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Last active February 21, 2018 11:27
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Implementation of secp256k1 in node.js
const crypto = require('crypto')
const bigInt = require('big-integer')
// we need big-integer as the numbers that we're dealing with are too big for JS' default numbers
function sha256(data) {
// creates a sha256 hash, updates it with data, and turns it into a bigint
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest('hex')
return bigInt(hash,16)
// elliptic curve secp256k1
const curve = {
a: bigInt('0'),
b: bigInt('7'),
p: bigInt('115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663'),
g: {
x: bigInt('55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240'),
y: bigInt('32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424')
n: bigInt('115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337')
function randomNum(min=1,max=curve.n) {
var randomValue = max.add(1)
while (randomValue.greater(max) || randomValue.lesser(min)) {
// 32 bytes = 256 bits
var buffer = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex')
randomValue = bigInt(buffer,16)
return randomValue
function onCurve(point) {
// sees if point is on the curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
if (point !== Infinity) {
ysq = point.y.square()
xcu = point.x.pow(3)
ax = curve.a.multiply(point.x)
if (ysq.minus(xcu).minus(ax).minus(curve.b).isZero()) {
throw new Error('not on curve')
function addPoints(P1,P2) {
var m,x,y
// Point + Infinity = Point
if (P1 === Infinity) {
return P2
} else if (P2 === Infinity) {
return P1
if (P1.x === P2.x) {
if (P1.y !== P2.y) {
return Infinity
} else {
// finding gradient of tangent
var t1 = bigInt(3).times(P1.x.square())
var t2 = bigInt(2).times(P1.y)
m = bigInt(
} else {
// finding gradient of line between 2 points
var t1 = P2.y.minus(P1.y)
var t2 = P2.x.minus(P1.x)
m = t1.times(t2.modInv(curve.p))
// calculating other interception point
x = bigInt(m.square().minus(P1.x).minus(P2.x)).mod(curve.p)
y = bigInt(bigInt(m.times(P1.x)).minus(P1.y).minus(m.times(x))).mod(curve.p)
var P3 = {
x: x,
y: y
return P3
function multiPoints(n,P) {
if (P === Infinity) {
return P
var total = Infinity
var binary = n.toString(2)
// reversed binary
var yranib = binary.split('').reverse()
// see documentation if confused, it's a bit mathsy
// to explain in comments
yranib.forEach(function(bit) {
if (bit == 1) {
total = addPoints(total, P)
P = addPoints(P, P)
return total
function createKeys(callback) {
var err
try {
var private = randomNum(1, curve.n)
var public = multiPoints(private, curve.g)
var x = public.x.toString(16)
var y = public.y.toString(16)
public = x+y
private = private.toString(16)
} catch (e) {
err = e
} finally {
callback(public, private, err)
function signMsg(msg,private,callback) {
var err
var w = bigInt(private,16)
console.log('Signing: '+msg)
var z = sha256(msg)
var r,s
r = s =
while (r.isZero() && s.isZero()) {
var k = randomNum(1, curve.n)
try {
var P = multiPoints(k,curve.g)
} catch(e) {
err = e
r = P.x.mod(curve.n)
s = bigInt(bigInt(w.times(r).plus(z)).times(k.modInv(curve.n))).mod(curve.n)
var signature = r.toString(16)+s.toString(16)
function verifyMsg(msg,signature,public,callback) {
// we need to convert signature and public to the right format
// q is public key
var mid = public.length/2
var q = {
'x': bigInt(public.slice(0,mid),16),
'y': bigInt(public.slice(mid),16)
// r and s is the signature
var r = bigInt(signature.slice(0,mid),16)
var s = bigInt(signature.slice(mid),16)
var result = false
var z = sha256(msg)
u1 = bigInt(z.times(s.modInv(curve.n))).mod(curve.n)
u2 = bigInt(r.times(s.modInv(curve.n))).mod(curve.n)
try {
P = addPoints(multiPoints(u1,curve.g),multiPoints(u2,q))
} catch(e) {
result = bigInt(r.mod(curve.n)).equals(P.x.mod(curve.n))
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