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Last active October 7, 2021 16:08
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Conway's game of life in R, visualised in the terminal
## Create the universe. Well, sort of.
dims <- c(49, 49)
universe <- CJ(x = seq(dims[1]), y = seq(dims[2]), k = 1, cell = FALSE)
universe[, cell := sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), prod(dims), TRUE)]
## Neighbourhood to consider for each cell
neighbours <- CJ(xd = -1:1, yd = -1:1, k = 1)[xd != 0 | yd != 0]
## Function to advance the Game of Life one tick
gol_tick <- function(xy, sz, nb) {
nb[xy, on = .(k), allow.cartesian = TRUE
][, nbx := x + xd][, nby := y + yd
][nbx >= 1 & nbx <= sz[1] & nby >= 1 & nby <= sz[2]
][xy, on = .(nbx = x, nby = y)
][, .(nnb = sum(i.cell)), by = .(x, y, cell, k)
][!cell & nnb == 3, cell := TRUE
][cell & (nnb < 2 | nnb > 3), cell := FALSE
][, nnb := NULL]
## Run & visualise the game
repeat ({
kp <- keypress(FALSE)
universe[order(y, x)
][, cat(fifelse(.SD$cell, "\033[32;40m◼", "\033[90;40m◌"),
by = y]
cat("\033[2K\033[33;40m", sum(universe$cell), "\n")
if (kp == "q") break
if (kp == "x") {
new_cells <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), prod(dims), TRUE, c(9, 1))
universe[, cell := cell | new_cells]
cat(paste0("\033[", dims[2] + 1, "A"))
universe <- gol_tick(universe, dims, neighbours)
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