Thanks to manofstick peer reviewing the blog post.
Full source code at github
For F# Advent 2021 I wrote a blog post exploring how F#6 [<InlineIfLambda>]
can improve data pipeline performance.
I was thinking of other places where [<InlineIfLambda>]
can help and decided to try to build a parser combinator library with [<InlineIfLambda>]
FParsec is a parser combinator library that allows you to create complex parsers by combining simple parsers. FParsec is a great library and I was amazed by it the first time I tried it.
Graham Hutton and Erik Meijer have written an excellent introduction to parser combinators. When I read this article many years ago it was the first time that I felt that I began to understand what Functional Programming is all about.
We create a parser combinator library by defining what is a parser and then define various functions that combine parsers.
A Parser could be this:
type 'T Parser = string -> ('T*string) option
This function takes a string, produces a value and the unconsumed string. If the parser fails it returns None
It's possible to build a parser combinator library around this definition but it won't be efficient as we will constantly create substrings.
My first attempt was this:
type 'T Parser = string -> int -> ('T*int) option
The parser takes a string and the current position and returns a value and the position of the first unconsumed char if successful.
While experimenting with performance I found that the overhead from creating tuples and options was significant, switching to value tuples and options reduced performance but avoided GC pressure.
In the end I ended up with this:
type FParserContext(input : string) =
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable Pos : int
member x.Input = input
type 'T FParser = FParserContext -> 'T
The ParserContext
stores the string to be parsed and the current position. A parser takes a ParserContext
and returns a value if successful and updates the position in the context. Upon failure, the parser returns the default value of 'T
and has set the position to a negative value.
Not elegant but it was the most performant option I found. There might be better ones.
In addition; there are a number of parser combinators defined and I won't go through all of them but I will show how <|>
works which is the choice combinator.
// <|> runs the first parser and if successful returns its value
// , otherwise runs the second
// Tag as inline + InlineIfLambda to inline both the function and the nested parsers
let inline (<|>) ([<InlineIfLambda>] pf : _ FParser) ([<InlineIfLambda>] ps : _ FParser) : _ FParser =
fun c ->
// Save the current pos
let spos = c.Pos
// Runs the first parser
let fv = pf c
// Did we succeed?
if c.IsGood () then
// Yes
success fv
// Otherwise restore the position and run the second parser
c.Pos <- spos
ps c
The other combinators are implemented in similar style.
With the parser combinator library one can implement a simple math expression parser
// Expression tree for math expressions like: x*(2+123*y)
type Expr =
| Value of int
| Variable of string
| Binary of char*(int->int->int)*Expr*Expr
module FParserCalculator =
open FParser.Core
open FParser
let inline ptoken label v =
pskipChar label v
>>. pskipWhitespace ()
let inline pop exp ([<InlineIfLambda>] t) ([<InlineIfLambda>] m) =
pcharSat exp t |>> m .>> pskipWhitespace ()
// Normally should have been a module but that interacts poorly with
// for some reason Benchmark.NET
type ParserConfig () =
// Since the grammar is recursive use pfwd to do a forward declaration of
// pexpr
let struct (pexpr, sexpr) = pfwd<Expr> ()
// A term is either
let pterm : Expr FParser =
// An integer
(pint () |>> Value .>> pskipWhitespace ())
// A variable
<|> (pstringSat1 "variable" (fun ch p -> (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) |>> Variable .>> pskipWhitespace ())
// Or a sub expression wrapped in parantheses
<|> (ptoken "(" '(' >>. pexpr .>> ptoken ")" ')')
let op0 ch =
match ch with
| '*' -> fun l r -> Binary ('*', ( * ), l, r)
| '/' -> fun l r -> Binary ('/', ( / ), l, r)
| _ -> failwith "Expected * or /"
let op1 ch =
match ch with
| '+' -> fun l r -> Binary ('+', ( + ), l, r)
| '-' -> fun l r -> Binary ('-', ( - ), l, r)
| _ -> failwith "Expected + or -"
// pop0 parses expression separated by */
let pop0 : Expr FParser =
pterm >+> pchainLeft1 (pop "*/" (fun ch -> ch = '*' || ch ='/') (fun ch -> op0 ch))
// pop1 parses expression separated by +-
// by splitting it in this way we get different precendece for */ and +-
let pop1 : Expr FParser =
pop0 >+> pchainLeft1 (pop "+-" (fun ch -> ch = '+' || ch ='-') (fun ch -> op1 ch))
// pop1 is the complete the forward declared pexpr
// set pexpr to pop1
sexpr pop1
// The full grammar
let pfull = pskipWhitespace () >>. pop1 .>> peof ()
member x.Parse s = prun pfull s
I also implemented a math expression parser using FParsec
and painstakingly implemented a Baseline
math expression parser in imperative style.
I compared the performance of FParser
, FParsec
and Baseline
. As a late bonus I aslo implemented a calculator expression parser in C#
using a delegate based parser combinator library.
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19044.1415 (21H2)
Intel Core i5-3570K CPU 3.40GHz (Ivy Bridge), 1 CPU, 4 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET SDK=6.0.101
[Host] : .NET 6.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT DEBUG
PGO : .NET 6.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT
STD : .NET 6.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT
| Method | Job | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen 0 | Allocated |
|--------------------------- |---- |-----------:|---------:|---------:|-------:|----------:|
| Baseline_BasicExpression | STD | 197.9 ns | 1.63 ns | 1.44 ns | 0.0610 | 192 B |
| FParser_BasicExpression | STD | 245.2 ns | 1.40 ns | 1.31 ns | 0.0710 | 224 B |
| FParsec_BasicExpression | STD | 734.3 ns | 4.70 ns | 4.17 ns | 0.1631 | 512 B |
| CsParser_BasicExpression | STD | 514.5 ns | 3.54 ns | 3.31 ns | 0.0610 | 192 B |
| Baseline_ComplexExpression | STD | 579.4 ns | 2.69 ns | 2.38 ns | 0.2699 | 848 B |
| FParser_ComplexExpression | STD | 721.9 ns | 10.04 ns | 9.39 ns | 0.2804 | 880 B |
| FParsec_ComplexExpression | STD | 1,731.1 ns | 7.95 ns | 6.64 ns | 0.3986 | 1,256 B |
| CsParser_ComplexExpression | STD | 1,375.4 ns | 6.31 ns | 5.91 ns | 0.2689 | 848 B |
| Baseline_BasicExpression | PGO | 171.5 ns | 1.68 ns | 1.57 ns | 0.0610 | 192 B |
| FParser_BasicExpression | PGO | 222.5 ns | 2.39 ns | 2.23 ns | 0.0713 | 224 B |
| FParsec_BasicExpression | PGO | 617.4 ns | 5.82 ns | 5.45 ns | 0.1631 | 512 B |
| CsParser_BasicExpression | PGO | 425.6 ns | 6.12 ns | 5.72 ns | 0.0610 | 192 B |
| Baseline_ComplexExpression | PGO | 449.1 ns | 2.06 ns | 1.93 ns | 0.2699 | 848 B |
| FParser_ComplexExpression | PGO | 615.8 ns | 8.99 ns | 8.41 ns | 0.2804 | 880 B |
| FParsec_ComplexExpression | PGO | 1,564.1 ns | 14.88 ns | 13.92 ns | 0.3986 | 1,256 B |
| CsParser_ComplexExpression | PGO | 1,228.4 ns | 6.07 ns | 5.68 ns | 0.2689 | 848 B |
This does look very promising. As expected the Baseline
parser does the best but FParser
is not far behind. FParsec
has very respectable performance but FParser
manages to do a bit better. Now FParsec
supports great error messages which is currently not implemented in FParser
but there are ways to support error messages without too much overhead.
Another nice aspect of FParser
is that it adds less memory overhead than FParsec
, the overhead comes from creating FParserContext
falls between FParser
and FParsec
which is pretty good considering it's delegate based. CsParser
also don't collect error information so comparing to FParsec
is a bit unfair here as well.
uses a new feature in the runtime called Dynamic Profile-Guided Optimization which allows the jitter to improve code over time and does seem to give benefit to all parser variants over the standard approach.
There is much more to investigate and improve but once again [<InlineIfLambda>]
seems like its a powerful tool that allows us to write functional style programs with close to imperative performance.
@davidglassborow thanks!