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Forked from QWxleA/
Created January 5, 2025 20:09
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Obsidian zotero template for use with "obsidian-zotero-integration" plugin

QWxlea's over-engineered zotero template


What are these %% begin id-pn2xitti%% and %% end id-pn2xitti %% and ^pn2xitti? These are the persistance-markers of the indivual highlights, and the reference-id to that highlight.

The markers are meant for the importer. It will skip all text within those markers, so they stay when updating a zotero-import. Removing a marked block does not work well, it will not be reimported. Don't know how to fix that. If you want to reimport a highlight-block, best is to change the highlight in zotero (for example change the color). This will update the id, and on the next import the new highlight will be imported.

The reference-id is used like this: [[@name-of-the-note#^pn2xitti]]

title: "{{title | safe}}"
{#- Backwards compatible with older version, which had @title in the published url -#}
{% set tempAlias = ["%40", citekey] | join | safe -%}
- "{{ tempAlias }}"
{% if shortTitle %}- {{shortTitle | safe}}
{% endif -%}
Year: {{date | format("YYYY")}}
tags: type/source
Authors: {{authors}}{{directors}}
permalink: "{{citekey | safe }}"
{#- These can be changed -#}
{#- This is the order in which the annotations are ordered -#}
set categoryHeading = {
"orange": "Main ideas and conclusions",
"yellow": "Ordinary notes",
"blue": "Quote / quotable",
"green": "Important To Me",
"red": "Disagree With Author",
"purple": "Interesting side-point",
"magenta": "Methodology",
"grey": "Definitions and concepts"
set categoryIcon = {
"orange": "💡",
"yellow": "📚",
"blue": "💬",
"green": "💚",
"red": "⛔",
"purple": "💭",
"magenta": "⚙️",
"grey": "🧩"
{#- ---------- Don't make any changes under here --------- #}
{%- macro minEditDate() -%}
{%- set tempDate = "" -%}
{%- for a in annotations -%}
{%- set testDate = | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
{%- if testDate < tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for a in notes -%}
{%- set testDate = a.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
{%- if testDate < tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{tempDate }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# infer latest note date #}
{%- macro maxEditDate() -%}
{%- set tempDate = "" -%}
{%- for n in annotations -%}
{%- set testDate = | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
{%- if testDate > tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for n in notes -%}
{%- set testDate = n.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
{%- if testDate > tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{#- handle | characters in zotero strings used in MD -#}
{% macro formatCell(cellText) -%}
{{ cellText | replace("|","❕")}}
{%- endmacro %}
{#- TAGS: handle space characters in zotero tags -#}
{%- set space = joiner(' ') -%}
{%- macro printTags(rawTags) -%}
{%- if rawTags.length > 0 -%}
{%- for tag in rawTags -%}
#{{ tag.tag | lower | replace(" ","_") }} {{ space() }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}
set zoteroColors = {
"#ff6666": "red",
"#f19837": "orange",
"#5fb236": "green",
"#ffd400": "yellow",
"#2ea8e5": "blue",
"#a28ae5": "purple",
"#e56eee": "magenta",
"#aaaaaa": "grey"
# {{title}}
> [!info] Info - [**Zotero**]({{desktopURI}}) {% if DOI %}| [**DOI**]({{DOI}}){% endif %} | Local {% for attachment in attachments | filterby("path", "endswith", ".pdf") %}[**PDF**](file:///{{attachment.path | replace(" ", "%20")}}){%- endfor %}
{% if ShortTitle %}> Short title: {{shortTitle | safe}}{% endif -%}
> Authors: {% for c in creators %}[[{{c.firstName}} {{c.lastName}}]] {% endfor %}
{% if publicationTitle %}> Publication: {{publicationTitle | safe}}{% endif -%}
> Type: {{itemType}}
> Year: {{date | format("YYYY")}}
> Zotero links: [Item]({{select}}) {% if pdfZoteroLink %}PDF: {{pdfZoteroLink}}{% endif %}
> Web links: {% if itemType == "webpage" %}[{{title}}]({{url}}){%else%}[Item]({{uri}}){%endif%} {% if pdfLink %}PDF: {{pdfLink}}{% endif %}
> {{printTags(note.tags)}}
> **History**
> Date item added to Zotero: [[{{dateAdded | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]]
{%- if annotations %}
> First date annotations or notes modified: [[{{minEditDate() | truncate(10,true,"")}}]]
> Last date annotations or notes modified: [[{{maxEditDate()| truncate(10,true,"")}}]]
{%- endif %}
> Export date: [[{{exportDate | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]]
{%- if relations.length > 0 %}
{{ "" }}
> [!abstract] Related Zotero items ({{ relations.length}}):
> | title | proxy note | desktopURI |
> | --- | --- | --- |
{%- for r in relations %}
> | {{formatCell(r.title)}} | [[@{{r.citekey}}]] | [Zotero Link]({{r.desktopURI}}) | {% if rel.DOI %}> DOI: {{rel.DOI}}{% endif %} |
{%- endfor -%}
{{ "" }}
{%- endif %}
{% if notes.length > 0 %}
> [!note] Notes ({{notes.length}})
{{ "" }}
{%- for note in notes -%}
{#- Clean up note, change heading level, just in case -#}
> {{ note.note | replace ("# ","### ") | replace(r/\n/g, '\n> ')}}
> {{printTags(note.tags)}}
> <small>📝️ (modified: {{ note.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD") }}) [link](zotero://select/library/items/{{note.key}}) - [web]({{note.uri}})</small>
> {{ "" }}
> ---
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
> [!abstract]-
> {% if abstractNote %}
> {{abstractNote|replace("\n"," ")}}
> {% endif %}
## Persistant notes
{% persist "notes" %}
{% endpersist %}
## Annotations
{% for color, colorCategorie in zoteroColors %}
{%- for entry in annotations | filterby ("color", "startswith", color) -%}
{%- if %}
{% if entry and loop.first %}## {{categoryIcon[zoteroColors[entry.color]]}} {{categoryHeading[zoteroColors[color]]}}{% endif %}
{% set annoID = ["id-",] | join | lower %}
{%- persist annoID %}
{%- if > lastExportDate %}
{%- if entry.annotatedText %}{{categoryIcon[zoteroColors[entry.color]]}} {{ entry.annotatedText }}{% endif %}
{%- if entry.imageBaseName %}![[@{{citekey}}/{{entry.imageBaseName}}|300]]
{% endif %}
{{printTags(entry.tags)}}<small>([{{title | truncate(50)}} p.{{entry.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{entry.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{}}&annotation={{}})) edited:[[{{ | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]]</small>
{%- endif %}
{% endpersist %} {# do not add "-", entry-id needs newline #}
^{{ | lower }}
{%- if entry.comment %}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%} {# /if -#}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
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