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Last active October 25, 2018 12:42
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Splunk 7.2 Installer
while (sleep 2); do free -m | grep 'Mem:' | perl -pe 'use POSIX strftime; print strftime "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] ", localtime' >> /opt/splunkforwarder/cscripts/mylogfile ; done
# Splunk ent Installer
wget -O splunk-7.2.0-8c86330ac18-linux-2.6-amd64.deb ''
# Splunk UF Download
wget -O splunkforwarder-7.2.0-8c86330ac18-linux-2.6-amd64.deb ''
# Search an index plus sourcetype and text
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action="purchase"
# Search for more than one text input 'action="purchase" OR action=change'
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action="purchase" OR action=change
# Search for more than one text input 'action="purchase" AND action=change*'
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action="purchase" AND action=change*
# Include or Exclude Fields
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action="purchase" OR action=change* | fields -action,categoryId
# Deduplicate the data
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action="purchase" | dedup categoryId
# Rename Column names the data. Always rename after dedup
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action="purchase" | dedup categoryId | rename categoryId AS GameType,action AS Action
# Create a Table
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" action="purchase" | dedup categoryId | rename categoryId AS GameType,action AS Action | table categoryId,action
# Search using the search keyword
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase"
# Sort in descending order
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" | dedup categoryId | rename categoryId as GameType | sort GameType desc | table GameType,action
# Another search for purchases that are successful
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file=""
# Limit results to top 5 categoryIds
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file="" | top limit=5 categoryId
# Limit results to top 5 categoryIds without percentage
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file="" | top limit=5 categoryId showperc=false
# Limit results to top 5 categoryIds without percentage and sort by count descending
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file="" | top limit=5 categoryId showperc=false | sort count desc
# Limit results to top 5 categoryIds without percentage and sort by count ascending
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file="" | top limit=5 categoryId showperc=false | sort +count
# # Limit results to least/rare 2 categoryIds without percentage and sort by count ascending
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file="" | rare limit=2 categoryId showperc=false | sort +count
# Provide statistics of games sold by categoryId
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file="" | stats count by categoryId
# Provide statistics of games sold by categoryId and sort in descsending order
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search action="purchase" status=200 file="" | stats count by categoryId | sort -categoryId
# status error is > 200 sorted by count
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" | search status > 200 | fields categoryId,status | stats count by status | sort -count
# Return distinct count unique entries
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" JSESSIONID="*" | stats dc(JSESSIONID) as uniqueSessions
# Search SessionId and client ip count in a table
index="web-server1-access-log" sourcetype="access_combined_wcookie" JSESSIONID="*" | stats count by JSESSIONID,clientip
# Chart example: Shows count only
index="web-server1-access-log" | chart count by categoryId
# Output:
# categoryId count
# ARCADE 1887
# Timechart example: Trend over time
index="web-server1-access-log" | timechart count by categoryId
# Output:
# 2018-10-07 119 150 75 81 40 248 131 1314
# 2018-10-08 262 348 154 150 94 546 249 2659
# Regex Example:
index="ssh-host1-log" port "failed password" | rex field=_raw "\s+(?<ports>port \d+)" | top limit=5 ports
# Regex for IP address
index="ssh-host1-log" port "failed password" | rex field=_raw "\s+(?<ports>port \d+)" | rex field=_raw "^(\w+\s+)+(\d+\s+)+\d+:\d+:(\d+\s+)+\w+(\d+\s+)+\w+\[\d+\]:\s+(\w+\s+)+(?P<src_ip>[^ ]+)" | top limit=5 ports
# Splunk field names are case sensitive while values are not. Example below
# Wrong:
index="web-server1-access-log" Action=purchase
# Correct
index="web-server1-access-log" action=purchase
# Transactions: Get actions by a customer on a website with eval to convert time to string
index="web-server1-access-log" | transaction clientip maxspan=30m maxpause=5s | eval duration=tostring(duration,"duration") | sort -duration | table clientip,duration,action
# Simple example of Transaction by clientip
index="web-server1-access-log" | transaction clientip maxspan=30m maxpause=5s
# Failed Logins by source ip
index="ssh-host1-log" | transaction source_ip maxspan=30m maxpause=5s| table source_ip,duration | sort -duration
# Use eval to write a function
index="web-server1-access-log" | eval error = if(status == 200, "ok", "issue") | stats count by error
# Lookups
index="web-server1-access-log" | lookup web-server-products ID AS productId OUTPUT Name as gamename,Developer AS dev | stats count by gamename,dev
# Audit Log - Failed Login attempts :: Also save search as ALERT for >10 failed results
index=_audit user=splunk action="login attempt" result="failed"
# Timechart
index="web-server1-access-log" action="purchase" status!=200 | timechart count by action
# Chart (PIE)
index="web-server1-access-log" action="*" status!=200 | chart count by action
# Download Splunk Dashboard Examples from
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