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Created February 19, 2021 14:03
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Bodymovin Test
<div id="bodymovin"></div>
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
} else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory();
} else {
root.bodymovin = factory();
}(window, function() {
function roundValues(t) {
bm_rnd = t ? Math.round : function(t) {
return t
function roundTo2Decimals(t) {
return Math.round(1e4 * t) / 1e4
function roundTo3Decimals(t) {
return Math.round(100 * t) / 100
function styleDiv(t) { = "absolute", = 0, = 0, = "block", = = "0 0", = = "visible", = = = "preserve-3d"
function styleUnselectableDiv(t) { = "none", = "none", = "none", = "none"
function BMEnterFrameEvent(t, e, s, i) {
this.type = t, this.currentTime = e, this.totalTime = s, this.direction = 0 > i ? -1 : 1
function BMCompleteEvent(t, e) {
this.type = t, this.direction = 0 > e ? -1 : 1
function BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, e, s, i) {
this.type = t, this.currentLoop = e, this.totalLoops = s, this.direction = 0 > i ? -1 : 1
function BMSegmentStartEvent(t, e, s) {
this.type = t, this.firstFrame = e, this.totalFrames = s
function BMDestroyEvent(t, e) {
this.type = t, = e
function _addEventListener(t, e) {
this._cbs[t] || (this._cbs[t] = []), this._cbs[t].push(e)
function _removeEventListener(t, e) {
if (e) {
if (this._cbs[t]) {
for (var s = 0, i = this._cbs[t].length; i > s;) this._cbs[t][s] === e && (this._cbs[t].splice(s, 1), s -= 1, i -= 1), s += 1;
this._cbs[t].length || (this._cbs[t] = null)
} else this._cbs[t] = null
function _triggerEvent(t, e) {
if (this._cbs[t])
for (var s = this._cbs[t].length, i = 0; s > i; i++) this._cbs[t][i](e)
function randomString(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890");
var s, i = "";
for (s = t; s > 0; --s) i += e[Math.round(Math.random() * (e.length - 1))];
return i
function HSVtoRGB(t, e, s) {
var i, a, r, n, o, h, l, p;
switch (1 === arguments.length && (e = t.s, s = t.v, t = t.h), n = Math.floor(6 * t), o = 6 * t - n, h = s * (1 - e), l = s * (1 - o * e), p = s * (1 - (1 - o) * e), n % 6) {
case 0:
i = s, a = p, r = h;
case 1:
i = l, a = s, r = h;
case 2:
i = h, a = s, r = p;
case 3:
i = h, a = l, r = s;
case 4:
i = p, a = h, r = s;
case 5:
i = s, a = h, r = l
return [Math.round(255 * i), Math.round(255 * a), Math.round(255 * r)]
function RGBtoHSV(t, e, s) {
1 === arguments.length && (e = t.g, s = t.b, t = t.r);
var i, a = Math.max(t, e, s),
r = Math.min(t, e, s),
n = a - r,
o = 0 === a ? 0 : n / a,
h = a / 255;
switch (a) {
case r:
i = 0;
case t:
i = e - s + n * (s > e ? 6 : 0), i /= 6 * n;
case e:
i = s - t + 2 * n, i /= 6 * n;
case s:
i = t - e + 4 * n, i /= 6 * n
return [i, o, h]
function addSaturationToRGB(t, e) {
var s = RGBtoHSV(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
return s[1] += e, s[1] > 1 ? s[1] = 1 : s[1] <= 0 && (s[1] = 0), HSVtoRGB(s[0], s[1], s[2])
function addBrightnessToRGB(t, e) {
var s = RGBtoHSV(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
return s[2] += e, s[2] > 1 ? s[2] = 1 : s[2] < 0 && (s[2] = 0), HSVtoRGB(s[0], s[1], s[2])
function addHueToRGB(t, e) {
var s = RGBtoHSV(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
return s[0] += e / 360, s[0] > 1 ? s[0] -= 1 : s[0] < 0 && (s[0] += 1), HSVtoRGB(s[0], s[1], s[2])
function componentToHex(t) {
var e = t.toString(16);
return 1 == e.length ? "0" + e : e
function fillToRgba(t, e) {
if (!cachedColors[t]) {
var s = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(t);
cachedColors[t] = parseInt(s[1], 16) + "," + parseInt(s[2], 16) + "," + parseInt(s[3], 16)
return "rgba(" + cachedColors[t] + "," + e + ")"
function RenderedFrame(t, e) { = t, this.o = e
function LetterProps(t, e, s, i, a, r) {
this.o = t, this.sw = e, = s, this.fc = i, this.m = a, this.props = r
function iterateDynamicProperties(t) {
var e, s = this.dynamicProperties;
for (e = 0; s > e; e += 1) this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue(t)
function reversePath(t, e) {
var s, i, a = [],
r = [],
n = [],
o = {},
h = 0;
e && (a[0] = t.o[0], r[0] = t.i[0], n[0] = t.v[0], h = 1), i = t.i.length;
var l = i - 1;
for (s = h; i > s; s += 1) a.push(t.o[l]), r.push(t.i[l]), n.push(t.v[l]), l -= 1;
return o.i = a, o.o = r, o.v = n, o
function Matrix() {}
function matrixManagerFunction() {
var t = new Matrix,
e = function(e, s, i, a, r) {
return t.reset().translate(a, r).rotate(e).scale(s, i).toCSS()
s = function(t) {
return e([2],[0],[1],[0],[1])
return {
getMatrix: s
function createElement(t, e, s) {
if (!e) {
var i = Object.create(t.prototype, s),
a = {};
return i && "[object Function]" === && i.init(), i
e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype), e.prototype.constructor = e, e.prototype.parent = t.prototype
function extendPrototype(t, e) {
for (var s in t.prototype) t.prototype.hasOwnProperty(s) && (e.prototype[s] = t.prototype[s])
function bezFunction() {
function t(t, e, s, i, a, r) {
var n = t * i + e * a + s * r - a * i - r * t - s * e;
return n > -1e-4 && 1e-4 > n
function e(e, s, i, a, r, n, o, h, l) {
return t(e, s, a, r, o, h) && t(e, i, a, n, o, l)
function s(t) {
this.segmentLength = 0, this.points = new Array(t)
function i(t, e) {
this.partialLength = t, this.point = e
function a(t, e) {
var s = e.segments,
i = s.length,
a = bm_floor((i - 1) * t),
r = t * e.addedLength,
n = 0;
if (r == s[a].l) return s[a].p;
for (var o = s[a].l > r ? -1 : 1, h = !0; h;) s[a].l <= r && s[a + 1].l > r ? (n = (r - s[a].l) / (s[a + 1].l - s[a].l), h = !1) : a += o, (0 > a || a >= i - 1) && (h = !1);
return s[a].p + (s[a + 1].p - s[a].p) * n
function r() {
this.pt1 = new Array(2), this.pt2 = new Array(2), this.pt3 = new Array(2), this.pt4 = new Array(2)
function n(t, e, s, i, n, o, h) {
var l = new r;
n = 0 > n ? 0 : n;
var p = a(n, h);
o = o > 1 ? 1 : o;
var m, f = a(o, h),
d = t.length,
c = 1 - p,
u = 1 - f;
for (m = 0; d > m; m += 1) l.pt1[m] = c * c * c * t[m] + (p * c * c + c * p * c + c * c * p) * s[m] + (p * p * c + c * p * p + p * c * p) * i[m] + p * p * p * e[m], l.pt3[m] = c * c * u * t[m] + (p * c * u + c * p * u + c * c * f) * s[m] + (p * p * u + c * p * f + p * c * f) * i[m] + p * p * f * e[m], l.pt4[m] = c * u * u * t[m] + (p * u * u + c * f * u + c * u * f) * s[m] + (p * f * u + c * f * f + p * u * f) * i[m] + p * f * f * e[m], l.pt2[m] = u * u * u * t[m] + (f * u * u + u * f * u + u * u * f) * s[m] + (f * f * u + u * f * f + f * u * f) * i[m] + f * f * f * e[m];
return l
var o = (Math, function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.l = t, this.p = e
var e = {};
return function(s, i, a, r) {
var n = (s.join("_") + "_" + i.join("_") + "_" + a.join("_") + "_" + r.join("_")).replace(/\./g, "p");
if (e[n]) return e[n];
var o, h, l, p, m, f, d = defaultCurveSegments,
c = 0,
u = [],
y = [],
v = {
addedLength: 0,
segments: []
for (l = a.length, o = 0; d > o; o += 1) {
for (m = o / (d - 1), f = 0, h = 0; l > h; h += 1) p = bm_pow(1 - m, 3) * s[h] + 3 * bm_pow(1 - m, 2) * m * a[h] + 3 * (1 - m) * bm_pow(m, 2) * r[h] + bm_pow(m, 3) * i[h], u[h] = p, null !== y[h] && (f += bm_pow(u[h] - y[h], 2)), y[h] = u[h];
f && (f = bm_sqrt(f), c += f), v.segments.push(new t(c, m))
return v.addedLength = c, e[n] = v, v
h = function() {
var e = {};
return function(a) {
var r = a.s,
n = a.e,
o =,
h = a.ti,
l = (r.join("_") + "_" + n.join("_") + "_" + o.join("_") + "_" + h.join("_")).replace(/\./g, "p");
if (e[l]) return void(a.bezierData = e[l]);
var p, m, f, d, c, u, y, v = defaultCurveSegments,
g = 0,
b = null;
2 === r.length && (r[0] != n[0] || r[1] != n[1]) && t(r[0], r[1], n[0], n[1], r[0] + o[0], r[1] + o[1]) && t(r[0], r[1], n[0], n[1], n[0] + h[0], n[1] + h[1]) && (v = 2);
var E = new s(v);
for (f = o.length, p = 0; v > p; p += 1) {
for (y = new Array(f), c = p / (v - 1), u = 0, m = 0; f > m; m += 1) d = bm_pow(1 - c, 3) * r[m] + 3 * bm_pow(1 - c, 2) * c * (r[m] + o[m]) + 3 * (1 - c) * bm_pow(c, 2) * (n[m] + h[m]) + bm_pow(c, 3) * n[m], y[m] = d, null !== b && (u += bm_pow(y[m] - b[m], 2));
u = bm_sqrt(u), g += u, E.points[p] = new i(u, y), b = y
E.segmentLength = g, a.bezierData = E, e[l] = E
return {
getBezierLength: o,
getNewSegment: n,
buildBezierData: h,
pointOnLine2D: t,
pointOnLine3D: e
function dataFunctionManager() {
function t(a, n, o) {
var h, l, p, m, f, d, c, u, y = a.length;
for (m = 0; y > m; m += 1)
if (h = a[m], "ks" in h && !h.completed) {
if (h.completed = !0, && (a[m - 1].td =, l = [], p = -1, h.hasMask) {
var v = h.masksProperties;
for (d = v.length, f = 0; d > f; f += 1)
if (v[f].pt.k.i) i(v[f].pt.k);
for (u = v[f].pt.k.length, c = 0; u > c; c += 1) v[f].pt.k[c].s && i(v[f].pt.k[c].s[0]), v[f].pt.k[c].e && i(v[f].pt.k[c].e[0])
0 === h.ty ? (h.layers = e(h.refId, n), t(h.layers, n, o)) : 4 === h.ty ? s(h.shapes, !1) : 5 == h.ty && r(h, o)
function e(t, e) {
for (var s = 0, i = e.length; i > s;) {
if (e[s].id === t) return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e[s].layers));
s += 1
function s(t, e) {
var a, r, n, o = t.length,
h = e ? e : !1;
for (a = o - 1; a >= 0; a -= 1)
if ("tm" == t[a].ty && (h = !0), "sh" == t[a].ty)
if (t[a].trimmed = h, t[a].ks.k.i) i(t[a].ks.k);
for (n = t[a].ks.k.length, r = 0; n > r; r += 1) t[a].ks.k[r].s && i(t[a].ks.k[r].s[0]), t[a].ks.k[r].e && i(t[a].ks.k[r].e[0]);
else "gr" == t[a].ty ? s(t[a].it, h) : ("el" == t[a].ty || "rc" == t[a].ty) && (t[a].trimmed = h)
function i(t) {
var e, s = t.i.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e += 1) t.i[e][0] += t.v[e][0], t.i[e][1] += t.v[e][1], t.o[e][0] += t.v[e][0], t.o[e][1] += t.v[e][1]
function a(e, s) {
t(e.layers, e.assets, s)
function r(t, e) {
var s, i, a, r, n, o, h, l = [],
p = t.t.d,
m = 0,
f = t.t.m.g,
d = 0,
c = 0,
u = 0,
y = [],
v = 0,
g = 0,
b = e.getFontByName(p.f),
E = 0,
P = b.fStyle.split(" "),
k = "normal",
S = "normal";
for (i = P.length, s = 0; i > s; s += 1) "italic" === P[s].toLowerCase() ? S = "italic" : "bold" === P[s].toLowerCase() ? k = "700" : "black" === P[s].toLowerCase() ? k = "900" : "medium" === P[s].toLowerCase() ? k = "500" : "regular" === P[s].toLowerCase() || "normal" === P[s].toLowerCase() ? k = "400" : ("light" === P[s].toLowerCase() || "thin" === P[s].toLowerCase()) && (k = "200");
if (p.fWeight = k, p.fStyle = S, i = p.t.length, {
var C =[0],
x = -1;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) a = !1, " " === p.t.charAt(s) ? x = s : 13 === p.t.charCodeAt(s) && (v = 0, a = !0), e.chars ? (h = e.getCharData(p.t.charAt(s), b.fStyle, b.fFamily), E = a ? 0 : h.w * p.s / 100) : E = e.measureText(p.t.charAt(s), p.f, p.s), v + E > C ? (-1 === x ? (p.t = p.t.substr(0, s) + "\r" + p.t.substr(s), i += 1) : (s = x, p.t = p.t.substr(0, s) + "\r" + p.t.substr(s + 1)), x = -1, v = 0) : v += E;
i = p.t.length
for (v = 0, E = 0, s = 0; i > s; s += 1)
if (a = !1, " " === p.t.charAt(s) ? r = " " : 13 === p.t.charCodeAt(s) ? (y.push(v), g = v > g ? v : g, v = 0, r = "", a = !0, u += 1) : r = p.t.charAt(s), e.chars ? (h = e.getCharData(p.t.charAt(s), b.fStyle, e.getFontByName(p.f).fFamily), E = a ? 0 : h.w * p.s / 100) : E = e.measureText(r, p.f, p.s), v += E, l.push({
l: E,
an: E,
add: d,
n: a,
anIndexes: [],
val: r,
line: u
}), 2 == f) {
if (d += E, "" == r || " " == r || s == i - 1) {
for (("" == r || " " == r) && (d -= E); s >= c;) l[c].an = d, l[c].ind = m, l[c].extra = E, c += 1;
m += 1, d = 0
} else if (3 == f) {
if (d += E, "" == r || s == i - 1) {
for ("" == r && (d -= E); s >= c;) l[c].an = d, l[c].ind = m, l[c].extra = E, c += 1;
d = 0, m += 1
} else l[m].ind = m, l[m].extra = 0, m += 1;
if (p.l = l, g = v > g ? v : g, y.push(v), p.boxWidth =[0], t.t.d.justifyOffset = 0;
else switch (p.boxWidth = g, p.j) {
case 1:
t.t.d.justifyOffset = -p.boxWidth;
case 2:
t.t.d.justifyOffset = -p.boxWidth / 2;
t.t.d.justifyOffset = 0
p.lineWidths = y;
var w = t.t.a;
o = w.length;
var D, T, M = [];
for (n = 0; o > n; n += 1) {
for (w[n] && (p.strokeColorAnim = !0), w[n].a.sw && (p.strokeWidthAnim = !0), (w[n].a.fc || w[n].a.fh || w[n].a.fs || w[n].a.fb) && (p.fillColorAnim = !0), T = 0, D = w[n].s.b, s = 0; i > s; s += 1) l[s].anIndexes[n] = T, (1 == D && "" != l[s].val || 2 == D && "" != l[s].val && " " != l[s].val || 3 == D && (l[s].n || " " == l[s].val || s == i - 1) || 4 == D && (l[s].n || s == i - 1)) && (1 === w[n].s.rn && M.push(T), T += 1);
t.t.a[n].s.totalChars = T;
var I, F = -1;
if (1 === w[n].s.rn)
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) F != l[s].anIndexes[n] && (F = l[s].anIndexes[n], I = M.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * M.length), 1)[0]), l[s].anIndexes[n] = I
0 !== o || "m" in t.t.p || (t.singleShape = !0), p.yOffset = 1.2 * p.s, p.ascent = b.ascent * p.s / 100
var n = {};
return n.completeData = a, n
function ExpressionComp() {}
function ShapeInterface() {}
function LayerInterface() {}
function SVGRenderer(t) {
this.animationItem = t, this.layers = null, this.renderedFrame = -1, this.globalData = {
frameNum: -1
}, this.elements = [], this.destroyed = !1
function CanvasRenderer(t, e) {
this.animationItem = t, this.renderConfig = {
clearCanvas: e && e.clearCanvas || !0,
context: e && e.context || null,
scaleMode: e && e.scaleMode || "fit"
}, this.renderConfig.dpr = e && e.dpr || 1, this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.renderConfig.dpr = e && e.dpr || window.devicePixelRatio || 1), this.renderedFrame = -1, this.globalData = {
frameNum: -1
}, this.contextData = {
saved: new Array(15),
savedOp: new Array(15),
cArrPos: 0,
cTr: new Matrix,
cO: 1
var s, i = 15;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) this.contextData.saved[s] = new Array(16);
this.elements = [], this.transformMat = new Matrix
function HybridRenderer(t) {
this.animationItem = t, this.layers = null, this.renderedFrame = -1, this.globalData = {
frameNum: -1
}, this.elements = [], this.threeDElements = [], this.destroyed = !1, = null
function MaskElement(t, e, s) {
this.dynamicProperties = [], = t, this.element = e, this.globalData = s, this.paths = [], this.storedData = [], this.masksProperties =, this.viewData = new Array(this.masksProperties.length), this.maskElement = null, this.firstFrame = !0;
var i, a, r, n, o, h, l, p, m = (this.element.maskedElement, this.globalData.defs),
f = this.masksProperties.length,
d = this.masksProperties,
c = 0,
u = [],
y = randomString(10),
v = "clipPath",
g = "clip-path";
for (i = 0; f > i; i++)
if (("a" !== d[i].mode && "n" !== d[i].mode || d[i].inv) && (v = "mask", g = "mask"), "s" != d[i].mode && "i" != d[i].mode || 0 != c || (o = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect"), o.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff"), o.setAttribute("x", "0"), o.setAttribute("y", "0"), o.setAttribute("width", "100%"), o.setAttribute("height", "100%"), u.push(o)), "n" != d[i].mode && d[i].cl !== !1) {
if (c += 1, a = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"), d[i].cl ? "s" == d[i].mode ? a.setAttribute("fill", "#000000") : a.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff") : (a.setAttribute("fill", "none"), "s" == d[i].mode ? a.setAttribute("fill", "#000000") : a.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff"), a.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1"), a.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", "10")), a.setAttribute("clip-rule", "nonzero"), 0 !== d[i].x.k) {
v = "mask", g = "mask", p = PropertyFactory.getProp(this.element, d[i].x, 0, null, this.dynamicProperties);
var b = "fi_" + randomString(10);
h = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "filter"), h.setAttribute("id", b), l = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "feMorphology"), l.setAttribute("operator", "dilate"), l.setAttribute("in", "SourceGraphic"), l.setAttribute("radius", "0"), h.appendChild(l), m.appendChild(h), "s" == d[i].mode ? a.setAttribute("stroke", "#000000") : a.setAttribute("stroke", "#ffffff")
} else l = null, p = null;
if (this.storedData[i] = {
elem: a,
x: p,
expan: l,
lastPath: "",
lastOperator: "",
filterId: b,
lastRadius: 0
}, "i" == d[i].mode) {
n = u.length;
var E = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
for (r = 0; n > r; r += 1) E.appendChild(u[r]);
var P = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "mask");
P.setAttribute("mask-type", "alpha"), P.setAttribute("id", y + "_" + c), P.appendChild(a), m.appendChild(P), E.setAttribute("mask", "url(#" + y + "_" + c + ")"), u.length = 0, u.push(E)
} else u.push(a);
d[i].inv && !this.solidPath && (this.solidPath = this.createLayerSolidPath()), this.viewData[i] = {
elem: a,
lastPath: "",
prop: PropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, d[i], 3, this.dynamicProperties, null)
}, this.viewData[i].prop.k || this.drawPath(d[i], this.viewData[i].prop.v, this.viewData[i])
} else this.viewData[i] = {
prop: PropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, d[i], 3, this.dynamicProperties, null)
for (this.maskElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, v), f = u.length, i = 0; f > i; i += 1) this.maskElement.appendChild(u[i]);
this.maskElement.setAttribute("id", y), c > 0 && this.element.maskedElement.setAttribute(g, "url(#" + y + ")"), m.appendChild(this.maskElement)
function SliderEffect(t, e, s) {
this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, s)
function AngleEffect(t, e, s) {
this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, s)
function ColorEffect(t, e, s) {
this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 1 / 255, s)
function PointEffect(t, e, s) {
this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, s)
function CheckboxEffect(t, e, s) {
this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, s)
function EffectsManager(t, e, s) { = t, this.element = e;
var i = t.ef;
this.effectElements = [];
var a, r, n = i.length;
for (a = 0; n > a; a++) switch (i[a].ty) {
case 0:
r = new SliderEffect(i[a], e, s), this.effectElements.push(r.proxyFunction.bind(r));
case 1:
r = new AngleEffect(i[a], e, s), this.effectElements.push(r.proxyFunction.bind(r));
case 2:
r = new ColorEffect(i[a], e, s), this.effectElements.push(r.proxyFunction.bind(r));
case 3:
r = new PointEffect(i[a], e, s), this.effectElements.push(r.proxyFunction.bind(r));
case 4:
r = new CheckboxEffect(i[a], e, s), this.effectElements.push(r.proxyFunction.bind(r))
function BaseElement() {}
function SVGBaseElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.globalData = s, this.comp = i, = t, this.matteElement = null, this.parentContainer = e, this.layerId = a ? a.layerId : "ly_" + randomString(10), this.placeholder = a, this.init()
function ITextElement(t, e, s, i) {}
function SVGTextElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.textSpans = [], this.renderType = "svg",, t, e, s, i, a)
function ICompElement(t, e, s, i, a) {, t, e, s, i, a), this.layers = t.layers, this.isSvg = !0, && ( = PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, s.frameRate, this.dynamicProperties))
function IImageElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.assetData = s.getAssetData(t.refId), this.path = s.getPath(),, t, e, s, i, a)
function IShapeElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.shapes = [], this.shapesData = t.shapes, this.stylesList = [], this.viewData = [], this.shapesContainer = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"),, t, e, s, i, a)
function ISolidElement(t, e, s, i, a) {, t, e, s, i, a)
function CVBaseElement(t, e, s) {
this.globalData = s, = t, this.comp = e, this.canvasContext = s.canvasContext, this.init()
function CVCompElement(t, e, s) {, t, e, s), this.layers = t.layers, && ( = PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, s.frameRate, this.dynamicProperties))
function CVImageElement(t, e, s) {
this.animationItem = s.renderer.animationItem, this.assetData = this.animationItem.getAssetData(t.refId), this.path = this.animationItem.getPath(),, t, e, s), this.animationItem.pendingElements += 1
function CVMaskElement(t, e, s) { = t, this.element = e, this.globalData = s, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.masksProperties =, this.ctx = this.element.canvasContext, this.viewData = new Array(this.masksProperties.length);
var i, a = this.masksProperties.length;
for (i = 0; a > i; i++) this.viewData[i] = PropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, this.masksProperties[i], 3, this.dynamicProperties, null)
function CVShapeElement(t, e, s) {
this.shapes = [], this.stylesList = [], this.viewData = [], this.shapesData = t.shapes, this.firstFrame = !0,, t, e, s)
function CVSolidElement(t, e, s) {, t, e, s)
function CVTextElement(t, e, s) {
this.textSpans = [], this.yOffset = 0, this.fillColorAnim = !1, this.strokeColorAnim = !1, this.strokeWidthAnim = !1, this.stroke = !1, this.fill = !1, this.justifyOffset = 0, this.currentRender = null, this.renderType = "canvas", this.values = {
fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
stroke: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
sWidth: 0,
fValue: ""
},, t, e, s)
function HBaseElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.globalData = s, this.comp = i, = t, this.matteElement = null, this.parentContainer = e, this.layerId = a ? a.layerId : "ly_" + randomString(10), this.placeholder = a, this.init()
function HSolidElement(t, e, s, i, a) {, t, e, s, i, a)
function HCompElement(t, e, s, i, a) {, t, e, s, i, a), this.layers = t.layers, this.isSvg = !1, && ( = PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, s.frameRate, this.dynamicProperties)), && (this.isSvg = !0)
function HShapeElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.shapes = [], this.shapesData = t.shapes, this.stylesList = [], this.viewData = [],, t, e, s, i, a)
function HTextElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.textSpans = [], this.textPaths = [], this.currentBBox = {
x: 999999,
y: -999999,
h: 0,
w: 0
}, this.renderType = "svg", this.isMasked = !1,, t, e, s, i, a)
function HImageElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.assetData = s.getAssetData(t.refId), this.path = s.getPath(),, t, e, s, i, a)
function HCameraElement(t, e, s, i, a) {
if (, t, e, s, i, a), = PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), t.ks.p.s ? (this.px = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.p.x, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.p.y, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.pz = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.p.z, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)) : this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.p, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), t.ks.a && (this.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.a, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), t.ks.or.k.length) {
var r, n = t.ks.or.k.length;
for (r = 0; n > r; r += 1) t.ks.or.k[r].to = null, t.ks.or.k[r].ti = null
this.or = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.or, 1, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), = !0, this.rx = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.rx, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), this.ry = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.ry, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), this.rz = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.ks.rz, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), this.mat = new Matrix
var svgNS = "",
subframeEnabled = !0,
isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
cachedColors = {},
bm_rounder = Math.round,
bm_rnd, bm_pow = Math.pow,
bm_sqrt = Math.sqrt,
bm_abs = Math.abs,
bm_floor = Math.floor,
bm_max = Math.max,
bm_min = Math.min,
BMMath = {
pow: bm_pow,
random: Math.random
defaultCurveSegments = 75,
degToRads = Math.PI / 180;
var rgbToHex = function() {
var t, e, s = [];
for (t = 0; 256 > t; t += 1) e = t.toString(16), s[t] = 1 == e.length ? "0" + e : e;
return function(t, e, i) {
return 0 > t && (t = 0), 0 > e && (e = 0), 0 > i && (i = 0), "#" + s[t] + s[e] + s[i]
fillColorToString = function() {
var t = [];
return function(e, s) {
return void 0 !== s && (e[3] = s), t[e[0]] || (t[e[0]] = {}), t[e[0]][e[1]] || (t[e[0]][e[1]] = {}), t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] || (t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] = {}), t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] || (t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] = "rgba(" + e.join(",") + ")"), t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]]
Matrix = function() {
function t() {
return this.props[0] = 1, this.props[1] = 0, this.props[2] = 0, this.props[3] = 0, this.props[4] = 0, this.props[5] = 1, this.props[6] = 0, this.props[7] = 0, this.props[8] = 0, this.props[9] = 0, this.props[10] = 1, this.props[11] = 0, this.props[12] = 0, this.props[13] = 0, this.props[14] = 0, this.props[15] = 1, this
function e(t) {
if (0 === t) return this;
var e = Math.cos(t),
s = Math.sin(t);
return this._t(e, -s, 0, 0, s, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
function s(t) {
if (0 === t) return this;
var e = Math.cos(t),
s = Math.sin(t);
return this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, -s, 0, 0, s, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
function i(t) {
if (0 === t) return this;
var e = Math.cos(t),
s = Math.sin(t);
return this._t(e, 0, s, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -s, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
function a(t) {
if (0 === t) return this;
var e = Math.cos(t),
s = Math.sin(t);
return this._t(e, -s, 0, 0, s, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
function r(t, e) {
return this._t(1, e, t, 1, 0, 0)
function n(t, e) {
return this.shear(Math.tan(t), Math.tan(e))
function o(t, e) {
var s = Math.cos(e),
i = Math.sin(e);
return this._t(s, i, 0, 0, -i, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)._t(1, 0, 0, 0, Math.tan(t), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)._t(s, -i, 0, 0, i, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
function h(t, e, s) {
return s = isNaN(s) ? 1 : s, 1 == t && 1 == e && 1 == s ? this : this._t(t, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
function l(t, e, s, i, a, r, n, o, h, l, p, m, f, d, c, u) {
return this.props[0] = t, this.props[1] = e, this.props[2] = s, this.props[3] = i, this.props[4] = a, this.props[5] = r, this.props[6] = n, this.props[7] = o, this.props[8] = h, this.props[9] = l, this.props[10] = p, this.props[11] = m, this.props[12] = f, this.props[13] = d, this.props[14] = c, this.props[15] = u, this
function p(t, e, s) {
return s = isNaN(s) ? 0 : s, 0 !== t || 0 !== e || 0 !== s ? this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, t, e, s, 1) : this
function m(t, e, s, i, a, r, n, o, h, l, p, m, f, d, c, u) {
if (1 === t && 0 === e && 0 === s && 0 === i && 0 === a && 1 === r && 0 === n && 0 === o && 0 === h && 0 === l && 1 === p && 0 === m) return (0 !== f || 0 !== d || 0 !== c) && (this.props[12] = this.props[12] * t + this.props[13] * a + this.props[14] * h + this.props[15] * f, this.props[13] = this.props[12] * e + this.props[13] * r + this.props[14] * l + this.props[15] * d, this.props[14] = this.props[12] * s + this.props[13] * n + this.props[14] * p + this.props[15] * c, this.props[15] = this.props[12] * i + this.props[13] * o + this.props[14] * m + this.props[15] * u), this;
var y = this.props[0],
v = this.props[1],
g = this.props[2],
b = this.props[3],
E = this.props[4],
P = this.props[5],
k = this.props[6],
S = this.props[7],
C = this.props[8],
x = this.props[9],
w = this.props[10],
D = this.props[11],
T = this.props[12],
M = this.props[13],
I = this.props[14],
F = this.props[15];
return this.props[0] = y * t + v * a + g * h + b * f, this.props[1] = y * e + v * r + g * l + b * d, this.props[2] = y * s + v * n + g * p + b * c, this.props[3] = y * i + v * o + g * m + b * u, this.props[4] = E * t + P * a + k * h + S * f, this.props[5] = E * e + P * r + k * l + S * d, this.props[6] = E * s + P * n + k * p + S * c, this.props[7] = E * i + P * o + k * m + S * u, this.props[8] = C * t + x * a + w * h + D * f, this.props[9] = C * e + x * r + w * l + D * d, this.props[10] = C * s + x * n + w * p + D * c, this.props[11] = C * i + x * o + w * m + D * u, this.props[12] = T * t + M * a + I * h + F * f, this.props[13] = T * e + M * r + I * l + F * d, this.props[14] = T * s + M * n + I * p + F * c, this.props[15] = T * i + M * o + I * m + F * u, this
function f(t) {
var e;
for (e = 0; 16 > e; e += 1) t.props[e] = this.props[e]
function d(t) {
var e;
for (e = 0; 16 > e; e += 1) this.props[e] = t[e]
function c(t, e, s) {
return {
x: t * this.props[0] + e * this.props[4] + s * this.props[8] + this.props[12],
y: t * this.props[1] + e * this.props[5] + s * this.props[9] + this.props[13],
z: t * this.props[2] + e * this.props[6] + s * this.props[10] + this.props[14]
function u(t, e, s) {
return t * this.props[0] + e * this.props[4] + s * this.props[8] + this.props[12]
function y(t, e, s) {
return t * this.props[1] + e * this.props[5] + s * this.props[9] + this.props[13]
function v(t, e, s) {
return t * this.props[2] + e * this.props[6] + s * this.props[10] + this.props[14]
function g(t, e, s) {
return [t * this.props[0] + e * this.props[4] + s * this.props[8] + this.props[12], t * this.props[1] + e * this.props[5] + s * this.props[9] + this.props[13], t * this.props[2] + e * this.props[6] + s * this.props[10] + this.props[14]]
function b(t, e) {
return bm_rnd(t * this.props[0] + e * this.props[4] + this.props[12]) + "," + bm_rnd(t * this.props[1] + e * this.props[5] + this.props[13])
function E() {
return [this.props[0], this.props[1], this.props[2], this.props[3], this.props[4], this.props[5], this.props[6], this.props[7], this.props[8], this.props[9], this.props[10], this.props[11], this.props[12], this.props[13], this.props[14], this.props[15]]
function P() {
return isSafari ? "matrix3d(" + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[0]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[1]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[2]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[3]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[4]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[5]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[6]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[7]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[8]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[9]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[10]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[11]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[12]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[13]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[14]) + "," + roundTo2Decimals(this.props[15]) + ")" : (this.cssParts[1] = this.props.join(","), this.cssParts.join(""))
function k() {
return "matrix(" + this.props[0] + "," + this.props[1] + "," + this.props[4] + "," + this.props[5] + "," + this.props[12] + "," + this.props[13] + ")"
function S() {
return "" + this.toArray()
return function() {
this.reset = t, this.rotate = e, this.rotateX = s, this.rotateY = i, this.rotateZ = a, this.skew = n, this.skewFromAxis = o, this.shear = r, this.scale = h, this.setTransform = l, this.translate = p, this.transform = m, this.applyToPoint = c, this.applyToX = u, this.applyToY = y, this.applyToZ = v, this.applyToPointArray = g, this.applyToPointStringified = b, this.toArray = E, this.toCSS = P, this.to2dCSS = k, this.toString = S, this.clone = f, this.cloneFromProps = d, this._t = this.transform, this.props = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], this.cssParts = ["matrix3d(", "", ")"]
! function(t, e) {
function s(s, l, p) {
var d = [];
l = 1 == l ? {
entropy: !0
} : l || {};
var g = n(r(l.entropy ? [s, h(t)] : null == s ? o() : s, 3), d),
b = new i(d),
E = function() {
for (var t = b.g(f), e = u, s = 0; y > t;) t = (t + s) * m, e *= m, s = b.g(1);
for (; t >= v;) t /= 2, e /= 2, s >>>= 1;
return (t + s) / e
return E.int32 = function() {
return 0 | b.g(4)
}, E.quick = function() {
return b.g(4) / 4294967296
}, E["double"] = E, n(h(b.S), t), (l.pass || p || function(t, s, i, r) {
return r && (r.S && a(r, b), t.state = function() {
return a(b, {})
}), i ? (e[c] = t, s) : t
})(E, g, "global" in l ? : this == e, l.state)
function i(t) {
var e, s = t.length,
i = this,
a = 0,
r = i.i = i.j = 0,
n = i.S = [];
for (s || (t = [s++]); m > a;) n[a] = a++;
for (a = 0; m > a; a++) n[a] = n[r = g & r + t[a % s] + (e = n[a])], n[r] = e;
(i.g = function(t) {
for (var e, s = 0, a = i.i, r = i.j, n = i.S; t--;) e = n[a = g & a + 1], s = s * m + n[g & (n[a] = n[r = g & r + e]) + (n[r] = e)];
return i.i = a, i.j = r, s
function a(t, e) {
return e.i = t.i, e.j = t.j, e.S = t.S.slice(), e
function r(t, e) {
var s, i = [],
a = typeof t;
if (e && "object" == a)
for (s in t) try {
i.push(r(t[s], e - 1))
} catch (n) {}
return i.length ? i : "string" == a ? t : t + "\x00"
function n(t, e) {
for (var s, i = t + "", a = 0; a < i.length;) e[g & a] = g & (s ^= 19 * e[g & a]) + i.charCodeAt(a++);
return h(e)
function o() {
try {
if (l) return h(l.randomBytes(m));
var e = new Uint8Array(m);
return (p.crypto || p.msCrypto).getRandomValues(e), h(e)
} catch (s) {
var i = p.navigator,
a = i && i.plugins;
return [+new Date, p, a, p.screen, h(t)]
function h(t) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(0, t)
var l, p = this,
m = 256,
f = 6,
d = 52,
c = "random",
u = e.pow(m, f),
y = e.pow(2, d),
v = 2 * y,
g = m - 1;
e["seed" + c] = s, n(e.random(), t)
}([], BMMath);
var BezierFactory = function() {
function t(t, e, s, i, a) {
var r = a || ("bez_" + t + "_" + e + "_" + s + "_" + i).replace(/\./g, "p");
if (p[r]) return p[r];
var n = new h([t, e, s, i]);
return p[r] = n, n
function e(t, e) {
return 1 - 3 * e + 3 * t
function s(t, e) {
return 3 * e - 6 * t
function i(t) {
return 3 * t
function a(t, a, r) {
return ((e(a, r) * t + s(a, r)) * t + i(a)) * t
function r(t, a, r) {
return 3 * e(a, r) * t * t + 2 * s(a, r) * t + i(a)
function n(t, e, s, i, r) {
var n, o, h = 0;
do o = e + (s - e) / 2, n = a(o, i, r) - t, n > 0 ? s = o : e = o; while (Math.abs(n) > d && ++h < c);
return o
function o(t, e, s, i) {
for (var n = 0; m > n; ++n) {
var o = r(e, s, i);
if (0 === o) return e;
var h = a(e, s, i) - t;
e -= h / o
return e
function h(t) {
this._p = t, this._mSampleValues = v ? new Float32Array(u) : new Array(u), this._precomputed = !1, this.get = this.get.bind(this)
var l = {};
l.getBezierEasing = t;
var p = {},
m = 4,
f = .001,
d = 1e-7,
c = 10,
u = 11,
y = 1 / (u - 1),
v = "function" == typeof Float32Array;
return h.prototype = {
get: function(t) {
var e = this._p[0],
s = this._p[1],
i = this._p[2],
r = this._p[3];
return this._precomputed || this._precompute(), e === s && i === r ? t : 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : a(this._getTForX(t), s, r)
_precompute: function() {
var t = this._p[0],
e = this._p[1],
s = this._p[2],
i = this._p[3];
this._precomputed = !0, (t !== e || s !== i) && this._calcSampleValues()
_calcSampleValues: function() {
for (var t = this._p[0], e = this._p[2], s = 0; u > s; ++s) this._mSampleValues[s] = a(s * y, t, e)
_getTForX: function(t) {
for (var e = this._p[0], s = this._p[2], i = this._mSampleValues, a = 0, h = 1, l = u - 1; h !== l && i[h] <= t; ++h) a += y;
var p = (t - i[h]) / (i[h + 1] - i[h]),
m = a + p * y,
d = r(m, e, s);
return d >= f ? o(t, m, e, s) : 0 === d ? m : n(t, a, a + y, e, s)
}, l
MatrixManager = matrixManagerFunction;
! function() {
for (var t = 0, e = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], s = 0; s < e.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++s) window.requestAnimationFrame = window[e[s] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[e[s] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[e[s] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function(e, s) {
var i = (new Date).getTime(),
a = Math.max(0, 16 - (i - t)),
r = window.setTimeout(function() {
e(i + a)
}, a);
return t = i + a, r
}), window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(t) {
var bez = bezFunction(),
dataManager = dataFunctionManager(),
FontManager = function() {
function t(t, e) {
var s = document.createElement("span"); = e;
var i = document.createElement("span");
i.innerHTML = "giItT1WQy@!-/#", = "absolute", = "-10000px", = "-10000px", = "300px", = "normal", = "normal", = "normal", = "0", s.appendChild(i), document.body.appendChild(s);
var a = i.offsetWidth;
return = t + ", " + e, {
node: i,
w: a,
parent: s
function e() {
var t, s, i, a = this.fonts.length,
r = a;
for (t = 0; a > t; t += 1)
if (this.fonts[t].loaded) r -= 1;
else if ("t" === this.fonts[t].fOrigin) {
if (window.Typekit && window.Typekit.load && 0 === this.typekitLoaded) {
this.typekitLoaded = 1;
try {
async: !0,
active: function() {
this.typekitLoaded = 2
} catch (n) {}
2 === this.typekitLoaded && (this.fonts[t].loaded = !0)
} else "n" === this.fonts[t].fOrigin ? this.fonts[t].loaded = !0 : (s = this.fonts[t].monoCase.node, i = this.fonts[t].monoCase.w, s.offsetWidth !== i ? (r -= 1, this.fonts[t].loaded = !0) : (s = this.fonts[t].sansCase.node, i = this.fonts[t].sansCase.w, s.offsetWidth !== i && (r -= 1, this.fonts[t].loaded = !0)), this.fonts[t].loaded && (this.fonts[t].sansCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(this.fonts[t].sansCase.parent), this.fonts[t].monoCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(this.fonts[t].monoCase.parent)));
0 !== r && - this.initTime < h ? setTimeout(e.bind(this), 20) : setTimeout(function() {
this.loaded = !0
}.bind(this), 0)
function s(t, e) {
var s = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text"); = "100px", = e.fFamily, s.textContent = "1", e.fClass ? ( = "inherit", s.className = e.fClass) : = e.fFamily, t.appendChild(s);
var i = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
return i.font = "100px " + e.fFamily, i
function i(i, a) {
if (!i) return void(this.loaded = !0);
if (this.chars) return this.loaded = !0, void(this.fonts = i.list);
var r, n = i.list,
o = n.length;
for (r = 0; o > r; r += 1) {
if (n[r].loaded = !1, n[r].monoCase = t(n[r].fFamily, "monospace"), n[r].sansCase = t(n[r].fFamily, "sans-serif"), n[r].fPath) {
if ("p" === n[r].fOrigin) {
var h = document.createElement("style");
h.type = "text/css", h.innerHTML = "@font-face {font-family: " + n[r].fFamily + "; font-style: normal; src: url('" + n[r].fPath + "');}", a.appendChild(h)
} else if ("g" === n[r].fOrigin) {
var l = document.createElement("link");
l.type = "text/css", l.rel = "stylesheet", l.href = n[r].fPath, a.appendChild(l)
} else if ("t" === n[r].fOrigin) {
var p = document.createElement("script");
p.setAttribute("src", n[r].fPath), a.appendChild(p)
} else n[r].loaded = !0;
n[r].helper = s(a, n[r]), this.fonts.push(n[r])
function a(t) {
if (t) {
this.chars || (this.chars = []);
var e, s, i, a = t.length,
r = this.chars.length;
for (e = 0; a > e; e += 1) {
for (s = 0, i = !1; r > s;) this.chars[s].style === t[e].style && this.chars[s].fFamily === t[e].fFamily && this.chars[s].ch === t[e].ch && (i = !0),
s += 1;
i || (this.chars.push(t[e]), r += 1)
function r(t, e, s) {
for (var i = 0, a = this.chars.length; a > i;) {
if (this.chars[i].ch === t && this.chars[i].style === e && this.chars[i].fFamily === s) return this.chars[i];
i += 1
function n(t, e, s) {
var i = this.getFontByName(e),
a = i.helper;
return a.measureText(t).width * s / 100
function o(t) {
for (var e = 0, s = this.fonts.length; s > e;) {
if (this.fonts[e].fName === t) return this.fonts[e];
e += 1
return "sans-serif"
var h = 5e3,
l = function() {
this.fonts = [], this.chars = null, this.typekitLoaded = 0, this.loaded = !1, this.initTime =
return l.prototype.addChars = a, l.prototype.addFonts = i, l.prototype.getCharData = r, l.prototype.getFontByName = o, l.prototype.measureText = n, l
ExpressionManager = function() {
function sum(t, e) {
var s = typeof t,
i = typeof e;
if (!("number" !== s && "boolean" !== s || "number" !== i && "boolean" !== i)) return t + e;
if ("object" === s && ("number" === i || "boolean" === i)) return t[0] = t[0] + e, t;
if (("number" === s || "boolean" === s) && "object" === i) return e[0] = t + e[0], e;
if ("object" === s && "object" === i) {
for (var a = 0, r = t.length, n = e.length, o = []; r > a || n > a;) o[a] = "number" == typeof t[a] && "number" == typeof e[a] ? t[a] + e[a] : t[a] || e[a], a += 1;
return o
return 0
function sub(t, e) {
var s = typeof t,
i = typeof e;
if (!("number" !== s && "boolean" !== s || "number" !== i && "boolean" !== i)) return t - e;
if ("object" === s && ("number" === i || "boolean" === i)) return t[0] = t[0] - e, t;
if (("number" === s || "boolean" === s) && "object" === i) return e[0] = t - e[0], e;
if ("object" === s && "object" === i) {
for (var a = 0, r = t.length, n = e.length, o = []; r > a || n > a;) o[a] = "number" == typeof t[a] && "number" == typeof e[a] ? t[a] - e[a] : t[a] || e[a], a += 1;
return o
return 0
function mul(t, e) {
var s = typeof t,
i = typeof e;
if (!("number" !== s && "boolean" !== s || "number" !== i && "boolean" !== i)) return t * e;
var a, r;
if ("object" === s && ("number" === i || "boolean" === i)) {
for (r = t.length, arr = Array.apply(null, {
length: r
}), a = 0; r > a; a += 1) arr[a] = t[a] * e;
return arr
if (("number" === s || "boolean" === s) && "object" === i) {
for (r = e.length, arr = Array.apply(null, {
length: r
}), a = 0; r > a; a += 1) arr[a] = t * e[a];
return arr
return 0
function div(t, e) {
var s = typeof t,
i = typeof e;
if (!("number" !== s && "boolean" !== s || "number" !== i && "boolean" !== i)) return t / e;
var a, r;
if ("object" === s && ("number" === i || "boolean" === i)) {
for (r = t.length, arr = Array.apply(null, {
length: r
}), a = 0; r > a; a += 1) arr[a] = t[a] / e;
return arr
if (("number" === s || "boolean" === s) && "object" === i) {
for (r = e.length, arr = Array.apply(null, {
length: r
}), a = 0; r > a; a += 1) arr[a] = t / e[a];
return arr
return 0
function clamp(t, e, s) {
if (e > s) {
var i = s;
s = e, e = i
return Math.min(Math.max(t, e), s)
function radiansToDegrees(t) {
return t / degToRads
function length(t, e) {
var s, i = t.length,
a = 0;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) a += Math.pow(e[s] - t[s], 2);
return Math.sqrt(a)
function linear(t, e, s, i, a) {
if (e >= t) return i;
if (t >= s) return a;
var r = t / (s - e);
if (!i.length) return i + (a - i) * r;
var n, o = i.length,
h = Array.apply(null, {
length: o
for (n = 0; o > n; n += 1) h[n] = i[n] + (a[n] - i[n]) * r;
return h
function seedRandom(t) {
function random(t, e) {
if (void 0 === e && (void 0 === t ? (t = 0, e = 1) : (e = t, t = void 0)), e.length) {
var s, i = e.length;
t || (t = Array.apply(null, {
length: i
var a = Array.apply(null, {
length: i
r = BMMath.random();
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) a[s] = t[s] + r * (e[s] - t[s]);
return a
void 0 === t && (t = 0);
var n = BMMath.random();
return t + n * (e - t)
function initiateExpression(elem, data) {
function effect(t) {
return elem.effectsManager.getEffect(t)
function nearestKey(t) {
var e, s, i = data.k.length;
if (data.k.length && "number" != typeof data.k[0])
for (e = 0; i > e; e += 1) {
if (t === data.k[e].t) {
s = e + 1;
if (t < data.k[e].t) {
s = e + 1;
if (t > data.k[e].t && e === i - 1) {
s = i;
} else s = 0;
var a = {};
return a.index = s, a
function key(t) {
if (!data.k.length || "number" == typeof data.k[0]) return {
time: 0
t -= 1;
var e, s = {
time: data.k[t].t / thisComp.globalData.frameRate
e = t === data.k.length - 1 ? data.k[t - 1].e : data.k[t].s;
var i, a = e.length;
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1) s[i] = e[i];
return s
function hasParentGetter() {}
function execute() {
seedRandom(0), "textSelector" === this.type && (textIndex = this.textIndex, textTotal = this.textTotal, selectorValue = this.selectorValue), transform || (transform = elem.transform), !content && elem.content && (content = elem.content.bind(elem)), this.getPreValue && this.getPreValue(), value = this.pv, time = this.comp.renderedFrame / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, bindedFn();
var t, e;
if (this.mult)
if ("number" == typeof this.v) this.v *= this.mult;
for (e = this.v.length, value === this.v && (this.v = 2 === e ? [value[0], value[1]] : [value[0], value[1], value[2]]), t = 0; e > t; t += 1) this.v[t] *= this.mult;
if ("number" == typeof this.v) this.lastValue !== this.v && (this.lastValue = this.v, this.mdf = !0);
else if (this.v.i) this.mdf = !0;
for (e = this.v.length, t = 0; e > t; t += 1) this.v[t] !== this.lastValue[t] && (this.lastValue[t] = this.v[t], this.mdf = !0)
var val = data.x,
transform, content, effect, thisComp = elem.comp;
elem.comp.frameDuration = 1 / thisComp.globalData.frameRate;
var inPoint = / thisComp.globalData.frameRate,
outPoint = / thisComp.globalData.frameRate,
thisLayer = elem,
fnStr = "var fn = function(){" + val + ";this.v = $bm_rt;}";
var bindedFn = fn.bind(this),
numKeys = data.k ? data.k.length : 0,
wiggle = function(t, e) {
var s, i, a = this.pv.length ? this.pv.length : 1,
r = Array.apply(null, {
len: a
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1) r[i] = 0;
t = 5;
var n = Math.floor(time * t);
for (s = 0, i = 0; n > s;) {
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1) r[i] += -e + 2 * e * BMMath.random();
s += 1
var o = time * t,
h = o - Math.floor(o),
l = Array.apply({
length: a
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1) l[i] = this.pv[i] + r[i] + (-e + 2 * e * BMMath.random()) * h;
return l
loopIn = function(t, e, s) {
if (!this.k) return this.pv;
var i = time * thisComp.globalData.frameRate,
a = this.keyframes,
r = a[0].t;
if (i >= r) return this.pv;
var n, o;
s ? (n = e ? Math.abs(thisComp.globalData.frameRate * e) : Math.max(0, - r), o = r + n) : ((!e || e > a.length - 1) && (e = a.length - 1), o = a[e].t, n = o - r);
var h, l, p;
if ("pingpong" === t) {
var m = Math.floor((r - i) / n);
if (m % 2 === 0) return this.getValueAtTime((r - i) % n + r)
} else {
if ("offset" === t) {
var f = this.getValueAtTime(r),
d = this.getValueAtTime(o),
c = this.getValueAtTime(n - (r - i) % n + r),
u = Math.floor((r - i) / n) + 1;
if (this.pv.length) {
for (p = new Array(f.length), l = p.length, h = 0; l > h; h += 1) p[h] = c[h] - (d[h] - f[h]) * u;
return p
return c - (d - f) * u
if ("continue" === t) {
var y = this.getValueAtTime(r),
v = this.getValueAtTime(r + .001);
if (this.pv.length) {
for (p = new Array(y.length), l = p.length, h = 0; l > h; h += 1) p[h] = y[h] + (y[h] - v[h]) * (r - i) / 5e-4;
return p
return y + (y - v) * (r - i) / 5e-4
return this.getValueAtTime(n - (r - i) % n + r)
loopInDuration = function(t, e) {
return loopIn(t, e, !0)
loopOut = function(t, e, s) {
if (!this.k) return this.pv;
var i = time * thisComp.globalData.frameRate,
a = this.keyframes,
r = a[a.length - 1].t;
if (r >= i) return this.pv;
var n, o;
s ? (n = e ? Math.abs(r - thisComp.globalData.frameRate * e) : Math.max(0, r -, o = r - n) : ((!e || e > a.length - 1) && (e = a.length - 1), o = a[a.length - 1 - e].t, n = r - o);
var h, l, p;
if ("pingpong" === t) {
var m = Math.floor((i - o) / n);
if (m % 2 !== 0) return this.getValueAtTime(n - (i - o) % n + o)
} else {
if ("offset" === t) {
var f = this.getValueAtTime(o),
d = this.getValueAtTime(r),
c = this.getValueAtTime((i - o) % n + o),
u = Math.floor((i - o) / n);
if (this.pv.length) {
for (p = new Array(f.length), l = p.length, h = 0; l > h; h += 1) p[h] = (d[h] - f[h]) * u + c[h];
return p
return (d - f) * u + c
if ("continue" === t) {
var y = this.getValueAtTime(r),
v = this.getValueAtTime(r - .001);
if (this.pv.length) {
for (p = new Array(y.length), l = p.length, h = 0; l > h; h += 1) p[h] = y[h] + (y[h] - v[h]) * (i - r) / 5e-4;
return p
return y + (y - v) * (i - r) / 5e-4
return this.getValueAtTime((i - o) % n + o)
loopOutDuration = function(t, e) {
return loopOut(t, e, !0)
valueAtTime = function(t) {
return this.getValueAtTime(t * thisComp.globalData.frameRate)
velocityAtTime = function(t) {
return this.getVelocityAtTime(t * thisComp.globalData.frameRate)
Object.defineProperty(this, "hasParent", {
get: hasParentGetter
var time, value, textIndex, textTotal, selectorValue, index = + 1,
hasParent = !(!elem.hierarchy || !elem.hierarchy.length);
return execute
var ob = {};
return ob.initiateExpression = initiateExpression, ob
! function() {
ExpressionComp.prototype.layer = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, s = this.layers.length; s > e;) {
if (this.layers[e].nm === t) return this.elements[e];
e += 1
}, ExpressionComp.prototype.pixelAspect = 1
}(), ShapeInterface.prototype.fillInterface = function(t) {
var e = {get color() {
return t.c.k && t.c.getValue(), [t.c.pv[0], t.c.pv[1], t.c.pv[2]]
get opacity() {
return t.o.k && t.o.getValue(), t.o.pv
return e
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.strokeInterface = function(t, e) {
var s = {get color() {
return e.c.k && e.c.getValue(), [e.c.pv[0], e.c.pv[1], e.c.pv[2]]
get opacity() {
return e.o.k && e.o.getValue(), e.o.pv
get strokeWidth() {
return e.w.k && e.w.getValue(), e.w.pv
dashOb: {},
get dash() {
var s, i = e.d,
a = t.d,
r = a.length;
for (s = 0; r > s; s += 1) i.dataProps[s].p.k && i.dataProps[s].p.getValue(), this.dashOb[a[s].nm] = i.dataProps[s].p.v;
return this.dashOb
return s
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.shapeInterface = function(t) {
var e = {get shape() {
return &&,
return e
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.ellipseInterface = function(t) {
var e = {get size() {
return &&, [[0],[1]]
get position() {
return &&, [[0],[1]]
return e
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.rectangleInterface = function(t) {
var e = "tm" === ? :,
s = {get size() {
return e.s.k && e.s.getValue(), [e.s.pv[0], e.s.pv[1]]
get position() {
return e.p.k && e.p.getValue(), [e.p.pv[0], e.p.pv[1]]
get roundness() {
return e.r.k && e.r.getValue(), e.r.pv
return s
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.trimInterface = function(t) {
var e = {get start() {
return &&,
get end() {
return &&,
get offset() {
return &&,
return e
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.transformInterface = function(t) {
var e = {get opacity() {
return t.transform.mProps.o.k && t.transform.mProps.o.getValue(), t.transform.mProps.o.pv
get position() {
return t.transform.mProps.p.k && t.transform.mProps.p.getValue(), [t.transform.mProps.p.pv[0], t.transform.mProps.p.pv[1]]
get anchorPoint() {
return t.transform.mProps.a.k && t.transform.mProps.a.getValue(), [t.transform.mProps.a.pv[0], t.transform.mProps.a.pv[1]]
get scale() {
return t.transform.mProps.s.k && t.transform.mProps.s.getValue(), [t.transform.mProps.s.pv[0], t.transform.mProps.s.pv[1]]
get rotation() {
return t.transform.mProps.r.k && t.transform.mProps.r.getValue(), t.transform.mProps.r.pv
get skew() {
return &&,
get skewAxis() {
return &&,
return e
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.groupInterface = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a, r = [],
n = t.length;
for (i = 0; n > i; i += 1) "gr" === t[i].ty ? (a = {}, this.groupInterface(t[i].it, e[i].it, a), r.push(a)) : "sh" === t[i].ty ? (a = this.shapeInterface(e[i]), r.push(a)) : "fl" === t[i].ty ? (a = this.fillInterface(e[i]), r.push(a)) : "st" === t[i].ty ? (a = this.strokeInterface(t[i], e[i]), r.push(a)) : "el" === t[i].ty ? (a = this.ellipseInterface(e[i]), r.push(a)) : "rc" === t[i].ty ? (a = this.rectangleInterface(e[i]), r.push(a)) : "tr" === t[i].ty ? s.transform = this.transformInterface(e[i]) : "tm" === t[i].ty ? (a = this.trimInterface(e[i]), r.push(a)) : r.push("");
s.content = function(e) {
var s, i = t.length;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1)
if (t[s].nm === e) return r[s]
}, ShapeInterface.prototype.buildExpressionInterface = function() {
this.groupInterface(this.shapesData, this.viewData, this)
}, LayerInterface.prototype.toWorld = function(t) {
if (this.hierarchy && this.hierarchy.length) {
var e, s = new Matrix,
i = this.hierarchy.length;
for (this.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(s, !1), e = 0; i > e; e += 1) this.hierarchy[e].finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(s, !0);
var a = s.applyToPointArray(t[0], t[1], t[2] || 0);
return a
return t
}, LayerInterface.prototype.effect = function(t) {
console.log(this.effectsManager), console.log(t)
var PropertyFactory = function() {
function t(t) {
for (var e, s, i = 0, a = this.keyframes.length - 1, r = 1, n = !0, o = 0, h = "object" == typeof this.pv ? [this.pv.length] : 0; n;) {
if (e = this.keyframes[i], s = this.keyframes[i + 1], i == a - 1 && t >= s.t - o) {
e.h && (e = s);
if (s.t - o > t) break;
a - 1 > i ? i += r : n = !1
var l, p, m, f, d, c = 0;
if ( {
e.bezierData || bez.buildBezierData(e);
var u = e.bezierData;
if (t >= s.t - o || t < e.t - o) {
var y = t >= s.t - o ? u.points.length - 1 : 0;
for (p = u.points[y].point.length, l = 0; p > l; l += 1) h[l] = u.points[y].point[l]
} else {
e.__fnct ? d = e.__fnct : (d = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(e.o.x, e.o.y, e.i.x, e.i.y, e.n).get, e.__fnct = d), m = d((t - (e.t - o)) / (s.t - o - (e.t - o)));
var v, g = u.segmentLength * m,
b = 0;
for (r = 1, n = !0, f = u.points.length; n;) {
if (b += u.points[c].partialLength * r, 0 === g || 0 === m || c == u.points.length - 1) {
for (p = u.points[c].point.length, l = 0; p > l; l += 1) h[l] = u.points[c].point[l];
if (g >= b && g < b + u.points[c + 1].partialLength) {
for (v = (g - b) / u.points[c + 1].partialLength, p = u.points[c].point.length, l = 0; p > l; l += 1) h[l] = u.points[c].point[l] + (u.points[c + 1].point[l] - u.points[c].point[l]) * v;
f - 1 > c && 1 == r || c > 0 && -1 == r ? c += r : n = !1
} else {
var E, P, k, S, C, x = !1;
for (a = e.s.length, i = 0; a > i; i += 1) {
if (1 !== e.h && (e.o.x instanceof Array ? (x = !0, e.__fnct || (e.__fnct = []), e.__fnct[i] || (E = e.o.x[i] || e.o.x[0], P = e.o.y[i] || e.o.y[0], k = e.i.x[i] || e.i.x[0], S = e.i.y[i] || e.i.y[0])) : (x = !1, e.__fnct || (E = e.o.x, P = e.o.y, k = e.i.x, S = e.i.y)), x ? e.__fnct[i] ? d = e.__fnct[i] : (d = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(E, P, k, S).get, e.__fnct[i] = d) : e.__fnct ? d = e.__fnct : (d = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(E, P, k, S).get, e.__fnct = d), m = t >= s.t - o ? 1 : t < e.t - o ? 0 : d((t - (e.t - o)) / (s.t - o - (e.t - o)))), && 1 !== e.h) {
var w = e.s[i],
D = e.e[i]; - 180 > w - D ? w += 360 : w - D > 180 && (w -= 360), C = w + (D - w) * m
} else C = 1 === e.h ? e.s[i] : e.s[i] + (e.e[i] - e.s[i]) * m;
1 === a ? h = C : h[i] = C
return h
function e(t) {
var e, s = .01,
i = this.getValueAtTime(t),
a = this.getValueAtTime(t + s);
if (i.length) {
e = Array.apply(null, {
length: i.length
var r;
for (r = 0; r < i.length; r += 1) e[r] = this.elem.globalData.frameRate * ((a[r] - i[r]) / s)
} else e = (a - i) / s;
return e
function s() {
if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId) {
this.mdf = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;
var t = this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime;
if (t === this.lastFrame || this.lastFrame !== y && (this.lastFrame >= this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime && t >= this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime || this.lastFrame < this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime && t < this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime));
else {
for (var e, s, i = 0, a = this.keyframes.length - 1, r = 1, n = !0; n;) {
if (e = this.keyframes[i], s = this.keyframes[i + 1], i == a - 1 && t >= s.t - this.offsetTime) {
e.h && (e = s);
if (s.t - this.offsetTime > t) break;
a - 1 > i ? i += r : n = !1
var o, h, l, p, m, f = 0;
if ( {
e.bezierData || bez.buildBezierData(e);
var d = e.bezierData;
if (t >= s.t - this.offsetTime || t < e.t - this.offsetTime) {
var c = t >= s.t - this.offsetTime ? d.points.length - 1 : 0;
for (h = d.points[c].point.length, o = 0; h > o; o += 1) this.v[o] = this.mult ? d.points[c].point[o] * this.mult : d.points[c].point[o], this.pv[o] = d.points[c].point[o], this.lastPValue[o] !== this.pv[o] && (this.mdf = !0, this.lastPValue[o] = this.pv[o])
} else {
e.__fnct ? m = e.__fnct : (m = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(b, E, P, k, e.n).get, e.__fnct = m), l = m((t - (e.t - this.offsetTime)) / (s.t - this.offsetTime - (e.t - this.offsetTime)));
var u, v = d.segmentLength * l,
g = 0;
for (r = 1, n = !0, p = d.points.length; n;) {
if (g += d.points[f].partialLength * r, 0 === v || 0 === l || f == d.points.length - 1) {
for (h = d.points[f].point.length, o = 0; h > o; o += 1) this.v[o] = this.mult ? d.points[f].point[o] * this.mult : d.points[f].point[o], this.pv[o] = d.points[f].point[o], this.lastPValue[o] !== this.pv[o] && (this.mdf = !0, this.lastPValue[o] = this.pv[o]);
if (v >= g && v < g + d.points[f + 1].partialLength) {
for (u = (v - g) / d.points[f + 1].partialLength, h = d.points[f].point.length, o = 0; h > o; o += 1) this.v[o] = this.mult ? (d.points[f].point[o] + (d.points[f + 1].point[o] - d.points[f].point[o]) * u) * this.mult : d.points[f].point[o] + (d.points[f + 1].point[o] - d.points[f].point[o]) * u, this.pv[o] = d.points[f].point[o] + (d.points[f + 1].point[o] - d.points[f].point[o]) * u, this.lastPValue[o] !== this.pv[o] && (this.mdf = !0, this.lastPValue[o] = this.pv[o]);
p - 1 > f && 1 == r || f > 0 && -1 == r ? f += r : n = !1
} else {
var b, E, P, k, S, C = !1;
for (a = e.s.length, i = 0; a > i; i += 1) {
if (1 !== e.h && (e.o.x instanceof Array ? (C = !0, e.__fnct || (e.__fnct = []), e.__fnct[i] || (b = e.o.x[i] || e.o.x[0], E = e.o.y[i] || e.o.y[0], P = e.i.x[i] || e.i.x[0], k = e.i.y[i] || e.i.y[0])) : (C = !1, e.__fnct || (b = e.o.x, E = e.o.y, P = e.i.x, k = e.i.y)), C ? e.__fnct[i] ? m = e.__fnct[i] : (m = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(b, E, P, k).get, e.__fnct[i] = m) : e.__fnct ? m = e.__fnct : (m = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(b, E, P, k).get, e.__fnct = m), l = t >= s.t - this.offsetTime ? 1 : t < e.t - this.offsetTime ? 0 : m((t - (e.t - this.offsetTime)) / (s.t - this.offsetTime - (e.t - this.offsetTime)))), && 1 !== e.h) {
var x = e.s[i],
w = e.e[i]; - 180 > x - w ? x += 360 : x - w > 180 && (x -= 360), S = x + (w - x) * l
} else S = 1 === e.h ? e.s[i] : e.s[i] + (e.e[i] - e.s[i]) * l;
1 === a ? (this.v = this.mult ? S * this.mult : S, this.pv = S, this.lastPValue != this.pv && (this.mdf = !0, this.lastPValue = this.pv)) : (this.v[i] = this.mult ? S * this.mult : S, this.pv[i] = S, this.lastPValue[i] !== this.pv[i] && (this.mdf = !0, this.lastPValue[i] = this.pv[i]))
this.lastFrame = t
function i() {
this.mdf = !1;
var t = this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime;
if (this.lastFrame !== y && (this.lastFrame < this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime && t < this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime || this.lastFrame > this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime && t > this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime));
else {
var e, s, i;
if (t < this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime) this.mdf = !0, e = this.keyframes[0].s[0], i = !0;
else if (t > this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime) this.mdf = !0, e = 1 === this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 2].h ? this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 2].s[0] : this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 2].e[0], i = !0;
else {
this.mdf = !0;
for (var a, r, n, o, h, l, p = 0, m = this.keyframes.length - 1, f = 1, d = !0; d && (a = this.keyframes[p], r = this.keyframes[p + 1], !(r.t - this.offsetTime > t && 1 == f));) m - 1 > p && 1 == f || p > 0 && -1 == f ? p += f : d = !1;
var c;
if (1 !== a.h) {
var u;
a.__fnct ? u = a.__fnct : (u = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(a.o.x, a.o.y, a.i.x, a.i.y).get, a.__fnct = u), c = t >= r.t - this.offsetTime ? 1 : t < a.t - this.offsetTime ? 0 : u((t - (a.t - this.offsetTime)) / (r.t - this.offsetTime - (a.t - this.offsetTime))), s = a.e[0]
e = a.s[0], i = 1 === a.h
for (o = this.v.i.length, l = e.i[0].length, n = 0; o > n; n += 1)
for (h = 0; l > h; h += 1) i ? (this.v.i[n][h] = e.i[n][h], this.v.o[n][h] = e.o[n][h], this.v.v[n][h] = e.v[n][h], this.pv.i[n][h] = e.i[n][h], this.pv.o[n][h] = e.o[n][h], this.pv.v[n][h] = e.v[n][h]) : (this.v.i[n][h] = e.i[n][h] + (s.i[n][h] - e.i[n][h]) * c, this.v.o[n][h] = e.o[n][h] + (s.o[n][h] - e.o[n][h]) * c, this.v.v[n][h] = e.v[n][h] + (s.v[n][h] - e.v[n][h]) * c, this.pv.i[n][h] = e.i[n][h] + (s.i[n][h] - e.i[n][h]) * c, this.pv.o[n][h] = e.o[n][h] + (s.o[n][h] - e.o[n][h]) * c, this.pv.v[n][h] = e.v[n][h] + (s.v[n][h] - e.v[n][h]) * c)
this.lastFrame = t
function a(t, e) {
this.getExpression = ExpressionManager.initiateExpression, e.x && (this.k = !0, this.x = !0, this.getValue && (this.getPreValue = this.getValue), this.getValue = this.getExpression(t, e))
function r(t, e, s) {
this.mult = s, this.v = s ? e.k * s : e.k, this.pv = e.k, this.mdf = !1, this.comp = t.comp, this.k = !1, a.bind(this)(t, e)
function n(t, e, s) {
this.mult = s, = e, this.mdf = !1, this.comp = t.comp, this.k = !1, a.bind(this)(t, e), this.v = new Array(e.k.length), this.pv = new Array(e.k.length), this.lastValue = new Array(e.k.length);
var i, r = e.k.length;
for (i = 0; r > i; i += 1) this.v[i] = s ? e.k[i] * s : e.k[i], this.pv[i] = e.k[i]
function o(i, r, n) {
this.keyframes = r.k, this.offsetTime =, this.lastValue = -99999, this.lastPValue = -99999, this.frameId = -1, this.k = !0, = r, this.mult = n, this.elem = i, this.comp = i.comp, this.lastFrame = y, this.v = n ? r.k[0].s[0] * n : r.k[0].s[0], this.pv = r.k[0].s[0], this.getValue = s, this.getValueAtTime = t, this.getVelocityAtTime = e, a.bind(this)(i, r)
function h(i, r, n) {
var o, h, l, p, m, f = r.k.length;
for (o = 0; f - 1 > o; o += 1) r.k[o].to && r.k[o].s && r.k[o].e && (h = r.k[o].s, l = r.k[o].e, p = r.k[o].to, m = r.k[o].ti, (2 == h.length && bez.pointOnLine2D(h[0], h[1], l[0], l[1], h[0] + p[0], h[1] + p[1]) && bez.pointOnLine2D(h[0], h[1], l[0], l[1], l[0] + m[0], l[1] + m[1]) || bez.pointOnLine3D(h[0], h[1], h[2], l[0], l[1], l[2], h[0] + p[0], h[1] + p[1], h[2] + p[2]) && bez.pointOnLine3D(h[0], h[1], h[2], l[0], l[1], l[2], l[0] + m[0], l[1] + m[1], l[2] + m[2])) && (r.k[o].to = null, r.k[o].ti = null));
this.keyframes = r.k, this.offsetTime =, this.k = !0, this.mult = n, this.elem = i, this.comp = i.comp, this.getValue = s, this.getValueAtTime = t, this.getVelocityAtTime = e, this.frameId = -1, this.v = new Array(r.k[0].s.length), this.pv = new Array(r.k[0].s.length), this.lastValue = new Array(r.k[0].s.length), this.lastPValue = new Array(r.k[0].s.length), this.lastFrame = y, a.bind(this)(i, r)
function l(t, e, s, i, a) {
var l;
if (2 === s) l = new v(t, e, a);
else if (7 === s) l = new P(t, e, a);
else if (e.k.length)
if ("number" == typeof e.k[0]) l = new n(t, e, i);
else switch (s) {
case 0:
l = new o(t, e, i);
case 1:
l = new h(t, e, i)
} else l = new r(t, e, i);
return (l.k || l.x) && a.push(l), l
function p() {
return this.v
function m(t, e, s) {
this.comp = t.comp, this.k = !1, this.mdf = !1, this.closed = 3 === s ? : e.closed, this.numNodes = 3 === s ? : e.ks.k.v.length, this.v = 3 === s ? : e.ks.k;
var i = 3 === s ? : e.ks;
this.getValue = p, this.pv = this.v, a.bind(this)(t, i)
function f(t, e, s) {
this.comp = t.comp, this.offsetTime =, this.getValue = i, this.keyframes = 3 === s ? : e.ks.k, this.k = !0, this.closed = 3 === s ? : e.closed;
var r, n = this.keyframes[0].s[0].i.length,
o = this.keyframes[0].s[0].i[0].length;
for (this.numNodes = n, this.v = {
i: new Array(n),
o: new Array(n),
v: new Array(n)
}, this.pv = {
i: new Array(n),
o: new Array(n),
v: new Array(n)
}, r = 0; n > r; r += 1) this.v.i[r] = new Array(o), this.v.o[r] = new Array(o), this.v.v[r] = new Array(o), this.pv.i[r] = new Array(o), this.pv.o[r] = new Array(o), this.pv.v[r] = new Array(o);
this.lastFrame = y;
var h = 3 === s ? : e.ks;
a.bind(this)(t, h)
function d(t, e, s, i, a) {
var r;
if (3 === s || 4 === s) {
var n = 3 === s ? : e.ks.k;
r = n.length ? new f(t, e, s) : new m(t, e, s)
} else 5 === s ? r = new E(t, e) : 6 === s ? r = new g(t, e) : 7 === s && (r = new b(t, e));
var o = !1;
if (a)
for (var h = 0, l = a.length; l > h;) {
if (!a[h].closed) {
o = !0;
h += 1
return o && (r = new k(r, a)), r.k && i.push(r), r
function c(t, e, s, i) {
return new S(t, e, s, i)
function u(t, e, s) {
switch (e.t) {
case 0:
return new x(t, e, s);
case 1:
return new C(t, e)
var y = -999999,
v = function() {
function t() {
return this.p.k && this.getValue(), this.p.pv
function e() {
return this.a.k && this.getValue(), this.a.pv
function s() {
return this.or.k && this.getValue(), this.or.pv
function i() {
return this.r.k && this.getValue(), this.r.pv
function a() {
return this.s.k && this.getValue(), this.s.pv
function r() {
return this.o.k && this.o.getValue(), this.o.pv
function n() {
return &&,
function o() {
return &&,
function h(t, e) {
var s, i = this.dynamicProperties.length;
if (e) {
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) this.dynamicProperties[s].getValue(), this.dynamicProperties[s].mdf && (this.mdf = !0);
this.a && t.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]), this.s && t.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]), this.r ? t.rotate(-this.r.v) : t.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v[2]).rotateY(this.or.v[1]).rotateX(this.or.v[0]), ? ? t.translate(this.px.v,, -this.pz.v) : t.translate(this.px.v,, 0) : t.translate(this.p.v[0], this.p.v[1], -this.p.v[2])
} else this.a && t.translate(-this.a.pv[0], -this.a.pv[1], this.a.pv[2]), this.s && t.scale(this.s.pv[0], this.s.pv[1], this.s.pv[2]), this.r ? t.rotate(-this.r.pv) : t.rotateZ(-this.rz.pv).rotateY(this.ry.pv).rotateX(this.rx.pv).rotateZ(-this.or.pv[2]).rotateY(this.or.pv[1]).rotateX(this.or.pv[0]), ? ? t.translate(this.px.pv,, -this.pz.pv) : t.translate(this.px.pv,, 0) : t.translate(this.p.pv[0], this.p.pv[1], -this.p.pv[2])
function p() {
if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId) {
this.mdf = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;
var t, e = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t += 1) this.dynamicProperties[t].getValue(), this.dynamicProperties[t].mdf && (this.mdf = !0);
this.mdf && (this.v.reset(), this.a && this.v.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]), this.s && this.v.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]), && this.v.skewFromAxis(,, this.r ? this.v.rotate(-this.r.v) : this.v.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v[2]).rotateY(this.or.v[1]).rotateX(this.or.v[0]), ? ? this.v.translate(this.px.v,, -this.pz.v) : this.v.translate(this.px.v,, 0) : this.v.translate(this.p.v[0], this.p.v[1], -this.p.v[2]))
function m() {
this.inverted = !0, this.iv = new Matrix, this.k || ( ? this.iv.translate(this.px.v,, -this.pz.v) : this.iv.translate(this.p.v[0], this.p.v[1], -this.p.v[2]), this.r ? this.iv.rotate(-this.r.v) : this.iv.rotateX(-this.rx.v).rotateY(-this.ry.v).rotateZ(this.rz.v), this.s && this.iv.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], 1), this.a && this.iv.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]))
return function(f, d, c) {
this.elem = f, this.frameId = -1, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.mdf = !1, = d, this.getValue = p, this.applyToMatrix = h, this.setInverted = m, this.v = new Matrix, d.p.s ? (this.px = l(f, d.p.x, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), = l(f, d.p.y, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), d.p.z && (this.pz = l(f, d.p.z, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties))) : this.p = l(f, d.p, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), d.r ? this.r = l(f, d.r, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties) : d.rx && (this.rx = l(f, d.rx, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), this.ry = l(f, d.ry, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), this.rz = l(f, d.rz, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), this.or = l(f, d.or, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties)), && ( = l(f,, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), = l(f,, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties)), d.a && (this.a = l(f, d.a, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), d.s && (this.s = l(f, d.s, 1, .01, this.dynamicProperties)), this.o = d.o ? l(f, d.o, 0, .01, c) : {
mdf: !1,
v: 1
}, this.dynamicProperties.length ? c.push(this) : (this.a && this.v.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]), this.s && this.v.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]), && this.v.skewFromAxis(,, this.r ? this.v.rotate(-this.r.v) : this.v.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v[2]).rotateY(this.or.v[1]).rotateX(this.or.v[0]), ? d.p.z ? this.v.translate(this.px.v,, -this.pz.v) : this.v.translate(this.px.v,, 0) : this.v.translate(this.p.v[0], this.p.v[1], -this.p.v[2])), Object.defineProperty(this, "position", {
get: t
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "orientation", {
get: s
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "anchorPoint", {
get: e
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "rotation", {
get: i
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "scale", {
get: a
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "opacity", {
get: r
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "skew", {
get: n
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "skewAxis", {
get: o
g = function() {
function t() {
var t = this.p.v[0],
e = this.p.v[1],
i = this.s.v[0] / 2,
a = this.s.v[1] / 2;
2 !== this.d && 3 !== this.d ? (this.v.v[0] = [t, e - a], this.v.i[0] = [t - i * s, e - a], this.v.o[0] = [t + i * s, e - a], this.v.v[1] = [t + i, e], this.v.i[1] = [t + i, e - a * s], this.v.o[1] = [t + i, e + a * s], this.v.v[2] = [t, e + a], this.v.i[2] = [t + i * s, e + a], this.v.o[2] = [t - i * s, e + a], this.v.v[3] = [t - i, e], this.v.i[3] = [t - i, e + a * s], this.v.o[3] = [t - i, e - a * s]) : (this.v.v[0] = [t, e - a], this.v.o[0] = [t - i * s, e - a], this.v.i[0] = [t + i * s, e - a], this.v.v[1] = [t - i, e], this.v.o[1] = [t - i, e + a * s], this.v.i[1] = [t - i, e - a * s], this.v.v[2] = [t, e + a], this.v.o[2] = [t + i * s, e + a], this.v.i[2] = [t - i * s, e + a], this.v.v[3] = [t + i, e], this.v.o[3] = [t + i, e - a * s], this.v.i[3] = [t + i, e + a * s])
function e(t) {
var e, s = this.dynamicProperties.length;
if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId) {
for (this.mdf = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId, e = 0; s > e; e += 1) this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue(t), this.dynamicProperties[e].mdf && (this.mdf = !0);
this.mdf && this.convertEllToPath()
var s = .5519;
return function(s, i) {
this.v = {
v: new Array(4),
i: new Array(4),
o: new Array(4),
c: !0
}, this.numNodes = 4, this.d = i.d, this.dynamicProperties = [], i.closed = !0, this.closed = !0, this.elem = s, this.comp = s.comp, this.frameId = -1, this.mdf = !1, this.getValue = e, this.convertEllToPath = t, this.p = l(s, i.p, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.s = l(s, i.s, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : this.convertEllToPath()
b = function() {
function t() {
var t = Math.floor(,
e = 2 * Math.PI / t;
this.v.v.length = t, this.v.i.length = t, this.v.o.length = t;
var s, i = this.or.v,
a = this.os.v,
r = 2 * Math.PI * i / (4 * t),
n = -Math.PI / 2,
o = 3 === ? -1 : 1;
for (n += this.r.v, s = 0; t > s; s += 1) {
var h = i * Math.cos(n),
l = i * Math.sin(n),
p = 0 === h && 0 === l ? 0 : l / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l),
m = 0 === h && 0 === l ? 0 : -h / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l);
h += +this.p.v[0], l += +this.p.v[1], this.v.v[s] = [h, l], this.v.i[s] = [h + p * r * a * o, l + m * r * a * o], this.v.o[s] = [h - p * r * a * o, l - m * r * a * o], n += e * o
this.numNodes = t
function e() {
var t = 2 * Math.floor(,
e = 2 * Math.PI / t;
this.v.v.length = t, this.v.i.length = t, this.v.o.length = t;
var s, i, a, r, n = !0,
o = this.or.v,
h =,
l = this.os.v,
p =,
m = 2 * Math.PI * o / (2 * t),
f = 2 * Math.PI * h / (2 * t),
d = -Math.PI / 2;
d += this.r.v;
var c = 3 === ? -1 : 1;
for (s = 0; t > s; s += 1) {
i = n ? o : h, a = n ? l : p, r = n ? m : f;
var u = i * Math.cos(d),
y = i * Math.sin(d),
v = 0 === u && 0 === y ? 0 : y / Math.sqrt(u * u + y * y),
g = 0 === u && 0 === y ? 0 : -u / Math.sqrt(u * u + y * y);
u += +this.p.v[0], y += +this.p.v[1], this.v.v[s] = [u, y], this.v.i[s] = [u + v * r * a * c, y + g * r * a * c], this.v.o[s] = [u - v * r * a * c, y - g * r * a * c], n = !n, d += e * c
this.numNodes = t
function s() {
if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId) {
this.mdf = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;
var t, e = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t += 1) this.dynamicProperties[t].getValue(), this.dynamicProperties[t].mdf && (this.mdf = !0);
this.mdf && this.convertToPath()
return function(i, a) {
this.v = {
v: [],
i: [],
o: [],
c: !0
}, this.elem = i, this.comp = i.comp, = a, this.frameId = -1, this.d = a.d, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.mdf = !1, a.closed = !0, this.closed = !0, this.getValue = s, 1 === ? ( = l(i,, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), = l(i,, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties), this.convertToPath = e) : this.convertToPath = t, = l(i,, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.p = l(i, a.p, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.r = l(i, a.r, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties), this.or = l(i, a.or, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.os = l(i, a.os, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : this.convertToPath()
E = function() {
function t(t) {
if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId) {
this.mdf = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;
var e, s = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e += 1) this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue(t), this.dynamicProperties[e].mdf && (this.mdf = !0);
this.mdf && this.convertRectToPath()
function e() {
var t = this.p.v[0],
e = this.p.v[1],
s = this.s.v[0] / 2,
i = this.s.v[1] / 2,
a = bm_min(s, i, this.r.v),
r = a * (1 - .5519);
2 === this.d || 1 === this.d ? (this.v.v[0] = [t + s, e - i + a], this.v.o[0] = this.v.v[0], this.v.i[0] = [t + s, e - i + r], this.v.v[1] = [t + s, e + i - a], this.v.o[1] = [t + s, e + i - r], this.v.i[1] = this.v.v[1], this.v.v[2] = [t + s - a, e + i], this.v.o[2] = this.v.v[2], this.v.i[2] = [t + s - r, e + i], this.v.v[3] = [t - s + a, e + i], this.v.o[3] = [t - s + r, e + i], this.v.i[3] = this.v.v[3], this.v.v[4] = [t - s, e + i - a], this.v.o[4] = this.v.v[4], this.v.i[4] = [t - s, e + i - r], this.v.v[5] = [t - s, e - i + a], this.v.o[5] = [t - s, e - i + r], this.v.i[5] = this.v.v[5], this.v.v[6] = [t - s + a, e - i], this.v.o[6] = this.v.v[6], this.v.i[6] = [t - s + r, e - i], this.v.v[7] = [t + s - a, e - i], this.v.o[7] = [t + s - r, e - i], this.v.i[7] = this.v.v[7]) : (this.v.v[0] = [t + s, e - i + a], this.v.o[0] = [t + s, e - i + r], this.v.i[0] = this.v.v[0], this.v.v[1] = [t + s - a, e - i], this.v.o[1] = this.v.v[1], this.v.i[1] = [t + s - r, e - i], this.v.v[2] = [t - s + a, e - i], this.v.o[2] = [t - s + r, e - i], this.v.i[2] = this.v.v[2], this.v.v[3] = [t - s, e - i + a], this.v.o[3] = this.v.v[3], this.v.i[3] = [t - s, e - i + r], this.v.v[4] = [t - s, e + i - a], this.v.o[4] = [t - s, e + i - r], this.v.i[4] = this.v.v[4], this.v.v[5] = [t - s + a, e + i], this.v.o[5] = this.v.v[5], this.v.i[5] = [t - s + r, e + i], this.v.v[6] = [t + s - a, e + i], this.v.o[6] = [t + s - r, e + i], this.v.i[6] = this.v.v[6], this.v.v[7] = [t + s, e + i - a], this.v.o[7] = this.v.v[7], this.v.i[7] = [t + s, e + i - r])
return function(s, i) {
this.v = {
v: new Array(8),
i: new Array(8),
o: new Array(8),
c: !0
}, this.numNodes = 8, this.elem = s, this.comp = s.comp, this.frameId = -1, this.d = i.d, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.mdf = !1, i.closed = !0, this.closed = !0, this.getValue = t, this.convertRectToPath = e, this.p = l(s, i.p, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.s = l(s, i.s, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.r = l(s, i.r, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : this.convertRectToPath()
P = function() {
function t(t) {
if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId || t) {
this.mdf = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;
var e, s = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e += 1) this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue(), this.dynamicProperties[e].mdf && (this.mdf = !0);
if (this.mdf || t) {
var i = this.o.v % 360 / 360;
if (0 === i && 0 === this.s.v && 1 == this.e.v) return void(this.isTrimming = !1);
this.isTrimming = !0, 0 > i && (i += 1);
var a = this.s.v + i,
r = this.e.v + i;
if (a > r) {
var n = a;
a = r, r = n
this.sValue = a, this.eValue = r, this.oValue = i
return function(e, s) {
this.elem = e, this.frameId = -1, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.sValue = 0, this.eValue = 0, this.oValue = 0, this.mdf = !1, this.getValue = t, this.k = !1, this.isTrimming = !1, this.comp = e.comp, this.s = l(e, s.s, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties),
this.e = l(e, s.e, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties), this.o = l(e, s.o, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : this.getValue(!0)
k = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.totalLength = 0;
var s, i = t.v,
a = t.o,
r = t.i,
n = i.length;
for (s = 0; n - 1 > s; s += 1) this.lengths[s] = bez.getBezierLength(i[s], i[s + 1], a[s], r[s + 1]), this.totalLength += this.lengths[s].addedLength;
e && (this.lengths[s] = bez.getBezierLength(i[s], i[0], a[s], r[0]), this.totalLength += this.lengths[s].addedLength)
function e(t, e, s, i, a) {
this.nextO[this.segmentCount] = e, this.nextI[this.segmentCount + 1] = s, this.nextV[this.segmentCount + 1] = i, this.pathStarted ? this.nextV[this.segmentCount] = t : (this.pathStarted = !0, this.v.s[this.segmentCount] = t), this.segmentCount += 1
function s(t) {
this.mdf = t ? !0 : !1, this.prop.k && this.prop.getValue();
var e = 0,
s = this.trims.length;
for (this.pathStarted = !1; s > e;) {
if (this.trims[e].mdf) {
this.mdf = !0;
e += 1
if (this.mdf = this.prop.mdf ? !0 : this.mdf, this.mdf) {
this.nextO.length = 0, this.nextI.length = 0, this.nextV.length = 0, this.v.s.length = 0;
var i = this.prop.closed;
this.getSegmentsLength(this.prop.v, i);
var a, r, n, o, h, l, p = this.prop.v,
m = this.trims.length;
for (a = 0; m > a; a += 1)
if (this.trims[a].isTrimming) {
if (r = this.trims[a].eValue, n = this.trims[a].sValue, o = this.trims[a].oValue, r === n) return this.v.v = this.nextV, this.v.o = this.nextO, void(this.v.i = this.nextI);
1 >= r ? (this.segments[0].s = this.totalLength * n, this.segments[0].e = this.totalLength * r, this.segments[1].vl = !1) : n >= 1 ? (this.segments[0].s = this.totalLength * (n - 1), this.segments[0].e = this.totalLength * (r - 1), this.segments[1].vl = !1) : (this.segments[0].s = this.totalLength * n, this.segments[0].e = this.totalLength, this.segments[1].s = 0, this.segments[1].e = this.totalLength * (r - 1), this.segments[1].vl = !0), this.v.v = p.v, this.v.o = p.o, this.v.i = p.i, l = this.v.v.length;
var f = 0,
d = 0;
s = this.segments[1].vl ? 2 : 1;
var c;
for (this.segmentCount = 0, e = 0; s > e; e += 1) {
for (f = 0, h = 1; l > h; h++)
if (d = this.lengths[h - 1].addedLength, f + d < this.segments[e].s) f += d;
else {
if (f > this.segments[e].e) break;
this.segments[e].s <= f && this.segments[e].e >= f + d ? this.addSegment(this.v.v[h - 1], this.v.o[h - 1], this.v.i[h], this.v.v[h], this.lengths[h - 1]) : (c = bez.getNewSegment(this.v.v[h - 1], this.v.v[h], this.v.o[h - 1], this.v.i[h], (this.segments[e].s - f) / d, (this.segments[e].e - f) / d, this.lengths[h - 1]), this.addSegment(c.pt1, c.pt3, c.pt4, c.pt2)), f += d
i !== !1 ? f <= this.segments[e].e && (d = this.lengths[h - 1].addedLength, this.segments[e].s <= f && this.segments[e].e >= f + d ? this.addSegment(this.v.v[h - 1], this.v.o[h - 1], this.v.i[0], this.v.v[0], this.lengths[h - 1]) : (c = bez.getNewSegment(this.v.v[h - 1], this.v.v[0], this.v.o[h - 1], this.v.i[0], (this.segments[e].s - f) / d, (this.segments[e].e - f) / d, this.lengths[h - 1]), this.addSegment(c.pt1, c.pt3, c.pt4, c.pt2))) : this.pathStarted = !1
i = !1
} else this.v.v = p.v, this.v.o = p.o, this.v.i = p.i;
this.nextV.length ? (this.v.v = this.nextV, this.v.o = this.nextO, this.v.i = this.nextI) : this.v.s.length = 0, this.v.c = i
return function(i, a) {
this.trims = [], this.k = !1, this.mdf = !1, this.ty = "tm", this.pathStarted = !1, this.segments = [{
s: 0,
e: 0,
vl: !0
}, {
s: 0,
e: 0,
vl: !1
}], this.nextO = [], this.nextV = [], this.nextI = [], this.v = {
i: null,
o: null,
v: null,
s: [],
c: !1
var r, n = a.length;
for (r = 0; n > r; r += 1) a[r].closed || (this.k = a[r].trimProp.k ? !0 : this.k, this.trims.push(a[r].trimProp));
this.prop = i, this.prop.numNodes ? (n = this.prop.numNodes - 1, n += this.prop.closed ? 1 : 0, this.lengths = new Array(n)) : this.lengths = [], this.k = i.k ? !0 : this.k, this.totalLength = 0, this.getValue = s, this.addSegment = e, this.getSegmentsLength = t, this.k || (this.prop.getValue(), this.getValue(!0))
S = function() {
function t(t) {
var e = 0,
s = this.dataProps.length;
if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId || t) {
for (this.mdf = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId; s > e;) {
if (this.dataProps[e].p.mdf) {
this.mdf = !0;
e += 1
if (this.mdf || t)
for ("svg" === this.renderer && (this.dasharray = ""), e = 0; s > e; e += 1) "o" != this.dataProps[e].n ? "svg" === this.renderer ? this.dasharray += " " + this.dataProps[e].p.v : this.dasharray[e] = this.dataProps[e].p.v : this.dashoffset = this.dataProps[e].p.v
return function(e, s, i, a) {
this.elem = e, this.frameId = -1, this.dataProps = new Array(s.length), this.renderer = i, this.mdf = !1, this.k = !1, this.dasharray = "svg" === this.renderer ? "" : new Array(s.length - 1), this.dashoffset = 0;
var r, n, o = s.length;
for (r = 0; o > r; r += 1) n = l(e, s[r].v, 0, 0, a), this.k = n.k ? !0 : this.k, this.dataProps[r] = {
n: s[r].n,
p: n
this.getValue = t, this.k ? a.push(this) : this.getValue(!0)
C = function() {
function t(t, e) {
return this.textIndex = t + 1, this.textTotal = e, this.getValue(), this.v
return function(e, s) {
this.pv = 1, this.comp = e.comp, this.mult = .01, this.type = "textSelector", this.textTotal = s.totalChars, this.selectorValue = 100, this.lastValue = [1, 1, 1], a.bind(this)(e, s), this.getMult = t
x = function() {
function t() {
if (this.dynamicProperties.length) {
var t, e = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t += 1) this.dynamicProperties[t].getValue()
var s =,
i = 2 === ? 1 : 100 / s,
a = this.o.v / i,
r = this.s.v / i + a,
n = this.e.v / i + a;
if (r > n) {
var o = r;
r = n, n = o
this.finalS = r, this.finalE = n
function e(t) {
var e = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing( / 100, 0, 1 - this.xe.v / 100, 1).get,
r = 0,
n = this.finalS,
o = this.finalE,
h =;
if (2 == h) r = o === n ? t >= o ? 1 : 0 : s(0, i(.5 / (o - n) + (t - n) / (o - n), 1)), r = e(r);
else if (3 == h) r = o === n ? t >= o ? 0 : 1 : 1 - s(0, i(.5 / (o - n) + (t - n) / (o - n), 1)), r = e(r);
else if (4 == h) o === n ? r = t >= o ? 0 : 1 : (r = s(0, i(.5 / (o - n) + (t - n) / (o - n), 1)), .5 > r ? r *= 2 : r = 1 - r);
else if (5 == h)
if (o === n) r = t >= o ? 0 : 1;
else {
var l = o - n;
r = -4 / (l * l) * t * t + 4 / l * t
else 6 == h ? r = o === n ? t >= o ? 0 : 1 : (1 + (Math.cos(Math.PI + 2 * Math.PI * (t - n) / (o - n)) + 0)) / 2 : t >= a(n) && (r = 0 > t - n ? 1 - (n - t) : s(0, i(o - t, 1)));
return r * this.a.v
var s = Math.max,
i = Math.min,
a = Math.floor;
return function(s, i, a) {
this.mdf = !1, this.k = !1, = i, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.getValue = t, this.getMult = e, this.comp = s.comp, this.finalS = 0, this.finalE = 0, this.s = l(s, i.s || {
k: 0
}, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.e = "e" in i ? l(s, i.e, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties) : {
v: 2 === i.r ? i.totalChars : 100
}, this.o = l(s, i.o || {
k: 0
}, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.xe = l(s, i.xe || {
k: 0
}, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), = l(s, || {
k: 0
}, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties), this.a = l(s, i.a, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties), this.dynamicProperties.length ? a.push(this) : this.getValue()
w = {};
return w.getProp = l, w.getShapeProp = d, w.getDashProp = c, w.getTextSelectorProp = u, w
SVGRenderer.prototype.createItem = function(t, e, s, i) {
switch (t.ty) {
case 2:
return this.createImage(t, e, s, i);
case 0:
return this.createComp(t, e, s, i);
case 1:
return this.createSolid(t, e, s, i);
case 4:
return this.createShape(t, e, s, i);
case 5:
return this.createText(t, e, s, i);
case 99:
return this.createPlaceHolder(t, e)
return this.createBase(t, e, s)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.buildItems = function(t, e, s, i, a) {
var r, n = t.length;
s || (s = this.elements), e || (e = this.animationItem.container), i || (i = this);
var o;
for (r = n - 1; r >= 0; r--) s[r] = this.createItem(t[r], e, i, a), 0 === t[r].ty && (o = [], this.buildItems(t[r].layers, s[r].getDomElement(), o, s[r], s[r].placeholder), s[r].setElements(o)), t[r].td && s[r + 1].setMatte(s[r].layerId)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.includeLayers = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a = t.length;
s || (s = this.elements), e || (e = this.animationItem.container);
var r, n, o, h = s.length;
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1)
for (r = 0; h > r;) {
if (s[r] == t[i].id) {
o = s[r], s[r] = this.createItem(t[i], e, this, o), 0 === t[i].ty && (n = [], this.buildItems(t[i].layers, s[r].getDomElement(), n, s[r], s[i].placeholder), s[r].setElements(n));
r += 1
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1) t[i].td && s[i + 1].setMatte(s[i].layerId)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.createBase = function(t, e, s, i) {
return new SVGBaseElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.createPlaceHolder = function(t, e) {
return new PlaceHolderElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.createShape = function(t, e, s, i) {
return new IShapeElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.createText = function(t, e, s, i) {
return new SVGTextElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.createImage = function(t, e, s, i) {
return new IImageElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.createComp = function(t, e, s, i) {
return new ICompElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.createSolid = function(t, e, s, i) {
return new ISolidElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.configAnimation = function(t) {
this.animationItem.container = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg"), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute("xmlns", ""), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute("width", t.w), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute("height", t.h), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + t.w + " " + t.h), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet"), = "100%", = "100%", = "translate3d(0,0,0)", = = =["-webkit-transform"] = "0px 0px 0px", this.animationItem.wrapper.appendChild(this.animationItem.container);
var e = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "defs");
this.globalData.defs = e, this.animationItem.container.appendChild(e), this.globalData.getAssetData = this.animationItem.getAssetData.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.getPath = this.animationItem.getPath.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.elementLoaded = this.animationItem.elementLoaded.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.frameId = 0, this.globalData.compSize = {
w: t.w,
h: t.h
}, this.globalData.frameRate =;
var s = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "clipPath"),
i = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
i.setAttribute("width", t.w), i.setAttribute("height", t.h), i.setAttribute("x", 0), i.setAttribute("y", 0);
var a = "animationMask_" + randomString(10);
s.setAttribute("id", a), s.appendChild(i);
var r = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
r.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#" + a + ")"), this.animationItem.container.appendChild(r), e.appendChild(s), this.animationItem.container = r, this.layers = t.layers, this.globalData.fontManager = new FontManager, this.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, e)
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.buildStage = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a, r = e.length;
for (s || (s = this.elements), i = r - 1; i >= 0; i--) a = e[i], void 0 !== a.parent && this.buildItemParenting(a, s[i], e, a.parent, s, !0), 0 === a.ty && this.buildStage(s[i].getComposingElement(), a.layers, s[i].getElements())
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.buildItemParenting = function(t, e, s, i, a, r) {
t.parents || (t.parents = []), r && e.resetHierarchy();
for (var n = 0, o = s.length; o > n;) s[n].ind == i && (e.getHierarchy().push(a[n]), void 0 !== s[n].parent && this.buildItemParenting(t, e, s, s[n].parent, a, !1)), n += 1
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.animationItem.wrapper.innerHTML = "", this.animationItem.container = null, this.globalData.defs = null;
var t, e = this.layers.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t++) this.elements[t].destroy();
this.elements.length = 0, this.destroyed = !0
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize = function() {}, SVGRenderer.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (this.renderedFrame != t && !this.destroyed) {
null === t ? t = this.renderedFrame : this.renderedFrame = t, this.globalData.frameNum = t, this.globalData.frameId += 1;
var e, s = this.layers.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e++) this.elements[e].prepareFrame(t - this.layers[e].st);
for (e = 0; s > e; e++) this.elements[e].renderFrame()
}, SVGRenderer.prototype.hide = function() { = "none"
}, = function() { = "block"
}, extendPrototype(ExpressionComp, SVGRenderer), CanvasRenderer.prototype.createItem = function(t, e) {
switch (t.ty) {
case 0:
return this.createComp(t, e);
case 1:
return this.createSolid(t, e);
case 2:
return this.createImage(t, e);
case 4:
return this.createShape(t, e);
case 5:
return this.createText(t, e);
case 99:
return this.createPlaceHolder(t, e);
return this.createBase(t, e)
return this.createBase(t, e)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.buildItems = function(t, e, s) {
e || (e = this.elements), s || (s = this);
var i, a = t.length;
for (i = 0; a > i; i++)
if (e[i] = this.createItem(t[i], s), 0 === t[i].ty) {
var r = [];
this.buildItems(t[i].layers, r, e[i]), e[e.length - 1].setElements(r)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.includeLayers = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a = t.length;
s || (s = this.elements);
var r, n, o = s.length;
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1)
for (r = 0; o > r;) {
if (s[r] == t[i].id) {
s[r] = this.createItem(t[i], this), 0 === t[i].ty && (n = [], this.buildItems(t[i].layers, n, s[r]), s[r].setElements(n));
r += 1
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createBase = function(t, e) {
return new CVBaseElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createShape = function(t, e) {
return new CVShapeElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createText = function(t, e) {
return new CVTextElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createPlaceHolder = function(t) {
return new PlaceHolderElement(t, null, this.globalData)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createImage = function(t, e) {
return new CVImageElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createComp = function(t, e) {
return new CVCompElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createSolid = function(t, e) {
return new CVSolidElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.ctxTransform = function(t) {
if (1 !== t[0] || 0 !== t[1] || 0 !== t[4] || 1 !== t[5] || 0 !== t[12] || 0 !== t[13]) {
if (!this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) return void this.canvasContext.transform(t[0], t[1], t[4], t[5], t[12], t[13]);
this.transformMat.cloneFromProps(t), this.transformMat.transform(this.contextData.cTr.props[0], this.contextData.cTr.props[1], this.contextData.cTr.props[2], this.contextData.cTr.props[3], this.contextData.cTr.props[4], this.contextData.cTr.props[5], this.contextData.cTr.props[6], this.contextData.cTr.props[7], this.contextData.cTr.props[8], this.contextData.cTr.props[9], this.contextData.cTr.props[10], this.contextData.cTr.props[11], this.contextData.cTr.props[12], this.contextData.cTr.props[13], this.contextData.cTr.props[14], this.contextData.cTr.props[15]), this.contextData.cTr.cloneFromProps(this.transformMat.props);
var e = this.contextData.cTr.props;
this.canvasContext.setTransform(e[0], e[1], e[4], e[5], e[12], e[13])
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.ctxOpacity = function(t) {
if (1 !== t) {
if (!this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) return void(this.canvasContext.globalAlpha *= 0 > t ? 0 : t);
this.contextData.cO *= 0 > t ? 0 : t, this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = this.contextData.cO
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.reset = function() {
return this.renderConfig.clearCanvas ? (this.contextData.cArrPos = 0, this.contextData.cTr.reset(), void(this.contextData.cO = 1)) : void this.canvasContext.restore()
}, = function(t) {
if (!this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) return void;
t &&;
var e = this.contextData.cTr.props;
(null === this.contextData.saved[this.contextData.cArrPos] || void 0 === this.contextData.saved[this.contextData.cArrPos]) && (this.contextData.saved[this.contextData.cArrPos] = new Array(16));
var s, i = this.contextData.saved[this.contextData.cArrPos];
for (s = 0; 16 > s; s += 1) i[s] = e[s];
this.contextData.savedOp[this.contextData.cArrPos] = this.contextData.cO, this.contextData.cArrPos += 1
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.restore = function(t) {
if (!this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) return void this.canvasContext.restore();
t && this.canvasContext.restore(), this.contextData.cArrPos -= 1;
var e, s = this.contextData.saved[this.contextData.cArrPos],
i = this.contextData.cTr.props;
for (e = 0; 16 > e; e += 1) i[e] = s[e];
this.canvasContext.setTransform(s[0], s[1], s[4], s[5], s[12], s[13]), s = this.contextData.savedOp[this.contextData.cArrPos], this.contextData.cO = s, this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = s
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.configAnimation = function(t) {
this.animationItem.wrapper ? (this.animationItem.container = document.createElement("canvas"), = "100%", = "100%", = = =["-webkit-transform"] = "0px 0px 0px", this.animationItem.wrapper.appendChild(this.animationItem.container), this.canvasContext = this.animationItem.container.getContext("2d")) : this.canvasContext = this.renderConfig.context, this.globalData.canvasContext = this.canvasContext, this.globalData.renderer = this, this.globalData.isDashed = !1, this.globalData.totalFrames = Math.floor(, this.globalData.compWidth = t.w, this.globalData.compHeight = t.h, this.globalData.frameRate =, this.globalData.frameId = 0, this.layers = t.layers, this.transformCanvas = {}, this.transformCanvas.w = t.w, this.transformCanvas.h = t.h, this.updateContainerSize(), this.globalData.fontManager = new FontManager, this.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, document)
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize = function() {
var t, e;
if (this.animationItem.wrapper && this.animationItem.container ? (t = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetWidth, e = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetHeight, this.animationItem.container.setAttribute("width", t * this.renderConfig.dpr), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute("height", e * this.renderConfig.dpr)) : (t = this.canvasContext.canvas.width * this.renderConfig.dpr, e = this.canvasContext.canvas.height * this.renderConfig.dpr), "fit" == this.renderConfig.scaleMode) {
var s = t / e,
i = this.transformCanvas.w / this.transformCanvas.h;
i > s ? ( = t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr), = t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr), this.transformCanvas.tx = 0, this.transformCanvas.ty = (e - this.transformCanvas.h * (t / this.transformCanvas.w)) / 2 * this.renderConfig.dpr) : ( = e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr), = e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr), this.transformCanvas.tx = (t - this.transformCanvas.w * (e / this.transformCanvas.h)) / 2 * this.renderConfig.dpr, this.transformCanvas.ty = 0)
} else = this.renderConfig.dpr, = this.renderConfig.dpr, this.transformCanvas.tx = 0, this.transformCanvas.ty = 0;
this.transformCanvas.props = [, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, this.transformCanvas.tx, this.transformCanvas.ty, 0, 1], this.globalData.cWidth = t, this.globalData.cHeight = e
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.buildStage = function(t, e, s) {
s || (s = this.elements);
var i, a, r = e.length;
for (i = r - 1; i >= 0; i--) a = e[i], void 0 !== a.parent && this.buildItemHierarchy(a, s[i], e, a.parent, s, !0), 0 == a.ty && this.buildStage(null, a.layers, s[i].getElements())
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.buildItemHierarchy = function(t, e, s, i, a, r) {
var n = 0,
o = s.length;
for (r && e.resetHierarchy(); o > n;) s[n].ind === i && (e.getHierarchy().push(a[n]), void 0 !== s[n].parent && this.buildItemHierarchy(t, e, s, s[n].parent, a, !1)), n += 1
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.renderConfig.clearCanvas && (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerHTML = "");
var t, e = this.layers.length;
for (t = e - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) this.elements[t].destroy();
this.elements.length = 0, this.globalData.canvasContext = null, this.animationItem.container = null, this.destroyed = !0
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (!(this.renderedFrame == t && this.renderConfig.clearCanvas === !0 || this.destroyed || null === t)) {
this.renderedFrame = t, this.globalData.frameNum = t - this.animationItem.firstFrame, this.globalData.frameId += 1, this.renderConfig.clearCanvas === !0 ? (this.reset(), this.canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.transformCanvas.w, this.transformCanvas.h)) :, this.ctxTransform(this.transformCanvas.props), this.canvasContext.beginPath(), this.canvasContext.rect(0, 0, this.transformCanvas.w, this.transformCanvas.h), this.canvasContext.closePath(), this.canvasContext.clip();
var e, s = this.layers.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e++) this.elements[e].prepareFrame(t - this.layers[e].st);
for (e = s - 1; e >= 0; e -= 1) this.elements[e].renderFrame();
this.renderConfig.clearCanvas !== !0 && this.restore()
}, CanvasRenderer.prototype.hide = function() { = "none"
}, = function() { = "block"
}, extendPrototype(ExpressionComp, CanvasRenderer), HybridRenderer.prototype.createItem = function(t, e, s, i) {
switch (t.ty) {
case 2:
return this.createImage(t, e, s, i);
case 0:
return this.createComp(t, e, s, i);
case 1:
return this.createSolid(t, e, s, i);
case 4:
return this.createShape(t, e, s, i);
case 5:
return this.createText(t, e, s, i);
case 13:
return this.createCamera(t, e, s, i);
case 99:
return this.createPlaceHolder(t, e)
return this.createBase(t, e, s)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.buildItems = function(t, e, s, i, a) {
var r, n = t.length;
s || (s = this.elements), i || (i = this);
var o, h, l = !1;
for (r = n - 1; r >= 0; r--) e ? s[r] = this.createItem(t[r], e, i, a) : t[r].ddd ? (l || (l = !0, o = this.getThreeDContainer()), s[r] = this.createItem(t[r], o, i, a)) : (l = !1, s[r] = this.createItem(t[r], this.animationItem.resizerElem, i, a)), 0 === t[r].ty && (h = [], this.buildItems(t[r].layers, s[r].getDomElement(), h, s[r], s[r].placeholder), s[r].setElements(h)), t[r].td && s[r + 1].setMatte(s[r].layerId);
if (this.currentContainer = this.animationItem.resizerElem, !e && this.threeDElements.length)
if (;
else {
var p = this.globalData.compSize.w,
m = this.globalData.compSize.h;
for (n = this.threeDElements.length, r = 0; n > r; r += 1) this.threeDElements[0][r].style.perspective = this.threeDElements[0][r].style.webkitPerspective = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p, 2) + Math.pow(m, 2)) + "px"
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.includeLayers = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a = t.length;
s || (s = this.elements), e || (e = this.currentContainer);
var r, n, o, h = s.length;
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1)
if (t[i].id)
for (r = 0; h > r;) s[r] == t[i].id && (o = s[r], s[r] = this.createItem(t[i], e, this, o), 0 === t[i].ty && (n = [], this.buildItems(t[i].layers, s[r].getDomElement(), n, s[r], s[i].placeholder), s[r].setElements(n))), r += 1;
else {
var l = this.createItem(t[i], e, this);
s.push(l), 0 === t[i].ty && (n = [], this.buildItems(t[i].layers, l.getDomElement(), n, l), l.setElements(n))
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1) t[i].td && s[i + 1].setMatte(s[i].layerId)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createBase = function(t, e, s, i) {
return new SVGBaseElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createPlaceHolder = function(t, e) {
return new PlaceHolderElement(t, e, this.globalData)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createShape = function(t, e, s, i) {
return s.isSvg ? new IShapeElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i) : new HShapeElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createText = function(t, e, s, i) {
return s.isSvg ? new SVGTextElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i) : new HTextElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createCamera = function(t, e, s, i) {
return = new HCameraElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i),
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createImage = function(t, e, s, i) {
return s.isSvg ? new IImageElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i) : new HImageElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createComp = function(t, e, s, i) {
return s.isSvg ? new ICompElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i) : new HCompElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.createSolid = function(t, e, s, i) {
return s.isSvg ? new ISolidElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i) : new HSolidElement(t, e, this.globalData, s, i)
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.getThreeDContainer = function() {
var t = document.createElement("div");
styleDiv(t), = this.globalData.compSize.w + "px", = this.globalData.compSize.h + "px", = = = "50% 50%";
var e = document.createElement("div");
return styleDiv(e), = = "matrix3d(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)", t.appendChild(e), this.animationItem.resizerElem.appendChild(t), this.threeDElements.push([t, e]), e
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.configAnimation = function(t) {
var e = document.createElement("div"),
s = this.animationItem.wrapper; = t.w + "px", = t.h + "px", this.animationItem.resizerElem = e, styleDiv(e), = = = "flat", s.appendChild(e), = "hidden";
var i = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
i.setAttribute("width", "1"), i.setAttribute("height", "1"), styleDiv(i), this.animationItem.resizerElem.appendChild(i);
var a = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "defs");
i.appendChild(a), this.globalData.defs = a, this.globalData.getAssetData = this.animationItem.getAssetData.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.getPath = this.animationItem.getPath.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.elementLoaded = this.animationItem.elementLoaded.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.frameId = 0, this.globalData.compSize = {
w: t.w,
h: t.h
}, this.globalData.frameRate =, this.layers = t.layers, this.globalData.fontManager = new FontManager, this.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, i), this.updateContainerSize()
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.buildStage = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a, r = e.length;
for (s || (s = this.elements), i = r - 1; i >= 0; i--) a = e[i], void 0 !== a.parent && this.buildItemParenting(a, s[i], e, a.parent, s, !0), 0 === a.ty && this.buildStage(s[i].getComposingElement(), a.layers, s[i].getElements())
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.buildItemParenting = function(t, e, s, i, a, r) {
t.parents || (t.parents = []), r && e.resetHierarchy();
for (var n = 0, o = s.length; o > n;) s[n].ind == i && (e.getHierarchy().push(a[n]), 13 === && a[n].finalTransform.mProp.setInverted(), void 0 !== s[n].parent && this.buildItemParenting(t, e, s, s[n].parent, a, !1)), n += 1
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.animationItem.wrapper.innerHTML = "", this.animationItem.container = null, this.globalData.defs = null;
var t, e = this.layers.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t++) this.elements[t].destroy();
this.elements.length = 0, this.destroyed = !0
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize = function() {
var t, e, s, i, a = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetWidth,
r = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetHeight,
n = a / r,
o = this.globalData.compSize.w / this.globalData.compSize.h;
o > n ? (t = a / this.globalData.compSize.w, e = a / this.globalData.compSize.w, s = 0, i = (r - this.globalData.compSize.h * (a / this.globalData.compSize.w)) / 2) : (t = r / this.globalData.compSize.h, e = r / this.globalData.compSize.h, s = (a - this.globalData.compSize.w * (r / this.globalData.compSize.h)) / 2, i = 0), = = "matrix3d(" + t + ",0,0,0,0," + e + ",0,0,0,0,1,0," + s + "," + i + ",0,1)"
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (this.renderedFrame != t && !this.destroyed) {
null === t ? t = this.renderedFrame : this.renderedFrame = t, this.globalData.frameNum = t, this.globalData.frameId += 1;
var e, s = this.layers.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e++) this.elements[e].prepareFrame(t - this.layers[e].st);
for (e = 0; s > e; e++) this.elements[e].renderFrame()
}, HybridRenderer.prototype.hide = function() { = "none"
}, = function() { = "block"
}, extendPrototype(ExpressionComp, HybridRenderer), MaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty = function(t) {
return this.viewData[t].prop
}, MaskElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function() {
var t, e = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t += 1) this.dynamicProperties[t].getValue()
}, MaskElement.prototype.renderFrame = function() {
var t, e = this.masksProperties.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t++)
if ("n" !== this.masksProperties[t].mode && this.masksProperties[t].cl !== !1 && ((this.viewData[t].prop.mdf || this.firstFrame) && this.drawPath(this.masksProperties[t], this.viewData[t].prop.v, this.viewData[t]), this.storedData[t].x && (this.storedData[t].x.mdf || this.firstFrame))) {
var s = this.storedData[t].expan;
this.storedData[t].x.v < 0 ? ("erode" !== this.storedData[t].lastOperator && (this.storedData[t].lastOperator = "erode", this.storedData[t].elem.setAttribute("filter", "url(#" + this.storedData[t].filterId + ")")), s.setAttribute("radius", -this.storedData[t].x.v)) : ("dilate" !== this.storedData[t].lastOperator && (this.storedData[t].lastOperator = "dilate", this.storedData[t].elem.setAttribute("filter", null)), this.storedData[t].elem.setAttribute("stroke-width", 2 * this.storedData[t].x.v))
this.firstFrame = !1
}, MaskElement.prototype.getMaskelement = function() {
return this.maskElement
}, MaskElement.prototype.createLayerSolidPath = function() {
var t = "M0,0 ";
return t += " h" + this.globalData.compSize.w, t += " v" + this.globalData.compSize.h, t += " h-" + this.globalData.compSize.w, t += " v-" + this.globalData.compSize.h + " "
}, MaskElement.prototype.drawPath = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a, r = "";
for (a = e.v.length, i = 1; a > i; i += 1) 1 == i && (r += " M" + bm_rnd(e.v[0][0]) + "," + bm_rnd(e.v[0][1])), r += " C" + bm_rnd(e.o[i - 1][0]) + "," + bm_rnd(e.o[i - 1][1]) + " " + bm_rnd(e.i[i][0]) + "," + bm_rnd(e.i[i][1]) + " " + bm_rnd(e.v[i][0]) + "," + bm_rnd(e.v[i][1]); && (r += " C" + bm_rnd(e.o[i - 1][0]) + "," + bm_rnd(e.o[i - 1][1]) + " " + bm_rnd(e.i[0][0]) + "," + bm_rnd(e.i[0][1]) + " " + bm_rnd(e.v[0][0]) + "," + bm_rnd(e.v[0][1])), s.lastPath !== r && (t.inv ? s.elem.setAttribute("d", this.solidPath + r) : s.elem.setAttribute("d", r), s.lastPath = r)
}, MaskElement.prototype.getMask = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, s = this.masksProperties.length; s > e;) {
if (this.masksProperties[e].nm === t) return {
maskPath: this.viewData[e].prop.pv
e += 1
}, MaskElement.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.element = null, this.globalData = null, this.maskElement = null, = null, this.paths = null, this.masksProperties = null
}, SliderEffect.prototype.proxyFunction = function() {
return this.p.k && this.p.getValue(), this.p.v
}, AngleEffect.prototype.proxyFunction = SliderEffect.prototype.proxyFunction, ColorEffect.prototype.proxyFunction = SliderEffect.prototype.proxyFunction, PointEffect.prototype.proxyFunction = SliderEffect.prototype.proxyFunction, CheckboxEffect.prototype.proxyFunction = SliderEffect.prototype.proxyFunction, EffectsManager.prototype.getEffect = function(t) {
for (var e =, s = 0, i = e.length; i > s;) {
if (e[s].nm === t) return this.effectElements[s];
s += 1
}, BaseElement.prototype.checkMasks = function() {
if (! return !1;
for (var t = 0, e =; e > t;) {
if ("n" !==[t].mode &&[t].cl !== !1) return !0;
t += 1
return !1
}, BaseElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function(t) { - <= t && - > t ? this.isVisible !== !0 && (this.isVisible = !0, this.firstFrame = !0, && (this.maskManager.firstFrame = !0)) : this.isVisible !== !1 && (this.isVisible = !1);
var e, s = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e += 1) this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue(t);
return && this.maskManager.prepareFrame(t), this.currentFrameNum = t, this.isVisible
}, BaseElement.prototype.init = function() {
this.hidden = !1, this.firstFrame = !0, this.isVisible = !1, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.currentFrameNum = -99999, this.lastNum = -99999, && (this.effectsManager = new EffectsManager(, this, this.dynamicProperties), this.effect = this.effectsManager.getEffect.bind(this.effectsManager)), this.finalTransform = {
mProp: PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 2, null, this.dynamicProperties),
matMdf: !1,
opMdf: !1,
mat: new Matrix,
opacity: 1
}, this.finalTransform.op = this.finalTransform.mProp.o, this.transform = this.finalTransform.mProp, this.createElements(), && this.addMasks(
}, BaseElement.prototype.getType = function() {
return this.type
}, BaseElement.prototype.resetHierarchy = function() {
this.hierarchy ? this.hierarchy.length = 0 : this.hierarchy = []
}, BaseElement.prototype.getHierarchy = function() {
return this.hierarchy || (this.hierarchy = []), this.hierarchy
}, BaseElement.prototype.getLayerSize = function() {
return 5 === ? {
} : {
}, BaseElement.prototype.hide = function() {}, BaseElement.prototype.mHelper = new Matrix, BaseElement.prototype.mask = function(t) {
return this.maskManager.getMask(t)
}, extendPrototype(LayerInterface, BaseElement), Object.defineProperty(BaseElement.prototype, "anchorPoint", {
get: function() {
return this.finalTransform.mProp.anchorPoint
}), createElement(BaseElement, SVGBaseElement), SVGBaseElement.prototype.appendNodeToParent = function(t) {
if (this.placeholder) {
var e = this.placeholder.phElement;
e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e)
} else this.parentContainer.appendChild(t)
}, SVGBaseElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
if ( {
if (3 == this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "mask"), this.layerElement.setAttribute("id", this.layerId), this.layerElement.setAttribute("mask-type", "luminance"), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(this.layerElement);
else if (2 == {
var t = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "mask");
t.setAttribute("id", this.layerId), t.setAttribute("mask-type", "alpha");
var e = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
t.appendChild(e), this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
var s = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "filter"),
i = randomString(10);
s.setAttribute("id", i), s.setAttribute("filterUnits", "objectBoundingBox"), s.setAttribute("x", "0%"), s.setAttribute("y", "0%"), s.setAttribute("width", "100%"), s.setAttribute("height", "100%");
var a = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "feComponentTransfer");
a.setAttribute("in", "SourceGraphic"), s.appendChild(a);
var r = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "feFuncA");
r.setAttribute("type", "table"), r.setAttribute("tableValues", "1.0 0.0"), a.appendChild(r), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(s);
var n = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
n.setAttribute("width", "100%"), n.setAttribute("height", "100%"), n.setAttribute("x", "0"), n.setAttribute("y", "0"), n.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff"), n.setAttribute("opacity", "0"), e.setAttribute("filter", "url(#" + i + ")"), e.appendChild(n), e.appendChild(this.layerElement), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(t)
} else {
this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
var o = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "mask");
o.setAttribute("id", this.layerId), o.setAttribute("mask-type", "alpha"), o.appendChild(this.layerElement), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(o)
} && (this.maskedElement = this.layerElement)
} else ? (this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), ? (this.matteElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), this.matteElement.appendChild(this.layerElement), this.appendNodeToParent(this.matteElement)) : this.appendNodeToParent(this.layerElement), this.maskedElement = this.layerElement) : ? (this.matteElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), this.matteElement.setAttribute("id", this.layerId), this.appendNodeToParent(this.matteElement), this.layerElement = this.matteElement) : this.layerElement = this.parentContainer;
! || 4 !== && 0 !== || (this.layerElement === this.parentContainer && (this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), this.appendNodeToParent(this.layerElement)), this.layerElement.setAttribute("id",, 0 !== || !this.finalTransform.op.k && 1 === this.finalTransform.op.p || this.layerElement !== this.parentContainer || (this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), this.appendNodeToParent(this.layerElement)), this.layerElement !== this.parentContainer && (this.placeholder = null)
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if (3 === return !1;
if (this.currentFrameNum === this.lastNum || !this.isVisible) return this.isVisible;
this.lastNum = this.currentFrameNum, && this.maskManager.renderFrame(), this.finalTransform.opMdf = this.finalTransform.op.mdf, this.finalTransform.matMdf = this.finalTransform.mProp.mdf, this.finalTransform.opacity = this.finalTransform.op.v, this.firstFrame && (this.finalTransform.opMdf = !0, this.finalTransform.matMdf = !0);
var e, s = this.finalTransform.mat;
if (this.hierarchy) {
var i, a = this.hierarchy.length;
for (e = this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.cloneFromProps(e), i = 0; a > i; i += 1) this.finalTransform.matMdf = this.hierarchy[i].finalTransform.mProp.mdf ? !0 : this.finalTransform.matMdf, e = this.hierarchy[i].finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7], e[8], e[9], e[10], e[11], e[12], e[13], e[14], e[15])
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this.layerElement = null, this.parentContainer = null, this.matteElement && (this.matteElement = null), this.maskManager && this.maskManager.destroy()
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return this.layerElement
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this.maskManager = new MaskElement(t, this, this.globalData)
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this.matteElement && this.matteElement.setAttribute("mask", "url(#" + t + ")")
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var t =;
this.renderedLetters = Array.apply(null, {
length: t.t.d.l.length
}), this.viewData = {
m: {
a: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.t.m.a, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)
var e =;
if (e.a.length) {
this.viewData.a = Array.apply(null, {
length: e.a.length
var s, i, a, r = e.a.length;
for (s = 0; r > s; s += 1) a = e.a[s], i = {
a: {},
s: {}
}, "r" in a.a && (i.a.r = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.r, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties)), "rx" in a.a && (i.a.rx = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.rx, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties)), "ry" in a.a && (i.a.ry = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.ry, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties)), "sk" in a.a && ( = PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties)), "sa" in a.a && ( = PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 0, degToRads, this.dynamicProperties)), "s" in a.a && (i.a.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.s, 1, .01, this.dynamicProperties)), "a" in a.a && (i.a.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.a, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), "o" in a.a && (i.a.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.o, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties)), "p" in a.a && (i.a.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.p, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), "sw" in a.a && (i.a.sw = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.sw, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), "sc" in a.a && ( = PropertyFactory.getProp(this,, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), "fc" in a.a && (i.a.fc = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.fc, 1, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), "fh" in a.a && (i.a.fh = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.fh, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), "fs" in a.a && (i.a.fs = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.fs, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties)), "fb" in a.a && (i.a.fb = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.fb, 0, .01, this.dynamicProperties)), "t" in a.a && (i.a.t = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, a.a.t, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties)), i.s = PropertyFactory.getTextSelectorProp(this, a.s, this.dynamicProperties), i.s.t = a.s.t, this.viewData.a[s] = i
} else this.viewData.a = [];
e.p && "m" in e.p ? (this.viewData.p = {
f: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, e.p.f, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties),
l: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, e.p.l, 0, 0, this.dynamicProperties),
r: e.p.r,
m: this.maskManager.getMaskProperty(e.p.m)
}, this.maskPath = !0) : this.maskPath = !1
}, ITextElement.prototype.createPathShape = function(t, e) {
var s, i, a, r, n = e.length,
o = "";
for (s = 0; n > s; s += 1) {
for (a = e[s].ks.k.i.length, r = e[s].ks.k, i = 1; a > i; i += 1) 1 == i && (o += " M" + t.applyToPointStringified(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1])), o += " C" + t.applyToPointStringified(r.o[i - 1][0], r.o[i - 1][1]) + " " + t.applyToPointStringified(r.i[i][0], r.i[i][1]) + " " + t.applyToPointStringified(r.v[i][0], r.v[i][1]);
o += " C" + t.applyToPointStringified(r.o[i - 1][0], r.o[i - 1][1]) + " " + t.applyToPointStringified(r.i[0][0], r.i[0][1]) + " " + t.applyToPointStringified(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1]), o += "z"
return o
}, ITextElement.prototype.getMeasures = function() {
var t, e, s, i, a = this.mHelper,
r = this.renderType,
n =,
o = n.t.d,
h = o.l;
if (this.maskPath) {
var l = this.viewData.p.m;
if (!this.viewData.p.n || this.viewData.p.mdf) {
var p = l.v;
this.viewData.p.r && (p = reversePath(p, l.closed));
var m = {
tLength: 0,
segments: []
i = p.v.length - 1;
var f, d = 0;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) f = {
s: p.v[s],
e: p.v[s + 1],
to: [p.o[s][0] - p.v[s][0], p.o[s][1] - p.v[s][1]],
ti: [p.i[s + 1][0] - p.v[s + 1][0], p.i[s + 1][1] - p.v[s + 1][1]]
}, bez.buildBezierData(f), m.tLength += f.bezierData.segmentLength, m.segments.push(f), d += f.bezierData.segmentLength;
s = i, l.closed && (f = {
s: p.v[s],
e: p.v[0],
to: [p.o[s][0] - p.v[s][0], p.o[s][1] - p.v[s][1]],
ti: [p.i[0][0] - p.v[0][0], p.i[0][1] - p.v[0][1]]
}, bez.buildBezierData(f), m.tLength += f.bezierData.segmentLength, m.segments.push(f), d += f.bezierData.segmentLength), this.viewData.p.pi = m
var c, u, y, m = this.viewData.p.pi,
v = this.viewData.p.f.v,
g = 0,
b = 1,
E = 0,
P = !0,
k = m.segments;
if (0 > v && l.closed)
for (m.tLength < Math.abs(v) && (v = -Math.abs(v) % m.tLength), g = k.length - 1, y = k[g].bezierData.points, b = y.length - 1; 0 > v;) v += y[b].partialLength, b -= 1, 0 > b && (g -= 1, y = k[g].bezierData.points, b = y.length - 1);
y = k[g].bezierData.points, u = y[b - 1], c = y[b];
var S, C, x = c.partialLength
i = h.length, t = 0, e = 0;
var w, D, T, M, I, F = 1.2 * n.t.d.s * .714,
A = !0,
V = this.viewData,
N = Array.apply(null, {
length: i
this.lettersChangedFlag = !1, M = V.a.length;
var L, B, _, H, R, z, O, j, G, W, X, q, Y, Z, J, U, K = -1,
Q = v,
$ = g,
tt = b,
et = -1,
st = 0;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1)
if (a.reset(), z = 1, h[s].n) t = 0, e += o.yOffset, e += A ? 1 : 0, v = Q, A = !1, st = 0, this.maskPath && (g = $, b = tt, y = k[g].bezierData.points, u = y[b - 1], c = y[b], x = c.partialLength, E = 0), N[s] = this.emptyProp;
else {
if (this.maskPath) {
if (et !== h[s].line) {
switch (o.j) {
case 1:
v += d - o.lineWidths[h[s].line];
case 2:
v += (d - o.lineWidths[h[s].line]) / 2
et = h[s].line
K !== h[s].ind && (h[K] && (v += h[K].extra), v += h[s].an / 2, K = h[s].ind), v += V.m.a.v[0] * h[s].an / 200;
var it = 0;
for (T = 0; M > T; T += 1) w = V.a[T].a, "p" in w && (D = V.a[T].s, B = D.getMult(h[s].anIndexes[T]), it += B.length ? w.p.v[0] * B[0] : w.p.v[0] * B);
for (P = !0; P;) E + x >= v + it || !y ? (S = (v + it - E) / c.partialLength, H = u.point[0] + (c.point[0] - u.point[0]) * S, R = u.point[1] + (c.point[1] - u.point[1]) * S, a.translate(0, -(V.m.a.v[1] * F / 100) + e), P = !1) : y && (E += c.partialLength, b += 1, b >= y.length && (b = 0, g += 1, k[g] ? y = k[g].bezierData.points : l.closed ? (b = 0, g = 0, y = k[g].bezierData.points) : (E -= c.partialLength, y = null)), y && (u = c, c = y[b], x = c.partialLength));
_ = h[s].an / 2 - h[s].add, a.translate(-_, 0, 0)
} else _ = h[s].an / 2 - h[s].add, a.translate(-_, 0, 0), a.translate(-V.m.a.v[0] * h[s].an / 200, -V.m.a.v[1] * F / 100, 0);
for (st += h[s].l / 2, T = 0; M > T; T += 1) w = V.a[T].a, "t" in w && (D = V.a[T].s, B = D.getMult(h[s].anIndexes[T]), this.maskPath ? v += B.length ? w.t * B[0] : w.t * B : t += B.length ? w.t.v * B[0] : w.t.v * B);
for (st += h[s].l / 2, o.strokeWidthAnim && (j = n.t.d.sw || 0), o.strokeColorAnim && (O = ? [[0],[1],[2]] : [0, 0, 0]), o.fillColorAnim && (G = [n.t.d.fc[0], n.t.d.fc[1], n.t.d.fc[2]]), T = 0; M > T; T += 1) w = V.a[T].a, "a" in w && (D = V.a[T].s, B = D.getMult(h[s].anIndexes[T]), B.length ? a.translate(-w.a.v[0] * B[0], -w.a.v[1] * B[1], w.a.v[2] * B[2]) : a.translate(-w.a.v[0] * B, -w.a.v[1] * B, w.a.v[2] * B));
for (T = 0; M > T; T += 1) w = V.a[T].a, "s" in w && (D = V.a[T].s, B = D.getMult(h[s].anIndexes[T]), B.length ? a.scale(1 + (w.s.v[0] - 1) * B[0], 1 + (w.s.v[1] - 1) * B[1], 1) : a.scale(1 + (w.s.v[0] - 1) * B, 1 + (w.s.v[1] - 1) * B, 1));
for (T = 0; M > T; T += 1) {
if (w = V.a[T].a, D = V.a[T].s, B = D.getMult(h[s].anIndexes[T]), "sk" in w && (B.length ? a.skewFromAxis( * B[0], * B[1]) : a.skewFromAxis( * B, * B)), "r" in w && a.rotateZ(B.length ? -w.r.v * B[2] : -w.r.v * B), "ry" in w && a.rotateY(B.length ? w.ry.v * B[1] : w.ry.v * B), "rx" in w && a.rotateX(B.length ? w.rx.v * B[0] : w.rx.v * B), "o" in w && (z += B.length ? (w.o.v * B[0] - z) * B[0] : (w.o.v * B - z) * B), o.strokeWidthAnim && "sw" in w && (j += B.length ? w.sw.v * B[0] : w.sw.v * B), o.strokeColorAnim && "sc" in w)
for (W = 0; 3 > W; W += 1) O[W] = Math.round(B.length ? O[W] + ([W] - O[W]) * B[0] : O[W] + ([W] - O[W]) * B);
if (o.fillColorAnim) {
if ("fc" in w)
for (W = 0; 3 > W; W += 1) G[W] = Math.round(B.length ? G[W] + (w.fc.v[W] - G[W]) * B[0] : G[W] + (w.fc.v[W] - G[W]) * B);
"fh" in w && (G = B.length ? addHueToRGB(G, w.fh.v * B[0]) : addHueToRGB(G, w.fh.v * B)), "fs" in w && (G = B.length ? addSaturationToRGB(G, w.fs.v * B[0]) : addSaturationToRGB(G, w.fs.v * B)), "fb" in w && (G = B.length ? addBrightnessToRGB(G, w.fb.v * B[0]) : addBrightnessToRGB(G, w.fb.v * B))
for (T = 0; M > T; T += 1) w = V.a[T].a, "p" in w && (D = V.a[T].s, B = D.getMult(h[s].anIndexes[T]), this.maskPath ? B.length ? a.translate(0, w.p.v[1] * B[0], -w.p.v[2] * B[1]) : a.translate(0, w.p.v[1] * B, -w.p.v[2] * B) : B.length ? a.translate(w.p.v[0] * B[0], w.p.v[1] * B[1], -w.p.v[2] * B[2]) : a.translate(w.p.v[0] * B, w.p.v[1] * B, -w.p.v[2] * B));
if (o.strokeWidthAnim && (X = 0 > j ? 0 : j), o.strokeColorAnim && (q = "rgb(" + O[0] + "," + O[1] + "," + O[2] + ")"), o.fillColorAnim && (Y = "rgb(" + G[0] + "," + G[1] + "," + G[2] + ")"), this.maskPath) {
if (n.t.p.p) {
C = (c.point[1] - u.point[1]) / (c.point[0] - u.point[0]);
var at = 180 * Math.atan(C) / Math.PI;
c.point[0] < u.point[0] && (at += 180), a.rotate(-at * Math.PI / 180)
a.translate(H, R, 0), a.translate(V.m.a.v[0] * h[s].an / 200, V.m.a.v[1] * F / 100, 0), v -= V.m.a.v[0] * h[s].an / 200, h[s + 1] && K !== h[s + 1].ind && (v += h[s].an / 2, v += / 1e3 * n.t.d.s)
} else {
switch (a.translate(t, e, 0), && a.translate([0],[1] + o.ascent, 0), o.j) {
case 1:
a.translate(o.justifyOffset + (o.boxWidth - o.lineWidths[h[s].line]), 0, 0);
case 2:
a.translate(o.justifyOffset + (o.boxWidth - o.lineWidths[h[s].line]) / 2, 0, 0)
a.translate(_, 0, 0), a.translate(V.m.a.v[0] * h[s].an / 200, V.m.a.v[1] * F / 100, 0), t += h[s].l + / 1e3 * n.t.d.s
"html" === r ? Z = a.toCSS() : "svg" === r ? Z = a.to2dCSS() : J = [a.props[0], a.props[1], a.props[2], a.props[3], a.props[4], a.props[5], a.props[6], a.props[7], a.props[8], a.props[9], a.props[10], a.props[11], a.props[12], a.props[13], a.props[14], a.props[15]], U = z, L = this.renderedLetters[s], !L || L.o === U && L.sw === X && === q && L.fc === Y ? "svg" !== r && "html" !== r || L && L.m === Z ? "canvas" !== r || L && L.props[0] === J[0] && L.props[1] === J[1] && L.props[4] === J[4] && L.props[5] === J[5] && L.props[12] === J[12] && L.props[13] === J[13] ? I = L : (this.lettersChangedFlag = !0, I = new LetterProps(U, X, q, Y, null, J)) : (this.lettersChangedFlag = !0, I = new LetterProps(U, X, q, Y, Z)) : (this.lettersChangedFlag = !0, I = new LetterProps(U, X, q, Y, Z, J)), this.renderedLetters[s] = I
}, ITextElement.prototype.emptyProp = new LetterProps, createElement(SVGBaseElement, SVGTextElement), SVGTextElement.prototype.init = ITextElement.prototype.init, SVGTextElement.prototype.createPathShape = ITextElement.prototype.createPathShape, SVGTextElement.prototype.getMeasures = ITextElement.prototype.getMeasures, SVGTextElement.prototype.createElements = function() {;
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this.innerElem = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), t.fc ? this.innerElem.setAttribute("fill", "rgb(" + t.fc[0] + "," + t.fc[1] + "," + t.fc[2] + ")") : this.innerElem.setAttribute("fill", "rgba(0,0,0,0)"), && (this.innerElem.setAttribute("stroke", "rgb(" +[0] + "," +[1] + "," +[2] + ")"), this.innerElem.setAttribute("stroke-width", t.sw)), this.innerElem.setAttribute("font-size", t.s);
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var n = t.l;
if (r = n.length) {
var o, h, l = this.mHelper,
p = "",
m =;
if (m) var f = 0,
d = 0,
c = t.lineWidths,
u = t.boxWidth,
y = !0;
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switch ( && l.translate([0],[1] + t.ascent, 0), t.j) {
case 1:
l.translate(t.justifyOffset + (u - c[n[a].line]), 0, 0);
case 2:
l.translate(t.justifyOffset + (u - c[n[a].line]) / 2, 0, 0)
l.translate(f, d, 0)
if (this.globalData.fontManager.chars) {
var v, g = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(t.t.charAt(a), e.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily);
v = g ? : null, v && v.shapes && (h = v.shapes[0].it, m || (p = ""), p += this.createPathShape(l, h), m || o.setAttribute("d", p)), m || this.innerElem.appendChild(o)
} else o.textContent = n[a].val, o.setAttributeNS("", "xml:space", "preserve"), this.innerElem.appendChild(o), m && o.setAttribute("transform", l.to2dCSS());
m && (f += n[a].l), this.textSpans.push(o)
m && this.globalData.fontManager.chars && (o.setAttribute("d", p), this.innerElem.appendChild(o))
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this.hidden || ( = "none", this.hidden = !0)
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var e =, t);
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var s, i, a = this.renderedLetters,
r =;
i = r.length;
var n;
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this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
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return this.layerElement
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var e = t; && (e =, e === && (e = - 1)), this.renderedFrame = e;
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var e, s =, t),
i = this.layers.length;
if (s === !1) return void this.hide();
for (this.hidden = !1, e = 0; i > e; e += 1) ? this.elements[e].renderFrame() : this.elements[e].renderFrame(this.finalTransform);
this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, ICompElement.prototype.setElements = function(t) {
this.elements = t
}, ICompElement.prototype.getElements = function() {
return this.elements
}, ICompElement.prototype.destroy = function() {;
var t, e = this.layers.length;
for (t = 0; e > t; t += 1) this.elements[t].destroy()
}, createElement(SVGBaseElement, IImageElement), IImageElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
var t = this,
e = function() {
t.innerElem.setAttributeNS("", "href", t.path + t.assetData.p), t.maskedElement = t.innerElem
s = new Image;
s.addEventListener("load", e, !1), s.addEventListener("error", e, !1), s.src = this.path + this.assetData.p,, this.innerElem = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image"), this.innerElem.setAttribute("width", this.assetData.w + "px"), this.innerElem.setAttribute("height", this.assetData.h + "px"), this.layerElement === this.parentContainer ? this.appendNodeToParent(this.innerElem) : this.layerElement.appendChild(this.innerElem), && this.innerElem.setAttribute("id",
}, IImageElement.prototype.hide = function() {
this.hidden || (this.innerElem.setAttribute("visibility", "hidden"), this.hidden = !0)
}, IImageElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
var e =, t);
return e === !1 ? void this.hide() : (this.hidden && (this.hidden = !1, this.innerElem.setAttribute("visibility", "visible")), || ((this.finalTransform.matMdf || this.firstFrame) && this.innerElem.setAttribute("transform", this.finalTransform.mat.to2dCSS()), (this.finalTransform.opMdf || this.firstFrame) && this.innerElem.setAttribute("opacity", this.finalTransform.opacity)), void(this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)))
}, IImageElement.prototype.destroy = function() {, this.innerElem = null
}, createElement(SVGBaseElement, IShapeElement), IShapeElement.prototype.lcEnum = {
1: "butt",
2: "round",
3: "butt"
}, IShapeElement.prototype.ljEnum = {
1: "miter",
2: "round",
3: "butt"
}, IShapeElement.prototype.transformHelper = {
opacity: 1,
mat: new Matrix,
matMdf: !1,
opMdf: !1
}, IShapeElement.prototype.createElements = function() {, this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.viewData, this.dynamicProperties, []), this.layerElement.appendChild(this.shapesContainer), styleUnselectableDiv(this.layerElement), styleUnselectableDiv(this.shapesContainer), this.buildExpressionInterface()
}, IShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes = function(t, e, s, i) {
var a, r, n, o = t.length - 1,
h = [],
l = [];
for (a = o; a >= 0; a -= 1)
if ("fl" == t[a].ty || "st" == t[a].ty) {
e[a] = {};
var p;
if (e[a].c = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].c, 1, null, s), e[a].o = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].o, 0, .01, s), "st" == t[a].ty) {
if (p = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), = this.lcEnum[t[a].lc] || "round", = this.ljEnum[t[a].lj] || "round", = 0, 1 == t[a].lj && ( = t[a].ml), e[a].c.k || ( = "rgb(" + e[a].c.v[0] + "," + e[a].c.v[1] + "," + e[a].c.v[2] + ")"), e[a].o.k || ( = e[a].o.v), e[a].w = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].w, 0, null, s), e[a].w.k || ( = e[a].w.v), t[a].d) {
var m = PropertyFactory.getDashProp(this, t[a].d, "svg", s);
m.k || ( = m.dasharray, = m.dashoffset), e[a].d = m
} else p = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"), e[a].c.k || ( = "rgb(" + e[a].c.v[0] + "," + e[a].c.v[1] + "," + e[a].c.v[2] + ")"), e[a].o.k || ( = e[a].o.v);
this.shapesContainer.appendChild(p), this.stylesList.push({
pathElement: p,
type: t[a].ty,
d: "",
ld: "",
mdf: !1
}), e[a].style = this.stylesList[this.stylesList.length - 1], h.push(e[a].style)
} else if ("gr" == t[a].ty) e[a] = {
it: []
}, this.searchShapes(t[a].it, e[a].it, s, i);
else if ("tr" == t[a].ty) e[a] = {
transform: {
mat: new Matrix,
opacity: 1,
matMdf: !1,
opMdf: !1,
op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].o, 0, .01, s),
mProps: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a], 2, null, s)
elements: []
else if ("sh" == t[a].ty || "rc" == t[a].ty || "el" == t[a].ty || "sr" == t[a].ty) {
e[a] = {
elements: [],
styles: [],
lStr: ""
var f = 4;
"rc" == t[a].ty ? f = 5 : "el" == t[a].ty ? f = 6 : "sr" == t[a].ty && (f = 7), i.length && (t[a].trimmed = !0), e[a].sh = PropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this, t[a], f, s, i), n = this.stylesList.length;
var d, c = !1,
u = !1;
for (r = 0; n > r; r += 1) this.stylesList[r].closed || ("st" === this.stylesList[r].type ? (c = !0, d = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"), this.stylesList[r].pathElement.appendChild(d), e[a].elements.push({
ty: this.stylesList[r].type,
el: d
})) : (u = !0, e[a].elements.push({
ty: this.stylesList[r].type,
st: this.stylesList[r]
e[a].st = c, e[a].fl = u
} else if ("tm" == t[a].ty) {
var y = {
closed: !1,
trimProp: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a], 7, null, s)
e[a] = {
tr: y.trimProp
}, i.push(y), l.push(y)
for (o = h.length, a = 0; o > a; a += 1) h[a].closed = !0;
for (o = l.length, a = 0; o > a; a += 1) l[a].closed = !0
}, IShapeElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
var e =, t);
return e === !1 ? void this.hide() : (this.hidden = !1, this.finalTransform.matMdf && ! && this.shapesContainer.setAttribute("transform", this.finalTransform.mat.to2dCSS()), this.transformHelper.opacity = this.finalTransform.opacity, this.transformHelper.matMdf = !1, this.transformHelper.opMdf = this.finalTransform.opMdf, void this.renderShape(this.transformHelper, null, null, !0))
}, IShapeElement.prototype.hide = function() {
if (!this.hidden) {
var t, e = this.stylesList.length;
for (t = e - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) "0" !== this.stylesList[t].ld && (this.stylesList[t].ld = "0", this.stylesList[t] = "none", this.stylesList[t].pathElement.parentNode && (this.stylesList[t].parent = this.stylesList[t].pathElement.parentNode));
this.hidden = !0
}, IShapeElement.prototype.renderShape = function(t, e, s, i) {
var a, r;
if (!e)
for (e = this.shapesData, r = this.stylesList.length, a = 0; r > a; a += 1) this.stylesList[a].d = "", this.stylesList[a].mdf = !1;
s || (s = this.viewData), r = e.length - 1;
var n, o;
for (n = t, a = r; a >= 0; a -= 1)
if ("tr" == e[a].ty) {
n = s[a].transform;
var h = s[a].transform.mProps.v.props;
if (n.matMdf = n.mProps.mdf, n.opMdf = n.op.mdf, o = n.mat, o.cloneFromProps(h), t) {
var l = t.mat.props;
n.opacity = t.opacity, n.opacity *= s[a].transform.op.v, n.matMdf = t.matMdf ? !0 : n.matMdf, n.opMdf = t.opMdf ? !0 : n.opMdf, o.transform(l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7], l[8], l[9], l[10], l[11], l[12], l[13], l[14], l[15])
} else n.opacity = n.op.o
} else "sh" == e[a].ty || "el" == e[a].ty || "rc" == e[a].ty || "sr" == e[a].ty ? this.renderPath(e[a], s[a], n) : "fl" == e[a].ty ? this.renderFill(e[a], s[a], n) : "st" == e[a].ty ? this.renderStroke(e[a], s[a], n) : "gr" == e[a].ty ? this.renderShape(n, e[a].it, s[a].it) : "tm" == e[a].ty;
if (i) {
for (r = this.stylesList.length, a = 0; r > a; a += 1) "0" === this.stylesList[a].ld && (this.stylesList[a].ld = "1", this.stylesList[a] = "block"), "fl" === this.stylesList[a].type && (this.stylesList[a].mdf || this.firstFrame) && this.stylesList[a].pathElement.setAttribute("d", this.stylesList[a].d);
this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, IShapeElement.prototype.renderPath = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a, r =,
n = "";
if (r.v) {
i = r.v.length;
var o = s.matMdf || || this.firstFrame;
if (o) {
var h = r.s ? r.s : [];
for (a = 1; i > a; a += 1) h[a - 1] ? n += " M" + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(h[a - 1][0], h[a - 1][1]) : 1 == a && (n += " M" + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1])), n += " C" + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.o[a - 1][0], r.o[a - 1][1]) + " " + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.i[a][0], r.i[a][1]) + " " + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.v[a][0], r.v[a][1]);
1 == i && (n += h[0] ? " M" + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(h[0][0], h[0][1]) : " M" + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1])), i && t.closed && (!t.trimmed || r.c) && (n += " C" + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.o[a - 1][0], r.o[a - 1][1]) + " " + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.i[0][0], r.i[0][1]) + " " + s.mat.applyToPointStringified(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1]), n += "z"), e.lStr = n
} else n = e.lStr;
for (i = e.elements.length, a = 0; i > a; a += 1) "st" === e.elements[a].ty ? (s.matMdf || || this.firstFrame) && e.elements[a].el.setAttribute("d", n) : (e.elements[a].st.mdf = o ? !0 : e.elements[a].st.mdf, e.elements[a].st.d += n)
}, IShapeElement.prototype.renderFill = function(t, e, s) {
var i =;
(e.c.mdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = "rgb(" + bm_floor(e.c.v[0]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[1]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[2]) + ")"), (e.o.mdf || s.opMdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = e.o.v * s.opacity)
}, IShapeElement.prototype.renderStroke = function(t, e, s) {
var i =,
a = e.d;
a && a.k && (a.mdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = a.dasharray, = a.dashoffset), (e.c.mdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = "rgb(" + bm_floor(e.c.v[0]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[1]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[2]) + ")"), (e.o.mdf || s.opMdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = e.o.v * s.opacity), (e.w.mdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = e.w.v)
}, IShapeElement.prototype.destroy = function() {, this.shapeData = null, this.viewData = null, this.parentContainer = null, this.placeholder = null
}, extendPrototype(ShapeInterface, IShapeElement), createElement(SVGBaseElement, ISolidElement), ISolidElement.prototype.createElements = function() {;
var t = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
t.setAttribute("width",, t.setAttribute("height",, t.setAttribute("fill",, this.layerElement === this.parentContainer ? this.appendNodeToParent(t) : this.layerElement.appendChild(t), && this.innerElem.setAttribute("id",, this.innerElem = t
}, ISolidElement.prototype.hide = IImageElement.prototype.hide, ISolidElement.prototype.renderFrame = IImageElement.prototype.renderFrame, ISolidElement.prototype.destroy = IImageElement.prototype.destroy, createElement(BaseElement, CVBaseElement), CVBaseElement.prototype.createElements = function() {}, CVBaseElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (3 === return !1;
if (!this.isVisible) return this.isVisible;
this.finalTransform.opMdf = this.finalTransform.op.mdf, this.finalTransform.matMdf = this.finalTransform.mProp.mdf, this.finalTransform.opacity = this.finalTransform.op.v;
var e, s = this.finalTransform.mat;
if (this.hierarchy) {
var i, a = this.hierarchy.length;
for (e = this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.cloneFromProps(e), i = 0; a > i; i += 1) this.finalTransform.matMdf = this.hierarchy[i].finalTransform.mProp.mdf ? !0 : this.finalTransform.matMdf, e = this.hierarchy[i].finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7], e[8], e[9], e[10], e[11], e[12], e[13], e[14], e[15])
} else t ? (e = this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.cloneFromProps(e)) : s.cloneFromProps(this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props);
return t && (e = t.mat.props, s.transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7], e[8], e[9], e[10], e[11], e[12], e[13], e[14], e[15]), this.finalTransform.opacity *= t.opacity, this.finalTransform.opMdf = t.opMdf ? !0 : this.finalTransform.opMdf, this.finalTransform.matMdf = t.matMdf ? !0 : this.finalTransform.matMdf), && (!0), this.maskManager.renderFrame(s)), this.isVisible
}, CVBaseElement.prototype.getCurrentAnimData = function() {
return this.currentAnimData
}, CVBaseElement.prototype.addMasks = function(t) {
this.maskManager = new CVMaskElement(t, this, this.globalData)
}, CVBaseElement.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.canvasContext = null, = null, this.globalData = null, this.maskManager && this.maskManager.destroy()
}, CVBaseElement.prototype.mHelper = new Matrix, createElement(CVBaseElement, CVCompElement), CVCompElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function(t) {
if (, t), this.isVisible !== !1) {
var e = t; && (e =, e === && (e = - 1)), this.renderedFrame = e;
var s, i = this.elements.length;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) this.elements[s].prepareFrame(e - this.layers[s].st)
}, CVCompElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (, t) !== !1) {
var e, s = this.layers.length;
for (e = s - 1; e >= 0; e -= 1) this.elements[e].renderFrame(this.finalTransform); && this.globalData.renderer.restore(!0), this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, CVCompElement.prototype.setElements = function(t) {
this.elements = t
}, CVCompElement.prototype.getElements = function() {
return this.elements
}, CVCompElement.prototype.destroy = function() {
var t, e = this.layers.length;
for (t = e - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) this.elements[t].destroy();
this.layers = null, this.elements = null,
}, createElement(CVBaseElement, CVImageElement), CVImageElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
var t = this,
e = function() {
s = function() {
t.failed = !0, t.animationItem.elementLoaded()
this.img = new Image, this.img.addEventListener("load", e, !1), this.img.addEventListener("error", s, !1), this.img.src = this.path + this.assetData.p,
}, CVImageElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (!this.failed &&, t) !== !1) {
var e = this.canvasContext;;
var s = this.finalTransform.mat.props;
this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(s), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(this.finalTransform.opacity), e.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0), this.globalData.renderer.restore(, this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, CVImageElement.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.img = null, this.animationItem = null,
}, CVMaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty = function(t) {
return this.viewData[t]
}, CVMaskElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function(t) {
var e, s = this.dynamicProperties.length;
for (e = 0; s > e; e += 1) this.dynamicProperties[e].getValue(t)
}, CVMaskElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
var e, s, i, a, r, n = this.ctx,
o =,
h = !1;
for (e = 0; o > e; e++)
if ("n" !== this.masksProperties[e].mode) {
h === !1 && (n.beginPath(), h = !0), this.masksProperties[e].inv && (n.moveTo(0, 0), n.lineTo(this.globalData.compWidth, 0), n.lineTo(this.globalData.compWidth, this.globalData.compHeight), n.lineTo(0, this.globalData.compHeight), n.lineTo(0, 0)), r = this.viewData[e].v, s = t.applyToPointArray(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1], 0), n.moveTo(s[0], s[1]);
var l, p = r.v.length;
for (l = 1; p > l; l++) s = t.applyToPointArray(r.o[l - 1][0], r.o[l - 1][1], 0), i = t.applyToPointArray(r.i[l][0], r.i[l][1], 0), a = t.applyToPointArray(r.v[l][0], r.v[l][1], 0), n.bezierCurveTo(s[0], s[1], i[0], i[1], a[0], a[1]);
s = t.applyToPointArray(r.o[l - 1][0], r.o[l - 1][1], 0),
i = t.applyToPointArray(r.i[0][0], r.i[0][1], 0), a = t.applyToPointArray(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1], 0), n.bezierCurveTo(s[0], s[1], i[0], i[1], a[0], a[1])
h && n.clip()
}, CVMaskElement.prototype.getMask = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, s = this.masksProperties.length; s > e;) {
if (this.masksProperties[e].nm === t) return {
maskPath: this.viewData[e].pv
e += 1
}, CVMaskElement.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.ctx = null
}, createElement(CVBaseElement, CVShapeElement), CVShapeElement.prototype.lcEnum = {
1: "butt",
2: "round",
3: "butt"
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.ljEnum = {
1: "miter",
2: "round",
3: "butt"
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.transformHelper = {
opacity: 1,
mat: new Matrix,
matMdf: !1,
opMdf: !1
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.dashResetter = [], CVShapeElement.prototype.createElements = function() {, this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.viewData, this.dynamicProperties, []), this.buildExpressionInterface()
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes = function(t, e, s, i) {
var a, r, n, o, h = t.length - 1,
l = [],
p = [];
for (a = h; a >= 0; a -= 1)
if ("fl" == t[a].ty || "st" == t[a].ty) {
if (o = {
type: t[a].ty,
elements: []
}, e[a] = {}, e[a].c = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].c, 1, null, s), e[a].c.k || ( = "rgb(" + bm_floor(e[a].c.v[0]) + "," + bm_floor(e[a].c.v[1]) + "," + bm_floor(e[a].c.v[2]) + ")"), e[a].o = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].o, 0, .01, s), "st" == t[a].ty && ( = this.lcEnum[t[a].lc] || "round", o.lj = this.ljEnum[t[a].lj] || "round", 1 == t[a].lj && ( = t[a].ml), e[a].w = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].w, 0, null, s), e[a].w.k || (o.wi = e[a].w.v), t[a].d)) {
var m = PropertyFactory.getDashProp(this, t[a].d, "canvas", s);
e[a].d = m, e[a].d.k || (o.da = e[a].d.dasharray, o["do"] = e[a].d.dashoffset)
this.stylesList.push(o), e[a].style = o, l.push(e[a].style)
} else if ("gr" == t[a].ty) e[a] = {
it: []
}, this.searchShapes(t[a].it, e[a].it, s, i);
else if ("tr" == t[a].ty) e[a] = {
transform: {
mat: new Matrix,
opacity: 1,
matMdf: !1,
opMdf: !1,
op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a].o, 0, .01, s),
mProps: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a], 2, null, s)
elements: []
else if ("sh" == t[a].ty || "rc" == t[a].ty || "el" == t[a].ty || "sr" == t[a].ty) {
e[a] = {
nodes: [],
trNodes: [],
tr: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
var f = 4;
"rc" == t[a].ty ? f = 5 : "el" == t[a].ty ? f = 6 : "sr" == t[a].ty && (f = 7), i.length && (t[a].trimmed = !0), e[a].sh = PropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this, t[a], f, s, i), n = this.stylesList.length;
var d = !1,
c = !1;
for (r = 0; n > r; r += 1) this.stylesList[r].closed || (this.stylesList[r].elements.push(e[a]), "st" === this.stylesList[r].type ? d = !0 : c = !0);
e[a].st = d, e[a].fl = c
} else if ("tm" == t[a].ty) {
var u = {
closed: !1,
trimProp: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t[a], 7, null, s)
i.push(u), p.push(u)
for (h = l.length, a = 0; h > a; a += 1) l[a].closed = !0;
for (h = p.length, a = 0; h > a; a += 1) p[a].closed = !0
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {, t) !== !1 && (this.transformHelper.mat.reset(), this.transformHelper.opacity = this.finalTransform.opacity, this.transformHelper.matMdf = !1, this.transformHelper.opMdf = this.finalTransform.opMdf, this.renderShape(this.transformHelper, null, null, !0), && this.globalData.renderer.restore(!0))
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderShape = function(t, e, s, i) {
var a, r;
if (!e)
for (e = this.shapesData, r = this.stylesList.length, a = 0; r > a; a += 1) this.stylesList[a].d = "", this.stylesList[a].mdf = !1;
s || (s = this.viewData), r = e.length - 1;
var n, o;
for (n = t, a = r; a >= 0; a -= 1)
if ("tr" == e[a].ty) {
n = s[a].transform;
var h = s[a].transform.mProps.v.props;
if (n.matMdf = n.mProps.mdf, n.opMdf = n.op.mdf, o = n.mat, o.cloneFromProps(h), t) {
var l = t.mat.props;
n.opacity = t.opacity, n.opacity *= s[a].transform.op.v, n.matMdf = t.matMdf ? !0 : n.matMdf, n.opMdf = t.opMdf ? !0 : n.opMdf, o.transform(l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7], l[8], l[9], l[10], l[11], l[12], l[13], l[14], l[15])
} else n.opacity = n.op.o
} else "sh" == e[a].ty || "el" == e[a].ty || "rc" == e[a].ty || "sr" == e[a].ty ? this.renderPath(e[a], s[a], n) : "fl" == e[a].ty ? this.renderFill(e[a], s[a], n) : "st" == e[a].ty ? this.renderStroke(e[a], s[a], n) : "gr" == e[a].ty ? this.renderShape(n, e[a].it, s[a].it) : "tm" == e[a].ty;
if (i) {
r = this.stylesList.length;
var p, m, f, d, c, u, y, v = this.globalData.renderer,
g = this.globalData.canvasContext;
for (, v.ctxTransform(this.finalTransform.mat.props), a = 0; r > a; a += 1)
if (y = this.stylesList[a].type, "st" !== y || 0 !== this.stylesList[a].wi) {
for (, c = this.stylesList[a].elements, m = c.length, "st" === y ? (g.strokeStyle = this.stylesList[a].co, g.lineWidth = this.stylesList[a].wi, g.lineCap = this.stylesList[a].lc, g.lineJoin = this.stylesList[a].lj, g.miterLimit = this.stylesList[a].ml || 0) : g.fillStyle = this.stylesList[a].co, v.ctxOpacity(this.stylesList[a].coOp), "st" !== y && g.beginPath(), p = 0; m > p; p += 1) {
for ("st" === y && (g.beginPath(), this.stylesList[a].da ? (g.setLineDash(this.stylesList[a].da), g.lineDashOffset = this.stylesList[a]["do"], this.globalData.isDashed = !0) : this.globalData.isDashed && (g.setLineDash(this.dashResetter), this.globalData.isDashed = !1)), u = c[p].trNodes, d = u.length, f = 0; d > f; f += 1) "m" == u[f].t ? g.moveTo(u[f].p[0], u[f].p[1]) : "c" == u[f].t ? g.bezierCurveTo(u[f].p1[0], u[f].p1[1], u[f].p2[0], u[f].p2[1], u[f].p3[0], u[f].p3[1]) : g.closePath();
"st" === y && g.stroke()
"st" !== y && g.fill(), v.restore()
v.restore(), this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderPath = function(t, e, s) {
var i, a, r =;
if (r.v) {
i = r.v.length;
var n = s.matMdf || || this.firstFrame;
if (n) {
var o = e.trNodes;
o.length = 0;
var h = r.s ? r.s : [];
for (a = 1; i > a; a += 1) h[a - 1] ? o.push({
t: "m",
p: s.mat.applyToPointArray(h[a - 1][0], h[a - 1][1], 0)
}) : 1 == a && o.push({
t: "m",
p: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1], 0)
}), o.push({
t: "c",
p1: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.o[a - 1][0], r.o[a - 1][1], 0),
p2: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.i[a][0], r.i[a][1], 0),
p3: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.v[a][0], r.v[a][1], 0)
if (1 == i && o.push(h[0] ? {
t: "m",
p: s.mat.applyToPointArray(h[0][0], h[0][1], 0)
} : {
t: "m",
p: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1], 0)
}), i && t.closed && (!t.trimmed || r.c) && (o.push({
t: "c",
p1: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.o[a - 1][0], r.o[a - 1][1], 0),
p2: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.i[0][0], r.i[0][1], 0),
p3: s.mat.applyToPointArray(r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1], 0)
}), o.push({
t: "z"
for (a = 0; 16 > a; a += 1)[a] = s.mat.props[a];
e.trNodes = o
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderFill = function(t, e, s) {
var i =;
(e.c.mdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = "rgb(" + bm_floor(e.c.v[0]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[1]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[2]) + ")"), (e.o.mdf || s.opMdf || this.firstFrame) && (i.coOp = e.o.v * s.opacity)
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderStroke = function(t, e, s) {
var i =,
a = e.d;
a && (a.mdf || this.firstFrame) && (i.da = a.dasharray, i["do"] = a.dashoffset), (e.c.mdf || this.firstFrame) && ( = "rgb(" + bm_floor(e.c.v[0]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[1]) + "," + bm_floor(e.c.v[2]) + ")"), (e.o.mdf || s.opMdf || this.firstFrame) && (i.coOp = e.o.v * s.opacity), (e.w.mdf || this.firstFrame) && (i.wi = e.w.v)
}, CVShapeElement.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.shapesData = null, this.globalData = null, this.canvasContext = null, this.stylesList.length = 0, this.viewData.length = 0,
}, extendPrototype(ShapeInterface, CVShapeElement), createElement(CVBaseElement, CVSolidElement), CVSolidElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (, t) !== !1) {
var e = this.canvasContext;;
var s = this.finalTransform.mat.props;
this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(s), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(this.finalTransform.opacity), e.fillStyle =, e.fillRect(0, 0,,, this.globalData.renderer.restore(, this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, createElement(CVBaseElement, CVTextElement), CVTextElement.prototype.init = ITextElement.prototype.init, CVTextElement.prototype.getMeasures = ITextElement.prototype.getMeasures, CVTextElement.prototype.getMult = ITextElement.prototype.getMult, CVTextElement.prototype.tHelper = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"), CVTextElement.prototype.createElements = function() {;
var t =,
e = !1;
t.fc ? (e = !0, this.values.fill = "rgb(" + t.fc[0] + "," + t.fc[1] + "," + t.fc[2] + ")") : this.values.fill = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", this.fill = e;
var s = !1; && (s = !0, this.values.stroke = "rgb(" +[0] + "," +[1] + "," +[2] + ")", this.values.sWidth = t.sw);
var i, a, r = this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f),
n = t.l,
o = this.mHelper;
this.stroke = s, this.values.fValue = t.s + "px " + this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily, a = t.t.length, this.tHelper.font = this.values.fValue;
var h, l, p, m, f, d, c, u, y, v, g =;
if (g) var b = 0,
E = 0,
P = t.lineWidths,
k = t.boxWidth,
S = !0;
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1) {
h = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(t.t.charAt(i), r.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily);
var l;
if (l = h ? : null, o.reset(), g && n[i].n && (b = 0, E += t.yOffset, E += S ? 1 : 0, S = !1), l && l.shapes) {
if (f = l.shapes[0].it, c = f.length, o.scale(t.s / 100, t.s / 100), g) {
switch ( && o.translate([0],[1] + t.ascent, 0), t.j) {
case 1:
o.translate(t.justifyOffset + (k - P[n[i].line]), 0, 0);
case 2:
o.translate(t.justifyOffset + (k - P[n[i].line]) / 2, 0, 0)
o.translate(b, E, 0)
for (y = new Array(c), d = 0; c > d; d += 1) {
for (m = f[d].ks.k.i.length, u = f[d].ks.k, v = [], p = 1; m > p; p += 1) 1 == p && v.push(o.applyToX(u.v[0][0], u.v[0][1], 0), o.applyToY(u.v[0][0], u.v[0][1], 0)), v.push(o.applyToX(u.o[p - 1][0], u.o[p - 1][1], 0), o.applyToY(u.o[p - 1][0], u.o[p - 1][1], 0), o.applyToX(u.i[p][0], u.i[p][1], 0), o.applyToY(u.i[p][0], u.i[p][1], 0), o.applyToX(u.v[p][0], u.v[p][1], 0), o.applyToY(u.v[p][0], u.v[p][1], 0));
v.push(o.applyToX(u.o[p - 1][0], u.o[p - 1][1], 0), o.applyToY(u.o[p - 1][0], u.o[p - 1][1], 0), o.applyToX(u.i[0][0], u.i[0][1], 0), o.applyToY(u.i[0][0], u.i[0][1], 0), o.applyToX(u.v[0][0], u.v[0][1], 0), o.applyToY(u.v[0][0], u.v[0][1], 0)), y[d] = v
} else y = [];
g && (b += n[i].l), this.textSpans.push({
elem: y
}, CVTextElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (, t) !== !1) {
var e = this.canvasContext,
s = this.finalTransform.mat.props;, this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(s), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(this.finalTransform.opacity), e.font = this.values.fValue, e.lineCap = "butt", e.lineJoin = "miter", e.miterLimit = 4, || this.getMeasures();
var i, a, r, n, o, h, l = this.renderedLetters,
p =;
a = p.length;
var m, f, d, c = null,
u = null,
y = null;
for (i = 0; a > i; i += 1)
if (!p[i].n) {
if (m = l[i], m && (, this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(m.props), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(m.o)), this.fill) {
for (m && m.fc ? c !== m.fc && (c = m.fc, e.fillStyle = m.fc) : c !== this.values.fill && (c = this.values.fill, e.fillStyle = this.values.fill), f = this.textSpans[i].elem, n = f.length, this.globalData.canvasContext.beginPath(), r = 0; n > r; r += 1)
for (d = f[r], h = d.length, this.globalData.canvasContext.moveTo(d[0], d[1]), o = 2; h > o; o += 6) this.globalData.canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(d[o], d[o + 1], d[o + 2], d[o + 3], d[o + 4], d[o + 5]);
this.globalData.canvasContext.closePath(), this.globalData.canvasContext.fill()
if (this.stroke) {
for (m && m.sw ? y !== m.sw && (y = m.sw, e.lineWidth = m.sw) : y !== this.values.sWidth && (y = this.values.sWidth, e.lineWidth = this.values.sWidth), m && ? u !== && (u =, e.strokeStyle = : u !== this.values.stroke && (u = this.values.stroke, e.strokeStyle = this.values.stroke), f = this.textSpans[i].elem, n = f.length, this.globalData.canvasContext.beginPath(), r = 0; n > r; r += 1)
for (d = f[r], h = d.length, this.globalData.canvasContext.moveTo(d[0], d[1]), o = 2; h > o; o += 6) this.globalData.canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(d[o], d[o + 1], d[o + 2], d[o + 3], d[o + 4], d[o + 5]);
this.globalData.canvasContext.closePath(), this.globalData.canvasContext.stroke()
m && this.globalData.renderer.restore()
this.globalData.renderer.restore(, this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, createElement(BaseElement, HBaseElement), HBaseElement.prototype.appendNodeToParent = function(t) {
if (this.placeholder) {
var e = this.placeholder.phElement;
e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e)
} else this.parentContainer.appendChild(t)
}, HBaseElement.prototype.createElements = function() { ? (this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg"), this.appendNodeToParent(this.layerElement), this.maskedElement = this.layerElement) : this.layerElement = this.parentContainer, ! || 4 !== && 0 !== || (this.layerElement === this.parentContainer && (this.layerElement = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), this.appendNodeToParent(this.layerElement)), this.layerElement.setAttribute("id",, this.layerElement !== this.parentContainer && (this.placeholder = null)
}, HBaseElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
if (3 === return !1;
if (this.currentFrameNum === this.lastNum || !this.isVisible) return this.isVisible;
this.lastNum = this.currentFrameNum, && this.maskManager.renderFrame(), this.finalTransform.opMdf = this.finalTransform.op.mdf, this.finalTransform.matMdf = this.finalTransform.mProp.mdf, this.finalTransform.opacity = this.finalTransform.op.v, this.firstFrame && (this.finalTransform.opMdf = !0, this.finalTransform.matMdf = !0);
var e, s = this.finalTransform.mat;
if (this.hierarchy) {
var i, a = this.hierarchy.length;
for (e = this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.cloneFromProps(e), i = 0; a > i; i += 1) this.finalTransform.matMdf = this.hierarchy[i].finalTransform.mProp.mdf ? !0 : this.finalTransform.matMdf, e = this.hierarchy[i].finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7], e[8], e[9], e[10], e[11], e[12], e[13], e[14], e[15])
} else this.isVisible && this.finalTransform.matMdf && (t ? (e = this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, s.cloneFromProps(e)) : s.cloneFromProps(this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props));
return t && (e = t.mat.props, s.cloneFromProps(e), this.finalTransform.opacity *= t.opacity, this.finalTransform.opMdf = t.opMdf ? !0 : this.finalTransform.opMdf, this.finalTransform.matMdf = t.matMdf ? !0 : this.finalTransform.matMdf), this.finalTransform.matMdf && ( = = s.toCSS()), this.finalTransform.opMdf && ( = this.finalTransform.opacity), this.isVisible
}, HBaseElement.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layerElement = null, this.parentContainer = null, this.matteElement && (this.matteElement = null), this.maskManager && (this.maskManager.destroy(), this.maskManager = null)
}, HBaseElement.prototype.getDomElement = function() {
return this.layerElement
}, HBaseElement.prototype.addMasks = function(t) {
this.maskManager = new MaskElement(t, this, this.globalData)
}, HBaseElement.prototype.hide = function() {}, HBaseElement.prototype.setMatte = function() {}, createElement(HBaseElement, HSolidElement), HSolidElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
var t = document.createElement("div");
var e = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
e.setAttribute("width",, e.setAttribute("height",, t.appendChild(e), this.layerElement = t, this.parentContainer.appendChild(t), this.innerElem = t, && this.innerElem.setAttribute("id",;
var s = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
s.setAttribute("width",, s.setAttribute("height",, s.setAttribute("fill",, e.appendChild(s), && (this.maskedElement = s)
}, HSolidElement.prototype.hide = function() {
this.hidden || ( = "none", this.hidden = !0)
}, HSolidElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
var e =, t);
return e === !1 ? void this.hide() : (this.hidden && (this.hidden = !1, = "block"), void(this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)))
}, HSolidElement.prototype.destroy = function() {, this.innerElem = null
}, createElement(HBaseElement, HCompElement), extendPrototype(ExpressionComp, HCompElement), HCompElement.prototype.getDomElement = function() {
return this.composingElement
}, HCompElement.prototype.getComposingElement = function() {
return this.layerElement
}, HCompElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
if (this.layerElement = document.createElement("div"), styleDiv(this.layerElement), && this.layerElement.setAttribute("id",, = "rect(0px, " + + "px, " + + "px, 0px)", this.layerElement !== this.parentContainer && (this.placeholder = null), {
var t = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
t.setAttribute("width",, t.setAttribute("height",;
var e = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
t.appendChild(e), this.layerElement.appendChild(t), this.maskedElement = e, this.composingElement = e
} else this.composingElement = this.layerElement;
}, HCompElement.prototype.hide = ICompElement.prototype.hide, HCompElement.prototype.prepareFrame = ICompElement.prototype.prepareFrame, HCompElement.prototype.setElements = ICompElement.prototype.setElements, HCompElement.prototype.getElements = ICompElement.prototype.getElements, HCompElement.prototype.destroy = ICompElement.prototype.destroy, HCompElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
var e, s =, t),
i = this.layers.length;
if (s === !1) return void this.hide();
for (this.hidden = !1, e = 0; i > e; e += 1) this.elements[e].renderFrame();
this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, createElement(HBaseElement, HShapeElement);
var parent = HShapeElement.prototype.parent;
extendPrototype(IShapeElement, HShapeElement), HShapeElement.prototype.parent = parent, HShapeElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
var t = document.createElement("div");
var e = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
if (999999 ===, e.setAttribute("width", -, e.setAttribute("height", -, e.setAttribute("viewBox", + " " + + " " + ( - + " " + ( -, = = "translate(" + + "px," + + "px)", {
var s = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
t.appendChild(e), e.appendChild(s), this.maskedElement = s, this.layerElement = s, this.shapesContainer = s
} else t.appendChild(e), this.layerElement = e, this.shapesContainer = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"), this.layerElement.appendChild(this.shapesContainer);
this.parentContainer.appendChild(t), this.innerElem = t, && this.innerElem.setAttribute("id",, this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.viewData, this.dynamicProperties, []), this.buildExpressionInterface(), this.layerElement = t
}, HShapeElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
var e =, t);
return e === !1 ? void this.hide() : (this.hidden = !1, this.transformHelper.opacity = this.finalTransform.opacity, this.transformHelper.matMdf = !1, this.transformHelper.opMdf = this.finalTransform.opMdf, void this.renderShape(this.transformHelper, null, null, !0))
}, createElement(HBaseElement, HTextElement), HTextElement.prototype.init = ITextElement.prototype.init, HTextElement.prototype.getMeasures = ITextElement.prototype.getMeasures, HTextElement.prototype.createPathShape = ITextElement.prototype.createPathShape, HTextElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
this.isMasked = this.checkMasks();
var t =,
e = document.createElement("div");
if (styleDiv(e), this.layerElement = e, this.isMasked) {
this.renderType = "svg";
var s = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
this.cont = s, this.compW = ? : this.globalData.compSize.w, this.compH = ? : this.globalData.compSize.h, s.setAttribute("width", this.compW), s.setAttribute("height", this.compH);
var i = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
s.appendChild(i), e.appendChild(s), this.maskedElement = i, this.innerElem = i
} else this.renderType = "html", this.innerElem = e;
this.parentContainer.appendChild(e), = = t.fc ? "rgb(" + t.fc[0] + "," + t.fc[1] + "," + t.fc[2] + ")" : "rgba(0,0,0,0)", && ( = "rgb(" +[0] + "," +[1] + "," +[2] + ")", = t.sw + "px");
var a = this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f);
if (!this.globalData.fontManager.chars)
if ( = t.s + "px", = t.s + "px", a.fClass) this.innerElem.className = a.fClass;
else { = a.fFamily;
var r = t.fWeight,
n = t.fStyle; = n, = r
var o, h, l = t.l;
h = l.length;
var p, m, f, d, c = this.mHelper,
u = "";
for (o = 0; h > o; o += 1) {
if (this.globalData.fontManager.chars ? (p = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"), this.isMasked || (m = document.createElement("div"), f = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg"), m.appendChild(f), f.appendChild(p), styleDiv(m)), p.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "butt"), p.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "round"), p.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", "4")) : this.isMasked ? p = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text") : (m = document.createElement("span"), styleDiv(m), p = document.createElement("span"), styleDiv(p), m.appendChild(p)), this.globalData.fontManager.chars) {
var y, v = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(t.t.charAt(o), a.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily);
if (y = v ? : null, c.reset(), y && y.shapes && (d = y.shapes[0].it, c.scale(t.s / 100, t.s / 100), u = this.createPathShape(c, d), p.setAttribute("d", u)), this.isMasked) this.innerElem.appendChild(p);
else {
var g = t.s / 100;
if (y && y.shapes) {
var b = Math.ceil(y.bounds.r * g),
E = Math.floor(y.bounds.t * g),
P = Math.floor(y.bounds.l * g),
k = Math.ceil(y.bounds.b * g);
f.setAttribute("width", b - P), f.setAttribute("height", k - E), f.setAttribute("viewBox", P + " " + E + " " + (b - P) + " " + (k - E)), = = "translate(" + P + "px," + E + "px)", l[o].yOffset = E
} else f.setAttribute("width", 1), f.setAttribute("height", 1)
} else p.textContent = l[o].val, p.setAttributeNS("", "xml:space", "preserve"), this.isMasked ? this.innerElem.appendChild(p) : (this.innerElem.appendChild(m), = = "translate3d(0," + -t.s / 1.2 + "px,0)");
this.textSpans.push(this.isMasked ? p : m), this.textPaths.push(p)
}, HTextElement.prototype.hide = SVGTextElement.prototype.hide, HTextElement.prototype.renderFrame = function(t) {
var e =, t);
if (e === !1) return void this.hide();
if (this.hidden && (this.hidden = !1, = "block"), {
if (!this.firstFrame) return;
this.isMasked && this.finalTransform.matMdf && (this.cont.setAttribute("viewBox", -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[0] + " " + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[1] + " " + this.compW + " " + this.compH), = = "translate(" + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[0] + "px," + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[1] + "px)")
if (this.getMeasures(), this.lettersChangedFlag) {
var s, i, a = this.renderedLetters,
r =;
i = r.length;
var n;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) r[s].n || (n = a[s], this.isMasked ? this.textSpans[s].setAttribute("transform", n.m) : this.textSpans[s].style.transform = this.textSpans[s].style.webkitTransform = n.m, this.textSpans[s].style.opacity = n.o, n.sw && this.textPaths[s].setAttribute("stroke-width", n.sw), && this.textPaths[s].setAttribute("stroke",, n.fc && (this.textPaths[s].setAttribute("fill", n.fc), this.textPaths[s].style.color = n.fc));
if (this.isMasked) {
var o = this.innerElem.getBBox();
this.currentBBox.w !== o.width && (this.currentBBox.w = o.width, this.cont.setAttribute("width", o.width)), this.currentBBox.h !== o.height && (this.currentBBox.h = o.height, this.cont.setAttribute("height", o.height)), (this.currentBBox.w !== o.width || this.currentBBox.h !== o.height || this.currentBBox.x !== o.x || this.currentBBox.y !== o.y) && (this.currentBBox.w = o.width, this.currentBBox.h = o.height, this.currentBBox.x = o.x, this.currentBBox.y = o.y, this.cont.setAttribute("viewBox", this.currentBBox.x + " " + this.currentBBox.y + " " + this.currentBBox.w + " " + this.currentBBox.h), = = "translate(" + this.currentBBox.x + "px," + this.currentBBox.y + "px)")
this.firstFrame && (this.firstFrame = !1)
}, HTextElement.prototype.destroy = SVGTextElement.prototype.destroy, createElement(HBaseElement, HImageElement), HImageElement.prototype.createElements = function() {
var t, e = function() {
this.imageElem.setAttributeNS("", "href", this.path + this.assetData.p)
s = new Image;
if ( {
var t = document.createElement("div");
var i = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
i.setAttribute("width", this.assetData.w), i.setAttribute("height", this.assetData.h), t.appendChild(i), this.imageElem = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image"), this.imageElem.setAttribute("width", this.assetData.w + "px"), this.imageElem.setAttribute("height", this.assetData.h + "px"), i.appendChild(this.imageElem), this.layerElement = t, this.parentContainer.appendChild(t), this.innerElem = t, this.maskedElement = this.imageElem, s.addEventListener("load", e.bind(this), !1), s.addEventListener("error", e.bind(this), !1)
} else styleDiv(s), this.layerElement = s, this.parentContainer.appendChild(s), this.innerElem = s;
s.src = this.path + this.assetData.p, && this.innerElem.setAttribute("id",
}, HImageElement.prototype.hide = HSolidElement.prototype.hide, HImageElement.prototype.renderFrame = HSolidElement.prototype.renderFrame, HImageElement.prototype.destroy = HSolidElement.prototype.destroy, createElement(HBaseElement, HCameraElement), HCameraElement.prototype.setup = function() {
var t, e, s = this.comp.threeDElements.length;
for (t = 0; s > t; t += 1) e = this.comp.threeDElements[t], e[0].style.perspective = e[0].style.webkitPerspective = + "px", e[1].style.transformOrigin = e[1].style.mozTransformOrigin = e[1].style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0px 0px 0px", e[0].style.transform = e[0].style.webkitTransform = "matrix3d(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)"
}, HCameraElement.prototype.createElements = function() {}, HCameraElement.prototype.hide = function() {}, HCameraElement.prototype.renderFrame = function() {
var t, e, s = this.firstFrame;
if (this.hierarchy)
for (e = this.hierarchy.length, t = 0; e > t; t += 1) s = this.hierarchy[t].finalTransform.mProp.mdf ? !0 : s;
if (s || this.p && this.p.mdf || this.px && (this.px.mdf || || this.pz.mdf) || this.rx.mdf || this.ry.mdf || this.rz.mdf || this.or.mdf || this.a && this.a.mdf) {
if (this.mat.reset(), this.p ? this.mat.translate(-this.p.v[0], -this.p.v[1], this.p.v[2]) : this.mat.translate(-this.px.v,, this.pz.v), this.a) {
var i = [this.p.v[0] - this.a.v[0], this.p.v[1] - this.a.v[1], this.p.v[2] - this.a.v[2]],
a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(i[0], 2) + Math.pow(i[1], 2) + Math.pow(i[2], 2)),
r = [i[0] / a, i[1] / a, i[2] / a],
n = Math.sqrt(r[2] * r[2] + r[0] * r[0]),
o = Math.atan2(r[1], n),
h = Math.atan2(r[0], -r[2]);
if (this.mat.rotateX(-this.rx.v).rotateY(-this.ry.v).rotateZ(this.rz.v), this.mat.rotateX(-this.or.v[0]).rotateY(-this.or.v[1]).rotateZ(this.or.v[2]), this.mat.translate(this.globalData.compSize.w / 2, this.globalData.compSize.h / 2, 0), this.mat.translate(0, 0,, this.hierarchy) {
var l;
for (e = this.hierarchy.length, t = 0; e > t; t += 1) l = this.hierarchy[t].finalTransform.mProp.iv.props, this.mat.transform(l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7], l[8], l[9], l[10], l[11], -l[12], -l[13], l[14], l[15])
e = this.comp.threeDElements.length;
var p;
for (t = 0; e > t; t += 1) p = this.comp.threeDElements[t], p[1].style.transform = p[1].style.webkitTransform = this.mat.toCSS()
this.firstFrame = !1
}, HCameraElement.prototype.destroy = function() {};
var animationManager = function() {
function t(e) {
var s = 0,
i =;
for (i.removeEventListener("destroy", t); P > s;) g[s].animation === i && (g.splice(s, 1), s -= 1, P -= 1), s += 1
function e(e, s) {
if (!e) return null;
for (var i = 0; P > i;) {
if (g[i].elem == e && null !== g[i].elem) return g[i].animation;
i += 1
var a = new AnimationItem;
return a.setData(e, s), a.addEventListener("destroy", t), g.push({
elem: e,
animation: a
}), P += 1, a
function s(e) {
var s = new AnimationItem;
return s.setParams(e), s.addEventListener("destroy", t), g.push({
elem: null,
animation: s
}), P += 1, s
function i(t, e) {
var s;
for (s = 0; P > s; s += 1) g[s].animation.setSpeed(t, e)
function a(t, e) {
var s;
for (s = 0; P > s; s += 1) g[s].animation.setDirection(t, e)
function r(t) {
var e;
for (e = 0; P > e; e += 1) g[e]
function n(t, e) {
E = !1, b =;
var s;
for (s = 0; P > s; s += 1) g[s].animation.moveFrame(t, e)
function o(t) {
var e, s = t - b;
for (e = 0; P > e; e += 1) g[e].animation.advanceTime(s);
b = t, requestAnimationFrame(o)
function h(t) {
b = t, requestAnimationFrame(o)
function l(t) {
var e;
for (e = 0; P > e; e += 1) g[e].animation.pause(t)
function p(t, e, s) {
var i;
for (i = 0; P > i; i += 1) g[i].animation.goToAndStop(t, e, s)
function m(t) {
var e;
for (e = 0; P > e; e += 1) g[e].animation.stop(t)
function f(t) {
var e;
for (e = 0; P > e; e += 1) g[e].animation.togglePause(t)
function d(t) {
var e;
for (e = 0; P > e; e += 1) g[e].animation.destroy(t)
function c(t, s, i) {
var a, r = document.getElementsByClassName("bodymovin"),
n = r.length;
for (a = 0; n > a; a += 1) i && r[a].setAttribute("data-bm-type", i), e(r[a], t);
if (s && 0 === n) {
i || (i = "svg");
var o = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
o.innerHTML = "";
var h = document.createElement("div"); = "100%", = "100%", h.setAttribute("data-bm-type", i), o.appendChild(h), e(h, t)
function u() {
var t;
for (t = 0; P > t; t += 1) g[t].animation.resize()
function y() {
var v = {},
g = [],
b = 0,
E = !0,
P = 0;
return setTimeout(y, 0), v.registerAnimation = e, v.loadAnimation = s, v.setSpeed = i, v.setDirection = a, = r, v.moveFrame = n, v.pause = l, v.stop = m, v.togglePause = f, v.searchAnimations = c, v.resize = u, v.start = y, v.goToAndStop = p, v.destroy = d, v
AnimationItem = function() {
this._cbs = [], = "", this.path = "", this.isLoaded = !1, this.currentFrame = 0, this.currentRawFrame = 0, this.totalFrames = 0, this.frameRate = 0, this.frameMult = 0, this.playSpeed = 1, this.playDirection = 1, this.pendingElements = 0, this.playCount = 0, this.prerenderFramesFlag = !0, this.repeat = "indefinite", this.animationData = {}, this.layers = [], this.assets = [], this.isPaused = !0, this.isScrolling = !1, this.autoplay = !1, this.loop = !0, this.renderer = null, this.animationID = randomString(10), this.renderedFrameCount = 0, this.scaleMode = "fit", this.math = Math, this.removed = !1, this.timeCompleted = 0, this.segmentPos = 0, this.segments = []
AnimationItem.prototype.setParams = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.context && (this.context = t.context), (t.wrapper || t.container) && (this.wrapper = t.wrapper || t.container);
var s = t.animType ? t.animType : t.renderer ? t.renderer : "canvas";
switch (s) {
case "canvas":
this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings);
case "svg":
this.renderer = new SVGRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings);
case "hybrid":
case "html":
this.renderer = new HybridRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings)
if (this.animType = s, "" === t.loop || null === t.loop || (this.loop = t.loop === !1 ? !1 : t.loop === !0 ? !0 : parseInt(t.loop)), this.autoplay = "autoplay" in t ? t.autoplay : !0, = ? : "", this.prerenderFramesFlag = "prerender" in t ? t.prerender : !0, this.autoloadSegments = t.hasOwnProperty("autoloadSegments") ? t.autoloadSegments : !0, t.animationData) e.configAnimation(t.animationData);
else if (t.path) {
"json" != t.path.substr(-4) && ("/" != t.path.substr(-1, 1) && (t.path += "/"), t.path += "data.json");
var i = new XMLHttpRequest;
this.path = -1 != t.path.lastIndexOf("\\") ? t.path.substr(0, t.path.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1) : t.path.substr(0, t.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), this.fileName = t.path.substr(t.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), this.fileName = this.fileName.substr(0, this.fileName.lastIndexOf(".json")),"GET", t.path, !0), i.send(), i.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (4 == i.readyState)
if (200 == i.status) e.configAnimation(JSON.parse(i.responseText));
else try {
var t = JSON.parse(i.responseText);
} catch (s) {}
}, AnimationItem.prototype.setData = function(t, e) {
var s = {
wrapper: t,
animationData: e ? "object" == typeof e ? e : JSON.parse(e) : null
i = t.attributes;
s.path = i.getNamedItem("data-animation-path") ? i.getNamedItem("data-animation-path").value : i.getNamedItem("data-bm-path") ? i.getNamedItem("data-bm-path").value : i.getNamedItem("bm-path") ? i.getNamedItem("bm-path").value : "", s.animType = i.getNamedItem("data-anim-type") ? i.getNamedItem("data-anim-type").value : i.getNamedItem("data-bm-type") ? i.getNamedItem("data-bm-type").value : i.getNamedItem("bm-type") ? i.getNamedItem("bm-type").value : i.getNamedItem("data-bm-renderer") ? i.getNamedItem("data-bm-renderer").value : i.getNamedItem("bm-renderer") ? i.getNamedItem("bm-renderer").value : "canvas";
var a = i.getNamedItem("data-anim-loop") ? i.getNamedItem("data-anim-loop").value : i.getNamedItem("data-bm-loop") ? i.getNamedItem("data-bm-loop").value : i.getNamedItem("bm-loop") ? i.getNamedItem("bm-loop").value : "";
"" === a || (s.loop = "false" === a ? !1 : "true" === a ? !0 : parseInt(a)), = i.getNamedItem("data-name") ? i.getNamedItem("data-name").value : i.getNamedItem("data-bm-name") ? i.getNamedItem("data-bm-name").value : i.getNamedItem("bm-name") ? i.getNamedItem("bm-name").value : "";
var r = i.getNamedItem("data-anim-prerender") ? i.getNamedItem("data-anim-prerender").value : i.getNamedItem("data-bm-prerender") ? i.getNamedItem("data-bm-prerender").value : i.getNamedItem("bm-prerender") ? i.getNamedItem("bm-prerender").value : "";
"false" === r && (s.prerender = !1), this.setParams(s);
}, AnimationItem.prototype.includeLayers = function(t) {
t.op > this.animationData.op && (this.animationData.op = t.op, this.totalFrames = Math.floor(t.op - this.animationData.ip), = this.totalFrames);
var e, s, i = this.animationData.layers,
a = i.length,
r = t.layers,
n = r.length;
for (s = 0; n > s; s += 1)
for (e = 0; a > e;) {
if (i[e].id == r[s].id) {
i[e] = r[s];
e += 1
if ((t.chars || t.fonts) && (this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, this.renderer.globalData.defs)), t.assets)
for (a = t.assets.length, e = 0; a > e; e += 1) this.animationData.assets.push(t.assets[e]);
dataManager.completeData(this.animationData, this.renderer.globalData.fontManager), this.renderer.includeLayers(t.layers), this.renderer.buildStage(this.container, this.layers), this.renderer.renderFrame(null), this.loadNextSegment()
}, AnimationItem.prototype.loadNextSegment = function() {
var t = this.animationData.segments;
if (!t || 0 === t.length || !this.autoloadSegments) return this.trigger("data_ready"), void(this.timeCompleted =;
var e = t.shift();
this.timeCompleted = e.time * this.frameRate;
var s = new XMLHttpRequest,
i = this,
a = this.path + this.fileName + "_" + this.segmentPos + ".json";
this.segmentPos += 1,"GET", a, !0), s.send(), s.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (4 == s.readyState)
if (200 == s.status) i.includeLayers(JSON.parse(s.responseText));
else try {
var t = JSON.parse(s.responseText);
} catch (e) {}
}, AnimationItem.prototype.loadSegments = function() {
var t = this.animationData.segments;
t || (this.timeCompleted =, this.loadNextSegment()
}, AnimationItem.prototype.configAnimation = function(t) {
this.animationData = t, this.totalFrames = Math.floor(this.animationData.op - this.animationData.ip), = this.totalFrames, this.renderer.configAnimation(t), t.assets || (t.assets = []), t.comps && (t.assets = t.assets.concat(t.comps), t.comps = null), this.animationData._id = this.animationID, this.animationData._animType = this.animType, this.layers = this.animationData.layers, this.assets = this.animationData.assets, this.frameRate =, this.firstFrame = Math.round(this.animationData.ip), this.frameMult = / 1e3, this.trigger("config_ready"), this.loadSegments(), this.updaFrameModifier(), this.renderer.globalData.fontManager ? this.waitForFontsLoaded() : (dataManager.completeData(this.animationData, this.renderer.globalData.fontManager), this.checkLoaded())
}, AnimationItem.prototype.waitForFontsLoaded = function() {
function t() {
this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.loaded ? (dataManager.completeData(this.animationData, this.renderer.globalData.fontManager), this.renderer.buildItems(this.animationData.layers), this.checkLoaded()) : setTimeout(t.bind(this), 20)
return function() {
}(), AnimationItem.prototype.elementLoaded = function() {
this.pendingElements--, this.checkLoaded()
}, AnimationItem.prototype.checkLoaded = function() {
0 === this.pendingElements && (this.renderer.buildStage(this.container, this.layers), this.trigger("DOMLoaded"), this.isLoaded = !0, this.gotoFrame(), this.autoplay &&
}, AnimationItem.prototype.resize = function() {
}, AnimationItem.prototype.gotoFrame = function() {
this.currentFrame = subframeEnabled ? this.currentRawFrame : this.math.floor(this.currentRawFrame), this.timeCompleted !== this.totalFrames && this.currentFrame > this.timeCompleted && (this.currentFrame = this.timeCompleted), this.trigger("enterFrame"), this.renderFrame()
}, AnimationItem.prototype.renderFrame = function() {
this.isLoaded !== !1 && this.renderer.renderFrame(this.currentFrame + this.firstFrame)
}, = function(t) {
t && != t || this.isPaused === !0 && (this.isPaused = !1)
}, AnimationItem.prototype.pause = function(t) {
t && != t || this.isPaused === !1 && (this.isPaused = !0)
}, AnimationItem.prototype.togglePause = function(t) {
t && != t || (this.isPaused === !0 ? (this.isPaused = !1, : (this.isPaused = !0, this.pause()))
}, AnimationItem.prototype.stop = function(t) {
t && != t || (this.isPaused = !0, this.currentFrame = this.currentRawFrame = 0, this.playCount = 0, this.gotoFrame())
}, AnimationItem.prototype.goToAndStop = function(t, e, s) {
s && != s || (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e ? t : t * this.frameModifier), this.isPaused = !0)
}, AnimationItem.prototype.advanceTime = function(t) {
this.isPaused !== !0 && this.isScrolling !== !0 && this.isLoaded !== !1 && this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(this.currentRawFrame + t * this.frameModifier)
}, AnimationItem.prototype.updateAnimation = function(t) {
this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(this.totalFrames * t)
}, AnimationItem.prototype.moveFrame = function(t, e) {
e && != e || this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(this.currentRawFrame + t)
}, AnimationItem.prototype.adjustSegment = function(t) {
this.totalFrames = t[1] - t[0], this.firstFrame = t[0], this.trigger("segmentStart")
}, AnimationItem.prototype.playSegments = function(t, e) {
if ("object" == typeof t[0]) {
var s, i = t.length;
for (s = 0; i > s; s += 1) this.segments.push(t[s])
} else this.segments.push(t);
e && (this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift()), this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(0)), this.isPaused &&
}, AnimationItem.prototype.resetSegments = function(t) {
this.segments.length = 0, this.segments.push([this.animationData.ip * this.frameRate, Math.floor(this.animationData.op - this.animationData.ip + this.animationData.ip * this.frameRate)]), t && this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift())
}, AnimationItem.prototype.remove = function(t) {
t && != t || this.renderer.destroy()
}, AnimationItem.prototype.destroy = function(t) {
t && != t || this.renderer && this.renderer.destroyed || (this.renderer.destroy(), this.trigger("destroy"), this._cbs = null)
}, AnimationItem.prototype.setCurrentRawFrameValue = function(t) {
this.currentRawFrame = t;
var e = !1;
if (this.currentRawFrame >= this.totalFrames) {
if (this.segments.length && (e = !0), this.loop === !1) return this.currentRawFrame = this.totalFrames - .01, this.gotoFrame(), this.pause(), void this.trigger("complete");
if (this.trigger("loopComplete"), this.playCount += 1, this.loop !== !0 && this.playCount == this.loop) return this.currentRawFrame = this.totalFrames - .01, this.gotoFrame(), this.pause(), void this.trigger("complete")
} else if (this.currentRawFrame < 0) return this.playCount -= 1, this.playCount < 0 && (this.playCount = 0), this.loop === !1 ? (this.currentRawFrame = 0, this.gotoFrame(), this.pause(), void this.trigger("complete")) : (this.trigger("loopComplete"), this.currentRawFrame = this.totalFrames + this.currentRawFrame, void this.gotoFrame());
if (e) {
var s = this.currentRawFrame % this.totalFrames;
this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift()), this.currentRawFrame = s
} else this.currentRawFrame = this.currentRawFrame % this.totalFrames;
}, AnimationItem.prototype.setSpeed = function(t) {
this.playSpeed = t, this.updaFrameModifier()
}, AnimationItem.prototype.setDirection = function(t) {
this.playDirection = 0 > t ? -1 : 1, this.updaFrameModifier()
}, AnimationItem.prototype.updaFrameModifier = function() {
this.frameModifier = this.frameMult * this.playSpeed * this.playDirection
}, AnimationItem.prototype.getPath = function() {
return this.path
}, AnimationItem.prototype.getAssetData = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, s = this.assets.length; s > e;) {
if (t == this.assets[e].id) return this.assets[e];
e += 1
}, AnimationItem.prototype.hide = function() {
}, = function() {
}, AnimationItem.prototype.getAssets = function() {
return this.assets
}, AnimationItem.prototype.trigger = function(t) {
if (this._cbs[t]) switch (t) {
case "enterFrame":
this.triggerEvent(t, new BMEnterFrameEvent(t, this.currentFrame, this.totalFrames, this.frameMult));
case "loopComplete":
this.triggerEvent(t, new BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, this.loop, this.playCount, this.frameMult));
case "complete":
this.triggerEvent(t, new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult));
case "segmentStart":
this.triggerEvent(t, new BMSegmentStartEvent(t, this.firstFrame, this.totalFrames));
case "destroy":
this.triggerEvent(t, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this));
"enterFrame" === t && this.onEnterFrame &&, new BMEnterFrameEvent(t, this.currentFrame, this.totalFrames, this.frameMult)), "loopComplete" === t && this.onLoopComplete &&, new BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, this.loop, this.playCount, this.frameMult)), "complete" === t && this.onComplete &&, new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult)), "segmentStart" === t && this.onSegmentStart &&, new BMSegmentStartEvent(t, this.firstFrame, this.totalFrames)), "destroy" === t && this.onDestroy &&, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this))
}, AnimationItem.prototype.addEventListener = _addEventListener, AnimationItem.prototype.removeEventListener = _removeEventListener, AnimationItem.prototype.triggerEvent = _triggerEvent;
var bodymovinjs = {};
function play(animation) {;
function pause(animation) {
function togglePause(animation) {
function setSpeed(value, animation) {
animationManager.setSpeed(value, animation);
function setDirection(value, animation) {
animationManager.setDirection(value, animation);
function stop(animation) {
function moveFrame(value) {
function searchAnimations() {
if (standalone === true) {
animationManager.searchAnimations(animationData, standalone, renderer);
} else {
function registerAnimation(elem) {
return animationManager.registerAnimation(elem);
function resize() {
function start() {
function goToAndStop(val, isFrame, animation) {
animationManager.goToAndStop(val, isFrame, animation);
function setSubframeRendering(flag) {
subframeEnabled = flag;
function loadAnimation(params) {
if (standalone === true) {
params.animationData = JSON.parse(animationData);
return animationManager.loadAnimation(params);
function destroy(animation) {
return animationManager.destroy(animation);
function setQuality(value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
switch (value) {
case 'high':
defaultCurveSegments = 200;
case 'medium':
defaultCurveSegments = 50;
case 'low':
defaultCurveSegments = 10;
} else if (!isNaN(value) && value > 1) {
defaultCurveSegments = value;
if (defaultCurveSegments >= 50) {
} else {
} = play;
bodymovinjs.pause = pause;
bodymovinjs.togglePause = togglePause;
bodymovinjs.setSpeed = setSpeed;
bodymovinjs.setDirection = setDirection;
bodymovinjs.stop = stop;
bodymovinjs.moveFrame = moveFrame;
bodymovinjs.searchAnimations = searchAnimations;
bodymovinjs.registerAnimation = registerAnimation;
bodymovinjs.loadAnimation = loadAnimation;
bodymovinjs.setSubframeRendering = setSubframeRendering;
bodymovinjs.resize = resize;
bodymovinjs.start = start;
bodymovinjs.goToAndStop = goToAndStop;
bodymovinjs.destroy = destroy;
bodymovinjs.setQuality = setQuality;
bodymovinjs.version = '4.1.7';
function checkReady() {
if (document.readyState === "complete") {
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var vars = queryString.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split('=');
if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
var standalone = '__[STANDALONE]__';
var animationData = '__[ANIMATIONDATA]__';
var renderer = '';
if (standalone) {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var index = scripts.length - 1;
var myScript = scripts[index];
var queryString = myScript.src.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/, '');
renderer = getQueryVariable('renderer');
var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval(checkReady, 100);
return bodymovinjs;
var animationData = {
"assets": [],
"v": "4.1.7",
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"ddd": 0,
"ind": 0,
"ty": 4,
"nm": "T-front",
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"o": {
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"k": 0
"p": {
"k": [{
"i": {
"x": 0.3,
"y": 1
"o": {
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"n": "0p3_1_0p16_0",
"t": 0,
"s": [250, 250, 0],
"e": [250, 180, 0],
"to": [0, -11.6666669845581, 0],
"ti": [0, 0, 0]
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"i": {
"x": 0.833,
"y": 0.833
"o": {
"x": 0.7,
"y": 0
"n": "0p833_0p833_0p7_0",
"t": 12,
"s": [250, 180, 0],
"e": [250, 250, 0],
"to": [0, 0, 0],
"ti": [0, -11.6666669845581, 0]
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"i": {
"x": 0.667,
"y": 0.667
"o": {
"x": 0.167,
"y": 0.167
"n": "0p667_0p667_0p167_0p167",
"t": 24,
"s": [250, 250, 0],
"e": [250, 250, 0],
"to": [0, 0, 0],
"ti": [0, 0, 0]
}, {
"i": {
"x": 0.3,
"y": 1
"o": {
"x": 0.16,
"y": 0
"n": "0p3_1_0p16_0",
"t": 30,
"s": [250, 250, 0],
"e": [250, 180, 0],
"to": [0, -11.6666669845581, 0],
"ti": [0, 0, 0]
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"i": {
"x": 0.833,
"y": 0.833
"o": {
"x": 0.7,
"y": 0
"n": "0p833_0p833_0p7_0",
"t": 42,
"s": [250, 180, 0],
"e": [250, 250, 0],
"to": [0, 0, 0],
"ti": [0, -11.6666669845581, 0]
}, {
"i": {
"x": 0.667,
"y": 0.667
"o": {
"x": 0.167,
"y": 0.167
"n": "0p667_0p667_0p167_0p167",
"t": 54,
"s": [250, 250, 0],
"e": [250, 250, 0],
"to": [0, 0, 0],
"ti": [0, 0, 0]
}, {
"i": {
"x": 0.3,
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