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Created June 27, 2013 13:21
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source ''
# Make sure you have bundler installed
# gem install bundler
gem 'shenzhen'
PROJECT_SCHEME = '' # Your Project scheme for building ex MyApp
PROJECT_NAME = '' # Your Project file name ex. MyApp.xcodeproj
API_TOKEN = '' # Your TestFlight API Token
TEAM_TOKEN = '' # Your TestFlight Team Token
INTERNAL_LIST = '' # TestFlight list of people you want to notify internally
RELEASE_LIST = '' # TestFlight list of people you want to notify for release
desc 'Build Handset IPA'
task :buildipa do
sh "rm -rf *.ipa"
sh "rm -rf *"
sh "ipa build --scheme #{PROJECT_SCHEME} --project #{PROJECT_NAME} --configuration Release --clean /tmp"
desc 'Deploy Internal Build to Testflight'
task :internal => ['buildipa'] do
sh "ipa distribute:testflight --api_token #{API_TOKEN} --team_token #{TEAM_TOKEN} --lists #{INTERNAL_LIST} --notify --notes 'Internal Release' "
desc 'Deploy Release Build to Testflight'
task :release => ['buildipa'] do
sh "ipa distribute:testflight --api_token #{API_TOKEN} --team_token #{TEAM_TOKEN} --lists #{RELEASE_LIST} --notify "
def revBuild(plistFile)
puts "Attempting to update #{plistFile} build version..."
oldVersion = `/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" #{plistFile}`
puts "The old version: #{oldVersion}"
versionParts = oldVersion.split(".")
previousDate = versionParts[2]
newDate ="%Y%m%d")
versionParts[2] = newDate
versionParts[3] = previousDate == versionParts[2] ? (versionParts[3].to_i+1).to_s : "1"
versionParts.each do |part|
newVersion = versionParts.join(".")
`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion #{newVersion}" #{plistFile}`
puts "The new version: #{newVersion}"
desc "Rev the build numbers in a project's plist"
task :rev do
revBuild './path/to/my.plist'
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