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Created February 6, 2022 14:32
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Pornin bingcd
# Constantine
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2020-Present Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
./limbs, ./limbs_extmul
# No exceptions allowed
{.push raises: [].}
# ############################################################
# Modular division by 2ᴺ
# ############################################################
func div2_modular*(a: var Limbs, mp1div2: Limbs) {.inline.} =
## Modular Division by 2
## `a` will be divided in-place
## `mp1div2` is the modulus (M+1)/2
## Normally if `a` is odd we add the modulus before dividing by 2
## but this may overflow and we might lose a bit before shifting.
## Instead we shift first and then add half the modulus rounded up
## Assuming M is odd, `mp1div2` can be precomputed without
## overflowing the "Limbs" by dividing by 2 first
## and add 1
## Otherwise `mp1div2` should be M/2
# if a.isOdd:
# a += M
# a = a shr 1
let wasOdd = a.isOdd()
let carry {.used.} = a.cadd(mp1div2, wasOdd)
debug: doAssert not carry.bool
func invMod2powN(negInvModWord, n: static BaseType): BaseType =
## Compute 1/M mod 2ᴺ
## from -1/M[0] (mod 2^WordBitWidth)
# Algorithm: Cetin Kaya Koc (2017) p11,
# Once you have a modular inverse (mod 2ˢ) you can reduce
# (mod 2ᵏ) to have the modular inverse (mod 2ᵏ)
static: doAssert n <= WordBitWidth
const maskMod = (1 shl n)-1
(-negInvModWord) and maskMod
func div2powN_modular*(a: var Limbs, negInvModWord, n: static BaseType) =
## Fast division a / 2ⁿ (mod p)
# see secp256k1 explanation
# Instead of precomputing 1 / 2ⁿ (mod p)
# and multiplying (line 1445 `gf_mul_inline(d, &v, &GF_INVT508);`)
# as in the original code we save a multiplication by a multiple of p
# that will zero the `n` lower bits of a before shifting those bits out.
# Find `m` such that m*M has the same bottom N bits as x
# (m * p) mod 2ᴺ = x mod 2ᴺ
# <=> m mod 2ᴺ = (x / p) mod 2ᴺ
# <=> m mod 2ᴺ = (x * invpmod2n) mod 2ᴺ
const maskMod = (1 shl n)-1
# let invpmod2n = negInvModWord.invMod2powN(n)
# let m = (a[0] * invpmod2n) and maskMod
# (carry, t) = m * M (can be precomputed)
# (borrow, a) = a - (carry, t)
# a = (borrow, a) >> n
# Alternatively, instead of substracting and negating negInvModWord
# let negm = (a[0] * negInvModWord) and maskMod
# (carry, t) = negm * M (can be precomputed)
# (carry, a) = a + (carry, negm)
# a = (carry, a) >> n
# ############################################################
# Modular inversion (Niels Möller)
# ############################################################
# Algorithm by Niels Möller
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# a modified version of Stein's Algorithm (binary Extended Euclid GCD)
# Algorithm 5 in
# Fast Software Polynomial Multiplication on ARM Processors Using the NEON Engine
# Danilo Camara, Conrado P. L. Gouvea, Julio Lopez, and Ricardo Dahab
# Input: integer x, odd integer n, x < n
# Output: x−1 (mod n)
# 1: function ModInv(x, n)
# 2: (a, b, u, v) ← (x, n, 1, 1)
# 3: ℓ ← ⌊log2 n⌋ + 1 ⮚ number of bits in n
# 4: for i ← 0 to 2ℓ − 1 do
# 5: odd ← a & 1
# 6: if odd and a ≥ b then
# 7: a ← a − b
# 8: else if odd and a < b then
# 9: (a, b, u, v) ← (b − a, a, v, u)
# 10: a ← a >> 1
# 11: if odd then u ← u − v
# 12: if u < 0 then u ← u + n
# 13: if u & 1 then u ← u + n
# 14: u ← u >> 1
# 15: return v
# Warning ⚠️: v should be 0 at initialization
# We modify it to return F . a^-1
# So that we can pass an adjustment factor F
# And directly compute modular division or Montgomery inversion
func mollerGCD*(v: var Limbs, a: Limbs, F, M: Limbs, bits: int, mp1div2: Limbs) =
## Compute F multiplied the modular inverse of ``a`` modulo M
## r ≡ F . a^-1 (mod M)
## M MUST be odd, M does not need to be prime.
## ``a`` MUST be less than M.
## No information about ``a`` in particular its actual length in bits is leaked.
## This takes (M+1)/2 (mp1div2) as a precomputed parameter as a slight optimization
## in stack size and speed.
## The inverse of 0 is 0.
# Ideally we need registers for a, b, u, v
# but:
# - Even with ~256-bit primes, that's 4 limbs = 4*4 => 16 registers
# - x86_64 only has 16 general purposes registers
# - Registers are needed for the loop counter and comparison results
# - CMOV is reg <- RM so can move registers/memory into registers
# but cannot move into memory.
# so we choose to keep "v" from the algorithm in memory as `r`
# TODO: the inlining of primitives like `csub` is bad for codesize
# but there is a 80% slowdown without it.
var a = a
var b = M
var u = F
for i in 0 ..< 2 * bits:
debug: doAssert bool(b.isOdd)
let isOddA = a.isOdd()
# if isOddA: a -= b
let aLessThanB = isOddA and (SecretBool) a.csub(b, isOddA)
# if a < b and the sub was processed
# in that case, b <- a = a - b + b
discard b.cadd(a, aLessThanB)
# and a <- -new_a = (b-a)
debug: doAssert not bool(a.isOdd)
# Swap u and v is a < b
u.cswap(v, aLessThanB)
# if isOddA: u -= v (mod M)
let neg = isOddA and (SecretBool) u.csub(v, isOddA)
discard u.cadd(M, neg)
# u = u/2 (mod M)
doAssert bool a.isZero()
# GCD exist (always true if a and M are relatively prime)
doAssert bool b.isOne() or
# or not (on prime fields iff input was zero) and no GCD fallback output is zero
# ############################################################
# Modular inversion (Thomas Pornin)
# ############################################################
# Algorithm by Thomas Pornin
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# a modified version of Stein's Algorithm (binary Extended Euclid GCD)
# -
# -
# - Discussion on SIMD optimization
import ../config/[common, type_bigint]
func shl2L_hi(w_hi, w_lo: SecretWord, k: SomeUnsignedInt): SecretWord =
## Returns the hi word after
## shifting left of a double-precision word by k
## Assumes k <= WordBitWidth
doAssert(0 < k and k < WordBitWidth, "k: " & $k)
SecretWord((BaseType(w_hi) shl k) or (BaseType(w_lo) shr (WordBitWidth - k)))
# {.push checks: off.}
func approx_a_b[N: static int](abar, bbar: var SecretWord, a, b: Limbs[N], k: static int) =
## Combine the hi and lo bits of a and b into an approximation
# This is Algorithm 2, line 2 to 5
# n ← max(len(a),len(b),2k)
# ā ← (a mod 2^(k−1)) + 2^(k−1) * floor(a/2^(n−k−1))
# ƀ ← (b mod 2^(k−1)) + 2^(k−1) * floor(b/2^(n−k−1))
# With k = 32 we want to extract
# the k-1 = 31 low bits
# and k+1 = 33 top bits of a and b
static: doAssert k.isPowerOf2()
a_hi = a[N-1]
b_hi = b[N-1]
a_nx = a[N-2]
b_nx = b[N-2]
for i in countdown(N-3, 0, 1):
let mswNotFound = (a_hi or b_hi).isZero()
mswNotFound.ccopy(a_hi, a_nx)
mswNotFound.ccopy(b_hi, b_nx)
mswNotFound.ccopy(a_nx, a[i])
mswNotFound.ccopy(b_nx, b[i])
# Shifts mod WordBitwidth
let s = 2*k - log2(BaseType(a_hi or b_hi)) - 1
const keep2km1 = SecretWord((1'u64 shl (k-1)) - 1)
const clear2km1 = not(keep2km1)
abar = (a[0] and keep2km1) or (shl2L_hi(a_hi, a_nx, s) and clear2km1)
bbar = (b[0] and keep2km1) or (shl2L_hi(b_hi, b_nx, s) and clear2km1)
# {.pop.}
UpdateFactors = object
## Transition matrix to apply
f0, g0: SecretWord
f1, g1: SecretWord
func extGCDstep(
uf: var UpdateFactors,
abar, bbar: SecretWord,
k: static int
) =
## From the approximation ā, ƀ (with only k+1 top bits and k-1 low bits)
## to compute GCD(a, b),
## compute a transition matrix uf = [f0, g0, f1, g1]
## to apply to a, b, u, v
## Assuming 64-bit and so k = 32, allowing extGCstep for k-1 = 31 iterations
## f₀g₀ = (f₀ + 2³¹-1) + (g₀+2³¹-1)*2³²
## f₁g₁ = (f₁ + 2³¹-1) + (g₁+2³¹-1)*2³²
template setFactors(f, g: uint): SecretWord =
# The addition of the constant 2³¹ −1 to each
# update factor ensures that the stored values remain positive;
# thus, there will be no unwanted
# carry propagating from the low to high halves of the registers.
SecretWord(f + (1'u shl (k-1)) - 1 + ((g + (1'u shl (k-1)) - 1) shl k))
template lo(uf: SecretWord): SecretWord =
const mask = SecretWord((1 shl k) - 1)
(uf and mask) - ((One shl (k-1)) - One)
template hi(uf: SecretWord): SecretWord =
const mask = SecretWord((1 shl k) - 1)
((uf shr k) and mask) - ((One shl (k-1)) - One)
var f0g0 = setFactors(1, 0)
var f1g1 = setFactors(0, 1)
const bias = setFactors(0, 0)
var a = abar
var b = bbar
for i in 0 ..< k:
debug: doAssert bool(b.isOdd)
# Save values before conditional processing
ta = a
tb = b
tf0g0 = f0g0
tf1g1 = f1g1
# Conditional swap if ā < ƀ
let aLessThanB = a < b
aLessThanB.ccopy(a, b)
aLessThanB.ccopy(b, ta)
aLessThanB.ccopy(f0g0, f1g1)
aLessThanB.ccopy(f1g1, tf0g0)
# ā <- ā-ƀ, (f₀, g₀) <- (f₀-f₁, g₀-g₁)
a -= b
f0g0 -= f1g1
f0g0 += bias
# If ā was even, rollback
let isOddA = SecretBool(ta and One)
isOddA.ccopy(a, ta)
isOddA.ccopy(b, tb)
isOddA.ccopy(f0g0, tf0g0)
isOddA.ccopy(f1g1, tf1g1)
# ā <- ā/2 if even, ā <- (ā-ƀ)/2 if odd
a = a shr 1
# (f₁, g₁) <- (2f₁, 2g₁)
f1g1 += f1g1
f1g1 -= bias
uf.f0 = f0g0.lo()
uf.g0 = f0g0.hi()
uf.f1 = f1g1.lo()
uf.g1 = f1g1.hi()
func slincomb[M, N: static int](
r: var Limbs[M],
a, b: Limbs[N],
f, g: SecretWord) =
## Compute the signed dot product / linear combination
## [f]
## [a b][g] = r
## r <- (af + bg)
# TODO: Nim bug, can't use "r: var Limbs[N+1]"
static: doAssert M == N+1
# TODO: this assumes that the sign bit fits in Limbs[N]
# for example secp256k1 uses the full 256-bit and cannot use this.
var ta{.noInit.}, tb{.noinit.}: Limbs[N]
# Make f and g non-negative for multiplication
let negF = f.isMsbSet()
var f = f.cneg(negF) # set f to |f| with conditional negation
ta.cneg(a, SecretBool negF)
let negG = g.isMsbSet()
var g = g.cneg(negG) # set g to |g| with conditional negation
tb.cneg(b, SecretBool negG)
# Compute a*f+b*g, f and g are 2ᵏ⁻¹ with k = WordBitsize / 2
# Assuming 64-bit words, k = 32, f, g <= 2³¹
# hence aᵢ*f is at most 64+31 = 95 bits
# and aᵢ*f + bᵢ*g + carry is at most 97 bits
# We could take advantage of that in multi-precision multiplication
# but in practice there is no performance improvement (on x86-64)
# so we stay generic.
var af{.noInit.}, bg{.noInit.}: Limbs[M], [f]), [g])
discard r.sum(af, bg)
func abs_lincomb_shr[N: static int](
r: var Limbs[N],
a, b: Limbs[N],
f, g: SecretWord,
s : static int): SecretBool =
## Compute the absolute value of the signed dot product / linear combination
## [f]
## [a b][g] / 2ˢ = r
## r <- (af + bg) / 2ˢ
## and r is then set to the absolute value |r|
## The function
## returns true if r was negative
## false otherwise
## f, g <= 2ˢ
# TODO: this assumes that the sign bit fits in Limbs[N]
# for example secp256k1 uses the full 256-bit and cannot use this.
static: doAssert s < WordBitWidth
var z {.noInit.}: Limbs[N+1]
z.slincomb(a, b, f, g)
# Divide by 2ˢ, except the last limb
for i in 0 ..< N:
z[i] = (z[i] shr s) or (z[i+1] shl (WordBitWidth - s))
# Return |z| and if z was negative.
# r: Limbs[N] and z: Limbs[N+1], after shift
result = z[N].isMsbSet()
let mask = -SecretWord(result) # Obtain a 0xFF... or 0x00... mask
var carry = SecretWord(result)
for i in 0 ..< r.len:
let t = (z[i] xor mask) + carry # XOR with mask and add 0x01 or 0x00 respectively
carry = SecretWord(t < carry) # Carry on
r[i] = t
func porninGCD*[N: static int](v: var Limbs[N], a: Limbs[N], F, M: Limbs[N], bits: int) =
## Compute F multiplied the modular inverse of ``a`` modulo M
## r ≡ F . a^-1 (mod M)
## M MUST be odd, M does not need to be prime.
## ``a`` MUST be less than M.
## No information about ``a`` in particular its actual length in bits is leaked.
## The inverse of 0 is 0.
var a = a
var b = M
var u = F
const k = WordBitwidth div 2
for i in 0 ..< (2 * bits + (k-1)) div k:
var abar{.noInit.}, bbar{.noInit.}: SecretWord
var t{.noInit.}: typeof(a)
approx_a_b(abar, bbar, a, b, k)
var uf{.noInit.}: UpdateFactors
uf.extGCDstep(abar, bbar, k)
# L17-21 - Compute (a, b) and fix approximation
let negA = t.abs_lincomb_shr(a, b, uf.f0, uf.g0, k-1)
let negB = b.abs_lincomb_shr(a, b, uf.f1, uf.g1, k-1)
a.cneg(t, negA)
uf.f0 = uf.f0.cneg(negA)
uf.g0 = uf.g0.cneg(negA)
uf.f1 = uf.f1.cneg(negB)
uf.g1 = uf.g1.cneg(negB)
# L22 - (u, v) ← (uf₀ + vg₀ mod m, uf₁ + vg₁ mod m)
# Note: u was initialized with R² (mod m) and v with 0
# Do we need (mod m)?
var un1{.noInit.}, vn1{.noInit.}: Limbs[N+1]
un1.slincomb(u, v, uf.f0, uf.g0)
vn1.slincomb(u, v, uf.f1, uf.g1)
{.pop.} # raises no exceptions
# Sanity Checks
# ------------------------------------------------------------
when isMainModule:
../config/type_bigint, ../io/io_bigints,
std/[strutils, times, monotimes]
proc checkApprox() =
let test = [
# Python impl
# def approx_ab(a, b, k):
# ## n ← max(len(a),len(b),2k)
# ## ā ← (a mod 2^(k−1)) + 2^(k−1) * floor(a/2^(n−k−1))
# ## ƀ ← (b mod 2^(k−1)) + 2^(k−1) * floor(b/2^(n−k−1))
# n = max(a.bit_length(), b.bit_length(), 2*k)
# abar = (a % 2**(k-1)) + 2**(k-1) * (a // (2**(n-k-1)))
# bbar = (b % 2**(k-1)) + 2**(k-1) * (b // (2**(n-k-1)))
# return abar, bbar
# for a, b in test:
# a = int(a, 16)
# b = int(b, 16)
# print(f'a: {a:#0{98}x}')
# print(f'b: {b:#0{98}x}')
# abar, bbar = approx_ab(a, b, 32)
# print(f'ā: {abar:#0{18}x}')
# print(f'ƀ: {bbar:#0{18}x}')
for (a, b) in test:
let a = BigInt[381].fromHex(a)
let b = BigInt[381].fromHex(b)
echo "a: ", a.toHex()
echo "b: ", b.toHex()
var abar, bbar: SecretWord
approx_a_b(abar, bbar, a.limbs, b.limbs, k=32)
echo "abar: ", abar.BaseType.toHex()
echo "bbar: ", bbar.BaseType.toHex()
proc checkLinComb() =
let f = BigInt[31].fromHex"0x7FFFFFFF"
let g = BigInt[31].fromHex"0x7FFFFFFF"
const iters = 1000000
var af, bg: BigInt[415]
var start = getMonoTime()
for i in 0 ..< iters:, f.limbs), g.limbs)
discard af.limbs.add(bg.limbs)
var stop = getMonoTime()
echo "Expected: ", af.toHex()
echo "Evaluated in ", float64(inMicroseconds(stop-start)) / float64 iters, " µs"
var r: BigInt[415]
start = getMonoTime()
for i in 0 ..< iters:
r.limbs.slincomb(a.limbs, b.limbs, f.limbs[0], g.limbs[0])
stop = getMonoTime()
echo "Computed: ", r.toHex()
echo "Evaluated in ", float64(inMicroseconds(stop-start)) / float64 iters, " µs"
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