Full source code can be found here
It popped up a discussion in FSSF Slack over 2D arrays and performance. I thought it could be good to share some performance numbers for different alternatives in .NET.
For this I am computing the matrix product:
let naiveMultiply () =
for row = 0 to (a1 - 1) do
for col = 0 to (b2 - 1) do
let mutable sum = 0.
for i = 0 to (a2 - 1) do
sum <- sum + a.[row, i]*b.[i, col]
r.[row, col] <- sum
sum r
I vary the size of the matrix input but make sure that 1,000,000,000 cells is processed in each measurement to make the numbers comparable.
I use two variants of matrix multiplication, a naive version and a better version. The better version has better cache locality when the matrix size grows.
I use 3 variants of matrix representation:
- float[,] - The obvious representation of a matrix is a 2D array
- float[][] - Another obvious representation of a matrix is a so called a jagged array or an array of array
- float[] - Slightly less obvious is to use a 1D array with enough space to hold all matrix values and then we compute the index into the array like this
row*row_width + column
Without further ado here are the results.
Note that the scale is logarithmic
From the results we see that float[,] performs the worst in general. This is because that the jitted code does a lot of work when dereferencing a 2D array, like for instance taking into account the base index for each axis (which is 0 in my case) . For 1D arrays the jitted code is a lot more efficient.
In most cases the naive version does better on smaller cases. This is because the code dereferences the result array less often.
For larger matrix size the performance of the naive version degrades a lot because that when i
change in each iteration b.[i, col]
will cause cache misses.
The better version the loops are changed so that the inner loop loops over col
meaning a.[row, i]
is constant and b.[i, col]
has better cache locality.
float[][] naive version is doing the worst for large matrix sizes but float[][] better version does best overall.
I hope you found this interesting.
The answer to this question is in the jitted code. Let's start by looking at the inner loop for the float[][].
for col = 0 to (b2 - 1) do
rr.[col] <- rr.[col] + av*br.[col]
The annotated jitted code looks like this:
; Load rr.Length
00007ffa`6e017202 418b4c2408 mov ecx,dword ptr [r12+8]
; Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e017207 3bc1 cmp eax,ecx
00007ffa`6e017209 7367 jae 00007ffa`6e017272
00007ffa`6e01720b 4863c8 movsxd rcx,eax
; Load rr.col
00007ffa`6e01720e f2410f1044cc10 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [r12+rcx*8+10h]
; Load br.Length
00007ffa`6e017215 8b4d08 mov ecx,dword ptr [rbp+8]
; Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e017218 3bc1 cmp eax,ecx
00007ffa`6e01721a 7356 jae 00007ffa`6e017272
00007ffa`6e01721c 4863c8 movsxd rcx,eax
; Load br.[col]
00007ffa`6e01721f f20f104ccd10 movsd xmm1,mmword ptr [rbp+rcx*8+10h]
; av*br.[col]
00007ffa`6e017225 f20f59ce mulsd xmm1,xmm6
; rr.[col] + av*br.[col]
00007ffa`6e017229 f20f58c1 addsd xmm0,xmm1
00007ffa`6e01722d 4863c8 movsxd rcx,eax
; Store rr.[col]
00007ffa`6e017230 f2410f1144cc10 movsd mmword ptr [r12+rcx*8+10h],xmm0
; col <- col + 1
00007ffa`6e017237 ffc0 inc eax
; Done or loop?
00007ffa`6e017239 3bc2 cmp eax,edx
00007ffa`6e01723b 75c5 jne 00007ffa`6e017202
Apart from unnecessary checking of out of bounds conditions it looks pretty good. It could be better if the jitter was able to figure out that this code could be parallalized using SSE2/AVX but it isn't bad.
Let's look at the inner loop for float[,]:
for col = 0 to (b2 - 1) do
r.[row, col] <- r.[row, col] + av*b.[i, col]
The annotated jitted code looks like this:
; Load r pointer
00007ffa`6e015178 488b4e18 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsi+18h]
00007ffa`6e01517c 448bc7 mov r8d,edi
; Subtract r.base1 from row
00007ffa`6e01517f 442b4118 sub r8d,dword ptr [rcx+18h]
; row Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e015183 443b4110 cmp r8d,dword ptr [rcx+10h]
00007ffa`6e015187 0f83d3000000 jae 00007ffa`6e015260
00007ffa`6e01518d 448bc8 mov r9d,eax
; Subtract r.base2 from col
00007ffa`6e015190 442b491c sub r9d,dword ptr [rcx+1Ch]
; col Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e015194 443b4914 cmp r9d,dword ptr [rcx+14h]
00007ffa`6e015198 0f83c2000000 jae 00007ffa`6e015260
; Load r.length2
00007ffa`6e01519e 448b5114 mov r10d,dword ptr [rcx+14h]
; Multiply r.length2 with (row - r.base1)
00007ffa`6e0151a2 4d0fafd0 imul r10,r8
00007ffa`6e0151a6 4d8bc1 mov r8,r9
; Add with (col - r.base2), this forms the r store offset
; Now we do the same thing again to compute the load offset (it's the sama)E
00007ffa`6e0151a9 4d03c2 add r8,r10
00007ffa`6e0151ac 448bcf mov r9d,edi
; Subtract r.base1 from row
00007ffa`6e0151af 442b4918 sub r9d,dword ptr [rcx+18h]
; row Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e0151b3 443b4910 cmp r9d,dword ptr [rcx+10h]
00007ffa`6e0151b7 0f83a3000000 jae 00007ffa`6e015260
00007ffa`6e0151bd 448bd0 mov r10d,eax
; Subtract r.base2 from col
00007ffa`6e0151c0 442b511c sub r10d,dword ptr [rcx+1Ch]
; col Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e0151c4 443b5114 cmp r10d,dword ptr [rcx+14h]
00007ffa`6e0151c8 0f8392000000 jae 00007ffa`6e015260
; Load r.length2
00007ffa`6e0151ce 448b5914 mov r11d,dword ptr [rcx+14h]
; Multiply r.length2 with (row - base1)
00007ffa`6e0151d2 4d0fafd9 imul r11,r9
00007ffa`6e0151d6 4d8bca mov r9,r10
; Add with (col - r.base2), this forms the r load offset
00007ffa`6e0151d9 4d03cb add r9,r11
; Load r.[row, col]
00007ffa`6e0151dc f2420f1044c920 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rcx+r9*8+20h]
; Load b pointer
00007ffa`6e0151e3 4c8b4e10 mov r9,qword ptr [rsi+10h]
00007ffa`6e0151e7 448bd5 mov r10d,ebp
; Subtract r.base1 from i
00007ffa`6e0151ea 452b5118 sub r10d,dword ptr [r9+18h]
; i Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e0151ee 453b5110 cmp r10d,dword ptr [r9+10h]
00007ffa`6e0151f2 736c jae 00007ffa`6e015260
00007ffa`6e0151f4 448bd8 mov r11d,eax
; Subtract r.base2 from col
00007ffa`6e0151f7 452b591c sub r11d,dword ptr [r9+1Ch]
; col Out of bounds?
00007ffa`6e0151fb 453b5914 cmp r11d,dword ptr [r9+14h]
00007ffa`6e0151ff 735f jae 00007ffa`6e015260
; Load b.length2
00007ffa`6e015201 458b7914 mov r15d,dword ptr [r9+14h]
; Multiply b.length2 with (i - b.base1)
00007ffa`6e015205 4d0faffa imul r15,r10
00007ffa`6e015209 4d8bd3 mov r10,r11
; Add with (col - b.base2), this forms the r load offset
00007ffa`6e01520c 4d03d7 add r10,r15
; Load b.[i, col]
00007ffa`6e01520f f2430f104cd120 movsd xmm1,mmword ptr [r9+r10*8+20h]
; av*b.[i, col]
00007ffa`6e015216 f20f59ce mulsd xmm1,xmm6
; r.[row, col] + av*b.[i, col]
00007ffa`6e01521a f20f58c1 addsd xmm0,xmm1
; Store r.[row, col]
00007ffa`6e01521e f2420f1144c120 movsd mmword ptr [rcx+r8*8+20h],xmm0
; col <- col + 1
00007ffa`6e015225 ffc0 inc eax
; Done or loop?
00007ffa`6e015227 3bc2 cmp eax,edx
00007ffa`6e015229 0f8549ffffff jne 00007ffa`6e015178
We see several inefficiencies
- Loading of pointers from stack
- Even though
is kept constant the jitted code is constantly checking for out of bounds - Even though
is kept constant the jitted code is computing the offset - Load and Store offset for
is identical but is computed separately anyway
Compared to the rather efficient code for float[][] it's actually a bit surprising float[,] doesn't fall behind more.
FYI, I tried out MKL (uses 1d arrays) with your tests just to get a rough idea of how much faster it is. On your tests above it goes from 40x to 70x faster than the fastest.