Full source for JSON Transformer: https://gist.github.com/mrange/7c39333de480a8de5c812a1f6ba70173
Full source for XML Transformer: https://gist.github.com/mrange/552cb0b474b517b706333cebb64f44aa
A popular approach in Functional Languages to create parsers is to use parser combinators.
Parser combinators provide a way to compose parser of ever increasing complexity from simple parsers. Parser combinators (like FParsec) also tend to provide good error reporting.
A problem similar to parsing is transforming a JSON Document without a strict schema into a F# Record. Because of the dynamic nature of JSON we like to good error reporting on transformation failure.
Because of the similarities between text parsing and JSON document transformation is it feasible to define a JSON Transformer monad?
The example code hasn't considered performance. This is an investigation to see if JSON transforms can be expressed using monadic combinators
Let's start with the type of JSON transformer. A first approach would be something like this:
type JsonTransform<'T> = Json -> 'T
However, a JSON transform might fail:
type JsonTransform<'T> = Json -> 'T option
In addition we like to support error messages so perhaps this is better?
type JsonTransform<'T> = Json -> Choice2<'T, string list>
From working on Formlet monads I have come to the realization that in order to
report all errors detected and not just the first error a JsonTransform
always return a value (sometimes with errors attached to it). This is because
how monadic bind
works. In addition we like to have a path to the point of
error inside the JSON document so a simple string list
wont do.
type JsonTransform<'T> =
Transform : JsonPath -> Json -> 'T*JsonTransformErrorTree
Default : unit -> 'T
is there to provide a default value on errors. Transform
takes a
and a Json
document and produces 'T*JsonTransformErrorTree
is the value and JsonTransformErrorTree
is the tree of errors discovered
during transformation. If everything went well the error tree will be Empty
We are building monadic JSON transformer compinators. Therefore we need to define
and bind
. Defining monadic return is straight-forward:
let jreturn v : JsonTransform<'T> =
Transform = fun p j -> success v
Default = fun () -> v
Defining monadic bind isn't too bad neither:
let jbind (t : JsonTransform<'T>) (uf : 'T -> JsonTransform<'U>) : JsonTransform<'U> =
Transform =
let tr = adapt t.Transform
fun p j ->
let tv, te = tr.Invoke (p, j)
let u = uf tv
let ur = adapt u.Transform
let uv, ue = ur.Invoke (p, j)
uv, (join te ue)
Default =
fun () ->
let tv = t.Default ()
let u = uf tv
u.Default ()
let inline (>>=) t uf = jbind t uf
Because the result from running t.Transform
is a 'T
not an 'T option
we can always create u
from uf tv
. This is important in order to collect
error messages for the full transformation process.
Then we can define simple transformers that allows us to coerce the current JSON element into a value:
let jcoerce dv (c : Json -> 'T option) : JsonTransform<'T> =
Transform =
fun p j ->
match c j with
| Some v -> success <| v
| None -> failure dv p <| CanNotCoerceTo typeof<'T>
Default = fun () -> dv
let jstring : JsonTransform<string> =
jcoerce "" <| function
| Null -> Some <| "null"
| Bool b -> Some <| if b then "true" else "false"
| Number n -> Some <| string n
| String s -> Some <| s
| Array _
| Object _ -> None
coerces the current JSON element so we need some way to navigate
the JSON document.
type NavigateResult<'T> =
| NavigateTo of JsonPath*Json
| NavigateValue of 'T
| NavigateError of JsonTransformError
let jnavigate (navigator: JsonPath -> Json -> NavigateResult<'T>) (t : JsonTransform<'T>) : JsonTransform<'T> =
{ t with
Transform =
let tr = adapt t.Transform
let na = adapt navigator
fun p j ->
match na.Invoke (p, j) with
| NavigateTo (np, nj) -> tr.Invoke (np, nj)
| NavigateValue v -> success v
| NavigateError e ->
failure (t.Default ()) p e
let jfield (name : string) (t : JsonTransform<'T>) : JsonTransform<'T> =
let rescope p j =
match j with
| Null
| Bool _
| Number _
| String _
| Array _ ->
NavigateError <| NonObject
| Object vs->
match vs |> Array.tryFind (fst >> (=) name) with
| Some (_, v) ->
NavigateTo (Field name::p, v)
| _ ->
NavigateError <| FieldNotFound name
jnavigate rescope t
allows us to navigate the field named name
and apply the transformer
in that scope. jfield "Hello" jstring
means navigate to field Hello
try to coerce it into a string
. Any problems will be reported back as transformation
We also define jindex
and jofield
to support navigating arrays as well as
supporting optional fields.
To further improve usability we define some operators:
let inline jthis t = t
let inline (?) t n = jfield n >> t
let inline (@) t n = jindex n >> t
is the dynamic lookup operator in F#
which allows us create transformers
like this:
jthis?Hello?There jstring // navigates into field Hello->There and coerces it to string
By defining an F# computation expression we can use F# monad transformers to build our transforms:
type JsonTransformBuilder() =
member x.Bind (t, uf) = jbind t uf
member x.Return v = jreturn v
member x.ReturnFrom t = t
let jtransform = JsonTransformBuilder ()
// ...
type Person =
Id : string
FirstName : string
LastName : string
static member New id fn ln : Person = { Id = id; FirstName = fn; LastName = ln }
let inline jstr n = jstring |> jfield n
let jperson =
jtransform {
let! id = jstr "id"
let! fn = jstr "firstName"
let! ln = jstr "lastName"
return Person.New id fn ln
However, recently I have been enjoying super lifting with Applicatives
let inline jpure v = jreturn v
let japply (f : JsonTransform<'T -> 'U>) (t : JsonTransform<'T>) : JsonTransform<'U> =
f >>= fun ff -> t >>! ff
let inline (<*>) f t = japply f t
// ...
let jperson =
jpure Person.New
<*> jstr "id"
<*> jstr "firstName"
<*> jstr "lastName"
This allows us to define a JSON tranformer:
let inline jstr n = jstring |> jfield n
let inline jqty n = jfloat |> jcheck ((<) 0.) "Quantity must be positive" |> jofield n 1.
let jperson =
jpure Person.New
<*> jstr "id"
<*> jstr "firstName"
<*> jstr "lastName"
>>! Person
let jpersons = jmany jperson
let jcompany =
jpure Company.New
<*> jstr "id"
<*> jstr "name"
<*> jstr "companyNo"
<*> jstr "taxNo"
>>! Company
let jcompanies = jmany jcompany
let jcustomer = jperson <|> jcompany
let jcustomers = jmany jcustomer
let jorderRow =
jpure OrderRow.New
<*> jstr "product"
<*> jqty "quantity"
let jorderRows = jmany jorderRow
let jorder =
jpure Order.New
<*> jstr "id"
<*> jstr "customerId"
<*> jthis?rows jorderRows
let jorders = jmany jorder
let jfull =
jtransform {
let! customers = jthis?customers jcustomers
let! orders = jthis?orders jorders
return Full.New customers orders
Running the transformer on some test data:
"customers": [{
"id": "1",
"firstName": "Bill",
"lastName": "Gates"
}, {
"id": "2",
"firstName": "Melinda",
"lastName": "Gates"
}, {
"id": "3",
"name": "Microsoft",
"companyNo": "123",
"taxNo": "MVAXYZ"
"orders": [{
"id": "1",
"customerId": "1",
"rows": [{
"product": "Silver Tape",
"quantity": "1"
}, {
"product": "Milk",
"quantity": "2"
}, {
"id": "2",
"customerId": "2",
"rows": [{
"product": "Handbag",
"quantity": "-1"
Errors: [|([Field "quantity"; Index 0; Field "rows"; Index 1; Field "orders"],
General "Quantity must be positive")|]
{Customers =
[|Person {Id = "1";
FirstName = "Bill";
LastName = "Gates";}; Person {Id = "2";
FirstName = "Melinda";
LastName = "Gates";};
Company {Id = "3";
Name = "Microsoft";
CompanyNo = "123";
TaxNo = "MVAXYZ";}|];
Orders =
[|{Id = "1";
CustomerId = "1";
Rows = [|{Product = "Silver Tape";
Quantity = 1.0;}; {Product = "Milk";
Quantity = 2.0;}|];};
{Id = "2";
CustomerId = "2";
Rows = [|{Product = "Handbag";
Quantity = -1.0;}|];}|];}
The transformer builds up a Record but during the transformation process it discovered an error:
Errors: [|([Field "quantity"; Index 0; Field "rows"; Index 1; Field "orders"],
General "Quantity must be positive")|]
The path is in reverse order and using that we can navigate to the problematic JSON:
"rows": [{
"product": "Handbag",
"quantity": "-1"
JSON transformers are useful when processing JSON documents w/o a strict schema. With monadic JSON transformer combinators we can define a transformer succinct, type-safe, composable and get good error reporting.
Full source at: https://gist.github.com/mrange/7c39333de480a8de5c812a1f6ba70173
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