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Did you try to clear cache?

Samuel Mortenson mortenson

Did you try to clear cache?
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VityaSchel /
Last active May 21, 2024 08:12
Example of reading another process memory in Go without knowing base address

You can find explanation here: This is actually my answer posted by my friend because SO doesn't allow you to reclaim your own bounty :)

It's not perfect because I don't know Go and you can definetely replace windows.OpenProcess with kernel32.OpenProcess but I'm too tired to experiment. It just works!

Also keep in mind that this code only works if you have running TJoC:R game running, because I was writing it for my trainer . You should change process name and addresses if you know how to do that. Otherwise, feel free to copy any part of code and use it.

DavMorr /
Last active March 5, 2024 13:23
Drupal 8 - use sed to strip uuid line from exported config files

[Drupal 8] use sed (on OSX) to strip the uuid line from exported config files being used for module default configuration; i.e. [module_name]/config/optional|install

NOTE: this can also by bypassed in the export by using Drupal Cnnsole and including the --remove-uuid flag. Also using the --remove-config-hash flag can help prevent additional headaches.

Ex: drupal config:export --directory=”[full-path-to-location]” --tar --remove-uuid --remove-config-hash

The UUID should never be included when using when using these exported config yaml files as the default configuration pagaged with a custom module. This is suppoedly not to be a thing in the exported yaml files at some point, but until then stripping the uuid line out is a manual process which can be a pain as there can be a lot of files.

To automate this, run the following sed command in the directory containing the yaml files:

mackwage / windows_hardening.cmd
Last active November 27, 2024 04:25
Script to perform some hardening of Windows OS
:: Windows 10 Hardening Script
:: This is based mostly on my own personal research and testing. My objective is to secure/harden Windows 10 as much as possible while not impacting usability at all. (Think being able to run on this computer's of family members so secure them but not increase the chances of them having to call you to troubleshoot something related to it later on). References for virtually all settings can be found at the bottom. Just before the references section, you will always find several security settings commented out as they could lead to compatibility issues in common consumer setups but they're worth considering.
:: Obligatory 'views are my own'. :)
:: Thank you @jaredhaight for the Win Firewall config recommendations!
:: Thank you @ricardojba for the DLL Safe Order Search reg key!
:: Thank you @jessicaknotts for the help on testing Exploit Guard configs and checking privacy settings!
:: Best script I've found for Debloating Windows 10:
mortenson / docker-drush
Last active January 7, 2020 11:53
Quick way to proxy Drush commands to your Docker container
# Save this to a file named "drush" (not "") and put it in the same
# directory as your docker-compose file. Replace "SERVICE" with your docker
# container's name.
# Now every time you run "drush" from this directory, it runs drush inside
# your container instead. Cool!
docker-compose exec SERVICE drush $@
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NormalisePath.php';
* Simple Node.js module loader for use with V8Js PHP extension
* This class understands Node.js' node_modules/ directory structure
* and can require modules/files from there.
trey /
Last active September 19, 2024 16:23
Creating a Happy Git Environment on OS X

Creating a Happy Git Environment on OS X

Step 1: Install Git

brew install git bash-completion

Configure things:

git config --global "Your Name"

git config --global "[email protected]"