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making stuff faster

Volodymyr Agafonkin mourner

making stuff faster
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haochi / LICENSE.txt
Created July 10, 2011 23:23 — forked from 140bytes/LICENSE.txt
tofu: tiny templating engine
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2011 Haochi Chen <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
* Portions of this code and logic copied from OpenLayers and
* redistributed under the original Clear BSD license terms:
* Copyright 2005-2010 OpenLayers Contributors, released under
* the Clear BSD license. See authors.txt for a list of contributors.
* All rights reserved.
gre / easing.js
Last active February 26, 2025 11:46
Simple Easing Functions in Javascript - see
* This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
* as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.
* Easing Functions - inspired from
* only considering the t value for the range [0, 1] => [0, 1]
EasingFunctions = {
paulmillr /
Last active February 28, 2025 03:41
Most active GitHub users (by contributions).

Most active GitHub users (

The list would not be updated for now. Don't write comments.

The count of contributions (summary of Pull Requests, opened issues and commits) to public repos at from Wed, 21 Sep 2022 till Thu, 21 Sep 2023.

Because of GitHub search limitations, only 1000 first users according to amount of followers are included. If you are not in the list you don't have enough followers. See raw data and source code. Algorithm in pseudocode:

paulirish / gist:3098860
Created July 12, 2012 15:26
Open Conference Expectations

Open Conference Expectations

This document lays out some baseline expectations between conference speakers and conference presenters. The general goal is to maximize the value the conference provides to its attendees and community and to let speakers know what they might reasonably expect from a conference.

We believe that all speakers should reasonably expect these things, not just speakers who are known to draw large crowds, because no one is a rockstar but more people should have the chance to be one. We believe that conferences are better -- and, dare we say, more diverse -- when the people speaking are not just the people who can afford to get themselves there, either because their company paid or they foot the bill themselves. Basically, this isn't a rock show rider, it's some ideas that should help get the voices of lesser known folks heard.

These expectations should serve as a starting point for discussion between speaker and organizer. They are not a list of demands; they are a list of rea

Could you elaborate on how this isn't working? What are you expecting to happen and what happens instead? If you enable web developer extensions, are there any errors in the console, and what are those errors, and in what browser and browser version do they appear?

diegovalle / .block
Last active August 2, 2017 16:47
Density map of homicides in Monterrey
license: mit
tmcw /
Last active June 3, 2016 19:29
Whole Earth Guide

Whole Earth Guide

I'm not sure about this; GIS really got burned from being both a 'science' and a 'product' from the beginning, and there are blurry lines between what I think is essential and what I don't know because I never do it and am not a GIS person. Anyway.

A No-Bullshit Intro to Maps and GIS

  1. What Maps Are
  2. Data
  3. Information
  4. Transformation
Rich-Harris /
Last active February 20, 2025 14:15
Please include a repro

Please include a repro

You probably arrived here because of a curt message in response to an issue you filed on a repo that I contribute to. Sorry about that (particularly if you filed the issue long ago and have been waiting patiently for a response). Let me explain:

I work on a lot of different open source projects. I really do like building software that makes other people's lives easier, but it's crazy time-consuming. One of the most time-consuming parts is responding to issues. A lot of OSS maintainers will bend over backwards to try and understand your specific problem and diagnose it, to the point of setting up new test projects, fussing around with different Node versions, reading the documentation for build tools that we don't use, debugging problems in third party dependencies that appear to be involved in the problem... and so on. I've personally spent hundreds of hours of my free time doing these sorts of things to try and help people out, because I want to be a responsible maintainer and I