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Created January 9, 2022 04:03
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Get suffix number from file name
import Foundation
extension String {
func trimPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> String {
guard self.hasPrefix(prefix) else {
return self
return String(self.dropFirst(prefix.count))
func trimSuffix(_ suffix: String) -> String {
guard self.hasSuffix(suffix) else {
return self
return String(self.dropLast(suffix.count))
extension URL {
func getSuffixNumber(fileName: String, separator: String) -> Int {
let a = self.lastPathComponent.trimPrefix(fileName + separator)
if a == self.lastPathComponent {
return -1
let b: String
if self.pathExtension == "" {
b = a
} else {
b = a.trimSuffix("." + self.pathExtension)
guard let n = Int(b) else {
return -1
return n
func main() {
let urls: [URL] = [
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/Hello World.txt"),
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/Hello World 123.txt"),
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/Goodbye 123.txt"),
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/Hello World-456.txt"),
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/Hello World_789.txt"),
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/Hello World 777"),
URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/Hello World 777/abc 123.txt"),
for url in urls {
print("\(url.getSuffixNumber(fileName: "Hello World", separator: " "))\t\(url.path)")
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