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;;; hide-region.el --- hide regions of text using overlays
;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 Mathias Dahl
;; Version: 1.0.1
;; Keywords: hide, region
;; Author: Mathias Dahl <[email protected]>
;; Maintainer: Mathias Dahl
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
;; License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; The function `hide-region-hide' hides the region. You can hide many
;; different regions and they will be "marked" by two configurable
;; strings (so that you know where the hidden text is).
;; The hidden regions is pushed on a kind of hide-region \"ring".
;; The function `hide-region-unhide' "unhides" one region, starting
;; with the last one you hid.
;; The best is to try it out. Test on the following:
;; Test region 1
;; Test region 2
;; Test region 3
;; If you are annoyed by the text getting "stuck" inside the hidden
;; regions, call the function `hide-region-setup-keybindings' to setup
;; local keybindings to a couple of functions trying to be smart and
;; guessing if the point is inside a hidden region and if so, move out
;; of it in the correct direction.
;;; Version history
;; Version 1.0.1
;; * Seems that the getting-stuck problem have disappeared since Emacs
;; 21.3 was released, so no need anymore for the extra movement
;; commands.
;; * Added the intangible property to the overlays because that seemed
;; to remove a minor getting-stuck problem (the overlay "ate" one
;; keystroke) when navigating around an overlay. Adding the intangible
;; property makes it impossible to navigate into the overlay.
;; * Added custom option to propertize the overlay markers for greater
;; visibility.
;; * Minor code cleanup
;;; Bugs
;; Probably many, but none that I know of. Comments and suggestions
;; are welcome!
;; Modify by yupeng
;; set variable `hide-region-overlays' as buffer local
;; Add to function:
;; `hide-region-unhide-below'
;; unhide a region just below the point
;; `hide-region-unhide-all'
;; unhide all the region in the current buffer
;; `hide-region-toggle'
;; toggle all the gide region in the current buffer
;;; Code:
(defgroup hide-region nil
"Functions to hide region using an overlay with the invisible
property. The text is not affected."
:prefix "hide-region-"
:group 'convenience)
(defcustom hide-region-before-string "@["
"String to mark the beginning of an invisible region. This string is
not really placed in the text, it is just shown in the overlay"
:type '(string)
:group 'hide-region)
(defcustom hide-region-after-string "]@"
"String to mark the beginning of an invisible region. This string is
not really placed in the text, it is just shown in the overlay"
:type '(string)
:group 'hide-region)
(defcustom hide-region-propertize-markers t
"If non-nil, add text properties to the region markers."
:type 'boolean
:group 'hide-region)
(defvar hide-region-overlays nil
"Variable to store the regions we put an overlay on.")
(defun hide-region-hide ()
"Hides a region by making an invisible overlay over it and save the
overlay on the hide-region-overlays \"ring\""
(make-variable-buffer-local 'hide-region-overlays)
(let ((new-overlay (make-overlay (mark) (point))))
(setq hide-region-overlays
(list new-overlay) hide-region-overlays))
(overlay-put new-overlay 'invisible t)
(overlay-put new-overlay 'intangible t)
(overlay-put new-overlay 'before-string
(if hide-region-propertize-markers
(propertize hide-region-before-string
'font-lock-face 'region)
(overlay-put new-overlay 'after-string
(if hide-region-propertize-markers
(propertize hide-region-after-string
'font-lock-face 'region)
(defun hide-region-unhide ()
"Unhide a region at a time, starting with the last one hidden and
deleting the overlay from the hide-region-overlays \"ring\"."
(make-variable-buffer-local 'hide-region-overlays)
(if (car hide-region-overlays)
(delete-overlay (car hide-region-overlays))
(setq hide-region-overlays (cdr hide-region-overlays)))))
(defun hide-region-unhide-below (point)
"unhide a region just below the point"
(interactive "d")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'hide-region-overlays)
(let ((number (length hide-region-overlays))
(tmp-overlay nil)
(tmp-start nil)
(tmp-len nil)
(tmp-number nil))
(setq number (- number 1))
(while (>= number 0)
(setq tmp-start (overlay-start (nth number hide-region-overlays)))
(if (and (> tmp-start point) (or (eq tmp-len nil) (< tmp-start tmp-len)))
(setq tmp-len tmp-start)
(setq tmp-number number)))
(setq number (- number 1)))
(if tmp-number
(setq tmp-overlay (nth tmp-number hide-region-overlays))
(delete-overlay tmp-overlay)
(if (equal tmp-number 0)
(setq hide-region-overlays (cdr hide-region-overlays))
(delq tmp-overlay hide-region-overlays)))
(if (car hide-region-overlays)
(delete-overlay (car hide-region-overlays))
(setq hide-region-overlays (cdr hide-region-overlays)))))
(defun hide-region-unhide-all ()
"unhide all the region in the current buffer"
(make-variable-buffer-local 'hide-region-overlays)
(while hide-region-overlays
(if (car hide-region-overlays)
(delete-overlay (car hide-region-overlays))
(setq hide-region-overlays (cdr hide-region-overlays))))))
(defvar hide-region-show-flag nil
"flag used to indicate whether the region is shown when toggle")
(defun hide-region-toggle ()
"toggle all the hide region in the current buffer"
(make-variable-buffer-local 'hide-region-overlays)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'hide-region-show-flag)
(let ((number (length hide-region-overlays)))
(setq number (- number 1))
(while (>= number 0)
(overlay-put (nth number hide-region-overlays) 'invisible hide-region-show-flag)
(setq number (- number 1)))
(if hide-region-show-flag
(setq hide-region-show-flag nil)
(setq hide-region-show-flag t))))
(provide 'hide-region)
;;; hide-region.el ends here
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