and created using something like dbt stage --sources/dbt stage --sinks.

Does this sound reasonable? This separation should also make it easier to integrate with CI/CD pipelines that can trigger the creation of the right objects at the right time.

+1 that something like PREVIEW would be useful, but I'm having trouble understanding how that could help in context of the adapter. It'd be cool to wrap what @ahelium pointed out in a dry run-like command to preview the results of a (transformation) model, though!

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