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Created November 3, 2019 06:00
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func! s:pm_template()
let path = substitute(expand('%'), '.*lib/', '', 'g')
let path = substitute(path, '[\\/]', '::', 'g')
let path = substitute(path, '\.pm$', '', 'g')
call append(0, 'package ' . path . ';')
call append(1, 'use strict;')
call append(2, 'use warnings;')
call append(3, 'use utf8;')
call append(4, '')
call append(5, '')
call append(6, '')
call append(7, '1;')
call append(8, '')
call append(9, '__END__')
call append(10, '')
call append(11, '=encoding utf8')
call append(12, '')
call append(13, '=head1 NAME')
call append(14, '')
call append(15, path . ' - ')
call append(16, '')
call append(17, '=cut')
call cursor(6, 0)
au PerlAutoCmd BufNewFile *.pm call s:pm_template()
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