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## clang -D__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__ -I/opt/rocm/include -L/opt/rocm/lib -lamdhip64
# {.passC: "-D__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__ -I/opt/rocm/include".}
{.passL: "-L/opt/rocm/lib -lamdhip64".}
template CHECK_RET_CODE*(call, ret_code: untyped): void =
if (call) != ret_code:
echo "Failed in call: %s\n", astToStr(call)
quit 1
HipError* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
## hipError_t
hipSuccess = 0 ## Successful completion.
hipErrorInvalidValue = 1 ## One or more of the parameters passed to the API call is NULL
## or not in an acceptable range.
# hipErrorOutOfMemory = 2 ## out of memory range.
## Deprecated
hipErrorMemoryAllocation = 2 ## Memory allocation error.
# hipErrorNotInitialized = 3 ## Invalid not initialized
## Deprecated
hipErrorInitializationError = 3
hipErrorDeinitialized = 4 ## Deinitialized
hipErrorProfilerDisabled = 5
hipErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6
hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7
hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8
hipErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9 ## Invalide configuration
hipErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12 ## Invalid pitch value
hipErrorInvalidSymbol = 13 ## Invalid symbol
hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17 ## Invalid Device Pointer
hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21 ## Invalid memory copy direction
hipErrorInsufficientDriver = 35
hipErrorMissingConfiguration = 52
hipErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53
hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98 ## Invalid device function
hipErrorNoDevice = 100 ## Call to hipGetDeviceCount returned 0 devices
hipErrorInvalidDevice = 101 ## DeviceID must be in range from 0 to compute-devices.
hipErrorInvalidImage = 200 ## Invalid image
hipErrorInvalidContext = 201 ## Produced when input context is invalid.
hipErrorContextAlreadyCurrent = 202
# hipErrorMapFailed = 205
## Deprecated
hipErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205 ## Produced when the IPC memory attach failed from ROCr.
hipErrorUnmapFailed = 206
hipErrorArrayIsMapped = 207
hipErrorAlreadyMapped = 208
hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu = 209
hipErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210
hipErrorNotMapped = 211
hipErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212
hipErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213
hipErrorECCNotCorrectable = 214
hipErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215 ## Unsupported limit
hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse = 216 ## The context is already in use
hipErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217
hipErrorInvalidKernelFile = 218 ## In CUDA DRV it is CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX
hipErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219
hipErrorInvalidSource = 300 ## Invalid source.
hipErrorFileNotFound = 301 ## the file is not found.
hipErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302
hipErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303 ## Failed to initialize shared object.
hipErrorOperatingSystem = 304 ## Not the correct operating system
# hipErrorInvalidHandle = 400 ## Invalide handle
## Deprecated
hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400 ## Resource handle (hipEvent_t or hipStream_t) invalid.
hipErrorIllegalState = 401 ## Resource required is not in a valid state to perform operation.
hipErrorNotFound = 500 ## Not found
hipErrorNotReady = 600 ## Indicates that asynchronous operations enqueued earlier are not
## ready. This is not actually an error but is used to distinguish
## from hipSuccess (which indicates completion). APIs that return
## this error include hipEventQuery and hipStreamQuery.
hipErrorIllegalAddress = 700
hipErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701 ## Out of resources error.
hipErrorLaunchTimeOut = 702 ## Timeout for the launch.
hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled = 704 ## Peer access was already enabled from the current device.
hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled = 705 ## Peer access was never enabled from the current device.
hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708 ## The process is active.
hipErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709 ## The context is already destroyed
hipErrorAssert = 710 ## Produced when the kernel calls assert.
hipErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered = 712 ## Produced when trying to lock a page-locked memory.
hipErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered = 713 ## Produced when trying to unlock a non-page-locked memory.
hipErrorLaunchFailure = 719 ## An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel.
hipErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge =
720 ## This error indicates that the number of blocks launched per grid for a kernel
## that was launched via cooperative launch APIs exceeds the maximum number of
## allowed blocks for the current device
hipErrorNotSupported = 801 ## Produced when the hip API is not supported/implemented
hipErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900 ## The operation is not permitted when the stream
## is capturing.
hipErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901 ## The current capture sequence on the stream
## has been invalidated due to a previous error.
hipErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902 ## The operation would have resulted in a merge of
## two independent capture sequences.
hipErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903 ## The capture was not initiated in this stream.
hipErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904 ## The capture sequence contains a fork that was not
## joined to the primary stream.
hipErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905 ## A dependency would have been created which crosses
## the capture sequence boundary. Only implicit
## in-stream ordering dependencies are allowed
## to cross the boundary
hipErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906 ## The operation would have resulted in a disallowed
## implicit dependency on a current capture sequence
## from hipStreamLegacy.
hipErrorCapturedEvent = 907 ## The operation is not permitted on an event which was last
## recorded in a capturing stream.
hipErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908 ## A stream capture sequence not initiated with
## the hipStreamCaptureModeRelaxed argument to
## hipStreamBeginCapture was passed to
## hipStreamEndCapture in a different thread.
hipErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910 ## This error indicates that the graph update
## not performed because it included changes which
## violated constraintsspecific to instantiated graph
## update.
hipErrorUnknown = 999 ## Unknown error.
## HSA Runtime Error Codes start here.
hipErrorRuntimeMemory = 1052 ## HSA runtime memory call returned error. Typically not seen
## in production systems.
hipErrorRuntimeOther = 1053 ## HSA runtime call other than memory returned error. Typically
## not seen in production systems.
hipErrorTbd ## Marker that more error codes are needed.
HipDeviceProp* {.bycopy.} = object
# Generated via c2nim from HIP v6.0.2
# The ABI seems forward compatible with reserved bytes
# We don't import the `hip_runtime_api.h` header
# for one less dependency during deployment,
# especially given than some distributions like Ubuntu
# split between a dev (with headers) and regular package
# and Windows path management is cumbersome.
# Note the macro
# #define hipDeviceProp_t hipDeviceProp_tR0600
name*: array[256, char]
## Device name.
uuid*: hipUUID
## UUID of a device
luid*: array[8, byte]
## 8-byte unique identifier. Only valid on windows
luidDeviceNodeMask*: cuint
## LUID node mask
totalGlobalMem*: csize_t
## Size of global memory region (in bytes).
sharedMemPerBlock*: csize_t
## Size of shared memory region (in bytes).
regsPerBlock*: cint
## Registers per block.
warpSize*: cint
## Warp size.
memPitch*: csize_t
## Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies
## pitched memory
maxThreadsPerBlock*: cint
## Max work items per work group or workgroup max size.
maxThreadsDim*: array[3, cint]
## Max number of threads in each dimension (XYZ) of a block.
maxGridSize*: array[3, cint]
## Max grid dimensions (XYZ).
clockRate*: cint
## Max clock frequency of the multiProcessors in khz.
totalConstMem*: csize_t
## Size of shared memory region (in bytes).
major*: cint
## Major compute capability. On HCC, this is an approximation and features may
## differ from CUDA CC. See the arch feature flags for portable ways to query
## feature caps.
minor*: cint
## Minor compute capability. On HCC, this is an approximation and features may
## differ from CUDA CC. See the arch feature flags for portable ways to query
## feature caps.
textureAlignment*: csize_t
## Alignment requirement for textures
texturePitchAlignment*: csize_t
## Pitch alignment requirement for texture references bound to
deviceOverlap*: cint
## Deprecated. Use asyncEngineCount instead
multiProcessorCount*: cint
## Number of multi-processors (compute units).
kernelExecTimeoutEnabled*: cint
## Run time limit for kernels executed on the device
integrated*: cint
## APU vs dGPU
canMapHostMemory*: cint
## Check whether HIP can map host memory
computeMode*: cint
## Compute mode.
maxTexture1D*: cint
## Maximum number of elements in 1D images
maxTexture1DMipmap*: cint
## Maximum 1D mipmap texture size
maxTexture1DLinear*: cint
## Maximum size for 1D textures bound to linear memory
maxTexture2D*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2D images, in image elements
maxTexture2DMipmap*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum number of elements in 2D array mipmap of images
maxTexture2DLinear*: array[3, cint]
## Maximum 2D tex dimensions if tex are bound to pitched memory
maxTexture2DGather*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum 2D tex dimensions if gather has to be performed
maxTexture3D*: array[3, cint]
## Maximum dimensions (width, height, depth) of 3D images, in image
## elements
maxTexture3DAlt*: array[3, cint]
## Maximum alternate 3D texture dims
maxTextureCubemap*: cint
## Maximum cubemap texture dims
maxTexture1DLayered*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum number of elements in 1D array images
maxTexture2DLayered*: array[3, cint]
## Maximum number of elements in 2D array images
maxTextureCubemapLayered*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum cubemaps layered texture dims
maxSurface1D*: cint
## Maximum 1D surface size
maxSurface2D*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum 2D surface size
maxSurface3D*: array[3, cint]
## Maximum 3D surface size
maxSurface1DLayered*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum 1D layered surface size
maxSurface2DLayered*: array[3, cint]
## Maximum 2D layared surface size
maxSurfaceCubemap*: cint
## Maximum cubemap surface size
maxSurfaceCubemapLayered*: array[2, cint]
## Maximum cubemap layered surface size
surfaceAlignment*: csize_t
## Alignment requirement for surface
concurrentKernels*: cint
## Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently.
ECCEnabled*: cint
## Device has ECC support enabled
pciBusID*: cint
## PCI Bus ID.
pciDeviceID*: cint
## PCI Device ID.
pciDomainID*: cint
## PCI Domain ID
tccDriver*: cint
## 1:If device is Tesla device using TCC driver, else 0
asyncEngineCount*: cint
## Number of async engines
unifiedAddressing*: cint
## Does device and host share unified address space
memoryClockRate*: cint
## Max global memory clock frequency in khz.
memoryBusWidth*: cint
## Global memory bus width in bits.
l2CacheSize*: cint
## L2 cache size.
persistingL2CacheMaxSize*: cint
## Device's max L2 persisting lines in bytes
maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor*: cint
## Maximum resident threads per multi-processor.
streamPrioritiesSupported*: cint
## Device supports stream priority
globalL1CacheSupported*: cint
## Indicates globals are cached in L1
localL1CacheSupported*: cint
## Locals are cahced in L1
sharedMemPerMultiprocessor*: csize_t
## Amount of shared memory available per multiprocessor.
regsPerMultiprocessor*: cint
## registers available per multiprocessor
managedMemory*: cint
## Device supports allocating managed memory on this system
isMultiGpuBoard*: cint
## 1 if device is on a multi-GPU board, 0 if not.
multiGpuBoardGroupID*: cint
## Unique identifier for a group of devices on same multiboard GPU
hostNativeAtomicSupported*: cint
## Link between host and device supports native atomics
singleToDoublePrecisionPerfRatio*: cint
## Deprecated. CUDA only.
pageableMemoryAccess*: cint
## Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory
## without calling hipHostRegister on it
concurrentManagedAccess*: cint
## Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with
## the CPU
computePreemptionSupported*: cint
## Is compute preemption supported on the device
canUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem*: cint
## Device can access host registered memory with same
## address as the host
cooperativeLaunch*: cint
## HIP device supports cooperative launch
cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch*: cint
## HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple
## devices
sharedMemPerBlockOptin*: csize_t
## Per device m ax shared mem per block usable by special opt in
pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables*: cint
## Device accesses pageable memory via the host's
## page tables
directManagedMemAccessFromHost*: cint
## Host can directly access managed memory on the device
## without migration
maxBlocksPerMultiProcessor*: cint
## Max number of blocks on CU
accessPolicyMaxWindowSize*: cint
## Max value of access policy window
reservedSharedMemPerBlock*: csize_t
## Shared memory reserved by driver per block
hostRegisterSupported*: cint
## Device supports hipHostRegister
sparseHipArraySupported*: cint
## Indicates if device supports sparse hip arrays
hostRegisterReadOnlySupported*: cint
## Device supports using the hipHostRegisterReadOnly flag
## with hipHostRegistger
timelineSemaphoreInteropSupported*: cint
## Indicates external timeline semaphore support
memoryPoolsSupported*: cint
## Indicates if device supports hipMallocAsync and hipMemPool APIs
gpuDirectRDMASupported*: cint
## Indicates device support of RDMA APIs
gpuDirectRDMAFlushWritesOptions*: cuint
## Bitmask to be interpreted according to
## hipFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesOptions
gpuDirectRDMAWritesOrdering*: cint
## value of hipGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering
memoryPoolSupportedHandleTypes*: cuint
## Bitmask of handle types support with mempool based IPC
deferredMappingHipArraySupported*: cint
## Device supports deferred mapping HIP arrays and HIP
## mipmapped arrays
ipcEventSupported*: cint
## Device supports IPC events
clusterLaunch*: cint
## Device supports cluster launch
unifiedFunctionPointers*: cint
## Indicates device supports unified function pointers
reserved*: array[63, cint]
## CUDA Reserved.
hipReserved*: array[32, cint]
## Reserved for adding new entries for HIP/CUDA.
## HIP Only struct members
gcnArchName*: array[256, char]
## AMD GCN Arch Name. HIP Only.
maxSharedMemoryPerMultiProcessor*: csize_t
## Maximum Shared Memory Per CU. HIP Only.
clockInstructionRate*: cint
## Frequency in khz of the timer used by the device-side "clock*"
## instructions. New for HIP.
arch*: HipDeviceArch
## Architectural feature flags. New for HIP.
hdpMemFlushCntl*: ptr cuint
## Addres of HDP_MEM_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register
hdpRegFlushCntl*: ptr cuint
## Addres of HDP_REG_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register
cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc*: cint
## HIP device supports cooperative launch on
## multiple
## devices with unmatched functions
cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim*: cint
## HIP device supports cooperative launch on
## multiple
## devices with unmatched grid dimensions
cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim*: cint
## HIP device supports cooperative launch on
## multiple
## devices with unmatched block dimensions
cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem*: cint
## HIP device supports cooperative launch on
## multiple
## devices with unmatched shared memories
isLargeBar*: cint
## 1: if it is a large PCI bar device, else 0
asicRevision*: cint
## Revision of the GPU in this device
hipUUID* {.bycopy.} = object
bytes*: array[16, byte]
HipDeviceArch* {.bycopy.} = object
## 32-bit Atomics
hasGlobalInt32Atomics* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## 32-bit integer atomics for global memory.
hasGlobalFloatAtomicExch* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## 32-bit float atomic exch for global memory.
hasSharedInt32Atomics* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## 32-bit integer atomics for shared memory.
hasSharedFloatAtomicExch* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## 32-bit float atomic exch for shared memory.
hasFloatAtomicAdd* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## 32-bit float atomic add in global and shared memory.
## 64-bit Atomics
hasGlobalInt64Atomics* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## 64-bit integer atomics for global memory.
hasSharedInt64Atomics* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## 64-bit integer atomics for shared memory.
## Doubles
hasDoubles* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Double-precision floating point.
## Warp cross-lane operations
hasWarpVote* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Warp vote instructions (__any, __all).
hasWarpBallot* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Warp ballot instructions (__ballot).
hasWarpShuffle* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Warp shuffle operations. (__shfl_*).
hasFunnelShift* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Funnel two words into one with shift&mask caps.
## Sync
hasThreadFenceSystem* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## __threadfence_system.
hasSyncThreadsExt* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## __syncthreads_count, syncthreads_and, syncthreads_or.
## Misc
hasSurfaceFuncs* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Surface functions.
has3dGrid* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Grid and group dims are 3D (rather than 2D).
hasDynamicParallelism* {.bitsize: 1.}: cuint
## Dynamic parallelism.
template HIP_CHECK*(call: untyped): untyped =
CHECK_RET_CODE(call, hipSuccess)
proc hipGetDeviceProperties*(prop: var HipDeviceProp, ordinal: int32): HipError {.
importc: "hipGetDevicePropertiesR0600".}
proc main*() =
var props: HipDeviceProp
var device: cint = 0
HIP_CHECK(hipGetDeviceProperties(props, device))
# printf("name: %s\n",
# printf("uuid: %s\n", props.uuid.bytes)
# printf("luidDeviceNodeMask: %u\n", props.luidDeviceNodeMask)
# printf("totalGlobalMem: %zu\n", props.totalGlobalMem)
# printf("regsPerBlock: %i\n", props.regsPerBlock)
echo "warpSize: ", props.warpSize
# printf("SM Major: %i\n", props.major)
# printf("SM Minor: %i\n", props.minor)
echo "GCN Architecture: ", props.gcnArchName
## clang -D__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__ -I/opt/rocm/include -L/opt/rocm/lib -lamdhip64
{.passC: "-D__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__ -I/opt/rocm/include".}
{.passL: "-L/opt/rocm/lib -lamdhip64".}
template CHECK_RET_CODE*(call, ret_code: untyped): void =
if (call) != ret_code:
echo "Failed in call: %s\n", astToStr(call)
quit 1
HipError* {.size: sizeof(cint), header:"hip/hip_runtime.h", importc: "hipError_t".} = enum
## hipError_t
hipSuccess = 0 ## Successful completion.
hipErrorInvalidValue = 1 ## One or more of the parameters passed to the API call is NULL
## or not in an acceptable range.
# hipErrorOutOfMemory = 2 ## out of memory range.
## Deprecated
hipErrorMemoryAllocation = 2 ## Memory allocation error.
# hipErrorNotInitialized = 3 ## Invalid not initialized
## Deprecated
hipErrorInitializationError = 3
hipErrorDeinitialized = 4 ## Deinitialized
hipErrorProfilerDisabled = 5
hipErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6
hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7
hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8
hipErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9 ## Invalide configuration
hipErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12 ## Invalid pitch value
hipErrorInvalidSymbol = 13 ## Invalid symbol
hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17 ## Invalid Device Pointer
hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21 ## Invalid memory copy direction
hipErrorInsufficientDriver = 35
hipErrorMissingConfiguration = 52
hipErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53
hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98 ## Invalid device function
hipErrorNoDevice = 100 ## Call to hipGetDeviceCount returned 0 devices
hipErrorInvalidDevice = 101 ## DeviceID must be in range from 0 to compute-devices.
hipErrorInvalidImage = 200 ## Invalid image
hipErrorInvalidContext = 201 ## Produced when input context is invalid.
hipErrorContextAlreadyCurrent = 202
# hipErrorMapFailed = 205
## Deprecated
hipErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205 ## Produced when the IPC memory attach failed from ROCr.
hipErrorUnmapFailed = 206
hipErrorArrayIsMapped = 207
hipErrorAlreadyMapped = 208
hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu = 209
hipErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210
hipErrorNotMapped = 211
hipErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212
hipErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213
hipErrorECCNotCorrectable = 214
hipErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215 ## Unsupported limit
hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse = 216 ## The context is already in use
hipErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217
hipErrorInvalidKernelFile = 218 ## In CUDA DRV it is CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX
hipErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219
hipErrorInvalidSource = 300 ## Invalid source.
hipErrorFileNotFound = 301 ## the file is not found.
hipErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302
hipErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303 ## Failed to initialize shared object.
hipErrorOperatingSystem = 304 ## Not the correct operating system
# hipErrorInvalidHandle = 400 ## Invalide handle
## Deprecated
hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400 ## Resource handle (hipEvent_t or hipStream_t) invalid.
hipErrorIllegalState = 401 ## Resource required is not in a valid state to perform operation.
hipErrorNotFound = 500 ## Not found
hipErrorNotReady = 600 ## Indicates that asynchronous operations enqueued earlier are not
## ready. This is not actually an error but is used to distinguish
## from hipSuccess (which indicates completion). APIs that return
## this error include hipEventQuery and hipStreamQuery.
hipErrorIllegalAddress = 700
hipErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701 ## Out of resources error.
hipErrorLaunchTimeOut = 702 ## Timeout for the launch.
hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled = 704 ## Peer access was already enabled from the current device.
hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled = 705 ## Peer access was never enabled from the current device.
hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708 ## The process is active.
hipErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709 ## The context is already destroyed
hipErrorAssert = 710 ## Produced when the kernel calls assert.
hipErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered = 712 ## Produced when trying to lock a page-locked memory.
hipErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered = 713 ## Produced when trying to unlock a non-page-locked memory.
hipErrorLaunchFailure = 719 ## An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel.
hipErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge =
720 ## This error indicates that the number of blocks launched per grid for a kernel
## that was launched via cooperative launch APIs exceeds the maximum number of
## allowed blocks for the current device
hipErrorNotSupported = 801 ## Produced when the hip API is not supported/implemented
hipErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900 ## The operation is not permitted when the stream
## is capturing.
hipErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901 ## The current capture sequence on the stream
## has been invalidated due to a previous error.
hipErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902 ## The operation would have resulted in a merge of
## two independent capture sequences.
hipErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903 ## The capture was not initiated in this stream.
hipErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904 ## The capture sequence contains a fork that was not
## joined to the primary stream.
hipErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905 ## A dependency would have been created which crosses
## the capture sequence boundary. Only implicit
## in-stream ordering dependencies are allowed
## to cross the boundary
hipErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906 ## The operation would have resulted in a disallowed
## implicit dependency on a current capture sequence
## from hipStreamLegacy.
hipErrorCapturedEvent = 907 ## The operation is not permitted on an event which was last
## recorded in a capturing stream.
hipErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908 ## A stream capture sequence not initiated with
## the hipStreamCaptureModeRelaxed argument to
## hipStreamBeginCapture was passed to
## hipStreamEndCapture in a different thread.
hipErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910 ## This error indicates that the graph update
## not performed because it included changes which
## violated constraintsspecific to instantiated graph
## update.
hipErrorUnknown = 999 ## Unknown error.
## HSA Runtime Error Codes start here.
hipErrorRuntimeMemory = 1052 ## HSA runtime memory call returned error. Typically not seen
## in production systems.
hipErrorRuntimeOther = 1053 ## HSA runtime call other than memory returned error. Typically
## not seen in production systems.
hipErrorTbd ## Marker that more error codes are needed.
HipDeviceProp* {.bycopy, header:"hip/hip_runtime.h", importc: "hipDeviceProp_t".} = object
warpSize {.importc.}: cint
gcnArchName {.importc.}: array[256, char]
template HIP_CHECK*(call: untyped): untyped =
CHECK_RET_CODE(call, hipSuccess)
proc hipGetDeviceProperties*(prop: var HipDeviceProp, ordinal: int32): HipError {.
importc: "hipGetDevicePropertiesR0600".}
proc main*() =
var props: HipDeviceProp
var device: cint = 0
HIP_CHECK(hipGetDeviceProperties(props, device))
# printf("name: %s\n",
# printf("uuid: %s\n", props.uuid.bytes)
# printf("luidDeviceNodeMask: %u\n", props.luidDeviceNodeMask)
# printf("totalGlobalMem: %zu\n", props.totalGlobalMem)
# printf("regsPerBlock: %i\n", props.regsPerBlock)
echo "warpSize: ", props.warpSize
# printf("SM Major: %i\n", props.major)
# printf("SM Minor: %i\n", props.minor)
echo "GCN Architecture: ", props.gcnArchName
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