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Last active November 26, 2019 14:20
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Save mortenpi/4e491937bc318f1220f124bd0f0d8790 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using DocumenterTools: Themes
Themes.compile("mytheme.scss", "documenter-dark.css")
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised
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@charset "UTF-8";
// The Documente dark theme is a modified version of the Darkly theme from Bulmaswatch:
$themename: "documenter-dark"; // CSS file must be called `$(themename).css`
$background: #f542f5;
$family-sans-serif: 'Bungee Shade', sans-serif !default;
$family-monospace: 'Parisienne', monospace !default;
@import "documenter/utilities";
@import "documenter/variables";
@import "bulma/utilities/all";
@import "bulma/base/minireset.sass";
@import "bulma/base/helpers.sass";
// All secondary themes have to be nested in a theme--$(themename) class. When Documenter
// switches themes, it applies this class to <html> and then disables the primary
// stylesheet.
html.theme--#{$themename} {
@import "bulma/base/generic.sass";
@import "documenter/overrides";
@import "bulma/elements/all";
@import "bulma/form/all";
@import "bulma/components/all";
@import "bulma/grid/all";
@import "bulma/layout/all";
@import "documenter/elements";
@import "documenter/components/all";
@import "documenter/patches";
@import "documenter/layout/all";
@import "documenter/theme_overrides";
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DocumenterTools = "35a29f4d-8980-5a13-9543-d66fff28ecb8"
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