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Created February 10, 2017 09:01
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parse and filter redis clients
querystring = require('querystring')
crypto = require('crypto')
parseRedisClients = ( raw, filter={} )->
clients = []
for line in raw.split( "\n" ) when line.length > 1
cl = querystring.parse( line, " ", "=" )
if Object.keys( filter ).length
_match = true
for _k, _v of filter when cl[ _k ] isnt _v
_match = false
clients.push cl if _match
clients.push cl
return clients
getSelfRedisClient = ( redis, cb )->
rCliName = "client-" + crypto.randomBytes( 5 ).toString( "hex" )
redis.client "SETNAME", rCliName, ( err, info )->
if err
cb( err )
redis.client "list", ( err, clients )->
if err
cb( err )
[ selfCli ] = parseRedisClients( clients, { name: rCliName } )
if not selfCli?
cb( new Error( "client-not-found" ) )
cb( null, selfCli )
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