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Last active January 12, 2019 18:48
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My Photoshop to CSS conversion notes

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License.


Navigation menu item {
  font-family:   'ClarendonLTStd';
  font-variant:  'Regular';
  font-size:     16.41pt;
  font-leading:  39.59pt;
  font-kerning:  Metrics;
  font-tracking: -25;
  color:         #fff;
  font-style:    normal;
  font-weight:   normal;
  font-aa:       Strong;


A leading of Auto is equivalent to 1.2 or 120%.

Tracking / Letter spacing

Photoshop's letter-spacing property values are 1/1000em. Therefore, a letter-spacing of -25 in Photoshop corresponds with a letter-spacing of -0.025em.


Photoshop's anti-aliasing property values are:

The CSS3 property font-smooth just turns anti-aliasing on or off. It's recommended to turn on for the whole document; but it won't translate nicely.

Webkit has a -webkit-font-smoothing property which does a bit better. It's values are:

  • none

    • turns off anti-aliasing
  • subpixel-antialiased

    • looks bolder, like Photoshop's "sharp" and "strong" (respectively)
  • antialiased

    • looks lighter, like Photoshop's "crisp" and "smooth"

    See for an example of all values.

Therefore, I'm recommending:

Photoshop settingCSS setting


Use to generate code for maximum compatibility.

Box Shadows

Use to generate code for maximum comaptibility.

Text Shadows

Use to generate code for maximum compatibility.

Border radius

Use to generate code for maximum compatibility.

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