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Last active September 18, 2016 08:56
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A Conversation About OOP vs. FP Turns Constructive

Just tried to put this in a more readable format:

Person Time Message
sagar 10:47 why is that, why is OOP trash
katychuang 10:48 excellent question
katychuang 10:49 I've been told FP and OOP are different paradigms
katychuang 10:52 I'm going to butcher a quote from a talk by Evie so I'm going to paraphrase… She said something like when you work with OOP you create lots of objects and rules on how they should interact and yet somehow end up having to touch each other a lot and inappropriately
katychuang 10:53 On the other hand FP (especially Haskell) is like working with shapes, like that baby shape fitting toy where you focus more on fitting the type parameters correctly
katychuang 10:56 I think of programming as building a piping system. FP (especially strongly typed FP) makes it more idiot proof because the connectors are more obvious. But I don't know if my mental model fits for the breakdown of OOP to FP… Clojure is a dynamically typed FP language for example
sagar 10:57 interesting
pedrofurla 10:58 katychuang where that paraphrasing from?
katychuang 10:58 from Evie, she gave a lightning talk months ago
sagar 10:58 because I want to start coding professionally,and I'm working for a company and they're happy to let me do intern stuff for their JS & Python so I was reading those but it was like >_>
sagar 10:58 Haskell I find much more appealing I don't know why
sagar 10:59 They have scala here too which seems like a reasonable middle ground but all the scala programmers here are ex java and keep giving me java examples or talking about the jvm
m 10:59 i've done production level java
m 10:59 and it's a goddamn jungle
pedrofurla 10:59 I good way to see what I think you are trying to say is by writing an interpreter in OO vs FP
katychuang 10:59 nod I personally wouldn't call OOP trash, a lot of companies use OOP and they make lots of money… and also have huge teams and a lot of documentation. It's just gooey-er to work with
pedrofurla 11:00 m: it's a jungle out there
katychuang 11:00 haha
m 11:00 The problem is once the Java structure gets bloated with enough objects and inheritance rules
sagar 11:00 java is just absurd. right from syntax and the whole class system. seems like a roundabout way of doing things.
m 11:00 it becomes hard to really build on
katychuang 11:00 jenga
sagar 11:00 that's actually one of the key projects this quarter lol
m 11:00 ^^^
m 11:00 Jenga is the nail on the head
pedrofurla 11:01 more like the Cthulhu lair
katychuang 11:01 it's nice to work with the reliability haskell provides. cabal on the other hand is not so reliable 🙂
m 11:02 The appeal to me was watching the fluidity of someone programming in Haskell
m 11:02 it had an elegance to it
katychuang 11:03 oh yes. i was sold on the Maybe type
m 11:03 i was sold on not making folders of class files
katychuang 11:03 haha that's a good one also
katychuang 11:04 the brevity was a breath of fresh air
horrorcheck 11:04 I really like OOP…. I just like FP too
katychuang 11:06 😃
horrorcheck 11:06 (that doesn't mean I'm going to use Scala — I like hotdogs and ice cream but I'm not eating hot dog-flavored ice cream)
katychuang 11:06 haha good analogy
haskellandchill 11:09 OOP has cool stories, FP has math
haskellandchill 11:09 also you can provide a reasonable formal semantics for OOP in FP
katychuang 11:10 @sagar sometimes people are biased. obviously we all love haskell in here lol (edited)
sagar 11:10 lol
haskellandchill 11:10 I did OOP for 6 years, that's my bias
katychuang 11:10 @haskellandchill in one language or multiple OOP languages? (edited)
sagar 11:11 Scala isYUGE though omg
sagar 11:11 for monies
haskellandchill 11:11 Ruby, with a heavy Smalltalk influence
sagar 11:11 and career etc
haskellandchill 11:11 Scala is a good career choice 👍
m 11:11 thank Java for that @sagar lol
haskellandchill 11:12 I personally can't stand Scala, but lots of good books written for it
m 11:12 it's taaaaainted
haskellandchill 11:12 incidental complexity, subtyping (ew)
haskellandchill 11:13 subtyping with contravariance 💥
pedrofurla 11:13 we do Scala where i work, and I assure you we only have hotdogs
katychuang 11:13 haha
katychuang 11:14 @haskellandchill those words.. :whoosh:
pedrofurla 11:14 @haskellandchill yep, that's why we stick only with the hotdogs
haskellandchill 11:14 Haskell is far behind Scala in libraries, that's very true
pedrofurla 11:14 yah, but most scala libraries aren't great or are just plain bad java libraries
haskellandchill 11:15 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
haskellandchill 11:15 I'm trying to be nice
m 11:15 being nice is overrated
m 11:15 i think scala has a horrendous type system
m 11:16 now i'll be nice
haskellandchill 11:16 well… it's important, these are peoples livelihoods, it can get emotional
haskellandchill 11:16 I almost got kicked out of a conference so I'm adjusting my approach
pedrofurla 11:16 subtyping and parametricity has a lot of potential for really big mess
m 11:16 goes back to what @haskellandchill said about incidental complexity
pedrofurla 11:16 @haskellandchill by saying scala sucks?
haskellandchill 11:16 also I'm not as funny as I think I am and it's the internet
pedrofurla 11:17 well Scala sucks
haskellandchill 11:17 just talking about programming languages 😇
katychuang 11:17 hmm… would it be better to try to keep conversation in here fairly conducive to learning haskell rather than flaming other languages?
m 11:17 yes
haskellandchill 11:17 definitely 👍 (edited)
katychuang 11:18 so what are these big words that were dropped in here
sagar 11:18 🔥 🚒
haskellandchill 11:18 if you're learning Haskell you don't need to know about subtyping
sagar 11:18 CONTRAVARIANCE good god.
katychuang 11:18 contravariance? i've never heard of that
haskellandchill 11:18 contravariance is important
haskellandchill 11:18 if you know Functor you can discuss (edited)
pedrofurla 11:18 -variance
m 11:19 parametricity is a good one
haskellandchill 11:19 ```
pedrofurla 11:19 covariance is the first
haskellandchill 11:19 first is covariant, second is contravariant
pedrofurla 11:19 contra- is the se...
haskellandchill 11:20 yup, usually you don't say covariant, just normal functor
pedrofurla 11:20 but the variance thing in Scala is relating to subtyping and type parameters
haskellandchill 11:20 yeah but as we are Haskell focused, we can just ignore all that 😄
haskellandchill 11:20 which is awesome less stuff to learn
pedrofurla 11:21 A <: B, F[A] <: F[B]
haskellandchill 11:21 god no please no
pedrofurla 11:21 A <: B, F[B] <: F[A]
pedrofurla 11:21 heheh
haskellandchill 11:21 any way if anyone isn't solid on reading haskell type signatures
haskellandchill 11:22 you have an a, a b, and a f a
haskellandchill 11:22 you get an f b
katychuang 11:22 i remember it taking a while to learn how to read haskell type signatures 😃
haskellandchill 11:22 thats normal functor
haskellandchill 11:22 you have an a, a b, and a f b
katychuang 11:22 f a and f b are functions btw
haskellandchill 11:22 you get a f a, that's contra
haskellandchill 11:22 f is a type level function and a is a type
katychuang 11:23 oh right that confused me
pedrofurla 11:23 type constructor, please
m 11:23 :whoosh:
haskellandchill 11:23 f a is f applied to a
haskellandchill 11:23 I prefer the perspective of type level functions
pedrofurla 11:23 a applied to f
pedrofurla 11:23 the arguments are what are applied
haskellandchill 11:23 huh?
pedrofurla 11:24 f a, a applied to f
haskellandchill 11:24 we usually say a function is applied to its arguments
haskellandchill 11:24 but either way
pedrofurla 11:24 nopes
haskellandchill 11:24 no problem boss 😉
katychuang 11:25 type constructor = type level functions? is that the conclusion
pedrofurla 11:25 omg, you are right, @haskellandchill
haskellandchill 11:25 I know I'm right
haskellandchill 11:25 thanks 🙂
haskellandchill 11:25 a type constructor is a kind of type level function
haskellandchill 11:25 there are others
haskellandchill 11:26 don't need to go into all the type level stuff, it can get complex quick and haskell isn't the best language to express things there
haskellandchill 11:26 key takeaway is you have functions from values to values
haskellandchill 11:27 and also functions from types to types
haskellandchill 11:27 Haskell gives you a very nice lambda calculus for both
haskellandchill 11:28 it's hard for beginners to see where you are working with values, and where you are working with types, but it is crucial to learn the distinction
haskellandchill 11:28 lots of Haskell examples use the same letter for the type and value so it's easy to get confused
haskellandchill 11:29 ```
katychuang 11:32 i'm confused again
m 11:32 :whoosh:
haskellandchill 11:43 that just means I failed 😞 best done with a whiteboard
haskellandchill 11:44 I
haskellandchill 11:44 those a's mean different things
haskellandchill 11:44 II
haskellandchill 11:44 those f's mean different things
haskellandchill 11:45 it is confusing
haskellandchill 11:45 but it is also elegant
haskellandchill 11:45 you need to have the concept of a type judgement
haskellandchill 11:47 in I we have judgment a:a
haskellandchill 11:47 in II we have judgement a:f a
haskellandchill 11:47 the a before : is a value
haskellandchill 11:48 after : the a is a type
haskellandchill 11:48 value:type is a type judgement
m 11:48 i think that makes more sense
sagar 11:50 what are we judging
katychuang 11:50 i don't understand the part where you said “type judgement” - is the compiler making judgements?
sagar 11:51 this is very useful
haskellandchill 11:51 anyone can make a judgement
haskellandchill 11:51 you can do haskell by hand
haskellandchill 11:51 the compiler checks our judgements
haskellandchill 11:51 and infers judgements when we are not explicit
sagar 11:51 oh
haskellandchill 11:51 this is called type checking and type inference, respectively
sagar 11:51 is that like type casting
haskellandchill 11:51 no
sagar 11:51 like implicitly it assumes a type
haskellandchill 11:52 type casting does not exist in Haskell
sagar 11:52 if a type isn't specified (edited)
haskellandchill 11:52 it is unsafe
haskellandchill 11:52 it's inference, not casting
haskellandchill 11:52 you infer a type, then check your inference
haskellandchill 11:52 with casting you force a type from another type
sagar 11:52 ok interesting
sagar 11:52 what's a good 101 on this inference stuff
haskellandchill 11:52 doesn't exist
sagar 11:53 LOL
sagar 11:53 but interesting distinction
haskellandchill 11:53 Proofs and Types
haskellandchill 11:53 but it's more advanced
haskellandchill 11:53 by Jean-Yves Girard, not beginner friendly
sagar 11:53 so - just for mental models sake - inference is like casting except nothing is cast, it is infered and cheked and if the check fails then no compile
haskellandchill 11:53 inference is not like casting
sagar 11:53 where "inference" is the compiler going "oh this variable might be of x type" ?
haskellandchill 11:54 not really
sagar 11:54 hmm ok erases mental blackboard
haskellandchill 11:54 first you say ok it is of type x
haskellandchill 11:54 where x is a type variable
sagar 11:54 so int x
haskellandchill 11:54 then you use unification to constrain the concrete type of type variable x
haskellandchill 11:55 unification is a tool from logic
haskellandchill 11:55 you get two sides of an equation
haskellandchill 11:55 for example
haskellandchill 11:55 Int = x
haskellandchill 11:55 then you can infer type variable x is concrete type Int
katychuang 11:56 -- this is how I read it
haskellandchill 11:56 ok thanks @katychuang let me clarify
haskellandchill 11:56 ```
katychuang 11:56 aha!
katychuang 11:57 so not exactly haskell syntax just yet
haskellandchill 11:57 I'm talking at a meta level
haskellandchill 11:57 very informally
katychuang 11:57 ahh got it
haskellandchill 11:58 @sager if you want to know more and are comfortable with Haskell syntax I can point you to some examples
haskellandchill 11:58 er @sagar
sagar 11:58 this is great
haskellandchill 11:58 it's fun to work through type constraint unification
haskellandchill 11:58 a few Haskell books have chapters on it that are very instructive
sagar 11:59 i don't think i'm that comfortable yet, i just finished the lambda calculus stuff. I have an undergrad in electronics engineering from over 10 years ago so i'm pretty happy in mathland, programming land not so much unless we're working with PLC's
haskellandchill 11:59 ok, yes learning to hold off on advanced things is key
haskellandchill 11:59 you can't just try and learn everything, it's overwhelming
katychuang 11:59 I feel like I need a brief refresher on unification - where is it from, do mathematicians use it?
haskellandchill 11:59 unification comes from logic, it is the basis of something like Prolog
sagar 12:00 the first chapter of the book took me back to like 11th grade heh functions, domains etc
haskellandchill 12:00
haskellandchill 12:00 wikipedia page is very good
sagar 12:00 when i am better at it - @haskellandchill would you like to collaborate on a 101 medium blog post
haskellandchill 12:00 certainly
sagar 12:00 awesome
haskellandchill 12:01 I was going to edit some of this into “A Conversation About …” something ha
katychuang 12:01 👍 👍
katychuang 12:01 i see a bunch of greek letters on that wikipedia page
haskellandchill 12:01 yup
haskellandchill 12:02 > For example, using x,y,z as variables, the singleton equation set { cons(x,cons(x,nil)) = cons(2,y) } is a syntactic first-order unification problem that has the substitution { x ↦ 2, y ↦ cons(2,nil) } as its only solution. The syntactic first-order unification problem { y = cons(2,y) } has no solution over the set of finite terms; however, it has the single solution { y ↦ cons(2,cons(2,cons(2,...))) } over the set of infinite trees. The semantic first-order unification problem { a⋅x = x⋅a } has each substitution of the form { x ↦ a⋅...⋅a } as a solution in a semigroup, i.e. if (⋅) is considered associative; the same problem, viewed in an abelian group, where (⋅) is considered also commutative, has any substitution at all as a solution. The singleton set { a = y(x) } is a syntactic second-order unification problem, since y is a function variable. One solution is { x ↦ a, y ↦ (identity function) }; another one is { y ↦ (constant function mapping each value to a), x ↦ (any value) }.
sagar 12:02 i didn't know the word ofr it was unification i always called it resolving an expression
sagar 12:02 from high school stuff
haskellandchill 12:02 that's a good section to try and understand, let me know if you have questions
katychuang 12:04 it's a challenge to read. i think in pictures and this is all text
haskellandchill 12:04 yea I want to do visualizations
haskellandchill 12:05 it's ok to accept you can't aren't prepared for the formalism and move on
haskellandchill 12:05 that wikipedia page isn't going anywhere 😄
katychuang 12:05 It's cool that John Alan Robinson came up with the unification algorithm, contributing to foundations of automated theorem proving. That gives some context
katychuang 12:06 Now I see unification is important as far as having a premise that the machine can compute the logic (I assumed it was a given that computers can compute as a millennial)
katychuang 12:06 So yes, moving on 🙂
pedrofurla 12:10 wow, the conversation changed drastically
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