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M. Kocher mpkocher

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mpkocher /
Last active November 23, 2024 04:56
Notes and Comments on Modeling Secrets in Pydantic
mpkocher /
Created November 23, 2024 04:34
Modeling Secrets in Pydantic
Pydantic Secrets
- Why does the "Box'ed" secret container understand (or leak) information of the secret?
- Internally, the "Box" shouldn't use `.get_secret_value()`. Otherwise, it's leaking info.
- Mixing up the Box and `.get_secret_value()` undermines the point of using `.get_secret_value()`
- Why is the hash value leaking? Comparing two secrets should require and explicit `s1.get_secret_value() == s2.get_secret_value()` call.
- Why does the repr/str communicate "non-empty" values? This is encouraging and enabling an anti-pattern.
mpkocher /
Created October 26, 2024 06:14
Pydantic Serialization of Complex Keys in Dicts/Maps
Example of using complex keys in Dict using Pydantic for Serialization
There's a two different approaches
1. Fundamentally hook into the core serialization and map the structure into a list[{Key, Value}] (or similar) to get the Obj -> Json -> Obj working
2. Create an intermediate Object in Pydantic and add `to_X` method and `from_X` classmethod to get the Obj -> Obj2 -> Json -> Obj2 -> Obj
Method 2 is shown below
mpkocher /
Last active January 26, 2025 21:39
Pydantic Settings. Example of configure a yaml/json file at runtime.
Different workarounds for setting a configuration file path at runtime.
There's an explicit step of validating the file path to make the errors more obvious.
Otherwise, a cryptic pydantic error will be raised.
import argparse
mpkocher / Makefile
Last active August 6, 2024 01:18 Scraper
.PHONY: compile run extract
default: compile ;
scala-cli compile gibson.scala
scala-cli fmt .
./gibson scraper -o .
mpkocher / Declined.scala
Last active July 2, 2022 23:46
ZIO 1.x + Decline Example for creating CLI tools and running them with scala-cli.
//> using platform "jvm"
//> using scala "2.13.8"
//> using lib "dev.zio::zio:1.0.14"
//> using lib "com.monovore::decline:2.2.0"
//> using mainClass "DeclinedApp"
// Runnable using `scala-cli run Declined.scala -- --user Ralph --alpha 3.14`
import zio.{ExitCode, ZEnv, ZIO, Task, RIO, IO, UIO, URIO}
import zio.console._
mpkocher /
Last active March 18, 2021 07:04
import sys
import json
import logging
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
mpkocher /
Created October 29, 2020 22:54
Sharing Subparser Options in pydantic-cli
Example of Using a Subparser
Demonstration of using two Pydantic data models to
build a subparser and sharing options.
The major friction point and limitation is the order in which the options appear in --help.
For example,
mpkocher /
Last active September 21, 2021 12:13 — forked from pybites/
import $ivy.`com.zaxxer:nuprocess:2.0.0`, com.zaxxer.nuprocess._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
class ProcessHandler extends NuAbstractProcessHandler {
private var nuProcess: NuProcess = null
override def onStart(nuProcess: NuProcess): Unit = {