--- |
title: "{{title | safe}}" |
aliases: |
{#- Backwards compatible with older version, which had @title in the published url -#} |
{% set tempAlias = ["%40", citekey] | join | safe -%} |
- "{{ tempAlias }}" |
{% if shortTitle %}- {{shortTitle | safe}} |
{% endif -%} |
Year: {{date | format("YYYY")}} |
tags: type/source |
Authors: {{authors}}{{directors}} |
permalink: "{{citekey | safe }}" |
--- |
{#- These can be changed -#} |
{#- This is the order in which the annotations are ordered -#} |
{%- |
set categoryHeading = { |
"orange": "Main ideas and conclusions", |
"yellow": "Ordinary notes", |
"blue": "Quote / quotable", |
"green": "Important To Me", |
"red": "Disagree With Author", |
"purple": "Interesting side-point", |
"magenta": "Methodology", |
"grey": "Definitions and concepts" |
} |
-%} |
{%- |
set categoryIcon = { |
"orange": "💡", |
"yellow": "📚", |
"blue": "💬", |
"green": "💚", |
"red": "⛔", |
"purple": "💭", |
"magenta": "⚙️", |
"grey": "🧩" |
} |
-%} |
{#- ---------- Don't make any changes under here --------- #} |
{%- macro minEditDate() -%} |
{%- set tempDate = "" -%} |
{%- for a in annotations -%} |
{%- set testDate = a.date | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%} |
{%- if testDate < tempDate or tempDate == ""-%} |
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%} |
{%- endif -%} |
{%- endfor -%} |
{%- for a in notes -%} |
{%- set testDate = a.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%} |
{%- if testDate < tempDate or tempDate == ""-%} |
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%} |
{%- endif -%} |
{%- endfor -%} |
{{tempDate }} |
{%- endmacro -%} |
{# infer latest note date #} |
{%- macro maxEditDate() -%} |
{%- set tempDate = "" -%} |
{%- for n in annotations -%} |
{%- set testDate = n.date | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%} |
{%- if testDate > tempDate or tempDate == ""-%} |
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%} |
{%- endif -%} |
{%- endfor -%} |
{%- for n in notes -%} |
{%- set testDate = n.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%} |
{%- if testDate > tempDate or tempDate == ""-%} |
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%} |
{%- endif -%} |
{%- endfor -%} |
{{tempDate}} |
{%- endmacro -%} |
{#- handle | characters in zotero strings used in MD -#} |
{% macro formatCell(cellText) -%} |
{{ cellText | replace("|","❕")}} |
{%- endmacro %} |
{#- TAGS: handle space characters in zotero tags -#} |
{%- set space = joiner(' ') -%} |
{%- macro printTags(rawTags) -%} |
{%- if rawTags.length > 0 -%} |
{%- for tag in rawTags -%} |
#{{ tag.tag | lower | replace(" ","_") }} {{ space() }} |
{%- endfor -%} |
{%- endif -%} |
{%- endmacro %} |
{%- |
set zoteroColors = { |
"#ff6666": "red", |
"#f19837": "orange", |
"#5fb236": "green", |
"#ffd400": "yellow", |
"#2ea8e5": "blue", |
"#a28ae5": "purple", |
"#e56eee": "magenta", |
"#aaaaaa": "grey" |
} |
%} |
# {{title}} |
> [!info] Info - [**Zotero**]({{desktopURI}}) {% if DOI %}| [**DOI**](https://doi.org/{{DOI}}){% endif %} | Local {% for attachment in attachments | filterby("path", "endswith", ".pdf") %}[**PDF**](file:///{{attachment.path | replace(" ", "%20")}}){%- endfor %} |
{% if ShortTitle %}> Short title: {{shortTitle | safe}}{% endif -%} |
> Authors: {% for c in creators %}[[{{c.firstName}} {{c.lastName}}]] {% endfor %} |
{% if publicationTitle %}> Publication: {{publicationTitle | safe}}{% endif -%} |
> Type: {{itemType}} |
> Year: {{date | format("YYYY")}} |
> Zotero links: [Item]({{select}}) {% if pdfZoteroLink %}PDF: {{pdfZoteroLink}}{% endif %} |
> Web links: {% if itemType == "webpage" %}[{{title}}]({{url}}){%else%}[Item]({{uri}}){%endif%} {% if pdfLink %}PDF: {{pdfLink}}{% endif %} |
> {{printTags(note.tags)}} |
> |
> **History** |
> Date item added to Zotero: [[{{dateAdded | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]] |
{%- if annotations %} |
> First date annotations or notes modified: [[{{minEditDate() | truncate(10,true,"")}}]] |
> Last date annotations or notes modified: [[{{maxEditDate()| truncate(10,true,"")}}]] |
{%- endif %} |
> Export date: [[{{exportDate | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]] |
{%- if relations.length > 0 %} |
{{ "" }} |
> [!abstract] Related Zotero items ({{ relations.length}}): |
> |
> | title | proxy note | desktopURI | |
> | --- | --- | --- | |
{%- for r in relations %} |
> | {{formatCell(r.title)}} | [[@{{r.citekey}}]] | [Zotero Link]({{r.desktopURI}}) | {% if rel.DOI %}> DOI: {{rel.DOI}}{% endif %} | |
{%- endfor -%} |
{{ "" }} |
{%- endif %} |
{% if notes.length > 0 %} |
> [!note] Notes ({{notes.length}}) |
{{ "" }} |
{%- for note in notes -%} |
{#- Clean up note, change heading level, just in case -#} |
> {{ note.note | replace ("# ","### ") | replace(r/\n/g, '\n> ')}} |
> {{printTags(note.tags)}} |
> <small>📝️ (modified: {{ note.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD") }}) [link](zotero://select/library/items/{{note.key}}) - [web]({{note.uri}})</small> |
> {{ "" }} |
> --- |
{% endfor %} |
{% endif -%} |
> [!abstract]- |
> {% if abstractNote %} |
> {{abstractNote|replace("\n"," ")}} |
> {% endif %} |
--- |
## Persistant notes |
{% persist "notes" %} |
{% endpersist %} |
--- |
## Annotations |
{% for color, colorCategorie in zoteroColors %} |
{%- for entry in annotations | filterby ("color", "startswith", color) -%} |
{%- if entry.id %} |
{% if entry and loop.first %}## {{categoryIcon[zoteroColors[entry.color]]}} {{categoryHeading[zoteroColors[color]]}}{% endif %} |
{% set annoID = ["id-", entry.id] | join | lower %} |
{%- persist annoID %} |
{%- if entry.date > lastExportDate %} |
{%- if entry.annotatedText %}{{categoryIcon[zoteroColors[entry.color]]}} {{ entry.annotatedText }}{% endif %} |
{%- if entry.imageBaseName %}![[@{{citekey}}/{{entry.imageBaseName}}|300]] |
{% endif %} |
{{printTags(entry.tags)}}<small>([{{title | truncate(50)}} p.{{entry.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{entry.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{entry.page}}&annotation={{entry.id}})) edited:[[{{ entry.date | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]]</small> |
{%- endif %} |
{% endpersist %} {# do not add "-", entry-id needs newline #} |
^{{ entry.id | lower }} |
{%- if entry.comment %} |
>[!note] |
>{{entry.comment}} |
{% endif -%} |
{% endif -%} {# /if entry.id -#} |
{% endfor -%} |
{% endfor -%} |