1- Find the team identifier somewhere in Xcode or the Apple developer portal
2- Export the existing certificate from your keychain. Two files are needed; certificate.p12 and certificate.cer
3- The files exported on the 2nd step needs to be encrypted use the following commands to do that: openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -nodes -out key.pem -in certificate.p12 openssl aes-256-cbc -k your_password -in key.pem -out cert_id.p12 -a openssl aes-256-cbc -k your_password -in certificate.cer -out cert_id.cer -a => use the match password to encrypt these files
4- Rename the output of these commands (cert_id.p12 & cert_id.cer); use the team identifier found on step1 (new names should be: team_identifier.p12 and team_identifier.cer)
5- Download the provisionning profiles needed from the Apple developer portal
6- Encrypt these files using the openssl command with the same password used for the certificates openssl aes-256-cbc -k your_password -in provisionning.mobileprovision -out encrypted_provisionning.mobileprovision -a
7- Rename the output of the previous command; use the following rules Development_your.bundle.id.mobileprovision AdHoc_your.bundle.id.mobileprovision AppStore_your.bundle.id.mobileprovision InHouse_your.bundle.id.mobileprovision
Push the certificates to the git repository used with match: 9- On your local repository create a new branch (if needed). The name of the branch should be the name of the apple developer team. use the following steps: git checkout --orphan branch_name git rm -rf .
10- If the branch exists, just add the needed certificates folders: certs/development certs/enterprise certs/distribution
11- And add the needed profiles folders: profiles/development profiles/enterprise profiles/adhoc
12- Copy the certificates and provisionnings to the appropriate folders
13- Add files to git, commit and push to remote repository
14- Now you are able to install these certificates and provisionnings on new machines using fastlane match.